The Danville ' Intelligence says Cthat '.logates assembled in county convention, opinion ; oi upon tlio low intrigues which s0"i John F,WiIson, George Kelclineri "Doct. Petrikin never yet failod. to gel a1 and it appears to be his determination, if wo. have cither been practised , upon'him, or he John Knorr." vciruhr democratic nomination when he was may judge from tho course his friends arc must have practised upon others inthedis- Mifflin John Keller, jr. Samuel Creasy, r-mrfidate for office.'. This is a candid pursuing, to "run tho heat" whether the charge of tho collateral ditties of his station? Henry Kos, John W.. Stiles. .,: ... I . .. , ni i ...1.-11'..- ! r. I 71 r.,... tl'i! -xt n..i. ti-i !.! confession truly,, fqr tho Intelligencer to democracy 01 wisn nira to or no. m may-iuoao wuuuvo m auer ages, i muii mmw, uusn x einKinj make, and one that we did not expect.from, If this determination is carried, into effect, read appropriately under tho Hie jacet ol B- K. Rhodes, Samuel Wilson, Mordan- it whrn wo remember that in almost every I feel confident that the democracy of Co- JJavid rctrikin, an epitaph ot import some- Jacuson, wesicy it. Ucarhart. instance when the Doctor has ' a, candi- lumbia county will place their seal of con- lifdite foranofilco ho has been bitterly op- demnation on all who may bo associated in posed by that paper,,,and .defeated in conse- this work of disorganization! n.,.nCo of such oonosition. Surely the de- A DEMOCRAT OP LIMESTONE. -1 i . mocracy of tho" editor must .be of "easy I virtue," arid "easily bent," if ho can be . FOR THE COLUJiniA DEMOCRAT. .thus induced to -acknowledgq his own, vas- Bcclaratioil oflntlcpcildcilCC, cillating course, for theJast Uon years, ,and "Vhen in tho course of political ovents it thing like the following : " Facilis descensus Avcrnlscd rcvocarij .1. Hoc hbor. ; Hoc onus' est. " Among the charges which are most pro minont against his official career, wo will, at' present content ourselves with a reference to the influenco he has' exerted on the Fost- Ofiice Department, in.tho discontinuance of John Shearer. Madison- Jeremiah Wclliver, Swisher, Joseph R. Pegg. - Jacob Militarv Notice; Tlio members of tho liulepcndonnt Troop, fttS riJtificd to meet at the Hotel of Robert Haugheboiit, at McDowells' Mill, on Saturday, tlio lBlh of Sep tember, at JO 'o'clock',' MM. with arms accoutre ments, as the law directs, for parade and drill: N. n. It U exnectod that in addition to ilioTroor). tho BriercreeK' Uiflo Company, and tiro Uloonsburg inianiry aim Aruucry, wm jueci ai me uoovo urns and place.- . , Mount Pktutmt xrm. J. ikicr, Philip Bloomsburg R&ngers, Kisler, George Omans, - . . LrrTCSTrS SugarlodfWm. E. Roberts, John Da- Saturday, tho lOtho of. September next, at j,0,o'cloo. vis, Samuel Hess, T. W. Young- - A. MIajvfuUy equipt for drill and exqreu, o ' I N. III. An Annnnl will ho lipid Tnr thn fnnrli Limestone John Fulmer, John Fulton, Jnly, by order of the Captain. " . - t. VANlUli IIOAT,- U. S. ry to sustain a particular friend. What jlas oncc.cnjoyed tlieir confidence, received sayyou democrats of Columbia, to such lhejr support and .is 0n .soliciting thoiH Edd 0arbmdal Columb NanticoUe Ihis readiness to oppose tho regular nomina- secms mect for a constituency, to withdraw J.. 1. . .T" . 1 " XT ' ' loa "y. Jr SAPONACEOUS COMPOUND 1 it..' p.i. J.,B-iii,m nMm ..... r. i...