The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 13, 1838, Image 1

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    .'! T-l!'.t.!Lt-l!LAit!r C,C,"al 111,1111,1 ,0 C,C,J' r"m cr11- Ho lU of an.Th0I11jcircr0n.
Volume 11.
Next dooix to KouIson's Staob Officr,
!The COLUMlilA DEMOCRAT will be
published every Saturday morning, at
pi'O DOLLARS per annum, payable
zym lent! Ynn .:,:. ;.
!iVb subscription will betaken for a shorter
uri tint iiitai xtLi iil'iiii iix 7 imr mill iiixrnn.
r- j
tmuance permit led, until all arrearages
are discharged;
WVERffl SEME NTS not exceeding a
snltrfrr rniiitrttr.,t,Mio'l.i .'ttL....
uutiiu jiii.iiicjyui tunc iwicrliuns,
and Twcn'y-Jivc cents for cycry subse
quent ?sr rfign. C?vJ liberal discount'
made lo those mho n tv rhp lm flm upfir
LETTERS a ddresscd oh .business, must
be post paid.
Kit suiter 2S.
When we consider the time required to
j'Tcnovniu'iHiri render productive, land once
cxiiausieti hy eouiinual ami improper culti
vation, jind the expense and difficulty of the
operation; it seems clear ilial the Wisest
course fur l!ie farmer would ln, to adojit :i
sysicm that would heap his fond in good
heart, and prevent exhaustion, mid the ton
sequent neces?iiy of renovation. This can
be tlonc without ditfieullv; If tlie 'firmer
commences! aright. f
By the rotation of crops, hy using root
ciops with grain crops, hy alternating green
crohs with while ones, there is uhtimlitni
levidencc that a farm rait be Kept in a pro-
duclivc stale, and
Cnnviiiff more rich tint! IWtilri h ttlltlHIi'il
cropping will destroy the best soils. 'J'here
MUSI JlU I' 1 13 1 mo .nr.riiali . . ,
to lain of liot understanding tlu reason ol
laud growing poorer, while the suicidal
course adopted by many tt mlr Wrmers is
The inlervcnfion of a growth of clover
fnr n sine e vcar between wliciU crops.
though far preferable to the system of whei.t
nfier wheal, will not prevent lliis wearing
out of the farm, or n field becoming liu'd
r nnv nnrticular crotis. 'i'heru niusl lie a
succession of ubints that dray their nour
ishmeiu from j-rcalcr or lcssi-r depths of the
Goil; as the tap-rooted after ihc fihriou?; Iir
Tlnnts thai require from the earth different
jnntcrials as ftiwil. nrli as the leguminous
fMlowcd liv tlii! fariuaccous. wioyer ib pei
Whrn wc receollect what Ikis brcn it wvm
t . ' 1
is, liow id it possible not lo feci a nrofound
, 1
stnse of the rcsponsibiliiiesof this Uepulilie
to all inline ages I What vast motive
press upon us for lol'tv cll'ort ! What brill
iani prospects invite our enihusiiism ! Wbul
auiviiiti tviiiuiua at iiiu-i: iiciuanu our Vlull-
anee alid nioderati) our coulidenco !
The old world had alreadv re veiled in in.
in ils unsealed books', tile beginiiijr. and end
of all its uiarVelous sli ugcti in the cause of
liberly. Cieece! hnely (Jrcece ! the laud
of scholars anil the nuiau of arms'. wiun
sister republics, in fair procession, eha'nied
tlie'praiMU ol lihcity and t'ie good heie is
site ? Her aris aru no more. The hist sail
relics of her Iciniiles are but the li.iir.n-ks ni
it ruthless soldicrv: the fraiiii.cnis of hei-i-nl-
3 "
minis and palaces are in the dust, Ct beau-
lilul 111 ruins She fell not when the niilny
were upon her. Her sous were united at
i'liiirmopvluii and Alrr.itlion. uml tin. ii.i
of her triumph rolled back upon lite Hullcs,-
poui. one leu mil uv inc li.uuls ol lin ou n
.iboj.le. The man of .Macedonia did not the
Work of her dcsinicilm. It was alreadv
lone by her own eoirtlpiioiis, banisliillenls
nU uisscniiuns.
