Kfi NEXT LEGISLATURE. The nest L-gislatucc will probably stand us : Senate. , 1 Democrats 13 Wing qml Atitlcs 20 Souse of Representatives Democrats " Srj Whigs ami Antics 4i ilving tlio Democrats a majority offivcon '., ballot unless tho difficulty as to tho omity of Philadelphia defeats the return of , democratic members, ana tieprivcs tpe Lnlo of Pennsplvania of a democratic U.' W Senator. Upon litis subject we give ,t, A Bel. .... i.Thn malnritv of the return nidiics of tho ounty. ten in number, hnviiig'refuscd to rc Icivc'tlie return of thu election in the North ern Liberties, in consequence of some irreg- tarity in making ttte return or mo aevumn Waid.repurted the democratic eamliuates foi Senate ana Assommy as uuiy cier.teu. n. miiinritv. coiiMMini! ot seven, eertilietl j the election ot the Whig menhers. Three .1 i.irn ,int,rps nf the 'Third CoilLTCGS- biial Disirnl. refusing 1 receive the returns ,f flits Northern Liberties, certified UioUec :,.,w.f nuAtit.v.s J. Inochsoli,: tlio ottier hre'e, receiving the Notltern Liberties return iecfared CitAtiixa JNayloKi too pivs.mi iieinber( elected. T,ho wholo day, Irom . . . I a'... '.! it... n nTi. in. : in tin- ocrnoon. mi in iaiu iu uiu ftviiii'tng, Was occupied in the d scussmn )f lie law relative Jhj the unties oi return judg es, lliu examination oi wnncssus, anu amu- Inmir up and making out the returns.-- Messrs. iKor.nsoiiL.iMAYLoa, and O. Uhown .r,,.,.,i in ilin ili,MiMsiim. in behalf of lllOin- icUes and their political friends respective- . i ... i .1-. .1... . ..i.:.- v. Vo have since ic.iriieu, mni wu wm V . . ... .1 I... V edges hud their leturus uinsmiiieu uy mu Sheriff to die Governor on Friday night, by I ih.it mi Saturday tiiominir the ileiuueraiio judges deposited theirs with thai f,.fj;,.Pi-. Muiih oxiMluiitent enlisted dlirillir Ithc Whole of Fud.iy, in the vicinity of the . II ... I. C.. ...).. .1... nn.iiij Kiaic nouse, mining 1 1 w; ii run.ia in mi. ..jiw ':iiiir candidates: And some anxiety ha3 since been full by our own friends, lest advanta ges may be taken by tho opposition oi mis circumstance, as it is known that they have a decided majority iu the Senate, and near ly qu.d the domoeiats in the House -if the country memuers annum oe temporality ua cludeil'Vroiu their seals. Of the riirht ol the dorriocratic memhers to their seats there can hcarcely be a doubt. Ii l admitted, wc blieve, thai they have uma- ioritv, oven it the Northern Linenics re- J ' .ill .1... . t... IV... "IT turns arc liiciuueu. out uib eicuuuu uu u. R Ri.iv.iior is fixed hv law for the 2d Tues- itnv in December, nrecisolv tine week after ill..' HifliMniir of tlic IiOLMtslninre: and .there is p . . r, . ,. ... n. no telling to wnauengiu sucn men as i hah- riptia Stevi-.ns. exasperated by deleal and thirsting for revenge may venture to go. COLUMBIA "COUNTY dBTIM OFFltJIASi. Governor. angress. 