The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 24, 1838, Image 4

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Tfor a weakly newspaper to la published n) CMum
bus, Luzerno county, Pa., under the namn of tho
. . " - ' ....... VI HIV luiltl MVIV UUKU1L' nwu
T T. 1MIIM Mltl LUD .1,11.11 IflU Ul J UUULJB iiriiL'IB'HI. Will
I , r.fl TTnMiiwwl liw ihn wAitn na T- C. . . ... ....
wiutii iuu iiuuucni principles oi un; llliruiU fill
-..ill L v..--.! 'T'1... 1 , . r .1
i! numsirnuon 01 uensrai jtc&son, win ur.a ft ready
j . 'defence inl the columns of our paper, nntl present
-.J ma-jenai jioaiiniatrauan, mu nna iu our columns
aa reauy aa advocacy.
, Though we shall at &U times aim at n temperate
.count, yet wo shall never shrink fiom bii unequivo
cal arid, tearless expression of oUr .views upon the
grat topic which may at ony tiir.o estate otir coun
Tai Rcro&Txn will bo of the clze of ohr largest
jbountry papers. The first number will boissued us
soon ca a oufficient number of subscribers shall bo
obtained td warrant the undertaking. To facilitate
tins object, every person holding a cubscription pa
per Is requested to make return to RUFUS BA-
.CON, at Columbus, Luzerne Co., by the 25th of
ucioocr, jbsm.
Ti i WU UOliLARS per nunaro,, payable semi
annually on the'dclivery of the first r.s
paid within tho Tear. invarinl.1v. T.n Ih,!,,. .,J
,: x- tjiy cms win ce charged. Subscribers will plesss
j designate tlio Post-Officc orpfaco to which their pa-
mwi mt luiliuiubui
33r Brandreth's S
r HHHESB pills have obtained a celebrity for cur
. Jh. ing .moat diseases to which the human system
Is uabW. unexampled in the history of the healing
art- They expel by tho actipn of tho and
end bowls, all bad humours from the Blood, causing
"tu wrtuiaiioa ai wo uuioa, and restores asound
ctato of health.
The thousands who use and recommend them, is
proof positive of their extraordinary and beneficial
Tho subscriber has received tho appointment of
ur iao cue or ur. KraniletU's Fills in
uloomsbnrg. None arc genuine that are offered fur
Mie, wimout a certificate of appointment signed by
too propnotor and countersigned hy Branch Gnen,
.general agent; and no certificate l'e ever given, to
Iboso engaged in the Drug business.
Bloomsburg Aug. 14 1838'. Iyl7
. , . Rabies look at this;
2.ILT Book Boies, Silk do. Paper da. Gilt
OT Bsads, Fumy do. cut do. plain do. Lulies'
Waxes, Gilt Thimbles, Hooks &; Eves, Needle ca
Ki, all kinds of Smelling Bottles, very handsome;
Breast Fins, Ear rings, Finficr rings, Pomatum,
Bnuff Boxes, Hair Brushes, Pocket combs, Load
rencil3, black and rod; for sate at
TOBIAS' Health Emporium.
you be so kind as la look at this I !
WiUT-9'' Flako White! Oxalic Acid
ryit for sale tttho Health Emporium by
.?a5 Bnuff Bns,Sand Paperoi all Iciiids,
K?tpinUTerpcnt:ne, Cocoa prepared Chocolate
lor nek people A fresh supply for sale at the Health
Emporium m Blomrisbure, by
D. S. TdBlAS.
TarERCTJRlAL Ointment, Sulphur do. Simple
fl-TJLdo. Percipedatc do. Red, Cetriri do. Tartar
te(;0Trania,'Ir.Olher.kM,' of Obitacnts, for
tola at tho Health .Emporium, by
. S. TOBIAS, in niornntburg.
oil kinds of, Metal, and lion. Pn,,ii. r
- wiujeiore, in uioomsburi, by
fsi uinjfs o: Administration having baen
P-A panted upon tlie estate of Abraham Kline'
. ii "3mnS tMJJ township, Columbia coun.