liimie ! icpublicaii Koine! whose ciigles
;lauccd in ihe rising sun where and ihai
is she ? '1 lie eternal eitv vet remains nmml
ven in llerdesidaiion, noble in det.linc, veil-
in the comniisure of di-:il- -'I'lu. n.,l.,;.,
1 -... - w IIIWIIIIIH
biiii but travelled in the parts 'won b'y the
destroyer. More than eighteen cenlnrics
aie mouiiied over tlie loss of the empire.
the philosophy of Germany ami the North
and moving onward to the South, has opeii
ed to Greece the les'son of belter d.iys,
Can it be that Amenca, under such cir
cumstances can betray hcrsclfit That she
is to be added tr the catalogue of republics,
the iusciipiion upon his ruin is, "they were,
but ihcy are not?" Forbid it my country
men. Forbid it, Heaven. .
I call upon you, Fathers by tlie shinies of
your ancestors, by the dear ashes which rc,
pose in this precious soil, by all you hope
lo he, resist every attempt to fuller your con
science, or smuttier your public schools, or
cxiiugiush your systeiii of public iiistruc
I call upon yi.ti, Mothers by that which
never fails 11 woman, the love of your off
spring, to lliem. as they climb your
knees lo lean on your bosom, the blessing
of liberty. Swear them at the alter, as
with ilielr baptismal wnve, lo be trite their
country and never forsake tier.
1 call upon 011, young men, to remember
whose miiis ou arc, whose blond flows in
your veins. Life can never be too sdiori
which brings uolhiiig hut disgrace aiid op
p'cstioli. Death can never come loo soon.
if necessary, in defeiiuc of the liberties ol
our country.
: T -rgt"-"--' y in
ure Tor paternal affection-no treasure of aplim, IIuw 'rA ;
wishes like t',,1, , There it lies, in the, from wl, ,t it h id b.'e... l'.ltrioiis.n. miih,:
row space ol a.i inf.u.t's cradle, and yet it ' Sl,phy, f,n,ily fhhrns, friends'.ip, all lad
l.llcth the whole home with ils presence.- fled and vanished with .he master so.rii -l,n
POPi'INU 1 llli'CiUliSTION.
Tlie desperate struirgles i ud (lou'nderiim
by which some endeavor lii get out oi their
liibansiiicnt ate aniiisiii!' eiioiinh. Wo
ven inner uesoiation, noble in det.Iinc, ven-LJM, ,,. , , , ,
,,...1,1,. :, l ,.:, . p i-.' , , ,r, me l'!,erlu have heuu uiucli de ighlcd the
lab e 11. Ihe myesty of religion, and culm k , , , ... Il!rf . . ;
r.siore licr-liealil. I.y the deep probings ol
the Senate Chamber. Tlie Goths and Van
dals', and Huns, the swarms of the Nortli,
unit- was bcKuii l boine.
Koiiiiins betrayed lomc. l ne legions m
bbuglil and so'ld, but llic people paid the
triLute-mnney. ' . .
And where arc the republics ol tnouero
times, winch clusteicd around iiuniottal Ila-
lv i Venice and Greece exit but in name
The Alns indeed look, down upon the brave ne.ieelul Swiss, in tlicir native fastness-
. 1 I
cs; bill the tlicir lre tioni ismcir
weakness, and not their htreiiglH. . 'I'hc
. I mountains arc not easily retained. When
.1.. ! 1.. wi.m.i. ii! moves llivU all ava-
. , r...v. c uiiu uuiiieu wan inn masiurspirit who
. . v.u ,? , u om iime u iii,o. as Unected then.. Alone I visited .'rave.
were somelliimi enshrined. Child-! M'lm it,in ,.r . ....!. .
if it
hood, and arre, and manlv hone', and ma.
tronly beauty, bend over it. I could al
most fancy,' added ihc speaker, 'it were in
worship at that fair, pure sitrilic of the all
creating goodness.'
We could not but think, as wc hpanl
these admirable and lonc'iing sentences, and
saw the warm tear slart 'in the eye of a
bereaved young mother, silling near us of
ihe Koman line, 'Qilam Deus amal, mori
, n - - wj'wi nil. 1 tin
the right side, a short distance from the en-
wanco, a lew bricks laid on the flat side tisr
liiiguished the grave of Jcflerami from the
others within the encloellrc.,,
Female Infiucnci:. Fcmatc influonr.c
is deeply felt on all our religious ami social
charities. On these nuhieeiM. fmu-.,
ceptilnlitira are most lively. Many
1 11 vol VI
ii i-iul in t, 1 .1 .1 .
' - 1 ........w,. 111 1, USIIIV-S3, IIICSC .llllUlr tO
tur eJolcsccnces and that kindred lhbulit their wives. They are uilliiijr to -iie but
... uumvui:- . ny mouiii lor me young S cannot spenu the time nor attention to int
ucucr uiiu. uie ngni siiouiu lailu awav quire out tlie pniper objects of charily, or
1, ...,.....;....'. 1. 1. .1 1.1 1 1 . .1 . .
11 mi. iiiuiiiiu o imc.iui, 111:10 irnci iiirougn
.1 1 1 .... . .1.
o - ..i.i.i.gH ...wi ..inns. 1 uev irun mis 111
Hie weary day to gather in darkness and 1 the hands oi their wives. They
lunette, earrv inn destruction in bis (I 'lh.
The jieaeunuy sink bclore him. i no
coiiulry; t i. is i ((tr VaAa, unA
fur counties!. Naluro prescnls
II..I,. . , -
liaps one (if tlie licsi. renovators of the soil;
end plastered and ploughed in as a green
"dressing, it ' e f t1"' mi)ii valuable kinds
r niMinirH that can be nnniii'u. oiune i x-
.. i i .i .
criments shew,, lltat ol wc t scene . .... , m pry Mct , k
of 2 years growth, the roots alone will weigh . A))(1 SwJscr.
fro.nt.ine t.rtwchc tons lo the acre, thus ...,. ,.,r ehwa insiiintions.
fully hslablifhing itS value, and the tiunncr , climates s. arccly worth u
propun. , ... ilf. icitlotisv ot her iicmnnorR.
.,...- t.nt their nniduciivc cuiv.ic.itics will ! J , , ,
l V .11 - .-
liicrense rather than diminish.
nisi lime we heard the lnsiorv ol wouimr
of a noble loid, now no more narrated. His
lordship was a man of talents and enterprise.
if stainless nedi-iiee. ami a fair rcnt-rnll.
in ihe liabil of seeing the object oi u.tov-. -
.inns tlaily; II? clunccd at the beginning
uf an liduibtirg wiuU'r, ullttosu bis heart to
Mjs3 ;;md as their IjiihUcb weie in mc
habit of intimacy, he had opportu
nities of meeting with Iter, lie gazed a.ul
.-..I....I i .,,ilv:i VC1V lJUUl'JIClllKCSi
. . .1 i i.i t .......... ... uf lirmii :
hut mat lie nan a rargu -
lie followed her every where ; Ho wh jwi
oils, uncomfortable, bavage, if Mo l-iwicJ
evbn civily at another; and yel nonu.ii
standing bis Moutest icsolulioiis notwiih-
'. S.n'i.iiJed bun
(.lamllug Hie ciicour.iBi - .,
by ll.c Iad , a woman of M " 1,0
uhaibisbudsl.ip would be M, esteemed lu
..i ..... .i-n Mitieruir to cirhsh ailcclioiib,
I'll.ll .u.iv t - v
and made evciy advance consistent Will.
K- l..l ,mi;v the winter was i
ding into q.ring.'and lie had mil yel got bi
ituuth opened. C-tamma su ia. i
:: I u .me HjV when his lordship was
ktklt- . 'i
taking life usual luunge ill ihe diawiug-roum,
ii .riiii nil .mcjsioiul iuo;ios lablc,
Ulceooiiladvabraitl left, ""
locked ihe pair in ulouc. When las lord
. . i... i :. I., .ii. itiHi'iiver-
fcilip nu csfU IIIJ5 Uf uiuu in- "
. . I.. .1. 1... ...... 1 11 111 K
il, f lie. icailicttl III UIIU it oi- "
end ill storms.' Who should laiiienL when
'child angels' are taken from the evil lo
roiuc, and jransUed fiom their infant cradle
to heaven f
'Where, with driy Icnms round them playinj,
Tlicy their Fatlter f.icc shall sec,
And hear liim gently saying,
'Little children, conic to lac.'
The toils, tlie trials, the pains of a long
life often find their end only in a larger cof-lin-rlhat
cradle in which our second child
hood is rocked to sleep. How much iriith
is conveyed i in thj.t simple slimza, carved by
.. fund piireni liptiii Ihe humble headstone ol
ilia child's grave:
'lie tasted of life's hitler cup)
Jlcl'Uscd to drink the portion up,
llut turned hi little head asUc,
Distrusted ivit'i ttin ' ' " 1 '
quent biographer of Wahingt.i.. It w not
onU that tMr. Wbeins wrote iiouk. m
I.ll...i them also. Ill one ol Ins C.V
eursiou of litis iialurcl he accide.itly ft II in
with a pair of young liw.j.lo who e.ea
iwrtil to get married. Mr. Wccms. having
made himself known was immediately ap
plied to, lo perform ihe ceremony ol umuug
1 i .-: ... .i.!, I.nMnr'tnl mill
ihcm in " cUlocii. iiucr -
. . . ' . .i ...i .1... 1,1,.'. ti-rv nallirallv
tcr uau been sen cu, ui- ;-
.nogcslcd iisclf io i.f ibe company
.haladauce would bu u-ry p.opcr on the
in. ....i.a leiil no omecmui,
l.tCaSIOlll IWI. ' , .
and the only difficulty which aj.ppcured lo
rendci Ihe proposal impiaciicab'.cj was. thai
: . ...... .J1 i .,l,ini.reil 1 hat
t ,ev .at! no 'tuaicr, i
. V
ihcreforp, look mi to female eli nrtlv I'nr tfm
bread of life, to beans that am fnrmd to
feel. The charities which lay a claim ,o
our contributions are of two kinJs, system
atic and occasional. Systematic chariiic,
for the relief of the extreme poor, are pro
vided by law, and every man under that
arrangemciii, willingly pays his assessment
to tlie collector. Uul, besides these, theiu
arc ubjeulo of want in every communiiyi
whose cla ins cannot be fiinticeiiily tesisted
by those who have the Lord's gold and sil
vei in stewardship. There are many hdus.
trimis poor, who ale loo virtuous to steal)
who respect themselves loo milch to resort
to public charin , and who are too modest
to beg. They are some limes bick in ilea
tress, when the hand of charity would l.o
ail UXCtdlill.,iWw.l-'-aif"l?w!"
To iiudjmt mid -supply these- occasional.
wants, is commonly ihe mmoureu ca.u.ui
female tlciivity ami syiitpalhy. . Thwo are
also tfystt-matsc fliariues nir im; im".' "
s.iril.ial wants. . KcglccleU .iiyiepi--.
clnisiiaiis, under the command ol G..d,
lun'e instituted tor most
who arc perishing lor ia.-k ol visioi).
i'hese cliaritie., Iioivovcr, u.e as they ougl.i,
to be. cntirelv volimtarv; and it ii Here mo
piuus female is able lo do much, by her ..t
tivi.v and iahaencc. O.i these subjects,
men of busiucss; unless rcli-muS, are nj i
to bu carcttss. Uut Uw pious anJ coni.-m-platit
o wife orieu picsenis litem to h
iciiliou, in amauuci which may call b-rtli bu
urranknncnts umtn ue ...auc. ?v . ,.,u ........ . , . f .y
, i-unain was suspended Irom the ceiling, mucl. lor pan..,, ' - "
other, and belaud ;t was ncaiu 6,Se cn .. - r
,o ihtimbing una iuning ot. u vrnhn, an probation ul G .
nest uccus. . .i--
of her prosierity, and of many vculy w
...i :r P.. 11 urn),
We Hlaml tlie latesi. aim, ii i vU v.,- :- - .
. . . . r tr r?....n,...,,P.,t ii cmi tilioii seized hun. oius
I t .1... m'.iMIIUII (II M:illlll llll"' Itliivw - . 1
Those, therefore, win. hav.! farm-" which ;'" ' , ' ' . u )l!mig n.ost uiituiuly vcr Iter
haycnotsuirercd from the evils of a ; mosi all? needle,' a deep blush on her f l.eck. M
Of cropping that has rendered much of . .e , J ' nf 0nr , tll,s her but lu...m
henan. All
soon tc ..".i , - o
things went gaily and merrily foe a while,
. .. .. ...,w turn loose.
hut 6UUileiliy we iani..... i
when lo! who should the cunpany behold
Imtllov. j.L. Wi'oni, fiddling away as if
for uoor dear life itself, but tcatly Ur " . a-. c.vm.etcd perfection
ni.iscu.ciil of tliedamt.d. It i ..i-rtuiiiiy j .L.;!(.ll.lV,.lin,r ()i',.,ijoyii(cnl. and lo tiic m
niti :ull IV 111 nil UUIL- hp
' ; . .1.1..:
haml to
vouni. How delimited d,.st Hi. hi r.
in the lull flow of nature's bounteous s.r... i
( r.i iik
,,, ,.a . , 'tiitc wo are in uie vt;ii in . . . ,
Boil of ihe "hi allied stales comparatively , V . M , ,,,, np. (l.iU.l y thu W1,y, 1)assi,d in lo u
llie mm..' m- . .
sterile, shoul.l he who in i ... .'..,. - 0ur
to be titd, winch luis led many o .be a, , M (y lw vh,s r
tners tu wcsie ii icw iif , , , .
I Such as wc. arc. we nave occu .......
li.t.,..!., Rininle. hardy, and intelligent,
iv.ns f.f the urain prowing states; to gmw
n succcssrion of white crops on the samo
field should be abandoned fot a more radon-
al course or proceeding; one which coni-j -phe A,lhuitic. pdls between us
tnnna n'fvlKe with neriii.iucnt fertility, nnd . .jr.. r, ' vithiu our own lc
w....- . i a inrini.t.'f'
.in... ...... t.t r...i. iwiiinn l tat .. .
accustomed ti selfcnverntncnt and relf rc
constitutions oiher end of the room. Ha rclurneil to me
..l.ari.e. but I'liaiu willimU Al ,aM
..Mr...,..r bii.ihclf like out! about to upviug u
powder mine, lie stopped short before her
,.tMiss will you marry mel" ') nb
,rr,.:,t nlensuro. ii.v Kud," was the answer
, ..: I.,.v. tilllid, bill Ulllatl-
I while a deeper crimson suffused
shun alike ihe old fashioned nulinn that , . .,...,...,1. ,... demces of lat-,,f ,he frpeakcr And u right cue
i...,,i ci,,. 1,1.1 n,.v..r he nlnuL'hcd. or the 1 . '.' . ... , ..i,,.;,... r ,,,., nrod.ici?. ' .,t.'.. i.'..n E 'AnLunx JoUmU.
Jil.." m. .. . - i n ; llltllC, W0 lia.l' 1 " ' ' 1 . .Hit. ui.w ...wv , w
ir.m in, in' Him urtttMicc Hint cilliucnri's
nun. v.. . ."j i
out fields to ilia plough whilhout interims
IIIU III. m. tnn""" I ' . .
,.r .i,.. ..l.nsiesi writers an honest pe.l
,Mp-n first rale fiddler; mid above an ..
good mail. R(dt. Sun.
our own lerriio-
..I' !mtilei!l('llCC.
; anil many in.-.'
1 iM.vciumcut is mibl-tbc picf iree.
. i.
Whilst n pnrty of conweta were passing
The i
or dear lile tlsell. lm. imhj i. - I gwrllin w expected perlcclioit ! I t".
uciil of the claui-eii. It . ..crtiuniy j ib(.llrrw.ij,1,r ()f,.,ijovti(cnl. and lo the m.
t.y facui.y U. be able to tun. me s , J ; wut
ioany thing. Mr. Wcc.n was one ot (M of M;,hl
,,,81 eloquent pieachcw ol his turn - , jn illf.111(.y, Mwn.;b, lilct. the or-
. i . .:i.. tn !m nest tied' . . , .i. iidij i!il
V-.... it' I. i ! t . mh kofi
. . II. I ' 1 IU1I1 illll'''
,nv,,ll1cutiB'c prrM m-f. n...-, , . ylrnktrr.. , .,Rfthcau
gi.m is free. Iv..o.e,,,e ln,
hriv , v,:i rz , r ......
t t.j'. ........ i.rttaiiwr n .... mnitii in 1 1 1 1 .t M" " . ' i .... . . . l I..
utyoi conu.-ia 0, -,-e , . . , f ' ii,. . of God in cbihllmotl. i.o u. .-. tbo streets ot Dublin,, a , woman mru i n.'civnry limn im w . ..... ,hc r. tclaiimi. in ibe tir
struck at their hardened conduct, called out F,rw win., they themch. . n r , . ?
tp them, "Ah! you wrctclied vmm how i Al.cadc has the- ac: nugl' t JI'K ( ( . - , (,lallll,f,,
can you bo ro merry in your dreadful sitna-1 our ins..inli.m. U lu.s n-i'niIMl Hit A " . , ' -,.. ,,(,,;,,;, and
tio,.:- "Me.ry. mistress," replied one of ,,,,! sm.tT.d .be breeze .( .',.. I s ( . ((
them, .'VVhy. bl ytiurfonuy hear,, if mfoA imdf in .he ; . .. . wm
A.',i,...-,.e,.,.t Harvest Home celebration
in DclawaiVouniy. Mr. Leipcr s.a-
wd that he lately visited the gn.e ot .....
jeffcrsoii.and found it in a forlorn condiuuu.
r. ill., ffliale at Montlicllo, vM.u'U. "
i.elievc, is owncil by l.ienteiianl Levy, now
, Uuropc. .Mi.'"r K.ys-' nm ucg-
I ..,! .t;(:,nidaled home of the patriot
'nd p.b.lloM.pbcr rboNM-d the rayatrrs .r
t ..... .. liiKilie.r wind of n ccld De
tune, nit" . p
l.i. r i.vitv crcv.i-e ni
ceinlicr mormi'n i- h
lyhloss.miofsiuf, it I'"'!" the e u w;
ils naiurc i heir to wc jir. ..... .
n'luscle, full and soft,' of the bcahhfal ci.-l.
mid pas our f.n-icrs thi.mgb the
i .....I fnndlv ninc.h the rosy, tli,
check, and gazain the !aS' !UK
express with eiith.sM ism out aumiri.imi. ...
,,e promise tniuro & "f ",,,,m' lr
fe-lioil WC liliow f.Ol V. Iiatj o. v ......
know that wi love ymih cvcti i:t its im1
eili'iy. As it,i d n" ,f:lt' '" "
tniiiv.' bow adminble. how.lov. ! if - '
in its pristine purity!' TJiim-.Hi ii. u "--'V
not meafiire. the pinv!i- OGod by bi '
t i."!. ... if "ii'ii! iii'tni. line " '''.,
crcv.i'e ni " r- v'JH'. '
... . I . -i ."Xl?... . . .. I ive t
' . .... to ami imriiM c.ia v ...-
,h.s celebiMic.l iuaniou e...- - ; p .v
CII"U. '''MaCtlVltllJ.lUUlu.W lit uav
, ci.... .,,.(1 :t scone to rcflecli
;il' ... . -ti-i"... .
eai!v to be fo.gotou. Tlic only person t
u;rnWftS a polite old lauy,. u , ,
.. .. .. .1 P..... ..ralitietl thecurti.Mty ul 111"
i; .. piiim. . .-j,
granger amLlraveller,' by throwing op.f
siraugcr aiui".iuu..v., .v ,ir .-. . ....
(he empty ami.cliecrliw loom for tW vxdf U7.
livt.iiiiiiiV muss's
M.rd Cruaior.
' AWiN-'iVtit bool ttftitt
iiuiitiiiiir. io i.ini-iii' . " :
Ho'ui- furtkUdiwiuluthBtfuo trea
OUlV DO niWi)i MUi nvum; uunujtvn uJ hw J