The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 13, 1838, Image 2

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We arc informed that a mcditnU-d in
Section among the negroes in Marshall
county was detected n few day since, in
Himo to frustrate the purpose of those who
Verc at the bottom of it. The instigator of
'this movement we learn was a white man,
as is usual in all occurrences of this kind,
?nd tho plot was disclosed through the fi
delity ol a slave. The negro in question,
could not endure the idea o- Ids mistress full
ing in a general massacre and divulged the
plot to a person ot respectability, ny wnose
odvire the negro appointed ft night on which
to meet the fiend who directed the plot foi
the purpose of hearing his plans in full and
"receiving instruct! nns.
On the nipht appointed, reveral persons
having secreted tliemselvrs close at hand for
the purpose of overhearing the conversation,
the negro met the conspirator, and so soon
as he had opened his plans sufficiently to
furnish conclusive evidence of Ins guilt a
gainst himself, the persons concealed rushed
upon Trim and secured Mm. Xfter his guilt
'wsts lh3 rendered certain he indignation of
Uncharted Mountain. The fallowing1
recount of a natural rutiosity is from the
Texas Teli-prnph:
This singular mountain or hill IS Situated
on tho head Waters of the Salleya pmall
tributary r tho Colorado, about eighty
miles from Baatrop, in a northwesterly ( di
rection. It is about thiee hundred feet high,
appears to he an enormous oval rock, partly
imbedded in the earth, when the sun
shines, the light i9 reflected from its polish
ed -surface as from an immense mirror, and
the whole mountain glows with such a daz
line radiance-, that the beholder who views
it evert finm the distance of lour or five
milesi is unable to gaze upon it without ex
nerienciug a painful sensation, similar to
that which is felt when looking upon the ri
sing sun. 1 he ascent ol this hill is so very
gtadnal, that persons can easily Walk up to
the top; hut the n ck is so smooth and slip
pery that those Who make the attempt are
compelled to wear moccasins or stockings
instead of shoes; Tins act, together with
ihe of the placet Hrilv Mountain, reminded
the visitant verv forcibly of the command
veneration, Mtu Indian pilgrims lrequemiy
assemble from the remotest borders of this
tribe, to perform their Payniin rites upon
its sinmit.
... ...i ., ;. i ..... ., made to moses at mount tioren "rui on
-lv excited that it was with much difficulty " fr' f. I1? .feB, .,.&eV -F fr!m.U nf ihe laws could save the Camanches regard us4 ill with religious
culprit from the v cngeanre of Judge Lynch.
But we are reioiced to sav that in North
Mhsisiippi w regard for ilio laws and the
xonstitution prevailed over the Lynch code,
in a case belter calculated than any other
which can possibly be conceived of, ti a
rcti'e the passions and impel the citizen to
administer iustice with his own hand.
The Circuit court of Marshall county
"Commenced its regular fall session on yes
terday, and doubtless the fiend who could
plot so hellish a conspiracy against the very
existence of society, will immediately re
ceive that justice which its enormity de
mands and the law awards Pontotoc
(Miss.) Intelligencer.
From tho StTLouirBulletin, Sept, 20.
The Mormon Troubles. We wese po-
.litely furnished yertcrday with the following
-extract of a letter to a gentleman in this city
Lexington, (Mb.) Sept. 14.
There is nothing of any account by way
of news, unless I mention the Mormon's
difficulty, of which 1 suppose Von receive
exaggerated accounts. Tretiirned yesterday
from an, excursion on business into western
part of Ray county and found the people all
in armi. A company of about two hundred
and fifty left yesterday under command of
Gen. Atchison of Liberty. I Conversed
"with him nntho subject, and find he in
tends, if possible, to prevent the effusion of
blood, but the citizens generally are of opin-
rfllfi INDIANS
Sr. Augustine, Sept. 15
On Tuesday night last, about 21 o'clock,
Liutt. May, in passing to his command at
Fj Pevton. heard the driving of hoises.
