The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 10, 1838, Image 4

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    urn, i iuiiuitijixcuxja'ii, n ,i i,m' oyijjtjjtMin.Jujt.iii
fjt EADER, If you havo a coOgh or cold beware
Ji dt tticir contfaquenccs. Uolds generally pro
ducts Imperceptibly, ntij insinuate themselves
throughout the human system, finally settling lipoh
ho lungit, and ending in consumption.
How often la voutli cut down when least expect-
Wl by the cohiurriptirfi, and followed to their graves
iy parents whd are in a measure the cause of their
Wcmnture iWth. in nealectine t.o remedv colds when
existing in childhood, lookirVg "upon th'em na trifling
'affections, Ind nrft attracting 'their notice ufttil tho
destroyer has commenced its work and made cure
luf its victim. This 'is not a fanciful representation",
or daily huttoro'ts instan'ecs occur which prove tho
In minh&dd cotds terminate in the same way, but
Jio not progress so rapidly as in youth; they should,
however, in loth youth and manhoodt be early at
enden to, and not regarded as trifling affections",
Tor it is a de'lusiVe idei that has ihorteWd tho live!
bf. BEtliif ER'S
$VL&dfrjiRY preservative,
If PricclFifty tents per Bottle,)
ht un InVatalWc preparation, discovered hr a regu
lar and celebrated uerinan physician, who has cm
bloyed it upwards of fifty years in his own practice
fn Germany, throughout which country it has bccti
Murine that titee most extensively .and successfully
"Employed in Coughs, Colds, Catuarhs; ABthmas,
Whoopinc Coflchs. Spittine: of Blood, Pain of the
Breast and Sides, all affections of tho Breast and
'Lumrs.lmd arrest of approaching Consumption.
Much may be said hi praise of the above medicine,
tut newspaper advertising being too expensive, evo-
tv satisfactory evidence will bo found in all its cf-
J i ii 1 i.
iccis upon uiai, as wen as uuuiuiuus ii:uijiiiiwiuu
inrrn ieromnsnvinir the directions. Upwards o
7000 bottles were sold in Philadelphia alone dur
ing the last wirAer, a convincing p'ri6f of its efficacy
or so large a quantity would never nave been sow.
Pntft aitil anlil Whnlnsnlft afA Retail flVDf.
eidy's Health Empcfrriffi, 2d street, below Vine,
Ho. m.
D. TOBlAS, Agent.
Bioomsb'u'rg, May 26, 138. Iy5.
nfi EAlJER, did you 'cVcr see a confirmed Dys-
peptic, and Icam his suflenngs! If not, sill
See it t say, he is a pale, thin and ghastly looking
object, his life apparently hanging by a thread ; he
is miserablo and unhappy, his sufferings indiscriba-
Are v6u much troubled. with flatulency, costiv
'kess, sour eructations arising froih your stomlch,
casional want of appetite, watcrluash, a bad taste
In trmir rrinntfi. or font lireath. nain or a heaviness
at jour stomach, sickness after eating, neauaclic, dis-
... ... - - - - -- y-r ---- - , ' i
TjUil al your once iavonie ioou, occ. ii you aru
much troubled wiUi any ot tneloregoing symptoms,
bring bdfcre you the picture of the Dyspeptic, and
liavi 12 resoivcu lo rcmcav uic consmnciices. un
Mediately procure
A novtr filling And cliicacious remedy for
JL'bd the whole train "ox affections resulting from dis
eases of the Iiivcr, Stomach and Intestines.
The aliove medicine is warranted free from trier-
"iturv or otlicr minora! prep'd'ratlons; it is composed
fanUroly of vegetables, safe and easy to take, being
Very pleasant to the tastel It mayio safiily admin
istered to young and old, requiring but moderate re-
unctions ja uici oniy.
Numerous testimonials Have been, from time to
tiriie published; its reputation is sb well known, fur-
Vher comment upon its virtues is urirt'ecessaryi suf-
'fico it to say, it has keveh failed ix x sixnLE
tMSTixcr. Further recommendations accompany
the direcUons around each bottle.
rrrtYice One Dollar per Cottle.
Prepared irid sold Wholesale arid Retail at Dr.
Leidy's Health Emporidm, 2d sue'et. below Vlti'e,
No. 191. ,
D. S. TOlllAS, Agent.
tiioomsbilfg, May 26. Iy5
Wave been performed in this city, and
tnrougnom the country.
"ifibEING a concentrated fluid extract of Sarsp
JLJP rilla, eotnbined with other vegetable extracts,
which renders 'it as a medicine of great utility in the
cure of all diiitues arUifl$ froth, tht impurities Hf
me vioaa irom moiscreuons ami impruucnrics in
life, abd constitutional idiseascsformed or nrodilcod
by tho injudicious hfe of rrlercury, itrsenic, bark, or
Quinine. In short, ills nri iriValuable temody for alt
Ilheumatic Attoctionsi General rJebility, Ulcerous
fiorotf, WHifb'Swelllngs, Diseases of tllb Liver and
'fekin, Utcfe'rited sore throat, Ulcers Xt tho Nose, Ca
tlea efthe.diseases of the Bones. Kcrofula orKine's
IJvi, Erysl)ela,s or St. Anthony's Fire, and ill un
b)esant arid dangerous affections consequent to
Bvnhilis. IiueAs Venereal.
Ba eflVtilal Kas this. medicine been in the cure of
Tarious diseaiMidr which it H rccommendbd, that
It is far surferCojling all other preparations bf Sirsji
IHl. PlnlWn jr.
It is now employed by ndmerous pliysiVialris and
has been introducsd by tKemi into many hospitals,
kfirmsriei. tc. throughout llie United States.
It Is d preparatlori of greater strength (coriMf
qnently of grsV-er 'efficacy 1 than any other eitrapt
Jiow raadets alo mucll cheaper, being but one ddj
W m, lmhri which is sufllcient to make one Gkl
Von of Byrtfp of Ssrsparilla, and Is bought by dif
ferent druggtsU for that purpose,
Numerous cefiifieates have bisefi deceived and
Jrabliihed from lime trt tfrte, but in conscquenci of
foe gredt rxpense attehdfhg nowspapJr publication
ef Ihem, the most incredultfvls,,'fcan lie convinced of
the superior efficacy of Dr; Leidy s medicated oars-
panlls, oy .calling at " Leidy llcalth Kmporlum,
no. it
), Sorth second strer; below Vine, sin of
Iden Eagle and Serpenti, where cerlififehfes
1 1 utiS " j .ri.fci
tho Go!
sndrvfexenooa can be given to bbfidreds of instances
'of tho mooi ferfliikiblo cure ever performed by any
Prepared only and sold Wholfwale fnd RetaiJ at
bt. Leidy's Healtli EmpofiunT, 3d street, below
ifclefesbirfg, Jurie 3I83.
-jri tti LEAF, SILVJ5R lMXT, and cop;
J) PF.U T.RAF, ForwUat
Ftfritt' tirUgq St6t in fllowrixtr g.
Threshing Machine
THE subscribers teipcctfully. inform the publi
in general, that they have erected Hie abov
mr joa 1 ejtablishmout for all kinds of
to order; and also to jratiuraclurc TJfftllSjr
JIOJISV. VOWERHt all of which they will
make of tho bcit Of materials, and in tho most work
manlike manner, and will dispose of them on rea
sonable terms. ,
IV. II. AlAUo & Co.
Bloomsburg, May 19, i33ff. 4
VERX- respectfully informs his friends and the
public, that he has always on hand, at iis Li
very stable in uioomsuurg, lor uie purposes oi inru
or Exchange, a variety of '
Slorses. Sulkies.
dies, wagons, and sleighs.
watch ho will feel gratified to keep in readiness for
the accommodation of customers.
Personal application 'can be ntado at Ills residence,
wheh every means will bo used to render entire sat
isfaction to thoso who 'may give him a call.
NUAU ST. nttilMto.
Bloomsburg, May 20. 1838,
SApARATUS, Glauber Salti; Epsom salts, tor
sale 'at tho , .
uncap ueami emporium.
To the Distressed & Afflicted!
And Family Drug JJhrehouse.
"The poormarlls riches tile rich man's bliss."
THE subscriber would respectfully announce to
his friends and the public that ho has opened
a general assortment of
Drugs Si Medicines,
at his Drug and Chemical btoro in Bloomsburg
and that he will be happy to supply the wants o,
jhosowho may give him
a call. Among lus as-
sorttncut are
Aqua Amonid;
Aqua pepper,
Arsenic white
Mustard1 . .
