The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 29, 1838, Image 3

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, "THUTlt WtTliOl":1 fzaJi "
SJiTUKD.'lYr SEPTfalflWlt SO, 1838
TEic Coaisittidiou of HS38,
To be Voted for by the People in October,
DAVIli PETRIKIN, of Danville!'
Assembly. '
WILLIAM COLT, of Danville.
JOHN McIIENRY, of Sugarloaf;
JEREMtAit WELLIVER, of Madison.
SEBASTIAN HO WER.of RoaringCrcck.
iTum an pans 01 wo otaic. wo nave t in
most bliccrin aCcoUhts of oiir prospects of
electing Porter by a handsome majority.
Many bf the origirial Antirrfasons, who
were Democrats, having become satisfied
that Ritner has lent hiniSelf to the Federal
ists, will no longer support him. In Rucks
connty alone, nearly one hundred have
publicly acknowledged their return to their
first love. So in oilier counties. The on
ly remaining hope of the whigs hang3 on
what Stevens and Dickey can do in squan
dering the public money, under color of re
pairing and carrying on this publio works,
(A 11... .1 ' i
for the people afcj not to be bought and
Bold like cattle in the market. Lnt iliem
do their worst, nntl Pnrinr'a miimti ,:tt
. . . .
arv in ennn iin n rr.nw rt m n Hinr.nn nr in
. i .tl. v f
Alilirttiirli wr mnt IVpI rrtnnrminn nf tain.
.L.l... .. I . f .,.. f - . I 1
in in imr nw irriiiniv nnn in niir nw
- 1 t j i
11 il 1 . 1 1 . ! 1 .
USI11L (II LI1R CICCLIflll IHillCIHHMl 11 11(1 Tl IMS RX
- t t
. t 1
.1 i . .1 C .1
1 11 .
But little has beon said either for or a-
inn if. i fir Efai7fi"ii mnnt id nun it 10 t- r-r m
ti . ....
TOr CttnilTrl lirt 1 -1 i trh t ilnlntf ilninm tn
1 r limn ia npir nt iinnn tniimi fitntr n-u in
nn... ;t . 1.- 1 1 .1... 1
uuiu ur En irnniRii in nnitrniv mnni inp
IftWR ntlll Wl;ltfq nt nVnrxr rn hilt Hint
' ' 1
l; ni 1
' ' J
j , .
mnr mr. n ppn n nr. r p n nvnpw itniirt
' ' . j
iii, as wl-ii ub overy inunu iq repuoucan
r . j
uunus; 11 w;is uui so passeu oy uio uon-
, .....0
0- .
Against. For them.
! 2 '' ' 90 ,
21 01
SO 87
32 85
.21 93
. 10 105
1 "18 81
iiutu awit wtui auu u , nni n Rrp .
t will tie nerceivfiil tlin nUit imA.
Ill Ill L11U WU11ILIILIII I Vllll'll ini Tim
tendments; in fact riofle voted against
5m but such as went the M-holo figure for
I offices. Wo Hone and trust that it will
H i -J M
prpnipu h nir tmm npnn n. nip rta r nntftmi n
Tho Reading and Pittsburg Demdciatic
onventidna wcro more humbronsly attend
eu than any other over before held in tl
State. The 'greatest unanimity and cnthti
slasm prevailed through their procccdincS
a siirc presago of tho great victory that will
bo obtained by tho domderatip parly oh the
second Tuesday of October, over the com
bincd forces of Whiggcry, Federalism aiid
Wo mentioned some timb since that th
Farmers of Columbia county wanted tw
tilings Kam and the election of David 11
Porter the first theV have had within
week past in abundance, and tho latter will
assuredly follow in about a week more, and
then they will shout for joy at the removal
oi two impedimenta to their prosperity and
uappiness Wrought and Rimer
The Democratic party of Luzerno county
have formed their county Ticket, to vit
assembly, Albert G. Broadlicad, and Jo
soph Griffin.Slicriir, Piatt Hitchcock, Com
missioner, Doct. Alfred Brace. 1'his s
strong ticicct, and wo have no doubt of its
election, notwithstanding a few disdrani
zcrs hive nominated a separate ticket, as
well as tlic wings;
We doiiot Dun those of our Subscribers
who have not paid us according to our terms
ot publication, but will merely inform them
mat our paper maker wants CASH, and
Wh have none for him. You canriot e11
this a Dun.
EC? Wo would call the attention of th
i' aimers to acomrriunication upo'ri the sub
ject ot iormmg an Agricultural Society xin
v. iiumiuii rcicr 10 it asrain
.... . ?
he proceedings of a democratic meet-
ing held at Berwick on Saturday last, were
cccivcd too late for publication this week.
They shall appear in our nest.
Mt. Webb,
Amidst the party strife, that is now !roinr
on in this state, permit me to call your at
tention to a subject on which great and
good mon of all parties can unite, I mean
the propriety of forming an Agricultural So
ciety within tho boinuU-r u. .w
TJolurhbia'. 'If is not necessary that I sliduld,
at this time, speak of the utility and benefit
of such a society, when properly managed,
simply in a pbddniriry point of view, nor to
expatiale on the social order and happiness
that would be the consequence, when men
of talents and influence would engage in the
enterprise. This subject is well understood
by reflecting (hinds, and, whoever has the
least acquaintance with the improvements
of the times, must bo awatc that, in the
eastern states, a spirit of enterprise and
praisoworthy emulation has been excited
by Agricultural Societies, in a class of men
whd ere thought beyond the reach of intel
lectual improvement, or beneath the dignity
and notice of men of intelligence.
If I am correctly informed, there is al
ready a society of thla nature in existence,
embracing the counties of Northumberland,
Union and Columbia; but, if it is not alto
gether defunct, still the influence it exerts is
eirtirely impcrceplable. Its boundary is to
laigo and extensive, and large bodies', cither
political or social, arc invariably slow in
their moveriicnls and itulicisivo in ac
tion. The good people of Union county
arc convinced of the truth of this assertion,
and, although they may not have formally
separated from the parent association, still
they have a society of their own, whoso
operations are entirely confined within tho
county. I would, therefore, with tho great
deflerence, invito the citizens of this coun
ty to folldw their praiseworthy example,
and call a public meeting, at a future lime,
in some central place of the county to con
sult on this interesting and important sub
ject, and, if thought expedient, to organizo
"A County Agricultural Society." I
should bo much pleased, if you and somo
of tho most iniluencial citizens of tho. coun
ty, would hold a preliminary meeting and,
subsequently over their signature, fix upon
a day for a meeting of a convention, com
posed of delegates froin all tho townships in
the county for tho purpose of organizing
a Sdciety for tho promotion of Agriculture.'
W. J. b;
, Action for Slander. AVo learn from tho
Richmond, Ihd. Jeltorsonian, that "A suit
for slander was lately tried in tho Circuit
Court for AVayno County Miss Eliza Gor
man, versus David Miller which resulted
in a verdict for the plaintiff of S100Q dama
ges, with the cpsts of suit."
. iMitrtilahd Halt Icsnal-is Tim rmt,,.
land Omhan says that 'a few days sincothcre
..w- iiiiiuu Mil nu rami 01 ivir. J', A. S
Pijiman, in tho Glades, in Alll
ty, during his, harvest, no less than thirty
nil bicgc, only ono mile and nlintr 'iliein.,i
seventy of those poisonous reptiles were'
uunuj til,
77 00. Tho vast quantities of this art!
cle which haVc been transnnrtml frnm ii:.
woolgrowing section for Bostoti and other
maritots, uuring the lew weeks past, aro as
tonishing, Almost daily, eight horse teams
v ui.uugu our viuagc, groaning bencatl
tlicir loads of this comirloditv. w ,.,is.
stand from a gentleman whp is acquainted
,, . 1 ,1 a .V .uiat t iittlo remains un
suiu 111 una vicinity;
Vcuiport II. Argus.
Animal Magnetism Outdone. it is said
that Mr. Perkins lias invented n pr,nmfl,,n,i
which ho calls tho 'concentrated cssense.of
in u ouuiimaiu spiru 01 tsicam.' A person
lino ntilti 4 ' I 1 k 7
j lu 1 vim 01 11 into ins pockel
and it will carry him aldngat thorjlo of iif-
ty inucs an Hour; or by merely swallbwin
tnreo drop's when vou no to hnrl i ,,ul
in the morning you will wake up in ahv
flirt tif ll.n ...n.l.l 1 r
, . Athenxum.
DIED In Lancaster, on Tlnirsrlnv.onii
111st. AVAi.TBR S. Franklin, Esq. Clerk of
mis iiou3Q 01 icoprcsentativcs
Td the Iendcpendcnnt Electors of Colttm
bia County,
P.At tho earnest solicitation of a Inrrnnnmt,n,
of my Friends, I am induced to ofler myself
na n nnnil!pl..l r
County S'D-easino'nT'.
Should I bo elected, I pledge 'myself to
penorm tho duties of the office with iinpar-
nui uuu uuiiuuuivss auu Wtii Haeiitv to
Vnut in P!'cf ' "
Dcrry, Sept. 21, 1838. .
Sf. lir Sugarloof, Sept. 2-1,1834,
mil. H..UU iiuow US mroUff l VOiir nn.
i,ui in , ui;u v.- Ejjcaiaa. Dole, is the
. ,t..iliwr;.iv. . 1"
SIONEB, in this section of the
llml Iin twill fnnnion n . .
uui iviuuu a suuug support, as a
candidate every way nualificd to fill thh-nC
fice with honor to himself and tho county,
being a practical farmer, and has nn nvipn.
sivc Kiiowieuge ot JSndge buildinn-. In
laci, an mat ocdoes,i3 donowell.
And all kinds of country Produce, taken
in payment for Newspapers, at this Office
PROPOSALS will bo received by John
M. Chcmbcmn, in the town of Blooms
burg until 12 o clock, M.' on Thursday
the 4th day ot October next, for build'
ng a
in said town, to be a bricfc building, 50 by
SO lect, and two stories lugli, ot U feet cadi
in the clear. 1 lie eontracor to find materi
als, and finish the whole, by the first day of
January next, agreeably to a plan and spe
cification which will be exhibited at tho place
ot letting, at any time alter I'nuaysnext.
Building Committee.
Bloomsburg, Sept. 27, 1828.
THROUGH a lingering and irrcmcdid
ble deseaso, my health at length became so
impaired, that t becamo unable to attend to
all the requirements ot mv ollicial duties,
By persualion of my numerous friends,
1 consented at last to kcop an apollioeary
thinking it would be tho most becoming, ea
sicst for mo to cubage in at the present time;
and since (or wntlo) l liavo established a
shop, I would humbly solicit the support of
my mends and the public 111 general, on ac
count of my great sickness. And especial
ly, would I request the merchants of this
place, to civo me all possible chance of sell
ing those articles belonging to my lino of
business, for which they may receive my
sincere thanks. A few article only which
are to be found in my Health Emporium
aro advertised. There will be kept a con
stant supply of such articled a! may be call
ed for; but if per .chance, a call should be
made for such as I am not in possession of
immediate preparation willboinado m order
to obtain them.
Further, do I oarnestty invito Physician
of this place and its vichijly, to give mo a
call, aa I intend to soil very reasonable.
Thoro will bo kept constantly on handf
all kinds of Medicines, Patent and olhors,
warranted to bo genuine. All kinds of
Paints, Glass, Dye-stuff, &c. tc. Also a
variety of ConfoclionarieS, Raisons, Nuts,
Herring, Sugar and AVater Cractcprs, Or
anges, Lemons, Figgs, Prunes, Perfume
ries, Sic, &c. All articles in the Hoalth
Emporium, I intend to sell cheqpQr than
they can be bought at any other plane in 1 tho
county, Youi Fiiond and well wisher.
Health Emporium.Bloomsburg Sept. 22 ,
""--.T.m-Jl .lM.lF.'HJtu.;jjjii 1 WB1;
1LKEAS, bv ah act of dm
BdmMv of flln flnmhinni.-Afclit. C h I1
vania. cntiifnii An - t.i .v. . , .
M'' 1 W mnJo tfio duty of tl.e
dETT Cunty fc.BtopuMiwUcoof sudi
nd,nTl in '1,Icn' and 10 ,n4k0 knon in such
notice nl)at oiliccrs nrc to Lc elcctcJ: Therefore,
HbjU Shcriir of tho county of Columbia, Io H
(unty of CohimWa, that a
Thai pari nf
Bloom 'hnoiuihip, ,
Not included in tho n.e Election diHtict hereinafter
ho;w 6! CharIos DocMer ',;
Brkr Creek Tmvntfyp.
at tno town house -in U&nviek
Cattmvlna Totviufiip
1 t fierry Towntletp,
a.. i Parato Section distridt)
At tho kftlM of Jacob SciJcl,.in sold Wnshlp.
That part nf
I'hMng Gntlc Tawmhip,
tr f i . . . t 4 1
' J". r-TYVT Elcction.dirtrict hercinaf-
. - -, i uio ,10uso ol i'coler, in eaid town
Greenwood Townnhip
x.upicu uy Joseph J.cmbn;
Hemlock Tuwnshtn.
At tho bonis of John' M' RcyAoh in aid township
Aiuiououso of Henry Gibon: in seid township,
limestone township,,
TT ( separate Election district)
At the Uliion school house, in said township.
Mahoning Tuwaskfp,
At the Court House in Danville.
iinn; .. 7i,: .;..-
r .
At tho house of John Keller. .Tr ;n ...
- "W
, .. m puju fcUIWlSJHII,
'.oasooi Jeremiah Wcllivcr, in Jcrsbytown.
J "at pari nf
Mount Pleasant Townshin.
Aot included in tho new Election flutist i,',:p.
tor mentioned, at tho houw of Frederick Mi'llc'r.'in
said townslnn. ' "
1.. . (
Mohft.ur Toicnshib.
nt uio nouso oi Leonard Lazarus, in said township
auganoaj township,
At tho house of Ezckicl Cole, in said township,
Soaring Creek Township,
At the house of John Ycagcr, in 'said township.
The DhMct
composed ofrrtrof the towtshipsofIJIoipIIl.n
liob'IaWian,)taCiisiicd into a separate Election dis
trict, shall iioM tlieir election at tho house now oc
cupied, by Isaac 0. Johnson, id the town" df Ora'ngC'
inc. . .
The District ,.
composed of that part of .Mifflin township, (aid off
lor n new towneDip, to uo called 'I'oxton, wlucii.ny
nn act of Assembly, passed tho first day of April,
183,was established into a separate election district
at tuo house ot Adam Michcal m the said district,
At which time and filacer aro to bo elected by tho
c . r ... r, , '
irui'iucu oi mo cnuniy oi lyoiuin'iia,
for Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
for Jlcmbcr of Cohgrcsa of tho United States,
for member of tho House of Representatives of the
Commonwealth ol rcnnsylvama.
for Commiwioner.
for four.ty Treasury
W county Auditor;
Am) whereat, in nnd by (ho same act of Awem-
My tor roculatina tlw uenerol Jalections of this UOm-
inonwoalth, it is enacted, that the 'Iiigpeclprx of the
General Election's sludl bo chosen by ballot on tho
Friday next proceeding tho firnt Tuesday in October,
'bcinir this year tho 98th day of September) in each
and evury yeiir, at such place in each town, ward or
distrcit, as the ciluena havo generally met at tor tlwt
purpose, public notice of which shnjl bn given hv
the constable or constables, by nix or nioro wjitten
or printed adverhsemonts, nt laa?t ono week uetoro
Uic said ilav; and tho ejection cliall ho oneoou be
tween two and throe o'clock in the afternoon by tho
said constable or constables, to be assisted by two
qualified citizens.
And it is also required that the Inspectors be at
tlio plaqe of the district each, on the day of the gen
cnl election aforesaid, titnino o'clock in the forenoon,
to do and perloim tuo sovcn! dutios reijuired by tho
suld recited act.
IJv tho fiat section of an act pasted by tho State
Lefriulaturc, on the second of April, lS21,'iti there
by enacted by Ihe authority of thoiamc, (hut the
several qualified electors who shall voto at any gen
eral or special election within thU commonwealth,
shall give to tho Inspectors of such election anpaiate
ticket ftr each station or olUce voted for, which shall
contain no more titan tho prober number of nana:
but no ticket shall be rejected by tlwjgdyttof the
election in counting off the votes, should the same
contaia'Wi'f nonius llian tho proper number, those
for sheriffs and coroners' excelepd.
An whereas by an actof the Uerieral Assembly,
passed tho aecoiid day of April, 1831, It is enacted,
that it shall be the duty of the Sheriff or Coroner,
as the cae may be, to give public notice at tho same
time, and in tho same manner, and under tho same
penalty, that ho is now required to givo uolico of any
general or specie! election, tlfiil every perton who
thall hold any office or appointment ofprojltor
trust under the Covernment of the Umted Utatu,
whether utommustonea officer or oiiierwise, ft sroor-
dbmte officer or agent, who is or thgH bo oroployod,
under tho IosUtatuo. cxecutie or judiciary depart
ment of tho .United Stales; wid also, that, every
member of Congress, Is by law iueapable of holding
or exorcising at tlie same time, thp pflicc or appoint
went of Judge Inspector, or clerk of any olectioniu
this state of wliich all tho electors oro hereby noti
fied and required to govern themselves accordingly.
Tho return judges for the several election uistui'ts
of tho county of Columbia, will livct at uV (.ourt
Iiotfs'ofnDahvilli', In tic eaid county, n Friday.tho
12th day of October noxt.
of less' BeCt'" m aCt PafiSCd 5d hy
i.Tho1,uaS!8.r t,l election in each countv, or dis.
urei,. erected into a separate district, nflnr b;
, - , viaifc
armeg mq return pf tho wholciection in said coun-l.-',l?u
I.n ,ch a manner as isVlaw directed. .li . --""""in iwis iiy mwoirectcu.
luso said re liim to ho depos
Prothouotary of said coun-
si.nld nt'll'ui id''U"M -Jupljcato thereof,
siShed and soalotl in the amn mnn . m ... '
turn, under a scaled cover, directed to tho Secretary
of tho Commonweallh, to bo placed forthwith in tho
nearest post office or to be otlierwi. will'twCnw
dvn, safely delivered to him, and they shall also
transmit to each of tho persons olectol a certiflcato
of tho returns of his election.
B- KITClicrj, Sheriff.
September 7th 1838.'' me Convention to proposo A
mtadmetstn tho Cnniif.i(;rt i,. i
E'n Amendmenu to bo submitted to tho
L.- 1 f3 ?mm! fur their ratification
or rejeclionr Now therefme in pursuance of thr,
proviwon, ln such case made In and by an act of tho
iT'i . ECml,'y'I,0!l thc29lhday pf March,
tiou- a" mllotity Slwn conven-
Notice is hereby Gven .
I hat an election will to hold in tho several town
ships nhd . districts of the said county of Columbia
on tlm said second Tuesday of October next, (beinc
the. day for holding the General .Elections of tl
Commonwealth) for tho ratification or rejection of
tho said Amendments to the constitution. Tho
Judges and Inspectors of said election aro required
to receive tic cets cither printed or written from citi
zens qualified W vote, and to deposite them in a box
or boxes, to Je for that purpwfc provided by the prop
er officer?, which tickets shall bo labelled on the i out
side ''amendments," smd thoEewho arc f.iyorabtc to
the amendments may express Ihcir desire byVotini?
cacl n'pnntcd or written ticket, or ballot, contsin
in? the yords, "For the Amendments," and tiioso
who arc opposed to such amendments may expretj
their oppQsition by volingcacha printed writlon tick
et or ballot containing tho words "A gainst the Amend
ments '
Given undet mv. i!nn,l ti ri m.
7Ui day of Scplombcf, m the year of our Lord ono
i iousanu right hunded and thirty-eight, and tub
SLtty-socondyoarof thejndcpcndcncoof thoUftited
otasta of America,
Shrrirr. nm n-..!n. , '
.. w...v, yuiv"ilK,
nepiember, 7th 18311
Tho subscriber has left iiia Bonl:
counts and Notes in the hands of Idlinra
Tlni-l-ln.f Vvr. r. Il . n .R
yu.mi.jfuaij.iui uuiiL-uiiuu, ii persons in
debted will please call immcdiatelv and set
tle, or there will bo cost, as ileiays arc dan-
bV1""3- -, li. iuauiiu.
-xTiim wo Horse varon,anii a aicu wnii
Cast Sliocs.botli nearlv riewj which will bo
sold Cheap fe'fi easy tqrras, by calling rm
Tlic Ititest AraivaS of
JUST received, via. tho Canal from Philadelphia,
in addition to tlictr former stock of goods.
Molasses, huaar.-and lace,
50.9. -bushels of Salt,
7 Jons ot Iron
consisting of Wagon Tiro of various rizes, squdro
and horso shoo bars ,&c. All for salo at tho lowest
possiblo prices at their storo in Bloomsburjr.
wrm M'jusiivx a uo.
Sept. 1, 1838.
UST received, and for Salot tho J1SZ&10E
in Dloomsbure. a fresii suimlv of 5
' MOSS, iyc. i;e. ' '", ''
Inquire at tho store of . .
August II, 1838. - ' 1C.?'
EVANS Oainmomiio Bills. , Brandeth'a
Pills. Lcidy's Pill?. For ale by
D. S. TOBIAS, Bipbrnsbiirg. .
UST received a new supply of
Iresi Mackerel,
Good atsarlpxcnLof CalicQes'. .
Palm Leaf Hats', ,,
Dale of Carolina Moss, ,4.
Spring Steel and Waggon Txrtf,
Saddler t, iS'c
and fur salo by
WM., iMClvUiiiV X 65 UO,
Elootnsburg, July 14.
o mako a pleosunt drink for lk pioplej For
sale at -
D. S.TOBIAS' Hmlth Emporium.
IHCir anivrs tho-' KiTno purpoeo as tho
nomons do. Fonsolc lit
Tobias' Health Emnarium Rloamshurei1
P RANGES and diire.ront kinds of Raisins a
inds of nuts, nil kinds of mint sticks &rs. See.'
t or salo at ..
Tobias' Health. Emporium Dloomsburg'.
OR SHAVIKG. This .Compound ha. (ririiffi
Sitlsfact'ton to tliousauii who 1ms e used jt.ani
have found it bcttert ban any othor shaving soap ov
er offeril to tho public. For sale at
1 obias Dni!g Stvrc, Jwoinsbvrjj: