The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 06, 1838, Image 1

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, , I have aworu upon tho Altar of God, eternal hostility to every ftrm of Tyranny over the ftllnd or MariThoniM Jeffenan.
1 " 1 ' 1 1 1 , , , . A .
Volume II. RLOOMSBURGr tiOLUllIBIA COUNTY, FAi SATURDAY, $CTOBEI 6, 1838. ' 'Number 24.
; i ' ' -s , . i sssi
Nkxt door to Rdbison's Stage Office.
published every Saturday morning, at
TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable
half yearly in advaiicc, or Two Dollars
Fifty Cents, if not paid ivithin the year.
'No subscription will be taken for a shorter
period than six months; nor any discon
tinuance permitted, until all arrearages
arc discharged. -
ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a
square will be conspicuously inserted at
One Dollar for the first three insertions,
mid Twenty-five cents for every subse
quent nscrtloni ECT" liberal discount
made to those who advertise by the year.
LETTERS addressed on business, must
bipost paid.
Mr, Sjovens, jn his "Incidents of Trav
el in, Greece, Russia and Poland," states
that he found in the neighborhood of Odes
sa, an American who had been twenty years
in Russia, and has gone through all the
routine of offices and honors up to the grado
of grand counsellor of the empire, which
7 1.1! .1.. .!.! !.: II I.. M TT.
7SS L,n i Pennsylvania is fraught with inter-
bur navy, and served as sailing master oh est hitherto unknown in the annals of Amer
board the Wasp afterwards became dissat- ican politics; and whereas the result of the
isfiedj and entered the Russian navy and approaching contest, now about to be de
came round to the Black Sea as captain of cidcd botween the frf da f jj , d
a frigate :was transfercd to tho land service, 4 ...
and in the campaign of 1814, entered Paris Democracy and Ritner and Aristocracy, is
with the allied army as colonel ot the regi- iuukcu a wim me uccpesi interest, not on
Al a respectablo meeting of tho Demo
cratic citizens of Brier Creek township,
hold, in the School Rodni in Berwick, pur
suant to a call given by the Committee of
Vigilance of said township; On motion;
GEO. B. STACKIIOUSE was called to
tho chair, arid John IP. JVtlbur appointed
Tho object df tho meeting having been
stated, on motion,
Resolved That a cdmmittcc of six bo
appointed to draft a preamble and resolu
tions expressive of, the dense of thia meeting.
Where upon tho following persons were
appointed.said committee;
Samuel Herrin Esq. John Knqrr,
John Workheiser, Joseph Weis,
Peter Solt, Levi L. Tato.
After retiring a short time, the committee
returned, arid througli their Chairman, L.
L. Tate, reported the following; which was
unanimously adopted :
Whereas The presentaspectof political
Resolved That this meeting adjourn 1 tween U3 personally. I felt for you tho same 1 10 hold the Courls there for Iho 11th Dis
sine die, and that the proceedings bo signed feeling of friendship which I possessed when ttlct.
by the President and Secretary, and pub
lished in tho Berwick Sentinel, Danville
Intelligencer, and Columbia Democrat.
John F. Wilbur, Secretary.