Muriate of Tin
Nippcl Shields
do Shells
Opoiteldoc liquid
.do Steeta
ilills Germaii
Iiadix Calcicdm
do Senega Sttako
, do Squills
Besin plaster
Slcci Pdiydir
StoJcn bitters
Stone yellow
do rottcrl
do black
Sand paper sordlrj
Solution of tin
Spt. Eather Sulph.
do Niter Eather
do HarUhoruC
Vials all kinds
Wafers red and black
Wjridow Glass all Sorts
Sandct Salts
Cologne Water
Black Ivcry
do. yellow
Aqua FortW
Blue Moss
Block Tin
Barley pealed
Bronze white
do yellow
Carb Ammonia
Crab's eyes
Draggon's blood
Gum Assafcctidd
do. Opium
do. Aloes
do. Arabic
da Barbadocs Aloes
Gurn Copal
. do Myrrh
lloree I.anco
Isinglass Russia
T.nmn tll'-ii'lr
r '
Allspice', Black Pepfler, Red Pepper
Iron Host:
Bloombuig, May 19, 1838.
AS jdsl received tho Spring Fiishions from
Philadelphia, and is ready to mako nil kinds
of garments in tho newest aiid mtfet fashionable
Bloomsburg, May 5, 1838.
BENGAL Indigo; Spanish do. Vcrdigrics, blue
Vitrial; White do, for sale cheap mid good, at
tno uloomsburg ate House, by ,,
iLUE SMALT2, White Frds'tlrlg, Iceland
I Moss for consumptive People; Sl-cars, Com
mon, Spanish and Half Spanish; and a thousand
herartlclcs too tedious to mention, for sale it
Tobias1 Health Emporium'.
White ,(aimn Iff lilbcriryy
Dr. Weaver's tVorm Tea and Saliie.
KSnHE action of this Medicine is not onlv to ex-
B pel Wdrnis, but by i(s tonic powers, to' pre
vent a return of them, by removing tho weak state
of the digestive organs on wlilch their piodiittion
marnly depends. For sale by
I i ''A . .
Health l5mp'5rtum, Bloomsburg,
A certain cure for letters, ringwdrms. pimples on
. tlffe face, and outer cutaneous eruptions.
ASKIOr . , ,
Tobias Health Emporium, Bhomsbu'r,
Ensured Btrhh OiSn;
TO TtlE PUBLIC. ,, ,
THROUGH a lineerinp; nnd irremedia-
le descate. mv healtli at leneth became bo
impaired, that I became unable to attend Uj
all lie renuirGmnntR nf mv official ditties.-
By ( p'ersuation of my numerous friends,
1 consented ayast to keep an npotiiccary,
thinking it would bti the most becoming, ea
siest for me to engag'c,itat tho present time;
andslnco (or while) 1 nave established a
shop;. I would.hnmbly solicit the support of
my friends nriu thejiuhlic in general' &!.&c
count of my groat aickVicss. , And cspx'clal
ly, would I request the merchants of this
piaec, to give me an possioiccnancu ui sell
ing those articles belonging to my lino of
business, for which they may receive my
sincere thanks. A few articles only which
are to bo found in my Health Emporium
ard advertised. Thcro will be kept a con
stant supply of such articles as may bo call-
ml .ah. i ... i i .i t. .. .. .. .. ....ii rhmnn nn
UL1 1U1, IMIl 1 UUiUtUC, a ItUl oiniuiu mu
made for such as I not in possession of
rn'mcdialo prcparatibn will be niaue in oruer
to obtain them.
Further, do I earnestly invite Physicians
f this place and its vicinity, to give mo a
uj, aa 1 intend to sell very leasonaulc.
There will be kept constantly on hand,
all kinds of Medicines, Patent and others,
warranted to be genuine, All kinds of
Paints, Glass, Dye-stuff, &c. &c. Also a
variety of Cotiiectiqnarics, liaisons, Nuts,
Hcrrihg, Sugar and Water GracKers, dr
anges, Lemons, Flggs, Prunes) Perfume
ries, &c. &c. All articles in tho Health
Empbrium, I intend to sell cheaper than
thcV can ho liniiithl nt nnv other nlaco in the
b'ounty. Youi Fliend and well wisher.