58 p o 3? Assembly. Com'sioner. Treasurer. Auditor. t t-t en 5 aa s o C3 o a s S a 5 . Bloom, . liticr CrcstJ Catuwissa, Dcrry, Fishing Crcelf, OrccnwooJ, Hemlock, LiliTtv, Itimcjtonc, Malionins, M.idUou, Afoiitcur, Mqunt PIcisant, .M fflin. O.ansevillo Paxton, Hoaring Crcb!t, Suja'rloaf David R. Porter; Joseph Ritncr, David l'eliiuin, William W. Hurley William Colt, John Bowman, John Mellcnry, John Laubaugh, Jeremiah Wellivcr, . William S. Davis, Sebastian Ilower, Alexaiiiler Icars, For the Ainemlpients, Against the Amendment?, THE TABLES ARE TURNED. Tl,n luniks havunr resumed specie riay- hipntinthe Mtddt-, Eastern and somq of ii, smitiicrn iini Western btatos, we mm their paper at par with specie, and the ex changes are suddenly uecomiuij regm.uuu. rriiniii ie nn Niiiiuiial Bank the Treasury is sustained independent of the banks, and .mntr.irv to all Whii ttredictious and forebodings,' business and trade, arc getting it. o ilin cnimti v tirosoerous, and all as it iu J k i should be. "Wo must trust tb our faithful ami excel K rlminfisii iiiiiin.llie officers of the Trcas ury, and thosu who are connected with dm 'r. in nvf.ri.isR a nronpr visrilaiici! in Jill. lilted, .. . - , . , their duties, for the want ol tie u,B!irv laws. It would have heeii better lad Otlngrcss passed the hil reportW by Mr. Wrighl, or some similar bill, which re quired lte"avier bond, and which also impo .,,.,1 o nmifili v mi officers who used the nulv lie fnltdsj.but Iho Opposil.tnu prceenletl the nno....n ..I' curli n law ihrotwh tho House, ii.ii?ciiw ,i - " : ill insisting that Ule publm money should lie used lor privaio purpnsco " ""s lcept to pay public tlebts. Every day's ox RnLisfvinir tho rounlrv, that the rirln in Ms leeoininendatioti llmt tho bill wlu 1 passed tlio Senate might to hue become a law that the pun liiV..,,.! oihtIu nni to be used fat private JIW l.llli.V w...- , , till purpose, and that public officers should be heid io a rigid acrotiiilabiliiy. 'J'lto wholo country it becoming satisfied ..ml nniiiu. on this Stthiect; and nmie will 'i,rt.o.,rinp mlrnnato the use of the public ni" ;,o., r. cnoniil.itiiKr nurnon.. except those who wibh to use t. low pcoplo desire that ihe pntdjc treasure should Ve placed in the ImniU of sneculaiors. They had rather their r.,,.,la clinulil tin lfKiit io nav iho puhlie ll.l bililies. Wo all perceive that the hanks arc iesumiiiK without tho use ot tun punuc mo Wand without a National unnu. T7 'A'.iinn iosiu' a vote.. Tiio Boston Timeosays 4Hn irront WlIK the UllxlfetV 10 CCl Ollt nil llic vnlnrs nt ilin recent election in MflillO, that :.,..,..,. in in iv-is tnki'ii from a til IIIIU IHilV.lllUti i. in... - . bid; bed, mui actually died before ho reached ., ii . U10 pons. 171 123 193 110 104 SOI 232 3 OL 22 135 82 , 110 ,'37 1 55- 8T 8G 36 247 76 ' 102 39. 00 3G 55 30 JS2 43 100 30 95 20 180 92 120 18 .74 222 170 131 154 207 210 52 80 20 70 129 ' 83 01 150 78 223 133 80 ' 29 135 03 05 182 84 27 4 91 91 42. 09 83 49 28' 91, 40 100 174 163 144 158 202 235 30 87 27 73 119 90 49 100 93 205 170 93 39 153 105 94. 135 B3 23 31 57 51 34 48 01 43 24 00 48 05 225 159 140 152 204 213 38 77 30 58 142 04 00 140 8C 24!) 138 78 28 125 88 92 187 08 c -i- ' s 83 203 160 100 154 200 128 133 88 10 2' &0 05 82 48 00 79 02 20 '78 08, 93 70 84 73 240 203 87 30 127 107 91 188 79 83 57 89 45 73 27 35 55 48 37 27 51 44 104 JC2 167 205 167 2Q5 210 80 CO 80 140 88 241 165 82 33 144 105, , 90 185, 81 19 15 97, 55. 