jy- All persons indibtod to said csUtc, aro reques.
wa jomaae numeutste payment, and all persons
JiavingdemiuidB against raid estate must present
tliaai to tho subecribors, duly tttcsted, or ba barred
wwa jaj to law,
Flafang Crock June 23, 1328.1
enucmen annUMdtea corns and look at
..... . ..
irit tianuiome
BjHRENCH double rwlifib-Jind scented with the
utiooi Jtoec, tor sale at
Tobias's Health Emporium
gECCOMMENDEDby Doct, Vibon as
Mmj ccrtsJa cure for Bheuroatiim. Also,
Roccommendod by ioct. Davis, of Philadelphia
(or the following complaints . Rheumatism, Weak
x-Om end U'ffopsa of thp Joints, io. for wlo ut
Tobla? Health Emporium, Eloomibur;
J?Uj ht Spriico, fo?maTjing Spruco Bee
Extract of Hawpanlla. Tooth Powder.
Bp3tuta. Lmcry. Oastel Soan. Ladv'i
Palm Soap to Wash. Distilled Verdigries
of Soap, for taking rfut of cloths Spofe
duuss, uwse, ccc. an tor ate at
Tbbifo1 Health Emporium.
Ear Weak and Inflamed Etea. Also
i5yB'VAT13I, for sore, weak and inflawod ej-es,
roouinnnded by some of tho best physician in
?hjuo!phitj. For Mtlo at tlin
Cheap Health Emporivm,
U: ti. TOBIAS in Hhomsburg.
THROUGH n linirerinfr nnd irremodla-
ble cleseafce, my health at lei-mh liDcair.e so
impaired, ttiat I became unablo to attend to
all tho requirements of my official duties.
uy perstiation ol my numerous menus,
I consented at Inst to keep an apothecary,
thinking it Would be the most becoming, ea
sirit for me to engage in at the present tunc;
anu smco (or while) 1 have cxtaulislieu a
ohop, I would humbly solicit tho support of
my friends and the public in general, on ac
count of tny great Bickneas. And especial
ly, would I request the merchants of this
place, to give me all possible chance ol'sell
ing those articles belonging lo my. line of
business1, for which they may receive my
sincere thanks. A few articles only which
are to bo found in my Health Emporium
are advertised. There will bo kept a con
stant supply of such articles as may be call
fed for; butt- per .chance, a call should be
made for such as I am nut in possession of
immediate preparation will be made in order
to obtain them.
Further, 'do I earnestly invite Physicians
of this place and its vicinity, to give mo a
call, aal intend to sell very icasonable.
There will bo kept constantly on hand,
all kinds of Medicines, Patent and others,
warranted lo be trenuino. All kinds of
Paints, Glass, Dye-stuff, &c". &c. Also a
variety of Confectionaries, liaisons, Nus,
Herring, Sugar and Water CracKers, Or
anges, Lemons, Figgs, Prunes, Perfume
ries, &c. &c. All articles in the Health
Emporium, I intend to sell, cheaper than
they can ba bought at any other place in the
county. Yotu Fiicnd and well wisher.
Health Emporium.BIoonisbuvg Sept. 22
Vegetable Jlnti-Bilioits Pills'.
These pillo nre found to be a most certain and af
fectuul preventive of fever, j.inndico bilious, and oili
er cholics, and indeed, of all diseases caused by ob
struction or affections of tho stomach, liver spleen,
or intestines. For liver and Uomach complaints and
all diseases conncrtcd therewith, such asjiypochou
drics, hysterics, dispepsia or indigestion, low of ap
petite, headache, giddiness, and for fever and ague,
these pills aro a sure preicutitivr- Also, for salt
rheumc. They cleanse the !tomach,ro.nove there
from all vitiated biles purify and refine tho blood.
Doea a person feel a Ioks of appetite and a bail tftbto
in the tnodlb, with afaintness of the fclomach, a few
doses of these pilh aro sUro to remove nil such diffi
culties, speedily set matters to right. Heaviness,
dull, sleepy and sluggish inaction, with or without
h yellowness of complexion, theso pills will surely
and speedily remove all such ailmclits, and timely
uso of these pills may prevcit the occurrence of
any such formidable disease.
