The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 03, 1838, Image 4

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I EADER. if you have n cough or cold beware
V&j of their consequences. Cold' generally pro-
iluco imperceptibly, and insinuate themselves
throughout Iho human system, finally settling upon
'tho lung?, fend ending in consumption.
How often is youth cut down when least expect
d by tho consumption, nnd followed to their graves
"by parents who nro in a measUro the causo of their
premature death, in neglecting to remedy colds when
existing in childhood, looking upon thorn as trilling
affections, and not attracting their notico until tho
destroyer has commenced its work und made sure
of its victim. This is not a fanciful representation,
for daily numerous instances occur which prove tho
In manhood, colds terminate in the same way, but
do not piogress so rapidly as in youth; they should,
however, in both youth and manhood, bo early nt
tendon to, and not regarded as trifling affections,
for it is a delusivo idea that has shortened the lives
6f thousands.
(PriccJFifty cents per Bottle,)
Ja an invaluablo preparation, discovered by 4 rcgu
lar and celebrated Gorman physician, who has cm
ployed it upward of fifty years in his own practice
in Germany, throughout which country it has bccti
during that time most extensively and successfully
employed iu Coughs, Colds, Cataarhs; Asthmas,
Whooping Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Tain of the
Breast and Sides, all affections of tho Breast and
Lumra. and arrest of approaching; Consumption.
Much may be said in praise of the above medicine,
hut newspaper advertising being too expensive, eve
Yv satisfactory evidence will bo found in all its ef
fects upon trial, as well as numerous recommenda--.
-. tt
lions accompanying luu uuuuuuilf. uyvwuuo u
7000 bottles wcro sold in Philadelphia alone dur
ing the last winter, a convincing proof of its efficacy
or so largo a quantity would never have been sold.
Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr.
Lcidy's Health Emporium, 2d street, below Vine,
Wo. 101. . .
D. S. TOBIAS, Agent.
Bloomsburg, May 26, 183S. Iy5.
) EADER, did you ever sec a confirmed Dys
L peptic, and learn his suffcrincs'? If not, suf
lice it to say, ho is a pale, thin .and ghastly looking
object, his life apparently hanging by a thread ; ho
is mucrablo and unhappy, his sufferings indiscriba-
Are you much troubled with flatulency, costivc
ness, sour eructations arising from your stomach,
occasional want of appetite, walcrbidsh, a bad taste
In your mouth, or foul breath, pain or a heaviness
ntyour stdmacli, sickness after eating, headache, dis
gust et your once favorite food, Stv. If yon arc
much troubled with any of the foregoing symptoms,
bring before you tho picturo of tho Dyspeptic, and
having resolved to remedy tno couseuncnccs, un
Mediately procuro
A never failingand efficacious remedy for
Xnd the wholo train of affections resulting from dis
eases of tfio Liver, Stomach and Intestines.
The abova medicine is warranted free from tncr-
cury or other minoral preparations; it U composed
entirety ol vegetables, saio ana easy to taicc, Dcmg
very pleasant to the taste. It may i;o safely admin
istered to young and old, requiring but moderato rc
btrictidns ill diet only;
Numerous testimonials have been from tifflo to
Virao published; its reputation is so well known, fur
ther comment upon its virtues is unnecessary, suf
fice It to say, it has jtr.vEn fail in a sinolf.
nstasce. Further recommendations accompany
ho directions around each bottle.
rjj'Prico Ono Dollar pcrbotUc.
, Prepared and jold Wholesale and Retail at Dr.
Leidy's Health Emporium, 2d street, bcldw Vine,
No. 191.
Also Soklty
D. S. TOBIAS, Agent.
Bloomsburg, May 20. Iy5
Hate been performed in this city; and
throughout the country.
DEING a cdncentralcd fluid extract of Sarspa-
rilla, combined with other vegetable extracts,
which renders it as a medicine of exeat utility in the
euro of all diseases arising from the impurities of
jnt blooa trom indiscretions and imprudcnotes in
life, and constitutional discascsformcd or produced
by the injudicious use of mercury, arecnic, bark, or
quinine. In short, it Is un invaluable remedy for all
Rheumatic Affections, General Debility, Ulcerous
Sores', Wlilte Swellings, Diseases of tho Liver and
Skin, Ulcerated sore throat, Ulcers of tho Nose, Co
ties of tho diseases" of the Bones, Scrofula or King's
Evil, Erysipelas or St, Anthony's Fire, und all un
bleasant and dangerous affections consequent to
'Syphilis, Lucas Venereal, &.
