"2 ,,.' f- .... , , WW I Imvo sworn upon the Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over Die Mind of MahVy-ThomM Jeffi-won. MINTED AND PUBLISHED BY ll WEOD, Volume IE. B&OOMSBUIiCr, OOIiUMBIA COTOTY, PA. ' SAOTSSBAJ, ' SEPTEMBER 22, 1838. Bsusnljei 82. mm wmmm mm mm mm bh im,n'Hi f ' 1 " ' 333si5 OFFICE OF. THE DEM0CH.A.T, . Next ooit to Romson's Staok Office. Tlit GOLUMBM DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable half yearly in adilancc, or Two Dollars Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year. iVb subscription ioill be taken for a shorter .period than six months; nornny discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages are discharged. , , , ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a , tquare will be conspicuously inserted at ' One Dollar for the first three insertions, and Twenty-five cents for every subse quent nsertlon. ZPA liberal discount . wade to those who. advirlisc by the yjear. LETTERS addressed en business, must be fost paid. . At an .adjoined meeting of the Dtiino cratic Committee of" Correspondence of f Columbia county, convened at the house of John, Rhodes, in Danville, on the iJOlh ult. on motion, it was , "Resolved That a Committee of fire tec appointed to draft an Address to the Free men of Columbia County upon the subject of the approaching Governor's election." Whereupon, the Chair appointed John Cooper, V. Beat, II, Webb, Levi L. Tate, and Stephou Baldy, Esq1 said Committee. I pursuance of their appointment, fno Committee submit the following ADDRESS. From the year 1789 until the present ,.' hour, two gteat political parties have divi ded the, people of the, United States. The; ' federal (?.nd the. democratic party. The, J leading features which distinguished the two parties have cccfinued unphajiged,taiid "$ill, ' remain unchangeable, eo long as pur coun try, exists aa a republic and a free expres sion of onimon is considered a constitutional j right, It it however worthy of observation, that the great democratic party, from the mo '"ment of its existence, until now, has acted " and been designated by its original name. "Whereas the, federal or aristocratic party, at, if contcious of the odium attached tp its principles, has exhausted.the political voca- dnilaiy, in the adoption of a succession of names, which its leaders have vainly imag ined, would serve as a garb, to coAC.eal from the people the aristocralical tendency of its measures. Thus we find the party styled "National Republicans," "Friends of the American System," and finally after calling to their aid the Anti-masons and Abo litionists, they have amalgamated and re iolred themselves 'into a puvty under the once revered name of "Whigs," us if by this gros perversion and profanation of a name, they could change the nature of men knd measures 11 But however by this sort qf political era- pyricism they may delude themselves, they annot deceive us; the cloven foot will dis play itself, arid by whatever name it is their good will and pleasure to call themselves, we can recognize them as no other, than the arrogant, domineering, and aristocratic ene my, with whom wo had to contend in 1798. The same party who opposed i nomas jet- ferson, and tried by a disgraceful trick, to place Aaron Burr in the presidential chair. The same party, who by bargain and salo Villi Henry Clay, elected John Quwcy Ad ams. The same party, who supported James Rossof Pittsburg, and opposed and slandered Simon Snyder and the same par ty, who taking advantage of the unfortunate division in our ranks' in 1885, elected Jo soph Ritner; Thooame black cockade fed eral party, who on all occasions, and at all timuj, have arrayed thoinsclvtw against the tights of the people, nnd tin 64ine party who have always contended for a latitudina gnnsiructiou of the constitution of the Uni iwl States, and hayo over been intent on di tnintsUinrf the power of the people, and strengthening lixo aim cf. tbo general gov- omiment. Thu party, although decidedly to the mi- from adventitous circumstances. One prin cipal cause of their power to injure, op press, and defraud their fellow citizens, is, that Bid.dle'n old and new Bank, have given them the command of the currency.. This bank of thirty-five millions capital, control as it did, and does, 900 of the State Banks, ins with them united in a crusade against the popular control of the general govern ment. Owned as they are, by federalists and foreigners, they, have contrived by the expulsion of the metallic currency from circulation, to substitute their own paper; which they issue to an unlimited and illimi table amount; and having thus the monicd power within their grasp, they can pur chase those, whose venality is greater than heir hontsty, whatever, and whosoew. can be bribed or purchased,.- they can pur chase, and bribct And if not checked in time, the banks will make Presidents, Con gressmen, Governors; they will make ma jorities in each of the State Legislatures, he advocates ef banks will fill all executive and judicial officers. , Banks will bo. the principal object of legislation; and the mass of the people, the fanners, mechanics and laborers, .will be compelled in silence and despair, to give up the proceeds of their la bors, in the-shape of taxes, interest, 'and. exchanges, to sustain the officers, stockhold ers, and advocates of these monied corpora tions, while they, with Nicholas Biddle and Joseph Ritner at their head, wallow in lux ury and idjeness., The banks will point out to political men, ways and means by which they can improve their fortunes by speculations in stock. To rnen in trade they hold out the allurements of borrowing on easy terms.- To their . hired attornies tliey pay, large fees. They subsidize and purchase up printing presses. They get connected and intertwined vitir the public improvements, and to the speculator they offer irresistible temptations.. To resist and overcome a po.wcr like thisj will indeed re quire the united, strength, talent, and exer tion of the democratic party. If in addition to the banking power, with the command of the currency, money, ex changes, and business of the country, the party can obtain government patronage; if they succeed 111 continuing and perpetuating an Union, between tlie uscal concerns ol government, and the commercial business of the country, so as to make the prosperity or adversity of the Union dependent upon commerce, and the fluctuating nature of its pursuits; if by backing the credit of the banks vyith the funds of government, they can secure circulation to their paper, ex clude the precious metals from circulation, and bring all matters and men engaged in merchandize or speculation, within the sphere of their control and influence; then indeed, the days of our republic are num bered, and we become tho seifs, the slaves, of a monied oligarchy and this is the con summation so devoudy 'wished for by the federal party. . It is this party, who lavor monopolies, and exclusive privilege; who are forever preaching the sanctity of vested chartered rights, nud justifying every act of aggres sion, or infraction of the conditions ol tneu charters, by these monied corporations who apply the names of Jacobin, disorgan izer, Loco Fcco, Agrarian, to everyone who has manliness, and independence, to resist their encroachments, r.nd to insist up on their being held responsible for the ful filment of the conditions under which they are allowed jo get rich, at the expense of their fellow citizens. Time nor space will allow us to trace with more minutenesss, the dangers attendant upon the nefarious schemes of this blaekaockade federal party; suffice it in this place to say, that to this party Joseph Ritner has attached himself and by this party must ho bo supported or not at nil. The Democratic party on the contrary, are frumdly to s perfect equality of political rights and privileges averse to unnecessa ry multiplication of corporations, for any purpose for b. etrict construction of tho charter of car liberties as handed, dowa to framed it. In that instrument they can discover no power, delegated by the States, to create any bank or other incorporation. Their creed is that the people, and they on ly, are tho legitimate source from which all power must emanate, and that when they grant 'flower, or privilege, upon the abuse of Cither, they have the right, and it is their duly to resume it and that although they are not unfavorable to banks properly con ducted, and properly restricted, chartered by the States; yet they repudiate with scorn, the idea, that these institutions, once having obtained a charter, may infringe with impu nity its conditions and yet hold their char ter, inviolate dining the time for which they wero incorporated. In fine, the democrat ic party are in favor of a government, which depends for its strength and duration on the popular will and having discovered by woeful experience, that these irresponsible corporations, are hot to bo trusted, arc in favor of a complete and perfect divorce of banks and government. Such are some of the leading traits, which distinguished tli democratic party from the federal or aristo cratic party above described., To this par ty, David R. Porter has been attached till his life, and the democratic convention of iMarch las, having maturely weighed his claims, and his merits, offer him to you as the candidate of the democratic party; and we confidently assure you, that as such, he will receive the eupport of the democracy of tho State. We shall now proceed as briefly as wc well can, to instance some facts which af ford reasons why Joseph Ritner should not he elected. Among the most prominent, is, that he approved of and signed, on tho 18ih February, 1830, an act to charter a slate bank, to be called "the United States bank." lircp)iseqtfem1eoritieivrsidnTir inc cIcmm ocratic party in 1835, the federal party com posed of whigs and anli-masona, succeeded in obtaining a majority cf the members of the. house of representatives, who in con junction with a band of twelve traitors in tho senate, against the cxpieased wish of the people, without a single