Also Hawley's Vegetable Salve, known through
out tho Union.. This salvo when used has a pecu
liar quality iri reviving an action of the affected
parts, by softening and Opening theporfeo and cicat
inp; perspiration, rcducinir fever &c. It dsolves.
expels, and entirely prevents tho blood from settling
in the ilcsuM brmsca, or wounds, of any descrip
tion, and is a sure preventive of mqrtification, and
may be mode use of for cuts, sores, burns', rheuma
tism, pain in the back, brca&t or side.
I lie above articles for 6ale by
D. S. TOBIAS, Agent.
Bloomsburg, October 13;
The Vi'clory iVon,
FTEK long, tedious, and expensive experi
ment, Dr. Lcidy has discovered a method
wheicby tho tiWne ufthe Sarsapurilla is extracted,
so as to bo formed into Pills without destroying its
lnnumcrahle attempts have been made to accom
plish this important object, but all failed. It is im
portant, because the Sarsuparilla, a-s a medicine, in
all diseases to which mankind is subject is nruduct-
re of more real cood. than tho whole catalogue of
medicinn in Use.
Aekall respectable physicians tli3 question,
What is the most effectual purifier of the blood, and
the most popular medicine uscdl" they will answer
untnirnpusly, Sarsapurilla. What better rccom.
meruianon can do asked 1
Price, Twenty-five Cents a Box.
They rnust surely command a preference, for they
are not composed of Sarsaparilld alone, but contain,
iu a concentrated ttate, in the fcrm of a' pill, the
virtues of th.e principal ingredients contained in tho
compound fluid, extracts, syrups, and other prepara
tions of Sarsaparilla.
They aro highly recommended by numerous phy
sicians, and others, (ece directions around each hot-
lie; in
Ithcumatic Affections,
. UJrous sores of the nose
bcbrofuli Erysipelas,
Jaundice, Heartburn
bones and gland:.
Pain of the sides, along
the back and spine o
vcr tho region of tho
throat onu body.
Scaly Eruptions and
blotches of the hkin.
Dry and watery pimples
and pustules of the
face ijpd body.
Tetter and ringworms.
Swelling and hardening
of tho (jlands of tho
neck, iu tho groins,
breast. &c.
heart and ctomach.
Inward fevers, bad taste
in tho rab'ulh,foul breath
Flatulency, Indigestion.
Sour eructations and rxid
Mm of tho stomach.
Stomach Coughs,
Liver complaint.
Want of appuite,
and a", tho whole train of diseases resulting from
Impurity of the blood, constitutional dUeases pro
duced by Mercury, or other minerals, or tho conse
quents of ijyphilu, Lues Venereal, &c.
For convenience of taking, as well 03 makine bu
small bulk, teing in flat wuire bojes, convenitn
for carrying in the pocket oi for travelling nurnotcs.
thoy muet be preferable to all o'thtr preparations of
For sale, Wbolesjlo and Betail at Dr, Lcidv's
HcalthEmporium, 3nd ncarVine otrectJ'hriWolphia,
Jt-or sate by i). a. TOBIAS
IL of stone While, do. red, Uac5, sweet, Ca
(or aod nil o her.kinda of Oils, for sal at
Tobias' 'a Health Emporium:
"jO) AISONB,f nllkindiiofCiindicj.lW randy
Jgl, all kind o N ois, Oranges, Figs, iranc, Ls
looiu dc. d:s, for
1); S. TOBIAS.
fTTliiS demooraic parly ot t'cjuaivdmu lius just
jg pastel through a nery conUitt, anu como oui
Hot only unscathed, but completely victorious
another proof of tho purity and stability of
their principles. Notwithstanding their, triuuiph,
thoy cannot for any length Of tunc, repoo in tho
lap of rictory, for their luv nre most iiuidurtus, and
ever watchful, aud sitlioucli routed, will again rally
under oino eto name, to oppose the principles of
dutnocrKcy, enmity to wlnuh, heiug thu only bona
tlut can even for n tnortient, liold thcni togetner.
