GOITSMPTIOIT. i EAGER, li"vou have a cough or coU bewafe of their colisaqUcni.M. Colds generally pro- rtnpj ImnM-mntililtf. anil Insinuate menuviviw throughout the human system,' finally settling updn tee lungj, ana ending m r-.nsurnpuun A WORD TO PAHENTS. f TTn ndm U voiilli cut down wliehlcast o'xpoc't od by the consumption, and followed to their graves by parent who aro in a ricasuro tlio camp of their premature death, in neglecting to remedy de-Ma when existing in childhood, looking 'inflm them aatriiling tdTcctions, and riot Nutracxirig their notice until the deslroyet has eomraenced ita Work and made sure uf its victib This, is not a fanciful representation, 'for daily numerous instances occur which prove the fact. In rna'nhood colds terminate ifi the saute way, but do not progress so rapidly fta in youtli; Way should, Lowo.ver, in both youth and manhood, be early at tenden to, and not regarded a! trifling affections, 'for it t a delusive idrafhat Itfca shortened the lives 'of thousands. v Dr. BECIITER'S pciJionar r preser vative, (PricoJFifty cents per Bottle,) Is an invaluable "preparation, discovered by a regu kr and celebrated German f.hvs'uian. who lias em ployed it upwards of fifty vcjlts in h'i3 own )ractice la licrm.-vnyinrougnoui wiiiin couuuy ii uruu duririrr that iimo mast extensively and successfully employed in C&ti:;!, Colds, Cataarhs; Asthmas, "Whooftitisr Cduttos. Snittinz of Blood, Pain cfthc JlresSt and Sides, all affections of tfid Breast and Likes, and arrest of an'prcamiwt Consumption. "fttnrh nvw he aniil in nraisn of the above mcdicilic. 1 but newspaper advertising being to6 expensive, eve ry satisfactory evidencf) Will be found in all its ef fects up6n trial, m Veil fc's numerous recommenda tions accompanying the directions, upwards o 7000 b6tttes were told in Philadelphia alone dur ing theiast winter, a convincing proof of its efficacy or so Iaruc a quantity would never have been sold. Prcpaicd and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. J,cidy's Health Emporium, 2d street, below Vine, JVC 101. , ALSO, SOLd B Y D. S. TOBtAS, Agent. Bloofnsburg.May 2d, 1838. Iy5 FREMOSITARY HINTS, AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION. IVJEADSR did you ever sec a confirmed Dys- J&Ski, peptic, and learn his sufferings! Jt not, sut nco it to say, he is a pale, thin and ghastly looking "object, his life apparently hanging by a thread; ho is mis6rablo an J unhappy, Ins BUl(enng3 indiacriba fee. , - Aro you much troubled with flatulency, costive Bess, sour eructations arising from your stomach, occasional want of appctito, waterbiash, a bad taito in your mouth, or foul breath, pain or a heaviness ot your stdmach, sickness after eating, headache, dis gust at your once favorite food, &c. If you arc much troubled with any of tho foregoing symptoms, bring before, yon Ihc picture of tho Dyspeptic, and ltavmg resolved to remedy tho consemicnccj, im mediately procuro Er.Lcidy'sTonicfyAnti-DyspepticCordi'al A never falling and efficacious remedy for DYSPEPSIA OR indigestion, And the whole train of affection's resulting from dis eases of the Liver, Stomach and Intchlmcs. The abovd medicine is warranted free from mer cury or other 'minora! preparations; it 13 composed entirely of vegetable, safe and easy to taKe, being Very pleasant ti the taste. It may bo safely admin istered to young and old, requiring but moderate re- etnetidns in diet only; Numerous tcstilrionials have been from time to lime published; Us reputation is so well known, fur ther cdmment upon its virtues is unnecessary, ruf lice il to say, it had xeveii liii.Ki) fr a sixotE lNariNcr,. further rccommplidatuns accompany tho directions around each bottle. rr"fPrice OnoJDollar ncr bottle. Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. 'Lcidy's Health Emporium, 2d Etrcat. below Vine,- Tfo. 191. Also Sold by I). S. TOBIAS, Agcnh BlbomsWg, May 26. Iy6 WONDERFUL CURES iFatin been nerfo'rmctl in this citm and throughout the country. M'EpiCJlTED SAJISPA'RILLA: 8T5lEINO a concentrated fluid exlrart of Sarspa- mfl rilla. combined with other vcsctabld extracts, which renders it as a medicine of ereat utility in tho cure df all diseases arising from (he impurities of the blood from Indiscretions and impruuencics in life, arid constitutional diseaeesformed or produced hy the injudicious uso of mercury, nrEenlc, bark, or "quinine. In short, It 1 ari Invaluablo remf dy for all Rheumatic Aflections, U?ncral Uebility, Ulcerous Bores. White Swelling?; Diseases of tho Liver dnd Bkin, Ulcerated sore throit, Ulcers of the Nose, Ca jics of tho dhcases cfthc Bones, Herofula Or King's Evil. Eryeipslaa; Or St. Anthony s Hre, and all uu- blosarlt rind danzerous affections consequent to ttvnhiti. Ltlcas Venereal. &; So efleciu'al has this medicine been in the euro of various dUiisea for which it la recommended, that it is for superceding all other mcparalions of Sawpa vill. n .t,. ' v. " li is nmv fcmnloved bv-rarriflifaus Tihysicians and has bocn introduced by theni mto many Iicpitals, afirmirica, &c. throughout trie unitaa niates. frrcater str'erlsth fconso- misntlv of oreitcr caicicvl tha'n any other extract iow mds,U also mUbh cheaper, being but one do!, lar per hotlU; which is sufficient to mako one Go!- tenofSyrop aarspanlla, fend la bougnt ny uu br..nt dmpciEta for that rmrr03e. Numerous certificates Kayo beafi received and jpublished frorri time to time, but In consonuoncc of Vhn crrnat Mtionte altendins newspaper publication of theni, ths mo3t increduloda can bo convipcod of tha Goldbr. Eagle und Sorpents, where cortlficatw and reference can bo given tanunurerix ounstanroa bf tho moet rcmerKablB curun over penormeu oy any PrfipareJ only and Hold Wholesalo and Kbtail nt fit. Leidy'd Health Emporium, ad Elrtot, below Vniso.JVi. , .ar.stn SOLD BY v. s. f oniAs, M lOomsDurg, j une tow y AOLV LEAF, SlLVElt LEAF, and COP; JT J rut WriAr, roraaieai Vipita' Etugg Store in Jlloomsiurg. ...n.rinr ffini of Mr. I.piilv'a mtdicaieu oars- w rmfilla.bv callinsrat" Leidy'a Health Emporium," v Vjn 101 Worth Hocond streo. below Vine, gigrlof of teQN FOUIDKY, AND Threshing EVSac&mb MAS UFACTOIIY. w viu uuciiuura rajjcciiuiij imum ,E1. in general, mm nicy nave rrccicu uiu uuuvc mentioned establishment for all kinds of ta order; and also to Manufacture TIZltBSM 7.V? JMCIir.VlW and Ppil'iUXSLB JflOKSD I'OUSISU ! all bf which they vill make of the bestof malcrial.1, and in the moet work manlike manner, and will dispose of thcra on rea sonable terms. , I.. II. JiALs '& Co. Bloomsburg.May 10, 1338. i "SSJ'ERY' respectfully infornn his friends and the puuuc, mai ne ins always on nana; ai ins j.i- very Stable in llloomsburg, tor the purposes ol liuo or mcliatige, a variety ol Horsss, Sulkies GIGS, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS. which ho will feel gratified to keep in readiness for the accommodation of customers. Personal annlication can be