- 1 . "ltU35 anuupuu me remove ojoiuj.anaino Jjwmycr, ir.,John Alo Williams. SHAVING. . This Comnound has riven f . "ZX; W. ,1 "eir ?UP1 . , " . PU , , I Z appointment of new Post-Masters.. To FishingcVcck-VMn Morris, Daniel thousand who hVe used it, and ,, , ,!,., i j ni :n- oi.t - a. -i. ii i . uuvu munu u ucnerc nan any ouier pnavini? soap ev- aujijjuii. iiiusu uaiu3, yuiraiiui;, UMiiiier a OlOKerj ADrauam iviine. On motion of II. Webb, it was Resolved, Shlckshinny, &c. &c. &c. &c. to. the end That a Committee of five be appointed to ot tlio chapter, - may spealt, and their testi- prepare an address to the freemen ofColum mony will be loud and condemning. Was bia county upon the subject of tho coming Cole, Koons, Sturuovantpr I hompson dis- Governors EJcctipn when the chair ap placed on .authenticated charges ? And pointed the following named gentlemen V what were the grounds upon which Piers.on Best, John Cooper,- II, Webb, Levi L. was rejected ? Havo ..the .public interests Tate, and Stephen Baldy. . been better promoted by tho changes that towards you. If ho has onco gone astray I for interest, will h6 not again do so when. ever it may suit hi. purpose. Ths Danville. Intelligencer complains .that we do not publish all tlo. resolutions that he can manufacture, -to create an influ ence in favor of Doctor Fctrikin.. Why should wo? If the Doctor is as. popular as the Intelligencer represents, we can see no uso in filling our columns weekly, yith all tho fulsome adulations of. him, .that can be invented, and brought forth from every nook. and corner in the county, where two' nr Ihrnn n lin rrnlliftrpfl Irfffntlinr. Wr fin .notbcliovo m such popularity, liut we ,are not surprised at the anxiety expressed . for their'publication. They aro too costly to be smothered under a bushcL Ten dol- lars xi sett is too much to pay without an extensive circulation. others requires, that tho reasons for such withdrawal should bo candidly and unequi vocally expressed ; that all men may have equal ovidenco on which to base opinions respecting tho correctness of tho secession. Such reasons, we are aware, should not be light and trivial; but substantial in their na ture, and consequential in their import. Wo ljojd it to be a political truth, that in a tho govern ment of the United States, all servants elect ed by the people to places of, trust and hon or, are. to icprcsent, to tho fullest extent in their power, tho interest of the great body of their constituency, without stooping to consult the feelings, of selfish popularity, private pique, or jaundiced animosity. He who basely bends his min$ to, the. adaption anv other phavinir soan ev. cr offered to the public. For ealo at - ,y olnas1 Urugg glare, Bloam&hurst Gentlemen anil Ladies', Look Here. " OSE Tooth Pasto and Compound Chlorino I'ooth Wash, for clcaninp: arid prescrvinc the Teeth and Gums and Cleansing tho. mouth, fox salo ai , , . TOBIAS Health Emporium. Ladies and Gentlemen please read this. OKTlORIFR'RhltS PpraianSer.'rftTW.fnr laving Resolved That the proceeding of this Gym Drawers Wardrobes, Trunks &.Communf- have been made ? Thesa arc (rrnvo inmii. mnntincr 1m sirrnrd hv tlm nffioprs. nnil mil,. cat'S its pleasant perfume to tho linens, laces, &c. D. ,Q 0 j , . - , tviiiuii uui ucpibouuvatirc la uajjuuiuu i iiaiiuu jiii an iuu jLuuiuui aiiu Jupura 111 UUUU' not only gravely but satisfactorily to an- ty. swer, or wo hold ourselyes absolved from all pplifical allegiance to him or to his fu- 1 lure interests, and shall unhesitatingly claim and