The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 27, 1838, Image 3

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MWJii.ii', in, laas.
tJr elections
The official returns from tins State have
have not all been received, but miflleient is
known, however, to warrant the belief tha
Porter's majority will not fairtnuch short o
ten thousand.
The Amendments have carried by a ma-t
joritv of more than 0000. 230,000 voles
wem given for anil against them. I lie wes
nobly come to ihe rescue, and'overpowe'red
the aristocratic tote of the east.
Ohio hail done nobly. The deniocricy
of that state have triumphed, by electing
their Governor, (Shannon,) a majority of
rnembero of Congress, and a majority of
both branches of the State Legislature", thus
securing the clcclionof a democratic United
Slates Senator from that State.
In this State, the whigs, by their hoqtis
poeus management iti throwing out of tlie
oount, tho votes of two or threo democratic
districts, have succeeded in securing to
themselves a majoiity of the Stale Legisla
ture, and of course will elect a whig Gover
nor. The members of Congress are equal
ly divided'.
Tlie State Rights party have succeeded
in electinc their ticket, m this state, but by
a decreased majority. The whigs, however,
have not much to boast of, as d majority ot
the Legislature; and of thq- members of
Congress, are decided Sub-Treasury men,
and were compelled to avow themselves as
such to secure their election.
Tod, is coming. The late town elec
ction, show; that the democracy of that
State, will not stay Whigged more than one
jear at a time. Twenty-three towns, which
elected whm representatives last sprinir,
have elected 'democratic town officers this
the news;
Anson Jones, Minister Plenipotentiary
from Texas, has been presented to ami ac
credited by the President of the United
Potatoes arc selling al Bangor at 25 and
28 cents per bushel.
The official majority for Graso, the Van
Buren Governor of Maryland, is 311.
In the southern regions of the borders "of
the Red River, there hail ueon no rain trom
'June 1st. thitil. Sept. 22d, and navigation has
been totally interrupted, and tlie crops on
tha upland diminished one-third; but those
qn tho moist deep mould of the bottoms,
happily as abundant as oyer. The country
had been unusually healthy, and planters
were preparing to return to town from their
summer .resiliences m wu pine wouus.
Mr. Jno. Hindes, an estimable master
builder of Baltimore, was crushed to dettlh
on Thursday by a wall which he was su
perinteding the repairs of.
The New York Star of Tuesday night
says : "The novel sight presented itself
Jast night, ot the worlil running alter tho
Sheriff, instead of the Sheriff running after
The Commissioners of the Navy, wjth
the Secretary, have been some time in Now
.York' on their annual lour of inspection to
the navy yards.
' Neve'r was there a healthier season al
New Orleans than ihe present, until within
the two or three last weeks of September
aud tho first of October, whep thero wero
a few cases of yellow fever among the loaf
ers who frequent the grog shop on the Le
vee. The Columbia Spy of Saturday sayai-
'On Monday jmorri'iiig last, in this neighbor;
hood, the water, iii somo of tho tubs whicli
had been. filled the night previous in order
to-boused for "washing'," was covered with
a coat of ice at least an eighth of an inch
in Ihickiiess."
We aro happy to ie'Arn that tho survey
in tho State of 'Maiuo tri lib rnsdo in explan
ation and proof of her territorial claim upon
the N. Eastern Boundary ,wll proceed with
out opposition on tho part of the ioual author
ities. Tin satisfactory result is due to tho
judicious conduct of Governor Kent.
ilibhert, the mate of the unfortunato Pu
laski. 8toainer is dead at Charleston of ycl
Ow fevbrj .
