The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 10, 1838, Image 1

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i t. . t S ii'' , rt ; n ' i , . . T . 1. 1 :
I liavo sworn upon the Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Wind, of Mail." Thomas Jcflereon.
Volume It. ' feliOOMSiSijiiGJ-, COLUMBIA boVNTT, i?A. SATIIXtllAY ffdlHESaiBER 10, 1838.
Number 39.
nmiifro nn rmrt Titt arnnn Alt
urriun w r iiiu iuiuuvjulii
f 1 ')
tE&MS : , ..,
published every Aatfaday morning, at
.TWO D OLL4R.S per "annum, payable
half yearly in advarf.e, or) Two Dollars
, Fifty Cents, if not paid within tilt year.
'No .suuscripfionw'itl e taken for a shorter
ftyriout(iqn sip mom nsj, nor any mcon
tXr.uanc.eJpermittetU iinlU'all arrearages
are discharged.
'ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a
square will be conspicuously inserted at
tOnc Dollar for Jhe first thrcc.inscrtions,
tand Twenty-five cents fpr every subse
quent nsertion $pA liberal (discount
made to those wfio advertise by fiie year.
'LETTERS, addrisiid oh business, VlUSt
be post paid.
'A Mriutivk otiie pennsyl-
iT.he follpwing, narrative, sc'o.t last winter
Vi Congfpssaccompajniieil by a petition for
lieation by a cliMinpiisbeu member of the
Bouse of representatives. , . .
That an old soldier who remembers when
ns Susquehanna was the western frontier
of our country should be still living-, and a
ble to Write so stirring and account of his
rematkatilo adventures, is matter for curious
refraction. ,We aro assured that lie is en
tirely worthy of credence, and that the
, .whole story fa ..true. The language we
hare merely altered, a little in its grammar
and, spelling, lt,(is 'with pleasure we re
tard that the old veteran's Application for a
pension was succes'sful.Jcf. Library.
Narrative if Lieilienant Moses Fpn Cam
pen during the 'Jar of the Revolution.
v My first service was in trie year 1777,
when I served three months under Col.
John Kelly, who, stationed us at Big Isle,
on the west branch of the Susquehanna.
Nothing particular transpired during that
tjno,and in March, 1778, 1 was appointed
liautsnant of a comnanv of six-mnnths
men. Shortly afterwards, I was ordered
,by Col. Samuel Hunter to proceed with a
boutWenty men to Fishing Creek',, (w)iich
empties into the north branch of tKe Sus
quehanna abovt twenty miles from North
umberlatyd.and to build a fort about three
relies from its mouth, for the, reception of
the inhabitants in case of art alarm from the
Indians. In May, my fort being, nearly
completed our spies discovered a large par
ty of Indians making their way towards the
fort. The, neighboring residents had bare
ly time to fly , to tfic.fprtfor protection, leav
ing their goods tieliitid'. t The Indians soon
made their appearance', and Having plunder
led and burnt the houses, attacked the fort,
keepinga steady fire upon us during the
day. At night they withdrew, burning and
destroying ever; thing in their route. , "What
loss thoy sustained w.c 'could npt ascertain,
as tney carried ol all the dead and woun
ded, though, from the marks of blood oil the
.ground it must have be'eil considerable.
The inhabitants that took slieUer n the fort
liad built a yard for their cattle at the head
"of a erapll flat at a short distance from the
fort, andne evening in the month of June,
jtiat as they were milking them, my senti
nel called my 'attention to some mov'eirient
In the brush, whidh I soon discovered to be
Indians-, making their way to the cattle
yard. There was no time to bo lost; I im
mediately selected ten of my sharpshooters,
and duller cover of it rise of land,got between
them 2'rid,.the milkers, On ascendeng the
ridge wo found ourselves within pistol-shot
J)f therrii I fired first, and killed the leader,
tut a .volley from my men did no further
execution, the Indians running off at once.