fcarleaalyvcxercisc, the unquestionable right of independent electors. On him, and on his fortunes, the certain consequences must rest. ABRAHAM YOUNG, President. Daniel Gross, Secralari,s Levi L. Tate, S CsCcrmm3' From Mexico. We learn from the Mer- rav 'Fobiasl'JVareliounc in JJloomsburg. JBRSONS interested, in tbo navigation of th? Susquehanna river, arb herebv informed, that jn conscquenco of tlio erection! a l)am and Sluico in tho river at Columbia, thq rafting, yhannel near that town will remain closed until tho lsVuf Octo- . It being court weok, wo havo passed a fow days at Danville, and havo been high ly gratified at the strong expression mani- war. Ontario. off the S. W. Pass on the 2d inst., having f!nn it hn nriMmiilp,! tl.nt fho miorpota nf sailed from Tamoico on tho 20th. ult.. Vera of feelings as the governing principles ofJj ircd Uisplacement of Cruz en the 23d, and Matamoras on the anv uaib ui ilia uiiiuiii auis. wuiuu ijuasuast i i i I olii " xwkum. u s ,,.n5n!n.lSnl nf ,i, f P" .01" ?f ?re 60 ,ar 10 our atlehtivo correspondent at Matamoras ....' r a . relinquish our. better judgmcnts, be- hn wi,ich we are informed -that Mexico was lieve that an uniform and uncomnromisins tranquil. Orders had been received at Ma- ".11 I . . i ... . . . V chut.' Transcript, that the U, 8. sloop. ZSE SS xjiuar;, tuiiiui.iiiujui, aiwvun notice will be eiven. Roman virtue as of genuine American de mocracy; and though ho might possess tho that there is but otic 'person before Hie peo- of tho l5lll Concressiorial District of Penn pie as a candididalc for Congress, from this Syivania, nothing can be more arrogant, or Congressional district. Uelicvmg that l)etray a more misplaced confidence in self, at tho last election, JUtUM McKiiX- than for a Rcnresentativeno attempt to wield K WULUb, Jj.sq, was cheated and dclraudcd pr0scriptivo weapons,l0r assume for a mo- out oi ins election, aim mai mu voieo oi uiu mcnt cj,aracler 0f Dictator. TllOUgll democracy of Columbia county, as thc prominence of his ofiicial station may (niAHln ll n n rrtUl ti ny nfn Oman.. nlin.iltl I ' I rtf nnr norV- nr m r nminfrv- Minn Mm tfrn fesled by our democratic brethren from vari- injustice, and in all cases, meet the rcbuk- unbcndin Democracv of Mr. Koons has ous parts of the county, in favor of Gen. mg spirit of a more republican Brutus done? w anliciDale the nature of the i-oncr, ami irom wnat wo coiuu icarn wp ..uB.., .u. a . .uu , o-.....B . whioh inlerestcd pre:udic0 wouU are well satisfied that ourmpjqrity over Rit- under so discolored a flag, he may arrogant- mi.h.,t t .,,; ... WR -,n , . .. ..... - .. i.. r .u.i 1.:. r!i i.j . n ' ' .ncr in this county will be as great ao it was iy mm .us au t-ar.,, cnH uaarur who m b(J dIi,nosed to paimsuci, excuses lUaj UYUl llllllf UllU 11U UU 111UUUUU LU for the columdia democrat. cry i;kc Coesar, the .Tvbor Mr. Webb, drink like.a'sicklwv: , . We learn, by thc Uanvuie intelligencer, Amonir a population so intellirrent as that Anti-mason can better subserve ihe.interesls tamoras to prevent -vessels L-om landing charg0 ,llU qjj. EDWARD:F! GA'" Chief Engineer Susquehanna Carnal. August 4, 1838. . " Keystone and Intcllie-enccr, Harrisburg; Jliltorit'- an. Milton; Gazette. Wuhatnsport: Advocate, Wilkesbarrc; Intellicreuccr, Danville; Democrat, DlooirlsbufgJ" aVi'd Aurora. Dorealia, Towanda, pub lish tho above three times, fiend one paper to and give me a cargoes on the coast. rne nor; oi ooio Marina