, D. S TO IS IAS. ,
Health EmpoHuni.Bloomsburg Sept. 22
Vegetable Anil-Bilious Pills.
These pills arc found to be a most certain and rtf-
fcctuul preventive of fever, ianndico bilious, and oth
er cholics, and indeed, of all diseases caused by oli-
struction or all'ections of the stomach, liver spleen,
or intestines. For liver atld stomach complaints and
,l . 1 .1 -.1 . 1 I I. -
ail uisi-uscs cuiiiit-rii-ii iiiprcwiiu, such ua iivpotuun
dries, hybtcrici', ilist'epma or iiuliffcstiKn, loss of ap
petite, headache, giddiness, and lor lever and ague,
these pills aro a sure preventitive- Also, for salt
rhclime. I hey cleanse the stomach, remove there
from ill vitiated biles purify and refine tho blood'.
Does a person feel a loss Of appetite and a bad taste
.i-U .i. .1. .. I.!... r .u ' . 1, f.....
id uiu luuuiu, viiu u iuuuue.-s ui iiiu muiiiuuu, u iuv
doses of these pills arc sure to remove all such difli
ciilties, speedily set matters to right. Heaviness,
diill, sleepy and sluggish inaction, with or without
a yellowness of complexion, thrse pills will surely
and speedily remove all such ailments, nnd timely
use of these pills may prevent the occurrence of
any such formidable disease.
Also Hawleys vegetable Salve, known throuch-
out the Union. This salvo when Used has a pecu
liar quality;, in reviving an actipit of the atl'cctcd
pdrts; by softening and opening the pores, and creat
ing perspiration, reducing fever &c. H dsolyes,
'cxti'eis. nnd entirely prevents the blood from sctllinii
ij .li- ii 1. r I i i ..i. l
in liiu nesu ui uruiei-s, or wouruis, 01 nny uesenp-
tion, and is a sure preventive ot mortilicatinn, nnd
may bo made use of fur cuts, sores, burns, rheuma
tism, pain in the bark, breast br.sidc.
The above articled for sale, by
1); S. TOBIAS, Agent.
BlborhSbtirg; October 13.
The Victory Woi'i;
FTER long, tedious, and expensive expert
mcnt, Dr. Lcidy has discovered a method
whcicby the virtue of the Sareumrilla is extracted.
so as to bo formed into Pills without 'deitroying its
innumerable attempts nave been made to accom
plish this infportant obicct, but nil failed. It is im
portant, hechisc the Sursaparilla, as amedicine,n
all diseases to which mankind is subject is nroduct.
lie murercut guou, iiiuu mo wuoio caiuioguo 01
C..I 1 .1 ...1 1 . -i p
ineuicine in use.
Ask all rcspectablo physicians tho question,-
' What is the most effectual purifier of the blood, and
the most popular medicine used
thcv will nnswei
unanimously, bursapanlla;
What bettbr recom
mcnuation can be asked i
Price, Twenty-five Cents a Box.
They must surely command a preference, for they
aro not composed of Sarsaparilla alone, but contain,
in n concedtr'uted state, in tht form of it pill, tho
virtues of the principal ingredients contained in tho
compound fluid, extracts, syrups, and oilier prepara
tions oi oarsaparma. ,
Thcv are Iilnhlv recommended bv ritimornii nliv.
siciaiis, olid others, (seo directions ardund each bot-
tlo) m
Rheumatic Aficctio'hs,
Ulce-ous sores of the ho'sb
Schrofula Erysipelas,
Jaundice, Heartburn
Discnsesoftlie Livcr,skin
bones mid glands.
Pain of the sides', along
the back and spine o-
throat and body,
ocaiy irruptions and
blotches of the 6kin.
Dry and watery pimples
and pc'sltiiifis' of tlie
lace and body.
Tetter and rincworms;
vcr the region ot the
heart nnd stomach.
Inward fevers, bad tasto
in the mouth,foul breath
Flatulency, Indigestion.
Sour eructations and acid
ities of the stomach.
Swellings and hardening
of tho glands of lho
neck, in tho groins,
breast. &c.
Stomach Coughs,
Liver complaint.
Want of appetite:
and all tho whole train of diseases resulting from
impurity of the blood, constitutional diseases pro-
uuecu ny .iicrcur-. or oincr minerals, or tho conse
quenco of SypKiln , Lues Venereal, &c.