In the mean time, .the milk pails flew in
'every direction, and the best, runner got to
Jhe fort first. As the Season .advanced,
Indian hostilities increased; And ndtwith-
fyroroJcbnstarilv out, houses were burnt and
families rHilrtlercd. Iii the summet of 1778
'occurred the great massacro of Wyotning,
after which the .governors of Connecticut,
New Yorkand Perihsyljrania petitioned con
gress to adopt speedy measures for the pro
tection of the western frdritic'rj which sub
ject was referred to a conimitteo of con
gress and GenerM Washington1. The com
mittee recommended that the war sljoiild bo
'carried into the enemy's country and a com-
Jiany of rangers raised for the defence of
the trnntier. in 1770 Uen. Sullivan was
lent with an army into their country. The
irovisions for the supply of the army were
mrchased in the settlements along the wa
rs of the Susquehanna, and deposited in
store-houses, I was appointed under the
iitle of quarter-master, to superintend this
bdiiiicss, and about tile middlo of July, by
Means of boats, (jiad collected all the pro
visions at Wyomingj, where Gen.. Sulliyan
.with his army lay waiting for them. About
the jast of July our army moved for Tioga
JloVtit, while a fleet of boats ascended,, the
rjypr parallel with. the army!,, We reached
there early, in August, where, we halteu for
Gen. Clinton, to join us with his brigade,
winch cai'ne b,y the way of the Mohawk
river, and. so fn.t'd Lake Otsego. During
this time tfio Indians, wore collecting incon
siderable frce at ?i).)ndian village about
miles distant As they became very trouble
some neighbours, Gen. Sullivan contempla
ted a,n attack upou them, biwished to as
ceraTn their,, oumbers(,and s(tu'ation, and se
le'cte'cj me for that dangerous, '.enterprise. I
prepared mysejf an Jijdian dress", breech
cloth, Icggius, and mocasins. My cap had
a good supply of feathers, and being paint
ed in style. I set off with one man(llres
sed in the sa'ijie manner. , 'lcft the camp
after dark, and proceeded with much c'aa
tion until we came to the Chemung, which
we. suppossed would be strongly guarded'.
We ascending the mountain.'j crossed over
it, and .came in. view of th'pir fire., vhen
haing descended the hill, we waited quiet
ly uptil they lay down and got to sleep.-
Ve tl)en walked, round their camp, counted
the tijes, and theumber of Indians at some
of the fires', tVius .'formed an estimate of
their nunibei,. which-1 . took to be about six
or seven hundred. . l.yeturnejl, and having
made my report tp(J)ie general early ljext
morning, I went to my tc)t",. spread down
my blanket, and Itaij.a. relfresliing sleep'.
In the afternoon Major, Aflam Hooper, one
of Iho general's aids, requested mo to wait
upon the general, which l obeypd. Th.o
latter requested, as I had learrit tfie, ivay.,to
Chemung, lhat I would lead the advance',
he having selected Gen. Samuel Hand, of
the Pennsylvania line, to make them a visit
with eleven hundred men. I accepted the
the . rervicc, and we took, up our line of
march after sundown. When, we came to
the Pf arrows I halted", according to order,
unn tn'q, main bodyi c;ime up", when the
general ordered us (to enter the Narrhvs,
obscrving,"Soldierstciit yotir, way tl'irougli,''
We did so, tand entered the Indian, village
and ca"qin at. day-b'reak, but found that the
birds had flown. We halted a few minutes
for our men to refresh', apt fire to their vil
lage, and having discovered from their trail
that they had gone up the river, followed it
about two miles. Hero our patji lay up a
narrow ridge, called Hogback Hill, which
we remarked seemed formed by nature for
an Indian ambuscade. Accordingly", every
eye was fixed on the hill, and as we began
to ascend, we saw the bushes tremble, and
immediately rifles were presented' and we
received a deadly fire' by which sixteen or
seventeen of the advance were killed or
wounded. We that .stood sprang unUer
cover of the bank, and for a moment reserv
ed our fire. Six or seven stout fellows
rushed out with tomahawk aii'd knife to kill
and scalp our comrades It was ii' our
turn to fire: every ehot counted one!,, they
fell. Gerj". Hand now came on at "quick
step, advanced within a few. rpds of themi
and ordered hitmen to fire and. then charge
them at. ho point of the bayonet; they wpre
soon routefl artel put to fligjjt. We return
ed with bur dead and wounded the same
night to our former camrK Wo had nil
further opportunity of corning to a brush
with them) until wo were joined by our
whole force under tien. Clintqii, We were
opposed by the enemy's whole force, con
sisting of Indians, British, and Tories, to
whom we gave battle a little below New
town Point, dur loss was trilling.
