The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 27, 1838, Image 1

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Volume I?.
BliOOMSBUKGf ''COIiOTmiA (DOMTY, PA. SATIHS-iPAY", OCTOBER 27, 1838" ; Wumiifer br.
'Next door to Romson's Stage Orncc.
published every Suturduy morning, at
TWO DOLLARS per a'finum, payable
'half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars
fyty Cents, if not paid tuithin the year.
"No subscription will be taken for a shorter
period than six months ; nor any discon
tinuance permitted, until all arrearages
are discharged. (
"AD VER TISEilENTS not exceeding a
square will, be 'conspicuously inserted At
One Dollar for the first three insertions
and Twenty-five cents for every subse
quent nsertlon. Id" A liberal discount
made to those wlo alvcrlise by the year.
LETTERS, addressed on, business', must
be post paid.
From llio Gennessco Famlcr.
No apology can bo necessary for introdu
cing this subject so frequently into ,tlio col
urns of the Farmer. The extent of the in
terest involved iri the progress of York, and
witnessed the quantity of wheat annually
sown in this district. We make the follow
ing extract from the Seneca Observer, for
the purpose of calling the attention of farm
ers to the statements made in it, and par
ticularly the one that the ttorm continues its
ravage.1) after the wheat is ripe and put in the
barn- , , .-..
We have had the impression, in common
with mest others, that after the berry had
become hard, the ravages of the worm ceas
ed or was only continued on such kernels
as were attacked before the wheat had be
come ripened. Wo have within a few days
examined wheat in which worms yerc
touna m aounuance, and coitiu nna no er
nels injured, except such as form their
shrunken and palo appearance had evident
ly suffered when in this milk, or before the
berry had become ripe. Tliat the loccvil,
he product of the bug, destroys the grain
in the mow or the crauary, is well known;
but that the worm, the product of a fly, does
the same, we think requires further exami
nation and proof before it is fully admitted.
Should Erich prove to be the fact, it would
indeed prove to be art alarming feature in
tho history of the wheat worm. At the
east, where its ravages havo been tho most
extensive and the longest continued, we
havo never heard any apprehensions of in
inry after tho wheat had ripened and was
gathered. We have instituted some exper
iments having a bearing on this matter, and
we hope farmers generally will lend their
:,! ;n ninxiilntinnnr tliis noint. Is not the
till All i
hoiso snoken of occasioned by the crawling
of the worm and the rustling of the chaff,
rather than by its feeding? and does not the
pressure in the mow of wheat cause the
sDeedv death! of faf the greater part of the
worms in the gathered grain? It is well
irnnivn iVmt when wheat, is threshed
immediately after gathering, the worms
will be many times more nnmerous' than in
the same wheat, ifleft in tho barn for ono
or two months before 'threshing
"It is curious as well as alarming to ob
servo the operations of this destructive
worm. It commences its work early, and
continues it late. When in tho field, it can
bo beard making a noise much resembling
iw nf iIip silk worms while oatincr. After
it commences it devours with all greediness
until tho crop is gathered; and, what is still
worse, and perhaps not generally knoion
it continues its work of destruction, after
the crop is gathered. Of this fact there can
now bo no doubt. It has been witnessed
by many of tho most observing farmers of
bur neighborhood. This insect can be heard
in tho mows, and stacks, and on examining
the lioads of wheat, they aro' found to con
tain many of these dostroycrs. This is the
more alarming to tho wheat grower, as it is
licit to impossible for him to thresh out his
rrain as soon as harvested, owing to tho
other necessary labor that is pressing upon
him at this season of the year tho comple
tion of his haying, and tho preparing of his
allow ground fo'f another: crop. Yet ho
must thresh his wheat orlooso a goodly por
tion of what has been gathered."
Wo do not allow ourtelves to indulgo in
the gloomy anticipations of tho concluding
paragraphs of tho article in tho Observer.
Wo remember that when the Hessian ily
became so destructive, and its ravages ex
tended so rapidly, many were found who
fancied that wheat could never again bo
grown in the UnitcdJStates Such predic
tions have been utterly falsified by the ovent;
and such we doubt not will be tho result in
regard to the grain worm. As yot wo see
ho reason for deserting the fair fields of
Western New York, or abandoning the cul
ture of wheat. Partial failures may indeed
be expected; but the beautiful wheat that
finds its way in such quantities to our mar
kets affords conclusive proof that our fields
yet yield their increase, and that Provi
dence has not'eoased its kindness and its
Founded oh fact.
