THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. "Tftoxrt (S'irnbtft trrlit " : , NINES CHEE&S JFOR DEMOtiRATI CODtiaiBIA; LaJt Tuesday was d glorious laj.; tor tlie 'democracy of Columbia County: .Every man wab at lils 'fioi mid UUh'e Ins duly jnanfullyt There were 3703 votes pol L-!..i iu t..-:.'.'-V ilk a'ji.-'.i i.'lU'.l'' ! icu, ucmg iui iiicreusu til scvniii iiuuurei "over the number at ohy fdrmer election. General Porter's Majority far lexceeds out 'expectations, it Being: 1524, the greatest democratic majority ever given in the county; The vlidlc dcmocratlcTickfct is elected. Ifrhlic vajk Tor Colnha Tbia Cdtih'4yi "The following arc the feporled majorities "as far a3 reO'eivedve canritit of course, 6'uch for their cortectiiess.but believe tlieni nearly correct. In relation in the Voles of Dauphin and Aadams couhtics, the Key stone snVsl In Halifax, Iiauphin county, there were ttfn elections held. There being " doubt of the illegality of that held by the federal ists, tVe do hot in our mnjoritVt They polled votes As we understand In Adams ctuintyt. We Icarjl that upwards of 1000 6f their majority Was given In ohe townshipv where thereVfe only 300 legal voters the rest weie made Url of uliitaWr' , nlizcd foreigners and importations from Ma ryland. The real legal majority (A Adam's, docs not probably eireed 600 voters-. . 'I'lln -,-r,,,.. I...1.I. jC .1.. ... -.fci ..".v.- ... nit. wjwaiiiuu aic tieard from. . We think the majority will bo such as will do credit to the democracy tof the Keystone State Comfits. Ad'arris, Alleghany, Armstrong, Bcaiir, Bedford, .Berks, Bradford Bucks, Butler. Cambria, Centre, "' " Chester, Cleaifield, Columbia,' Crawford, Cumberland) Danpliin, Dclatvare, "'' Eric, "V Fayette, Franklin, 1 Greene, ' Huntington, ih pari, Indiana, ; ' Jefferson, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon", Iiebigh, ' . Luzprne, Lycoming, , Metjocr, , I J ' ;RI)fllin,, Monroe, Montgomery, '' Northampton, Northumberland, Terry, Philadelphia city, Philadelphia com: Pike.. Toller and it'Iican, SchuylkilU Snnit'rret, Susquelianndi FTingn, Union, Venango,4" ' " , Warren, . I AVashinglon, i "Wayne, I Westmoreland, jYork, Qoiernor -3 w IS -a' r- 1,773 &.D6& C50 872 1018 1G24 . A) aid 429 '4SS' 453 620 tIiUMBI A COUK WV 'Governor'. 'Congress. AsscmWi. 'dbWsionCr. 'Treasurer. Auditor, f S P I H S om, Bri?r Creek', WUawlssa,, Dcrry, , . isfiing CrceE; Gr'eehwoo'J, tlBelty,.. IitiSicstoiie', Al'ftHbnipg; Madifioii, Montcur, UcMl Pleasant, OMnge'villo Paxtoii-, , Hoarinij Crc'cir', Sujjarloaf a o 193, , 1G4 ,1 13d 110 ,8J 244, 102 DO lf 109 95 18G 120 123. 110. 204 ,43 82 B7 27 be 39 80 P'O 44 2(5 92 18 E 74 222 1C9 131 .154 207 210 68 en ,2Q 7p 129 ,83 04 150 74 523 132 60 .39 135 96 ,95 hi 84 44 01 01 42 -G9 4J 20 t)i 40 ta B 109 17A 157 144 158 202 235 30 8Y ,27 73 119 M 40 100 ,'93 20!$ 17!5 03 a? 1 53 iofi bs 18? 83 CO ti5 22t. 159 140 .f, . 154 200 102 404. 212 38 128 138 B 83 S03 104 lGi iR7 203 s I 114 161 05 29 S8 98 79 .80 50 219 51 34 ,78 49 64 01 ,125 43 107 if. 90 187 48 79 ID 82 57 0l 05 1, 49 CO .70 3? 78 44 77 30 59 142 01 00 PQ 80 97 65 22 70 11 83 80 238 203 87 1 1 144 88 ,91 iss G8 46 72 27 bs- SO 02 20 61 08 ' ,12,7 105 185 81 4i 31 8d 42 foi 0 ss1 71 .73 143 iii 6 PORTER'S MAJORITY ISfsL UNPRECEDENTED DEMbCRATIC TltiUMPlh Maj-yhuieJ. HCcd'ocBJicrt. diir cotrcspoildenl in Baltimore, says the Philadelphia Times, has furnished lis with complete rcldhls from 'every county In Ma fyl'ail'd, which fcUes GRAYSON; Ih'c De md'cthti'c hmdidate hiF Govetnrir the spien d'iii ttaj'ority bfHOl). .MARYLAND LEGISLATURE. According to the reformed Constitution ih'ero arc i00 members of the lecislature, 21 Senators ami id delegates 51 being a triajoniy bb joint ballttr. The BiritlmcVc Deinoe'fatic Ilcraid say's We have el ec tell 10 Senators, aiVd39 De legates as far as he ird from, ati'il have fait prospects of a majority of 2 on joint ba We "claim the Senator 'from Montgomery, a sill)-1 teasury man, who run ttB an inde pendent candidate, and was elected by the deiiiootats with the aid of a few federalists this will give us 1 1 Senators. In Kent county v.e )iavc two Delegate atail tWo i ;i tie for the third-. We have tto do'ubl the whole delegation from Kent will be otlts. This Will give Us 40 Delegates, sufficient to elect a United Stales Senator. Grayson's vole, S3.G43 Steel's vote 23,234 drayson's majority, 400 180 i 1 .- vt tl,IJ - -) -S.f 1 10SO 10S0 , 1134 3,10(1 (U)8 nty, 1347- 740 4044 ,ctq 042 The Platlsbuig Republican saygthpl Lord Durham, governor of 1I10 Canudas,' lias, re ccntly accepted the honorary mcuibcralliji t)f the University of Venuout. The Cottnt cte Survillicrs, (Joseph BoiVa- pariei) with a suite consisting of M. M. L-. iMaillard, A. Maillardi M. Thebaud, Miss rhebaud, D:. A. Clark and nine servant arrived at New York on Sunday in the Lon don packet ship Philadelphia, CapU M organ; There ar6 now eight hundred and fohy six persons confined in Sing-Sing forty eight of whom, are1 women. Jlid Id Confession. A Portuguese cob- ler used to beat his wife most unmercifully a few days before llis attendance oil his con fesson A neighbour remonstrated on his cruelty and inquired inld the ctiKib of it. "Why,' said the tobler, "I am a very great sinner, but have unfortunately a very short memory, so that I should fcfrget ibaity of my sins did t not beat nty wife regularly be fore confession) and ilicit I ant sutc that she will pltt trie in mind of every one of them.'' iS .Superb &c'Wi Boat. The largest steamboat on llie Western waters is the Il linois, a new and supdrb Vessel of 700 tons burthen, uiiri which lids just commenced running betivbcn Detroit and Buffalo. She belongs lb O; Nellbbrry & Co. at Detroit; and if intended for the upper Lakes, fslic has 210 feet length oit deck, a lid 29 bcani water wheels 26 feet di.imeler engine j,jon liUilt lv Allaire, ol NeW YofR the ealooit Case nCritn Con'. Monday a cause was tried 111 the Court 01 Common Pleas! in which John t. Cooper, charged' Washburn A. Kcaii', the defendant, with having had a criminal conversation with Margaret, the plaihtiff's wife; The circumstantial Ibsll moiiy rendered tile scdbcttoii's and criminal intercourse plaiii and palpable-arVd as Ute result of Hie intimacy, Mrs. Cooper left her Iiusoahi"', arid four shiall 'cliiiiireri, one of them a,riursirigiiif,Jilt,in February last, and Weill oft wl'tli the defendant. The illrvi in consequence b'f the aggravated bharactei of the case, of service comfort, &c , brought in a verdict of S3000 damages and 0 cents 'cosh The defendant is repreScti'te'd'as wrirth hotliing-. iV Y. Trtin'si The StockbHtlge and Brdlbhrtbwn Indi ans. oi their reservation on the cast side of Lake Winnebago; have ihis.ycar raised, w'o are informed, cnoii'gh bread "stu'fT for their own consumption. The Autocrat Nicholas has sent forth an . Vikase. .coirtmaftdina ill thn-l'olU,. to ailoit the Russian 'c'osturn'e. Trouzcrtdorf, the celebrated "German school master of the sixteenth century, en couraged his scholars d learn music by sayihg" Leant t'o sing-, rny tlear boy's, and then, if yob go to heavent the angels will admit you itilo their choir.' Twbniy military companies weie lo as semble at Hopkinton, Massachusetts, on the lOlii inst. tn celebrate the anniversary of the " surrender of Cornwall's;" Foui Muniet.k brute in lnimah s'ha'pb', bamed Villiam Dnnlap.jr. wasaricslcd at Jaysburg, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, charged Willi the murder of his own wife. The parlies had separated; aitd in eonse quence of the wife's refusing to give up the iiifatlt child.lhe altercation took place which resulted in her death in about 24 h6itrs. Shc Was wounded in several places, her arm nearly separated from her body, and her scull badly fractured; Dllhlap attempt' ed suicide; The Kccn'e N. II. Sentinel states that two girls were seveiely wounded iii Gil- sum, in that state, a few days since, by the discharge of a gun in the hands ofandthcr girh Shu hall fouitd 3 percussion cap, and took the gun hot knowing lhat it Was loaded for the purpose of exploding il: Ab'dut two thirds of the charge cht'ered the left shoul der and breast df otte, aHd the. right shoul der of the olhen It was hoped that the Wounds might rtbt prove fatal iu either case. Pennsyltianid College the annual catalogue recently lublishcd of the officers and students df Pennsylvania College, at Gettysburg wo obsdrvo lhat llibrb lire riow 138 pupils in the several classes df lllc iii- 1 he course of study ill this Su it Id ll OIHIMIflll IU fiilnll nb lit H n in a 1 .1 ri lit,. 1 I UlltUllUII DUWII IU UIJIIIMIUIIVI IV IU IIIU spieiulia-tlie state rooms spacious ami lodg- jloUta ()f lmu nlereslcij , llB -8ltHJ iitil, mg uuu pctsous-iorwaiu cai.iu ir you per- - inilh;alIoll nr ..,., .i:,,,,.,; L .... . . . . 1 sons mere is more limuer in Her null than in any oilier vessel on the lakes; Mr. GoodFcll was the builder. Cupl. Ulukc; a veteran, is tocouimautl this euperb boati JY. V. Slur. The Commissioners bf Malta have re ported the cause of the priveily of the in habitants of that Island, (o bo " the impro vidence of the peoplo in multiplying their numbers beyond the demand for their labor." There Were upwards of 400 passengers nig as nearly p possible parental. The' Whole expense for board) tuition, &c. va lies from 130 to 100 dollars per year; A shrewd and lively young belle wds lii Iroducfcd a loir creniugl Mnee, 8'Sys il 1 c liostUn Express; to a bnnibasiic Utile youth, about as dimiriulive in his personal appear ance as a man might weli bo " After con versing With hsr tliroomo miurttcs, m turn ed to leave the room, when as he was b'u tlie point of opening the door, the young lady innoceiitlu observed, " Pray dou'i roin Kciibtbec to Boston on tlio first iusb troublo jourclf, Uicre is Uio key-hole,- Touching Dress.- There some pro- motions in life which. of ihr more substantial' rewards they offer, acquire' nnlltlni vat.,. n.l rl!;li.. r-.. .1... l .,,f yi.iuuuu llfllll ,11115 ,couis ijnd waistdo'ats . connected with llie'm. A field marshal hpa, his iiniforrrtK a, bishop, his silk apron, a counsellor , his, silk enwyit n beadle his cocked ,bat.. Strip the bishop of Mis apron, or the beadle of his rocked lint & gold luce, what, are t':oy I , Men mere men'. P.rnnioto t)icm, raise thcrli to higher auu.uiuereni onices 111 tlie strtlej anil, di vpsle().pffthei.r .black silk aproiis aiid cocked hats, ihpy shiill slilj lack their pwn dignity and be sglnewha.t shnrti of their influence with the multitude. Diimitv. and nvisti lm. lincss too, someiimes, arp more questions of coataml waistcoat thalt tome people ihtag Inti.'Boi,' in Jhntlcis Ariscc'llnn). if iniilTirl 1, C It. .T" , ,iiikidu-uv jitev. u, lis l olnas, on the ilihiust. ili. George ;.?miVA.,of Union couniy,,io .mss vitzauelh (Mil, of Coluin bia counlv. ' . .. .1 . "'.! ,t By the tame brt .the same day, h'tr. 'tfl rich Northampton county, to luixs jutiry maurcr 01 mtmiie, uoiumbia COUIltVi LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at Blooms burg, (M. 1st'. lk!?8. Mr. tJaiklcy Esq', Sa.rhut;I.JeitInman, .Iphn Bower, Paald Uus3, jrihn U'llJwdb Lew W. Coos, Jdeplj Colcmaii, Robett (Jalllcart', John Cox, D. M. Davis, Klizabcth Dunham, Georgo W. Decker, Isaac DrittlebU, John Eadger, John Elliot, 2 Rev. J. W. Eyer; C. B. Fisher, 4 Joseph Fahr, Daniel Gross Esq) Soldmort Hackihan, Wm. G. Hlirley Esq, Wllliani Hiiborni A t..UAHi TT , t u. rupert; p; M. Ppptfnhi phllinit frir 1p(tf.rj hn tli'p nhrtvV. list, will please sityjliey Sre advertised! Hloornsburg 2. 1830. Paul Jloppcr . , Joseph Hopper, John Ingram Esq. Sanvufl Jicoby, Mr.Khhlcr, ., Mntk Klimar,. ,Gcorgc I.narr, . John U. Morris,,.. Dr. Cahan Alayer, Joscpli Maust. L'dvls H'. Rtaus,' Col. John Purscl; Jane Rige;, John IiicliaiJt Esq. Sidney S. Slater, Mists. Kteerheer, E. 5c if. Suringcr, Jane Smith,, Ann Wynett', Clara Welji( . Sarah Washington, ueorge Zigler. 40. FUysician 8c Surgeon, Informs llic (Miis?ns of Hlonin and vicini- tv, tliat hp has Ineated himself in the village ur i)i.',u.,- .!,... r, .:n -l.. i,. tead v Vrt M w H cullo VOt hia-pTotcssion- al sorvices. , . . Oflice next door to Robisons Btage Oflicc. Out. 13 1838. RUSHIAN BRtSSELS & HEEL For Vale . Tobias' Health Emporiuhi Blddtbsburs. NiGHT CANDLES, By the Bris. and '6'ne box will last a whole year, ror saic ny lobias Health Emporium Bloomsburg FRICTION MAT Warranted to be good, also LOCO FOCO MA.TCIIiS, good. Fors:,leat Tobias' Health Emporium liloomsburg. at PEPPER SAUC. Expressly for Tavern Keepeis, For salb Tobia's Health Emporium tilubinicburg. PROSPECTUS For a wcikiy newspaper li bo publ;!.hcil iii Colum bus, Luzerno county, Fa., unJcr the name of the LUZERNE & COLUMBIA REPORTER. To satisfy a very ridtilral enquiry in the mind of those who may be about to l-rfotne the patrons bf li neyv establishment ofthokiml here contemplate,), viz: What are to ;e the. political features of this paper!" we unhesitatingly answer, th inozt purely democratic; the principle,) of Thoitijs Jeflbrson, ill be recognised by tho Editor, as the plat-form on which the political principles bf tile REPORTER based. The prominent pleasures of the ad ministration of Gencril Jackson, will iiild a ready defdiico lm tlie columns of nur paper, and present National Administration, will find hi oUr columns its ready dn ailvdl a yi , Though wc hhall at ail times aim at a temperate cotir, ycl we shall never shrink from an unequivo cal and learicjs expression of our yiewp upon the great lopics wmcn muy ui any iiiuo ugnuio our coun try. , t . Tas UsrbRTEn .will be of the sizb of oat largest country papers: Tlio firt number will ho Issued as soon as a suflloic'nt uulrihcr of nubscribers sli'.ill bo obtained to wantfnt tilt) undertaicing. To facilitate this object; cicry jicrson holding a suliscription a ports rcpuested to nvike return to ItUFUS BA OON, nt Columbus, L'uzcrile cri., by tho 25th of October, 1833. TERMS OF THE REPORTER: TWO DOllLARtJ jter hunum,, payable soiui annually on llio'dclivcry of tile first paper, and If not paid within tlio ycat, invariably, 'Jvo Dollurtt and F.fty Cents .will be chargoJ; Subscribe will pleass drfcignalb the I'ost-dfilco oridaco to which their pa pers shal bo forwarded: MtohUhlng tacts. Jl tetlahi Itcmedy tor Ihe Fever and llauf. rAitiiANTED a prpinptaiid cfTeclual cdro 'labial trait It Emporium, Blaomshurg. Luprnved Aperient Sei llitz Pouidcrs, MELD in high intimation for ,'juligcMion, heart burn and billious olfactions, Kor tide at as HcffW) Enworiutth Bloomsburg, J. IIAWLEY'S Vegetable Jlnli-Bilious Pitls. Theso pills arc found lo be a most certain and fcf fcctui.1 pftivetilivc of:fcvcrPjanndice bilious, and oth crpholics, (uid.indpcJj of all diieaic.) caused by ob struction or alTetdgHs i J t!;c. stomach, liver np!f em or intestines. For liver aiid.otomach complaint ani aldiscaci!,coii'hcc,.ed llifrcwith'i sbc.Fi ai hypothon drioi, hystctlcs, diipcpsia or indfto'stiori, loss of ap petite, headache,, giddiness, .and for. fever, and ague, these., pills arc a sure prcvcntitivci . Also, for rait rhcumc. .They tlcansc tho ttomach,;einoTfl there from nil vitiated, biles i.uriry .aliJ tenno.lhl5 llooil. Docs.a person feel a loss of appetite arid rlVnd taste in th'c hioulh, with n fulntnef s of tl.c ttomccb, a few doses of these pill arc sure to remove nil udi diffi culties, flpecdily in matters to right. Heaviness, dull, sleepy and sjiifgish. inaction, with or without a jcllortiiesibl c'omp6iijn, these pills wilt surcly and speedily remove al! tuch ailments, .and timely use of thcfc pills may prcVs. t the occurrence of any cuch formidable disease. Also--Hawley'a Vegetable Palvc, known through out the Union. This ualvo when uwd has a peci -liar quality in reviving an action' of the affected pnrts,.by softening and opening the pores and creat ing ptnipjr'atirm, rcducin.j ftver &c. It dsolves, Mpels. and rntire- prevents the blood from ECltling in. tho flesh, of bruir'cs,.or wounds, of any uWiip tion, end is a sur preventive- of mortification, and made use of f(ir puts, torr-s, burns, rheuma tism, TJaiy in the, brcaRt or side. The above articles fur m!c by . it .... ..D.S.rpRIAS, Xgcht. Bloonnburff, October 13. Take Motied Th'e ehhserihYr lias, tcl't liis Brloft ac counts and Notes in the bands of, Iddings Barklpy.Esq.for colleeiinn. All piusons in? dehtetl will please call immediately and set-. tie, or tlicie will bo cost, as ric.nys are dan gerous. C, O. FISliER. One Two Horse Wajjoinr.atl a Sled with Cast Slioes,hoih nearly new, which will be sold Cheap oit e.m: lernis, by calling oh 1JJD1NUS DARKLE Y, TO THIS PUULIC. i , THROUGH a lineerinc and irreinlrdia. bib rl'dsbase, my health at length became so . '.ii.-i'm . . i . . . . i'aine tiuanie loaucnii to. nil the requirements of rtiv official duties. By tibriiatioii of my numerous, fjlendsi I im i rt s c h t (J il, at ,1 :i S t io keep ail f bpollic'caryi tbin.liiiig It tv'riiij'dh tlejniAt,bc.cqiii!b' jar sii't for mc t ciiKage the pres.'cjjt tim'c aiid since (or while) I have c.tabiiseii shop, I would .humbly solicit .the support of my fiiends and the pUblicJn gencralvo)i :i'd- . r .... . ' l.i i ...i !-'!!- 'iiuill Ol my great tfiruuuss, na.cajicuian Vi would i request the merrhtints. of. tbii place, to, give tne all possible chance of sell ing ihnsc nVtie)ps belonging lo my lino oj business', for wbiidi..thev inav receive, mv sincere thanks. A I'cw abides only which are to be found in my Health,. Eilipofiuirt are ndvertisetl. There will be, Iept ,a con stnlu supply of such articles asnitly j,'b call iVd Hi'n btil'i per chance, a call should be ina'deTiir'such as I am not in possession of niiiediatq preparation will be made in order to obtain tliein.f ..... t . Further, do, I earnest,! v invito Physicians Ol'.lliis place and its vicinity, lo givo me a call, aa I intend to sell vers' teatonable. There will be kept constantly on hand, all kinds of Medicines, Patent .and. others warranted to be genuine. Ail I:lnds( of Paints, Glass, Dye-stuid, &c, &c. AUq a arielv ol, liaisons, JNuis, Herring, Sugar and Water CracKers, Or- anses. i.eiuons, i'lggs, rruncs, reriume- ries; 4:c'. &c. All articles in the Healtl Emporium, .1 intend to sell cheaper than thpy can he bought at any other place in the couutyi lotii FiietiU ami well tvisncr. . I). l UlllAO. . Health Eihporitliii.BlbohisDurg Sept jTIIE LATEST UST received, and for sale at the .MC.WE i'ri Blabmiburs, a freiti sbcply of MOLASSES, SUnSJl, RICE, B.ixti IRON, B.S11 IRON, SPRING STEEL, CAROLINA M'OSS,eyc.,yc. Inquire at the store, pf , RUPEft'J' & BARTON". August 11, 1633. 10 TAMMAR1NDS, o rndke a pleasant drink for tick people, sale at D: S.TOBIAS' Ifctfth Ernporiu)h For LEiMON SlltUP . . : WIIlCll answers S same purpose as tho Lemons dn. For sate at , ' ; Tobias1 Umll'i Emporium Bliiomshurs look i'mnk; , DYERS AND If vou want to pi AM Wood, ground; Chrom. Green; Drop Lakci vrt Buii CHEAP'. ustic; L0aw"u'l Maddari SfanUUIiiowii, fur a .:: . i- -. a ' .i. j,. i ' ... i. ... ' l ouias ncuiin umpuriiim; l!onmsmirg. liont SiiJt-r too much IHire is Hcinet;! T almost iiiimcdiatclv r.'inoi'w ilio i -jins end air. Uvb Ihe inflaniadoii. onJ tiv nticmlliu lo tho. full directions, tho sitTeiLrtflWo.rfiOih iiicul from the undrnsut ml'"ctiiAt. " X 'all at . Tobias Health fivlJiteii,' iileotitibiirg. . , , Tn iMnEM'.r.i. .. : cahminatsvu tin is?a;.'t d:i6ps. raUIS valuallu Mru'cir.e in a cVtlain cure t votnsjj tl.ildmi. in rhrlir, cuictiiiis,.,ift Icm.C(, piiig diioulHul 1cim1(, gutn totl! wur omitii.i:s, A-c. V'tr t.ak al Telia' i-'(oiVi 1 v-puh hi, J h'irult