The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 17, 1838, Image 1

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    avcornoU the Altar of Cod, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny,
Vtovcr the Wind of Mau.-.Thomas Jcflcr.on,
printed and published by ir. webim
n nwT.'inp. nv Tins TiPMnrnAT
itfx doouto Romson's Staok Office
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F;om the Asiatic Journal.
'Men man is considered with reference
to his intellectual part, not with-
reson that lie is tyled by ShaRespear,
"beauty of the world the paragon of
mals." A bennr that is able in snm
1 .. . . . r
ree to scan the work ot creation, that
measure the globe on which he lives,
calculate the motions of the mighty
s vhich roll in the immensity of space,
lit Jhas silbjugated the elements to his
, and made fire, air and water his vas
i, may bo. said .to be in "apprehension
la god." To bring down our admira
of his "paragon" to a juster standard",
ever, it is unnecessary to enter upon
estimate of his moral imperfections
specks which darken and extinguish
brightness of his understandingit is
cient to contemplate iiim in( his animal
3Ptr - -- ,1- - 1, . - . -a...
his m.ellectual pretensions, he is allied
ibit to the brutes, How mortifying is
human vanity, to think that there is
;ely any species of matter, animal or
stable in any stale of immaturity or
uption, which is not eaten by the hu
, animal, and capable of assimilating
( his substance and thus forming an in
il part of the compound machine of
i and matter called man I Mr. Dono
in hts treatise on Domestic Economy,
devoted a portion of the last volume to
subject of human food, and has enumer
the various substances animal and vege
s, which' constituted it amongst different
ons. A more disgusting catalogue it Is
cely possible to read,
i his "account of animalc used as food
the rarious nations of the world," he
s it convenient to arrange them in a
ral order, beginning with man himself,
isjongbeen doubted, he observes wheth
uman beings codld. feed on their fellow
tures for the mere sake pf the flesh,
lout any other incentive, but it has been
ntrovertibly established, that and often
i a higher relish; that feasts of human
ti are resorted to as sources of animnl
ification: that the cannibal has not only
favorite parts of the human body, but
ers certain modes of cookery. Our
ancestors were of the numbor of these
iblo epicures. Diodotus Siculus char
the Britons of Iris with being enthro-
hagt; and St. Jerome (who lived so, late
he fifth century of the Christian Era)
ses a British trjbc from his own p'er-
knowledge,, not pnly with a partiality
human flesh, fastidious taste for certain
cato parts of it. Not only in the I?o
sia, but tn Africa, human flesh is .still
sumed, as ordinary food; and Stedham
es that, in the interior of the African
tincnt, human, limbs aro hung upon
mblcs for sale, llko butcher's meat in
adenhall market.
his is revolting enough, but it is littlq
offensivo to consider the other animal
d which serves to allay the umlistinguish
voracity of man. Monkeys are esteem-
delicate eating; the Chevalier do Mar-
ais says that in South America, monkey
ah is allowed to bo nourishing and very
fli'cate. The heads arc made into soup'
and are served with it; and although a per
son at first experiences some difficulty in
accustoming' himself tosec.Jicads which re
semble (hose of little children; when this
repugnance is once conquered, he finds that
monkey soup is as good as any other,
mongst other animals, the following are ea
ten in different parts of the world: "bats
and vampire, the sloath, the rhinoceros, th
elephant, ihe seal tribe, t)ie dog, the wolf,
the foul jackal, the voracious hyama, th
rank fox, the fetid shunk, the eat, the rat
the hedgehog, the camel, the h orsc. the ass
the tiger, thp lion, the whale, the shatk, th
crocodjlc, lizards, frogs, the boa constrictor,
(whiph is prefered by the negroes ;to anv
other food,) the rattlesnake, the viper, qr
adder. Mr. Donovan might have added
his list of nations who are serpent eaters
tho Chinese, who' fatten snakes as we do
oysters, for the table.
Morp discrimination appears to ha used
tn the insect tribe. A peculiarly, disgusting
insect is eygeily devoured by the Chinese
and Hottentots; caterpillars are cooked into
a dish in soma parts of Australia, and tho
people of Now Caldonia eat spiders. Ants
and their eggs are eaten by several nations,
and this kind of diet has been eulogized
by Europeans who have nartalfpn nf if.
n some pbrts of the east Indies, it is said
that vast quantities of termites are collected
and made with flour into n variety of Das-
try; but that an inordinate use of this food
occasion colic, dysentcty and death. Mr.
