The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 27, 1838, Image 4

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    Km EADER, if you h.ivo a coilgli or cold beware
M&i of their consequences. Colds generally pro
duce imperceptibly, anil insinuate themselves
inrongiiout the hunyui pyslem, nnany seining upon
the lungs, and ending in consumption.
a ivonn to rAiusftrg.
How often is youth cut down when least expect
c3 by the consumption, and followed to their graves
by parents who are in n measure tho causo of their
premature death, in neglecting to remedy colds when
existing in childhood, looking upon them as trifling
'affections, and riot attracting their notice until the
destroyer fyas commenced its work and mndo "suro
of its victim. J Ins is not a funcmu representation,
'for daily numerous instances occur which provo the
. In manhood colds terminate In tho snmc way, hut
'do not progress so rapidly as in youth; they should)
Jiowevcr, in both youth and manhood, bo early at
tenden to, and .not regarded as trifling affections,
for it is a delusive idea that has shortened the lives
of thousands.
(PriccJFifly cents per Dottle,)
X an invaluable preparation, discovered by a rcgu
lar and celebrated German physician, who lias cm
.ployed it upwards of fifty years A his own practice
in Germany, throughout which country it(has been
'during that time most extensively and successfully
'employed in Coughs, Colds, Cataarhs: Asthmas,
"Whooping Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain of the
JJrcast and Oleics, all atlections of the Ureas t and
liungs, and arrest 01 npproacnmg Consumption.
Much may be said in praise of the above medicine,
but nowspapcr advertising being too expensive, eve
ry satisfactory evidence will bo found in all its ef
fects upon trial, as well as numerous recommenda
tions accompanying the directions. Upwards o
7000 bottles wero sold in Pliilajjclphia alone dur
ing tho last winter, a convincing proof of its efficacy
or so large a quantity would never have been sold.
Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr.
Xcidy's Health Emroriunl, Sd street, ficlow Vine,
Tfo. 19U , ,.
D. S. TOBIAS, Agent.
Bloomsburg, May 20, 1838. Iy5.
I EADER, did you ever sec a confirmed Dys
L peptic, and learn his suflcrinusl If not, suf
rice It to say. he is a nalc. thin and chastlv lnnliinir
bbjoct, his ljfe apparently hanging by a thread; ho
,1s miserablo and Unhappy, his sufferings iudiscriba
blc. Are you much troubled with flatulency, costivc
liess, sour eructations arising from your stomach,
occasional want of appetite, watcrbiash, a bad taste
in your mouth, dr foul breath, pain or a heaviness
at your stomach, sickness after eating, Headache, dis
jgust at your orico favorite food, &c. If you are.
much troubled with any of the foregoing symptoms,
bring before you the picture of the Dyspeptic, and
having resolved to remedy the conscimcnccs, im
mediately procure
A never failing and efficacious remedy for
And tho whole train of affections resulting from dis
eases of the Liver, Stomach and Intestines.
Tho above medicine is warranted free from mcr
tury or other minoral preparations; it is composed
entirely of vegetables, safe apd easy to tike, being
very pleasant to tho ta3tc. II may bo safely admin
istered to young and old, requiring but moderate re
strictions iti diet only.
Numerous, testimonials have been from time to
time published; its reputation is so well known, fur
ther comment upon its virtues is unnecessary, suf
Instance. Further recommendations accompany
tho directions around each bottle.
(jjPrice One Qpjlar per botUc.
, Prcpired and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr.
Leidy's Health Enipdrlum, 2d street, below Vine;
No. 101.
Also Sold by .
D. S. TOBIAS, Agent.
Bjoomsburg, May 20. iy;5
Slave been performed, in this city, and
j!u...T.... jT. . - .'
uiruugnuui ie country
, , bHi LEIDY'S
EING a concentrated fluid extract of Sarspa
) rilla. combined with otlior vinin1i1n nvtriM..
which renders it as n medicine nf rrrfnt ntiliiv in ln
f ure of all diseases arising from the impurities of
tnc uuwu iroin, irjuiscreuons anu impruucncics in
life, and constitutional discascsformed or produced
uv the iniudieious use of mereurv. nrsi-niv Wlr nr
quinine. In short, it is un invaluable remedy for all
uncumauc yuiecuens, ucnerul Debility, Ulcerous
pores, White Swelling, Diseases of the Liver and
Skin. Ulcerated sorithrn!if- TTIppra nTflio "Knen fin-
ties of tho diseases of the Bones, .Scrofula or King's
uvii, Drysipeias or ot. Antnony s t m, unu all un
blessant and dangerous affections consequent to
Svnhilis. Lucas Venereal. &.
