uuco EADER, if vpu have a cough or cold bcwar ofthcir'tjmeqUencC3. Colds generally pr auco icoperccDUblr. and Insinuate thcmscivr throughout the human system, finally settling utoi tho luiigt arid ending in cons'umptionf A WORD TO PAhENTS. ilow riftcn is youth cut down when least expect cd by the consumption, and followed to their grave by parents who are in a measure the cause of the', prcmiture death, in neglecting to remedy colds whe existing in childhood, looking upon them as trill in afll-ctions, and not attracting heir notice until th destroyer has commenced its work and made sun of its victim. This is not a fanciful representation for daily numerous instincts 'occur which 'prove tin act. In manhood colds terminate in thewme way.bn' t fld not piogrcssso rapidly as in youth; the; should however, in both youth and manhood, be earlv at tenden to, and not regarded as trifling afll-ctions tor it is a delutive idea that has shortened the live of thousand i. Dr. BECIITEU'S Pulmonary preservative. '(Price Fifty cents per Dottle.) Is an invaluahle preparation, discovered a rein lar and celebrated German physician', who his em cloved it upwards of fifty yi-.vs in his own practice in Germany, throughout which countty it has bcui during that time most extensively anil succcsslullj 'employed in Uouihs, uous, i;ataarh; Astnmas, Whooninff U0U2I13, Spitting- of Blood, Pain of th Breast and Sides, all affections of tho Urcast and Lums. and arrcrt of approiching Consumption, Much may os said in prais of the above medicine hut newspaper advertising being too ox pensive, eve ry mttafastory evidence will bo found in nil its ef fects upon trial, as well as numerous recommenda tions accompanying the dircct'ons. . Upwards o "7QC0 bottles were sold in Philadelphia alone dur ing the last winter, a convincing proof of its efficacy 1or so large a quantity would i.oer have been sold. Prepare! and told Wholeato and Retail at Dr. LciJy's Health Emporium, 2d street, below Vine, No. 101. ALSO, SOLD BY . D, S. TOBIAS, -Agent. Bioomsbttrg, May 26, 1838. Iy6". PltEMONITARY HINTS, AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION, llQJ EADER, did you ever seo a confirmed Dys peptTc, and learn his sufferings! If not. suf lice it tn siy.he is a pile, thin and ghastly looking object, his life apparently hanging by a thread; he Is miseriMo and unhappy, his sufferings indiseriba Ue. Are you mush troubled with flatulency, costive 'now, sour eructations arising from your ston ach, occasion il want 6f appetite, watcrbia?h, a bad taste in your lmuth, or faul bre.ith, pain or a heaviness at your stomach, sickness after eating, headache, dis gust at your once favorite food, &c. If you are much troubled with any of the foregoing Bymptoms, liring t'efare yfi'ii the picture of the Dyspeptic, and having rescilved to remedy the ednseonences, ini tn diately procure Dr. Lexdy's Tonic fyAnti- Dyspeptic Cdrdidl A never failing and efficaclo'iis remedy lor DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION", And the white train of affections resulting from dis eases Of tho Liver, Stomach anJ Intestines. The above medicine is warranted free fromincr- curv or other raindral preparation; it is composed entirely of vegetable, safe and easy to take, being Very pleasant to the taste. It may be 'safely admin ister to young and old, requiring but moderate re strictions in diet only. Numerous testimonials have been from time to me published; its reputation is so well known, fur ther comment upon its virtues is unnecessary, uf ftcc it to say, it jus never tailep is x single instance. Further recommendations accompany Hhe directions around each bottle. OCj'Price One Dollar per bottle. Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. LciJy's Health Emporium, Sd street, below Vine, No. 191. . Also Sold by,. . D. S. TOBUs, Ageni, Bloomsh,urg,-May 20. Iy3 WONDERFUL CURES have been verfoYtned in this citm ami throughout the country: MEDICATED SARSPaRII.lA. "irfeEING a concentrated fluid extract .of Sarspi WW rilla. combined with oilier vegetable extracts, which renders it as a hicdicine of creat utility in the cure of ait dieait aririw; from the impurities nf the blood from indiscretions and imprudcncics in lifo. and conslilutiorlal diseases formed or produced ly tho Injudicious use. of mercury, nricnic, bark, or liuinino. In short, it is uri invaluablo remedy for all Rheumatic Affection's', General Debility, Ulcerous Sores, Wliitfl Swellings, Diseases of tho I.ivor and fct-In. Tllfrrntfd sore thrdat. Ulcers of tho Nose. Cn- ties of the diseases of the Bones, (Scrofula or King's Evil, Erysipelas or St. Anthony tuo, and all un iileasant and dangerous affoctions consequent to tJypluhs, Lucas venereal, &, ( So effectual has this medicine been in the euro o Various diseases for which it Is recommended, that It U fir superceding all other preparations of barspa' itla. Pnnacca &e. It b now employed by numerous physicians a'rjd Bit been introduced ny mem inio many uojpiiais. nfirmarics, &c. throughout tho United f tales. It is a Drenaration of ereater strength fconse- quently of greiter efficacy) than any other extract iiow made, is Siso mucn cneape r, neing pui oho uui iar tier bottle: which is sufficient to make one Oal jpnofByru of Harsparilla, nd is bought by dif ferent drucrcists for that purpose. Numerous certificates havo been received and published from ttmo to time, but in coniequence of the great expense attending newspaper publication of them, the xntni incredulous can be convinced of the euiKsnor efficacy tT Dr. Loidy medicated bars Barilla, bv oalllnff at " Ieidy'a Healtll Emporium," No, 101, North second stree, below Vine, sign of hs GoJJa.t Eagle and Serpents, where certificates onil references an be given to hundreds ofinstancos of he most re'.jiorka'blo curetf over performed by any iiwlldiie. . , Prepared oaly arid itold Wholesale and Ritoil at i)r, XeldyV Hoalth Emporium, id street, below Viae, No. 101. 'V ALSO SOLD BY , D. S. TOBIAS. IpccaHWirg, June 3, 183S. irHfOLD LEAF, SILVER LEAF, ttAii COP PER LEAF, For sale a tl'oliUu Drugg StorttoJJlotmiburg, AND Threshing Machine MAJ UFACTOHY. THE subscribers retpectfully inform the public in general, that they have erected the abovo ten lunrd establishment far all Kinds of 13.033" CASTIHGb. order; mid als-i to .TfttrnViiltiirc TIlItESII ;VO jljiCTir.VEii and VOllT.IRl.E HORSE POWEilS t atl of which they will nako of the best of materials, and in the most work naulike manner, and will dispose of them on rca- lonalle terms. li. IL MAUS & Co. Bloomsburg, May ID, 133S. vfiv&a EXCHANGE. asiaAa "XTERY respectfully informs his friends ami the public, that he has always on hand, alius Lt vcrv Stable in Bloomsburg, for tho purposes of Hire or Exchange, n variety of Horses, Sulkies, GIGS, WAGONS, AND SLIilGHS. which he will feel gratified to keep in readiness for the accommodation of customers. Personal application Can bo made at his residence, when every means will lie used to