The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 29, 1838, Image 4
i EADER, if you have a touh qr cold .lwaro of their contcqudnws. Oolds generally pro tluco Imperceptibly! jsnd insinuate themselves .throughout the human System, finally settling; upon ths lung, and ending in consumption. A WORD TO PARENTS. .How oftcft-Js outh cut down when least expect ed by the-consumption, and Toltoivedlo their grave 6y parents who arc in a measure the cnuso of their premature death, in neglecting to remedy colds when exutins In childhood, looking upon them as trifling affections, and not attracting their notice until the destroycr has -commenced its work and made sure , of itt victim. This is not a fanciful representation. lor daily numerous mstancts occur winch prove the act. In njahhood colds terminate in the wime way, hut do not progress so rapidly us in youth! they should, , however, in both ygUth and manhood, be earlv at . tendon to, and not regarded as trifling affections, for it is a delusive idea tifltt lias ehortendd the lives of thousands. Dr. BECHTER'S . 'PULMONARY PRESERVATIVE,' . f (PriceJFifty cents per Dottle,) ail Inclinable reparation, discovered by a rcgu ..lit and celebrated Ucrman .physician, who has dm , upwards of fifty Jrcars in his own practice in uermany, tnrougnout .wntcii eonntryu nas tieen during that time most extensively and successfully employed in bouln, Uolds, Uataatlw; Asthmas, Whooping Coughs, Spitting of Ulood, Pain of the . llrean and Sides, all affections of the JJreast and ljungs, and arrest of approaching Consumption. XTllpJl Tinni tio Qnift in TirntcA rf tlii. ntimrn nmiliMTif. but newspaper advertising being too expensive, eve .', ry satisfactory evidence will be found in all its cf- jecis upon inai,- as wen as numerous rccoramenua tions accompanying the directions. Upwards o 7000 bottlc3 were sold in Philadelphia alone dur ing the last winter, n convincing proof of ita efficacy Prepared and told Wholesale and Retail at Dr. 'J,cidy's Health Emporium, 2d street, below Vine, ""No. iov: ALSO, SOLD BY D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomtburg, May 28, 1838. Jy5. VI ,u fnigv a ljuaiiii,, mutiny 119. imtv buiui P.REMONITARY HINTS, AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION. )J5ADER, did you oversee a confirmed Dytv peptic, ana team his suliermsj! If not, sitf fice it to say, ho is a pale, thin and ghastly looking object, liis life apparently hanging by a thread,; ho is inieerauiu uau unuappy,' ins suuerings muiscrioa ble. Aro you much troubled with flatulency, costive nt63, sour eructations arising from your stomach, occasional want of appetite, waterbiash, a bad taste .In your mouth, or foul breath, pain or a heaviness at your stomach, sickness after eating, headache, dis gust at your onco favorite food, ice, If you arc much troubled with apy of tho foregoing symptorns, -bring before you the picture of tho Dyspeptic, iud 'having resolved to rfcmedy tho conseijneiiccj, fan mtdiatcjy procure Dr. Leidy's Tonic fyAnti-Dyspcpiic Cordial A never failing and efficacious remedy for . DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, rau uiwiu iinuiemu ii"MW,wftwuuag,trqgi,(). 