On the return of,, the army I was taken
with the camp fever; ( and was rcrrloyed to
the for J which I had b'uilt in '78, where my
father was still living. In the course qf
the winter I recovered my health, and my
father's .house having; been burnt in '78 by
tho party which attacked the before-mentioned
fort, rny father ..requested me to' go
with him and a younger brother to our farm,
about four miles distant,, to make prepara
tions for building another;, and raising some
grain. But little apprehension was enter
tained of molestations from the Indians this
season, as they had been so completely
routed the year before. Wo lcf the .fort
about the last of March, accompanied by
my uncle and his son, about twelve .years
did, afju o'rie Peter Pence. Wo had been
on our farms about four orfiive days, wh'en
on the niorning of tho 30th of March, iyp
were surprised, by a party of ten Indians.'-
My father was ldriged through with a war
spear; his throat was cut and ho was scalp
ed, while my brother Was tomahawked,'
scalped; $trtd thrown in,tp the fire before my
eyes. While I was.s(ruggling with a war
rior, the fellow who had killed my father,
drdw his spear from liis body and mado a
violent thrust at me. J, shrunk from the
spear, and the savage wjio had hold of mo
turned it with his hand so that it only pene
trated, ray vest and shirt. They were then
gatisfisd with taking mo prisoner, as they
had tho same-morning taken my uncle's lit
tle son and Pence, though llicy killed my
uneje. The same party, before they reach
ed U3, had touched on the lower settlements
of Wyoming, and killed a, Mr. llpspn, and
took a boy prisoner of tho name of Rogers.
,Ve :vere now marched oft" tip Fishing
Ci;eek,. and in tho afternoon of the same
day we,.came to Huntingdon, where. the In
dians found four white men at a sugar camp,
who fortunately discovered tho Indians and
fled to,, a house;- the Indians only fired on
lhpni..and wounded a Capt. Ransom, when
they, continued their course, till night. Hav
ing phcamped and made Iheir fire, we, tho
prisdtjcrs,. were tied and well secured, five
Indians lying on one side of us and five on
the other; in the morning they pursued their
course, and,' .leaving, the waters of Fishing
Creek, touched, the head quarters of Hem
lock Creek, were ! they found-one Abraham
Pike, his wife and cjihd. Pjke was .made
prisoner, but his wife and .rhild they paint
ed and told .logo, squdwj go home. They
continued their course that day,, and en?
patjiped the same night in the same manner
as the previous. It came into ,my mind
that sonjcfjnies individuals perforrjic'd won
dcrrulfactinnaand surmounted the, greatest
dangers. J then decided these felloymust
die; and thought of the plan to despatch
tlic.m. - I -i
,The n,cxt day I liad an opportunity to
communicate my plan tqjpy fellow-prisoners;,
they .treated, it as a visidlary scheme for
thrca men, to attempt to despatch ten Indi
ans. , J spread before them the. , advantages
that three menvould have over ten when a
slecp; fc tiiat wq.would be the, first prisoners
that would betaken into (heir .towns, and
vdlages after our army had destroyed .their
cqrn, that we should be, tied to the stalfp
andsuffyr aprue) death;, (wc had now. tin
inch of rouml to fiirlit nn. nnil if u-fi fnilpil
It would only be .dcath.and we miirh'tas well
die one wpy as another. ,,'J' passed
away, andjiavh'g.cncnmpcd for the night,
we lay as before. In the morning we
came to the rlvc! ; and saw .their canoes;
thev had descended-itho river and run their
canoes up Little TuhLmnouk Creek, so
caucu; uiey crosseu me jivqr(anu sp; ineir
canoes adrift. I renewed my, suggestions
to rn.y companions to - despatch lem that
night, and urged that they must decide,, the
question. They agreed to mafte the trial;
but Jiow shqil wo do it was the queslib'n.
Disarm them and each take a tomahawk
and come to clos.o.Vqrk at once. There
are three, of 'us; plapt, our blows with judge
ment and .three limes, thrpo will mako nine,
and the tepth one, we can k.ill at our leisure.
They agreed to chsarm them afid,( after that
one take possession of, tho guns and fire at
the one side of tho four,, and the othpj two
take tomahawks on the .other side&dc.spatuh
thcm.I observed that would fie a an uncertain
way; tho first shot fired wouid discijver it to
bo the prisoners, ahd might defeat us, I
had to yield to their plan. Peter Pence was
chosen to fire the guns, Pike tind myself
to tomahawk; we cut and carried plenty of
wood to give them ja good fire;(the prisoners
were.tiqd and laid in. their places after I ujas
laid down, one of lhem had occasion to .use
(lis knife; he at rqy feet; I turned
my foot over it, and concealed it they all lay
down and fell asleep , Abdijt midnight I
got up and found them in sound sleep. I
slipppd to Pence who rose; I .cut him loose;
and lianded turn thp.unife; he did the, samo
for rhc, and I in turn took the knife and cut
Piko Joose; in a miiuite we disarmed them.
Pence took his statibn at tho guns. Piko
and myself with dur tomakawks tdpk our
stations;! was tQ, kill three on the right wing,
and Pike two on, the left, That moment
Pike's ,two awpke, and ,wcre getting up;
hero Pike proved a coward, and laid down.
Jt was a critical moment. Isa,v
tlniei t.o be lost; their Heads', turned fair; I
despatched them in a irlomentj -and turnc.d
to my lot as per agreement, and as I a
bout to despatch th,oIast.on my side, of
the fire, Penco he shot, and. did good exe
cution; there was pnly ono at the ofl wing
that his ball did not reach; ,jis name was
Mohawkc, a stout, hold daring fellow. , In
the alarm hbjumped oft" about three rod1,
from the firp;, ho saw itwas the prisoners
that mado the attack., and giving the war
whoop, ho darted to take possession of the
guns; I was as quick, to prevent him: the
contest, was then between hint and myself,
as I raised my tomahawk, he turned quick
to jump from me; I foljqwpd him struck ,at
him, but missing his liead, my tomahawk
stuck in his shoulder, or rather the hacc of
his neck; ho pitched forward and fell, a,t th,e
same time my foot slipped, and I fell by Ils
side; we clinched; his arm was naked; hfi
caught me around my neck, at th.esapie
time I caught him with my left arm around
the body, and gave hjm a elosq hug, at. the
samo time feeling for his knife, but could
not reach it.
In our senile my tpmahaw.k dropped out.
My head was under the wounded shoulder,;
and almost suffocated mo with his blood. I
made a violent spring, and broke from his
hold; w.p both rosp,,at tlip.sanp time,,anil he
ran.j it took mp ?pme time, lo clear the blood
from, my eyes; nVy,tnmaha,w,l,.,got .icovercd
up and, I could notJind itin tirpo to overtake
lum; ho was the only one of the prartv lhat
cspaped. Pike was np,werjc$s. I always
have had a deference for Christian, devotion.
Pike was trying to pray, and Pence swear;
ing at him, charging him with., cowardice,
and saying it was no time to pray )c ought
to fight; we were masters of lho.groqpd, and
in possesion .of all their gunB,.tblankct9,
match coals, fec. I then turned m,y atten
tion to scalping them, and recovering the
scalps of my father, brother, and osiers, I
strung them all on my belt for safe keeping
We kept our ground till morning, and built
a raft, it being the bank of the river
where they had enqamped, about fifteen
nules below Tioga Pojnt; we got all oui
pluudcr on it, and sctsn;l for Wyoming, the
nearest settlement. Our, raft gave way,
when we made for land, bdl we lost consid
erable property, though wp, saved our guns
and ammunilion, and took Jo land; we reach
ed Vyalusing late in the. -afternoon. Came
to the .narrows; discovers a spiokp helotv,
.-,.'! . r. i . .1. -1 I . -k 1
anu a.ran lying ai inenorc, uy.wnicn wjc
were certain that a party of Indians had
passed us in the course of, the day, and halted-for
the niht. There was no.alternativc
for, us I) ut to rout them or go over the moun
tain; the snow on uie north side of the hill
was deep; wp.knev from tho appearance qf
t'io raft that thc.narty must, he small; wc
hid two rifles each; mv only fear was of
Pike's cowardice. To know tho worst of
it wo agreed that I should- ascertain their
number and give the signal for the attack; I
crept down tho side of the hill, so near as
lo see their fires and back, but saw no Indi
ans. I concluded they had gone hunting-
Ipr meat, and that this was a good opportu
fjify for us to make off with, their the
.opposite side of the river! 1 1 .1 gave, the
signal; they came and threw their packs on
to the raft, which.was made .of small, dry
pine timber; with.poles and,,, paddles wfe
drpvp her briskly across the river, and had
got nearly out of reach of shot, when two
o",'thcm came in, they fired, their shots did
no .lniurv: we soon irot under cover of an
island,- and went several miles; we;had wai
ded deep,, creeks through the . day, the
night was cold; we landed on an island and
found a sink hole m which we made our
m afhjr, warmin( were alarmed by a
cracking in the crust; Pike supposed the In
dians had.gpt on.lo the island, and was for
calling for quarters; to keep, him quiet we
threatened him with his life;, the stepping
grew plainer, and qcqnicd coming directly
to the fire; I kept a watch, and aopn a noble
racoon came under the light, l.shot t he
raccon, when Pike jumped up pnd .called
out, "Quarters, gentlemen, "i took my
gamo by tho leg and threw it down jto the
fjre, "Here, vou cowardly rascol," I cried.