was-openeu,- and three American ; vessels had arrived, two Irom JNew uncans, valuable cargoes. Gen. Urrea, the assassin i of La Bahia, has at last been defeated; he has, been betrayed, and his strong hold, Mazaclan, civen up'iorthe sum et sio.ouo, in consequence of which, ho has been oblig- pt tn tnkf! tn the rrtntintains with the tew wholly unavailing. The. people arc awake troons he has left. There is no probability to their own rirhts.rinddotejTOi Mexican Government acceding to ffTHE IjATEST AltRIVAIi-JpO tain them. Democracy is based upon, prin ciples, as true as aro the laws of Nature, and the people, when correctly informed, aro as true in sustaining those principles as nature is Jn sustaining her own lasv's. Eleven Hundred Democrats. the demands of the French, and the block ade is carried on with great rigour, particu larly towards American vessels. JUST. received, and for-sileattli6-.?lC.Si In Bloomsburg, a fresh supply of h MOLASSES, SUGAR, RIPEX'EAND IRON, BAR IRON SPRING STEEL, CAROLINA MOSS,$-c.$-c. Inquire ot tho etoro ofm ' V RUPERT & BARTON. AugusUlj,. 1833. 1G Freemen be on your guard. We learn, from llarrisburgi that, papers and pamphlets are being-prepared by the Ritner officehol ders, to circulate throughout the btate, con- flOMMTTTRT'! MF.F.TTftfi taming the most 'outrageous calumnies a- Atnn n,1.'nnrnP.l m.nti, of 1,'B Tlnmn. galnS' UaV,(1 rt0r- J'0t OVBry rMaffftO ;n their primary meetings, as wholly dis- suggegt thc expediency of the- creation of cratic . Cpmmittb, of Correspondence, of H;n" St left undone tedlceiveThe rcgaruea py ins opponent-anu eupporiara, particular posts., places or offices for the of Columbia county, at. the hr.usc.of John people. Already they are circulating a re am! that, it teir play had been used, Ho convenion,ce,pf the public, yet justice would Rhodes, Esq. iii Danville,- Monday, the port that David R. Porter will be withdrawn, wouiunave ueen ciecieu. ai mat umc, we i Rpm ,n :,ii,.,,0 ,un. i,:. ., ei,nnl,l on.t, r ...,.t inia num v,,n c. i.ooK out ior .tnem. upontnecom- ask of you, at the earnest request of a Jar'ge b(J madc nQt t)0 principlo of Esq. of Sugarlo'af, was' called lotho.chair, KnlSC number of yoUr.democratic friends 1,1 tho submis?ion lo tho weaker iassiops of hu. Daniel Gr?J?) of B,oorfl8burg, amj Levl L. Aristocracy or the pooplo anal A FRESH SUPPLt OF "".jt EVANS' Cammomile'Pills. tirandeth's Pills. county, to-urge his claims upon the demo: .cratic party for a nomination, by thc Dele' gate Convention, as a candidate for Con gtcss. SUGARLOAF man nature, but with a strict regard to the Tate, of Brier Creek, were appointed Sec best interests of the community, or pf tho rctaries. Mr. Editor, I have been much disappointed in not seeing tho name of JOJIN McREY NOLDS, Esq, announced for nomination, by the Dcmocratie County Conventien, as a candidate for Congress, from this Con- grcssional district. Two years ago, Mr. McReynolds had a majority of the reg- individuals in.vicy. , A diffcroiit course is not only a betrayal of private interests, but a gross abuse of public confidence, WJiat claims, it may be. inquired, can such a public servant; have, upon thp future con fidciico of the people ? Can he,, with pro prioty plead that ho has been betrayed into error by deceptions practised upon his ere- On motion of Wm. S. Davis; Esq. tho namess of, Levi L. Tate, and, II. Wobb, Esqrs. were added to the list of the Com mittee. .. .. , . On motion of Levi L. Tate, tho follow ing resolution was unanimously adopted. Resolved That we approve of the re commendation of tho Democratic Central dulity ? We ask in reply, in whom has he Committee, of holding two Conventions, confided 1 To tho latter inquiries, no fur- tho one at Reading, and tho qther at Pitts- gov( Dreadful Accident. A man named Georco' Oharlincton, a butcher, was on Sat urday driving' a cart along Market Street, Fell s point ; tho horso hecoming restive, he was thrown out, and his foot having caught in the reins, ho was dragged to a consider able distance, with his head aid body trail- inc unon the stones. Before the horse could bo stopped, he' was so dreadfully mangled that his head .being much bruised, and several of his rib3 broken Baltimore Sun.- ular delegates instructed in his favor, but th,or "P1?, can f thcr Required or expect- burg, on tho. lath ,of September next, and OBITUARY. by the fraudulent and bullying management of his opponents, ho was cheated out of his election, and it is the decided wish of a large liiajority of tho democratic party of the district, that ho should again come beforo the people that they may do him that justice, which tho chicanery and trickery of his op ponents in thi3 county, prevented their do ing him uelore. t , A DEMOCRAT. cdj than tiat the people, intelligent and and that this meeting proceed to appoint hopest as they are, expect a correspond- Delegates to the Reading , Convention enco of qualities on tho part of those who Whereupon the following gentlemen were 24 'days, daughter of Mr. C. B. Fisher. attemnt to represent their interests. appointed: ' In this village, on Saturday last; Hiram, To ii,;i tiion. iIib ioatio liniwnon tlm nrn- Catlawissa Wm. UUglis. JUicheat rom- aged is months a uays, son oi mr. i nomas - I . . - . . I 11 r:l I :i i "RnnrMPriiniivftin flnn. Walt, Keuben Knittlo. Solomon Uclwner, vumi. Snmitpl Rim. In FishingCreek township on Thursday gress i kju lacw mu uieeiura u. ...c uuinui j...,..-..---.., ... ah FAi:a Ann. dauirhter of Jacob aro to give their verdict-on the second man, Michael Mensch.peter Uodmc, iianiei e, . 10 . , , , . it i.i- :.i 1 -o j YilUgllW, Jl. Roaringcrek Col. Michael Hower, G G. De Peuy, Aaron Hower, Samuel Irwin, Jacob Hower. ir. Anthonv Dingle, Jacob Leidy's Pills. For sale by D. S. TOBIAS, Bloomsburg. UST received a new supply of jpresi Mackerel, . Good assortment of Calicoes. Palm Leaf Hats, Bale of Carolina Moss)' ; ' Spring Stcel-and Waggon Tire, Saddlery, c. w . . . and for salo by . , - 1 ' r WM.-McKELVY & tV, Blooms'burr;, July 13. , ... . 1 raj,P' a good'quality.'by JQ-lOO-iOOOH MB or 10000 fresh burnt, and laying neir tho Cau'll For sale by . . BlodmsburgJune P, 838. - - CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE!' ' That I hafi applied to tho Judges .oflhe Pourt of Common Pleas in and for the county of Cofumbia, for tho benefit of the Insolvcnt"Lavs of tlii3common: wpnlth. nnd thatthev havo appointed the third Mon day oj'.Aup;u,it next, (being tho 20th day of tho DIED In this village, oil Tuesday tho months for .hearimi mo and my creditors at tfid 21st inst. Aary Ann B. aged 1 year and court houso in Danville; at which timo at placo you can aueuu n vuu iuum. ihw t. " '- MILTON HALE. Danville, Aug. i, 1839. .. - 'y give Tuesday in October next. And facts,, in all tho stubbornness of their nature, stand thus between the people and him who should have been their faithful and undeviat- clcgatc Meeting. Tho Democratic Electors of Columbia Dont Suffer too much! Here is Remedy! Pile Ointment. ET almost immediately rcmqvs t&e pains al lays tho inflamadon, and by attending to the- ult directions, tho sufferer will bo speedily relieved . . . n . . .. rom the unpleasant anicuon. '-vuu at 706104' Health Emporium, Bloomsbnrg. Paxton District- Jool Biddpnb.ender, Charles Micheal, Joseph Lear, John Shu- Mr.Wehb, . should have been thcrtaithtul and undeviat- -,ou Jr. , ol,y -. Countv, will meet at their respective places , Kn-owingyouto' be a friend and supporter ing Representative. . Doctor Petr.k.n was Ycagor, George Fedderman, jr. of holding (ho Gecral EIcclioI1( on SAT. of regular nomination's, and a decided advo' elected by tho democracy of tho distript. l.eii, llenry Khoads. URDAY, tho first day of September ensu- ,cate for Union and iiarrnony in the democrat- uui since, 1110 uroau ioius 01 w ic party. I claim, at vour hands, the advoca- tian charity, have been made .to cover a pvofilm ..mj.,.: V tVmim fnpTi'.v. multitude of sins." Facts clearly show, man, jr-. Vnif.nK T7. i.M..-r.n that, l.avo ln's nrenossessions called for a . Greenwood E. G. Rickets, John Mc fice. Democracv lias been required to Herny, Wm. Hobbina, v Aririnir tmnn tl7 !, .....uli. furnish tho vietiin. Public inteKstand pn- ..Monleur Elias DiotncK, David Clark, vate inconvenience, havo both beon made John Boyer, 1" fa fa . .u.i uuim.uwu.tut., .... . rr...i..r. n.... i . r..! 1 : nliL-n tn bnnrl to rrasc h tv of fee Off W ion JienUOCK-l oyui Appieniau, jvuucn muiu, ,i nr ,,.,.,t; .1 ' . wlmitoil tn rYfitriiiffiit. bv tho nromntiniTS jr. Adam Stiaub. . . v ... , - i..-. 1 n:-... ivr..;i fo;iitina Bloomsbursr Leonard Ruport. Wm. uuniiiiiik(UMw itviu wm4 viiu uti-vuiu 1 g l Pnsrnffipn nceommodations. havo fur-1 1 etnken, Ju. Armstrong. Hv4 umoiuu ii uui I'Ui' " iliuyu IV uw us- I - ...... . w iri:., im.m...i !v trft n.l RinoPrn frir.,,,1 tn a minoinal tliealro for the display of Orangcvtlle M.S. Mears, A. W. Kline, ,- .. 1 i" 1 (i ., - 1 i ' itUe- Samuel Richer, t ' ' , , ,',,,1,1.1 i) mi Dor. "Win. A. McCormick, . 1 If.. Xi. ..f.f'.. T1,.. Af.-,..n. )iwi. 4H. iiinoyiouiii 'i"i Brier C reel S. F. Deadly, U. O, Jacic- TO PARENTS. ' ; CAnmiNATiVE on inpatst drops. ing, between the hours of 3 and. 6 o'clock younjj children, in cholic, convulsions, rest- ill tho afternoon, and elect TWO DELE- ioncss, griping, msprucrea uowcw, green stoois, . ...r-,r, . , 1 .. i. . . . . sour vomitings, Acc. rorsaleat .. GATES, in each election district, to meet mf , f Emporiunit Bloomsburg. at 1110 nouso 01 uumzi uruas, m .uiuuiHo- burg, on Monday, tlip-3d day ot Kepleraber, . j)n JFeave'rf Worm Tea and Salve. to form a Ticket to be supported by the pnwHE action ci this Medicine is not 'only toes-. Democratic party at the ensuing Goneral Jl pel Y.orms, but by iu tonic powow, to pro- . , vent a return of them, bv removins tho weak state) I. Innlinn . . . . . . ... of the digestive organs on wMcli inei piouucuon Election vvr r mtt1 ni IT C f .. tiuun Monuiin. 1 n, 1 aianumg mimly appends. TV ,ll. J . livluijlv, UUHI7IIII' SEBASTIAN llOWEK, J tee. July 30, 1838. For sale bv D.S.TOMAS, Health Emporium llloqrusbur, i V ( 'I 0 i's I ' ti 1 . iv , r.4 1 Wi f if v In h fir 3"ps a ufou his lluctt 'ions of ALL KINDS OF Executed at this Ofl'cc. ROSE OINTMENT, A certain euro for letters, ringworms. pirr.piB on the face, and other cutaneous erupuons, A'U tor 7o6(a4' Health fyr.prrittm, Bloomsbur. i 1