So effectual has this medicine been in the cure of
various diseases tor which it is recommended, that
it is ur superceding ail otner preparations ol Sarspa
iilla. Pandcea fzk.
. It is now employed by numerous physicians and
has been introduced by them irilo many hospitals,
nurmarics, etc. throughout tnu united states.
It ia a mennration nf irrratfr Mrpno-it, an
- - i i j . a w..0... . . .- -
rjuontly of greiter cflicacy) than riny othef extract
liow made, is also much cheaper, bbing but one dol
lar per bottle; which is sufficient to make one Gal
ion of Syrup of Ssarsparilla, and is bought by dif-
Numerous ceTtlfirnflM llnvn hfifin ronf'tvrtl nn,l
published from time to time, but In conscqu'enco of
the great expense! attending nowspapcr publication
pf them, the most incredulous can bo convinced of
ino superior emcacy oi ur. Licidy's medicated tsars
purilla, by editing at Leidy's Health Emporium,"
No. 19J,Ndrth sdcond strce, below Vino, sign of
ino uoiuen aagie anu aerppnts, wliero ccrlificatca
imd references can be given to hundreds ofiustancesf
ot the mofct remaruatuo cures ever performed by an
medicine. ,
, Prepared only and cold Wholesale and Retail at
Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, 2d street, below
Vine, NoV 01.
ii.-. i , D.S.TOBIAS.
. Bloorr-rburg, Juno 2,J18.
LD LKAT KFf.VRlJ I.l!11! r.r,S
3 PER LEAP. For .!.
Tobias1 Drugg Store in Bhoytlurg.
Threshing Kfachine
THE vubsenbers respectfully inform tho public
in general, that they have erected tho abov
men oricd establishment for all kinds of
to order; and also to Manufacture TJlitEfHT
JiV ittJICJir.VJJS and i'OllT.UU
JIOJISB 1'OU-JlItH l all. of which they will
make of the bestof materials, and in tho most work
manliko manner, nnd will dispose of them on rea
sonable terms.
L. II. MAUS & Co.
Bloomsburg.Mi.y 19, 1338. 4
rsearfrfti EXCHANGE.
VER3T respectfully informs his friends and tho
public, that lie has always on hand, at his Li
very Stabfo in Bloomsburg, for tho purposes of Hire
or Exchange, a variety of
Horses, Sulkies,
which he will feel gratified to keep in readiness for
the accommodation of customers.
Personal application can be made at his residence;
when every means will be used to render entire sat
isfaction to those who may givo him a calf.
Dloomsburg, May 26, 1838,
ALARATUS, Glauber Salts, Epsorii Salts, for
) salo at tho
Cheap Health Emporium.
'$6 the liStrcsscd & AfiHctcd!
And Family Drug Warehouse.
"The poor man's riches tho rich man's bliss."
THE subscriber would lcspcctfully announco to
his friends and the public that ho has 6pcned
a general assortment of
Brugs & Medicines,
at hiq Drug and Chemical Store in Dloomsburg
and tliat he will bo happy to supply tho wants o,
those who may givo him a call. Among his as
sortment arc :
Aqua AmoniaJ
Aqua pepper,
Arsenic white
do. ycllow
Aqua Foitis
Blue Mass
Block Tin .
Barley pealed
Borax ,
Bronze wliito
3o yellow
Carb Amriionia
Crab's eyes
Draggon's blood
Muriate of Tin
Nippcl Shields
, do Shells
Opodeldoc liquid
do Steers
Pills German
Radix Calcicnm
do Senega Snake'
do Squills
Resin plaster
Steel Powder
Stodcn bitters
Stone yellow
do rotten
do black
Sand papcr sorilto
Solution of tin
Spt. Eather Sulph.
do Niter Eather
do Hartuhomo
Vials all kinds
Wafers red and biack
Window Glass all sorts
Sandct Salts
Cologne Waler
Black Ivcry
Gum Assafcclidd
do, Opium
do. Aloes
do. Arabic
do Barbadocii Aloes
uum Copal
. do Myrtli
Horse Lance
Isinglass Russia
Lamp black
Allspice, Bl'aili Pepper, Red Pepper,
Iron Host.
Bloomburg, May 19, 1838:
STTAS just received tho Spring Fasliions from
H Philadelphia, and is ready to make ull kinds
ot garments in tho newest and moat fashionablo
Bloomsburg, May G, 1838.
OfENGAL Indigo; Spanish do. Vcrdicrics, blue
vunai; wimooo. jor sale cucap and good, at
Uio Bloomsburg
LUE SMALTZ, White Frosting, Iceland
Moss for consumptive Pconle: Sena. Com.
mou, Spanish and Half Spanish; and a thousand
nerariicies too tedious to mention, for silo at
.Tobias' Health Emporium:
White ;tnlinii Mulberry.-
tobtjis' r.irvoiitv.v,
, Dr. Weaver's Worm Tea and Salve.
fKpiIIE action of this Medicine is not only to ex-
Jli pel Worms, but by its tonic powers, to pro
vent a rcturn.of them, by removing the weak sate
of the digestive organs oa which their pioduction
mainly depends. For sale by
HeaHh Emporium, Bloombbifrg,
certain euro for tetters, ringworms, pimples, on
the face, and other cutancnna nrimii.m.
Ask for ,
Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg.
Excciltotl at this Ojllctr.
THROUGH a lingering nnd irrcmp'tlia
blc tlcscaso,, my Iicalllt at length became o
impaired, tliat I becatne unablo to attend to
all the requirements of tny official duties.
By persualion of my numerous fiien'ds,
I consented at Inst to keep an apothecary,
hinking it would bo tho most becoming, ea
siest for mo td engage in at tho present time;
and since (or while) I lfcVo established a
shop, I would humbly solicit tho support of
my menus anu the public in general, on ac
count of my great sickness'. And especial
ly, would I request tho merchants of this
place, to give me all possible chance of sell
ing ihose articles belonging to my lino df
business, for which they may receive my
sincere thanks. A few articles only which
are to bo found in my Health Emporium
are advertised. There will be kept a con
stant supply of such articles as may bo call
ed for; but i per chance, a call should be
made for such as I am ntjt in possession of
immediate preparation win ue mauc in orucr
to obtain them'.
Further, do I earnestly invito Physicians
of this place and its vicinity', to givo mo a
warranted to be genuine, All kinds of
Paints, Glass, Dyc-stufl", &c. &c. Also a
variety of Confectionaries, Raisons( Nuts,
Herring, Sugar and Water Crackers, Or
anges, Lemons, Figgs', Prunes, Perfume
ries, &c. &c. All articles in the Health
Emporium, I intend to sell cheaper than
lliey can bo bought at atiy other place in lite
county. Youi Fiiend and well wisher.
Health EmporiUrri .Bloomsburg Sept. 22
Vegetable Anti-Bilious PilW. ,
These pills are found to lie a most cerbiin and ef
fectual preventive of fever, janndicq bilious, and oth
er cholics, and indeed, of aJi dseascs caused by ob
struction or affections of the .stomach, liver spleen,
or intestines. For liver and stomach complaints and
olldiscases connected therewith, such as hypochon
dria, hysterics, dispepsia or indigestion, loss of ap
petite, headache, giddiness, and for fever and ague,
theso pills aro a suro preventitive- Also, for salt
rhcume. They cleanse the stomach, remove there
from all vitiated biles purify and refine tho blood.
Does a person feel a loss of appetite and a bad taslo
in tho mouth, with a fnintnos3 of the stomach, a few
doses of these pills are sure to remove ill such diffi
culties, speedily set matters to right. Heaviness,
dull, fle'cpy and sluggish Inaction, with or without
a yellowness of corriplcxion, theso pills will surely
and speedily remove all such ailments, and timely
u.'c of these pills liiay prevent tlic occurrence of
any such formidable disease.
Also Hawley's Vegctablo Salve, litlown through
out tho Union. This salvo when lited hag a pecur
liar quality in reviving an action of the nffectcd
parts, by softening and opening tho pores and creat
ing perspiration, ,rcducingi fever &c. It dsolvcs,
expels, and entirely prevents tho blood from settling
in tho flesh of bruises, or wounds, of any descrip
tion, and is a sure preventive of mortification, and
may be irtado uso of for cuts, sores, burns, rheuma
tism, pain in tho back, breast or side.
Tho above articles for sale by
D. S. TOBIAS, Agent.
Bloomsburg, October 13.
ffiic Victory Wont,
VTEJt long, tedious, and expensive experi
ment. T) r. T.nidv liri licwnfn.l n nntlin.l
MX. J twVil.L U Jllbllll'U
whereby tho virtue of the Sar&aparillq ia extracted,
a( na tnl.n fn-.nA !nn Dill.. ..I.'jf -. J Jt t .
. Innumerable attempts have been made to accom
plish this important object, but all failed. It is im
portant, because the Sarsaparilla, as a medicine, in
all diseases to which mankind is subject is product
ire of more real good, than tho whole catalogue of
medicine in Use.
Ask all respectable physicians tho quostia'n,
What is tho most effectual purifier of tho blood, and
thd most popular medicine Uicdl" they will answer
unanimously, Sarsaparil(a. Wlia't better rccorit.
mendation fcan bo asked t
Price, Twenty-fire Cents a iW.
They must surely command a preference, for they
aro not composed of Sarsaparilla alone, but contain,
in a concentrated state, in the form of a pill, tho
virtues of tho principal ingredients contained in tho
compound fluid, extracts, syrups, and other prepara
tions of Sarsaparilla.
They are highly recommended by numerous phy
sicians, and otlfe'rs, (seo directions around each tot-
MOJ 111
nhcumatic Affections,
Schrofula Erysipelas,
Jaundice, Heartburn
Diseases of tho Livcf,skin
bones and glands.
Pain of the sides, along
tho back and spino o
ver the region of tho
heart nnd stomach.
Inward fevers, bad taste
in themoutli.foul breath
Flatulency, Indigestion,
Sour eructations and acid
itiesof tho stomach.
Ulco-ous sores of tho nose
throat and body.
Scaly Eruptions and
.blotches or tho skin.
Ory and watery pimples
and pcstules of the
face and body.
Tetter and rirfgworms.
Swellings and hardening
of the glands of tho
neck, in tho groins,
brcaU. &c.
I Stomach Coughs,
I Liver complaint.
Want of jBppetito,
and all tllo wholo train of il
impurity of tho blood, constitutional diseases pro
duced by Mercury, or other minerals, or th6 conso
quence of Syphilii, Lues Venereal, &c.
For convenience of taking, as well as making but
small bulk, being in flat square boxes, convenient
for carrying in tho poqkct or for travelling purposes,
they must be preferable to all other preparations of
Sarsaparilla. ,
For sale, Wholesale and Itctail n' Dr. Leidy's
HealtliEmporlum, 2nd narVino street.Philadc'lphia,
For sUle by D. S. TOBIAS.
jIL of stono White, do. red, black, sweet, Cas
lu' u"u ""'i'Hniyils.lor sal at
"RTBAISONS, allkinds ofCandies, Jtock candy
W Blittll killd of Nuts, nrnnmu. Vim T,,,., T
- ' " O I - '" turn, XJU
uiuiis, &c. &c. &c, for salcby
call, aa 1 intend to sell very icasonable.
There will be kept constantly on .hand,
dll kinds of Medicines; Patent and others,
Commencing with thcJulyN timber forlS38.
a cood arpoitTusiTY founew sunsciunEns,
The Largest and Cheapest Periodical in
the United States,
Now publishing in Monthly Numbers.
Tho proprietors lmvo much pleasure in announc
ing to the reading public, tho complete success which
has attended the establishment of this Magazine
a success far beyond their utmost expectations, and
considerably exceeding tho prosperity of nny other
publication in America. Tho daily increasing sub
scription list, anil THE NUMEROUS COJlMr.KDAIir p
tices of Tiifll-nss, attest the merits and the pop'u
arity of the Gentleman's Magazine, each number
of which contains
More Original Matter
than My other montlity publication. The
contents embrace a fertile range of amusing
and instructive subjects, by authors of cele
brity. Original Talcs of powerful interest;
Humorous and Graphic delineations of men
and manners Novel sketches of Foreign
lands; Poetry ; Characteristic Studies; Es
says on popular sebjuctR, and Biographical
notices of celebrated Eccenltic persons, with
many original Anecdotes. Thd new pub
lications aro reviewed in full 5 Liberal ox
tracts aro made from rare and valuable
works presenting a complete account of
An Original Copy-right Song, not otherwise
to bo obtained, will bo given, with' tho
music, in every iiumber.
The Gentleman's Mjigazlnc contains Seventy-two,
extra-sized Octava pases, cf two columns each. form.
ing, at the close of the year, two large volumns of
uuu U1UU5UHU, seven nunurcu anu twcnty-ciglit col
umns each column contains moro than an octavo
page of average proportion, and each monthly num
ber has moro reading matter than a volume of a
novch Tho work is neatlyprintcd, on good paper,
and stiched in a neat colored cover. iS-everal Engrav
ings will bo given in the course of tho year, and tho
proprietors pledge themselves to producan agrecablo
book an epitome ofLifo's adjuncts C-a Litcrory
Melange, possessing variety to suit all palates, nnd
sufficient to command a placo upon thu parioi table
of every Gentleman in the United States.
Of Great Novelty and Utility, is introduced into
the volumo commencing tho present year, viz.
Or Monthly Calender rf American Chronology,
Exhibiting Correct Dates of the Births and Deaths
of Eminent men, Land and Sea Fights, Treaties,
Extraordinary and Mcmorablo Events, and other
matters connected with
Tho fulness and ( acuracy of this Chronology,
which has been complied at great expense of time
&Iabor renders it avaluablo addition to tho pages of
tho Gentleman's Magazine. There is no other
Calender hko it in existence.
TERMS Three Dollars per annum,
payable in advance.
All letters, postage paid; addressed to Charles
Alexander. Athenians Holdings Franklin Place,
Philadelphia, will meet with the earliest attention.
ONE better in tho known world, for silo nt
the cheap Ware House, by
TOBIAS in Bloomsburg.
"Erg LACK INK, Kpd Ink,.LiIuo Ink, Durable Ink
lO? for sale at tho cheap Health Enporium, by
Eil'ans' Cammomile Pills,
Warantcd to bo ccnuinc.
Arlderson's Pills, fe all other kinds of Pills.
Fly Stone, to kill Flics with;
Fish Seed, to catch fish with.
Spunges, for salo at
TOBIAS' health Emporium.
JMOKED HEmilNG, Sugar crackcrs,and Wa
y tcr crackers, for sale by
T) S. TOBIAS, i Bloomsburg.
OkN tho first SatunJap in .Itigusl will bo
vqj? published tho first number of tho ' WEEK.
IY HlMitrr nw Tin? i'imbc h
......, wmcii win
be made up from tho best tolitical articles of the
uuujr ,,,,1 ui me l imes,- and shall also con
tain .Tlin lllfQlPor;,,,, Tl,.i! T....1H
t ; : v.. . """ "w'uwiic imciiigcncc;
Interesting Miscellaneous Gleanings, 'J'ules, J'oetry
Amusing Police Ilcports, dnd such other matter as
will render it a complete Family Newspaper, suita
ble for nil classes of persons. Wo have been in-
uuecu to mis undertaking from tho constant request
made to us by our country friends, to furnish a
newspaper calculated for circulation among tho far
mers nnd yeomanry of tho interior of (ho state. Be
heving such a paper might prove an important aux
lliaiy to secure the success of Democratic principles
-- --- -,-r o v,.n,uu iur u ciiango oi ru ers
in 1 10 commnnu-nnllTi .1.11 r ... ..
,,,. ,. V" """" au iurwaru Willi Hie
publication, expecting to rcceivo a liberal support
trom Inn Unmnomnu r.f tr . 11
-, mo nuyuKiene state.
'lho"Wceklv Snlrlt nf d. ri..., ......
" 4iuiva Will DC
printed with good type, upon a handsome donblo
medium sheet, and will bo furnished to sincle sub
scribers at TWO IWZMJIH per onnum
0110 dollar payable invariably in advance,
Clubs or individuals wishing tho paper, can havo
it for ono year at the following rates!
csix copies lor - - - fjio 00
iultccn - - - - J $25 OQ
Forty ....... $50 0rj
, urn a proporuoiiaio redaction for a larpcr num
ber of copies.
Persons wishing to subscribe, aro ronuesiod to
SS5.i,In!!,T.&.llh' (P6taeo FWO to the
, ... im.iumu
tCySubscriplions received at this office.
D. S. TOBIASAgent.
Bloomsburg, Juno 23, 1838.,
For a weekly newspaper to be published at f'olnm.
bus, Luzerno county, Pa., under tho name of ilc
To satisfy n very nntural enquiry in the mind of
those who may bo about to becomo tho patrons of n
new establishment of tho kind here contemplated
viz: What aro to 'bo the political features of thi!
papcrl" wonnlicsilstingly ahswer, the mostpurclu
democratic; tho principles of Thomas Jefferson will
be rccqgiiiscd by the Editor, n.s the plat-form o
which tho political principles of tho REPORTER
will bo based. Tho prominent measures of the ad
ministration of General Jackson,' will find a rendv
defence im the coltfmns of our paper, and prcciit
National Administration, will lind in our column!
Though wo shall at all lirncs aim at a tcmperalo
course, yet wo shall ncVer shrink from an uncquivjr
cai anu icariess expression oi our jviews upon the
great topics which may at any time agitate our couii
The RsronTEn will be of Ihc size of our West
country papers. Tho first number will bo issued ns
soon as n sufficient number of subscribers shall bo
obtained to warrant ,bq undcrtaki'pg. 'J'o facilitate
this object, every person, holding a subscription i,a
per is rcpucsted to mako return to RUFU55 BA
CON, at Columbus, Luzerno co., by the 25tb $
October, 1838.
TWO DOLLARS per" annum,, payable FCmil
annually on tho delivery of the first paper, ond if not
puid within tho year, invariably, Tu-o Dollars and
Pifly Cents wilt be charged. Subscribers will plcass
designate tho Post-Ofiico or place to which their pa
pers shall bo forwarded.
. Sr. Brandretii's
KMHESE pills havo obtained a celebrity for cur
, JL S most diseases to which the human sysw
is liable, unexampled in the history of the hcaline
art. Piiey expel by the action of tho stomach an3
and bowls, all bad humours from tho Wood, causin
a free circulation of tho fluids, and restores asound
stato of health. u
The thousands ,wlio uso ond recommend tlicm is
Proof DOSltlVO of their nrfrfK.r.t!..,, i t. '. .
en-eels: u"u ucuc,!i1
Pho subscriber has received the appointment of
8"it, for tho salo of Dr. Kraiidcili's Piu8 :
D oamsbnrg. None aro genuine that are offered for
sale, without a certificate of appointment signed bv
I..wt..uw. unuuuuiiwrsigncu ny Jlranctt Grten
general agent; and no certificate is ever Riven to
thoso cnKaced in tho Drir busing '
m i H J R. MOYER.
Bloomsburg Aug. 14 1838. iyl7
Ratlics look at his. "
Boxes. Silk iln. Pnn .1 n:n
anCV do. rut iln. iilnl.. .! T ,
'IlItnliToa ITnnl.n .9 1,
es a kinj,of s ,,.Ilg JH h
s, n S' ,L,af ri?ss'. Fi"Kcr ri"S. Pomatum
I rushes Pocket combs, Lea
- -v..-, uuu it-u; ior salo at
TOBIAS Health Emporium.
Will you be so kind as to took' at this! I
4iiii umc; i-iakc Whitej Oxalic Acid
for sale at the Health Emporium by
'EV-FS' 8?DMW,Sand Paperof all kinds,
rNf,-i vvi.tua prepare lliocolato
for sick people A fresh supply for sale at the Health
Linponum in Bloomsburg, by
H i i i 0in,ment. Sulphur do. Simple
V ""J, ocirm do. Tartar,
ln etic iln. nnl nil il. .i.:...i . .. .. , s
.rill, nt ii. it iii n . iviuua oi uinunents, tor
salo at tho Health Emporium, by
1). S. TOBIAS, in Bloomsburg.
OLISHING POWDER, tb clean and polish
all kllllld nf Wrh o..,l II.' . t.
rr ..i , -" u jiuiou i-owurr, ior
salo at the cheap Dnyf storti, in Bloomsburg, by
LITERS of Administration having been
. "i ' u,u oi braliam K ine'
dee-d. of Fishing Creek township, Columbia cZ
ty. All persons indebtml in ,i
led to mako Immediate payment, and' all nersmii
havingdeniands against' said- estate must prese"
Fi-shin's Creek June 33, 1838. Executen:
Gciltlcmcn and Ladies come dnd look at
the handsome
' otMU Ul
Tobias's Health Emporium.
ECC9MMENDEDhyD?et, Wilson Z a
certain euro for ISheumatism. Also
A? ) T rTTX m urm '
foAt:ll 1a of rhiladelpliia,
--.'siiii i;iu, JwiciiniBtism. Weak
ness andtdTness of tho Joints, &c. For sale at
-- emporium, JJtobmsburg.
IL of
Extract of Snrsnnr n 'P.u n ,
.,.... -----i- iuuiii i-owuer.
"I'uwia. winery. Unstel Soap. Lady's
Pa m Soap to Wash. Distilled Verdigties.
Oil of Soap, for taking out of cloths Spots,
Slams, Grease, &c; All for sale at
Tobius' Health Emporium.
EV E-WAPLR, for sore, weak and inflamed vc.
rareommvndca by some of tho best pl.ysit-iaS hi
1 liiludelplua. i'or salo at tho
Cheap Health Emporium,
D. 8. TOBIAS, in Bloomsburg.
PiIj;T Book
03' Beads. V
Waxes. Gilt T