i EAPER, if you liavo a tough of cold beware of their consequences, colds generally pro- iliipn imnpfrrnlihlr. unci insinuate MNllsrlVCS 'throughout tho huihan system, finally settling: upon the lungs, and ending in consumption. A WORD TO PARENTS. How often Is vouth cut down when least expect ed, by tho consumption, and followed to their graves by parents who aro in a measure tho cause of their premature dcith, ip neglecting to remedy colds when " ousting in childhood, looking upon them as trifling affection?, and not attracting their notice until tho destroyer has commenced its work and made suro of its victim. This i3 not a fanciful representation. .f,ir daily numerous' Instances occur which prove tho fact. In manhood colds terminate in the same way, but do not progress so rapidly as in south; they should, however, in both youth and manhood, be early at tendon to, and not regarded as trifling affections, f jr it is a delusive idea that has shortened tho lives ' of thousands. Dr. BECHTEIt'S PULMONARY PRESERVATIVE, f (PriceJTifty cents per Bottle,) Is an invaluable preparation, discovered by a rcgu lactmdeelebntcd German physician, who has era ployed it upwards of.fifty years in his own practice in Germany, throughout w.dch country it has been during that time most extensively and successfully employed in Coughs, Colds, Cataarhs; Asthmas, "Whooping 'Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain of tho Breast and Sides, all affections of tho Bfcast and Lungs, nnd arrest of approaching Consumption. Much may be said in praiso of the above "hicdicinc, but newspaper advertising being too expensive, eve ry satisfactory evidence will bo found in nil its ef fects upon trial, ns well as numerous recommenda tions accompanying the directions. Upwards o 7000 bottles were sold in Philadelphia alone dur ing tholast winter, a convincing proof of iteflicacy or so largo a quantity would never havo been sold. Prepared and sold Wholcsalo and Retail at Dr. , Leidv's Health Emporium, 2d street, below Vine, No. 181. ALSO, SOLD BY D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg, May SG, 1838. Iy5. PREMONIT ARY HINTS, AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION. EADER, did you ever see a confirmed Dyjs neptic and learn his sufferings? If not, suf fico it to sav, ho is a pale, thin and ghastly lookinfr object, his lifo apparently hanging by a thread; he is miserablo and unhappy, his suflerings indiscriba- Aro you much troubled with flatulency, costlve liess, sour eructations arising from your stomach, occasional want of appetite, watcrbiash, a bad tasto in your mouth, or foul breath, pain, or a heaviness "ntyour stomach, sickness after eating, "headache, dis gust at your once favorite food, &c. If you aro touch troubled with any of the foregoing symptoms, bring before you tho picture of the Dyspeptic, and 'having resolved to remedy tho consequences, im inediately procure Dr.Leidy'sTonicfyAnti-DyspeplicCordial A never failing and efficacious remedy for DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, And the whole train of affections resulting from dis eases of tho Liver, Stomach and Intestines, T The abivo medicine is warranted frco from