23 34 72 25 33 52 20 31 23 87 42 114 151 US 208 33 293 140 G3 23 82 80 80 15 52 79 G5 53 71 30 82 28 70 '45 141, 70 228 111 40 0 104 108 60 73 143 121 . 5 "MinisteM 6f the Gospel" aro excluded i from all civil offices in New York, by the Uonstittttion, Base attempt to hoax.-Qomc letter wri ter has stated without ilia least shadow of truth or presumption of its truth, that the Hon. Henry, Ulay, died recently at Uincin- nan, from drinking cum Water. Resignation pf Lord Durham. We leurn from the New Yurk.Joiirnal of Com merce, that Durham has rcsignd his office as Governor General of the Canadas, in eousequeuce of tho proceedings of, the Brit isli l'arlaiuient alre-.dy noticed. This im portant act was aiiolinced by4Iiis liOrdship at Quebec on Saturday week, si ml as might have be'eii expected, created much excitement. Pencil marks may. be rUbbcil from paper wan uic corner oi a sin; uaiiitctciiiei, as well with a piece of India Robber. 2010 1088 2110 M80 2307 1200 2070 US? .21,14 )340 2211 1115 155G 1505 alajorily,' Majority,' Majority,' Majority, Majority, Majority, Majority, 1,528 CG0 1,117 507 ,77-i 1,090 50 KiMnmPMi riC tlm Votes nulled fc'r Governor, at the late election we iiave fathered fmm llic Harristhlrg, and other papers from different portions c.r jlib ... . .1 ' t I ill.. I Ii ri Jtin rtil State. TimiK'h not all oniciul, vet We believe ineni neany cjneui, uuu luun m ijority will not vary much frbiii that which' wc now give COUNTIES. GOVERNOR REPRESENTATIVES. Adams j- , , . Alleghany, Armstrongi Beaver, Beilford, Berks, Bradford, ' Bucks, Butler, Cambria, Centre, Chester, Oleal field', Columbia', Crav.; ford, Cumberland', Dnilphiu,' " ' Uelaware', , Erie, Fayette; Franklin, G rci-no, lliintingtoni Indiana, Jefferson, , Juniata, Lancastcri Lebanon, Lehigh, Luzerne, Lycomingl fiercer, Mifflin, Monroe, Montgomery; . K'Kean, . Northampton, Northumberland; Perry, Philadelphia city, Philadelphia county Pike, Potter Sehuylkilli Soniorfct', Sitsqtiehanmii Tiof.1', Dliimt, Venango, Warren, Washington, Wa'yu'e, WiHittnOreland, York t . 1535, 1271 .149 7101 1830 4553 Ill 1159 4V27. 273 2010 423 ' 430 21 G5 1283 . 258'i 277 1708 ,.180 1049 , 1543 2400 ' 8133. 2400 185 .feu 4558 213 1050 2144 1014 3150 7982 021 203 2271 1231 ' C7S ' 1149 300 1002 4501 , 4100 a , a a? riH '2 ' 2 r , . a. f ? , - 3 ' a- 33ip 1, , '.' V" ; ' 3:-. ' ' ', '' , I' . '542 i.'-y '' ',; -yS.: " ' : ; i . ' rt i. - "-. -; i - ' 1 1 3215 , ,;,5 4.: 1021 . . , 414G ; ! - - 3 . ' ' V 62'" ..JJi-y; I .4970 , )(.; 4 , , . ' loss' ' ;.jAV1v ,' ' V'; f . -3813' . ' " , 2 ;,. 1731 -. Z;'hr- 1 . ' 1212-' - ' TTm'S"'-?"' 3 , 1981 ,W ': - 1027 ' ' '$:." . 418 ' ' " .;. . , 8G3 . . j-, ...'i ;'i:',. v)' 3 3054 '.'i',!:;,, '0 2227 ; 1 .2502 -.ilr. -2 1555 , , :-S?rK.- ' est ., -::,v;t; . 2 - -vi' - - ' 0748 .'-3 . ' ' -3.' . . . no ,. v fv .. ' 683 .'. ' , 7;1 7203 ' "Vy - . - 1 ' 0187 -' ' ' ,48 " 117 .: 1508 . : ...iv, ., ; , 1098' ':'ilt4't- f. ' ' '' . '' ' 'i l!' ' ' . , 'C70'-, ' ' . ji ; : ySK, ,. 538 ,;':' .' . -2315 , , '; ",2 ," ' . ' , ,'3557 , . ' ."'o" : : .f) rhmitP. for xinerlc i.alies. III Scott county, Iowa, after a residence of fom (lays, the m simile lauv Imtiui a nintuet on, uk 10th uli. A cnrrwjspundc'iit wntoo, "our gotttloinmi are three to imp, n'nd so anxious are our settlers for wivadl Jt)itit. tltoy nnver . . . 1 .1 . . 1 . . a ii..i.r..; ..i.. ask a mgte rauy net jru. ammi itteet It. ' v w Ai' X.. Ponululion.&wn has an average of 03 individuals to the square- mile, Scotland 72, nnnmurk 70, MawaelnwctW 78, Uonner.iicut 7a, unouo isiauti u. imow 01ii ii, New Jeriv 38. Maryland 3C,Peun6lvania29, New Ilampshue 28, Vermont 28, Ohio 29 South Carolina 18, Virginia 17. Tenncesen 17, North Carolina 15, Maiye 12, Tmii-imi 18 GoomisiO. Alabama 0, Louisiana 5, Mississippi's, Illinois 3, Miisouri 2. m Vo -A youri" Wy eutonccd to "Blackwojl's IslapJ." New York, for six iiitMithrn'utliniE nn'einpty .coffin thero on her rrrival, jumped into It. n'pll romatning ii'itil utght,1 Piaup 'ljec'cBQjo. Sho-was rclaliVP. B?vcrol)daj'tfafterwurds"y .aliUsciit hack. Bloomsburg Artillery, Will lucent at, Smj tier's. Hotel 011 Satur day, the 27the iisl. at 9 o'clock A. M. for Military Exercise snd Drill, with Uniform and Muskets. , , Bloumshurg Oct. 19th, 1838. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Pott Office at Utcoms. burg, (Jet. 1st. 1838; , Paul Hopper .' Joseph Hopper, John Ingram Ktq. fcaniuel J icobyj Mr. Kchler, Mark-Khmer, peorgc,I.narr, John Ul Morris, Dr. Cohan Mayer, Joseph Maust. Lewis 11. Maus, Col. John Panel, Juncltigg, John Rieluidi Egj. Kidney iJ. Sl.itcr, Jdotcs tUscrhccr, H. & M. Spiinger, Jane Smith, Ann Wynett, Ohra Welln, (Sitali Wnshtngion, Oeorgo aiglet. Mr. Barklcy Esq: Samuel Deltlcnian, John Dower, Daniel Uuss, John CaUtvtll, ijcw W. Coo, Joseph Coleman, Robert Cathca'it, John Cox, D. M. Davis, Elizabeth Dunham, George V. Decker, Isaac Driblehis, John Eadgcr, John Elliot, 2 RoOvVV.JJycr. C. 15. Fihcr,,4 Joseph Fair, Daniel Greia Eq. Solomon Hackman, Wm. G. Hurley JJsq, William Hilborn, Abraham Houpt, 49. Persons calling B. IIUPEIIT, P. M. for letters on the above list, will please say they are advertised. uioomsDurg a. iB3. Informs thq citizens of Bloom and vii-ini-ty, tjiat he has loeated hiuiseiriu tho village of Blomsburg, wlieie fin will always hp ready to attend to all ca',1 for his profession al services. , . . - Office next dtjorio Roblsoaa Stage Ofiice. Oct. 13 1838. . . . .- RUSHIAN BKIB5ELS IIEEL"Bb;C5 For sale at Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburs. NIGHT CANDLES, By the Box. and one bos will last a whole ycaj". For sale by Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg. FtCTIOft MATCHES, Warranted to be good; also LOCO FOCO MATCH'-8:,.good, For sale at. Tobias' IleaVlli .Emporium Bloomsburg; at PEPPER SAUCE, . Expressly for Tavern Kcepcis, For sale Tobia's Health Emporium Bloointibtlrg. , , PROSPECTUS For a weckfy newspaper to bo publislieii at Colum bus, Luzerne cotpity, l'a.t upder tho name of the LUZERNE & COLUMBIA RRPORTliR. To eatiify n very natural enquiry in tho mind of those who inny bo about to beeonjo Iho patrons of a now establishment of tho kind hero .contemplated, viz: What aro to bo tho political features of thU paperl" wc unhesitatingly answer, the mott purely dtmncraiic; tho principles of Thomas Jcfl'ereon, -will bo recognised by tho Editor, as the plat-form on