1 mirv ttr nyhnr mlnnMl . ' ... .1 .. j ".w.uin jicjjBrauonsj it is composed entirely of vegetables, .safe and easy to take, being very pleasant to the tasto. , It may ,be safely admin- petered to young and pld, requiring but moderate re- niucuoaa in ciiei only. : Numerous testimonials have been 'from time to jtimo published; its reputation is so well known, fur ther comment upon iU virtues is unnecessary, suf fice it to say, it nu keveii niLin in a sixole .jsotasce. Further recommendations accompany the directions around each bottle. COPrice Ona Dollar per botUe. t Prepared and soldVholesale and Retail at Dr. -Ijeuly s Health Emporium, 3d street, below Vine Ho. 191. ' Also Sold by D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg, Atay 2C Iy5 WONDERFUL CURES Icen performed in this city, and throughout the country. MEDICATED SAIiSPAIilLLA. 1fTEIiVG a concentratwl fluid extract of Sarspa JUP nlla, combined with other vegetable extracts, .which-rendors it as a medicine of great utility in the euro of M dhecuta aritingfrom the impurities of 1M iloed from indiscretions and imprudencies in . Jifs, and conitilutional difeasesformed or produced by the injudicious use or mercury, arsenic, bark, or quinine. In short, it h an invaluable x'emedy for all Rheumitic Affectidns, General Debility, Ulcerous Soriin White SwcUings, Dieses of ihe Liver and Skin, Ulcerated tore throat. Ulcers ot tho Nose, Ca ties of tho diseases-of the Bones, Scrofula orKin-'s Evil, Erysipelas or St. Anthony's Kire, and all un xileasant and dangerous affections consequent to Syphilis, Lucas Venereal, &. . So effectual has this medicine been in the cure of ,vnous uiscasea ior wnicft it u recommended, that 'U is far superceding all other preparations of Sartpa nlla, Panacea &c. It is now employed by numerous physicians and in been introduced by them into many hospitals, i,.uiiu., Hiniujuwi inn uniiau otHtes. It is a preparation of irreatcr strenfrth quently of gretter eflicftcy) than any bthcr extract now made, is also much cheaper, being but one dol lar per bottle; which Is euffieienUo make one Gal io:j of Syrup of Karsparijta, and is bought by dif lerent druggists for tliat purpose. . Numerous certificates havo been Terivi J .published from tlmo to time, but in conscquqnee of tho great expense attending newspaper, publication of them, tho most incredulous can to convinced of mo superior eincacy of U,t, Leuly's medicated Sarv tarilla1bycalllnirat"Loi,li.. Hltl, Rmnn-!'i No. lai, Tforth second streo, briow Vine, sitm of m uuuch jUHSio anaaorpents, where certificates un 1 reforcnoos can bo given, to hundreds of instances of the moat remarkable cures ever performed by any ajjdicinoi Prepared only and sojd Wholesale end Jletail at lfr. Leid's Healtli Emporium, 2d street, below Hue, No. 191. , ALSO SOLD I)tt , d. a; TOBIAS. loomjHirg, June 2, 1838. OLD LEAf. SILVER LHAF, and COP-' rr.n, ronai at oWa' ft'rvgg Store in Uloo'mSxtr, . AND ; Threshing Skacliine .MANUFACTORY. pTJlHE subscribers respectfully inform the public 13 in ccneral. thatThcV hae erected the above men ioned establishment tor all kinds oi fKOH CU.STX1TGS9 to onlcr; r,nd nl.o to Manufacture TIIItBSIf JSVO J3t.1Vli:AiEt3 and iPOItTJIIIijtJ HOUSE JPOWEmi all of which they Will make of tho best of materials, and 111 tho moat work manliko manner, mid will dupolso of them oil re sonable terms. L. II. MATJS & Co. Bloomslnirg, May 10j 1338. 4 OVERT AND ex&3&&2t EXCHANGE. TTTEUV respectfully informs his friends and 'the" W public, that ho has alvav on hand, at his Li- .very Stablq fn Uloomsburg, for the purposesof Hire or Lxchange, a variety of Horses, Sulkies, GIGS,, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS which he will feel gratified to keep in readiness for tho accommodation 01 customers. Personal application can be made at his residence, when every means will bo used to Tender entire sat' isfaction to those who may give him b call. . NOAH S. PKE3STIS. I31oomsburg, May 20, 1838, ALARATUS, Glauber Salts, Epsom salts, for ) sale at the Cheap Health Emporium. To Ike IKsircsscd & AHliclcd! TOBIAS'S HEALTH EMPORIUM And Family Driig Warclio'usc. ilI2AL,TH, "The poc-r man's riches the rich man's bliss." HE subscriber would respectfully announce to his friends and tho public that lie lias opened a general assortment ot Srugs & Medicines, at his Drug and Chemical Store in Uloomsburg and that, tie will he Happy to supply tho wants those who may give him a call. Among lub as sortment are : Alcona!, Aqua Amonia, Aqua pepper, Arsenic white do. yellow , Allonatla Agnrric Mustard Sturiale of Tin Jface ftippcl, Shields Ldo Shells Opodeldoc liquid , do Steers Pills German Guinino Aqua Foitis 1 itnr- jnn T) uor.vx do Squills Resin plabtcr Steel Powder Stoden bitters Stono yellow do rotten . do black . , Sandpaper sordta Solution of tin Spt, Eathcr Sulph. do Niter Eathcr do HarUhorno Vials all kinds Wafers red and black Kreosotu Window Glass all sorts Whiting Sandct Salts Cologne Vater Black Ivery Uronzo whito do yellow; Carb Ammonia Cinnamon Cochineal Crab's eyes Cloves Draggon's blood Ginger Gum Assafoctlda do. Opium do. Aloes . do. Arabic . do Larbadoes Alces Camphor Gum Cepal do .Myrrh' Horso Lance ' Isingjabs Russia Lamp -black . . A LUC). Allspici, Black Penn Iron ftost. Rid Pepper, D. S, TOBIAS. Bloomburg, May .10, 1838, BERNARD RUPERT, Philadelphia, and is ready to make all kinds ot garments m tho newest aid most fashionable Bloomsburg, May fl, 1828. DYEBS OPEN YOtilt EYES. t i!. V.'.S?; HpanUh do. Vcrdic-, blue Vitrial; Whito do. for sain A ZTZZT.. ,vv,UoWU,ti aiv blouse, ny . J. 8. TOBIAS: MM7B SMALTZ, Whits Frosting, Iceland ,7 ,(i . DPamh; and a thoutitnd ..v..llv.a vuu iuuious 10 mentidn, for sale at Tobias' Health Emporium. White kalian Mulberry, FOR SALE AT IN BLOOMSBURG, D,r. Weaver's Worm Tea and Snh, THE .action of thi. Medicine isnot only to ox pe orms, but by its tonic powersto riro veilt a return nFiliom i, . ' .' 1" ,r,,, i. ,. "J viuiug mo weaK stato ofo digestive organs on which their induction mainly depends. For sale by 1 uuuc"on D. S. TOBIAS. Health Emporium, Bloomsburg, POSE OINTMENT, cprlain euro fpr tetter., ringworm, pimple, on the face, and other rmnni,. Ask for uiHiuns. obias Health Emporium, Bloowbur. Mat 4.S ALL KINDS OF JOB WCPI&JK Executed at this Office,' HEW GOB TtlF, subscribers havo jtist received, at their old establishment, in Bloomsburg, a new and ccneral assortment of Goods, laid in with creat care and suitable for tho present and approaching sea sons ; which, with their former ttock, they Hatter themselves, presents as various a choice of goods as can be had m any part of the country, and which hoy ato dispoxed to part with at tho lowest price for Cash or in exchange for Country Produce, I Their'Stocfc of consists of all varieties of tho nianufacturics of Silk, Flax. Cotton, and Wool, and their numerous com binations, in England, Franco and America. Superfine, Fine, Common, and Coarse Cloths, Cas'slmcrs and Sattlnctts ; Cotton Goods from the Coarsest to the Finest tcxturca tnqng the latter ah as sojtthcnt of French Chintz. c$, Muslins and Calicoes of new and , superb patefns, Silks and Silk Vestings, Shauili, Handkerchiefs, 'C, Irish linens, dressed and undrcscd, French Lawns and brown Hollands. Groceries 8c Ssiquors, Sugar, Coffee, Chocolate, Tea, Spices of all kinds, several kinds and qualities of Brandy, Spirits, Rum, Whiskey, Wine and Molasses. HARDWARES. Knives and Forks, Cutlery, Saddlery, Coach and Wagon mountings and trimmings, Sc)thcs, Mil and cut Saws, Tools for Blacksmith?, Shoema kers, Saddlers, Tailors, Carpenter, and other me chanics. CHINA, &IiASS And Crockery Ware, elar Wave, UVOIP.7.VJV OTtlElt IMSKET8, end a thousand and one other articles which it is mpossiblo separately to mention. Fainlsj and Kyc StuUItj. Qm Si PIASTER. IKON" ATO STEB31L of all kinds and qualities of foreign and domestic manufacture. Dont throw away good bargains by neglecting to call on WILLIAM McKELVYSj- Co. Tine Victory Won, ment. Dr. T.oh ' i " T" . " i ixjii ions, leilious. nm n-,,r:., : - - -----j umra a nieinou ..i? ffH'SarwpaTtlh is extracte.1, .w.,cu lavo j-ius waiiout deislroying its Innumerable attempts have been made toarcom PIl!n this lmnortimt nont Km n i . . - t. -- --- --jx, ta uu lautu. It IS 1 Hi portant, hewmtitSanapyrilta, a, a medicine, in all I ditcttc. to h,cj, mankind is snhject is prod J. ne of wrereal good, than tho whole catalogue of .UM,ial!ir?SpCCta'!l? f" tho quoftio,!,- hat is the most inin,.i .,.?.. . 1 . . , . 4 l,u'":r "i Mic innou.and the np.t popular medicine! they will answer unaiumouslv. 8nrnnnr:n wi... ; DR. LEIDY'S SAUSAPARtLLA OR BLOOD PILLti, Price, Twentv-fivo Cents n 1W They must surclv (nmninnfln nmC- A.,t are not composed of Sam.panlU alone, hut contain ... -v, .uuCT iai8, tu ine jortn nt a mil. the Virtues of the m nriml iim,!,.., t-.J ,' ,.nm ,1.1..:'.. "iu ''c iitV ' V,rracls syuP3. an other prepara- Tiiey nro hiahlv repnmmniri,1 km, sicmns, and others, (sec diicctious around each hot Rheumatic Afiertinnfl. Ulcc-ous sores of the nose Sclirofula Rrv-sinoUo Jaundice, Heartburn throat and body. fccaly Eruptions and JJiscasos oftbo Livcr,skin bones and elutds. Pain of tho sides, along blotches of tho skin. Dry and watery pimples and pcstules of tho inu uacK anil spmo o vcr tho region of tho heart and stomnph. face and body. Tetter and ii Swellings and hardening of tho glands of tho Inward fevers, bad tasto in themouth.foul breath Flatulency. Indiireitinn. necK, in tho groins Sour eructations and acid itiosof the stomach. ureast. &c. Stomach Cough?, Liver complaint. Want of appetite, and all the whole train of disease resulting from impurity oftbo bloml. h.ii..i b 01 watorbrash. , i , . ' ""Miuuun:ii UlABasCe pro- i"'b?rOr,Orr0lb?rraille''.'''- tile oonse- t.wu. jVuhu,uum venereal, &c. i'orconvcniencnnf tub:,, n . . ., . ,, , . . "b "i.u maKing cut small bulk, being ,n flat square boxw. conveT.lont ui ior iravai inc; purposes thCV mUSt llO lirfifumMn 11 il b ' . I""; Sar'sanarilb. " ulUBr Iparatio,u ol For sale. VholoMTn..;n,i Ileaiainmporium.andnearVinestrePhiladHia! For sale by D. S. TOBIAS. itl!!0' eet, Co. ... v, M,US0I uiisjior sal at Tobias's Health Emporium. STM2 OOAIi. n-rioin .... -1. 1 ri r, SSS S;: th i C B.' FISHER. Bloomsburg, May 20. ' TllE THIRD VOLUME Commencing with tlieJulyNumbcr fori 0H8. A coon opronTttNiTY'rbrt nkv suDsenmens. The Largest and Cheapest Periodical 'in the United Slates. Titi: GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, EIltTKD )1T WILtlAM K. UUnTOH, l'ltlLAllELIUUA. Now publishing in Montlily Numbers. Tho -proprietors havo much pleasure in announce ing to the reading public, tho complete success which lias attended the establishment of this Magazine- .1 .llnf.... fn K,AV..l 1im1- H.ntn.t nvh..l.1nri. considerably exceeding tho prosperity of any other KTrihlinil lwl. !inA tiiw vlrvl-nrtn. ticks iip tub pass, attest tho merits and the popu .... . H ... . . aruy oi mc iicnmman s Magazine, cacti number wi vuuiaiiis More Original MatScr limn nnv ntliAi- mnnlfilv iMiblir.fttinn Tlirt contents embrace a fertile tango of amusing ami uisinicitve sunjects, ay antnors oi cele brity. Original Tales of powerful interest; Humorous and Graphic delineations of men and manners; Novel sketches of Foreign Isriflei; Pnntrv ; f'lltnrflnlnrilin Rimlina Ift- gays on popular sehj nets, and -Biographical notices ofcelebrated Eccctittic persons, with many original Anecdotes. The new pub lications are reviewed- in full : Liberal ox- tracts are made from rare and valuable works -presenting a comnlclo account of .i PflPITT.AI? T.TTRrj'ATrriM.' HP T1TH 1UV, An Original Copy-right Song, not olhcrwise In Un UtninnA ,.itl X.n III. .l.A music, in every number. 'Pl,r:(ln,.,a'- U.,lnn,l.,'n. .,!.. I lllUULIHIblNHlia IILI.U-lllv VD. I.U.I If, -U V I I IJ "111 1,!,A,1 rli.(.n n.m.d I ... . 1. f i wwnt u i'ov, v. i vl, CUIII111119 V.tii.11, IU - ing, at the close of the year, two largo volumns of uuv lUuuaIlu, cumuli iiuiiiiiuii uuu ivtlll-uignv CU1 iimncofi.ti ntiiiml fnnlnma mrtrnfliiiit mi nfinvn pago 01 average proportion, aim each mommy nuni htr 1m tnnri TrailiiKr innllcr llimi n vntttiMn if , noVel. The work is ncillynrinted, on good paper, U1IU BklWItll. HI lIVl. LUIUIVII LAII 1.1. .UVUlitl l.llLl.tV- inire w! II n M.mi ill ttiniM,r..n nf tlin .. n...l lli .1137 ..... v.,w,i.ii mv.uuim. j. 111V.JVUI, uuu iiiv proprietors pledgo themselves toproducan aa;reeablo book an epitome ofLifo's adjunctives -a Literary melange, possessing variety to suit alt palates, ana sufficient to command a place upon tho parlui table 01 every uciuicmau mine unticii mines. A V17 W T7IiA'l'IITW J&. 1.11' A 1 UiVAJ, Of Great Novelty and Utility, is introduced into .1 I iuo volume commencing mo prccjii year, viz. THE ANNIVERSARY REGISTER: Ur Momiuy caicnuer 01 American vtiruiiology, Exhibiting Correct Dates oflho llirths and Deatl ui j.uuiinit liiMi, 1.Q11U oiiuuiu 1 iun, j iiama, Extraordinary and Memorable Events, and other r !?.:..... T ....1 .i c, t.-:.i.... 'p... UllllUll) 1Uillll.kCU 11111 t.-ie HisTonT nr A-irnicA. x iu luiuvm niiu uvmi.v ui una uiiiuuuiu, which has been complied at great expense of time &labor renders it a valuablo addition to tho pages cf the Gentleman's Magazine. There is no other Calender like it in existence. l EIliMS Three Dollars per annum rrM-rf ' , in iciiers, postage paid; addressed to Chatlci pvi I i 1 nl".""ans "U'ldiiig. Franklin Place, -.wp,., m uiuii wiui ine earliest attention. LOOK OUT SHARP I! UI ti better 111 Ihn t-nm..,. .n.M r mc viivajt vure ijousc, tiy TOBIAS in Bloomsburg. LACK INK. Red Tnt, ni, ri. -n' . ,.T !- 1 . .l V 71 n' "u'J'c nig t ivi uic cueap iiealtti Enporniin, by D. S. TO HI AS. Evans' Cammomile Pills, Waranted to bo'conuinn. Anderson's Pills, & ail other kinda of Pills. i iy Alone, to kill Flies with. ;' Fish Seed, to catch fish with. TRUSSES.. Spunccs,. for sale at TOBIAS1 Health Emporium. MOKED HERRING. Surar ir r f 1 1 " ' " a" n S.TOHIAS. in Jilpomsburg. WEEKLY SPIRIT OP THE TIMES. I Tv rff s"'"t''V U 1gvt will be liubliUic.i 1 in f.rt in,,,,),.,, r.i... ,, i., in ri.iiE.," which will bo made 1111 fmm ih , . ." r.i i ' tV , . .r. al,a shall also con v. laicoii oingnaim uomett c lute IWcncos Intorestmi MkMlfflMer:u! n. ' ,?L"LC' 1 .11 IU 1 an,ll' c "Paper, suita- Dlo lor all classes n( niv,.o nr , ' . duced t0 thisundertnking frJ, made to us bv nnr ram,i, r.i-.i. . ;. ' . 'MI ' -v , wMi.,i, uirjius. iq inriiicli n IiDWirinnpraUi,ln).l r ' '""mil a mersand yeomanry of tho interior of tho state. Ho" hev-mg such a paper might prove an important ml lhaty toseeuio Ihp m..rii :,'."! at , 0 approaching Sffi in tho rj1111mn.11, .1,1, 1.11 B. " . .. T. ""ii go jorward with tlm luhhcation. cmepl , in ,..:.?- - ,!, .. . l,,e TllB "Wnnlrlv ,il..lf .... .. . , , J "i""' " Jio limes ' will hri pnilted with enml li-,,o , lu.1 , yn " iianusoino double medium sheet, and will bo furnished to UnghVsub. serf ipm of 'Ff. nor """bio uu. one dollar ,u,;j i0;.i :r",...i,cr Clubs or individuals wijlnnjf tho paper, can havo it for Olio mr nt llm rll! 1 1 !Ja, Pix copies lor - , . $io 00 Fifteen ----- $25 oo ' .TOrtV - . . . - HCII nr. Ann a nroDorlinnntn TP,li,iln f. berofoonU.' rgcr num. 4, . ptibhshers, n PliilWnt.ia u s vm) 10 1,10 ANDREWS, MEADER DU SOT.t.p ICfaubscrijuions received at this office Dr. Zratidreth's VEGETA.BLE UNIVERSAL w . 1 1 w " wv.m i iwi-i'iuj ui vur jtx. uiowueLu iu which uio numnii synctQ s iiablc, uncxamplctl in iho history of llio hcahitg nntl Iinivl. nil hiA Immhtire Cnsm JJ ..... " " ...... MViu biAi AtlVi Ui UOIIBIJJJJ u lrup circuiauuii ux iuo nuiua, onu restores a sound ktnln nf lionltli. The thousanilrfwho Use and recommend tbcm, it ! prooi positive- 01 tncir cxtraorUniary and beneficial Tho subscriber has received tho appointment of i sizmt jur uio sriu 01 J-r jurauuotli's I'UIs in flloonlKlinrff. TVnilo .irn rrrnninn n -rt j r,.. 1 , 3 " ' Hiokuio ujiureu saic, wiuioui a ccrimraio oi ni)pojntrncnt signed gi 1 tho proprietor andconntcraiirncdliv h general agent; and no certificate is ever given to tnoso cni'SRCd in the Uruc business. J. If. M OYER. Bloomsburg Augr. 14 1838. iyi7 - . Atr n.w HJ HV1IJ tLi III. ftMiig leabcd the abovo establishment, situate 111 llm villur,,, 11. ,.,...... Ui tXTr, and having thoroughly repaired the nim uiuuiro, ia nowrcauy 10 accommoilato thotr, c V "- ilinfc Hill FUU?IV f-lf expectations. Ilia U U and LAUDER will ahu hn Rllmilipil tvllli llm, il...t i. . 1 ...... ...i. nu xn uo urucurcii u tho com n( rv: ninl 1m flillnro l.;.,.,ir i.. . i.n i . . . . . , ..iwiai.i. jit Dunn uc i:a- ulcd to administer to tho comfort and convenienn ot all who may call on bun. SEGAR MAWfJFACTORY M "-Is fllw cstiibhtbcd a manufactory for"iaav ilifi ine Seaars. Cut Tobaren nurl ...j supply Mcichants and Tavern keepers with ... quantity of Scgars. from tho common to the bcrtt' Spanish Leaf. Cnl Tn soiiablo terms as they can lc procuied in tho Suul "luuuiauun;, JUiy, ISl IH3H. rmilE next, or ninth. M Uoricw will be piibliahcd on tho first of temuer. rnmmpiiin ii.n ;,.-. ... i tmier orihe Democratic Review having been pi llkheil In l)fir,lu.r latr. ;.. .i .r .1 mOMlllv lflllll .'.m.m.nM.i, :.. 1. Incomes necepsary to intermit one month's jfuUiti. ....,. , iU1.lli , U3U, scries ot lwrieiic! bcrs williin 1 in n, ...... i ,. taken of thisdeluy to completo in the next, or& tembcr, number tho lliMory of the last session i P ' ' ie same manner aa tti History of the Extra session," which guve mi general samfaction in tho January and Tcbrsin lilllnhnm nf llm ll...,.:- n....:. r v. n,iilwv,,aut; jmjviuw. FindicH look at this, niLT Hook Ho. VJJT Heads, Fancy do. cut do. plain do. Lsdift u,u i imiiiiies, jiook3 o; x.ycs, ttecdle a ses, all kinih of SnicUilig Hottlcs. verv hanJs, llrc.lf.1 I'llls. Pnr rlna V... .-. -n cnuff Boxes, Hair Ilruihes, Pocktt ccmbs, It viww,waift uuu ji'ti; larsatc at TOBIAS Health Emporium. MILLINERS. . mil -you be so kind as to look at, I J!" . .Ti.; U.c While; Oxalic Aa .c ai mo iiealtti t'mpotium by D. S. TOBIAS. K.!'.:" T"' l,coa rrcpared Chocoli P .P-pio -t ti, supply for sale ut the Hetf Emporium in Hloomsburg, by V. S. TOBIAS. rERCUHIAL Ointment, Sulphur do. sfc; Vtc do. anJ'ah oUi U sale at the Health Emporium, by """" u. b. TOBIAS, in Bloomsburg. lOLIfJHING l'nwni'D i. . ... aii kind. r ;s c,ean-mia saTeat,h,l,T:r; " ,u .." l'owihr, & i'"'u.iore,in Uloomsburg, bj a. TUUIA3. t ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. tv. Alln.r.nnoi'iX" ,."" !'' Columbia com. tod to make iS ZZ af havinirdemnn.l, .l y.,ent' and a I"' JOHN KLINE, MATTHIAS KLINE. Fishing f!.l. r... nn kxecutart. -a Gentlemen and Ladies come and look , c nanasome BNCir double rectiaed,8ud seated ,ifl toot itosc, for salo at Tobias's Health Emporium. GLAD TiniNnsi 7i BROWN'S IiOVI02f. V.XT "Vt. Wilson as h n ii iut lineumnism. Also, ?') r.nrriniim"'1 fn. r-i1 . v4,in. ui r-niiadpl nil r uap to vy asn. Distilled r .. P ,or ak,nS t of cloths Spots, fltuiia. lirii'ino .V... Alt r . ' w' '-i A JOr R.i n n DOCT WRAVPrno n,, . J L-lWAVJ.I!'forso' weak ami inflam, ' a SmietS' Pe' nf maIdnS SP"" Beer. W, Tarsparilla. Tooth Powder.- SPattlta. li!rnp.r n..i.i A . . I I D. B. TOBIAS. BIoornsh,1,.Tnr;o"-Q'AOASen. W!P cnfA Emporium S. TOBIA&, Bloomsburg, o I v U; -I OUCT.j