For convenience of taking, as well as making but
smau puik, ucing in uat square boxes, convenient
lor carrying in tno pocltct or ipr travelling purposes,
im-y uiuh ub iircierauiD iu an omcr preparations 0
For sale. Wholesale and Ilctaif nt t)r. T.i,lv',
HealthEmporium, 2nd ficarVine btrcet.Pfijladelphia,
For sale by H S. TO'llIAS.
OIL of stood White, do. red,, black, sweet, Ca'g
tor and all other kinds of Oils, for sal at
1 obias's Health Emporium.
TAIS0N8, nllkinda ofCandics, Bock candy
jLmi muuui iiu, uruiigva, rigs, I runes, J,
iiiuiu utv. qcc etc, wr uuo.ny
Commencing with theJuiyNumberfbrl838.
good opportdnitv for nkw sunscniBEns, .
The afges( and Cheapest, Periodical in
V. TtltSt.J C.,i..'
Now publishing in Monthly Numbers.
, j,
The proprietors have much pleasure in annntihc-
nn to the reading public, the complete success which
Ilia oil.. n,!,1 ,.,l,i:l,n,.,l !' !.! T I .
success far beyond their utmost expectations, and
considerably exceeding the prosperity of any other
publication in America, The daily increasing sub
scription list, And THR MC.ME110UH C0MMENIUI1T JtO-
Ticts ui! tjik rnss, attest tho merits and the popu
arity bf the Gtptlcman's Magazine, each number
of which cont'ains
Hfforb Ori'ihal Matter
than anv other monthly n'ubii'cation'. The
contents embrace a fertile range oV.amnsjng
and instructive subjects, byia'uihor& ofqele
brity. Original Tales of powerful interest;
Humorous una Giaphic delineations of men
raid manners; Novel skctclies of Foreign
lands; roetry ; Characteristic Studies; Es
says on popular sebjucls, and Biographical
notices of celebrated Eccenliic persons, with
many original Ahccdoteoi Tho new pub
lications are reviewed in full ) Liberal cx-
iiuuia uiu iiiuuii 110111 rare ami vamauic
works presenting a complete accduiit of
tnc ...
An Original Copy-right Song, ilol otherViso
to bo obtained, will be given, with the
music, in everv number.
The, Gentleman's Magazine contains Seventy-two,
cxtVa-sized Octava paces, cf two colufnns each, form
ing, at tho close bf tho year, two large volumns of
one thousand, seven hundred and twenty-eight col
umns each coliiiilh contains more than an octavo
page of average proportion, and cacli monthly num
ber has more reading matter than a volume of a
novel. The work is ncatlytirintcd, on good paper,
and Btiched in a neat colored cover. Several Engrav
ings will Leaven in tho course of the year, and tho
proprietors plcdgo tlicmscvcs to producan agreeable
Imok--an epitome ofLifc's ddjuuetives a Literary
Melange, possessing Variety to suit all palates, nnd
Kiillieicnt to cotrimdnd"n place upon tho parlor table
. r .1 r it . 1. it.', i . . . .
ui ouijr ui'iuiuiuuii 111 uiu uiiiieu cuiies.
Of Grctit Novelty nnd Utility, is introduced into
1110 voiunio commencing itic present year, viz.
Or Monthly Calender of American Chronology,
Exhibiting Correct Dates of the Births and Deaths
of Eminent men, Land and Sea Fichts, Treaties,
bxtruordinary and J)lcmorabIo Events, and other
matters connected with
k tub msTony or amf.iiici: ,
The rillnesS and aciinicv of tliis Chrd'rio
which ha3 been complied fit creat expense of time
&labor renders it a valuable addition to the pages of
ti, niC, r.,n4;'n 'pi.;.., :i .... ,i..
IIIU D .l(.L,fc..,. .iiviu .a iiu Uilll.1
Calender li!;e it in existence.
TEIIMS Three Dollars per annum,
nnvnlilp in ndvanefil
I J .. U, . ,
All letters, postago paid; addressed to Charles
Alexander. Athenians Buildings Frnnkhn P.lacc,
I'hiladt-ipma, will meet with the earliest uttention.