in 1826 I named a son for you. I left Harrisburg on iho 15)th of March J1
You subsequently became a candidato for and in passing through Philadelphia, I had
Governor in opposition to the democratic Judge Eldrcd's appointment announced irk
party, and after two unsuccessful attempts the newspapers. I proceeded home, hover
you succeeded in 1835 in being elected by dreaming of any treachery or disappoint
a minority, in consequence of tho split be- meht, when on the l2thof April, to my as-
tween Messrs. Wolf and Muhlonburg. I tonishment, I received a letter from a friend,
knew you had onco been a democrat, and afl in Harrisburg, dated April 8th, saying;
At a large and respectable meeting of the
democratic citizens ofMifllhi township; con- though you had been vascilating between "Yoiir friend Joseph Ritner has played yoU
vuncu ai uiu bcnooi hpu&o in cam lownsmp, Democracy and National Republicanism ali- and Judge Scott a pretty trick. Ho yestcr-
on Saturday 22d inst. agreeable to public as Federalism, and finally sought td avail day appointed Wm. Jcssup, of Montrose,
notice given. On motion, PETER HUR- yourself of tho Anti-masonic excitement, I President Judge of your District, in tho
LOCI1ER was called to the chair, an Dati- nevertheless could not still give up allhopes place of Judge Scott. He told Mr. "
id Ilulchins appointed Secretary. On mo- 0f you and your conduct relative to many of that tho commission was mado out and for-
tion of Henry Pcttit a committee of five tho appointments in Monroo and Pikbcoun- warded to him.' I could scarcely credit
were appointed to draft resolutions cxpres- tieS) satisfied mo that however wo might this intelligence, but going to gtroudsburg
ive of tho sense of the meeting. Whcreup- differ in politics, wo still wcte'personal the next dav. I received a letter directed to
friends, and so continued until by the trans- me at that place, from Thomas H. Burrows,
action which I am about to detail, you com- in which ho said, "The Governor desires'
pelled mo to abandon all tho good feelings mo to inform you that he has this day ap
I had entertained for you, and to set you pointed W. Jbssup, Esq. of Montrose; as
down as a man destitute of honor and ve- Judge Scott's successor in the 11th District!
Ho could delay the appointment no longer
Whilst a member of the Reform Conven- consistently with his public duty and a duo
tion, in tho hummer of 1837, Judge Scott, of regard for tho administration of justice.-
tho 11th Judicial District, and old and val- Judge Eldred has had threo.weeks in whicli
ued friend, wroto to mo to say that ho had to forward his resignation, but not having
some intention of resigning his office, and done so, the presumption was that ho did
would do so provided ho could havo an as- not wish tho change," &c. , ..
surarico that a person whom ho cosld "an- On tho night of the 10th of April, or ear-
prove would be appointed his sccessor. Uy on thb morning of tho 11th, Judge El
Knowing tho intimacy which subsisted be
tween iis, ho asked my opinion, as I lived
on II. Pcttit, U. Michael, Jacob Hartzcl,
John Michael and Peter Hetler wero ap
pointed said Committee, H. Pcttit, Esq.
flom the Committee made the following report:
Reslved, That we have full confidence in racity.
ter tho Democratic candidate for Governor,
and that we will use all diligence in promo
ting his election.
Resolved, That the Hon. D. Pctritrin is
entitled to the thanks; not only of the citizens
of thisCongressionalDistrictbutofthe demo-
ciacy of Pennsylvania,forhia fearless and in
dred anived at Harrisburg, in pursuance of
my letter. Thia was at as early a day so a
dependent support of the measures of the1
riAnnn.1 CI tTt4 n f ,1 M t 4a I ......... . .1 iM.t. - t
ment. He leflt tha army with the rank of ly by every citizens of this Commonwealth. 7 . . ,. , V. in ttie district, about tno matter; ami desirea peiicr leaving nanus's
a brigadier general, and was appointed in- but also by tho citizcns of the Unitcd Slate3 "W wT P P 7 . I-
spectdr of the port of Odessa, an office next , .. . . . J use all honorable means to promote his re-e-
jn rank to the Governor of Crimes. Dur- wiwreM, u is I0 me sacrca Iection
ing tho absence of Count Woronzow, the cie of that blood-bouglit inheritance-- nesolved That we wffl use our bbst cn.
rrnaii1nx Ha liiron i ii thfl nnltnn nnd ava I n tT I rt n r Inn nloilttfa frnnhliian ' l,HniinntU .
thai the duties of the office for etehtU ... k-(i.. i.. -.i ....JL. -r dEavors to dcfeal tho re-election of the pros
. 1,1 - . itiii auu icsiumciu ui , V' i. i. .1 . . r
arid wicked bevey of Yankee Ad
r. i : p. rt
venturers, i'enn, oicveiia oi, u.
wo can look,
1 1 TT . ? .1 1.1 f I. xl.
monms. xio inamcu a muy OI nnK, wnn our patriol;c ancestors,
t i.i m;n;nniitf u H flnwn in be: Therefore, bo it
wheat) and is cultivated by tthitd slave's. Resolved That wo apjlrovo of tho ad- Hcsolvcd, That wo consider the riresent altcd over the matter; and you gave mo to
- . . ... I T T-M
that it might bo broached to you. This March and going to Warren, (Juage im-
was accordingly done, and a long and friend- dred's residence,) could have an ans wer re
ly conversation look place between 'us, you turned by the regulat course of mail. Ho
expressing doubts of Judge Scott's sincerity had ridden night add day arid by exl'B x
in proposing to resign, and I desiring you pense and extra exertions reached the sea
reflect iicqn JiC-maUcrjjisJJoj)
Bifo'fi'atl'anriouhced thTchaligo amtllS'
hV a 'corresncndina -- on your
part. During the sessions ot the uonven-1
tlon al Harrisburg, you and I frequently
UUVt t w - -
to bo Sontag, and he is the son of a
ti'onary soldien
Tho value of the farm is estimated at $60,- ranistration of the General Government of cjcclion contest! contest for principle and ,mderstand that you would appoint Nathan-
000. The name ot wis maiviuui H . g administered by Martin Van A nf , ,nnst imnortant to the vital inter- n V.hln-d. Esn. then President of tho 18th
hovoiu- , . v;1 . .. , r
Buren, and believe tnat nis course nas iuci . 0r.the peopie, sinco the eiecuon oi Tud ckU District, coaiposeu oi wb couuub
thfi rreneral approbation of the American .runm Toflersort: LfWnrrfln.M'Keanl Jefferson, &c, if Judge
Wages of Treason. Our readers . emodracv 7?r.hed. That we can in no wiso tolerate s.nlt wouid resicn. I accordingly so in-
vtt probably ' SKiouae solved ThU the re-action of a num- in our beloved nativc Pennsylvania; the ty- formcd judge Scott, who, in the month of
of CommonsVto investigate tho nature of ber ot the stales oi union, m wuuw- ranical and oppresslv0 system now March 1838 urewup n s resign -uu olhorman in the wbrld;-
yarious pensions hcrototoro granieu py ino ing oil tne snacKies oi icucraiism, Uv ftn bjr strangers to "our lnieresis, our u"nlanded it to mo 10 ue uciivcrcu vu ,uu u ------ ... ,ou never would hard
intention to resign at Warren; by your
rection. Tho matter had been published
throughout tho Commonwealth, and when,
he got to Harrisburg he was Informed that
you had said you never promised to appoint
him. Fortunately, Judge Eldred had not
sent in his resignation 5s l'resiacni oi um
18th District. . . ,
You, sir, told mb two untruths in thisbu-
. t ! .1 i n nnnnitlt -TlldflfO
siness. xou proiuiBeu ,u ff a-
itteo reported, not pon thcm by lbo jieip 0f ipanic and pres- and our peopletevens & Co. of "r
lV0IIl iSMPdni!ri0 SUr'" and COm'inS 0Ut fr d0m0Cr3tic mett CUTINQ USR FOR OflNIONS SAKE" WO
Crown. Tho comraitteo
Inner noo. and extracts
5,lVe" in. il1 LclrZ? twVons and measures, is strong evidence of their thc tin. of poor labourcr3 from tho pub
of Benedict Arnold, tho Traitor, are yet confidence m President Van Buren and his Hc workg becaUge they will not Huzza lor
living in Erieland, and in receipt of a joint political principles. Ritner and his crew,
pension of 102. Their names are James i?C50u(? That we cordially approve of jtesolved, That tho ticket formed at
it and William p., ; and y 8. "dtho nomination of Gen. DAVID R. POR- Bloomaburr, by ,ho democratic convention
that condition.
On tho 10th of March last, I was again
at Harrisburtr, and had an interview with
you on the subject, and you then solemnly
assured mo that if Judge Scott would resign,
tho commissiori should be mado out for J udge
Eldred. I then handed to you J uugo acou s
received Judge Scott's resignation. You
promised to send Judge Eldrcd's; commis
sion to Wilkesbarre, to iho Prothonotary.
You did nciiher; but appointed. Mother, bei.
fore you could know, by the regular courso
df tho mail, whether Judge Eldied would
accept or not.
..11 AHnNra mil 11 n . . ... , . ' I.....,, accepi or hoi. . .
lowing comment on this reward ot treason: iiv, a mu u" 0t uoiumuia coimvy resignation, ana staiea to you uiavuiCUu. j ve nothinff Id say to the gentleman
"Without passing any judgemeut on Ar- ernor of Pennsylvania, and horeby pledge vi(cd Bupport. inLuzerne would commence on the firslMon ' , annotated. may bo a
hold's morality, wq admit that his Sons aro our united effort t0 use aU fair and honora- Rtl0ivta, That the proceedings of this . f A ., d mt obablv judgcEldred who you i nave 11
ni!)i in iVin npnsion." Com. Adv. ii . ii;.. . . nnrl 1 .. ...... .., .L.-n... pretty gooa lawyer, uui mo u i
vu.i.ixu i 1 o:e meaus 10 seuuio ma meelinff do sicncu oy ine uiuiici utnu,.- --,.1.1 rach vilKesuarro uniu mo uun
?JB'rf; nfthr. Present Smtem ofFe- Resoltied-
male education f women aro in general re-election of Joseph Ritner, becauso we
feeble, both in body ana in mma, it ansua honestly believe him identified Willi r euerai-
' ' I . 1 TT T, nat lilif
IlSm, lianitism, nucu l ucuiam, mm uu
notlcast, "Abolitionism" in all their hideous
That wo are opposed td tho published in the democratic papers of this WQuld b(J nearjy over) and ti,at the commis-
county. sion had better be foiwaidcd to the 1 rotnon-
On motion, adjourned. t , otary at AVilkesbarre, and Judge Eldtcd di-
PETER IIURLOCIIER, CAatr ; rectcd t0 proceed directly to that place. To
D. HuTCHiNSt Secretary. . n,3 vou assented, and directed mo to wnto mpii : tll0 state;
to Judgo Eldred that he was appointed, and 'u OVERFIELD.
1ps from nature than ff'dni education
encoUrago a vicious indolence and inactivi
ty, which wo falsely call delicacy, instead
bl haraeninsr mcir miuuu uy mo wvi wrasi ! . . r; ; af
t,. .. n .i n mtiinh nnil n il nsnnnv. oi iini,eii 'rii-ti top nnnrnvp. ni ine courso a o uustim iiiiiih i v
breed them to useless arts which terminate .
Tiivin Pptiiikiv. ourreriresen-l the Commonwealth of rennsyivama.
in vanity and sensuality: In most countries nnn. nn,i helieva that he has Sm:-It is to mo a Source of unfeigned re
?J . won tho esteem and confidence of a laigo gret at any time to sunder the bonds of pe,
can uiGiGuu ku i -- . . . ... . , ... . I l.nvn
than tho modifications of the vo-ceor uso- majority of tho freemen of this Uongres- sonai menusnip wuu any m-., -
f.u. i.-.i.. 'ri,.i iimo !j I ,i i, .mill T fniintrtiiat I had been
1RSS nOSlUrCS OI WO UOUV. Xlln wit." c nnn ll RtrlCt. BOVK uuuu um.
consumeu in siow, uuu wu "" """ nfsnlned Thai we approvo or tho JUem- deceivea or iu-ircaicu
seem td forget that it as upon tno qualities ... , 7" " rnfimunra of lho House of
ri,n rnrrf,in mnv that our own demesne Columbia county anu win uiva a -iuB
hildren ..,i .,(. mill, ntid a null altogether" on RenrcsentatiTCS, and of the same political
tUe cdJ ho 2nd Tuesday of October next. It3 sub- party, in the fall ot 1824, and that acquaint
minted I I 1 i.;nr.1Dtiin n fripnn.
ance soonnpciicu uiu iiicjiuamj
ship which wa3 intimate, and on my part at
.inrn. 1 hRiiRvn it was men so
cinles do not suit the people
District, and his appointment was the con
summation of a fraud, by which you ob
tained Judgo Scott's resignation, and trifled
ilh tho feelings of Judge fcldrca, one oi
Only pursuit canab oof interesting lhe,m' 7 Ticket nresented to tho Electors of I first became acquainted with you
ofthofemalo sex that our own demesne Columbia county
hnmfort and tho education of our children
ilpnnnrl. nnd what 'are Uid comforts or
ucauon which a ratu u uumgo "r7" nea -..,:
...,.,:,a,i , cess is certain.
lrom iiicir niiaiiuY, uuu uuatiiuniiin-" ...... . , . . .
M thl. XiM of life, aro fitted to bestow T dn motion the following were unanimous
i , 1. M..n:nl l..elMirrift1-it nfllll 11 Ctrl M H.1nn,Afl
. .... .... ... n. . I . lV ...... 1.1 . TO. ...,1 (nr.nllir.l- fnT llVO S11C
swii in nvhihit t auecieu or naiurui ti. Tiiot mn v rw t iris nnaeres oi vour nan. iibbhicu wem
------ ----- ... i . . . I ' . . i. i .1
n...!.i ii T3... ,i-n ,fr,ril PRn nosa vn sessions, when accoruini; to ino
UCn. WaVlU IV. 1U11I ivkai.jr wS-.-. . i'3 .
.. ii.n.. ,n. L,iontil in our district. I was not a candidato
ot moral nonesiy, unu uiau uuu n.uj, wt. .-
,.:, , i, for re-election, in order that the representa.
i , mi... !-:: ri t? min-lit rnmn from Wavno county, ana
Jicsoiveu i nai mo iniijuiiiica u. . mu
Pnrtfir has always received in his
that ho should immediately resign his com
mission as President of the 18lh district,
and proceed to Wilkesbarre where his com
mission would be waiting for him, and tako
upon himself tho duties of President of the
lltit District. 1 asked you whether it was
whon your desird that Judge Eldred should an
no leu numc.
Middle Smilhfiold, Monroo co.,?
September 18th, 1B38.
From tho Easlon Democrat and Argus.
We ate authorized 10 oner ine luuowmg
irmira tn tho ovos df indolent and debauch-
od young men, to dissipato their husband's
nutrimnnv in rintoua and unnecessary ex
penses, and these aro tho only arid 'cultiva
ted by women of the most polished countries.
succeeded me
l Via nlinnffn hp.fnro
You said lie had belter do so, as that would bets to those who are engaged in defaming
enable thb people of the lSth District to aml vilifying the character of David It. i or-
cast about for a successor. In Order to tor, and particularly to the Parson and hi
make assurance doubly sure, I hero asked ass0ciate Officeholders of Northampton:
I. .!,,. 4l,ia orronrrpmntlt miffllt llC do- 500 DOLLARS
" pended on, and you said that you would That there is not ono unsatisfied claim
v appoint Nathaniel B. Eldred, amino oth- upon earth against David R. Porter-and
cr man in the world. I might depend upon that ho never owed ono dollar mat nas noi
your word been paid honorably and honestly even to
Upon this assurance, on the 17th of tho very last nt.
March 1B30, 1 wroio a icuci - . ,i,n11(li:
l nai wc can prove ueiuio auj
Trade of the Ohio Canal's. During the
lute month of August, thero wero2,500,000
pounds of mefchandiso entered Cleveland
' i i : . i .1... ri.: ..nJD
wr wpiuBiii iiiw-iu. , " Resolved That our federal opponents had taicen piaco in yuui ikwhh. , - .nnouuee tho fact in the falsely arainst D- K, 1'
Durini: tho month of July, tho tolls on tho -"vnw , , . , r , i,,. Tim diflerenco of our noli- Commonwealth, annouuee mo wmora.wj,E
Ohio Canals wero S52.458. beinc $0,000 can and always havo, beat us lying, but wo left at home. T he diflerenco ' ""'P .... ...... and proceed to Wilkesbarre, vlllian and scoundrel:
... .. . . i . .ii . i .rniin i lino iinwnvpr. crcuicu uu uaiiaiiKiuvit. mv- - - - -
moro than in tho samo montti oi ibU7. can, ana wm again, uuv mum B' ' w