mer cury or ojher minoral preparations; it is composed entirely of vegetables, safo and easy to take, being very pleasant to tne tasio. it may do saieiy admin istered to young and old, requiring but moderate re- i-tumiiitiil upun its virtues is uhnei-ra 4.i.u ii, iu Kiijr, it had ;veu fahid ix x sixntE lSTANcr. Further recommendations accompany . i. ..... u.icuuuua UIUUJ1U UitUll UQUIC. (CPrice One Dollar per bottle. rrepared and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr, A,eiuy s Health Emporium, 2d street, below Vino, IMO. JOI. Also Sold By , D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg, May 2G. iy5 ' WONDERFUL CURES ifavt been performed in this city, and throughout the country. . !?. LEIDY'S MEDICATED SARSPARILLA. ' EING a concentrated fluid extract of Sarspa- jsjs, iiua, wuiuarai wjm omer. vegetable extracts, Which renders it as a medicine of rwntiitillLv in il,A fero of off diseases arising frajn. the impurities of u.uuu. uuiij jijuiscreiions ami imprudcncies in juc, ana constitutional diseascstormod or produced by the injudicious use ofrrtercurv. arsenic, barlt. or quinine. In short, it is an invaluable remedy for all Rheumatic Affections, General Debility, Ulcerous Bores, White Swellings, Diseases of the Liver and Skin, Ulcerated sore throat, Ulcers of tho Nose. Co- nca in liiu ureases 01 mc lloncs, Scrofula or Kin" i Evil, Erysipelas or St. Anthony's Flro, and all un '"" uuuisMuua onecuons consequent to Byphilis, Lucas Venereal. &. So effectual has this fnedicino been in the cure of various uiscases lor wmcn it is recommended, that it is nr superceding an otner preparations of Sarspa jilla, Panacea &c. It is now employed by numerous physicians and UbiininliJublUm i.. .."i " v .-" m.i. many Hospitals. I YlRrroiriM Xr Ihrnunhnnl ll, IT!,..l a.-.-' ' nSrnjarica, &,e. throughout tho United States. It 13 a preparation of greater strength (conse quently of groitcr cflicaey) than any other extract How made, is also much cheaper, bemc but one do!. idi (jb.- uuiua; vvmcu is suuiciem to mane one Ual jon of Syrup of Sarsparilla, and is bought by lif. lutein uruggisis lor inai purpose. ' v ' uwu jpablished from Umo to time, but in consequence of 1I umerous ecrniipjiwu hnvn horrt vtrrivA.l tap great expense attending newspaper publication ethsm, the moit incredulous can bo convinced of superior emeacy ot Dr. Leidy's medicated Sars- parma, Dy caning at Leidy's Healtli Emporium," A rJinV ,8econ,Vtree'l)e,ow, Vine- 'Sn of tha Golden Eairlo and Seroents. whoro rrrtifi.n. alid references can bo given to hundreds of instances oi ma mosi remartaoia cures evrjr performed by any jasdioine; ' Prepared only and sold Wholesale and Retail at ALSO SOLD BY D. S. TOBIAS, loomsburg, June it, 1838, jNOLD LEAF, SILVER LEAF, ami COP- UJ Will liKAl', for sale at rUios' Drugg Store in Blooslurg. AND Threshing Machine MANUFACTORY. nsnilE subscribers respectfully inform tho' public JJ, in general, that tliey have erected tho above mentioned establishment for all kinds of IRON CASTXSffC-9 to order; and also to Mimufutture TJMIlStr- nva .yMt'Jir.vjw and xonT.wj;i HOUSE I'0lmt& all of which they will make of the best of materials, and in tho most work manlike maimer, and will dispose of .them on rea sonable terms. L. H. MAUS & C6. Bloomsburg, May 10, 1338. 