He pushed on, and had just crossed the last
bridge, when lie heard the noise of a horse
close louuwing, aim, reining u i, u ii.issku u
little ahead. To the hail, "who are you
speak, or I'll fire!" receiving no answer, at
the distance of three paces he deliberately
discharged a pistol at a person who was lean
hiir forward io ihe act of slioninK Irom the
horse. This occurred within thirty yards of
ihe fort, so near that the words where heard
within. Tho sentinel immediately hailed
and ordered by the Lieutenant to stand to
post. The following horse entered with an
liridian's sash in his mouth fur a bridle, and
a blanket on his hack
' The pistol had been loaded with three
bucksot and a ball; the ball was found to
have struck the horse high in the shoulder,
just behind the neck : the shot are supposed
to have taken effect upon the rider, from his
position at the moment ol being fired upon
By judges of the different Indian chracters
Wild Cat is believed to be this bold fellow
whose objects seems to have been to ap
proach without noise, strike the passeiiger
ion that there will be a sevorc battle. with n bludgeon, and take Ms scalp, without
A force from Clav efiuntv started two I nl:mninT the garrison': and had it notheen for
. ' , : er"nu wan arcrvsnnp. i.. s ' ",u .."-Mviu
nor mrce, in case of battle tle Mormons
trill overpower them. They are in " 2.
Plate order and discipline, and have cl
" : ' "caicn mev need not
pect a resting place this side of heaven.
Death of Gen. rrH. Clark. It is with
gteat regret that we announce the dccea6e
of this Veteran. He expired in St. Louis
on the 1st tilt, aged, about seventy years,
having been gradually declining under the
operation of age and disease for the last two
or three years. Few men in tho North
west were more generally known, or more
sincerely respected, than General CLAntc.
Ho had'becm prominently & constantly be
fore the public for more than thirty years,
and it is believed his integrity and honor
were never impeached. When but seven
teen vears of age, he accompanied his broth1
er, G'eneral Georof. Itooun ClAr1, ill his
celebrated and daring expedition across Illi
nois ; and as .early as 1700 was in the ser
vice of theGnveriiment as a contldcinial In
dian ageilt. His connection with Ihe Indi
ans, in various capacities, continued till his
death, at which time he was Superintendent
of Indian Affairs at St. Louis. For many
years, and up to the period when Missouri
became a state, 116 was Governor of tlie
Territory. In conjunction with Captain
Merriwttiieu Lkwis, he performed the
celebrated journey to the mouth of the Co
lumbia river, and was consequently one of
the first of our citze'us that ever crossed the mountains. No white man has ev
er possessed as much influence wiih the
Northwestern Indians, oy wnorn i.o was u-
nivcrsally respected ami conluled m. In
his death the Indian Department has sus
tained i huB which canlscarcely be repaid
and with him perished a fund of information
. i - .,iw.;.t.
ill regum iu our jciuiiuuo mm uuui.g
ines, which can never be supplied from any
other source. Globe
in uic niomimr. n!..i., ...
vnlnn.PP i ? ',BM "''"I the
.... ,.u i,n inii:in( Al.iv
, . I " Illl
'I I riPm Inl in
tuin M!nL.. :.. " . :" " ",0 K-"mn- Vtxp
. ' . . a ure to surround
J"ana Monk. Jlsmir, vu
,W,v.i.n "au"."'"e c'"ior nr
r . ooinmercial Advert scr takes
nrnncinn Si, I.:. 1 . . . IJKCS
V ",a a paper, to contrail et mi
IT, " ,y'.n rc',ort whh '' Wrcu
ling M iS 5' fc bee,J PWccited for libel
i ng.varia Monk, and compe led to mv
lieavy damages. VI, i,is Kam, Vm ' Z
colludes not , stnp ie, anj ' '
sltow hat even while carrying on lier snne
ffied deceit S10 was plaving ,U mlot
and concludes in the MLvina n '
But tins is not all. more
than a year afro. ih..t "' mnrr
o prepare he? manusi i ' ZTT
exposm, her own impost'nfe, and VZ'
fun of her clique hi this- chv. SnbpqnVn"
ly. an since we have made any pubS ui
nro:i the subject, Mari i MohbL. 1
rilv m-iilrt n r.,11 ","n'l.!lonk "as volunta
rily made a full confession to a Protesimt
clersvman. n rr h,i ..r . 1 ro.'esiant
. iiiicai siuceniy o tho tvlm
imnrmiin.i n..,l ..11 .1 ' . " "HO.e
t T partiuu ars, before ihr
precious concern who had Jler i kJZ
I hffn niiAoi! .