made at his residence, when every means will be used to render entire sat isfaction to thoso who may givolnm a call. INOAI1 a. i'lUirt HO. Bl6oinsburg, May 30, 1S38, SJALARATOS, Glauber Silts, Epsmn alts, for sale at thfi Cheap ftealth EmpoHum. To he itsJvcssed & Affiictcd! TOBIAS'S HEALTH EMPORIUM And Family Iinig Warehouse. s'Tho poor Irian's riches tho rich man's bliss.' PIIE eubscribcr would respectfully announce to .51 his fricinU and tho public that he has opent'd I a general assortment ot Drugs 5i Sftedicinos, at his Drug and Chemical Store in Bloomsburg, and that he will be happy to supply the want.3 o thoso who may B'vo nun a call. Among his as sortmcnt are : Alcohal, Aqua Amonia; Mdsfard Muriato of Tin Maco Kippcl rjhiclds do Shells Opodeldoc litmid , do Steers Pills German Giiiiii!Q Radix Calcicum do Senega Snikd do Squills Resin planter , Steel Powder Stoden bitters Stone yellow do rotten do black Sand paper sdrdlo Solution of tin Anua pepper, Arsenic whito do. yellow Allonatto Agarric Aqua roitii Blue Mass Block Tin Barley pealed Borax Bronze 'while do yellow Carb Ammonia Cinnamon Cochineal Crab's eyes Cloves Draggon'a blood Ginger Gum As-vifcctida Spt. Eathcr Sulph. Uo T.'itcr Eathcr do Hr.rUhornc Vials all kinds Wafers red and black Krcoscto do. Opium do. Aloes do. Arabic do Barbadfleu Aloes Camphor Gum Copal Window Glass all sorts Whiting Sandct Salts Cologne Water Black Ivety do Myrrn Hofso Lance Isinglass Russia Lamn black Allspice, Slack I'eppir, lied Pepper, Iron Most. D Bloomburg, May 10, 1S33. S. TOBIAS. BliJRNARD RUPERT TAILOR. rAS irltt received Iho Spring Fashions from 1 Philadelphia, and is ready to make all kinds of irarmeilU in tho newest and most lasluonablc stvle. llloomsburg, May u, ibj; DYEK'i OPEX VOUK EVES; rTbENCiAL Indigo; Spanish do. Vcrdigrics, bluo I JBVitrtuI: White do. for Bale cheap and good, at Hie Uloomsliurg vvaro House, uy I). S. TOR IAS. -ETTSLUE SMALTZ, Vllito Frosting, Iceland . . 1 1 i i . 1 1 1 n i Mow for consumptive People; Scgars, Com mon, Spanish and Half Spanish; and a thousand UeraritClOB ioa leaious io lnanuou, iui sum ui Tobias Health Emporium. White Saltan lW!lcrry, FOR SALE AT I'oitxiis' iici&Tji ' wii'Oitzir.v, IN BLOOMSnURO. Er. Weavers Worm Tea and Sdlve. HE action of this Medicine is not .onlv to ox- pel Worms, but by its tonic ower, to pre- ut a loturii of them, by removing tho wank ktute the luouttvo organ on wnieli tholr pioduction mainly depends.1 For wil by D. S. TOBIAS, Health Emporium, llloomsburg, ROSE OINTMENT, cortajn curb for tettersg-iugworma. pimple on Ujp tac, ana oaier cuiaueous orupiietur.- Aak far Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg. AJJ KINDS Of5 Executed at this Oilice-. NEW GOOD THE subscribers hate just received, nt thoir old establishment, in Blonmsburg, n new nnd grneral asFortmcht of Gooda, laid in with great care and suitable for the picscnt and approaching tea- bouh; which, nith their former stock, they Hatter thcinsclvr., presents an various a choice of goods as can bo had in any fart of tho country, and which hey ate disposed to part with at the, lowest price for Cash or in exchange 'for Country Produce. TheHr Stock of consists of all varieties of tho nianufaclurics of Silk, Rax, Cotton, and Wool, and their numerous com binations, in England, Franco and America. Superfine, Fine, Common, and Coarso'Clolhs, Casslmcrs and. Sattluctts ; Cotton Goods from the Coarsest 10 the Finest texture; a moitg the latter an .as sortmenl'of French Chintz. , cs, juustms ami Vulicocs of new ana sttpcrb patents, Killcs and Sttlc Fcslin,gs, biiaicti, Jiamtlcercfiiefs, yc, iristi 7 " J I jinens, uresseu ami unurcsca, French Lawns and browh Hollands'. Sugar, Ccfl'ee, Chocolate, Tea, Spicc3 of all kindo, several kinds and qualilie? of Brandy, CpiritB,Ruin, IIM I 1 )!UdiLU, HUIB u;iLl 1UUIU?SC3. Knives and Porks, Cutlery, Saddlery, Coach and Wagon mountings and trimmings, Scythe?, Mil and M cut Saws, Tools for Blacksmiths, Shoema kers, Saddlers, Tailors, Carpenters and othci- me chanics. AND Ce'ocIioi'v Wave, Ccelav Ware, and a thousand and one other articles which it is jnpossible separately to mention. FairaCs, Eto'iijjs and Dye SS Ji53rf. of all kinds and qualities of foreign and domestic manufacture. .Dont throw away good bargains by neilccting to can on WILLIAM McKELVY ' Co-. lliaomsburg, May 12, 1838. 3 The Victory W6n. A1 FTER long, tedious, and expensive cxperi , ment, Dr. Lcidy has discovered a method whcicby the virtue of the SursapmiUa is extracted, eo as to be formed into Pills wittout destroying ila cjlicacy. Innumerable attempts liavo been made tocccom plili thij important obiccl, but all failed. It is im portant, because tic S;crsnpurilh, as a medicine, in all diseases to whicll'mankmd is subject is product ive of more real good, than tho whole cataloauu of niqiicinc muse. if .. .. Ak oil respcctablo physicians tho nucstion.- What is tho most effectual puTilier of tho blood, and the most popular medicine uscdl" they will answer uuanimout-iy, Xarsitpanila. What better rccom mcnuatiou can uo asked i . DR. IiElDY'S SARSAPARILLA OR J1LOOD PILtii, Price, Twcnty-fivo Cents a Box. They must surely command a preference, fdr they arc not coinposed of Sarsaparilla alone, but contain. in a ronrcntrated stale, in the form of a pill, tho virtues 'of the principal ingredients contained in tho compound fluid, extracts, syrnpa, anil other prcpaia They arc luihly recommended by numerous phy sic'una, and others, (see directions around each hot tie) m Rheumatic Affections, Qlco-odssorcs of the noso SchrofuLi Erysipelas, , throat anil body Jaundice; Heartburn Scaly Eruptions and uncases oiinci.ivcr.smn blotches of tho fkin hones and aland, Dry and watery pimples Pain of tho sides, along and postuloa of tho the back and spine fi ver tho region of tho faco and body. Tetter and ringworms, heart find stomach. .Vivclhngj and hardening Inward fevers, bad taito ol tlio glands' o tlio neck, in thd groins, m tbomouth.foul breath Flatulency, Indigestion. Sour eructations nnd acid ureaat. c. Stomach Coughs, Lhcr complaint: itipi of tho stomach. Wont of appetite, Watcrarash. and alj tho wholo train of diseases Tosultlrtg from impurity ol tlio blood, con.litutional discuses pro. duced by Mercury, or other mineral!, or the consc nuence' of Syphili., Luej Venereal. &c. I' or conventcnio ol tailing, as well aa making but small bulk, being in flat wjuaro boxos, convenient lor carrying m tlio pocket oi lor tra rolling parposc they must bo preferable to all other preparations o; aarsapanna. For sale, Wholesale and Retail at Dr. Leidv: Health Emporium", Slid iiaarVincatrtct,Phtladclphia For sale by 1). 5. TOBIAS. IL of htono Whitr, do. red, black, sweet, Cds wi unu uu v iicr Kiiiusoi injjior cat at Tobias's Health Emporium. JUST received, and for talc, a quantity of firs rateTONR COAL, by . U Bi FISHER, I)loomburg, May SB; A180NS, all kind of Carolfoi, Reck candy .all kind of Nute. OnMRM. Fin. Prunes. I.e. iivin,sA,t. wc, uc, iur sale iy .v. ... v.