rcmicr enure sat isfaction to those who may give him a call. JNUAH a. riitiiN no. bloomsburg, May 20, 1838, AIiARATUS, Glauber Salts, Eps'o'm salts, sale it the Cheap Health EmporiuVn for te-L "OTEDHSNSS To the Distressed & Afllictcd! TOBIAS'S HEALTH EMPORIUM And Family Dnig Jl'aHhowe. HCAI.T1I, '"Tho poor man's riches tho rich man's bliss'." THE sibscribcr would respectfully announce to his friends and tho public that he has opened a general assortment of 33rugs & KSedicines, at his Drug and Chemical Store in Blonimburg and "that he will be happy to supply the wants o those who may give him a call; Among his at sortmcnt arc Alcohal, Aqua Ariionij, AijUa pepper, Arcnic whito, do. yellow Allonatto Agarric Aiiua.Eoitis. , . BlUe Mass Block Tin , barley peiil'cd Bor.tx Mustard Muriate of Tin Mace Nippcl Shields do Shells . Opodeldoc liquid do Steers Pills German . Guimne " ' ' Radix Calcicum do Senega Sriike do Squills Resin plaster Slccl Powder Stodcn bitters Stone yellow do rotten do . black Sand paper sordto Solution of tin "Spt. Eallicr fiiHph. do Niter Eathcr . do Ilaitihomo Vials all kinds Wafers red and black Krcosote . Bronze whito do yellow Carb Ammonia Cinnamon Cochineal Crab's eyes Ulovcs Draggou's blood Ginger Giipi Assafcctidd do. Opium do. Aloes do. Arabic do Barbadocs Aloes Camphor Window Glass all sorls Whhiiig . Sandet Salts Cologne Water Black Ivc'ry uum Uopal do Myrrh Horse I.ancc Isinglass Russia Lamp black 'ALSO, Black Fepp t, Allspice, 7?.' Pepper, TOBIAS: Iron Host. D; S, Bloomburg, May i9, 1838, BERNARD RUPERTj TAILOR. AS just received tho Spring fashions from l'hiladelphia, and is rca.lv tn make all kinds of garments in the newest and nibfct fashionable style. j , Bloomsburg, May 6, 1838. DYERS OPdN YOUn feVfea; UrSSNGAL Indiffo: Spanish do. Vcrdiitries. blue JaVitrial; White do. for sale cheap arid good, at tne Bloomsburg Waro House, by . D. S. TOBIAS. ,LUE 8MALTZ, Whito Frosting. Iceland Moss for consumptive People; Segars, Com- mon, Spanish and Half Spanish'; and ay thousand Iicrarticles to a tedious to mention, for sale at Tobias' fleaith Emporium. White ;i.tlian ITJuIJierry, FOR SALE AT IN BLOOMSBURG Br. Weitvtr's IVorm Tea and Salve. '(NilE action of this Mcdicino is not only to cx M pel Worms, but by is tonic powers." to nro- vent a return of them, by removing tho weak etato ot jthe mgcsuvo organs on which their pioduction mainly depends. For sule by T). P. TflTtfAS Health Emporium, Bloomsburg, ROSE OINTMENT, A certain cure for totters, ringworms, pimples on the face, and other cutaneous eruptions. Ask for Tohius Health Emporium, Bloomsburg. '. ALL idmTsOF JOB WOEK Executed at this Office. nSHE eubscribcra have just received, at their old kl rstaMithmcnt. in bto multure, n new and general assortment of Goods, laid inith grcut care and suitable for the present and approacliing sea sons : which, with their firmer stock, they ll.Ute.- themselves, prcf.cnts as various a choice of VooiUns can be had in anv part ol thu country, and winch hey aid dijposeJ to part with' 'at the loivc price tor Uath or in exchange tor country l'roaucc, Their S'tock of WXV GOODS roni't? of nil varieties of the mA'mifiiclurics of5iIkt r lax, oiion, nnn wool, nuu incir iiuiihtuus cum binations, in E.igland, Prulicc and America. Superfine, rinel Common, and Coarse Cloths, Casslmers and Saltlnctts ; Cotton Goods from the. Coarsest (6 'the Fincat lcxiurta- , topng the latter an as so'lmcnt of French Chintz', cs. Muslin and Calirocs of new and