We learn tint r, younp man named Kol
lcr wns killed in Sllrewsbury tp., Yoik co
on Wednesday last', by a blov from an axe
handle. An individual .named Pearco has
been committed to prison, charged with the
A VOlinir mini tmmeil ITarrisnn Tfrmei. nl
rf n ' '
By roil , Gcnnessee county, who had been
under.the caro of his physician for fracture,
was found last week near, his residence.
dead, with his throat cut in a shocking man
filshop , .Roberts, the gemot . Bishop of
the Methodist Episcopal church, who. for a
considerable time has been in bad health,
has so far rcroyercd as to be cnablcd'lo at;
tend the Tennessee conference at iftfiits-
The number of passengers over tjio Ex
tern Kail Road, between Boston and Salem,
the past week, was 0970.
The last Laporto (la.)- Whig says that
wheat is now selling at 87 cents per. bush
el in that county; and that farmers have 3,00,
000 bushels to dispose of; also, a surplus of
100,000 bushels of potatoes, and lull as ma
ny data.
Three hu' men are wanted to labor
on the national road, at and near Indianapo
lis, in grading, breaking pebbles, and ;Mc
Adamizing. One 'dollar per day is ofTered.
Nashua, N.. U. by the opening of the
new Rail Road to Lowell, is but one hour
and a half from Boston.
Oals and potatoes were selling in Mil
waukee, W'. T., on ihe l8th ult., at 25 cents
the bushel.
In Monroe, Michigan, some forty or fif
ty hogs were lecently found dead, in a well
into which they hail plunged in despera
tion at the want of water, created by
Singular Fad. Returns .of the number
of children in the several school, districts
in Connecticut, between thq ages pf four
and sixteen, required by law to be made
annually, for the purpose of regulating the
Uistribution of the avails of the school fund,
show this year a remarkable fact'. Tho
Hartford Courant slates jhat the names of
. - 1 .i i -i-i.i l.-.i. .
a moiuer ami ennu uuiu oeiwecn me ages
of four and sixteen, arc rel.urned as.among
the children attending a district school in
one of the western townsi . This fact is.
probably without a precedent iii New Eng
Singular Circumstance. Last Week", as
Mr. Lambert, cabinet maker, of Chester
field, was opening a, log ol pine, he discov
ered embedded in tho.cenlrc of the solid
wood; a considerable number of bees, sim
ilar to the English species, though some'
what less in size. The nresnnintion is
that the insects Had crcbt in Iti the tree in its
growing slato, and the apcrtyre by which
they had obtained an entranco.beinir by some
accident closed up, (probabjy from the ex
pansion ol tlie snpj tliey tuus became en
tombed alive, Derbyshire Courier.
.The New Steamboat Law is not jo be
suffered to remain a dead letter. We un
derstand from tho Mobile Chronicle "that
one steamboat plying to that port, has al
ready, paid a flue of $500 for infraction of
tho law, and another is under seizure lor
tho same oflehee1. If the inspectors who
give certificates p( the age of boats here
about, wouiu aiso ceriuy to tne age ot sotuo
of the oldest and constant passengers, who
hold a pre-emption right as Squatters in my
riads in all the berths they .might gratify
the curiosity of inquiring travellers.
N. Y. paper.
The Bank Convention of Alabama has
adjourned without fixing a day for renew
ing specie payments. Pub. Ledger.
Value of Durhani Cattle. Al a recent
sale of stock, near Lexington, Ky. a cow
and sucking calf, of the Durham breed, sold
for twenty-one hundred dollars. Another
at thirteen hundred dollars; others ati31200,
S1000, &c.
Emigration to Canada. The number
of emigrants that arrived at Qubcc last year
up to the 17th pf Septemoer was 21,049.
Up to the same penod this year, 2030 have
arived, or l'jjblO less than last year.
A Good Hit, A capital anecdote was
related to us yesterday. One of our Oin
einuatli belles, a beauty of the first water,
was recently at Saratoga, and attracted much
attention. Among grangers, there was
considerable speculation about the fair la
dy'i) identity, &c. A new coiner, one day,
observing the number of dandys dangling
about her, and following in her wake, inquir
ed who cle was. "That is l)iei Great J Fes
tern." "Is it I I presumed as much, from
the great number oijlatselie has in tow."
Cin. News.