ONE b'ciicr in the known worid, for salo at
tho cheap Ward House, by
TOBIAS in Bloomsburg,
LACK INK, Red Ink, Blue Ink, Durable Ink
i lor sale nt Uio cheap Health Enponum, by
Evans'' Camniomile Pills;
Warilntcd to be genuine.
Anderwri's Pills, &. all other kinds bf Pills
Fly Stone, to kill Files With.
Fish Seed, to calcli fisil willi.
SpungC3, for salo at
TOBIAS Health Emporium.
MOKED HERRING, Sugar crackcrs.and Wa-
ttr cracKcrs, lor sale by
I) SfTOI'.IAS. Bloomsbure
ift tho First Saturllay tn .Itigust will be
f .uiiiiu ,uv ,no. ituiuuiJi ui UIU" 11
I rtl,ll,cln,l 111. v,. -f .1.-
SPIRIT OI TB TIMES," which will
bo made up from tllo best pou-ricir, articles of tho
willic'ndcr it n complete Family Ncwfp'aper. suita-
ii. r. . . , i , ... t
. , , utui in
duced to tins undertaking from tho constant request
inauu io us ny our country triends, to furnMi t
newspaper calculated for circulation among tho far-
iiirntaiiu YuoiiianiT oi ino interior ot the state. Be
licyihgsuch a paper might prove nn important mix
ot the anproaching election for a change of rule
... .... ..........,,,,., u B jutWUril Willi 1110
puhhentlon, expecting to receive a liberal support
from tho Democracy of the Kcycstone state.
The Weekly Sjilrlt of'flio Times" will be
in ,nn pnminnnwM ih nr. ai.nii r i . ... .
printed with good tyjie,, upon a handsome doubh
medium sheet, ami. Will be furnished to singlo sub
scribera at 5N!0 lior.I.JUlS per annuin-
oue dollar payable invariably hi advance.
. blubs or individual wishing the paper, cah' hav
It lor ono year at the following rates:
cjx copies lor - - $10 00
$5 00
1 1 1 1 r ( i , l-. r n nn
. And proportionate fcductldn for d' larger num
vvt ui iuuies.
Persons wishing to .subscribe, are requested
urnish their names forthwith, (postago paid) to i
publishers, in Philadelphia. .
ANDREWS. MK.A nrcrt X. titt snr t
JCySiibscriplibns received at this office
run o7i jir
PJoomiburg, Juno 23 1838,;
uauy npiru w me rimca,-; and sliall also con
tain Tho latest Forcisn rind Domestic Intelll
Interesting Miscellaneous Gli-ahings, 'Pules, Poetry.
lm,lnn IULl)..ri. .llill ...if ...... "
For a weekly newspaper to bo iiubli.died nt r?oli,u
bus, Ll7crno county, Pa., under tho name of th
To. satisfy a Very tmturnl rnnnirv ! ,1,. -
- - -r 1 'j limits oi
thoso .who may be about to become tl)c patrpjis of &
new yf mimnmnnit oi ,uic Kind imre .contcmplstal
.,1. l. f... ..,!.!-, V
,1& .
bo. rccorrhlscd by tho Editor. r th nlai.r,,.! ,
which the, political principles of tho,.REl'ORTEH
will bo bascd.i' ifhe prominent mensiit-oa nt a..
dnistration of Gfjneral Jackson, will fuid a ready
cfenco im the columns nf oni tianor .,!
National Adpiinistration, will find in our columns
Tliouuli we slinll at all times nim ni a t. .
coumc, yet wo shall never shrink from an unequivo-
' " " l'"-"f iiuws upon t in
eat topic which may at any time agitate our cottrl
Tub Rr.roirrr.n will be of the size of Durlm.i
country papers. The first ininilmr will l,: 5
soon as n sufiicicnt number of subBcrilicrs Minll la
oVtmncd to.warrant the undertaking. To fucilitato
mis,uujef;i, mcry pcrbon noiuing a stihsenption pa-
Alii. Bl IJoll'lllllll. Tilirnrfii, r,n ' 1A. ,1... Art. t
.. . . ' "u -H 01
October, 183d.
TWO DOLLARS ner. nnniim . nav.1,1. aW1
annually on the delivery of tho first paper, nnd if riot
paid within tho year, invariably, Two Dollars and
v yir vems win uecnargcu. Subscribers willplcsss
detiguate the Post-Oflico or place lo which their pa
pers shall be forwarded.
