The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 08, 1838, Image 3

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Vest of Wililnrtspori, in Maryland; will
cost tho slate 5 millions of dollars, nt the
very least
The above is n tnio dolinoalion and de
scription of it any one doubts it can examine-
for liimself. In every respect the reports
' of the twii committees wlto examined H
wero correct, bnt iit thai time ll wafc not to-'
catcd further than Ripple's.
BcsaiacratSc Convention. '
At a Oortvcnlion of the Democratic Dal
Wales of Columbia county, friendly to, and
Sc' supporters of, the present Administration
' of the General Government, and in favor of
tho election of Gen. David R. Porter, a3
Governor of Pennsylvania', convened pur-r-
suant to, public notico by the Democratic
L Standing Committee of said county, at tho
house of Daniel .Gross, in the town of
. Blobmsbutg, on Monday'.lhc Sd of Septem
ber, 1838, GEO. MACK, of Briercreok,
was unanimously chosen Chairman, and V.
. Best, of Mahoning, and H. Vv'ebb, of
Bloom, Secretaries -
Upon examining the certificates, U ap
peared that tho following persons were re
turned as Delegates The instructions ar3
- subjoined whero wiilten instructions were
given : '
Bloom Henry, Webb", Solomon New
hard. '-
BriercreehGeo. Mack, John Knorr.
'Instructions: Governor, David R. Porter,
Congrcss. David Petrilicn ; Assembly, Rev
Marmaduke Pcarcc, and in the event of hh
declining.theh lo support Willipm Colt
The following letter was then read-to the
Convention, by the Chairman :
Berwick, Sept. 1st. 1830.
To the Delegates of Columbia county:
Gentlemen : In consequence of the
long continued illness of my wife, and the
bad state of .my own health, 5 beg leave tn
decline tho honor of being a candidate fct
the Legislature. '
Yours truly,
Calthicisca Stephen Baldy, Esq. Jos
Yctter. -Deny
John W. Stamm, Rpbdrt Clark
lus'rucliona : Congress, David Petr)ken;
Assembly, AVm. Colt; Treasurer, Win. S.
Fishing Creel: Benjamin C. lUorris,
Isaac Robins. Instructions; Governoi,
David R. Porter; Congress, David Potrikin;
Assembly, DanielGross; Commissioner,
John Kline; Treasurer, Jeremiah Wclliver;
Auditor, Thomas J. Hutchison.
Greenwood Col. Andrew Ikler, Mar-'
filial Shoemaker. Instructions: Governor,
David R. Porter; Congress, John M'Roy
nolds; Assembly, Darnel Gross; Commis
sioner, Win. J. Ikler;, Treasurer, Jeremiah
Wclliver. .- .
Htrnloch John Shoemaker, Peter Ap
pieman. 1
Liberty George Billmycr, John M' Wil
liams. Instritotions; Governor, David R.
Porter; Congress, Djivid Potrikin; Assem
bly, Wm. Colt; Commissioner, John M'
Henry, Treasurer, Wm; S. Davis; Auditor,
Sebastian Ilower .... " ,
Limestone-Jamca Cadwell, Daniel
Mahoning John Rhodes, V. Best. In
structions Congress, David Petrikin; As.
sembly, Win. Colt; Treasurer, Micheal San
ders. '
Mifflin Jacob Iiartzel, Peter Hcrlo
chcr. , Monteur George KaufiVr.nh, Esq. John
Deitrich. , Instructions; Governor, David
, R. Porter; Congress, David Petrikin.
Madison Levi Btsel, Joseph Sheep.
Instructions ; Governor, David R. Porter;
Congress, John M'Roynolds; Assembly,
Caleb Thomas; Commissioner Wm. Cole;
Treasurer, Jeremiah Wclliver; Auditor, Se
bastian Ilmvor.