Aiother honorable murder'. A meeting
recently took place at Gallatin; Mississippi,
between Messrs. J. T. Bowie aijd C. K.
prawn, in which the latter was shot through
the head.
Benefit to Finn. They are about to
give that queer fish, Finn a complimentary
benefit at Boston. Ho has enjoyed a pretty
substantial penefit alreadv, being worth not
less thao $50,000!
Tho Hartford Courant states that tho
names of u mother and child, both betweon
the age of four and sixteen, are returned as
among the children attending a district
school in ono of the western towns. This
fact is probably without procedbnt hi New,
Th6 engine and car-hoUso of tile Carroll
ton Rail Road, at Carrollton, La., was de
stroyed by fire on the 7th inst. together
with 15 cars and oiio locomotive. Loss es
timated at ..5200,000, of-which $150,000
was insured.
Anothcr,Bevolulionary Hero, gone. The
JJarien Telegraph announces the dead on
the 12th ultA.nt.lhe reidence of his son. (Mr.
Jordan Ryajs) pf, Henry jtyala, at tho ad
vanced agp of lio years. IIo retained his
faculties to tho last. IIo was onoofthe pat
riotic band who fought for ,ho liberties wo
enjoy. May, tho grass grow green over his
venerated grave.
Jin Old One! -The Boston .Mercantile
Journal says, tho. sloop, Nancy renewed her
register and coasting license to-day she
having bet!n built at Fcmbrokp in the year
1787, boing now fifty-one year's old! We
doubt whether there are.hiany older vessels,
now serviceable in the country.
Snow. We learn from llieAnbnrn jour
nal, that at tho South, in the region of the
Owosco Lake, thero was a small snow
storm, both on Friday and Saturday last.
Quito a fhiry of snow was also seen. at Au
burn on tho latter day in the afternoon,
n n i -ft.. . ' .
t m oingmar jmacnmeni. aoout a
mile from Richmond, Va., lately found a
half-grown Hying squirrel in the woods,
which she brought homo and placed in a
box, containing straw and a quantity of oth
er soft materials. Slid .watched it with a
mother's caic, and would only leave it when
she went in search.of focd. She anneared
as much attached lb ft as If it had been her
own offspring.
' Georgia. Wc are certain, in any event,
of a majority of Sub-Treasury Congressmen
and members of the Legislature. That is
the great question octoro the people; on its
merits the present Administration wlil final
ly stand or fall; end as the Whigs themselves
have made the issue, .they will surely abide
lho dectsion the sovtclgn people may pass
ujjuh n. l ci cTsuitrij tjunsieuuiion.
Tho old veteran again afloat. Ob'mmo-
oore ii-jii, appomica 10 ine .command ot tne
Mediterranean fleet, has hoisted his broad
pennant on board thp .noble shin Ohio 7-1
which is now at Boston, nearly ready for
sea, but will proceed first to New iork, to
take in her armament.
,i -. i
The Niagara Courier elates that the Lieut.
Governor of Upper Canada has commuted
the punishment of tho follovliifr persons,
sentenced to be executed on tho first Inst., to
transportation to one .of the British penal
cqlonies.: Jacob Beamer, Samuel Chan
dler,. Benjamin Waitc. Alexander M'Leod,
Erastus Warncr.and John W. Brown.
; Lcath of a AiiVal Officer Commodore
uruigmon, oi me upueu cuaies navy, meu
on Saturday morning at the residence of his
oroinsr, near Sing Sing, wow Yorlc.
The short trial of the Independent Trea
sury has worked so well, that the people of
Maine are determined to make it the perma
nent system of the treasury department.
took the United States Bank from lfJIO to
1820, four vears, to bnnir the banks into
resumption. Tho Independent Treasury has
brought about the same result iii a single
year. Aonvich Murora.