' ,
I would have given woilds to recall the
action. I had no excuse. It was a deed
done with my eyes open. The beggar who
steals to save his wife and children from
starving, has the sympathy of the judge who
condemns him and the homicide, whose
crime is committed in a gust of passion, may
find consolation in repentance, and in the
consciousness of the infirmity of human na
ture. RIen sin fibm ignorance, from temp
tation, from want of experience. I had
perpetrated this deliberately, with my eyes
open to the cosbquences. I knew the na
ture of what I was doing! There was nd
, ----- i -; t, OJ i
explain it on tho grounds ol innate depravi
ty. I, who professed a scorn of wrong
who was accustomed to self-examination
and self-discipline who knew what guilt
was who felt, while I did it, that I was
laying tip a stdre of repentance I had yield
ed, and I regarded myself with contempt anu
Nothing could bo more pleasing than the
sp.nno in which this incident took place. It
was at a ball, amid music, dancing, and
pictty women. All the elements of happi
nesa seemed to ha around. as 1, happy i
No. Remorse filled my bosom. I'folt that
I had recorded in the book of fate a deed
not to be erased from which was to spring
shame and suffering. I felt like tlic ghost
of "buried Denmark" .
'.Confined to fast in fires,
Till tho foul crimes, dono in - my days of nature,
Aro burnt and purged away.1"
Night came. Night! At this mysteri
ous period, the guilty havo a foretaste of
their punishment. In summer I should have
gone out and walked till morning. .But it
was a cheerless November night, l went
to bed; In a little while a sort of oblivion
descended upon me, faintly lighted with im
ages of the gay scene whero I had spent
the evening, and where I had unlortunateiy
laid this sin upon my soul. My imagina
tion retained a dim sense of music and dan
cing, and careless voices, and flashing light,
till their repeated and repeated impressions
pained mo; and over the whole, mysteri
ously and darkly, like a clould, or an im
pending danger, lay the definite conviction
and shame of that act a sense of remorse,
apprehension, guilt, and folly, from which
I strove to recoil and creep away, and hide
myself in sleep, or even death. And, in
those vague moments, wavering between
the real dud tho unreal, grotesque beings,
whose shapes were drawn in lines of light
upon tho black air, darted around, and made
faces at me, and held a sort of devilish revel
over my torments as I lay powerless on my
RnMi visitations micht como to a
UUblX is-hw.- -V
dead man in his coffin. And a power seem
ed whispering. 'This it is to commit a sin!'
'I did not think of it,' said I; 'I could not
help it.' And for a moment, this seemed a
triumph to mo, and I shouted the fact sturd
ily in the faces of the fiends, and I called
tho good angels to help mo, a poor, misused
mortal, set upon in this fashion by a parcel
of infernal devils, llut a voice, after a pause,
answered, as if with a silent smile, 'You
knew wliat 'you did!-yoi gratified your
wish you agreed to pay the price you
scorned consequences you have no excuse
you aro bought and sold-you are ours!'
And I answered, ''it is true? and strove to
hide myself. I would havo crawled into
any cave; and rill the while the dancing went
on, and tho music played ono continual tune
and gay crowds moving and bowing a-
round, and beautiful female faces, with ra
diant smiles and careless words, came and
went in throngs and masses, with a floatiiiff
change and a mocking contrast. Then I
felijabruptcdly off a precipice startedand
I groaned aloud. The chamber wab
lighted by the faint beams of a night lamp,
casting grotesques and giant shadows upon
tho walls and ceilings. There was some
thing unearthly about them. I had not
thought tliat chairs and tables those home
ly and familiar objects could look strange
and impressive. There wa3 a bar lvimr
huge and black across the room a massive
semi-circle, broken by an angle of the cor
nice, appeared like a segment of Saturn's
belt arid a rugged profile! that frowned
like the spectre of some giant, held fortli
threatening arm, and impressed mo with a
solemn sense of the monstrous and tlic preternatural.
And soon, amid these huge shadows and
that deathly silence, (broken only by a
sound from some warping pannel, or, per
haps, a wall settling more heavily into its
foundation, secret tokens of time, Unheard
by the sleeping millions around,) the fatal
act which had marked my past evening, ap
peared before me like a ghojipects of life
1 tj it 1 ' 'i'.: i 1 1, n n it -nrrr ' m v
prpseilieu UieiuuuivcB, nzr i "v
pillow and strove to sleep. All that I had
ever done wrong, or unkind, or doubtful,
sat.around my bed like a company of devils,
each event converted into, a iicnd, anu at
tho head of this agreeable levee the deed of
yesterday, a mocking, heartless demon, and
then came the dancing and that old tunc a
gaini ,
At length this awfiil ordeal wa3 varied by
a gleam of comfort. Somcththing which re
solved itself at last into a soothing and most
gentle spirit, seemed to steal in unobserved
among th"i3 set of chattering devils, and
whispered in my ear :
Patienco, mortal, and receive th'i3 hour
as a lesson. You shall not sink beneath
your burden, but you must bear it yet a lit
tle longer! When the' cock crows your
persecutors will disperse. Take care you
do not put yourself in their power again.