TT T ex
rHlHESK pili-i have obtained a celebrity pcu'r-'
ja ing most diseases to which tho human system
is liable, unexampled in the history of the hlilini
art. 1 hey expel by tho action of tho stomach' and
and bowls, all.bad houioyn from tho Blond, cau'stflff
afreo circulation of Alio flui'da, and restores a sound
stale of health.
i he thousands who use Arid, recommend them, is
proof positive of their extraordinary and bcm-lir'to
The subscriber has received ihc.appointmcnt of
Agent, for thebaic of Dr. Uraiidcth's Pills in
Dloonishnrir. Nnnn ik. .
i-i . , ""1b-"jii"i .inn iuu onarea lur
sale, without a certificate of appointment signed by
.... r. ll.1'K"i- urancn urctn,
general agent) and no certificate is ever given, US
tliobo engaged in tho Drug business.
Bldomsbdrg Aug. 1-t 1836. Jyi7
. ILadics lodir at Uii
ILT Book Boxes, Silk do. Paper do. Gilt
M,.I'ia.ncy d0, cUt 5- IfIain ti"- Indies'
WUXPS. Gilt Thlmliln. im. x, i....... m.. .
scall kinds of femtlling Bottles, very handsome'
Breast Pins, Ear rings .Finger rings, Pomatum,
bnuirDoxes, Hair Bru,iles, Pocket combs-, Lead
TOBIAS' Health Einpotium.
JVill you be so land as to look at this!!
Ulia Wuc; Flake White; OxolioAcvd
for salo at tho Health Emporium by
JTAROH, Smiir Beans, Sand Pnperof all kind:
ISptnts Terpentine. Onrnn nr.,,i,r,i ni,...i...
lor fick people freh supply for sale at the Htalth
r?trirtrmirll 1 T I ....... t 1
ERCURIAL oSritmciiL Snlnl,,,r .U Bi 1
do. Percineilatn iln. I?o,l .i rn.....
-.-7 - - -I uu. lOIUI
bmetic do. anil all nihrr L-!n,la n:-. t..
oalo at Hie Health Emponum, by
D. S. TOBIAS, t'n Bloomsburg
10 LUSHING POWDER, to clean and poljeri
-.. u i.itm,, ,iu jiorse z'owdcr, lor
sale at the cheap Drli store, in Bloomsburg! by
ETTERS of Administration having been"
' rxrnntcil llllnn tho eat.-iln. hF AUl,.m 7n:...i
I ",m. - . , , ' I J' AkllliO-
dec d. of 1- ishiiig Creek township, jUplumbia coun
ty. All persons indebted to said estate, aro reques
ted to mnko immediate payment, afiil all persons
having demands against said rotate, must present
them lo the subscribers, duly attested, or be barred
ccordillg to law.
Fishing breck Juno 23, 1833.5 Ejcccuvn.
Gentlemen" and Ladies come and look at
the handsome
BEARS nt t.s
" - i W Mi AJ
TRENCH doublo rcctified.and eceritcd with &i
L' Otto of Rose, for salo at
Tobias's Health Emporium.
(1 T.JI n Trn TKrn e 1 1
t.ut-u.tMr,ISUt;U by Doct, WjUon as i
; certain cure for Kheumatism, Also'.
Rcccommcndcd by Doct. Davis, of Philadslph'is,'
for the following cpmplaints .Rheumatism, WW
ness and btifl'ncss of tho Joints, &c For salo at
Tobias' Health Emporium, Bldonnburgl
OlL of Spmce, for rtlakinrr Sprucg Beor;
Extract of Sarsaparilla. Tooth Powder.
SprftUla. EmeVy. Castel Soap. Larly'
Soap io Wash. Distilled Verdigrie:
Oil ofSoap, for taking out of cloths SpoU,'
btaihs, Grease, &c. All for salo at
Tobias' Health Emporium.
For I Veak and Inlamed Eies. Also
EYE-WATER, for sore, weak ami inflamed syce!
recommended by some of tho bout plii sieiuMW
Philadelphia. For salo at the
Cheap Health Emporium,
D. S; TOBIAS; hi JAobmibfrgl
, n mu w ii uiu iuuucai icaiurej of thia
wo linhesitalinetv answer, tlio .i - , . .
: thd.'nrincinlca of 'l'linmn',ii