An able writer in the Richmond Inquirer,
states the question now before, the people
in the lollowing bold and explicit language,
TlieirniQr. tlif nnputinti na vi m-iv. llin nn.
ly alternative now presented to the commu
nity is, "ajiall we be governed by banking
institutional or shall wc be governed by the
peoplot 1 ho -sub-Treasury system rec
ommended by (Mr..,Yan,Buien is not only
Constitutional, biit jst based upon those
old principles ofdemnSracy .which sustained
Mr Jellerson, and twice elected Andrew
Jackson. We havo tried, withousucccss,
the scheme of the doposites with, equal
justice, why should wo not try the Sub
Treasury ? Apprehension, fear, and proph
ecy are the duly arguments employed against
it, and tho use of these weapons by wing
ism has longago turned their points and dull
ed tlur edge.
Qn Infernal Machine'. Wo thid ,day
heard from Colonel Haskell, at the coroner's
office, ,a most- remarkable circumstance.
which occurred in thp lower part of Bleeker
street last .night. It appeared lrom Ins
statement that an engineer, engaged on the
Crojton Water Wqrks, living in Bleeker
... i i V J --.i - i. i.fl .l.
sircci, nau.u.ccn )n mo nauu, uuniig uiu
summer, of sleeping with his window open.
This seemed to givo an opportunity to some
evil disposed persoas to attempt a robbery.
Tho engineer saw oij several occasions somo
persons lurking near. his promises, and sus
pecting their designs determined to set a
trap for them, llo accordingly constructed
an "infernal machine," formed of a board,
on which wero placed two bowip knives.
This board was made to fit into tho window,
and drawn back by a spring, the conductors
being two threads placed across tlte window,
which, if touched, would immediately cause
the machine to strike, against the iiitiuilcr.
lib then told tho peerson in (ha house that
he was going out of town, and fastened his
doors. Last night a man,, deeming thp
coast clear, ultomptod' to enter; the spring
being, touched, the board flew homo, and
one of the knives entered the man's body,
while thebonrd etriking-him with great, vi
olence, fojceo him some feet from the win
dow. IIo was picked up"blcedine and iu-
sonsiblc.IIe-js eaidtb'bb anotorious thief.,-
Ar; I Whig;
From the London John Hull, T
Furious Attach on Mr. fan Amburuh. bn
one of his Tieers.
Since Wednesday last tho principal topic
of. conversation in the threatical world has
bqeii the furious!, attack on Mr. Van Am-
burjjh.vhoso exhibitions at Astley's Royal
Amphitheatre, of Hong,, 'tigers," leopards
and other animals of the forest, in the giand
zoological spectacle entitled the 'Lion Con
qucrr.r of Pomdeii' lias excited. within these
few days, so much public attention Mr. Van
Amburgh has been styled by the -philologos
of tho establishment as the brute tamerrand
certainly the appcllat'ioh is well applied, as
tho following daring feat will, for nev
er was thp epprage or the presence of mind
of .man put to a severer test. . Frprn the in
formation .obtained by our reporter .yestcr-
uay, iro.m an auuicniic source it appears
that on V cdnesday last a rehearsal was co-
mg on in lho circus of tho theatre,, when
Mr. Van Amburgh wishing one of his tigers
to perform a. certain feat, which the animal
was utterly unable qr. unwilling to accom
plish, had recourse to severe corporeal pun
ishment, which chastisement ho inflicted
with a large horsewhip. Smarting under
me pain oi me lasn, tho animal became in
censed, and suddenly sprang upon Mr, Van
Amburgh, who instantly was hurled with
Violence to the ground, from tho strength
and weight , of his incensed assailant. Mr,
V an Alp.burijh who is of Herculean case.
and posessing extraordinary muscular pow
er, instantly, perceived the intention of the
animal, which was that pf tearing him to
pcices, and with the courage and presence
of mind whic'njfew ihen possess; seized his
loe by the lip of the lower jaV arid thus
pinioned him as a bull dog would on ox at
a bait.