Mount Pleasant Philip Kistler, Peter
Oman. Instructions; ,Conp rass, John M'
Reynolds; Assembly, Daniel Gross; Com
rnissioner,.Wm. J. Iklci; Treasurer, Wm.
S. Davi.f.
Orangeville Tram Derr, Isaac C; John
son. Instructions; Congress, David Pet
rikin; s5Binhly, Win. Colt, Commissioner,
John M'llsury; Treasurer, Jerniiah Wclli
ver; Auditor, Thomas J. Hutchison.
Paxton Henry Lair, 'Conrad Bredben
dor. Instruction's; Governor, David R.
Portei; Congress, David Petrikin; Assem
bly, Wm, Colt; Commissioner, John M'
Jleniy; Tieasuror, Wm. S. Davis; Auditor,
Sebastian Ilower. ' '
Sugavlouf John Kline, Reuben Davis.
Instruction; Congress, David Petrikin; As:
Aembly, Daniel Gross; Commissioner, John
M'Henry, Treasurer, Jeremiah Wclliver.
Roaring Creik Micheal R. Howor,
Samuel Irvin. riulritclloiiS; Congress,
D'avi(i polrk,n. Assembly, Wjn. Coll; Com-
John Auchenbach; Treasurer,
Wclliver; Auditor, Sebastian
It appeared that there were thirty-sis del
egates preicnt nil the Townships and dis
tricts fully represented.
On fnotion, tho names of the Delegates
wero called over in alphabetical order of tho
Districts, to take the senso of 'the Conven
tion on the subject of Governor. The vote
For David R. Porter 00, a unanimous
vote. ,"
David Petrikin was nominated for Con
gress by instructions from tho townships
and Districts. Some of the Delegates,
however, being without written instructions;
on motion, the sense of the Convention was
taken by vole, and resulted
For Petrikin, 27
M'Roynolds, 0
Therefore, the Chairman declared David
Potrikin duly nominated.
On motion, the Convention next proceed
ed to vote for a candidate for Assembly.
On the first' vole
,Wm. Colt had. 33
DanMcl Gross 11
Caleb Thomas f 2
William Colt was therefore declared dit
Iv nominated.
On motion, iho Convenlion then proceed
ed -to the nominat'on of a candidate for
Commissioner. On the firstvoie,
John-M'Henry had 20
.Wm. J.'Ikeicr 4
John Kline
. Wm, Cole ' 4
John Auchenbach ' 4.
John M'Henry was therefore declared du
ly nominated.
On motion, the convention, next went in
to the nomination of a candidate for Treas
urer. At the request of Michael Sanders,
hio name was withdrawn as a candidate for
Treasurer, by Mr. Baldy. On tho first
vote, '
Jeremiah Wclliver had -20
Wm. S. Davis, 101
' Jireinian Wclliver was therefore declar
ed duly nominated.
On motion, the Convention proceeded to
tho nomination of a candidate for Auditor.
On the first ballot,
Sebastian Ilower had 29
Thomas J. Hutchison 7
Sebastian Hower was therefore declared
duly nominated.
The, following (ickct was therefore recom
mended to the support of the Democratic
party :
Governor David R. Porter.
Congress David Petrikin.
Assembly Win. Colt.
Treasurer Jeremiah Wclliver.
Auditor Sebastian Ilower.
On motion, the following resolution was
adopted :
Resolved That we hereby pledge our
individual efi'prls to secure the election of
the Ticket just formed. ,
On motion, . . '
' Ilcsolved That George Smith and Ste
phen Baldy, be Conferees to meet the Con
forces of Luzerne county, at, the house of
A; Klotz, in Berwick, on Thursday, the
13lh day of .September, inst. and the said
Conl'creed are hereby instructed to place in
nomination David Petrikin, as a candidate
for Congress, lo be supported by tho Dcm
ocratic citizens of thisCongrcssicnal Dis
On motion, 1
Ilcsolved. That Micheal Farnwald, John
Rhodes, and Iram Dorr, be the Standing
Committee of the Democratic party for the
ensuing year.