superb paterns, Silk? an I Silk I'cstjngs bliawli, Jlanitkerctiiej.1, vyc, yst linens, dressed and undrcscd', French J.auws and brown Hollands. Groceries 8c Siiquors, Sucar. Coffee, Chocolate, Tea, Spicci of nil Rind-, several kinds and qualities of Brandy, bpints, Jiuni WfnsKcy, Wine ami Molasses. Knives and Forks, Cullcry, Saddlery, Coach am' Wo iron mounting and trimmings, bevthes, Mi and X cut Savvi), Tools for Blacksmiths, ShOcma kers, Saddlers, Tuilors, Carpenters and other me chanics. AND rccKcrv vi ai-c, cgr; vvarc and a thousand htil one other articles which it mpossilile stpsritely to mention. Pasnl6, I'S nctd Dye Sff. ilt U r of all kin.U and qualities of foreign and domcslii manufacture. Dont throiv awdy gooJ bargiiris by neglecting to call on trni.T.IM -MCKE7.V1"$ Co. Bloomsburgi May IS, 1 833: 3 . The Victory Won, A 1-t'ER loin;, tedious, and cpenivo experi- Aa.ment. Dr. Leidv Ins discoverol a method whciebv the t-.'rwe of the Saria'mrillu is etrs..-teJ so as to bo formed into Pills without dcctroiitig its tlicaev; innumerable attempts have, been made to accom plish this important d'lject, but all failed. It is im i portant, because hc SarsapuTill.t, as timed c'ue. in all diseases to which mankind is su1 icct is product- ve 0 more real good, man tlio whole catalogue ol im-uiriiiu 111 ust . Ak all respectahto phvsicnns tho nuoslion. 'What is tho most effectual purifier of the blood, mid the mist popular medicine used! they will answer unanimously, barsaparillu. hat better tccom mcndatiou can lie asked I DIt. LEIDY'S SAllSAPARILLA OR BLOOD PlLLti, Price, Twenty-five Cents a Box. They must surely rommand a preference, forlhcy arc not composed of Sarsaparilla alone, but contain, in a concentrated Mate, in the firm of a pill, tho virtues of tho principal ingredients contained in the compound fluid, extracts, syrups, and other prepara tions of Sdrsaparilla. They ar b'uhly recommended by numerous phy sicians, anJ others, (sec directions around cacli bot tle) in Rheumatic Affections, Ulcfi'ous sores of llio nose throat nuu body, Scaly Eruptions and blotches of the i-kiii. Dry and watery piinp'es and pilules o'f tho face and hoily Tetter and tinuworm). Swelling! and hardening of the glands of the neck, in the groins, breast. &c. Schrofub Erysipelas, J-iunuicc, iic imuiru Diseases of the l.ivcr.bkm IioiIps and glands. Pain of tho side's, along tho back and spine o ver tho region of tho heart and stomach. Inward feverB, bad taste in the mouth foul breath Flatulency, Indigestion, Sour eructations and acid itiesof tho stomach,' Want of annetite. Stomach Coughs', Liver complaint; Waterlirash. and all tlio whole tnurl of irciikps rililllnr frnni impurity of the blojj, constitutional diseases prn- uuceu uy iiiurcurv. or imit-r uiiiicrais, or tuo ennse, nuence of Synhlli., Lues Venereal, &r. Fqr convenience of taking, as .ell as making but small hulk, being in uat square lioxc. convenient for carrying in the pocket in for travelling purpose they must bo preferable to all other preparations of Sarunparilla. . , For sale, Wdolosalo and Retail at Dr. Leidv'n HcalthEinpmium, 2rld ricarVine fctreet.I('biladclilila, Forsule by U. S. TOBIAS. IL of Ftonc White, do, red, Mark, -wcct, Cas tor and all a her kinds of Oils, for sal at Tobias's Health Emporium. Gentlemen and Let lies. Look Here. OSE Tooth Paste arid Compound Chlorine .Tooth Wash, forTlcuniftir and orOicrvin tho 1'ectli and Gttms and Cleansing tho mouth, for salo at TOBIAS' Health Emporium. FRUIT