Wo biust thcrcforn remember, tliut tlio price ol free
dom is uncrusini! vlnilanec.
In spile ol iho rantcsl corruption, nnd orirnuils
innumerable, we have oicclod a uemocrulie uov
crnor, nnd a tnujority iti the hotso of icprcsento
llves, luHicioiltly larg',to give uj the control iu Joint
ballot, and stecuro to Pennsylvania u democratic re.
iireontatlvoiil the United States benate.
The fraudulent elections, which will probably bo
contested; the unheard of malpractices on thb public
works, which require nuurciing oAoniiiiation1, the
adot'tion bv the wonlo of iho imieudiueiits lo our
state conslitution,twhich will require important le
gislative enactments, to meet tlie changes thus made
in the lundamciitid law together with the concur
lent action of the senate with the Governor, in m
nyofhis important appointments, will a' render
tho coming Eosiion of tho legislature perhaps the
most important ever held in Pcnuiylvania, and
cause thi'ir pioceediiigs to Lc unusually intcrosling
lo every man tu tho community.
Tils editors of the Keystone', intend to give t'n
creased attention to the proceedings oi'thU tension,
auu nolo every movement ot inlcnet to iuo puuuc.
They will have competent reporters in both houses
of our legislature, as well as at Washington city,
thua enabling lliem to givo ns full reports of all im
portant legislative proceedings as their columns will
Tho KeyFtono is tho largest paper published in
linrnshurL', and beinir printed on sumll type, regu
larly givra in its columns nearly est thiud more
reading matter than any oilier iolitical paper in the
state. This wo have been enabled to do from the
very great encouragement wo have ictrcived fro'ln a
generous public. Thankful for theso favors, tho
editors hereafter will spare no pains or oxpenso to
render their paper interesting and valuable to the
public, nnd.Mtviceablc to tho great and triumphaht
cause of Democracy aid I rccdomt
For tlio Keystone yearly, twice nVrcckdurinir the
session of tho Li-gislatuic, and ouco u week tor the
remainder of tho jear, , - S3 00
During the sostion of tho Legislature only, twice
a week, - - - 52 00
For sit months, not including any part of the sa3
sion of the Legislature, - ' , SI 00
pcr3 sent in ono packet and to one direction, for
the price of live as above; or fifteen papers sent as
nuovo ior the price ot 12; or 26 papers sent as above
lor the price ol U.
(TVAll Postmasters, and other democratic citi
zens, are requested to receive and forward subscrip
tions to w. I'AUKEK, UAKK1STT l'AlllirJ.
Harrisburg, October 25, 1835.
THOSE works have been published bv
us for six years. There are now trioro sub
scribers for them than for any other paper
published m the United btatcs; certainly
more than lor any other paper publislieil in
mis uisirici. 1 ins large anu increasing
subscription is conclusive evidence ol their
usefulness. They are invaluable to all who
feel an interest in (he proceedings of Con
"ress. No other publication gives them
so full nor so cheap, II is, indeed, the
cheapest publication in the United Stales
perhaps in the world. Our position at the
scat of Government enables us to print tliein
at so low a rate. We are compelled to nub
lWh the proceedings of Congress in detail,
for bur daily paper. This done, it requires
comparatively, but a small additional cx
pense to change tliein lo tuo lorms ot tho
Cnngretsional Globe and Appendix. If it
were not for these circuinstaiucs, we could
not pumisu tucin tor lour tunes tne sum
The Congressional Globe is mado up of
me daily proceedings ol the two nouses ol
Congress, and the speeches of the members
condensed. 1 he yeas and navs on all mi
portant subjects are given, It is published
weekly, with small lype, on sixteen ro'val
quarto pages.
The Appendix contains tho speeches of
the members at lull length, written out by
themselves, and is printed in the same form
as the Congressional (jlnbe. It is publish
ed as fast as the speeches cart bo nreparcd
Usually there arc more numbers printed for
a session than lucre avo weeks in it.
Each of these works incomplete in itself.
But it is desirablo for every subscribers to
havo both ; because if there should be any
amoiguity in me synopsis oi :i speed) m
the Congressional Globe, or any denial of
U3 correctness, it may be removed at onco,
by referring to the speech in the Appendix.
Indexes tu both ato sent to subscribers, as
soon as thoy can be prepared alter tho ad
journment ol Uougtcss.
For onu copv of theCongtcssional Globe, Si
For one co," of the Appendix, f$l
Six copies of cither of tho above woiks
sent for 95, twelve copies for $10, and a
proportionate uunioer ui copies ior a jailer
' Payments may be transmitted by mail,
postage paid, at our risk. J lie notes ol any
incorporated bank in tne United Mutes, cur
rent m the section of country wheio the
subscriber resides will be received. But1
when subscribers can procuro the notes of
banks in tho Northern and Middle Slates,
thov will please cenu them.
To instiro all the numbers', the subscrin
tiona should be here by the 11th of Decent'
bcr next.
No attention will bo paid to any order,
hnlos's the money necoiupauy it, or unless
coine responsible person, known to us to bo
so, shall agree to pay it betoro the session
expires. ULAUi a lvlvliB.
Washington City, Oct. lil,' 18U8.
r!RY respectfully informj his friends and the
public, Unit he has tiUvnys on hand, at his Li
very btahle in IJIoomsbtirg, tor tho purposes of tlira
or Exchange, a variety of
Eforses, Sulkiesi .
which ho will feel gratified to keep in rtadincss for
the accommodation ol customer.
Personal application can be made nt his residence,
when every moans will be wed to render entire sat
isfaction lo thoso who may gin- liiui u.eJll.
ISO AH . PuEiN Tlo,
Bloomi'burg, May 20, 1838,
OJALAIiATUS, Gldubcr Salts, Epsom salts, for
salo ul tho
Cheap Health Emporium.
To the isttvessed & AilSicicd!
Jlnd Family Drug Warehouse.
"Tho poor man's riches the rich rain's bliss."
THE Hubscribcr would respectfully announce to
his friends and tho public that ho has opened
u general assortment ol
Drugs & SrEedicines,
at his Drug and Chemical Stoie in Bloomsburg
and that he will bo happy to supply the wants o,
those who may yivo ium a call. Among his as
sortment arc :
Alcolnl, ,
Aqua Ainonia)
Aqua pepper,
Arsenic white
Muriate of Tin
llippel Shields
do Shells' .
Opodeldoc liquid
do Steers
Pills German
Itadix Calcicum
do Senega Shako
do Squills
Steel Powder
Stodcu b'lttcra
Stouo yellow
do rotten
do black
Band paper sordte
Solution of tin
Spt. Eathcr Sulph.
do Niter Eathcr
. do HarUhonie
Vials all kinds,
Wafers red and black
Window Glass all sorts
Smidet Salts
Cologne Water
lllack Ivory
do. yellow
Aqua Foitis
Blue Mass
Block Tin
Barloy pealed
Bronze wliito
do ellow
Carb Ammonia
Crab's eyes
Draggon's blood
Gum Assafcctida
do. Opium
do." Aloes
do. Arabic
do Barbadoes Aloes
Gum Copal
do Myrrh
Horso Lam;e
Isinglass Itussia
Lamp black
, . ALSO.
liluck Pepper; lied Pepper,
Iro) Most.
Bloainburg, May 19, 183S.
3WA'S just received tlio Spring Fashions from Pliiladclphia, and is ready to make all kinds
ot garments in the newest and most fashionable
Bloomsburg, May 5, 1838.
UjTOENGAL Indigo; Spar.hh do. Verdigries, blue
Jgjjtyitrial; White do. for sale cheap and good, at
mo Dloomslmrg waro tlousc, hy
TjOiLUE' .SMALZ, White
Moss for consuinptivo Vea
Frosting, Iceland
'eoule: Senars. Com.
moil, Spanish and Half Spanih; and n thousand
tscrarticles too tedious to injiition, lor saw nt
Tobias1 Health Emporium.
White 'tniifiza 3rEa2fcei'Ly,
Dr. Weaver's Worm Tea and Salve.
PM1UE action of this I.fedicine is not only to cx
Ja. Pel Worms, but by its tonic tinwera. to me
vent d return of them, by removing the weak Hate
oi tncdisostivc organs on which their piodiiction
mamiy uepenus. ror cho uy
-. D. S. TOBIAS,
Health Emporium, Bloomsburj?,
A certain euro for tetters, ringworms. pimples on
the face, and other cutauoous eruptions. .
Ass lor
Tobias' Health Emporium, Ilbonipburi
iRjUiNh betted in the known world, for eslo nt
I W ll.n .il.m... 11' IT 1 f
TOIUJIS in Bloomsburs.
KLACK IKK, Bed Ink, Blue Jnk, Duublo Ink
3J for sale nt tho cheap Health Euporium, by
Evans! Camtiioniile Pills,
Waranled to be genuine.
Andenorts Pills, & nil other kinds of Pills.
Fly Slonit to kill Flies with.'
IHsh Scad, to catch fish with.
Spungcs, for salo at
TOBIAS Health Emporium,
(M0KBI) HEItlllNG, Sugar crackcn,ona Wu
SCjUr sraekerl, for sale by
S. TOBIAS; i Uloowburs
EADER, if vou havo a tough or cold tc"v 't'o
i of their cor.-'CiuciiifS. Colds guilefully tiroi-
duee itnpcrnontiblv, und intluuato thennwlvfa
iroughont the liiimon fy6tain, finally svtxlinc' unou
ho 1 unga and eliding in conoiiiiplinn.
a vor to iArt!42m
HoW often is youth cut down when least
.1 by IhcconBtuniitiorl, and followed to their cmtm
ey jmrenti who nru in a meaiib tho rauro of ihcir
prr'umturo death, in neglecting lo remedy colds when
exuUng in childhood, looking giion them ns trilling
affections, nnd not attracting -.their notice until thtj
ileslrsiycr has commenced its work und made snrq
Of its victim. This is not n fjlicifid rrnrcrnlnlinn.
for daily numerous instance,! occur which provo tlPi
uei. ,
In manhood colds terminate iu tboRnmc way,bul
do not pioresiiio rajiiilty as ill yo't'th; the'y tliould,
nowrver, in uoin ynuui uii(i mauiioou, lie early Hl
eiiijen to, and not regarded ns trilling ofU'Ctjpjitfi
I'or it is n dtlusivo idea that has Shortened tlic 11 .m
of thousand.
I3r. BECIITijR'S ..
f (Price. Fifty cents per Bottle,)
Is ah Invaluable preparation, discovered by a rt
Lir mid celebrated German physician, who ha initt
ployed it upwards ol hlty jears in his own practiri
in Germ.iny, ihrocghoul which country it has lK'ej)
during that time most extensively and" Euercvufullr
employed in Coughs, Colds,. .Cataarhs; Asthmas.
Whooping Coughs, pitling of Blood, Pain ofths
Drrast an.d Sides, all cffectiJlis of tho Breuft and
Lungs, nnd arrest of approaching ConcumptiOn,
Much may bo said in praise of the above mcdicinoi
butnewspnor advertising being loo expensive, eve
ry sauslaciory cvnieuco will bp lound in oil its of,
feels upon trial, as well as numerous recommenda
tions nccoir.panj ing the directions. Lpwards o,
7000 bottles were sold in Philadelphia alone dur.
ihg thslast winter, a convincing proof of its cUicnqy
or bo large a quantity would uover have been sold
Prcpatcd and old Wholesale and Kctnil at Dr.
I.eidy's Health Emporium, 2d street, below Vino,
No. 1U1.
also, sold nr
. . D. S. TOBIAS, 'Agent.
Bloomsburg, May 26, 1833. Jyo.
LADEH. did yon over hpo a confirmed Drg.
SSL peptic, and learn his sufferincsl Ifnot. suf.
lice it to say, he is u pale, thin and ch.utlv looking
object, his life apparently hanging by a thread ; ha
is miserablo and unhappy! his sufferings indiacriba-
Are you much troubled with flatulency, eoelive-
nus, sjur crucli'tions arising from your ktomaclu
occasionrtl want of appetite, Watorlnash, a bad tasto
in your mouth, or toul breath, pain or a heaviness
at your stomach, hicknen after eating, headache, dis
gust at your once favorite food, Ac. If you uro
tnuch troubled with any of the. foregoing Ejmptomi.
bring before you the pictuie ot the Dyspeptic, and
having resolved to remedy tho conseqnencos, im
ini.-diateiy procuro
A never failing and efficacious remedy for
nd the whole train (f affections rcvniUing from dbi
oases U tho Livir. Stomach and lhtrutinos.
Tile above mcilicilic is warranted frco from yier-
cury or other mineral preparations; it is coaipowidf
entirely of vegetables, eafv and easy tb take, behii;
yery pleasant lo uic taste, it may be eslelv ndimii
istered to young and eld, requiting but moJeruto re
strictions iu diet only.
Numerous testimonials have been from timo to
time published; its reputation is so well known, fur
ther comment upon its virtues is unuecctwary, suf
fieo tt to say, it his setcu paiw:u is i s'imils
instance, further fccommciidatwris accompany
tho directions around each bottle.
03Pricc Ono Dollar per bottle.
Prepared and told Wholesale and Retail at Dr.
Lcidy's Health "Emporium, 2d street, below Viuu,
No. 191.
Also Sold by
D. S. TOBIAS, Agent.
Bloomsburg, May 2fi. Iy5
Have been performed in this city, and
throughout the country. .
TpTSEiNG n concentrated fluid extract of Snrspv'
UJJ6) rilla, combined with other vegctablo extracts,
which rrnders it ns a mcdicinp of great utility iu tho
cure of all disiam arlting front the uiijmrities of
the blood (rum indiscretions , and imprudencies hi
life, and constitutional disonstsformed or produced
by the injudicious uso of mercury, nrmiie, bark, or
quinine. In slpirt, it U im invaluable remedy for alt
Rheumatic Affections, Gctiaral Debility, 1,'Iccroiis'
Sotes, White Swellings, Diseases' of tlie Liver and
Skin, Ulcerated sore throat, Ulcers of tho I'o.-r, CV
rieo of the discuses of the Bones, .Scrofula orlutit''3
Evil, Erysipelas or St. Anthony' Fire, und all uiw
ojoiisunt and dangerous idYcctiMiB conw.'q6ciit to
Syphilis, Lucas Vcnercal,-&.
So effectual has this medicine ln in the euro of
various diseases for which it is recommended, dliat
it is far sujierccding all other preparations of Sarsta
jilla, Panacea &c.
It is now employed by numerous physicians and'
has been introiIuc! by thnm into many hospitals,
ntifmarics, &c. throughout the United States.
It Is a preparation of greater ttrcngth (eonse
quently ofgroitcr cllicaey) than any other extract
now made, is aire, much cheaper, Lving but one dol
lar per bottli-, wb.ih is sufficient to make one Gk'
pou of Syrup or Korsporill-J, and is bought by dif
ferent druggists for that purpose.
Numerous ceriificfitos hsvo been rceiive'd civ!'
published from time to timo, but in consequem-e J(
the giaat expense attcinluig.nowspcr publication
of them, the mo3t incrednloaa run be t'onvinced r f
the superior efficacy of Dr. Leidy's medieato.1 6ar -panlla.
by calliugat" Lcidfs Health Empori jm."
Ao. 191, J,,,rt!i Bocond striw, below Vine, sin of
the Golden Lnlo and Serpnts, where ccrli.1 mYj
nndretewnew can be givon to huudrods ofin.-.'.ar.ces
ot I he most romurkablo euros ovnr wrformod by a'iy"
medicine. 1 J '
Prepared only and sold Wholesale nn,l Retail at
Dr. I,ei,)y h : JlealUi Emporium, 2d htrect, below
vino, No. 191. n
... , f r. S. TOBIAS.
Ulooinsburc, June S, 183.
' ' T
Dlioawburg, Juns 23, 1808,-