jpr cut them off, fell intod e '
r ' l7l. Z 1 1" Ji!ew 01 u!e n'os' advanced
,;V""1"'' ",sc,'vered the Indians in
. cypress swamp,- near thirtv m;i.
irom l ie nmf. Ti,.,. i- . X. "-
selvf. 1 J "u uisposeti ol them
sines witii a larwfi imm :.. i-
' - i-ul-ii "uierat near v the VTinn
momeni; the Indians who we ee n ve e
a it , 1Z 'r' ?lV"SthpIr "ar-whoop,
add d.sappeaied into ,C palmettoes. 'j-he
retrained hl8 men f foowi
ttbd firing, as the Indians were two hi nd "d
would hat,. .. -.1 ; ; " v,,y. ucre.
1 ;::: . nT iv" (,K",3. '""-'y. and thei
mZ'',., "e,.IOrs,'S' '"'PPears, they had
foi, mi 1,0 1: . . ' 1 . . ' P""11 and taken
from 1. '"""""tnmilc
u.. .1 r ' . C1C ""vug tnem south.
tI , 0 : ,V,'ea ,he occurred with
1 l ft y
Col. Stone's Life of Brant, is the fol
lowing interesting anecdote of that celebra
ted Mohawk Chief. The incident occuired
while he Wa3 sojourning 111 England and
mingling in the fashionable circles of the
'During his Stay in London, a grand fan
cy ball) or masquerade, was got up wilii
great spliihd-Jr add numerously atieiiiled by
tne nobility and gehtry. Captain Brant, at
the instance of the Earl of Moira, was also
present, richly dressed 111 the costume of
iiis nation, wearing no mask, but paiuthig
one halfhis face. Ills plumes nodded in
his cap as though the blood of a hundred
Percies coursed through his veins, and his
tomahawk glistened in his girdle like bur
nished silver. There was likewise, in the
gay add gallant ihrotig a stately Turkish
diplomat of rank, accompaied by two hour
is, whose attention was paiie.ularl'y attracted
by the grotesque appearance of the chief
tain's singular, and, as he supjldcsed fantas
tic attire. The pageant was as brilliant as
the imagination could desire; among die
mi ii niriftiiiir no in.ii n 1 it 1 , .
,.; " L'! "u ",..l"e t made
- .v. o, iui.uii;u Hie rlllHf n.rir
NEW-OittSANs, Sept. Zi.
77ie Execution. Yesterday, O'Neil
and Welch, two of the wretches that mur
dered the Spaniard Barha, some time since,
in the Parish of St Barnard, expiated their
fimn fil lltn ennfTnlfl- Tim f.lincp.1 Cur
I the execution was Hear the tnnrein of the
river, from twelve to fifteen milps below,
the citv, wheio the i crrc nit Bumf road
comes in. '
J hero was at, immense coiirontsc ol
spectators. Besides the iinmbcr who went
111 carriages, 011 horseback and on loot, lucre
were four steamboat loads.
At a quarter before one, the culptits as
cended the scaffoldi When they dismount
ed from the cart, Wejcli Wits seen to smiles
his countenance was lighted up with cheer
fulness, and ho seemed determined to mett
Iiis fate with boldness; bttt0i ascending the
scaffold where the rope and coffin Mlui hi
view, there whs an instantaneous change 111
his features; and his whillc demeanor uc
came that of a sincere nchllhrit:
O'Niel displayed nothing of carelessiibss;
from the hrsl he was evidently greatly al
fectedj a deep and settled remorse was de
picted in his everv feature. Indeed; the
spectator eduld dele' -t no ! i ig ( f a Vi
cious dispo-ilion in ihe face of itther. The.y
cazed for a fisw moments nlacidlv unnn the
multitude around them, as if to solicit their
svmnat hv.
They were attended by A middle aged
clergyman ol the Uatholic lliurch,who did
.ill he could to cheer and colilfort them in
vibw of their sMulden dissolution; He mount
ed ihe sbsffold with tllcm, and Was looked
upon by btith as their best and earthly
friend. 1 hev itccmt.'d anxious to listed to
his conversation. Thev graSped him fer
vently by the hand, and weie evidently loth
in part Willi nun as the linal moment ap
proached. J hey were seated cadi on
chair for about a quarter of an. hour after
being on the scaffold, with the caps drawn
over their faces, during which time their
Voices and gcstuics showed them to bn
praying! Welch was heard tri Say, " The
God of Heitvell have mercy on 111V soul !''
He also begged Iff the i'ridsl W 'dray fnr
him. Just before the naps were drawn li
ver tho face o,f each, he was presented by
the priest will! the etiitifix, which he kissed
most eagerly.
At one o'clock precisely, the order was
given to remove ihe prop that supported the
scaffold. They fell, and in a few moments
life was extinct. O'Neil died in about four
minutes, while the dying struggle of Welch
lasted about eight. Thus ended the career
of two individuals who, from the "accursed
lovo of lnotiey" shed the innocent blood of
a fellow beingi ,
Horrid dtttnnl h'u ti 7lf,.t.4i a s.,j
her own Infant. On Tuesday morning a.
Hum iu. u.. .is mr. j, w. u miner
foreman of tho clicriiicM factory at tho foot
01 aim sircci nun i im avenue, wrisatnm m.
at his door, Im observed
ii'oWn to the dock and ll.rnXvinto liio river
a large bundle. This cirrlimstanre, Icpeth.
cr with seeing her slnn anil hp!i).- in
childreil w)to writ! gathering bark on tho
wart, excited ins curiosity, and ho hastened
down lo the dorkj where he was-jo d bv 1
little gi I that she asked the woman what it
was she llirew intrt tho water, and she re
plied, ''only dead rats." Mr. C. was still
hssatisfied, though nothing of the bundle
could htl se.eil'ni tho water. PrespmU- v
iiuwuvcr, liiu sioamer 1 eicprapn naasing;
hv, caused h swell in the waves, and to lnf
surprise, what lie Ihen auppicil trt lin tho
lifeless bnily of an infant Washed up nearly
to where he was standing. He seized e
c.hihl and laid it on a rock neat" by. ami then
turned in pursuit. Mr. C. wris 'joined by
two of his fellow-workmen, named garner
ariii Buren. The woman, succeedeii'in mj.
king good hex escape, and haS iiotyel been
sdeii. ir. F, fixpressi
in this citv.
timm,!..... .....I -r .... .
...... 1. .n, Hiii, n. everv ,lrm .
constituted ,IB weboonwlilp 'rnr
to time, she wove her tissue "0f
t'er eoi,reIon.. she has covered l e?
friends and abettors with shame ond Z
on, by g.vlng birth to another chil II Tho
tnreumstaefs rendered it impossible for he!
on ft' roml rrih r ' "
n lW r Z "pm,m?nt "special friends
m this cay-. gentleman, bv th u-nw
wnoso eyes had been previously ooeneii! I
ami WHO IS UStaa nnnu.! I- .1 ' ' . '
pafi,, di,i..- ZT.7""" "'eraauer as
1 bis is but the history of a day in East
thecainmnhwS'n T "
and .he diffienhies 0meU'
P. i. Yesterday aiiirnnnn i. t.i; I
arain inn.l- r " "uians
o "iirr unnearniipp at 17-.. i
ton ' wu i un 1-1
MMIl nT nmi..A 1 .1 .. iflUlll
JZ ".' I ... ; 27 :'V5U workings of his
...,, oilmen II! the llimrir .,rn !!..!.
sport. No sooner therefore, had the llZ
sail touched li s finei:,! -!, ' P 1. . . UJS
der the mistaken idea t a w J7 ,!"!'
ter material thiiif the nnrnl..-. ..'. .
c., , 1 nurse 01 Hie
-e HuiiijiBier, uian tho ch efiain
made the hall, resound ,..!, .1..
-vhoopand atthe same n s nt Z
ahawk leaped from his ..intu '1
around the astounded &
as though his good master, the Sultan h, I
minute more, would h u.....i- V.. ,l
future trouble ,n the mauk -Ttolf
Such a p.crc.ngand frightfnl cry had never
before radg throu.b ,;... ,j,.m
Wlldness. unnn tl.pp,; ..r.i "'"ling
its effect was nrodihu, TvSf'ffi
sclftremblcd with terror; wide JS
masquers ihe senile r,pp;i.... ... 1 ;'u
tunetelllp...r 1, -"y'i'i ior
uneteiiing crones, Turks, lews, and "ips es
bear leaders and their bears, Fa (staffs' C
7 , "ccn, srreained. and send.
. 1 ed away as though the Mohawks I ad
ken, .,.0 the festive hall in a bod", ft
matter, hoxvever was soon explainc.l; d
the inc dent was i.e.-n.,.,.-.! . . " . ,, ul
from tho New York Times.
ucre met by Parlnian , ,
Ilealev. ha dnln r. ,l,!..t . .
pace When, howcycri Within a few reds
iiuuiih, uc inn f nun nf . ..
OUt Of the enrt ,1 l.icl,..,l . i. . i ,U,,B?
u.,.i .1 . "-"tu in.: norse so vio
lently that the nniiTi-,1 .i.l .....i.
nulip.l :,. 11 1 "'"-"CH wan nam
rushed into ihe midst of the -3d rcglriient
tl ro.igh the wIioIp l!.,n i..,i.:. .
f-... """"-"'"s hiiwii some
mriy or nity ineiii innm
anil w..,,.,.ir- I'"-'..."' '""J """Sing
went VC I s ""jnriiy 01 ihem. On
"em hehoise and can. iip!-.. 1...1.1:....
; .H.llllll'T
gngito g,,,,;;,;
After dashing through U.n ".. "
Father Phelan himself.
. ii.w uuierpure vestal
UenUUV?Z "ne ',0 has r"J the
mart of M,d Lothmn will rememhpr n,
lOIIOWlnrr jam.. "v
gro wings J oek, when ytr'e sleeping." Sir
Waller Scott says som,l., . r
".lu.iuuuceuacHain 1..1. 1 .... .
lenrued Mi tract of countrv. Jh Z uxT. l""n a,arfc'e
l i M I .1 I rm . . J r 111 audi 71 tMlf a
to tho writer Of this a'rtiele by U of ,nTa .wouW'? a . bfof
jeot, as wo trust forever.
Tho Great Western went to sea on tho
4Ui inst. She carried out about $300,000
in ffpteio.
the famous commhleft. wh lt. '.-"I'? ' .' , 'nei0 value. We will onlv ,;;., . "
1ms also sinra become an um ' SK8!,0lJa:kT''' i. who" has'
Wnl. these facia wo take leave of ih fiJ ' "A1""?''.? to do bo "sticking in a tree."
j- wwy icuu ins ifnmt,t rM
J ho post ,. comparatively nothing, ami .1 .
pleasure of do intr rnl r .i.2 ., , ,,le :...i... 0'"'i oe a
t- '."uu,:c'"cn ior every one to be
Jjjkiog m a tree," who has Lining ..'
Great JPcSlern 'Pl, r.... .
tern is 8,111 tile favorite 1
Irom passenorers wh,, Mm. . fl. "
gales were constant and unusuallv he-ivv-!