A1TD CA1TDIES AlSOiNH, allkindsofOnJiai, lU-'i en dv ftiVi) all kind of Nuis, Orauzcs, Figs, Prunes. L'e 111011a 5ic, cvC, iVc, tor sale.hy V. S. TOBIAS, THE THIRD VOLUME Commorcingwiih tlipJtilyNumher forl'0n8. A COCID OPPORTUNITY TOIt NEW SUDSCRIUKKS. tin. r! I ni.J. n.:t u...t i lie iargvm. unu rt'iuiiMiii in j iiil umiKU omito. TMIJ ! CENTXiE MAN'S MAGAZINE, F.IIITE1I nr W1LI.1AM K. BCnTON, rlllLAPKLPIIIA. Now plililisliiniri'n Moullily Ntiliihcrs. Tho proprietors have much 'pleasure in announc ing to the reading public, the complete succers which ha? attended the CFttuiiHhmcnt of this Magazine-"- a success, lar beyond tlirir utmost expectations, olid considerably exceeding the prosperity of any other publiratioi'1,51, America. The daily increasing sub- scriptinn list, and r;ir. nitmf.iiiics coMMrNiiAiir no ticks or tub rnss, attest the merits mid the ponu- arity of the (ientteman's Magazine, each number it which contains ITIorc Original Matter , , ilmvi nny ollifr inonilily pttlilii'niion. Tlic conlrnls citilirnco n fertile tiinjjc of mmising :iud inslrin;tlvu nulii i;rl3, bv uiitliiirs ui celc- 'intv. UriL'ttiiil I nlcs til nnwtrliil intcrosl: Httiuorin'is mill Gtnphii1 tlcliiiciiiiinis of iticti ind ni!iiinL,r.: Novi-1 fekcirhes (if Furoiirn Intuls: Puctrv Ci.n rnctcristic Stmlies; Es nys on popular elijtirls, null Biogrnpltirnl tiniircs ofctslclirntPil Ecccnliir pttrsiitii, uitli Jiiin v oriaiinil Aiiuciliiics. ,1 lie new tnih- ii'ittions lire reviewed in filll : Liberal ex- runts are 11111110 from raro and vnlnalile forks hrcsciitin r a colnnlclc account of he POPULAR LITERATURE OF THE DAY. in Original (iipy -right M"")?. "nt Otherwise U h obtained, will lie given, with the music, in pverv nunilier. Th Gentleman's Mngazinccontairts Scvcniy-tivo; ng, at the close of the year, two large volumns of xtr.i-si7.ed Uctava pagcs.cl two columns cich, tonn iiu liiuus.iiHi, euen iiunuiru nuu iwL'lliy-cigllt cui- imns-csrh column contains more tbau an oc tavo ajo of avrragc proportion, and ca;h monthly num- er has more rending matlei than a volu'iio ot a lovrl. I he work is uratlviirinted, on ciiod paper, ml sticbed in a neat colored cover. .S'cvcral Engrav ings will tc given in tlic course ot the year, and the iroprictors pledge themselves toproducan a?rcca!ilc wokan epitome oti.ito s adjunctnes -a Lnterarv ilelaiine, po'ccsuiii: variety to suit all palates, and innicient to command a plscc upon the parloi table jf every Gentleman in the United States, A NEW FEATURR. Of Great Koirlty and Utility, is introduced into lie volume coniii c icing the pifirnt year, viz. yilE A XX I VERSA II VHEGISVER: Or Monthly Calender of AmcricAii Chronology, Exhibiting Correct Ditcsoftbe l)ittlnaiul D.'.it!is if Eminent men, Land and !?e.t fights, Jrcitic. Jktrmirdiusry nn.l Mcmdrablo Eculs, and othci 11 1 Iters coinicctcd with . Tin: iu rour or jtftr.nict The fulness and aeuracy of this Chronotogy xhich has been complied at errt ex;no of time thhorrf l.lcrsit avi'.ni'i'.e alJilinn to tbr nx of he (icntlfman Magazine, there is no oilier Caleni'er like it in ciiitcnir. iTiKMH I lit'o Uollars nor annum, nnvH'ilt' 111 iidvntirp. All letters. piH,tsge paid; addressed tn Charle Alexander. AtliniMiis uuikhlis Franklin Place Philadelphia, will meet with the csrlicvt attention. LOOK OUT SHARP ! ! GLUE, . iftTONE better in the known world, for salo at J" me cheap ware rlnuH-, ny TOBIAS in Bloomsburg. LACK INK, Red Ink. Blue Ink, Durablo'lnk lot salo at the cheap Health Eiiporiuin, by 1). S TOBIAS. Evans' Camruomile Pills, Warantcd to bo genuine. Ande'rioii'a Pills, & nil other kinds of Pills. Fly Stone, to kill Flies with. Fish Seed, to enteh fish with; I'U'JSSES. Spunxcs; fur salo at TOBIAS' Iledlth Emporium. C MOKED HERRING, Sugar crackcrs.and Wa- .9 1. 