So effectual has this medicine been in tho cure of
various diseases for which it is recommended, that
it is far eupCrcedii'ig ol! other preparations of Sarspa
jilla, Panacea Arc
It is now employed by numerous physician and
has bfeit introduced by them into many hospitals,
nfirmanc!!, &c. throughout tho United States.
It is a preparation of greater rtrength (conco
quently of grciter efficacy) than Sivy oilier extract
I iow made, is also much cheaper, being but one dol
lar por bottle; which is sufficient to make ono Ual-
ion of Syrup, df Sarsparilla, and iK bought by dif
ercnt druggUU for that purpose.
Niifilerous certificate have been reccleed and
published from time to time, -but in ooiwequonoc of
Iho great expenso attending newspaper publication
of them, the most incredulous can bo convinced of
the rrlperior efficacy of Dr. Leidy' medicated Sar
narilla. by cdllitii: at " Leidv'd Health Emporium."
No. 191, $orth second etree, lielow Vinfe, sign of
ft Oohlen hflglo and SerpenU) where certificate
und referenda con be given to hundreds of instances
bf the most remartauie cures eter pcrturmw by any
Prepared Only arid cold VhoIek ind ReUul at
l)r. i.eidy iiwiuu tmipoTlum, su irt, boldw
. . . D...S, TOBIAS.
Bkjow!Vurg,JilnoS,gi838. ,. ,
'5.51 PVtm,T..V, For sale at
Vtbim'' Dmgg Store inDloomtburg.
Threshing Machine
THE sulwcnbera respectfully inform the publi
in general, that tlicy have erected the abovc
men oucd establishment for all kinds of'
to order; and also to JXanufaiUtre TJIUVSIT
r.Vff Jl.lCIlf.VSiti and I'tUl'MllI'K
JIOHSi: l'OWJUHSt oil of which they will
)nnko of the befct of materials, and in tho most work
manlike manner, and will disposo of them on rea
sonable terms.
I.. II. MAUS&Co.
Bloomsburg, May 10, 1338. !
VERY rcipcctfully informs his friends and tho
public, that ho has always on hand, at his Li
very Stable in Bloomsburg, for tho purposes of Hiro
or Exchange, a variety of
Horses, Sulkies,
which ho will feel gratified to kocp iu readiness for
the accommodation of customers.
Personal application ran bomado tit his residence,
when every moans will bo used to render entiro sat
isfaction to those who may give him a call.
Bloomsburg, May 20, 1839,
(AI.ARATUS, Glauber Salti, Epsom silts, for
) sale at tho
Cheap Health Emporium.
To llic Distressed & Afflicted!
And Family Drug Warehouse.
"Tho poor man'3 riches tho rich man's bliss."
HE subscriber would respectfully announce to
his friends and tho public that ho has opened
a general assortment of
Drugs & SSedicines,
at his Drug and Chcmicol Storo in Bloomsburg
and that he will be happy to supply tho wants o,
those who may givo him a call. Amoiig his as
sortment are :
Aipaa Amonia,
Aqua pepper,
Arsenic white
do. yellow)
Aqua Foitis
Blue MaM
Block Tin
Barley pealed
Muriate of Tin
Nippcl Shields
do Shells
Opodeldoc liquid
do Steers
Fills German
Guininc "
Itadix Calcicum
do Senega Snalto
do .Squills
Begin plaster
Steel Powder
Stoden bitters'
Stono yellow
do rotten
do black
Sand paper sordto
Solution of tin
Spt. Eatlier Sulph.
do Niter Bather
. do Hartehorno
Vials all kinds
Wafers red and black
Window Glasa all sorts
Whiting 1
Sandet Salts
Cologne Water
Black Ivcry
Horax ,
Bronze white
do yellow
Carb Ammonia
Crab's eyes
Draggon8 blood
Gum Assafoctida
do. Opium
do. Aloes
do. Arabic
do Barbadocs Aloes
Camphor ,
Gum Copal
do Myrrll
Horse Lance
UinglaW Russia
Lamp black
Iron Host.
Black Pepper, Red Pepper,
Bloomburg, May 19, 1838.
SWA8 just received the Spring Fashions from
jg Philadelphia, and is ready to ' make nil kinds
ot garments in
tho newest and most fashionable
Bloomsburg, May 0
SHbENGAL Tndigo: Rpanish do. Vordiaries. blue
HjilVitrial; White do. for rale cheap and good, at
Jie uioDmsDUrg waro House, by
TjUB SMALTZ, fWhito Frosting, Iceland
Moss for consumptive People; Seirara, Com
mon, Spanish and Half Spanish; and a thoutand
uemrticles tdo tedious to tasntion, for sale at
Tobiai1 Health Emporium:
White 'talima Mulberry,
J)r. IVeitver's Worm Tea ami Salve.
rgpiHE action of thin Medieino is not onlv to ox.
H pel Worms., but by its tonic nowerc. to mo
vent a return of them', by removing ahe weak stnte
of the digestive organs on which their inoduction
moijuy uppenqs. r or wig uy
Health Emporium, Bloonuburg,
A certain euro for tetters, ringworms, pimulw on
the face, and otlier outanetfua eruptions.-
J oman
' IlealUt Emporium, flioomburg,
A T;T. irTMlVe. Atf' ' ' "'..
ExeeTjtotl at this diiite; ' ;
THROUGH a lingerinE nnd irrclTictlirt-
Wo ilcscasc, my health at length became so
impaired, that I bei'amo miablo to attend to
all tho rcqtiircmpniB of my official duties.
,1 . . -
ny porsuuiion oi my numerous uieuus,
I consented at last to keep nn npothecary,
thinking it would bo tho most becoming, ea
siest for mo to cnpinc in at tho prcsont time;
and since (or while) 1 huvo crualilishetl a
lion, I would humbly solicit tho support of
my friends and the public in general, on ac
count of my great sickness. And espec'tal-
wonlil 1 renncst the merchants ot tins
place, to give tnc all possible chanco of soli
um those articles hcloneiiip; to my lino of
business, for which they may receive my
sincere thanks.. A few articles only which
are to be found in my Health Emporium
arc advertised. Thero will bo kept a con
stant supply of such articles as may bo call
ed for; but i por chance, a call should be
made for such as I am not in possession of
immediate preparation will bo made in order
to obtain them.
Further, do I earnestly invito Physicians
of this place and its vicinity, to give me a
call, aa I intend to sell very reasonable.
There will be kept constantly on hand,
all kinds of Medicines, Patent and others,
arrantcd to be genuine, All kinds of
aints, Glass, Dye-stud', &c. &c. Also a
arietv of Confectionaries, Raisons, Nuts,
Herring-, Sugar and Water Oracicers, Or-
nges, Lcmons, Figgs, Prunes, 1'crlume-
nes, &c. &c. All articles in tno lioattn
Emporium, I intend to sell cheaper than
icy can bo bought at any other place m tno
ounty. Youi Friend and well wisher.
Health Emporium,Bloomsburg Sept. 22
Vegetable Anti-Bilious Pills.
These pills ore found to bo n most certain and af-
fectual preventive of fe.ver, ianndicc bilious, ami oth
er cholicf", and indeed, of all diseases caused by ob
struction or affections of tho stomach, Hyp r spleen,
or intestines. For liver and stomach complaints and
all diseases connected therewith, such as hypocuon
drics, hysterics, dispepsia or indigestion, loss of ap
petite, hoadaebe, giddiness, and for fever and ague,
thoso pilfa are u sure preventitive- Also, for salt
rheume. They cleauso the stomach, remove there
from all vitiated biles purify and refine tho blood.
Docs a person iccla loss of oppelito and a bad taste
in tho mouth, with a faintness of the stomach, n, few
dosos of those pills arc sure to remove all such diffi
culties, speedily set matters to richt. Ileavinoss.
dull, sleepy and sluggish inaction, with or without
yellowness ot complexion, theto pills will surely
nd speedily relnovo all such nihncnls, and timely
uso ol these pills may prevent the occurrence ol
any such formidable disease.
Also Hawlcy s Vegetable halve, known through
out tho Union. This salvo when used has a pecu
liar quality in reviving an action of the affected
parts, by softening and opening the pores and creat
ing perspiration, reducing fever &c. It dsolvcs,
expels, and entirely prevents the blood from fettling
In tho lleali oi bruises, or wdunds, of any desenp-
nun, uitu is u sum preventive oi moriiiicauon, anu
may bo made uso of for cuts, sores, burns, rheuina
tism, pain in tho back, breast or nide.
I lie above articles for sale by
D. S. TOBIAS, Agent.
Blonmsburfr, October 13.