"skjn that and givs us a roast for supper,','
The next night we reached Wyoming, and
there was much joy to see us; wo rested
one day, and. it being not sale to go to iNortn
umberiandib.y land, wc procured a canoe,
and with Pence and lyiy little cousin, we de
scended the river by(night we came to Fort
Jenkins bofore day, where I found Col. Kel
ly and about one hdndred mqn, e,hcampcd
out of the fort, he. pame acroi from the
west branch, by the .heads of Chihsquaque
to Fishing Creek, the end of the Nob Moup
tain, so called at that day, where mv fathor
and brother were killed; he had buried
my father and unclcj my brother was burnt
a small part of him -.only was to bo found,
pol. Kelly informed me lhat my mother lind
lier children were in the fort, and it wjns
thought that I was killed likevyUp. Col.
Kelly went into tho fort to piepare.ji,er mind
to, sec me ;,I took oT, my belt of.scaips and
handed thctp to an officer to keep! Human
nature was, not suflicient to stand, the inter
view. Slfe had just lpst a husband and a
son, and- one had returned, to tako her by,
the hand; and one tobi that she supposed
wasijsilled; . -,., ; , , , ,,, ,
i The day after, I went to Sunbury, where
I wrs received with joy; my scalps werq
exhibited, the cannon were fired, ifec. , Jler
fore my rqlurn a commission had been sent
me as ensign of a ppmpany tq b command
ed by Capt, .Thomas Robinsont this
Iitmdprstood, a part of the qnb't11,,vhiuh
Pennsylvania had to raise for the continent
tal line. . .Ope Joseph Alexandfar was com
missioned as lieutenant, but did not accopt
his comissioiu, Tho sunimcjr of 1780 vas
spent in the recruiting service ourcompany
was organised, and was retained for the de
fence o,f the frontier service j In February
1787, 1 was promoted to a lieutenancy, and
entered upon thp activq duty of an officer
by heading scoqts and as Capt. Robison
was no woodsman not; marksman, ho pro
ferred that I should encounter the danger
and head the scouts, wo kqpt up a constant
chain of scouts around the frontier settle
ments, faom the north tq the west branoji
of the Susquehatmaf by the way of tho
head TVators .of Little Fishing Creek, Chilis-"
quaquo, &,M un,cy, &c, In tho pring of
1781 wo built, a, fort dn .the widow. Mc
Clure's plantatatipn called JSi'Ohira'fl fort
where our provisions, wpre, stored In tho
summer of 1781 a man, was taken, prisoner
in.Juflalo Va,llcy, hut his escape; ho
came in and, reported there werc,;ibout three
I I , !.,!-.. r, ' . . . . ,
nu;igreu inoians on oinnemanoning, nuni
ing and laying in a store of provisions, aii4
would make a descent on the frontiers; that
they would divide into BmaU parties, and
attack ,the wholo chain of tho frontiers at
the same time on the same day. Cjal. jfjam
uel Hunter selected a company q!" f'v-5 torct
connoitrc; viz: Capt.. Carnpbell( Vetor and
Rlichaci Groves, Lieut. Cjamerand myself;
the paily was called the. Grove party. Wo
carried with us three week's provisions, and,
proceeded up tho w.est, branch . with much
cauljon and care; we rr-achcd-.tilp Slnncma
honing, but mado no discovery . pxpept old
tracks; we marchpd up the Sinncmahnping
so fr that we wcrfysatisfied it was a falrfo
report. Wc returned, and a little below
the Sihnemahoning, neap night, we discovv
ered a smoke; we wore Confident it was a
party of Indians, which we must have pass-,
ed by or thqy got there sorrie other way; wo
disr,pverd tharc was a large patty, how ma
ny we could nb'l tell, but prepared for tin at
tack.,. As soon fls., it was dark,,, we new.
primed our ri(lcs,('aharpencd our flints, ex?
amined jour, tpinaia.'.vkjhan(!s',. nncj all bc
ing ready we, waited; with great jmpalicncc
and till Cliey all lay down; llie. lime, came,
and.,wit)i the .utmost s'iICjIIcb: wo, advanced,
traijed.qur rifles ip one han'd and the toma
hawk in .the other.. . . M, oij,,., ,(-'
The night was warm, wc found some of
them rolled in their blankets a rod or two
from the fires. amongst, them r
we first handled our tomahawk; jiheyrnse,
like a dark cloud; wc now tried our s'.iota,
and raised the war-yell; they took Id light
jn the utmost confusion, but few takinglime
tp pick. l)p their rifles. Wc remained mas-:
tors ,dfi.the ground and a their plunder,
and took several scalps. It was & parly of
twenlyTfive or,, thirty, .which had been ss
low down as Perm's .replc, arid had kiltsd
and scalped two or three.faipiljes), v,d,found
several scalps of difTeritt.agcp ,wriicltlrhcy;
had taken, and a4large,,quahtityiqf,dnbc9Ji(s
cloth, v.Jiich wc Kfarried p Norlljv.mbfjrlan
and gavo,to the distressed whp(had.p!icaped
the tomahawk and knife..,) In'8U
our company, was ordered to Lancaster; wo
descended tlie.rh'cr jn boats to Middletown,
whore ourordern wer3 couuter.manded,fc wc
were ordered to Reading,, .Berks counryj
where we were joined by a part of the third
and fifth Pennsylvania regiments, tand' a
company of the Ccngresss tegiment. ..Wo
took charge of tho Hessians taken with
(eni Burgpynci'In ihe latter part of March,
at ti)c,.op.cning,of the campaign of 1782,
we. were, ordered by Cq'pgresu to our respeci
live stations. ,. I marched Rqhlson's' .compa
ny, tpNqrlhumberlAud, whe,rcjMr Thomaq
RhambefA joined us, who, -iiad hcen..recent-:
ij, commissioned as an-ensigrimof ,oi'r com-;
pany. Wejialted at Northtirhberlwld two
or three d,ayst for,pur men to wash an rest;
from tliencp FJnijign phambprs .andnv?elfr .
were ordered to M,uncy, Samuel , Yf'jHia'a
plantation, there ,o make a stand. andjrq-:
build Fort Muncy, whioh had des.
troyed by the enemy. -Vfe, reached that
station and built a small block-hon.fc qr;,tho
storage of our provisions; about the lOth or
1 1th of April, Capt. Robison came on. with
Esquire Culbertson, James Dougherty;
Yjiham M'Grady, and a Mr. Barklcyj'l
was ordered to.selpct twenty or twenty-fivo
men with Ucse gentlemen, and to proceed
up the West.Brdriph to'lhq llig IslantJ, and
thence up tlie Bald Eaglp., Crqcki.ito the
place whore a lifr, Culferlso had , been,
kil,ed. On the 15th of April, at, nigbti wo
rca'cjied the pjacej and encamped for thq
night; on the morning of the J Oth wo werq
attacked by eighly-five Indians,, It ,,-as a
liard-fought Rattle; Esquire Culherlsnn, anil
two others rqs'dc their escape; I think, wo
had nine kjlled, and p'et rest of us were
made prisp'uers. . We. were all stripped, of
our clothing excepting our pantaldcxns..
Whpn JJieK look,yi. shirt thej. liscov
my cainmjssion, ,w.a,s WtitU-n on,parchment!
and, .qarried. in a, silk case 'iu!5' with w
ribbon in my bosom; scver-il got Jiold o(
it; and one fellow- cut , the ribbon with his
knifo, and succeeded in. obtaining it., They
took us a little distancA (rom, the . Rattle
ground, made thp prisoners .sit down in a
&ippliiijg, Ihe Indians farming another a-;
round us in close order, pach ayjlh his.riflo
and tomahawk in his hand!. ) They brought f
up five Indians wp had killed, and laid them'
within their circle., ..Each on,Q refleplptl for.
himself; our tirae.wuld brobably be short,
and respecting myself, looking back to lhv
year'80 andlhp party had' lAp"
uiscovprei t he that person my case wnuldf
bp a hard -ono, Tlipir prophet or chief
warrior made a speech; as I was informed,
afterwards by the British lieu t e n ajn. tjisv
belonged to tho fiarty, he wat4onsuliin0