1 Tackers, lor sale hy I) -S. TOBIAS, i litonmshurg. WEEKLY SPIRIT OK THE TIMES IN the First Saturday in .ftistig' will be piiblnhed the first numl rr of the" WUI2IC, Y SifUllT Olf TIII3 TIMES," which will be made up from the best politiuai articles of the daily " S irilif the TUnm," nnd 1. hall also con tain i ho latest Foreign and Domestic Iiifclll'eiico; interesting ni isrcllancousU leanings, J iilos, P(irtry .imusing roiico id-ports, and such other matter as will render it 0 complete ramily Newspaper, suita blefornll classes of persons. Wo have hrcn in iluced.to thisuhdcilakinir from the constant rcnuest made to us by our country- friends, to furnish a newspaper calculated (ir circu'ation among the far- iiicrsaud yeomanry of tho interior of the ktate. Be having such a paper might prorb an mnortant oii ili.uy to secure tho success of Democratic, principles at tho approaching, election for a chance of rulers 111 1110 commonwealth, we shall go forward with tlic publication, expecting to receive n liberal support liom tho Democracy of tlio Ivevestonn ktiit. Tho 'Mteokly fpirlt of jio, Tluies" will he printed with good typo, upoil a handsome double medium, tlicer., nnd ili be fiirni-hcd to sinalo sub- .cribcts at Tir JOIj..1RH yet annum one dollar payable invariably in advance. wituraor individuals wi-hiug tlio paper, can have it fdrone year tit the folldwiiig rates: Sjx r-oi!cs for - - . Sf.Q OO Piftcetl a . . : . $25 00 Forty sf)0 00 A.nd a proportionate reduction for n larger nutii bcr of copies, y Persons wishing to subscribe, aro rcque?tcd to tl'rnish thei' names ffirlhwilh, (postogo paid) to tho publishers, in Philadelphia. ANDREWS, MEADEU.f'DU ROLLE. 5C7Stibseriplioii3 rm-ivpil at this Dllicc. FOR SAE BY T D-S.'IOBIASAgcnt. . Bloomsburg, Juno 23, 1838., Vegetable universal PILLS. PITtJlESE pills have obtained a celebrity, for cur , J3. 'B most disrates to which the )iuii'i!i Kjttcm is liable, uncinniplcd in tho history of tho hralinj art. They expel by the action of the ituinadi ei.d and bowTs, all bad humours f ohi the ULcd, eausina : I-.! r. I. ..... . ? a utu iin uiuiiuii ui 1110 nuius.aiiu restores U80UHU state of health. i'ho thousands who use and rccomrr.cnd.tbcia. ts proof poilivc of their cxtraoidinory and lenclicial cfllctr. u 'J ho subscriber has received the nnrointmrnf of Agent, for tho sale of Dr. JlraiiUeth's I'llls in Blooinsbnrg. None arc genuine that arc clfefcd f"f sale, without a ccrtllicato'of appointment siiu.id by the proprietor andcouhU!g'.cd ly Eranch Green, general agent; mid no ccitilicote is tier niii.,, ito lhniiM..II. ,1,. 11 I...! H"W1, ...v.w b.iMvu .11 .11V UiUJj J. It. iMOYElL Bloomsburg Aug. 14 1838. awug leased tuouliine ejt.jl,whlncnl, situated in tho villnsc of BLiK.jrHiiun. (;nT,. nni having thirougbly repaired die Home mid Stnblcs, is now fcady to ni conunodate the trav. riling conimuiiity in n manner that will mtisfy their expectations. His B R mid LARDER uiilalwuva be supplied with the I ca that can be p.ocurcd in tho country; and he flatters hlmtplf h"! Ehall bo cna ilcJ to ndministci to tho comfort and convenience of all who innv call 011 him. EG A R M W UP AOTO II V. o hai ulso cstiMnlicd u manufactory for male . in? Scours. Cut Toban-o ntnl Snnir a.,.i ...m" supply McrchanH ami Tavern keepers with anv . - Y-i"i- ni'iii hiu cuminnii 10 1 ne best or spam iiKh Leaf, Cut Tob.icco and Snuff, upon nsrea- j soluble- term? as they can ba procured 111 the State. uiuunit.iurj;, juiy, ist lBoo. ISSSSCDISiiS'H IBSHISWo rSTUb next, ormnth, number of the Democratic .El Rcfiow wil ia puMUicd on tho lirst of Scpr lumber, coiiiinenciitir tbr t't.rd vplnm... 