4 AND EXCHANGE. VERY respectfully informs his friends end the public, that hohas always on hand, at his Li very Stable in Bloomsburg, for the purposes of Hire or Exchange, a variety ot Hordes, Siilkies, GIGS, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS which he will feel gratified to keep in readiness for tho accommodation of customers. Personal application can be niado at his residence, . , ;n i i . i - .:. WJicu cvcryvmcans win nc u&cu iu rciiuurti:iiuiu sat isfaction to those who may give him a call. NOAH S. PRENTIS. Bloomsburg, May 20,1838, I ALARATUS, Glauber Salts, Epsom salts, foi ) sale at tho , Cheap Health Emporium. DEMIST To the Distressed & Afflicted! TOBIAS'S HEALTH EMPORIUM And Family Drug Warehouse. KEAIni, "The poor maft3 riches tho rich man's bliss." HE subscriber would respectfully announce to his friends and the public that he has opened a general assortment ot Drugs & Medicines, at his Drug and Chemical Storo in Bloehisburg, and that he will be liappy to supply the wants o those who may give him a call. Among his as sortment are : Alcohal, Aqua Amonia, Aqua pepper, Arsenic whito do. yellow, Allonatto Agarric Aqua Foitis Blue Mass Block Tin Bajley peafe'd Borax Bronzo white do yellow Carh Ammonia Cinnamon r?..v:...i -Draggon's blood Ginger Mustardjl Muriate of Tiii Afa'co Nippcl Shields do Shcll3 Opodeldoc liquid do Steers Pi!l3 German Guinino Radix Calcicum . do Senega Snako v. do Squills Resin plaster Steel Powder Stodcn bitters Stono yellow ij'ri-mmittr-' Solution of (in Spt. Eathcr Suioh. Gum Assafoctida do Niter Gather do. Opium do. Aloes do. Arabic do Barbadoel Aloes uo Hiirtshorno Vials all kinds Wafers red and black ICrcosoto Camphor Window Glass all sorts Guut Copal vy lilting Sandct Salts ' Cdlogno Watet Black Ivcry do Myrrh Horso Lance . Isinglass Russia Lamp black ALSO, Jiusmce, JSlack Pepper, Red Pepper, Iron Host. D. Bloomburg, Moy 10, 1838. S. TOBIAS. BERNARD RUPEttT, TAILOR. AJ.S,1 "9vl tho Spripg Fashions- from . Philadelphia, and is rcadv to nmfcn nil of garments iu tho newest and ltiost fashionable Uloomsburg, May 5, 1838. DYERS OI'EN YOUR EYES. l'J,n.5?; 6JanUh '1o- Vcrdigrieu, l.Iuo V itrial; Whito do", for sale cbes (h IMrt 1 KT r. t -fcvwu, Ufc wiu wmumauuiij ruru House, uy JJ. S. TOBIAS. jUJE 3MALTZ, WUtTpSShSa j ,u. w,bUi.i,,uvo i-copiej begars, Com , Spanish and Half Spanish; and a thousand DlOIl, Cpan l,., - .:l , ' .. " vimm,i luu Ituiuus lO HienUOll. tor Blln ot Toburf Health Emporium. While Julian Itilbcrry, FOR SALE AT TOBIAS UVAKTtt IMrbltlUM, IN BLOOMSBURG. Dr. Weaver's Worm Tea and Salve. fFTOHE action of this Mcdii-Irin ia nn, Ja. 11 Worms, but by its tonic vint n rplnrn nf ,l,m 1..", 7 " 1"" of tho digestive organs on which thc ir Eduction TMmln ,t.i. i? .. piouucuon , r .i v " ' "u,uy"S mo woaK stato mainly depends. For salo by D. S. TOBIAS, Health Emporium, Bloomsburg, ROSE OINTMENT, A certain euro for letters, ringworms, pimples on the face, mid other ciftancous cruntions Ask for Tdbids Health Emporium, Bloomsbw-. ALL KINDS OF JOB WO HFC Exc'citlcd af this Office; mons BMW THE subscribers