On motion,, the following resolutions worn
unanimously adopted
Ilcsolved That wo entirely approve of
the nomination of David R. Porter, for can
didate for Governor, and shall use all hon
orable moans to ensure 'us election.
Hesolved That the course pursued by
David Petrikin, our present representative
in Congress, meets our entire, approbation,
and, has been strictly in aecoidnnco with tho
true principles oi the Democtatie party, and
such as to give hhn .strong claims oii that
parly for, a re-election. -
Ilcsolved That wo have entire conii
denco in the talents, integrity and patriot
ism o Martin Van Btiron, President of the
United States, and wo believe a largo ma
jurity of the people of Columbia county,
coincide with us in opinion, that his admin
iitralion has thus far realized the expecta
tions thoy entertained provious to his elec.
lion fo the Presidency, tbat ho would en-!
deavor to aid the people tn carrying out the i
wise and imHcioits measures commenced
tinder Hie administration of his prctlcccfstoi, J
tho venerable JaekSon.
Resolved Tiat the syolcnrof libel and i
slander reported '.to by tho partisans of Jo.
seph'Ititner, trt injurc the private character
of Gen. David R. Porterby means of n
tra-judicial oatlur, and the hiring for pay by
his ofiico hdlderst of degraded wretches to
perjure themselves, is immoral, dishonest,
and degrading to Iho Keystone State. '
Retolml Th&t tho proceeding of 'this
meeting be signed by the officers, and pub
lished in the Dtftngcratic papers of Colum
bia and Luzerne counties,
GEO. MACK, Chairman.
The yellow feycr is said to prevail at
Charleston, S. C. lo a considerable extent.
. The Boston papers stale that there was' a
liligh't fro3t in that nsighboihood on tho 15th
all. ,
Proscription for opinions as well as pre
ference for men, appears to bo the order of
the day. Wo learu that a large number of
'hands'cmpjoyed on the Gettysburg rail road
and in repairing the West Btanch canal in
Huntingdon county, have lately been dis
charged by tho nrder-of Thaddcus Stevens,
because thoy would not pledge themselves
to vote for Joseph Rilner. JFa ask the la
boring part of the. community, whether they
will submit to have their public works "made
a electioneering machine; or whether they
will vote for n man who permits his officers
to throw bill of employ a pour man because
he will not change his political sentiments ?
This courSo of proceeding aloncV of Kit
ncr's. .officers, il there was nothing else,
will prevent the ie-elcctlon of Joseph Rit-
!,' From Iho'AUcghpnv Democrat
We publish lo-d:ly a letter from Judge
Shippcn.'thc President Judge of the 6tli Ju
dicial District ot the Commonwealth. 1 Ins
letter is another evidence of tho hiah and
exalted character of Gen. David R. Porter,
Within tho whole range of the state, no man
could have been selected, iiiofc unimpeach
able and of more pure anil amiable charac
ter, than Mr. Porter. This is evidence by
the testimony of all those who know htm;
by tfie ctrong voto of Huntingdon county
and of his whole Senatorial . district in his
favor, and by the fact too, that when elects:.'!
to the House, many years since, only -OJJE
vote was given against him, in his own town
ship. At his ejection for Senator,' only
THREE voles were polled against him as
we are informed, in that township. Thus
dining the period of about 20 years, lie has
-continued to enjoy these undeniable oviden-
ccs, oi tho esteem and .after lion of his im
mediate neighbors and acquaintances. Such
a man thus sustained by "those who knew
him lies," has notli'm? to fear from the de
tiactions and falsehood of malevolent and
interested demagogues.
Owing to my absence, your letter o,f the
1 Gilt inst. was not received until a week af
ter its dale. Tn reply, I have known D. R.
Torter well for many years I know him in
Lancaster and in Huniijigilon, in prosperity
and adversity, unmoved and unolinngeablc
by the vicissitudes of fortune uniformly it
firm, honest, high-minded man. . ,
It is irreally to be regretted fat the honor
fif the Slatfi, that every candidate selected
for high office io made tho; subject of the
most insidious attacks on his private char
acter, no mailer how fair his reputation. If
David R. Porter instead of being a candidate
for Governor, had been attacked in a Court
of justice, thoso who knew him best would
have stepped forth in mass, without respect
to party, lo repel the attack, and establish
his character as of, iho first grade for, honor
ann honesty, capablo and faithful in the dis
charge of every public duty he has been cal
led on to perform.
I am, very respectfully,
Bedford Spring, July 24, 1838.
Messrs. H. II. Van Aniringe, J. R. M'
Clintnck, 11. G. Rogera, D. Linch, G. R.
Espy, J. K. Monrhead.
Singular Death. Tho West Union
Free -Press says, that on Sunday last Reu
ben Scuttle, aged forty five years, came to
his death by swallowing tho bone of a chick
en, whiih located somewhere near tho en
trance of the stomach For seven or eight
days after it happened but little apprehen
sion was enteitainod. A few hours before
his death, a vomiting atul purging of blood
commenced, and thus soon-terminated his
existence. Cincinnati Daily News,
The Buffalo journal coincides in the
opinion that the "State of Ontario" and Ihe
"City of Manhatten," would havo boon n
grander and more original christening, 'that
the borrowpd name of-Now York, and
"trusts the press goneialiy will take tho nutt
ier up."
More Ilmcst TcHimonii! jVjbs Dcm-
rop, Esq. delivered an address at a lato PJ1-
,JV"?"",P ' r"T... B ' ' w, .
lliul lift lril iutrorl
lniH fho tiun,oeratic. candidate for Governor
David R. 1'orteu, was an honest, wirizht
and good man, who hud paid all his lionvsl
debts,- and that the slanderous ariiclcis now
circulated throughout tho Slate against his
honesty and character WERE ALL
rAliSii, mat ire Knew jen. rufter tp no, a
getillumuh, and from an investigation of the
ehaiges'againsl him, he belteved' be
falf-eand unfounded."
Here is an acknowledgement mado by a,
whig niembor of the late reform convention,
and a warm supporter of Gov, Ritner, who
boldly asserts Oofuio a Ritner meeting that
llie charges brought against uaviu k. f or
tcr, is believes to be all 'false,. We are
pleased lo perceive that there aro sonic hon
est men belonging-to the whigs who are
willing to tcsitly that they believe Gen. Da
vid R. Pouter, lo be an "honest and xijh
rieht man!" ...
Stcveils and Dickey use their canal offi
ces, as a prelcxt for wandering about the
Slate as political missionaries, making
ppeeches here and there, offering to bet on
Ritner, and talking largely in his favor, in
all companies lliey happen to meet. They
arc n couple ot adroit ciians; but tho wav
they disgraco iheir offices by their corrupt
conduct, injures their cause more than they
can gain by their ban lew, bulu speeches, and
lying assertions. iroi
We have beei) informed that 15 cr 20
Porter men havu been discharged from the
public works near Duncans Island, and NE
GROES employed in their plaees! If our
rulers begin thus early to practice llu'iv abo
lition doctrines, the whole coun'iotiwealilt
will tisc in o iy voice against them. Wc
enquire, and give the facts in our next. lb,
'Wc have just seen the affidavit of John
SlPtiebrakor, (tho elder.) We will -be" ah'lu
to show that llioroare not a'few, but a great
many lies in that affidavit and if the affida
vit oflhe'eon is. to bo believed,' the father
might as well 'be in Some prison lis to be
making affidavits for the federnl.p'artyi.
John Stonobralccr and his son ituTnrr"ly
exccptfor Senator supported Porter when
a condidate for office. Does not this give
the lie to their present vile fabrications.
Western Press.
Sam Patch Outdone. On Tuesday hist,
about two miles below the steamboat, hull
ing on tho Genesee River, a horse attached
to a cart loaded with wood, was precipitated
from llie' bank, cart and all, to the water's
edge below, a distance of 75 -feet, nearly
perpendicular, and after adjusting liimself,
commenced browsipg upon ifiu shrubbery,
without having received, the Iflait apparent
injury. Kochcttcr Daily "
Tfn Week? luilhout Ruin .'The shf.w
ers on Wednesday and Thursday weie the
first' we have liad for ten weeiw, although
within a few miles of towiv showers have
been - frequent. The com crop on several
plantations- is almost entirely destroyed, and
cotton materially injured.
OolumOuti Ga. Democrat.
The New Oi loans True American state
that that city has baan f.ivoroil with a new
importation of mosquitoes "very large fol
lows, extremely thirsty, and' like a fashion
able party altogether loo numerous to be
agreeable." , ., . ,
MARRIED On ihuOth in!, by the
Rev. rrilham J. Ever, Mr. David Clark,
of Ca'tawissa, to Miss Ellen Gearheart.
IJ LOOM BB 0 RG A R'i'I I.-L E It V '
' Will meet at the Hotel of Robert Ilaugh
aboul, in Seidletown, on Saturday, the 15ih
inst. at 10 o'clock, A. M. for Military Ex
ercise, accompanied by a Field Piece.
By consent of the company.
Sept. 8. , -
military Notice.
The members of the tndependemit Troop, are
notified to meet at the Hotel of Robert Ilaujbsbaut,
dt McUowaW Mill, on Saturday, the 15th of Sep
tember, at 10 o'clock, A. M. with arms accoutre
ments, aa the law dirertsa, for painJe and drill.
M. McDOWEIiLS. Capt.
N. U. It U expected that in addition to tho Troop,
tho Uriorcr'eok Hille Company, and tho Bloonsburg
rufantry and Artillery, will meet at the above time
and place.
Sloomslburg Rangers-
. You uro horohy Comiaamled to meet at too hou''
of Robert flaugheboul, in Seidletown on
Hatifrday, the 15the of September nest, nt 10 o'cloe
A. M. lawfully equipt for drill and encrciee,
K. U. An Appeal will lie held'for the fourh
July, by order of the Captain.
.. , DANIEL ifOAT, (3. S.
HTCH anavtore the same purpeeo as the
Lemons do. For sale at
ToIm' Hialth Emporium Rloomshurg.
ORANGES aud diil'erent kinds of WMwt ah
kind of nuu, all kinds of mint stick.! &e. iic.
Yos aale at
''obius' Health Emporium fitoomsburg.
Tobias' Health Emporivni, Bloomsburg
The latest AfirivnS of
JUST received, w.. lut,Camil from Pli'1ad('r','"'
In addition to thok former t0ck ot good.
Molasses, 6'wirar and Iitce,
5 bushels rf Salt, .
V ons.oj iron,
contiAmg ei-Wa-xon Tiro of vr ius aizrn, -r;-s
and ltro nhoi bar? ,&c. All for otto at tho luwcst
poHlble prices it their aotp, n Bl .ainamirg.
vvm. M'jueijV x x t-o.
5ept, 1, 1838.
4 tammath?;ds.
o lAijcc'a pleasant drink ftr sick'jiedpls. For
D.L S.TOBt AS'. Health Emporium.
jSOIt 8HA'v"INCL Thia Coi-rcrMhjJ riven
T Malefaction to ihoflkwLwho hfi'. - iriUonjl,
have found it bettertlmnnnyottfo'tavii.c ,r " '-v
cr offered to the public, Fo el' w
-Tvbins' Uriigg Store, Bloo-.nura
i. v r j
GeiUlem'en and Ludlci, Look Here.
OSR Tooth Posto and rompound CMorino
,Toolh Wash, for cleaning ond preserving ttic
Tuetn and Gum and the mouth, for salo
. 'tonUS" IIcalthEmpormn,
Ladies and Gentlemen please rea l this.
UORIFEROUS Persian Scent Bag, for lavin;
in Drawers Wardrobes. Trunks &c communi
cating i(o plfaamt pcrfurtio to the linens, lacc, &c.
anil Itecpiiij away the j)jot!i. - For sale at
Tobiav, If'qreh'oute'in liloonuburg.
Take Notice
PERSONS interested in the navigation
cuaquetiannn river, are hereby mfor.i Cj. ,
ilmorftcquencc of tho erection of 4il)am an 1 Pluko
1 1. A - r..i t.: r.:.. j,nnrMn,..
that town vVftl'rjsmiin closed until the Utof Ot to
iler, unlesj i ln pregresa of Iho ork ahuuk; justify
an earlier onernr': of the oluice, in uhic'i ca'-s cto
notice will be given. ' ''..
Ckiif Engineer Sttsquthanna Cane
Augmt 'J, 183.- v .
Keystone and Ictelligrfte'ri HarrMfarj; WUoni
an. illilton; Gazette, Wnuanwiort; rt.lof.Hr,
Vv'ilkejlmrre: Intelliireucer, Danville; Democrat,
BJooHiMuirpi and Aurora Borealis, Touan.'a, pub
lish tho above three tune, send one paper to outl
charge tlm otneo, . , ...
. ' . i". " . v)k . .
TJ-TJST reecivddj and Tor salewtlhe,
9 in 131ooniborg:, a'treah eupply 1 1 - 1
'' ' ' MJS,k'c.'t.
Inquire at the Rtpre of
. . .. RUPERT it BA RTC ,
August 11, 838. sv '.C
a Fiite s-upply cr "' "
EVAKST ammomil8 Pills. Brandeil.'j
PiUs. LuiilV'fl lills. For. sale by
' ' , nS-S.'-I'OMAS; Bloomsburg.
UST receive! a new supply of
rresh silackertl,
' Good assortment of Calicote.
ifalm Leaf ffats, V- ' . , . .,
'Bale rf Cafpfina Mcrts, ' '
Spring Sir.4'anali'a'g'gr.'. Ti::,
Saddlery; 'f, ., , . i-.
F good ouality, hy 1O-100-1 HCO
TOjlIM) rrwn uarm, ana w; mg iuk
the ,Cal
il For ctio by
DJoomsburg, Juae 8, 23.
If you ivant to Buy CHEAP.
AM Wood, ground; Chrom. GrfentUrop Lake;
Fustic; LocvoodixMadden'SpaaishlJrowr!, for
ale at .
Tobias'. Heal th Emporium, Blcorcsfc 'rg.
Boat Suffer too much! Here is RcnieJy!
Wile intmenS,
ST almost ienuediately remove the pains ond ot
Uys the inlhmaiian, and by attending to tha
dkeetiom, the sufferer will be speedily lclicveJ
romtheuiiploaiantafl'ictlen, Cull at
Tobias' Health Emporium, Blocmsbnrg.
fW IIS valuable Medicine la a certain cu.-r Jji
I younrr children, ia chelic, convulsions, rcst
Icsjucw, sripiug. disordered lwels, green stools,
sour vomitings, &c. For sale at
Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsbvrg,
Astonishing Facts.- A certain RurJy
for the Fevet and Ague,
WARRANTED a prompt and effectual t. ro
For .!-
Tobiajs' Health" Emporium, Blooming.
Improved Aperient Set Ali'z Powders',
IjJT.D ip hijh ottiinaljpn for 'ndi e.lii:n I e.'rt
h irn and bi'.lioui allactiont. For er.l.- a.
Was' Health Emporiuni, Bloonurs;.
'SfTfc BD and White Chalk Ifel 'JaUijr Ah
JCeM Pumice atone. 9dr tale at
'l'o6a' Health Emporium Bloomsburj