The earth is inhabited by two races man
a traveller on his way to heaven, but sore
hpsct bv the other" face, the devils. There
is but one method of escaping fnese gentle
men, who now crowd your chamber so hi
lariously. It is by following the ways of
right and wisdom. They have, compar
atively, no power over those charmed paths
butit'is the condition of your existence that
when you err, you aro exposed to their
mischievous malice. Indeed each error
creates its own tormentor. Each man, ac
cording to his deeds, is honored with a rot
inue of these dlsagreeblo companions, who
acquire more power the moro they gain.
They retire from around you during the
day to watch the effect of new temptations,
as an angler keeps himself concealed to
catcli the fish; oven, when hooked, gives
him the lino in order to plunge tho barb the
deeper into his victim. In crowds, in mo
ments of passion, and times of pleasure,
they leave their prizo apparently free; but
in solitude, illness, and during the night,
thov assume their dominion; and wo to him
who becomes entirely their slave. As for
vou. you havo committoed aii action for
tvliirl vmi must b'car the penalty. Yield
with patience and bo wiser to-morrow.
Tho face of my instructress was near me
as sho spoke, and alio kissed my forehead
Then came the dancing and tho old tuno,
and tho crowds aed tho demons, and in tho
pressuro I was nearly suffocated, Strug'
gling, attempting in vain to call out, I was
at the point pf dissolution, when, id fright
ful convulsions, I once more awoke. ,At
that instantjthe cock in (ho neighboring barn-
ard gave a sudden loud, and exultant crow,
and I distinctly heard the slapping of the
fellow's wings. It Was followed by tlic
cheerful cry of a milkman. A taint silvery
light, fell upon tho wall through tho open
ings In the shutters and curtains. The night-
amp burned lower and yet more dim Sat
urn's belt was scarcely visiLlo opposite the
pitcher-handle! The huge bar had lost
its sharp outline, but retained enough to
identify it with the poker, and the frowning
giant had dissolved intb.tho outlines of an
old robe dc chambre, carclqssly flung over
the bacK.of a chair. Blessed human shapes,
all after the unearthly imagc'3 of night. 1
turned over with a sonso of safety, of be
ing among my fellow creatures, and on the
arth again, of having expiated my crime,
arid of having now life before mo to try a
new tho path of virtue and wisdom, and so
fell into a quiet sleep.
'But what was tho crime 1' demanded my
wife when I read tho essay..
'The reader will know it,' caid I.
'Not at all,' said she. 'I assure you I
lave not the slightest idea of it.'
'Let them guess then !' said I. ,
'They will think you havo been robbing
the maii,' said she, 'or committing murdqh
What is it you havo done to bring on your-
clf such terrible torments V
'I drank three cups of strong tea ." said
with a blush!
'Arid it serves y ou perfectly right! said
my wife, with a look of indignation.
Tho first jump of the first flea was two hun
dred times its own lcnght, as it was thq
last summer. That concubinal sinner, tho
ursine sloth, who scorns at all the anathemas
against polygamy, kept ten or twelve wives,
before Io3ca was born, as he will when wc
are forgotten. Thcro was iron enough in
tho blood of the first forty-two iricn to make
a ploughshare, and to-day, from
whatever country or men you sc'icbj. Tho
lungs of Abel contained a coil of vital matter
150 feet square, as mine; and tho first in-,
spration of Adam consumed 17 inches of air
as do thoso of every adult reader. Tho rat
and the robin followed the fobtseps of Noah,
as they do ours; flaylcy. ,
in WMLlTfi) fp vest, n F N ATU RE .
ten times, tho tcrms.of Jjio material -rovead
Hon are unaltered, uoes Airicajuuuo.-.
thousand ruleless languages ? Docs Asaia
forsako her venerable iounges ? is Ameri
ca, the modern Babel, forming a new race of
languages, from refuse of the old families,
Nature changes not hers; she owns no au-1
thority, she suffers no provincialism in her
universal speech. Tho larks now carol the
same song and the same key as when Adam
first tuned his enraptured ear to catch tlic
moral. The owl first hooted in B flat, and
it still loves the .key, and screams thro' no
other octaves. In the samo key nas ever
ticked the death watch; while all the three
noted chirps of tho cricket have been iri B,
since Tubal Cain first heard them in his
smithy, or the Israelites in their aeh ovens.
Never has. tho buzz of the linat risen above
tho secdnd A, nor that, of the house fly's
ir sunk below tho first F. Sound had
at first the samo connexion with color as it
has now; and the right angle of life's inci
dence might as much produce a sound on
the first turrets of Cain'3 city, as it is now
said to do on one of tho . Pyramids. The
tulip, in its first bloom in Noah's garden,
emitted, heat four and a half degrees above
tho atmosphere, as it doc3 at the present
day. The stormy petrel as much delighted
to sport amongst the first billows which the
Indian ocean ever raised as it docs now. In
tho first migration of birds they passed from
isorth to south, and then fled over tho nar-
. .1 'ii ii.:
rowest parts of the seas, as mcy wm mi
autnmn! Tho cuckoo and tlic nigntingaie
first benan their song together, analogous
to the beginning o! our April, in uio uaya hi
Nimrod. Birds that lived on flics laid blu
ish cen in the diys of Joseph, a they will
two thousand voars hence, if the sun should
not fall from his thone, or the earth not
break her harness from tho planetary car,
The first bird that was paged oftner eung m
tidacrio than its natural sprit.
Pm-ils li-!vi pvnr frown edirewavs to the
ocean stream. 8,280,000 animaculm coul
n well live in a drop of water in tho days
All flvinff insects bail
nn their coats of mail in the days of .Taphct
ovor which havo ever waved tho plumes of
more gaudy feathers than tho peacock ever
dronnod. The bees that at ontecl r.vo ne
first houoy, made their combs hexagonal
and tho first house fly produced 20,0S0,320
eggs in one year, as she does at present
A true Gentleman. A true gentleman
is God's servant, tho. world's. master, and
his own man his virtue is his business
his study, his recreation cont'endness his
rest, and happiness his reward God is his
fatiicr, and the Church is his mother tho
Saints his brethem, all that need him his
friends, and Illjaven his inheritance Reli
gion his mistress, Loyalty & Justice his two
maids of honor, Devotion his Chaplain,
Chastity his chambcrlian Sobriety hia
butler, Temperance, his cook jlospitality
his housekeeper, Providence h'i3 steward,.
Charily Ijis treasurer, Piety his mistress of
the house, and Discretion his porter, to le(
in and out as is nibst fit. Thus is the whole,
family made of virtues, dnd he is the ,lruq
master of tho. family.. Hois ncccssiatcd to'
take tho world in his way to Heaven, but
h? walks through it as fast as he can but
all his business by the way 13 to make him
self and others, happy. ( Take hint all in
two words,' he is a man and a Christian.
Christian Masai
. t
travellers, and whose laihenienucaw. :
in tho courso of his life visited
behind him
red in 1822,
various countries, and has left
mnnv works' of crrcat interest. About
beginningof the present century lie travencu
through Russia, Egypt, and Palestine, eve
ry where making such observations on tno
character and manners ol. tnese nations aa
might havo been expected from a gentleman
of refined feeling and a scholar When in
Palestine, ho visited Jerdsalem, Nazareth,
Bethlehem, and the Lake of Genneseralh,,
near which ho enjoyed an opportunity ol
conversing with a party of Druzes. Almost .
every traveller in Syria has given us soma
new particulars reapeinig ur.a cuhum
nle. "They are," saya UinrK, "ine moat
extraordinary people on' earth singular, in, .
the simplicity of their lives; by their filnc; .
nlcaiity and virtue. They only eat, wnat
they earn by their own labor, and preserve
at this moment lhe superstitions brought
by the Israelites out of Egypt! What will bq t
J '. mi . 1
your surprise to learn, that every uiursaay
ihoy clevato the molten call, ueiora wnicu.
they prostrate themselves, anu naymg pai
their adoration, each man selects a win.
from amongst the women present. Iho
calfis of gold, silver or bronze. This, is
exactly that worship at which ftloscs was,
inccwad in descending- from Sinai. Tho
cow was tho Venus of tho Egypttaj'' ad, ,
of course tho calf was a cupid, before which "
the sacrifices, so offensive to Moses wore, ,
held. For it is related that ihoy set up a"
molten calf, which Aaron had made irovn
the earrings of the Israelite women, demro
which similar sacrifices wera made. .. And
cerlainjy tho Druzes on Mount'Lebanon arts '
detachment of tho ppstmity o lliosc isra-
elites who arc so often representor in scrip-
iuro as deserters irom wo.iruu iani wmu
back into thti old superstition and pann'
worship of the country' from fhonee .tho
came, t took every Wothod 'necessary ,'tnj
ascertain tho truth of this relation aijuj, 1
send It to you as ono of tlioliighes sntiqu
ties, and most curious relics of remote
wliich has yet been found on earth. 'f ' .' ;
One of tho New Orleans popfjBittP
a rumor that a Texas loan or.fauuu.wt
had been obtained in the United State