A long and fearful struggle now ensued,
in the course of which both tho man and
the tiger rolled over several times. At
length Mr., Van Amburgh got the better of
ins loo uy iiirotving nun on his back at the
same time kneeling on his stomach and,
with his other hand', which was still now
unengaged; commenced .striking the pros-
u.uc .uiimai wnn ins clenched list, the blows
following in quick successionibver tlie head,
laco -and particularly the nose, until tlie
blood (flowcd from the subdued animal', who
here quivered under the grasp of hi's con
queror. a.1 length Mr. Van Amburgh, per
ceiving that he had completely overcome
mm, release ins Hold, and tho animal find
ing himself at liberty, retired a short dis
tance from his master, and crouched down
as if severely suffering from the punishment
iic nau leceivcu. it may bo proper to men
tion lhal.the peiformers (so we.uiiderstood)
did nqt pay any attention to the struggle,
considering. .that it was a part to be played
in the evening; Until ihey saw him adminis-
tenng the severe chastisement as before
described to the enraged animal, and its ef
forts to compel Mr. Van Amburgh to rejeasc
his hold. 1 his encounter did all im
pede the entertainments of tho evening.
fiSTHEnEAS, tlie honorable ELLIS LEW1S3
V V President of tho Courts ot-Ovn nrwl Tm
miner and Grittfat Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter
sessions of tho Peacd; and Court a"f Common I'loae,
and Orphan' Court, in the eighth Judicial District,
composed of the counties of A'orthumtorland.Pnion,
wmmum anu livening J. mX tlio Jlgn WilIijih
lo.Too?ir.r and.,tj:o!f ViD - Rvemr, -Enquires,
ctsociate Judges in Columbia county, have issued
their precept bearing-dtto the 25th day of August
in the year of our Lord uric thotf and tfghf nundrcd
and thjrty-cight, and to im directed for holding ....
A Court of Oyer and Tarminer.and G, n'
m ucm vuivcry, utneral Quarter
Sessions of the Peace, Common
Fleas) and Orphan's Court;
IN DANMLLE, in tho county of Columbia, on
the third , it nday of Nov. noxt. fboinir tlm ion.
day) and to continue one week.
AO rich is therefore hereby given to tho Cor
oner, the Justices of lho I'caco, nnd Constnbfos of
the Baid County of Columbia, dint they bo then and
uiL-ro in uicir proper persons, at ten. o'clock, in tho
forenoon of said day, with their rocdrlls, inquisition
and other remcmbrailcss to do those IHiligg which
,u ujilv-juun 10 do none And thofo
who aro bound by recognizances to .prosecuta
against tho prisoners that arc or may .bb in tho iail
..v "vuraM, uit hi uu men -anu mcro
to proiecute against them as ,.hall be just. Jurors
aro requested to bo punctual in their attendance, n-
Dated at-. Danville, tlie 12th day October, hi
'""J"' "i ur oiu one uiousanu eight hun
drcd and thirty-eight, and in .tho 03d year of
the independence of die United States of Amer-
wiLiJAii irrbiiENi s'iic'ktf.
aiicrin 's uilicc, Dmivilio;
Uct3 19, 1838.
A Moral Triumph The election of
Mr. Porter is ndt merely a political it is a
moral triumph. Had the weapons employ
ed agapist him the perjury of PcgBeaty,
thq falsehood of John Stonebrake'r and
s-amuel bturgeon. taken effect we should
have regarded his defeat as a viclorv over
virtue. What means were left unemploy
ed? None. From thb' bold subsidy "of
Support, down , to the suborha tiqn of con
science, me minions- of llitner descended.
We feel, therefore, that the election of Da
vid tt. Porter is a triumph morrally great,
and as such rejoico it the moie.
Lancaster Intelligencer.
MARRIED On tho 23d inst. by the
Rev. William J. Ever, Mr. Hiram. 'Eth
route, Mifflin, to Miss Mary B'cI'Vane,
of Oattawissa Valley, Schuvlkili County.