Bca mountains high amj deaj :
herteethetshe walked through tl oerestc
foamy hi lows k n ,;.ib.i : irps.l.r-'J
fusion of can .r,;' P ,
iSri'if 't. advi,,as(, and r
In . bliged ti JBV (.. h-Pl": .mTnni "Ci
or thi, p..' ' YV u",vc 'no lorco
r T 'V 'cMronii8ioo on Wack.snnsh
,.f ,(tw llCltlCIIUIIIlB IhOQf fnlli-
ter the storm, 'i 'i, .1 1 . 1 1 S 8 " e i 1 a(.
U . . "u"ko are a so our
gained. J h.rejs Jmfe or none of ti..
Sfaiffi "I" Serp,f",i,,e mmi" '" rough
weather, which rausea mwl. ,l...ii
to many in sai ve; rtfar.
iI.pu " . u "" regimen 1
they next came 011 to the n ml. '
men were knocRed .1....... . L ' V
of the dragoons w.ik L-.,.i.-.,.i ..n- . '. w
..1 . " . . i, mi D13 Horse
ami received so had it ,rt i,n.
' life is in danger. Uv il,i ,;.,. ... ?.
citcment was trump.,,!,,,,. A
-nounting to madn Zm " iZ " ,
asatadend. Vain w. V ,r".
to call uhon iim .... V. 1 0."" T?
il.r..c. .. ;ut and
oioer wtierehy several m
them were severly Injured, h was rep0
ed that two men wtril,... I iii...l 1 . 1 "
nii.r .1 . 1 man
. wuourrnnsiy wounded.
We last week altudeil to the raging of (in?
in the wh'hds ih this virinitv. It continued
to increase with fearful rapidity, and toap.
pro C'i witli an a'arming,preriinn, toward
the village, fiom Several different points, im-'
til last Saturday afierriooil, wheh it w,u
thought abviaahle to turn oiit and "fight
fire." For several hours tho towering
names appeared 'j sport with "pour weak"
human CMi'tioin." to slay its destructive
course, rind at several points "tired nature"
hail given wav In it. expecting .that befors
aeothcr sdn, ihe Hide all which it possessed
of this world's, goods woilld be "la'd luw in
the dusi" of the devouring clement.
The wind at dusk IncrfaScd to almost a
hurricane, increased the. fire, which had al
reaily coitimeiii'r-d burning ill the iihmedinte
vicinity of the dwellings of Dr. Williams,
Ilev. T. Siilhnan, Mr. E. It. Thompson,
and Mrs. Iiuduigiinelon, in the Southern
part of Ihe village, and I.-t.T: S. Brown and
Poll McDonald; on tile mrg Wcsler'11 lira
its; Id suWi ali extent lliul all iitiman cxer
lldhS were useless. lit was at this crisis of
affairs, that an all-wise Providence inter'
ceded, and to the great joy of all, clouded
the heavens, and in an instant, iis it were
caused a torrent of raid to fall from them.
Twenty minutes more add ihe whnle village
would have been in a situation from which
no human exertion could rescue it. The
rain was the first fcr neatly 4 weeks. Al
though it was a heavy shower, yet so dry
was the giound that the sireainR ate not af
fected bv it in the least. Dunkirk (Chau-
A he Jiowie knife UHhd.K Mr.Sliaw
who was attacked z sW. time si
Florence Ke.nlncky. by two highWavmcn
might h.s.assailmen.s with great S
hough overpowered at last and left
ess- I had brought (oCovingmn S
hundred dollar?; hut haW.i.r u.?;t.e
two ...en roile part of.ho Way wi, , him. he
left he money .here. 0,e of iile Sbcw
. . ... .. ...i.oonw s oirk or Howie knife
...yu.niH-n several times up to. the
...... aS monatiy wounded. The other ilea
pel-ado was taken.
Ccmlhg ch a large scnlc.-A letter
m Eubhn. in ih T,i.. n- . . llcr
j. noes, says
nrrent lo the effect that
1 . .1
m is 1111. 1
Ties u. jiide, at uie risk nf , Luaas
rushed into the midst of this frightful mel i Inmi?,,3pruelh, to JlnimatuA.
and rescued the cartman will, Zv 1 "' ?) ''barge ,,f erulfv
rnm h-ublm, i lhe Lm(I()n TJ ; "
that rumors were Nrrent u, ih. r'.!iZ.
ol Ins f, her. to an Pst:,e of l5.flnn v,
'no nearly X'3J0.00O in the funds T.
-cry selling ver wlih-l, he ' Had nt n
I'.v gamtng, I(, lis ,iriJ ""J
mago.fic.ent entailed c.ate. T,v0 r
memhers of ,ne peerage are aai.1 to have d
he plucking of this fat pigeon; p " , ,
thrown no. in JlSiS we Sr Z
"he ''Irish Deer" i ,n'er.l"
. " r ne"LM. it is said, hv afterward
married a daughter of the Eardjf jtode.
Counterfeit siFruTteToT tho HarrisburP
Hank haye made their appearance. g
..I . -.v.
"' ...uai norriuiy. OffieeM R,..,
Jones !PPcning t() he 011 the spot ,h .
an7hrthen.UMSgiVe,!i,,,, Wr .E A.
ami hv then' conveyed to the upper nohee
where ds Woumls were hnnieJiitely'S !
received one sabiu Wound on t
head that is eonsi.lprp,! ,1 . 111 1 ,b
'"'accounts. Imwni, .Z.
""."Ul"c A ee ehrale. ....('.
... A.I.L'.lt,!.
nrp.-iniini. ....!.... . . . 'liiiai
. . " "Yn ueceaseu, u n chatrn ... V"". ""yer as
.. - 1 ri, ,.-)!, .,. ...... , . . -
lci iiiT,. ir.r .rite .i.j
. .n ... ' , t,urP"so are mur
hn ,ImI
mind von. ,!r ,i... ,.,."'" iJVl 'o
. -,-..,,, ..uci, you como
this place, and address il,i
not lo brincr imur linu . J .
, . o ocil Willi vnt.
rpripni il.i. , .. y '"hi ou
ill 10
people, you are
rencat t .!. n..i i. """
I.,'. b"'"t " main may more deen.
I.v impress your memotv, I s' tint v,n
are never .0 bring yourVa
sir, when vou
'PP"r pohce. It nrne,. L r " ' ne
tl'cr'llvJ,.gex;,cdi,:tltion,ss T,
ypuug cow,, ihe old cow has i
!ays, 60 as (o r4 i ... . ' "r.
PcaWnce and filling of tlt r I P:
' call has been nr,PiiP, . ...i.:i. ' .
i ,i.,tr ..r .1. " "upi
in 1 me old cott-j
I ho rnlvn i..o,l r... n.i .... ,M lB,''w
7.P,I .1, r. ....... . ,
thnnfrom s king SSv'Trf
Dalton. Willi v:,..1e8lc thy Micheal'
. '. . i l ev. nun r
Stand 01 ilila .0......1 .',
it is voiirilmv i 1. .i.i ,c-' I'uice
ter to tl,P Z L : K""r Sreat Mas-
oITIpp'L " : 'i'laracter,
. j'iccrpis, 111
1.1 Itlu ,( ..
... .,. K'iy. 1 ms,. ...... . . .
IIP to the i.ip, c. ". ""hi
' ,'""r nearers. w 1
1 Wll
in his ; r'V, J""'"' 1113 Promises, d
tv nf 5ivii. .. ""-. "ou linn is t'oirar-
' Ji'g Squashes. Tin Claremot Pi
I'ron.cles w.,llril ,01,?.?
dm of N. Whit.lnsev. i ' y ,Ln. " fhe
aro to stand he!.!...! ; i '
as your little finger ho seen."
ui-liil.s oi.h I :..!' ' ". "w ,own'. and
"inures six O n, In i0,lnd'' and
uash wa e.v i ,
.his wi Ti i wS'So?1