petition, and without giving time for remonstancc, con trived to continue this odious and detestable institution, under a charter from tho most democratic state in the Union. And this institution; conceived in wickedness and treason, and brought forth in bribery and corruption, by its midwife Joseph Ritner, fifteen months after its birth, becomes bank rupt, takes the lead in the stoppage of spe cie payments; and three weeks before Bid die had determined to withdraw all the spe cie of the country to export to England, he had shin-plasters struck, for some 200 nr 300,000 dollars laying on his counter ready for distribution. Thus did this farmer gov ernor, as his friends call him become the fathei of the shin-plaster system, by which his fellow citizens have been robbed and plundered for sixteen months. The very title to the act, incorporating this wen on the body politic, is a fraud' in terms, and in tended for a deception, We will not dwell longer on this disgusting theme, than to ay generally, that Joseph Ritner'a deseascd anxiety toi he re-elected, has made him the supple and plaint tool of the bank of the United States, and her subordinate mnnicd corporations and that he is bound hand and iot, to obey the behests of these, his mastlrs, to whom he iu sold body and soul. By tllem ho breathes, and lives, and has his bcinglas a political entity;. and he, as In duly Inund, lauds benefactors, qnd screens them Vrom merited punishment. If there were i4 other reasons to oppose him, this would le nufiicient. Josephutner ought tp he opppsed, beeauso when l was pglected it waa promised, that he Vraa to ratrctjeh expenses and re form abuies. .And how have these expec tations bivn fulfilled Widieut going into mjnuiB dltail, wo ay, that of&cual fltate- menls imre by the accounting officers of tho statu, kovo incontcstibly, that Joseph Ritner, wiuout udding one cent to the per inamont revtnuo of hd Jtato widiput ma , K'uif end eik fiuleliiug cwio mite of wll-fp&d or canal, has in three' years expended nine millions of dollars. That he has increased tho Mate debt five million seven hundred and eighteen thousand dollars! And that he has projected whut he calls improvements, which wilLcojil the people of tho stale nix teen milliajBf dollars! And this is what he calls relWichmcnt from such econo my good Lord deliver tis ! Ami how has ho corrected, abuses? During his admlnia- alinn, that vicious specias of legislation, called log-roling, has increased ten fold ttiat it was during all the administrations of every Governor which preceded him, from Thomas Mifflin down to hia own reign of misrqle and mismanagement. . v 1 he presentsyatem of banking in our state under thelauspices, and protected in jts frauds by Joseph Ritner, has given rise to speculations in coal lands, western lands. iron ore lands, city out lots, kc. fcc. Ev cry purchaser, anxious to have arail-road or canal near his property at the public cx penso, has aided in annually flooding Har- risburg with shoals of adventurers and bo rers to obtain appropriations for these loctl purposes; so that the people have been ttxed nome millions-of dollars to make the rich richer, aud the poor poorer!' to make nn acie df coal land worth when bought, fifteen dollars, bring to the rich speculator one hundred and fifty, and this by the aid, procurement and prostitution of his official duties, of this retrencher of expenses and re lormer ot aouaes, jnsepli Kitncr : 1 ft)3 1.1 indeed to fertilize the rich man's field by the sweat of the poor man's brow ! ! For tho liuth of this accusation, fellow citizens, wo refer you to the items of the annual ap propriation bills passed during the adminis tration of this patriotic governor, Again, is it a reform of abuse lo suffer our canal to L'ccoirSLalntoit a.drj-d.itr.h from Ih? n reject. V,inat;-iition of the ofliceraofhi: excellency? Is it an evidence cf reform of abuses that the tolls received from the canal . hal not reached the amount calculatad on, by soms fivo hundred thousand dollars? Is it an ev idenco of correct administration, that at the ensuing session, some new species of taxa tion must be resorted to, in order to supply the deficit in the State Treasury? Or is it a correction of abuses that the offices, the contracts, the labour, of our public works,' are put up for sale, and the price asked is a surrender of the right of suffrage? a destruc tion of tho freedom of the labouring cla3sea of the community ! ! And who is it that asks you to bend and crouch dnd become fawning sycophants and slaves? Who isj it that tells you that the condition of yotir ob taining employment is, that you:murt- vote for Josej h Ritner? Thaddeus Stevens 1 the Governor's governor !. President of the Pennsylvania boaid of Canal Commission ers ;. a Yankee, graced with all the match less impudence1 and effrontery which adorn tho whole fraternity of tin cart pedlars ! Unprinripled, selfish vulgar, and dominee ring, shrinking from the castigating lash of those who can more than cope with him; he slinks like a flogged hound to his kennel under the merited chastisement of tallented and honest men : from whence hs issues, his Dnrc3 healed by gubernatorial salve, ' to act his part of corruption and fraud, anion? those, willing to sacrifice tho name and character of freemen, in order, that through ha instrumentality, ihey may dip their spoons in the flesh, pots of Egypt. And can he freemen, .of one of the most enlight ened republican cpuntids of the state, vote for' a candidate sueh as this? In December, 1S37, the legislature pas sed a bill, makingappiopriations to our pub lic works ; among these was contained an appropriation to the Gettysburg rail-road, with a proviso, directing a suspension of the work on'that road after tho first of January nxt the money appropriated to bo ap pliad to existing debW. Thaddeus Stevens was dwply imerested in this road, and .de sirous that the work should go on. And how do you suppose the chief magictrato of the stile contrived to mdjlge the wiahas of his favoritcl Would you believe that he could i lyjekpt this bill unlil pftor tho fut of iTf, mid then roturnit to tlio I.o$U- Jaiiuarj Mature, with a message, that although ths first of January, 1838, was intended by both houses of tho Legislature as the' day on which work on this rood should cexaej yet as the bill did not become a law until after the first of January, he, the Governor, would construe it as meaning the iirst of January 1839; having retained .the bill1 for the express purpose of producing this effect. That he will stoop to any means howev er contemptible, to assist his re-election his proclamation ordering the banks to' .re sume on the 13thof August, fully evinces. On the 0th of December, 1837, Jotepb, Ritner anounced, that such was the sound situation of the state banks, that resump tion of specie payments could take placo at anytime in his lata proclamation!, ho has admitted, that he had the powerto com pel the payment of specie ) he has admit tad, that tho sbin-plaoter currency was ru inous to the country ; .that, the batiks had been and still weie'trespaising on the law?. And yet Governor Ritner, having tha-.potiv er, bound as ho wss, to es tho tw a faith fully, eiccuted knowing as hs : did, ; tup anxious wishes of the citizens of the state generally, out of tenderness, or- front few of these monied corporation!; shuts': his eyes, ears, and heart to the distresses of hifi fellow citizens, until he is. informed by Jlr. Biddle, that neeeeiity compels him to obey ths voice of the ,piople anu he,.1 Ritner, has a glorious opportunity of prcoiisinr; ta trick on Iii9 fellow citizens by issuing i proclamation, commandingtho payment o specie on the 13th of August. 1838, thir teen days after the banks had commenced paying specie, except Biddle's Bankv and. one or two.under its immediate control,-au.&. eight raon'thsi tfier ho i.,liadudec!rcdrtliat thuv .could resume.st .'any iimsi-ikt-M which for ..low- cunn:nj,'rmcsnKS3,vK falsehood, would have 'disgraced the mess paltry politician that ever set a bar-room ;ia an uproar. And wo are asked, by the) lightened black cockade federalists, to sup port a Governor, w.ho can-desosnd from hip high station, an,d by such pitiful political quackery, humiliate and disgrace the , stat and peopletover whom he presides, in'crdetf to conciliate tho monied ;aristqcracya27.;ia his favor, and to icontfnu hii .reign of-ignc rar.ee, folly, extravagance, acd childUh im becility, fur sncther period of three ysnr. Freemen ;of, the county of Columbia, wp ,can not, w 11 not, iccoiamend such ana. ta your support I ,., r y. ' il'' We will now turn our attention lo tho candidate recommended by tho delegates in convention in March last, David R. Porter. He ;s by birth a Pennsylranian, tha son of a revolutionary officer ; he has always boeji a firm and unwavering democratic republi can he has represented tho county of Huntingdon an anti-masonic eounty--re-turned to the legislature by a majority, of 700 ..votes. He held wilder Governors Shnltz and Wolf almcet all tha county leffii cos in Huniingddn county he was elected State Senator in 1830, from an anti-masont jo senatorial dietrict by a majority .of 340 votes, in which Joseph Rimer hid a major ity in 1835 of 533 votes-and in Hutitiii. don county Joseph Ritner had a majority for Governor of S08 votes. T.his brief statement we deem sufficient to .ehcwtli worth of our candidate, and ths estimation in which ha was !:e!d by thosa who best, know him. And this we deem Bufiicijnt (0 refute all falsehoods and slanders raised uy the black blockade party lo injure him; s ;j Fellow Citizens, David R. Porter is. la' every quality of head and heart 'worthyof your support! njiWo therefore recommend him; and adjure you, on the day of the elec tion io tnrn out to a man arrange your business so that you can attend anddoyont duty on tho second Tuesday of Oetobor next aa you value your fibedom as ypti prize tho legacy of Inepcndenca cqueataol to yon by your ancestors ,we call you, itq. the wcuo and ask you to aid your breUv ren of the democratic parly throughout, tfy sujre.iit this contost HfilU, tlio eoua of Maj mon