wluch tho political principles of the REPORTER will bc,llasc3 The prominent measures of the n j ministration cf General Jackson, will lind a ready defence im tho Columns 01 our paper, tint! present National Administration, will find iu our columns as ready an advocacy.. Though wo Miall nt all timw aim at a taaipcrjtc eouro, yet we shall never shrink from an unequivo cal and tearh-jj expression of our viowa upu.a the great topics which may ut any time agitate our coun try. ' . Tun UK?oitTcn will bo cf the size of our largest country papers. .The first number will I o issued as soon as n nullicicut number of subscribe kIuII be obtained to warrant the undertaking. To farilitate this object, ciocy jiersan holding a aubscriplion pa per is repu'stedto inako return tp RUF.US.DA LQN, at Columbus, Luzrue co., by the Safli of October, 1833. TERMS OF THE REPORTER TWO DOLLARS per culiuni,, jiuyabls semi annually on the'delivery of lliB first paer, and if not paid within tho year, invariably, 1 'too IX llars and Fifty Cenh will bo chargeJ. SubsctiltprawiU pjoaas designate the rqst-Ofitcc orpUeo to which their pa pers fckall be forwarded, Astonishing Facts. Jl certain lleihedy for the I'tnier ami ,5gc. T3'M7"ARRANTED a prompt and effectual euro V v For sale t Tobias Health Emporium, Bloomsburg. Improved tfpcrltni Seidlitz Powders, HELD in high ostlmation'for 'lidlaoption, heart burn and billtous affectioa.. -For tale at Tobias Ucdtli Emporium, BloonMurff J. HAWLEY'3 Fegttabk Jlnti-Bilious Pilts Thene pills arc found to be a most certain and tf fdctual preventive of fever, janndicc bilious, and oth crcholica, and indeed, of ell diseasea caoscd by ob tlruttioii or nffectioni of the Btomieh, liver tpleeni or fiitcsiinci. For liver and stomach cosiplaint and r.ll diseascj connected therewith, tUCh as hipoehon drici, hysterics, discsitfor lridfgCsliori( loss of ap petite, hcadiaclw giddintM, and. for fovernnd ague, Ihevj pills are a, suro preventitive- Also, for salt rhetimp. Il'bty cleanse tho ilomnrh,rfcjn6ve. there-, from all vitiated biles purify ai.d tcBaittltp blonde Does a person fepl a Iws or appetite and a: bad taeto in tiie moutl,wilhardinlnesrvor the stoma'ch, n few dose of these pills arc ptire to rcmovo r.ll mrh diffi culties, speedily tct matters to right. Heaviness dull, sleepy and slugifh-inactlon, with or without a jellowness of complesion, these pills will surely and speedily remove all Hich aihnenls, and timely use of lhc?o pills may prcva t the occurrence pf any mich furmidablo disease. i . ' AlsuHawlcy's Vcg table Salve, known tluoujli out the I'nion. 'J'bis salvo when used ha a pecu liar quality iu reviving an nctiun of iho nfl'wed jrarLs, by safteniiiguuJ opening ibepnre and ercat i5 per?pirntion, reducing fccr &e. It dsodea, expels, and Cntirrly prevents tho blood from scttlinT in the flcah-of bruics. ojr, wounds, of any descrip tion, onil. is a suro preventive of mortification, and may bo made use if far cuts', Bores, burnr, t'numa lilui.pain in tho back, Irerliit o,r ride,- The above article lor role by. ' . ,,U. S.. .TOBIAS, Agunt. Bloomsburg, October 13. Take Mti. .... ; , The subscriber' has- left hiu Brio't ac counts mid Notes in the hands of Iddings Barlvley,Esq.for collection. All prisons in debted will please call immediately and set tle, or theic will bo coat, as dc.ays are dan gerous. C, B. FISHER. 1- NU'AO. IJVlXtJAl I One Two Horse Wagou.and a Sled with Cast Shoes.boih nearly now, which wjll bo sold Cheap on easy terms, by calling on IDDINGS BARKLEY. TO THE PUBLIC. , . TIIROUCII a lingering aild irremedia ble desease, my iicahh at Icnglh became so impaired, that I became unable .to attend tr all the requirements of my official duties. By pcrsuation of my numerous fiiendi, I consentcil at l.i3t to keep an, apd,lU.eeavy( thinking it-would bu-the most becoming,- e.a sict for me m engage isi at the present time and Eiiicn (or while) 1 have established a' shop, I would humbly solicit the support of my fiicnils and the public In gejiorali on hat count of my great sickness. . AniL .especial ly, would I .request tho merchants of tjus place, to give tint all possible chance of isht ing ihofc articles belonging, tb my .liiia.jof linsincs!1, for which they may receive civ sincere tlianks. A few artlcld3 mily wPidt are to be found In my Health Emporium aro advertised. There will he kepi a con fiiauLsuuply. oLsuch articles as may be call ed for; but i per c.hancct arsnomu'bo njae for fiueh ps I em tiot. in possession .of immediate preparation will be made ind'fdcr to obtain tliem.' h Further, do I cnrtioslly, -invite Physicians of this place and its vicinity, to give me a. call, aal intend to sell very -reasonable. There will be kept constantly on hand, all kinds of Medicines, Patent and others,' warranted to be genuine, All kinds cf Paints, Glass, Dye-stuff, &c. &c. Also a variety of Confcctionaries, Raisons, Nuts, Herring, Sugar uu Water CracKers, Or anges, Lemons, Figgs, Prunes, Perfume ries, &c. &q. All .articled frt the Health Emporium, I intend to sell chprper tiu".i liey can he bought at ary other placc it: tho county. Yout Fiiendand well wisiier. . , D.S TO BIAS. Ileallli Emporlum.Bloomsbiirg Sept. 22 "PTUST received, and for sale at'the .iliClVE, Qp in Bloomsburg, a fresh fiupply of MOLJISSES, SUGAR, RICK. BND IRON, BMR IUOiY, SPRING ' " STEEL, CAROLINA ' ' , MOSS, -c. 5-c. ' Inquire at tho store ot . . . ", - RUPERT & BARTON. August 11, 1833, lf . TAMMARINDS, ' T, mako a pleasant driaL fur iwk' peepte. Tor ealo at - , 1). S.TOBIAS' Health EmwtiUm. LEMON SIRUP . - , .. . . answers die nsmo rurpose ailho Lcruaas do. For sale at 'Vobius Ilallh Emna'ium Bliomlntrsr, LOOKjiE'lfi', : DYERS AND PAINTER, If you mint tc Buu CHEAP. !AM Woad.gramidiClirom. Grpcu; Drp IaUe; i'UiUc; liOwooo; Mauuet) par Urown, fai Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburir. .floitf Suffer loo mMh.'IxcreTRttnejtj til m.c h p in k vn "WTT nlmnat iimnttlMi-Ato rnmni. XTztX"- i - ij - ; -w.j ivnivir, up. uuu cu- iuililirectioiu. tlie euffwer will fpoedily wlioctl frnm the. niinlmutRnt 4JKitf. ri-il Tobias? Ileuh Stmtm, Rtvomdmrsc-. TO P-AREN FS. OAQMIN.VOVSS OH IX FA ST InOP8. . njHi,3 va!ublo Medirjnc is a cr-l.'iri iro Cvr JR. young children, incl -he. coiivaU oit, rst, lowtn, Wiling, disordc.ed boi!s, 5 .-ecu soulg', wwt vo,raUtnt, &e. Fo.--.ilea TobittVIiialth Lmfoiiuiv, LhcmtlHtf 7