The Victory Wojs,
fl r ItiK long, tedious, ami expensive cxperi
Sl.ment, Dr. Loidy has discovered a method
whoroby tho virtue of the Sarsaparilla is extracted,
so as to bo formed into PilU without destroying Us
Innumerable attempts havo been mado to accom
plish this important object, but all failed. It is hn-
portant, because Me Sarsapurilla, as a Medicine, in
all diseases to which mankind is subject h product-
ive of more real good, than tho wholo catalogue of
Ak all respectable physicians tho auestion.
' What is the moat effectual purifier of tho blood, and
tno most popular medicine usedl" they will answer
unanimously, Scrsupartlla, What Ucttcr rccoui
mendation can bb asked 1
Price, Twenty-five Cents a Box.
Tlie.y must surely command a preference, for they
aro not composed of Sanaparllla alone, but contain,
in n concentrated stnte, irt the Jorm of a pill, tho
virtu w ofthe principal ingredients contained in tho
compound fluid, extract, syrups, and othor prepara
tions oi oarsaparma.
Thoy are highly recommonded by numerous phy
sicians, and others, (eco directions around each hot-
tie) tn
Rheumatic Affections,
Sehrofula Erysipelas,
Jaundice, Heartburn
Diseases ofthe Livor,skin
bones and glands.
Pain of tho sides, along
the hack and opine n
vcr the nigion of the
Ulce-oue sores of tho nose
throat and body.
Scaly Eruptions and
blotohos of tho skin
Dry and watory pimples
and pestulea of the
. face and body.
Totter and rinsworms,
heart and stomach.
Inward fevers, had taste
in the mouth.foul breath
Flatulency, Indigestion.
Sour eructation and acid
ities of tho stomach.
Swellings and hardening
ofthe glandc of the
nock, in tho groins.
breast. Arc.
Stomach Uouglif,
Liver complaint.
Want of appetite.
and all tho whole tram ot diseases resulting from
impurity ofthe blood, contitutional dUease pro
duced by Mercury, or other minerals, or tho conso
mienee of Syphilii, Luc Venereal, itc.
For convenience- of taking, as well as making but
small nunc, neiuc in Hat gqnaro boxes, convenient
for carrying in the pocket or for travelling purposes,
they must be preferablo to all other preparations of
For sale, "Wholesale and Retail it Dr. Leidv'.
HeaUhEmporium, Snd noarVino stroet.PhlUdclphia,
Jor sale by D. S. TOBIAS,
IL of tono White, du. red, Uaek, weet, Ca
wr anu au otuer iunu ot uiii, tor aal at
Tobias's Health Emporium.
TOJAISQNS, iilkimk ofp(idJJ,ioelc candy
,L,W "W m iow. unuwi, rip, lTutjat, I,
Commercing with tlicJiilyNumber forl8.18'
a coon orroimiNiTY ron new sunscnmnn3.
The Largest and Cheapest Periodical in
the Unilcil States.
GRNTiiEMAws Magazine,
rillTKl) 11 V WILLIAM T.. J1UHTON, rlllLAIILLtlUA.
Now publishing in Monthly Numbers.
Tho proprietors have much pleasure in announc
ing to the reading public, tho complete sueeoss which
has attended tho establishment of this Magalino-
n success far beyond their utmost expectations, nnd
considerably exceeding tho prosperity of any other
publication in America. 1 lie daily increasing sub
scription list, find THE XVMHIIOUB COMMLJfllAHY NO
TICES or tiik rnss, attufct the merits and tho popu-
ority of tho Gentleman's Magazine, each number
of which contains
More $$i'igfcfinl Matter ..
iah any other monthly publication! The
contents embrace a fertile range of amusing
and instructive subjects, by authors ol cele
brity. Original Tales of powerful interest;
Humorous and Giaphic delineations of men
and manners; Novel sketches of Foreign
anus; Toetry ; unaractcristie Studies; Es
says on popular sebjucts, and Biographical
notices of celebrated Ececntiic persons, with
manv original Anecdotes. 1 ho new pub
lications are reviewed in full ; Liberal ex
tracts arc mado from rare and valuable
works presenting a comnleto account of
All Original Copy -right Song, not otherwise
to be obtained, will ho given, with thu
music, in every number.
ThnGcntleman's Magazino contains Pcvcntv-two,'
extra-sired Octava pages, cf two columns each, form
ing, at the closo of the year, two large volumns of
ono thousand, seven hundred nnd twenty-eight col
umns each column contains moro than an octavo
pago of average propoition, and each monthly nunv
ucr nas more roaaing matter than a volume ot a
novel. Tho work is noatlyprintcd, on good paper,
anu slicilcu m a neat rolorcu cover. Several Encrrav-
ings will be given in fhc.course of the year, and tho
proprietors pledgo themselves to producan agrecablo
book an epitome ofLife's odiuuetives a Literary
Melange, possessing variety to suit all palates, and
sufficient to command a placo upon the parloi tablo
oi every ucntlemnu in tno united rotates.
Of Great Novelty and Utility, is introduced into
tho volumo commencing the present yoar, viz.
Or Monthly Calender of American Chronology,
Exhibiting Correct Dates ofthe Births and Deaths
of Eminent men, Land and Sea Fights, Treaties,
Lxtraprdinary and Mcmorablo Events, and other
matters connected with
The fulnoss and acuracy of thU Chronoloav.
which has been complied at great expense of time
&labor renders it a valuable addition to the pages of
tho Gentleman's Mactazinc. Thero is no other
Calender like it in existence.
TERMS Three Dollars per annum!
payable in advance.
All letters, postage paid; addressed to Charles
Alexander. Athenians Buildincrs Franklin Place.
Philadelphia, will meet with the earliest attention.
ONE better in the known world, for ualo at
Iho cheap Waro House, by
TOBIAS in Bloomsburg.
LACK INK, Red Ink, Bluo Ink, Durable Ink
for sale at tho cheap Health Enporium, by
Evatis' Cammomilc Pills,
Wararitcd to bo genuine.
Andcnoii's Pills, &,all other kinds of Pills.
Fly Stone, to Itill Flies with.
Fish Seed, to catch fish with.
Spunges, for sale at
TOBIAS' Health Emporium.
MOKED HERRING, Sugar cj-ackcra,ana Wa
tcr trackers, for sale by
T) S. TOBIAS, i niooimhunx.
BN tho First Saturday in .7uttat will bo
V published the first number of tho" IVUP.ft.
I.Y SP1MT OF THE TI3IKS," which will
bo mado up from tho liost ror.mcAt orticles of tho
daily " Spirit of the Tlmra." mid
tain l tie latest oreign and Domcslie Intelligence;
Interesting MisccllaiicousGleiiningH.Talo, Poetry!
Amusing Police Reports, and such other matter as
win Lanier u a complete r amily iNewspaper, suita
ble for tdl, classes of persons. Wo have been in
duced to IIiU undertaking from tho constatit request
made to us by our country friends, to furnish a
newspaper calcuUrd for circulation among the far
mers and yeomanry of the interior ofthe Mate. Bo
lieving such a paper might prove an important anx.
lhary to secure the success of Dmnoeratic principles
at the approaching election for a change of rulers
in the commonwealth, we shall go forward with the
publication, expecting to receive a liberal support
fiom the Democracv of the Keyextono Male;
The "Weekly Spirit of the Times" will be
printed with good typo, upon a handsome doublo
medium-sheet, and will be furnished to single sub
scribers at Tiro ltorjlHS per annum
one dollar payable invariably in advance.
Clubs or individuals wishing the paper, can havo
it for one year at the following rates:
Six copies for - - - $10 00
Fiftqon ..... 05 0o
. F,my 950 00
And a proportionato reduction for a larger num
ber of copies.
Persons wishing -to subscribe, are requested to
urnwh their name forthwith, (postage liidlto die
publishers, i Philadelphia. " 8 1 U'6
C7Sitbscripiiona received at this office.
FOR'S AH m' -
D. Si-TrJlJlASAgciit.
Blooirubnrg, June US, 18U8.,
For a weekly newspaper to be published at Colum
bus, Luzcnio county, Pa., under tho name of Ufe
To satisfy n very natural enquiry in the mind of
those who may bo about to become the patrons of
new establishment of tho kind hero contemplated
viz: What aro to bo tho politiccd fcalurr .,r .i.:l
jmin iiuiiuamiu.igiy answer, llio most purtlv
democratic; tho principles of Thomas Jefferson win
hn rrrftfrnlsnd Inf ihn "Rililnr. na tUn V '
, - -J MUX
defenco im the columns of our paper, and present
National Administration, will find in our columns
as ready nn advocacy.
Though wo shall at all times aim at a temperate
course, yet wo shall never shrink from an unequivo
cal pud foarlesa expression of our ,viowB upon i10
great topics which may at any time pgitauj 0Ur court
try. 1
The Rr.rdiiTEn will bo of tho siz'o or ourlarrrest
country papers. Tho first number will hoijaucd as
soon as n sufficient number of subscribers (hall ha
obtained to warrant tho undertaking. T0 facii;tatQ
this object, every person holding a subscription pa.
per is rcpucsted to moko return to UUFU8 BA'
CON, at Columbus, Luzcrno co., by the "5th
October, 103S. , 1
TWO DOLLARS per' nunum,, payable semf.
annually on the'delivory of tho 'first paper, and if not
paid within the year, invariably, Two Dollars and
Fifty Cents will be charged. Subscribers will plcass
designate the Post-Oflico or placo to which their pi
pers shall bo forwarded.
Dr. Brandreth's
rraHESE pills have obtained n celebrity for cur
il mg most diseases to which the human system
is liable, unexampled in tho history of the hoalin
art They expel by tho action of tho stomach and
and bowls, all bad humours from the Jlhwd, causing
a free circulation of tho fluids, and restores a sound
stalo of health. m
Tho thousands wlio uso and recommend them 13
proof positive of their extraordinary and beneficial
The subscriber has received the appointment of
Agent, for tho salo of Dr. Hramlcth's lms m
Hloomshnrjr. None are frenninn tl, . n-..i t ...
sale, without a ccrtificato of appointme it signc.l by
iiiu proprietor and countersigned by llrunch Grew
general agent; and no ccrtificato is ever civen to
thoso engaged in tho Drug business. '
. , , J- R. MOYER.
Bloomsburg Aug. H 1838. iy17
Kailics look al Hits
UjI JJook Boxes, Silk do. IWr,l r.n.
xiuuus. i' anp.v nut .in .i: .1 t .
Vaxos, Gilt Thimbles. IInnt Xr t..,m tv.- .
sos an wnd3 of Smelling Bottles, very' handsomcj
s. ?1"3' ,Lar linger rings, Pomatum
i t 7 , 1 rusacs.' 1 ockct combs, LcaJ
Pencils, black and red; for sale at
TOBIAS' Health Emporium.
Will you be so kind us to look at ihh'.h
WHITE Glue; Flake White; (HalicAciJ
for sale at the Health Emporium w
2). S. TOBIAS.
. V "i1 ujiiiui un Unas,
bpintslerpentinc, Cocda prepared Chocolate
lor .nek pcoplo A frrsh supply for sale at the Hcjllh
t4mponuin in Bloomsburg, by .
EROURIAL Ointment.
uo. I'crcincdalo do. TioA (,ntr;n i
i. uct c uo. nna an otucr kinds of Ointments, foi
sale at the Health Emporium, by
TT 77- . . -I wvust uu. A atUl 1
D. S. TOBIAS, in Bloomsbur?.
POLISHING POWDER, to clean and poliA
all lands of Metal, and Hnr.-.
.uuw ujo luvup viugsiotc, 111 IJIoomsburg, by
of Administralion 1 v!nrr Um
Granted upon lhn psfnin nf Air.,i,a,n
uecu. ot r isliing Oreek township, Qolumoia coun
ty. AM persons indebted to said estate, aro remit
u-'u to mauo immediate payment, and all pcrsoa
having demands against toid estato mustprMtl
n tiinl-n imtnn,1!.4. 1 1 it '
mem to tlic subscnbtre, duly attested, or be land
wmuiiig iu law.
l ishmg Creek June S3, 1833.1
gentlemen and Ladies come and lookis
the handsome
RENCH double rectifiod.and scented witht
Tobias's Health Emporium.
EOOOMMENDED by Doct, W.hon iu
r certain cure for Kheumatism. Alio,
T ... -. ' j
for the following complaints ., i
"n, ,u,,M'"nof io J oints, &c. For sale t 1
Tobias' Health Emporium, Btoomsbu4
IL of Snrnno. fnr mnl.
I VlMnl PCJ !, ... . . I
ui arsparuia. 'j'ootli I'owii'r.-i
bpatuta. Emory. Oastel Sonji. LiM
x uini ooap to wash. Distilled VcnnH
wu oi ooap, jor takineoutofc otlis r?ol
stains, Greago, &c, All lor sMo st
Tobias' Health LmporiM-
JintlTl WP1VUDIO wtrn n it VT
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1WE.WATBR, fcr eoru, weak mid ii, ' - if,
PWladaJrdila. ,Fakjttttho '
Ckeetp Health Emporium,
D. S. TOBIAS, in BloMtt""
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