Q. .1 .... ...
uiiicduiiuun states inai tne Africans eat
these ants roasted by handfuls, and several
European have declared that they are most
delicious, like sugared cream or paste of
sweet almonds..., Locusts are eaten in nl-
most all the countries where thsy appear,
eitner ined, pounded with milk, groimd, in
to flour, and baked into Cils nr. rtr mirl !
Of fishes and birds, there appears tattc
scarcely any species excluded ; and Mr.
Donovan observes that "although particu
lar animals have been reported by travel
lers to constitute the food of nations whoso
history, they write, we might perhaps ex
tend the catalogue to all living creatures,
with the exception of a few that are actual
ly poisonous."
The object of Mr. Donovan was merely
to detail those articles which, were tno or
dinary food, of largo classes of men. But
there are many, of a disgusting kind, which
he has not thought it necessary to notice
which are the ordinary aliment, or delica-
cies, amongst nations. . ihe L-ocnin-iwn-nese
are fond of hatched eggs, the Chinese
and other Eastern people of putrid eggs.
There aro .nations of dirt, eaters, the
Ottomans, for.instance, who diet upon clay.
Worms, grubs, and maggots , are the food
of others. The Dyaks and Baltaks, ot
Sumatra and Borneo drink human blood.
Raw blubber, is prized by the Esquimaux,
and game in a state of putrefaction gratifies
tho palate of the polished European gour
mand .
When V,o. select instances of peculiar .and
depraved appetite, they are disgusting iu-
deed. We have seen individuals m Eurppe
who can devour vast quantities of law liver,
tallow candles and tobacco pipes, but what
are they to the eaters of carrion, putrid offal,
Uriil ericrementitlous'substances amougstthe
religious aseptics in India 1
Perhaps the most repulsive, as well as
prodigious instances of outrageous voracity
is the sheep-eater of Oude, described by
General Hardwickc, in the transactions of
tho Roval Asiatic Society. This man, or
rather monster, in the presence of several
gentlemen and ladies ate, at one meal, two
sheep, weighing from twelve to thirteen
pounds per quarter. Ins mode of devour
in;j the animal was this. He seized the
liveheep by the flceco with his teeth, and
lifted it from the ground; then, by a swing
of his head flung it on its back upon the
cround. In this position be held the animal
down, pulling the leggs apart with each
hand. Ho then toro the abdomen with his
teeth, by stripping off the skin from the
flank to the breast, removed the intestines,
and buried bis head in the body to drink
it . ....
Roman kitchen arc detailed in Mr. Dono
vans book. Viteilius and Helioeacalu
regaled on a dish composed of the tongues
and .braids, of peacocks, the bodies beiiio-
thrown to the hogs.
, The combs torn from live. cocks, were
dish of excellent relish to the, latter, becau
seasoned with cruelty. The heads of par
rots were. served his feasts. .Viteilius
I 1 1 .. . i ' '
nan a iagre sliver dish, the filling of which,
for one of his entertainments, occasioned
wholesale slaughter, being composed of in-
oigiiiucaui pans ot various small and rare
: ir. . . . .!
birds and fishes. Vedius Pollid, a centle
man of Rome; and a favorite of Augustus
oicsar, contrived a method of trivimra favor
to lampreys, which all his friends and Au
gustus himself relished, whilst a secret; it
.was by feeding them on human flesh! One
Uaudius iEsopus, a tragedian, was renown.
ed for serving up, on a large platter, worth
4,8007, all kinds of singing and speaking
oirus. At a least given to Vitellins. bv his
i , .
oiomer Lucius, there were 2.000 difieient
kinds of fish, and 7,000 of birds. The
celebrated Apicus expended nearly a mil-
ion sterling on his kitchen, and finding his
property reduced to only 8,000 fearful that
he should starve, he took poison. A small
isu of his, called Minutal Micianum.
or.'Alpicus Mince,' .is.iriade up bf the ex-
ccrpis ojuiirce or four dozcii animals.-
Rtien Apiouo oilfflifiiiriercir to.hirmscrr xvs
salutary draught. His successors have
caught his spirit. , .
Dr. Kitchen, quotes from , Wccker's Se-
creti of Nature, "How to roast and eat a
goose alive." The goose after being pluck-
d, is to be surronded by burning fuel, and
cups of, water are to be placed within the
circle : "She is to be larded and basted, but
she is to be roasted slowly. By walking
about, and flying here and'there, being coop-
d in by the fire that stops her way out, she
will fall to drink the water, and cool her
heart; and when she roastoth and consumes
inwardly, always wet her head and heart
with a wet sponge; and when you see her
running, and Beginning to tumble, she is
roasted enough. Take her up, set her be
fore her guesls, and she will cry as you cu
off any part from her, and be almost eaten
p befpro she is dead; it is mIohtv pleas
ant TO lIEHOl.D !
After reading this, what a satirist does
Shakspeare seem, in tlie passage which we
quote at the beginning 1
We are in the daily habit of hearing the
casualitics and misfortunes of life, and par
ticularly tn tho management of the farm,
ascribad to bad luck: and on the contrary,
f hearing the blessings, comforts and en
joyment of life, imputed to goqd luck, as
though these llnnga were casual, and diq
not depend upon the indiscreet conduct of
those whom they befell. ,
If we, will but scan this rdatter probably
we shall bo ijonvinccd that our good and
bad luck mo3t generally comes through pur
own agency, and that we, are in a gieat
measure loft to choose our own fortunes as
far as this matter is concerned. The faith
ful practice of known duties; with due re
straint upon our baser passions, seldom
fails to. produce good will to our fellows,
are almost the certain precursors of bad luck.
And even though our crops may grow from
the exuberantbounty of nature, and although
our patrimonial wealth may extort for us
the fickle applauso and sycophancy of tho
multitude, the pleasures which they afford
are unstable, and aro not to be compared
with those that result from prudent indus
try and rectitude of conduct from consci
mo warm blood, which clotted round his
hair and beard. Ho next stripped off the
rest of the hide, separated tho joints, and
rubbing them in the dust, tore the meat from
tho bones, swallowing one mouthful after
another with all the dust. and dirt adhering
to it, laying aside the ill-picked bones for
his supper !
, The cruelty which this indiscriminate
voracity of (man inflicts upon the inferior
animals, is frightful. Tho horrors of the
ousness pf having performed, and perform
ing tlie high duties imposed upon us, to our
families, to .society, and to our God.
Let us (race sorne instances of good and
bad fuck, in the business of the farm to
their palpable causes. .,
The diligent farmer, who personally su
perintends his own businpS3 who rises be
fore the sun, sees that his laborers are at
their appointed business, that his farm stock
are in good condition, his implements a.nd
lenccs m order, and his work timely and
properly done is pretty cerlain qf enjoying
a good round of good luck in all his farming
operations, lie will have good cattle and
good crops, and good profits and if he
takes care to bring up his sons in, tho wav
of thoir father, he will have good luck with
ins litmily.
un me other hand look at that man who
gossips away a portion of his time at public
nouses, political clubs, and amone his neih.
bora and who .trusts thq. management of
his aliairs entirely to the discretion and fi
delity of others, and ten to o,ne butyqu fin4
him an heir to ill .luck; that his land -is- ?n
nuany becoming poorer, hiscroDs lioht.r.
his cattle diminishing, h;s fences
mgs dilapidating, and hi3 fortune going, to
wreck. Who does not see in such a man a
fountain of bad luck.
Our young readers have most of them.
perhaps, heard of tho bad luck that befel
the man who neglected, in time, to got a
nail in the horse shoe; the horse became
lame, and ultimately died so that the own
er lost his horse for want of a nail. The
same bad luck attends him who neglecls
his fences; a rail or a board is down the cat
tle get in and destroy his crops, and he is
obliged to buy bread for hi? family. The
drone too is generally late with his work-
lie plants and sows late and suffers the har.
a?6 gameTea or ittluseu.;,,-""iV n3r--
The diligent farmer .destroys the weeds
that rob his props, and the bushes that use
lessly encumber his grounds. He carefully
economises and applies his manures, des
tined to feed his, crops, and keep up the fer
tility of the soil; and he brings the best por
tion of it, though naturally wet and unpro
ductive, into a productive state bya system
ofjndicious draining. All these are certain
precursors of good luck.
Now mark tho farmer of almost inevitable
bad luck upon that farm down.yonder, who,
although in the harvest time, is from home,
gone to attend a petty lawsuit, in which he
is a party. Look at tho fences,, the build
ings, the bushes, the weeds, the Bvamps
and the crops at.every- thing. Do they
not all betoken bad luck? and, speak in lan
guage not to be misunderstood, that the unf
fortunate master is going down hill.
We have one more suggestion, which may
extend to tlie fair sex. , Idlcnes is tho pa
rent of tattle of mischief. Now the man
or woman who attend to their own business
as they. ought to, have no time nor disposi
tion officiously to interrheddle with the do
mestic affaire of others they have no inter
est in sinking the reputation of their neigh
bors; but would rather raise them, to their
own level, their habits,therefore tend to dif
fuse good luck to all around them. . .
From Mr. Stephens' new " incidents of
Travels:' ,(
The battle of Grokow, tho greatest in
Europe since that of Waterloo, was fought
on the 25th of February, .1831, and tho
platq where I stood commanded a view of
the whole ground! The Russiau army was.
under tho command of Deibltsch, and con
sisted of pne hundred and fortyitwq thou
sand infantry, forty thousand cavalry and
three hundred and twelve pieces of cannon.
I'his enormous force was arranged in two
lines of combateuts, and a third ol reserve.
Its left wing, between Wavro and the
! ...i :.i-,l r r.. ,ti.
marshes oi me vismia consign -visions
of infantry of forty-seven thousand
men, three of cavalry of ten thousand five
hundred,' . and one hundred and eight pieces
of cannon; the right consisted, of three and
a half divisions of infantry and thirty-one
thousand men, four divisions of cavalryi.qf
fifteen thousand .seven hundred and. fifty
men, and fifty two pieces of cannon. Upon
borders of tho grqat forest opposite th8
Forest of Elders, conspicupua.from where
I stood was plaqed, the reserve, pmraandV
edbyfhe.GraudDuke Cpnstantine. Against
this immense army the Poles opposed less
than fifty thousand men, and a, hundred
pieces of cannon .under tho comniand of
General Skrizyneck. ' x
At break of day the wholo foice of the
Russian right wing-, with a terrible fire of
fifty pieces of artillery and columns of infantr
ry, charged the Polish lefi with the de
termination of carrying it, by a . singlo
and overpowering effort. The Poles with
six-thousand five hundred men and twolvo
pieces of artillery, not yielding a foot of
ground, and knowing they could hope for
no succor resisted this attack for several
hours, until the Russians slackened their
fire. About ten o'clock the plain was sud
denly covered with the Russians forces, is
suing.from th(e cover of the forest, seeming
on,B undivided mass of troops. (,Two hunr
drsd pieces of cannon, posted on a singlo
line, commenced, s, firq ,w.hiqh mado the
earth tremble and was more, terrible than
the oldest officers), many of .whom had.
fought at Marengo and Austerlitz, ,, had
ever beheld. The Russians now made an
attack upon the right wing, and failed' in
theirs upon the left; Diebitsh directed 'tho
strength of His army against the forest of el7
ders, hopiug to divide theJ?ples into two
parts. One hundred and twenty pieces of
cannon were brought ,to bear on this point
and fifty baltallions, incessantly pushed to.
the attack, kept up a scene of tn as'a aero. un
heal d of in the annals of war. A .ppiiehibfr
wero so chokecl witii.ihe. dead that ihajfaT''''
fantry marched directly over their bodiee.
The heroic poles, with battalhons for four,
hours defended the forest against the tre.
mendous attack. N.ine timps they were
driven out, and nine times, by a series of
admirably executed manomcs, they re
pulsed tho Russians with immense loss.
Batteries now concentrated in one point,
where in a moment hurried to another, and
the artillery advanced to the. chargplike
cavalry, sometimes within a hundred feet of
the enemy's coluras, and there opened a
murderous fire.of grape.
At three o'clock, the Generals, many of
whom were wounded, the most of whom
had their horses shot under then .and fought
on foot at the head of their divisions.resolv
ed on a retrograde movement, so as to draw;
the Russians on the open plape. ThclRus;
sian troops then debauched from the forest
a cloud of Russian cavalry, with severa.
regiments of heavy cuirassiers at their head
to"the attack. Colonel Pientka, who had
kept up an unremitting fire from his battery;
5 hours, with a perfect sang froid, upon a
disabled piece of cannon remained. to.. give
another effective fire, and then loft at full
gallop a poit which he had so long occupied,
under the terrible fire of the c,ncmy's.frtil
lery. This, rapid woveraent of his battery
animated he Russian forces. , The cavalry
advanced, on a trot upon the line of a batte-r
ry of rockets. A terrible dischargq, wm
poured into their ranks, and the .horses, gal-,
led to madness by the flakes of fire, became
wholly ungovernable, and broko. nway,
spreading disorder in every direction; tho
wholp. body swept helplessly along.qfuo,
of the Polish infantry, and in a, few minutes
were so completely annihilated that, pf t
regimqnt of cuirassiers whp boro jnsqriqc
on their helmets the tnvincibles.nota.maii
escaped. The wreck of the routed fcavalr
ry, pursued, by tho lancers, carried along. in
its flight the columns of infantry. A -jener-,
al relrcat commenced, and the cryof Poland,
forevcrl'. reached tho walls of Warsw.o
cheer the. hearts of its anxious inhabitants,
So terrible was the fire of tho day that,, in,
the Polish army there was not a eingle.geiijj
eral or staff ofl;ccr who had not Ins horse