WILL take place over tho . JjIIo0321S
Imi'g CoCta'SC. for, the fall meeting,
commencing Wednesday, November Mth,
and continue for three days.
FIRST DAY Mile heats, for three year
olds only.
SECOND DAY Two MHq heals, for
horses of all ages. All over four years
old, to carry full weight.
TlilUD DAY Mile heals, best three
in five,' Tlnee for all ages. -Weight as
The Course is now in complete order
a ft'ltie in circiunioiencn, auii-pcrnaps sur
passed by no other in the State.
It will take two outvies to make a race-
hut no two horses can be entered by nno
individual. Neither can any winning hbrse
bo started for another purse.
Purses worth contesting for.
liloomsburg Oct. 27, 1830.
Bloomsburg Artillery
Will mecnt at Snyder's Hotel on Saturi
day, lho 37the inst. at 9 o'clock A. M. fnr
Military Exercise snd Drill, wiili tjniform
and MtislvStg. i, .
Uloorhsburg Oci 10th', 1838!
wm0 Co mio gwAMgc)
Physician & Surgeon,
Informs the citizens of Bloom and vicini
ty, that ho has located himself in the village
of Blomsbnrg, where he .will . always bo
ready to attend to all calls for his profession
al services!
Qfucc next door to Robisbns Stage Oflicd'.
Oct. 13 1630. .
. ... ''...' , . -
The subscriber has leftjiis Eqok ae
counts and Notes .in the hands of Iddings
Barkley,Esq.for collection. All pejsons in
debtcd will please call immediately and set-,
tie, or there will bo cost, as delays are dan
gerous; , , c. fe. f.isiIer:
One Two Horse Wagon,and a Sled wilt
Cast.Shoes.both nearly now, which will
sold Cheap on easy terms, by calling on
Lnvroved Averitnt Seidlitz Powders,
I KLD in high estimation lor hullgaUian, heart
i bum and billioua nfi'tsctwnJ. . l'qr ealo at
Tbbias' Health Emporium, llloomsburg'.
JUST received, and for sale at tho ARCHJeI
in llloomsburg, a fresh supply of
MOSS, 4-c. $c
Inquire at the etoro of J
August Hi 183SI. . 18
Remaining in the Post Office at BloontS'
burg,. Oct. 1st. 13. . , ...
Paul Hopper '
Joseph Hopper,
John .Ingram Esq.
Samuel J-icoby,
Mr. Kahler,
Mark Klimcr,
George Lnarr.
John O. Morris,;
Dr. Cahan Miycr,
Joseph Mautt.
Len-in H. ?IaU5,
Col. John Purtcl,
John Richaids Es'i;
SHney Si Shtcf;
Moats yteerhcer,
E, & M. Springer,
Jnno Smith,
Ann Wynott,
Clara AVelU,
Osorge Slgl:r.
. , . 40.
B. RUPERT, P. M. .
Persons calling for letters on the above
list, will please sav they are advertised,
nioomsburg 21688.
Mr. Berkley Esq.
Samuel Beitlcmau,
John Bowfit,
Daniel Buss,
John Caldwell,
Lew W. Coos,
Joseph Coleman,
Robert Cathcari,
John' Cox,
D. M. Davis,
Elizabeth Dunham,
George W. Decker,
Isaac Driblcbis,
Jolm Eaih;cr,
John Elliot, 2
Itcv. J. W. Kyifi
O. B. Pjrficr, i
Jopeph Fulir,
Daniel Grom Esq.
Solomon Hackman,
Win. G, Hjirley Esq.
William llllborn,
Abraham Houpt,
For sale nt . " , . - , , "
Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburs.
By the Bos, and one box will last a wholo
year. For eal? by , , , ,
Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg.
Warranted to be good, also LOCO FOCO'
MATGIUf-fJ, goqd Forwleat
Tobias' Health Emporium uiooms.iwrg..
Expressly for Tavern Keepers,;
For ale
.Tobia's Health Emporium' UlboiiifKvir(''