- r..-' - , ' ' D. S. TOBIAS. She third volume i Commencing with theJulyNumber fori 838. ACOOD Ol'l'OKTUNITY FORfiEW SUDSCRlDEnS, The 'Largest and Cheapest Periodical in the United Stales. the 'GENTkEMAiV'S MAGAZtltE, Ennhii nv wiLiijt Jr. huhtow, riiiLiiiEiriiiA. Now ptiblisli'ing in Monthly Numbers. Tho proprietors havo nptch plcasuro in announc ing to tho reading public, the complete success which has attended tho cstibtMimcnt of this Magainr success far beyond their utmost expectations, and msidcrably exceeding the prosperity of any other publication in America. I lie daily increasing sub Fcrip'lion list, And tub sUmbrhis commi::iiiatiy :;o. ricr.s or tiik puss, attest tuc merits and t ic nouu- arity of tho Gentleman's Magazine, each number ui which contains More Oa'igiisal Matier tunn nny other monthly publication. Tli'e conlcnts embrace a fertile ranee of anuisiti" and instructive subjects, by atitliord ot cele brity. Urigitial t ales orpaweiliil inlercM; Humorous and Gtapliic (lclincatious pf men ami mnuticrs; Novel sketches of Fotfci&ii anils; l'octry ; uharacleristic Sttulies; Es a's on popular robittcls, nnd IlioJiramiiciu r....ii......i r : "... ...t.i. iiuntua in cuiuiiiaiL'u lucl-uiik; jiursuiuj, will many original Anecdotes. 1 lie new pub lications are reviewed in full j Liberal ox tracts arc uiado from raro and valuable orks presenting a 'complete -account of liio POPULAU LITERATURD OF THK DAY. An Original Copyright Song, not otherwise to no outaineu, will ue mven, Willi tne music, in every number. I hou'cntlcman a Alacuzmc contains fecventv-two, cxtra-Bizid Oclava pagci.cf two columns each, form mj, at the cloaa of the yca.r, two large volumns of ono thousand, seven bundled anil twenty-eight cul- umns caiii column contains niorcltinn an octavo pajc of average proportion, and each monthly nunv ber has more reading matter than a volume of n novi'L The work is ucallyprintcd, Cn good paper, and Etiched in a neat oIord cover. .Vovcral Kniirav- ngs will bo given in the course of the year, and tho proprietors pledge themselves 1o produc an agreeable tiool;-an epitome olLuc a aujuuctivrs a Literary Mclangu, possessing variety lo euit all palates, and spliicicnt to command a place upon the parloi table ol every ucnticman in tlio united States. A NEW FEATURE, Of Great Not city and Utility, is introduced into tne volume commencing tlio present year, viz. THE ANNIVERSARY REGISTER: Or Monthly Calender of American Chtonology Exhibiting Correct Dates of tho Births and Deaths of liininnnt men, Land and Sea Fishta, Treatiiw, Extraordinary and Memorable Events, and other matters connected with rue niiTOnr or Aiir.nrCA. Tho fulr.cra and acuracy of this Chronoloiv. which has been complied at great expense of lime Aclabor renders it avaluablo addition to tho paos of liio uenucman b jtiaga.im. 'Ilicro is no otlicr Calender like it in existence.' TERMS Three Dollars per annum; payable in advance. All li tters, pot.igo paid; nddro3scd to Charles Alexander. Athenians Buildings Franklin Place, Philadelphia, will meet with the earliest attention. LOOK OUT SHARP 1 1 "PvfONE better in tho known world, for sale at Jjq tho cheap Ware House, by TOBIAS in Bloomsburg. LACK INK, Red Ink. Blue Ink. Durable Ink for sale at tho cheap Health Enporium, by D. S TOBIAS. Evans Cammomile Pills; Warantcd to bo genuine. Anderson's Pills, & all other kinds of Pills: Fly Stone, to kill Flies with. . Fish Seed, to catch fish with; TRUSSES. Spurigcs, for sale at TOBIAS' Health Emporium. glMOKED HERRING. Sugar crackcrt.ana Wn 59 ta mckprg, far Male by 1) 0. TOBIAS, ill nioonlsburg. WEEKLY SPIRIT OF THE TIMES. ifl n,N tlio First Saturday in .litfrtw! will bo vy- published tho first number of the" WEEK. J..Y Si'IRIT Olf 'I'tlli TI5IUS." wbi.-b will bo made up from tho best i-omticat, firticlco of tho daily ttplrtt c,r Vie Times," and shall also con lam I be latest Foreign and Dnmosli; Intelligence; Interesting Miscellaneous Gleanings, Tales,' Poetry, Anlusjng Police Reports, and such other mat terras will render it a complete Family Newspaper, stiita bla for all clases of pcrsoiu. We have been in duced to tins undertaking from the constant requos! mado to us by our country friends, to furnish r newspaper calculated for circulation among iho far meraanu yeomanry ol the interior of tho state. Be lieving such a paper might prove nn imporliint aux iliary tOFociire tho eUcccoa of Democratic principles at tho approaching election for a change of rulers ..i mo cuuiHiuinvuujin, snau go inrvtanl witli tlv iuuuruon, oxpocung to reectvo a lilicral support num ii.u .Jtuiutiacv u mo jveyasionc utate. The ' Weekly Siflril 6f ho Times" !ll h printid with oood tvuri. unon n handmmn iUhMa mediiiin shoeu and will 1 furnifhed (o single sub- xniucrB bi rn-w jiiAii.&KU per annOm. ono dollar payable iuvaiiallv in advunrr. Clubs or individuals withing the paper, can have !. rnn..n . i-..ii . iwi mv uur ui me lyiiowing raiCi; Six copies for - - - $10 00 x Fifteen : i : - i $25 Ofj Forty i . . , . . fjco 00 And a proportionate reduction for n larger iiiirn br of copiee. Persons widiing to uhcrihc, aro requested to fqrnwh lliei' namosierlhwitH, (poslagd paid) to tho publishers, in Philadelphia. , ANUKiSW 8, ftJEADER iy DU Spi.LE tCPSubsoriplions received at this office MOBY'S MEB?cift;S3S FOR SAE BY I). S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg, Juno 20 1838. Br. Brandtfeth'B - VEGETABLE UNIVERSA1S PILLS. ?TpllESE pilla have obtained a celebrity for cur J3. ing mtoat. diseases to which tho human uyetcm is Uahlo, Unexampled in the history of tho healing art. They expel by tho action of tho atoinach ami and bowls, all bad humours from flia. lilopd, causing a frco circulation of tho fluids, and restores a sound etato ol health. Tho thounands who ueo and recommend ihem. Is proof positive of their extraordinary and bcncllcinl cltccts. . The subscriber lias received tho appointment of 1rrn. for the sale of Dr. llran'detli's 1'HIh Im llbomshnrg. Kono irc genuine that are ofl'ered fur aale, without a certificate of appointment waned by .uu ji.uiiutui mm cuuiuursigiieu uy uranci Uricn general aqent; and no certificate 13 ever given, ta inuau viiucu 111 uiu xrug uusincBS. J. It. MOYER. Bloomsburg Aug. 14 18SfJ. ' lyi7 fla A US' li .ih:w; Hiimi, KPir .mnn Bvuig leased the above establishment, Eituatcd in the villaae of IJliiomsiiuo. Ohmim,..! I .llirVTIT. n till fiot't'.in. iIih.imioU ! l.l I 1 cji I , "."luuuiiijf lujiaircu me iiouts and Stables, is now ready to accommodate the tmv oiling cominuiiily in 0 manner thatwill rntiffy their expectations'. lliaU na,,d LA HDEli will always bo supplied wilh Iho bcit that can be procured in tho country; and ho flatters hims.cl'f hi shall bo ena bled to ndministci lo tho comfort and convenience of all uho may call 011 him. IfiBGAR MANp'FACTORYi, m e bus ulii cstabhihed a manufactory (br niak fii imiSeiars, Cut Tobacco and Snuir.aiid will supply Merchants nnd Tavern keepers with any quantity of SVgara. from tho common to tho best of Spamh Leaf, Cut Tobacco and Snuff, upon asrea BOliablo tcrnn a thc cart bo procured in the State. Bloomsburg; July, 5Ut 1833'. THE next, or ninth, liumhef or tho Democratic Renew will he published on the first of Scpr tcnibcr, commencing the Ih'rd volumfr. I J10 first nuinSfrofthc Democratic Review having been pub. halted in October, 183G, in advance of the Terular monthly i6i)c commencing hi January, WJH it become necessary lo intermit olio month'a put'.ica tiorf, so as to Ining the usual series 'of twelve num. ber, within Hie present year. Advantage will bo UKcn of this delay to complete in Ihc next, or ,Vcp tnnber, number the History of tho last session of Congress, executed in tlio same maiinor ns the Mlistor ofthoExtia session," which gave cuch general satisfaction in the January and February numbers of tho Democratic Review. Iaj?scs IgoIj ai thia. (0.T 'Book Boxes, Silk do. Paper do. Gilt XJT Beads, Fancy do. cut do. ulnm r!n. T.in-' Waxc,, Gilt Thimble. Hooks & Eye, Needle ra ces, all kinds of Smelling Bottles, very handsome; Bicast Pins, Ear ringH, Finger rings, Pcmstum, Snuff Boxes, Hiur Brushes, Pocket combs. Lead rcncils, black and red; fur sale at TOBIAS' Health Emporium. , ' MILLINERS Will yon be so kind as to look at this ! ! WHITE Glue; Flako White; Oxalic Acid for salo at Iho Health Emporium by D. S. TOBIAS. (Sjg PARCH, SnulTBeans, Sand Paper ol ol Hands, kgapirita'lorpentinc-, Cocoa prepared Chocolate-' lor bick people frns.li supply for salo at tho Health t-mporiUm 111 Bloomsburg, by I). S. TOBIAS. Tffiff nuOUKUL Ointment, Sulphur do. Simple j-wja."'' .itiju-uam 110. lieu, uctrin do. J artar Emetic do. and all other kimls kjIh n lTnnT,l. I.' ,.. 1 Empoiium, by D. TOBIAS, in Bloomsbufg: OLISHING POWDER, to clonn n,1 i!. all' kind? of Metal, nnd Hnrc, lv..i.;. L. salo at Ulc cheep Dru store, in Bloomsburg, W. D. S. TOBIAS, ADMINISTR VTORSNOTICE. "JT ETTERS of Administration having been ELA granted upon tho ostate of Abraham Kline1 deed, of Fishing Creek township, Columbia coun ly. All persons indebtod to said estate, aro rt ques ted to make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said estate must prctrnt tllem to the subscribers, duly attested, or te barred according to law. JOHN KLINE, MATTHIAS KLINE, v: 1 A- r -1 ' 1 Executors. r iahing Creek June 23, 1838.1 Gentlemen and Ladies come and look at the handsome 33 S3 A a s RENCH double rrctifisd.aml uront, -rUK Otto of itoso, for salo at Tobias's Health Emporium. GLAD TiniNGsTi "?t l.flnirilTI7X-TMT i... r, . ' "uvu.ii.iuiiMJr,u uoct, Wilson as a 1 certain cure for Rheumatism. Alec-, UIU) LINIMENT, Reccommonded by Doet. IJavis, of Philadelphia, the following complaints . MummM!. vv.,oi,. or no) and stiiruoss of the Joints, &c. For salo at i obtai' Health Emporium, Bloomsbut". --.--w., OlL of Spruce, for maljing Spruce Boor, hxtractof S.u-sparilla. Tooth Powder. Spatutn. Emery. Oastol Soap. Lady's Palm Soap to Wash. Distilled Verdigrio. Uil ofSoap, for. taking out of cloths Spota, Stains,- Grease, tte. All for sale at Tobias' Health Emporium. HOOT WEAVER'SEYE-iALVE, Mr 1 ' f InftumeJ Eyes. Also EE-WAFER, for sore, weak and inflamoJ eyes.' recommended by somo of tho best phy&lciaua in PhlJadelphw, For sale at tha Cheap Health Emporium, D. 9. TOBIAS, wt Bloomsburg.