1 1, fii.i iHHierofihe Dciuocratii- Review having I rrn pub lihed in October, 1836, in advance of the regular monthly issue commcncinir in Jmnmrv. ik?.u i. becomes nccehsary to intermit one month's publiesA uon, to aj to Hung the usual scries of twelve mim-' bcrs within the tircscnt vear. Ailvniiinnn !ni.d taken of this delay to complete in tho nejt or Sen- temucr, number t.lo History of tho iast session of 1 Coiijresj, ' eu-cutel in tho same manner a the tluton ol the Extiascasion," which gave such ;eneral salisl'i.tion in tlio Janusrv and 1-Vt numbers of tlis Democratic Review. Tidies Iodic at this. a -1 ii' 1 uon;; uo-.C"., S-ilk do. Paterdi. Gilt JT Beads, 1'nncy do. cm do'v plain do. Ladies' Wiujm, Gilt Thiiiiblc. Honks & Eyes, Needle ca, ,a.l Viixl j of timrling llotdej. very handsome; DreaM Tins, Ear rints. Finger rings, Pomatum, iT II ,T 1. , . I 1 1 jiiuii uuir., unir iirnsacs. rocket combs, Lisd . cuciis,uiacK ami red; lor salo at TOBIAS' Health Emporium. , AlILMNERS,- TiV you be so hind as to look at this! I TS' ?7HITE Glue; Flake White: OialieAciJ j for sale at the Health Emporium by n: s. tobias. (i i'ARCJI. SniiffTjcan:, Sand Papcrol all kind?, kjp'n its Terpentine, ( 'ocoa prepared Chocolate mi.- su k pcopio irrsn supjily lor salo ut the Health Emporium in Blwiinsburg, by I). S. TOBIAS. ERCURIAL Ointment. Sulphur do! Simpla do. rcrcincilatc dn. Red. Cetrin do. TarMr Emetic do. and all other kinilx nf Dinitf.nnn fnr sale lit the Health Empoiium, bv ' D. . TOBIAS, in Bloomsburg. OLISHING POWDER, to clean ull kinilA of Mclul. and Horse V aloat the cheap Drujttcfrb, In Illoomsburg, by D.S TOBIAS. ADMlNISTItVTbllS NdTlriE. VT fclTERS of AdinlnUlriilinrt 1in..ln I.-..- 1 mA granted upon the Citato of Abraham Kline' Jccd. of Fishing Cictk township, Columbia couu ly. au iicrsons tudeiitca lo Mid estate, arc rcques ted to make immediate payment, and oil. wraonJ iiaMiigucmanus Bgaintt taid ceUto nitist present iui.-m in mi,- BuiiBcruicrs, uuiy auettcd, or lie barred ccorJing to law, JOHN KLINF, MATTHIAS KLINE, .. ,- . . Executors. I ishmg Creek June 23, 1E3C. Gentlemen and La lies come and look at the handsome IttENClI double rrctilicJ.-aiidsM-iiiKrl u-ilblbo Otto of .toe, far sa'o at Tobias's Health Emporium. GLAD TIDISGSll 15UCU.MMKNUED by Dort. Wi -on as a certain cure for lihrum.itlsiii, Also, UJJU ,iJ:UlJ:X Uprrrininipnilpil liv !!.. .Pni.'i.t.t..i.:. rtfortbcfollowiiigtomnlajnt-i lihcii'iaatifin, Weak nuns iiuuiiiiin-s:) 01 me joints, &c. For rale at ouius llculta Linpirium, Bloomsburg. IL nf Sprncri. for mnkiiirr Snrm-n Beer. Kxirnet(iffiursiirillii. Tonlli Powilcr. opiiliiiii. li ry. Cnsli-I Soap. Lady's Palm Sryp tn Wanli. isnli.',l Wrdiiir'. Oil nf Snap, fur inking mil of Hntlis Spols, Slaiitfj, Greasy. &e. All for sain nt 'lobias' Health Emporium, HOOT WEAVER'S EYE-SALVE, y " calam i Inclined Ettes. Aha EVE-WATER, for tore, weak mil iiitl.imi-d cyf". rcccomnii-ndcd by sumo of tl.o Icct f h t.ivian ia Philadelphia. J or salo at tho Cheap Heal It Emporium, D. S. TOBIAS, in Bloomsburg.