havo just received, at their old establishment, in Bloomsburg, a new and general assortment of Goods, laid in with great core nnd snltnliln fur llin iirrneiit mid nnnroachinB rea sons ; vliich, witli their former stock, they flatter themselves, presents as various a rnoicc oi goousas can bo had in any part pf tho country,tilid which hey aro disposed to part Avith at the lowest price for Cash cr in exchange for Country Produce. Their Stock of , BEET GOODS, consists of all varieties of the manofactiiries of Silk, Flax, Cotton, and Wool, and their numerous com binations, in Eng'and, Franco and America Superfine, Fine, Common, cnd'Coarsc Cloths, Casslm'crs ami Sattlnctts ; Cotton Goods from the Coarsest to the Finest texture; a mjng the latter an i sordnent of French Chintz. cs, Muslins and Calicoes of new and superb paterns, Silks aftd Silk Veslinss, Shatvli, Handkerchiefs, yc, Irish linens, dressed and undresed, French Lawns and brown 'Hollands. S-rocGTieS'& Siiquors, Sugar, Coflec, Chocolate, Tea, Spicc3 of all kinds, sovcral kinds and qualities of llrandy, spirits, Rum Whiskey, Wmo nnd Alolasscu. HARDWAB S3. Knives and Forks, Cutlery, Saddlery, Coach and Wagon mountings and trimmings, Scythes, Mil and X cut Saws, Tools for Blacksmiths, Shoema kers, Saddlers, Tailors, Carpenters and other me chanics. AND CrocJcers: Ware, (Cedar Wave V"ITjL(K".1.'VI OTISEIl 11,1 SUET 8, and a thousand, and ono other articles which it is mpossiblo separately to mention. Faisals, rugs aia'l B5yc SHiifl!'. PISH, 2Ea & PSaiLSTER. in sum STiaiL of all k!nd,s and qualities of foreign and domestic manufacture. Dont throw away good bargains by iicjjlccting to call on WILLIAM McKELVY Cr; Blooms' urg, May 12, 1838. 3 .. ifrlic "Victory Won, A l'TER long, tedious, and expensive expen- flrocnt, Dr. Leidy hai discovered A method wheicby the virtue of the fSarsanariltu Is extraelmL nlil r.St!!eJabto y1?1? hai' 1,cen toaceom- ,.. uiu iinwotvant ODicct. but n f.i n.l I. IMrimt I - o - ' ... all diseases to which mankind is subject is product- ,-- ....i i.vL.ausi' Litr. inrsrt.)rtii I.. .... . . .., if niurcTCUL 'fiM. Ihnn f in -I A Kir fill rncnnA(hl.1n l.f .t 'Wliatwilm r', :r.'. ,u m ". ,J l.UJl purincr ot the Wood, and tho most popular medic nn ,-,iiu,i. ! ' BR. LEIDY'S SARSA PAlilLtiA OR BLOOD PILLS, Price", Twcnty-five Cents a Hot. Thoy must surely command n preference, for they ro not composed of Sarsanarilla nlonn t, ..: in a concentrated state, in the form of a pill, tho I vutdes of tho nr nc bal nA,J. !?"' 1 10 mnmini n..:.i ... I " "'yieu m wc "-t-.-'"""!, ciracis, syrups, and btlier nrenara- tions of S.lrBiinnrillo 1 l 'llura sicuus; and others,-(see directions around'each'boU . ..v, ulu uiumy recommeni pi h-imm.. i Rhciirnntir 'AOinn. Schrofnla ErvsineldB.' Ulce-oussoroof tho nose Jaundice, Heartburn . tnroat and body, ciiy iiruptions nnd Diseases of the Livor.skhi bones and elands. blotches of the skin. Dry and watery pimples and pestules of tho Pain of the sides, along 1110 uacK ond spina 0 vcr the region of tho heart and stomach. mce and body, t urer anu nn owollmgs Inward fevers, bad taste in thomouth.foul brp.ilh ot tho neck, Flatulency, Indigettion. o'our eructations and acid ities of tho stomach. breast. Stomach Cougha, uncr complaint, i ui 01 appetite. . . r ... and all tho whola 1mm nf watorbraslu imnuntv of tho Mm.,l n.,u. """ "ul" duccd bv Morcurv. or k,h Z C " - 'T80s I,rP: nnpnpnnf S....l.ili T . Tir.r - UI 1110 WDjC- -j-. -vi'KUH, julep v encreal, oic. l'l,innvnn,nnAnri.l.E '.. .m,n i.tf. ..! 1.. ."" mauins but 1 iw inVin ino ek; E S1 they must bo nreferablo to nil .i .. "b ',u.,''oss' Sarsanarill,,. i"-I'araiions ot For sale, Wholcsalo it i.i -w . . -ui in i jr. i.niiiu ucaiuir.mpor.uffl, SndiwwVliiortreeLPhlln.WniTi. rot sale by j). S; TOBIAS' OBIAS; iuuaui 111-1 i,r mil 4 ir5iB' Ikalth Emporium. Dloomsl,rg,May20 ' SIIER, T5T. lisnsa .ii .... , . .. "VJn-' idlUndof N.. n Uaildj!."ock' candy s; tobias: THE 'I II J RD VOLI ME 1 Comincncingwiili tlieJnlyNumlorforl838. a cooi) o'l'ronTU.MTY roit nkw fitfcscn'tncns. Ti6 Largest and Cheapest Periodical in the United States. . TUB , . GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE,- tliiTKii nr wnttAJt r nunTov, l-ntLAnrariliA. Now publishing in Monthly Numbers. ml ' Tlie proprietors have much ploasisro in announc ing to the tcading public, tho complcto succoss which has attended tho establishment of (Iiis Mogazinb a success far beyond their ulmost expectations, ahd coiisiucrauiy cxcccuing tne prosperity oi liny other publication m Ancrica. Tho daily increasing sub bcripllon list, nnd xiir. jtumi.hois .(-oriMr.jdiAiir no. ticks op tiik rn?, attest the merits rind the nonu- arity of tho Gentleman' Magazine, each number of which conlnins More rShnhD Waiicr than any other monthly publication,. The contents embrace a fertile range of amusing anil instructive sulijects, by authors ol cele brity. Original Tales of powerful interest; Humorous and Oiapluc delineations of men and manners; Novel sketches of Foreign lands; I'oclrv ; Uliaractertstic Studies: Es says on popular sebjucta, and Biographical nonces oi ceicurateu icceuiiic persons, wiU many original Anecdotes. The new pub I? ! 1 i, -r . . ucaiiuns arc revicweu m I ill i ; iiiDeral ex tracts arc madq from rare and valuable works presenting a complcto account of tho POPULAR LITERATURE OF THE DAY. An Original Copy-right Song, not otherwise to be obtained, will be given, with the music, in every number. Thp Gentleman's Magaiipo contains Seventy-two, extra-sized Qctava pages, cf two columns each, forn -ing, at the close of the year, two.'large volumns ot one tnousami, seven hundred and Iwcntv-cizht col umns each column .contains more than an octavo pago of average proportion, and each monthly num ber has mororcading matter than a volume of a novel Tho work is neatlyprintcd, on good paper, unu suciieu in a neat coiorcu co cr, . .several lingrav ings will be given in'tho course of the vcar. and tho proprietors plcdgo themselves to producan agreeable dook an epitome otbile s adjunctives a Literary Melange, possessing variety to suit nil palates, nnd sufficient to command a place upon tho parloi table oi every ucnticman m tne United atatcs, A NEW FEATURE, Of Great JVovcJtynnd Utility, is introduced into ino olumo commencing tlio present year, viz. 1'IIE ANNIVERSARY REGISTER: Or 'Monthly Calender of American Chronology, Exhibiting Correct Dates of'fl'io Births and Deaths of Eminent men, Land and Sea Fights, Treaties, extraordinary ana Memorable Events, and other matters connected with Tiir. niSTonr op amciijca. Tho fulness and acuracv of this Chronoloev which has been complied nt great expenso of time ouauur rcnuers u nvaiuaoio audition to tlio pages ol tho Gentleman's Magazine. There is ilo other Calender hlco it m existence. TERMS Tiiree Dollars payable in advance. per annum All letters, postage p-iid; addrcs.icd .to Charles Alexander. Athenians Buildings Franklin Place, riiiiaucipnia, will meet with the earliest attention. LOOK OUT SHARP I r i:T,llVn 'orld, for sale at t . , - v...vaiF iriiro 110USC. IV TOBIAS in Bloomsbur" 1 O fiul Il.Cd Inh D.fuo I&wbtelnk v,.u Kuaip jicaltli Enporium, by D. S. TOBIAS. Evans1 Cammomilc Pills, IT- .... arautcd to bo genuine. Anderson's Pills, & all other kinf?8 rpn.:. I'ly Stone, to kill Flies with. Fish Seed, to catch fish with. TRUSSES. Spunges', for sale at - - TOBIAS' Hc'dlth Emporium. JMOKED HERRING!, Sugar cracke W" 1 Urirackers, for sale by D S. TOBIAS, Rloomsbum-. ItrnnrrT , ujLij.is.i.y. HF1U1T OF THE riMi? iN tho I'lrat Naturdtm in .. . ' imblishn,! ilm r, . "'.T'" IIB p RP1H1T OP THBTraBS -J',"" , aim o beon in- nwdb to us by our W$ r?S newspaper calculated for cirr,,-,, L,' . T",u ' mersand yeomanry of the interior of the" atc Un at tho approaching .election iwoixuif inn filipcrpq n I., . . . ft???' .? Uio'HccUIv Sulrlt nf i,. .... 'liV. ... . printed with aood tvfio. ?Tr "mJ medium sheet, and vvi l 1 1 furnl o, , ;- !l0Ul,1 scribors at fll'O JJOKmSS ' slnSl0 ono dollar payable invariably in ad . ' y iji-r- n lhiiiT, in . . ; . wj in uuvuiicc t;IUDd Or imliviililflla w . it for ono year at tho follnw n f A 1 pcr' can Six copies for : - . '$10 oo liflcen $2B 00' I'OrtV sr.n A 1 " villi Illl nu a lironorlmnntn e .. ber ofconiV Jur a larger num- furnish tliHirnn a7.Z:.u,'.r nro fiucted to pudishors, ir, ffiffi " ' KVOmB lmd t0 th0 W?' IL1ADERDUSOIJ.E. wwjuiuiia received at this office FOR SAE BY JUf3 'AE. ,B1 R. TflTll D. S.TOBIAS.- A Bloomsburg, June 23," 1838 riUlll MIMCl ffltl ui. oil svorms. x no latent ivm nA .! r ... " nndhardenintr Interesting nWlmalZ:'?F'?!ti filando of the Amuaini Pohv n..n. .,.i ' etry, , in the i will rcn.!.r it i . ES " ,u.. mntt "''r " , 0 ' i,i f, n . " . pam, sita. 1 v. . . " " i-w. wo nav Dr. Bran&reih's V E G ETA B LE'UNl V E It S A L PILLS. FRillESE pills havo obtained a celebrity for cur. H iaK iuost diseases to which tho is liable, unexampled in tho histurv of llin 1w.i,h. hit. They expel by tho action of the stumach una and bowls, alt bad humours fforn the Dlml, caus ns a ...u "-.i miu minis, mm restores asounj stato of health. , Tho thousands who vsp pnd recommend thcio, is proof positive of their extraordinary and beneficial effects. Tho subscriber has rcccivrd tho appointment of Agent, for tho sale of Dr. Hrnndctli'3 l'ills in Dljomsbnrg. Nona arc gcmiino that ate offered fur sale, without a certificato of appointment signed by tho proprietor and countersigned by Branch Cr in general ogent; and 110 ceitificato is ever irivcn to thojo engaged in tho Drug business. 1 J. R.MOYER. Bloomiburg Aug. 14 1838 lyi7 situated UnuivTv. nn.l l,,,.,!., 11 i.t . ' , c. 1 . "'"'"'ny repaired mo IJ0,S, and btables, is nowrcadv to nrnimmnli. . olhng community inn manner that will satisfy til, expectations. His.BRnndLAKDERwi!lnh' bo supplied with tho host that call bo procured r , "IU orc ana conven inoc of all who may call on bin-. ' -M . I,anlb0 cshiblUhed 11 tnanufactry for mat '"SScgars, Cut Tobacco and i.uLndta supply Merchants and Tavern keepers with 1,' quantity of Segars from tho common to the best of Spanish Leaf, Cut Tobacco and Snuff, upon s ,c sonablo terms as they, can bo procured in the Sb Bloomsburg, July, aist 1838. THE next, 'or ninth, number of tho Democrat Renew will be publish! on the fir-t of tcinber, cOmmcnnu!: tho thlnt vnlnmo i-i.. . jwmicroflho Democratic Review having brcnS lhcd in October, 1830, in advance of the reW monthly isuo commenciiiT in .tn,,?r,. 1 J, . becomes necessary to intermit ono month's pu;'V,i tion, so as tohting tho usual scries of twelve num. I within tho present year. Advantage Mi, taken of this delay to complcto in the next, or tfer tembcr, number the History of tho last session It uongross " executed in tho History ol tho Exttu session," which gavo such gencrul satisfaction in tho January and February numbers of tlio Democratic Review. Iiadics louls; at (iiis. rr ,n , . 1. . lljl DOOK 130XPS. Bl k ln. Pnrnr.ln niu uciuis, rancv do. nut i n. ninin , rj:. 1 Wuxcs, Gilt Thimbrc's. Hooks & Ev lks, au icinus 01 toinclling Hollies, very handsgm; urease 1 ins, inr rings, Finger rings, Pomatum, bnuil Boxes, Hair Brushes, Pocket comb., Lead i'iiuujumck anu rcu; lor sale at TO Eft AS' Health Emporium. MILLINERsT i t in you oe so iciml as to look at this!! TOrillTE Glue; Flako While; Oxalic AciJ w v lorEaioatuioilcaltli Emporium by )SpiritTc Z"L r!' "! ifr"' !' IbfsiJk neonl. A r " . J,reI" t-IincM, . ' 1. "uiipiv lor s Lmpoiium in Bloomsburg, I) b.s. TOBHS. Emetic do. and nil n.. 1.! , ' et"" r"tv aaloatthaHn.nl. n " ""'u.a 01 "'"iments, for T ft r . . J .a. IUUIAS, in Bloomsbur". O. S. TOBIAS. been Kline' All persona in,?M .1 1. P mmw coun- ed to make " ? havJnrrdcnianiU n,..!.' ','. nr,d' a11 Pcrsonn them to the subs.rTh ' ' A '"J0. nist Pient duly attested, or be land according to law. JOHN KLINE, MATTHIAS KM. '.INE. Pishing Creek June 23, 180S.S Exccultrs. Gentlemen and Ladies cornc and look at , , tie handsome JsJIcaith Emporium. GLAD TIlMNGSV MCCO.MMENDED by Doct WiTcn ' UfWfmiiiii.n,1.l I,.. Ti. . . , , w 11117 pit fLh N7-,. . ??;: ! Oil of Sn-in fnn i i vcrdiiries. Stains, Groa8y. &c All for sale at LTobtas' Health Emnorium. , lirvr,, t,.. . NVJiAVKR'S EVP cjit tm For Wrnhr,n,l 7A. lALVE, A Isn ..... . , .' ' 'vck ami inflampl eyes,' of tho host phytican. in ...lyoniiiicnucu liv some riuladojphia. For sale nt tho Emporium, D. TOBIAS, mWoS.y TTWnv tiff 1V.l II,.. 1 ...1 .1:., ELK in tho villaL'o of BtooMsin-,.. 1'.. .... ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE I.Slf'nJ-ing dcl. of I-Msl, '1" ,. "'a,. f ham tr. S, Of PhiliufMrAiV uivu uconin n iita tii .. .i -, nosa and stifTiioen of ho Joi,,ts "" ,""", ,vcah' Ttv " 1 L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers