The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 01, 1838, Image 4
C01TOTMPffI01T. I EADER, if you have a cough or cold beware of their consoquertccs. Colds generally pro- iuco imperceptibly, and insuiuato themselves throughout tin human system, lliially settling upon the lungs, and ending in consumption. A WORD TO PARENTS. ; Uow often is youth cut down when IcasX expect , ed by the consumption, andt followed to their graves by parents who are in a measure the cause of their . premature death, in neglecting to remedy colds when existing in childhood, looffing upon them as trilling affections, and hot attracting their police until tho destroyer has commenced its work end made sure of its victim. This is not a fanciful representation, for daily numerous instances occur which prove the fact, ,. In manhood colds terminate in tho same way, but do not progress bo rapidly ps in youth; they should, however, in both youth and manhood, bo early at tenden to, and not rogarded as trilling affections, ..fur it is a delusive idea that lias shortened tho lives of thousands. Dr. BECHTER'S PULMONARY PRESERVATIVE, (rricoJFifty cents per Bottle,) t Is an invaluable preparation, discovered by a regu lar and celebrated German physician, who has cm ployed it upwards of fifty years in his own practice in Germany, throughout which countty it lias been during that time most extensively and successfully employed in Coughs, Colds, Cataarb.3; Asthmas, Whooping Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain of tho Breast and Sides, all affections of tho Breast and Lungs, and arrest of approaching Consumption. Much may be said in praise of tho above medicino, but newspaper advertising being loo cxpenvivo, eve ry satisfactory evidence will be found in all its ef fects upon trial, as well as numerous recommenda tions accompanying the directions. Upwards o 7000 bottles w'cro sold in Philadelphia alone dur ing the last winter, a convincing proof of its efficacy or so large a quantity would never have been sold. Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, Sd street, below Vino, No. 101. ALSO, SOLD BF . D. S, TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg, May 26, 1833. Iy5. PREMONITARY HINTS, AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION. I EADER, did you ever sco a confirmed Dys l peptic, and learn his sufferings If not, suf Ceo it to say, he is a pale, thin and chastly lookinrr .object, his lifo apparently hanging by a thread; ho is miscrablo and unhappy, his sufferings indiscriba- ble. , Are ou niuch troubled with flatulency, costive. nes3, sour eructations arising from your stomach .occasional vant of appetite, waterbiash, a bad taste in your mouth, or fouLbreath, pain or a heaviness at your stomach, sickness altercating, headache, dis trust at your once favorite food, &c. If you are much trouble'dl-With any of the 'foregoing symptoms, i r i c ' " .i .... c . t . ruripg uciuro you mu piciuru ui uic uyspepue, aim having resolved to remedy tha conseqnences, im mediately procure Dr.Leidy'sTpnicQ-Anti-DyspepiicCordial A never failing and efficacious remedy for DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, And the whole train of affections resulting from dis eases if the Liver, Stomach and Intestines. J?" Tnc above medicine is warranted free from mer cury or other minoral preparations; it is composed .entirely if vegetables,, safe end enay to take, being very pleasant to the taste, it may be ejlajy admin istered to young and old, requiring but moderate re strictions in diet onlyi. , , , Numerous testimonials have been from time to .time published; its reputation is so well known, fur ther comment upon its virtues is unnecessary, suf fice It to say, rr rus jr.EVKn fjlilku is a sinbi, instance. Further recommendations accompany tho directions around each bottle. CCjPrico OneDollar pcrbotUe. Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, 2d street, below Vine, No. 191. Also Sold by . . .. . D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg, May 20. Iy5 . "WONDERFUL CURES 'Havt been performed in this city, and throughout the country. . b?M LEIDY'S . . MEDICATED SAIi SPARILLA. BEING a concentrated fluid extract of Sarspa rillo, combined with pther vegetable extracts, which renders it as a medicine of great utility in the cure of all diseases aritingfrom the impurities of the blood from indiscretions and imprudencics in life, and constitutional 'diseases formed or produced by the injudicious use of mercury, arsenic, bark, or quinine. In short, it is an invaluable remedy for all Rheumatic Affections, General Debility, Ulcerous Bored, White Swellings, Diseases of tho Liver apd Skin, Ulcerated sore throat. Ulcers of the Nose, Ca ries of tho diseases of the Bones, -Scrofula or King's Evil, Erysipelas or St. Anthony's Fire, and all un pleasant and dangerous affections consequent to Syphilis, Lucas Venereal, &. So effectual has this medicine been in the euro of various diseases for which it isi recommended, that it is far superceding all other preparations of Sa'rspa rilla, Panacea &c. , , It is now employed by numerous physicians and been introduced by them into many hospitals, nfirmarics, &c. throughout tho United States. It .is a preparation of greater strength (conse quently greitcr cfiicacy) than any other extract tow made, is also much cheaper, being but one dol lar per bottle; wjiich is sufficient to raako one Gal lon of Syrup of, .SarBparilla, and is bought by dif ferent druggists for thaj purpose. Numerous certificate's have been received and published from tlmo to time, but in consequence of flje. great eypcjiso attending newspaper publication of them, the most incredulous can lie convinced of the superior efficacy of Dr. Leidy's .medicated Sars jtarillaby'calliDs at " Leidy's Health Emporium," No. 191, North second treo,bcjow Vine, signjof the Golden Eagle and Serpents, where certificates and references can be given to hundreds of instances of the most remarkable cures ever performed by any modicine. . Prepared only and f old .Wholesale and Retail at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, 2d street, below Vine, No. 191. ALSO SOLD BY . . D. S. TOBIAS, loomnburg, June 3, 1838. OLD LEAF, SILVER LEAF, anil COr.' r PER liRAP. For sale at To liid i' Drugg Store in Jiloomtburff. AND . - Threshing Machine MANUFACTORY. THE subscribers respectfully Inform the public in general, that they have erected the-above mentioned establishment for all kinds of to order; and olsn to Vaimfactiire TJIUBH1I- M.icjtir.ym and vokmuiai JIOMSi: POW'miHj all ofwhich they will make of the best of materials, and in the most work manlike manner, and will dispose of them on rea sonable terms. L. II. MAU3 & Co. Bloomsburg, May IP, 1338. 4 MVI3R1T AND taSsfisSci EXCHANGE, tafiaw ERY respectfully informs his friends and the public, that ho has always on hand, at his LI very Stable in Bloomsburg, for the purposes of Hiro or Exchange, a variety of Horses, Sulkies', GIGS, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS, which he will feel gratified to keep in readiness for ttie accommodation of customers. Personal application can be made at his residence, when every means will bo used to render entire sat isfaction to those who may give htm n call. NOAH S. PRENTIS. Bloomsburg;, May SO, 1838, tALARATUS, Glauber Salts, Epsom salts, for sale at the Cheap tlealth Emporium. ihiiimiskbs To the "islvcsscd & Afflicted! TOBIAS'S HEALTH EMPORIUM And Family Drug Warehouse. iiKAim, "The poor man's riches tho rich man's bliss." HE suhscriber would respectfully announce to his friends and tho public that ho has opened a general assortment ot Drugs & BSeicines, at his Drug and Chemical Store in Bloomsburg, anu tnat lie win oc nappy to supply the wants o thoso who may give him a call. Among his as sortment arc : Alcohal, Aqua Amonia, Aqua pepper, Arsenic white do. yellow Allonatto Agarric Aqua Foitis Blue Mass Block Tin . Barley pealed Borax Bronze white do yellow. Carb Ammonia Cinnamon Cochineal Crab's eyes Cloves , Draggon's blood Ginger Gum Absafcctida do. Opium do. Aloes do. Arabic do Barbadocs Aloes Camphor Gum Copal t do Myrrh Horse Lance Isinglass Russia Lamp black Mustard , ( Muriate of Tin Maco Nippel Shields do Shells Opodeldoc liquid do Steers Pills German Guininc Radix Calcicum . do Senega Snake do Squills Resin plaster Steel Powder, Stodeli ,bittqrs Stono yelloW do rotten do black Sandpnper sordtc Solution of tin Spt..Eathcr Sulph. do Niter: Eathcr , do Hartshorne Vials all kinds Wafers red and black Krcosote Window Glass all sorts Whiting Sandet Salts Cologno Water Black Ivcry ALSO. . Allspice, Black Pepper, Bed Pepper, Iron Host. , , D. .S. TOBIAS. Bloomburg, May 10, 1833. BERNARD RUPERT, TAILOR. tl U AS jUst received tho Sprinir Fashions from jOL Philadelphia, and is ready to make all kinds ot garments in the newest and mct fashionable style. BIcomsburg, May 5, 1838. .. MYERS OPEN YOUR. EYES. BENGAL Indigo; Spanish do, Vcrdigrics, blue Vitriol; Whito do. for hale cheap and good, at the uloomsDurg ware uousc, uy I). S. TOBIAS; LtJE SMAL'J'Z, Whito Frostinrr, Iceland Alofs lor consumptive People; Secars, Com- loon, Spanish a,id Half Spanish; and a thousand herarticlcs too tedious to mention, for salo at Tobiaa'' Health Emporium. White kalian Mulberry. FOR SALE AT TOHIJ1H1 JlE.ILTJt IJirORIUJI, IN BLOOMSBURG. Dr. Weaver's Worm Tea and Salve. THE action of this Modicine is not only to ox pel Worms, but by its tonic powers, to pre vent a return of them, by removing the weak ttate of (he jligorttivo organs on which their pi oduction niunly depends. For salo by D. S. TOBIAS, Health Emporium, Bloomsburg, BOSE OINTMENT, certain cure for totters, ringworms, pimples on the face, and other cutaneous eruptions.- Ask for 1 bitB' Health Emporium; Blooimbufg, ALL KINDS OF . JOB WORK Executed at this OfGcc. NEW PTTTHIE subscribers have just rccciml, at their old a establishment, in Bloomsburg, n new and general assortment of Goods, laid in with great care and suituble for tho present and approaching eca-" sons ; which, with their former stoeit, tney natter themselves, presents as various a choice ot. goods as can bo had in any part of tho country, and which hey arc disposed to part with at the lowest price for Cash or in exchange 'for Country Produce. Their Slock of DRY GOODS : consists of all varictirs of the manufactories of Silk, Flax, Cotton, and Wool, and yheir numerous com binations, in England, France and America. Superfine, Fine, Common, and Coarse Cloths, Cnsslmcis ami attlnctts ; Cotton Goods from the Coarsest to . the Finest texture; a . mong the latter an jts sorlment of French Chintz. , es, Muslins and Calicoes of new and superb patents, Silks and Silk Vcslings, Shawli, Handkerchiefs, fyc, Irish linens, . dressed and undrcsed, French Lawns and brown Hollands. Groceries & Liquors, Sugar, Coffee, Chocolate, Tea, Spices of all kinds, several kinds and qualities of Brandy, Spirits,Runi, Whiskey, Wine and .Molasses. Knives nnd Forks, Cutlery, Saddlery, Coach nnd Wagon mountings and trimmings, Scythes, Mil and X cut oaws, i ools for ill.ick&mitlw, bhocma' kcrs, Saddlers, Tailiirs, Carpenters and other me. chanics. CBOTA, GHLASS AND Crockery Ware, Cedar Ware. wi&r,oijiAyt oTiinn ita&KETft, ' and a thousand and one other articles which it is mpossiblo separately to mention. Paints, Ki'EJgs ased Bye SiufEs. IRON STSKli of all kinds and qualities of foreign and domestic manufacture. Dont throw away good bargains by neglecting to call on , WILLIAM McRELVY Co. Bloomsburg, May IS, 1838. 3 The Victory Won, FTER long, tedious, and expensive experi ment, ur. Jjcnly lias discovered a method whereby tho virtue of the, Sursaparilla is extracted, so as to bo formed into Pills without dulroying iU cjicacy. Innumerable attempts have been madp to acconv phsh this important object, but all failed. It is im portant, because the Sarsaparilla, as' a medicine, in an diseases to which mankind is subject is product ive of more real good, than the wholo catalogue of luuuiciiio in use. Ark all, rcspectablo physicians the Question. What is the most effectual purifier of tho blood, and the most popular medicine usedl" they will answer unanimously, Sanuparilla. What better recom mendation can bo asked J DR. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA OR BLOOD PILLS, Price, Twenty-five Cents a Box. They must surely command a preference, for they aro not composed of Sarsaparilla alono, but contain, in a concentrated stute in the Jumi of a pill, the virtues of tho principal ingredients contained in the compound fluid, extracts, syrups, and other prepara tions of Sarsapaiillu, They aro highly recommended by numerous phy slcians, and others, (too directions around each bot tle) in Rheumatic Afl'ections, Schrofula Erysipelas, Jaundice, Heaitburn Diseases of the Livcr,skili bones and glands. Pain of tho sides, along the back and sphie o vcr tho rcgiop pf the heart nnd stomach. Inward fevers, bad taslo iuthomoutli.foulbreath Flatulency, Indigestion. Sour eructations and. acid itiea of the stomach. Want of appetite, Ulcc-ous soree of tho nose throat and body. Scaly Eruptions and blotches of the skin. Dry and watery pimples and pcstules of the face and body. Tetter nnd ringworms. Swellings and hardening of the glands of tho neck, in tiio groins, breast. &c. Stomach Coughs, Liver complaint.' YvulcrliraBli, and all tho wholo train of diseases resulting from impurity of tho blood, constitutional disoasos pro duced by Morcury. ur other minerals, or the conse quence of Syphilh , Lues Venereal, fcc. , For convenience of taking, as well as making but small bulk, bein in flat square bones, comynient for carrying in the pocket oi for travelling nuronuw thry must bo preferable to all other preparations of ourtHiiuiuu. . . - , For sale, Wholesale and Retail at Dr. Leidy's HcaltliBmporium, and mxfrVlne street,Philadelpliia, For sale by D. S. TOBIAS. IL of stone While, do. red, black, sweet", , Cas In. n,l nil wl,. l,lJ...f nil. . . . - ' uu w'uu Aujuaui uiis, lor sal at Tobias's Health Emporium. "HTUST received, and for sole, a quantity of "firs $J? rato STONE COAL, by n, , O U. FISHER, Bloombburg, May S6. Wp AISONS, all kinds of Condios, Hock wudy a" hi'l'l of Nuts, Oranges, Figs, PruneSl Le, moiis, cvc. &c. iic. for sale bj D. S. TOBIAS. THE THIRD VOLUME 1 , Commencing with tlioJulyNuiubefforlSSe. A COOD'ori'OUTU.NlTY FOKNEW DUBSORMMtS. The Largest and Cheapest Periodical in (he United Stales. ', inn GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, ebitui nr wutUM ncnTov, riiiLAiitLrniA. Now publishing- in Monthly Numbers, The proprietors havo much pleasure in announc ing to the reading public, the complete success which ha3 attended the establishment of this Jlnua7.ine - a success far beyond their utmost expectation!!, ond consuierauiy exceeding the prosperity ot any, other publication in America. Tho daily increasing sub scription list, and tup suiiKiiora commi;nji.iiv tices or tiii: rnss, atit the merits and tho nomt- I'rity of the Gentleman's Magazine, each number oi which contains. More OrigitsjaR Matter titan any other monthly publication. The contents embrace a fertile lance of amusing and instructive subjects, by authors of cele brity. Original lulrs ol powerful interest; Humorous and Giapliio delineations of men and manners; Novel sketches of Foreign lands; Poetry ; Characteristic Studies; Es says on popular sobjjicts, and Biographical notices ofcelcbratcd Ecconliic persons, with many original Anecdotes. The new pub lications are reviewed in full ; Liberal ex tracts are made front' rare and valuable works presenting a complete account of the POPULAR LITERATURE OF THE HAY. An Original Copy-right Song, not,otberwise to be obtained, will be given, with tho music, in every number. Tho Gentleman's Magazine containa Seventy-two, extra-sized Octava pages, cf two columns each, form ing, at the closo of the. year, two large volumns of one thousand, seven hundred and twenty-eight col umns each column contains more (ban an octavo pago of avorage proportion, and each monthly num ber has moro reading matter than a volume of a novel. Tho work in ncfttlyprintcd, on good paper, nnd stiched in a neat colored cover. Several Engrav ings wilt bo given in tho course of the year, and the proprietors plcdgo themselves to produc an agreeable book an epitome ofLife's adjunctives a Literary Melange, possessing variety to suit all palates, arid sufficient to command a place upon the parlot table of every Gentleman in (lie United States. A NEW FEATURE, Of Great Novelty and Utility, is introduced into tho volume collimeticinj the present year, viz. THE ANNIVERSARY REGISTER: Or Monthly Calender of American Chronology, Exhibiting Correct Hates ofthc Births and Deaths of Eminent men, Land nnd Sea Fights, Treaties, Extraordinary and Mcmorablo Events, and other matters connected with thk uisTonr up Aurr.r.irA. i Tho fulness and acuracy of this Chronology, which has been complied at great ox'penso - of time &labor renders-it a valuable addition to thu pages of the Gentleman's Magazine. There is no other Calender like it in existence, TERMS Threo Dollars per annum, payable in advance. . All letters, postage paid; addressed io Charles Alexander. Athenians Buildings Fran'i'liri Place, Philadelphia, will meet with the earliest attention. LOOK OUT SHARP .') tho cheap Ware House, by TTONE. better in tho known world, for salo at TOBIAS in Bloomsburg. LACK INK, Red Ink, Blue Ink, Durable Ink for eale ut tho cheap Health Enporium, by D. S. TOBIAS. Evans1 Cammpmilc Pills, Waranted to bo genuine. Anderson's Pills, &, all other kinds of Pills. Fly Stone, to kill Flies with. Fish Seed, to catch fish with. TRUSSES, Spunges, for sale at TOBIAS' Health Emporium. ggJMOKED HERRING, Sugar crackcrs,and Vu iJ3 tu irackcrs, far Balo by I) S. TOBIAS, fit Bloomsburg. WEEKLY "SPIRIT OF THE TIMES. fN the First Saturday in .Zugtts! will be y published the firt numba of the" WEEK. XA' SPIRIT OP 'J'1113 TiBlES," which will bo mado up from tho beet ror.rnuAi. articles of the duily,rtt,f the Time," and shall also con tain The latest Foreign and Domestic Intelligence; Interesting MiscellauuousGleanings.Talos, Puetry, Amusing Police Reports, and such other matter as will render it a complete Family Newspaper, suita Mo for all clasdos of persons. Vc have been in duced to this undertaking from the constaut request made to us by our country frirnds, to furnish a newspaper calculated for circulation among tho far mers and yeomanry ofthe interior of the state. Be hoving such n paper might prove an important aux iliary to secure the success of Democratic principles at tho approaching election for a chnnge of rulers in tho commonwealth, wo shall (jo forward with the publication, oxpecling to receivo a liberal support from tho Democracv of the Kryostono state. The "Weekly Spirit of. lio Times" will be printed with good type, upon a handsomo double medium r-heer, ond will be furnUhed to Hinglo sub scribers t TWO IJ(fJ,h.IItS per annum one dollar payable invariably in advance. Clubs or individuals wishing tho paper, can havo it for one year at tho following rates: Six copies for - - - $10 00 Fifteen - -. - - - 825 00 Forty - 850 00 And a jiroportionato roduction for a larger num ber of copies. Purtons wishing to subscribe, oro requested to furnish their names forthwith, (postage paid) to tho publishers, in Philadelphia. ANDREWS, MEADER.S-DU SOLLE. K?Sitbscription3 received at this office. FOR SAE BY. D.S.TOBrAS, Agent. Bloomsburg, June 2U, 1 J8. VEGETABLE UNlVEltSU rUniiESE pills have obtained Jl ing most diseases to Which tho human ,r , is llabli'. lincxnnmlnl inil, 1,:...-.. ., . J" art. Thev it, kit. "mi" . Uln and bowls, nil bad humours from the Blood ' . r ii,r ''"'-"s'rcsatou, The thousands who use and recommend ii,.,. nrnnl' tm.ilii'K nf ll.nlr ...I.. . . ""W, i(rlfcr ' ""'u'"y uu benefit, The subscriber hea received the nppointmow , int. uioomsiinrrr. iono are trctm ' . sale, without a certificate of appointment tkZ.l the nronnctnr nml cnnhfr'rsimio.l I... i . " general agent; and no certificate i9 ever those engaged in the Drug business. ' J. R. MOYEII Bloomsburg Aug. M 1838. jjj Trmriivinrr ln,ic.l ,!,.. ." ere t .t 7 r. n,cn 'ii oountv, and having thoroughly rcpaiud ihelL, , and btables, is now ready to accommodate tlicr' bvnuuuiiuy in a manneriliatwlil salibf,' ' expectations. His B R and LARDEIt nillnlii ' bo supplied with thn hmt. lln.i r-n,. i, .V the country; ond hofinllcrs himttlf h Minll bL'' tiled to administoi tn ilm mmt.,1 of all who may call on him. ""1"Mt' SEGA K JJarANUFACTOltr. KTe luw a so estn i iminl , m.,ni..r.:.. 4 . ai c. i. m . """""-iui,v ior mat f ini Si'irnrs. T'iil Tl. H.....V . V supply Jlcrchants and Tavern keepers with Mt quantity of Segars. from tho common to tho bcsM .a,,,,, vui iooacco anu snull, uponasrei sonablctermi) ei they can bp procured in the Stat. BlQomsburg, July, S 1st 1833. t 'inilj'i next, nrnini i. mmiwr ,rii. r .. K1 f.L' mn I...... .1! I.. 1 ., .. . -. number ofthe Democratic Review having b .Vrui hshed in October, 183G, in advance of tho re ulai mommy issue commencing in January, IH33 It becomes necessary to intermit one month'11 pubiica. tion, bo as to hi ing tho usual series of twelve mm. bcrs within thq present year. Advantage willta token of this delay to complete in tho next, cr&p. tembcr, nurobfr tho History of the Ian session if Congress," executed in tile same m.-uncr as the " History ofthe B.xtru sctsion," which guvo such general satisfaction in tho January and Fcbruarj -- .V. UJO, Jpi ILT Book Boxes, Silk do. Paper do. GCl 'OT Bends, Fancy do. cut do. plain do. LaJ)ci' Waxes, Cilt Thimbles, Hooks & Eyes, Needle ca ses, all kinds of Smelling Bottles, very hamUw; Breast Pins, Ear rings, Finger rings, Pomatum, SuuffBoxes, Hair Brushes, Pocket combs, Liad Pencils, black and red; for sale at - TOBIAS' Health Emporium. If IT T TMTlTf1 AUlJiljUMMlO, Will you he so kind as to look at this!! HITE Qluc; Flake White: Oxalic. Atil for sale at tho Health. Emporium by D. S. TOBIAS. OITARCH, Snuff Bean"!, Sand Papcrol all kinds, )55piritsTcrpentinc, Cocoa prepared Chocolate lor sick people A fir?h supply for tale at tho Hcalla Linporium in Bloomsburg, by D. S. TOBIAS. MERCURIAL Ointment, Sulphur do. Simple do. Percipedatc do. Red, Cetrin do. Tartar Emetic do. and alt other kinds of Ointments, for salo at tho Health Emporium, by D. S. TOBIAS, in Bloomsburg. FOfJSHING POWDER, to clean and poli-h all kinds oi. Metal, and Horse Powder, for salo at the cheap Drugstore, in Bloonisbiirg,.by D.S.TOBIAS. ADMINISTRATORSMNOTICE. "gr ETTERS of Administration havinrr beta SLA Grautcd upon the. estate of Abraham Kline1 deed, of lishing Creek township, Columbia coun ty. All persons indebted to said estate, are rcque ted to make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against taid estate must present them to tho subscribers, duly attested, or bo barred according to law. JOHN KLINE, , MATTHIAS KLINE, Fishing Crcelc June 23, 1833. cutors. Gentlemen and Ladies come and look at the handsome . SjRENCH double reetifioj.and scented with tho Otto of Roso, fur salo at Tobias's Health Emporium. GLAD TIDINGSU TraTTS iTb'C'sr T.Tor rr ffj EC COMMENDED by Doct, . Wilson as a certain euro for Rheumatism. Also, BED LINIMENT, Roccommendcd by Doct. Dam, of Philadelphia, or the followingcomplalnts Rheumatism, Weak, ness and stuTness ofthe Joiuts.&c. For sale at . lobtas Health Emporium, Bloomsburg. 'IT, nf S . ' oiiruco uecr,- Extract of Sarsparilla. Tooth Powder. Spaluta. Emery. Castel Soap. Lady's, I aim Soap to Wash. Distilled Verdigrios. OU of Soap, for taking out of cloths Spota, btains, Grease, &c. All for salo at Tobias' Health Emporium. DOCT WEAVER'S EYE-SALVE, uu-.iiviuiiorsore, weaK and Inflamed eyes, reccommended by somo of tho best physicians in Philadelphia. For sale at the Cheap Health Emporium, D. S. TOBIAS, in Bloomsburg.