iffc EADER, If ycu havo a cough or cold bcwaro MiXts of their consequence. Colds generally pro Unco imperceptibly, ami insinuate themselves throughout the human system, finally settling upon "the lungs, and ending in consumption. A WORD I'd PAllESiTS. Ilow often is youth cut down when least expect ed by the consumption, and followed to their, graves by parents who aro in a measure tho caAieo of their premature death, in neglecting to remedy colds when existing in childhood, looking upon them ds trifling affections, and not attracting their notice until tho destroyer hag commenced its work and made sure of its victim. This is not a fanciful representation, for daily numerous instances occur which prove tho fact. In manhood colds 'terminato in thesamo way, but Ho not progress sp rapidly ts in youth; thoy should, however, in both youth and manhood, bo early at tsnden to. and not regarded as trifling affections, for it is a delusive idea that has shOitencd tho lives of thousands. Dr. BECltTER'S PULMONARY PRESERVATIVE, ' (Pricc'Fifty cents per Dottle,) ts an invahiablo preparation, discovered by a rcgu lar and celebrated German physician, who lias em ployed it upwards of fifty years in his own profctice in Uprmotw. throughout which countiv it has been during that time most extensively and successfully employed in Coughs, Colds. Cataarhs; Asthmas, Whooping Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain of tho Breast and Sides, all affections of tho Breast and Lungs, and arrest of approaching Consumption Much may bo said in praise of tho above medicine, hut newspaper advcrlistng being too expensive, cvc Vy satisfactory ovidonco will bo found in all its ef fects upon trial, as well as numerous recommenda tions accompanying this directions. Lpwards o 7000 bottles were sold in Philadelphia alone dur ing tho last winter, a convincing proof of its efficacy or so large a quantity would never havo been sold. Prepared, arid sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. -J.cidy's Ht-alth Emporium, 2d street, below Vincj Wo. lei. ALSO SOLD BY D. S. TOBIAS, Agenl. Dloomsburg.May 36, 1838. Jy5. PItEMONtTARY HINTS, AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION. EADER, did you ever see a confirmed Dys- BL peptic, and learn his sufferings! If not, suf lice it to say, ho is a pale, thin and ghastly looking 'object, his life apparently hanging by a thread; he is miserablo and Unhappy, his sutlcrings mdiscrioa fclc. i Art vou much troubled with flatulency, costive- tiCBs, sour eructations arising from your stomach, 'bccasional want of appetite, watdrbiash, a bad taste "in your mouth, or foul breath, pain or n heaviness at your stomach, sickness after eating, headache, dis 'gust at your o'neo favorito food, &c. If you aro 'much troubled with any of the foregoing symptoms, ;bring before you tho picturo of tho Dyspeptic, and 'having resolved to remedy the cbnscqnences, im intdiatcly prdcurd jDr.Leidy'sTonlctyAnli-DyspepiicCtirdial A never failing and efficacious remedy for DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, And the whole train of affections resulting from dis eases of tho Liver, Stomach and Intestines. 'rho abdvo medicine is warranted frco from mer cury or other minoral preparations; it is composed 'entirely of vegetables, safe and easy to take, being Very pleasant to the taste. It may be safely admin istered to young and old, requiring but moderate re strictions in diet 'only. Numerous 'testimonials hive been from time to 'time published; its reputation is so well known, fur ther comment upon its virtues is unnecessary, suf fice it to say, it has nevtsh failed is a hisole ihstace. Further recommendations accompany tho direction? around oach bottle. rTWrice One Dollar per bottle. Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. ciiy' Health Emporium, 2d street, below Vine, Ho, 191. Also "Sold hV D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg, May 26. Iy5 WONDERFUL CURES Qlave been verfdrmed in this citu. and throughout the country. R. LEIDY'S MEDICATED SARSPARILLA. llhSlEING a concentrated fluid extract of Sarspa l rilta, combined with other vegetable extracts, which renders It as a medicine of ere at utility in tho cure of all distases arising from the impurities of the blood from indiscretions and imprudcncics in life, and constitutional diseases formed or produced by the iniudicious.hse of mercury, arsenic, bark, or quinine,' In short( it is un invaluablo remedy for all Rheumatic Aflbctions, General Debility, Ulcerous 'fSores, White Swellings, Diseases of the Liver and fikin, -Ulcerated sore throat, Ulcers 6f the Nose, Cu ties of the diseases of the Bones, Scrofula or King's jjvil, Erysipelas or St. Anthony's Fire, and all un slcasant and dangerous affections consequent to tivohilis. Lucas Venereal, Sc. So effectual has this mcdicino been in the cure of Various diseases for which it is recommended, that It is far superceding all other preparations of Sarspa rilla, Panacea &c. i It Is now employed by numerous physicians and has been introduced by them into many hospitals, nfirmancf, &c. throughout tho United btatcs, It is a preparation of greater strength (consc rjuently of gjeiter efficacy) than anjr other extract iow roauc, is aiso mucu cueupcr, uuiug; pui uuu uui lar per bottle: which is sufficient lo make one Gal 'jon of Syrup of Sars parilla, and is bought by dif. icrent druggists for that purpose. Numerous certificates havo been received and JiUblifhed from time tb 'time, but in consequence of the grcit expenso attending newspaper publication of them, the mo.t incredulous can be convinced of the superior efficacy of Dr. I.cidy's medicated Sars paiilla, by calling at " Lcidv's Health Emporium." No, 191, North second etree, btlow Vine, sign of the uolden , x-aglo and ftcrpcrits, w hero certificates fcnd tefcrenccs tan he given to hundreds of instances "jf tho most remarkable cure's ever performed by any "medicine. Prepared only ahd sold Wholesale and llctail a Dr, Lle'idy's llcaltli Emporium, 2d 'etreet, below 'Vjnetxxo. ti. ALSO SOLD BY D. S. TOBIAS. Wptasburg, June 3, 183fj. ,S4r OLD LEAF, SILVER LEAF, ahd COP. PC PER LEAF, For sale at TVJiW Qrugg Store in Bloomlutg. raosr FOUIDRT, AND Threshing Machine MANUFACTORY. fTHHE subscribers respectfully inform the public Ja in general, that thoy hav) erected the above mentioned establishment lor all Kinds oi IRON CASTINGS to order; and also to JTaiwraclure TJfltJlSJf- JA'fl .UJIVHIiVJiS and JPOKTJlUijii JlOltSi: J'OWllJiUs all of which they will make of the best of materials, and in tho most work manlike manner, and will disposo of them on rea sonable terms. L. II. MAUS & Co. Bloomsburg.May 10, 1338. 4 AND sa EXCHANGE, laKscciei LOTTERY respectfully informs Ilia friends and the W public, that ho has always oh hand, at his Li very suable in Bloomsburg, lor tlio purposes ol (lire or Exchange, a variety ot Horses. Sulkies. GIGS, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS, which he will feel gratified to keep in readiness for the accommodation of customers. Personal application can be made at his residence, when every means will bo used to render entire sat isfaction to those who may give him a call. NOAH S. PHENTIH. Bloomsburg, May 26, 1838, ALARATUS, Glauber Salts, Epsom salts, for sale at the Cheap Health Emporium. To the Distressed 8c Afllictcd! TOBIAS'S HEALTH EMPORIUM And Family Drug Warehouse. HUAIil'H, "The poor man's riches the rich man's bliss." THE subscriber would respectfully announce to his friends and the public that he has opened a general assortment ol Drugs & Medicines, at his Drug and Chemical Store in Bloomsburg, and that lie will be happy to supply the wants o those who may give hurt a call. Among his as sortment arc : Alcollal, Aqua Amonia, Aqua pepper, Arsenic white Mustard Muriate of Tin Mace Nippcl Shields do Shells Opodeldoc liquid do Steers Pills German Guinine Radix Calcicum -. do Senega Snako do Squills Resin plaster Steel Powder Stodcn bitters Stono yellow do rotten do black Sand paper sordto Solution of tin Spt. Eather Sulph. do Niter Eather do Hartshoriio Vials all kinds Wafers red and black Krcosote do. yellow Allonatto Agarric Aqua Fortia Blue Mass Block Tin Barley pealed Borax Bronze white do yellow Carb Ammonia Cinnamon Cochineal Crab's eyes Cloves Draggon's blood Ginger ' Gum Assafcctida do. Opium do. Aloes do. Arabic do Barbadoes Aloes Camphor Gum Copal Window Glass all sorts Whiting Sandct Salts Cologne Water Black Ivory do Myrrh Horse Lance Isinglass Russia Lamp black ALSO, Allspice, Black Pepper, Red Pepper, Iron Host. D. S. TOBIAS. Bloomburg, May 19, 1838. BERNARD RUPERT, TA2LOH. I WAS just received tho Spring Fashions from m Philadelphia, and is ready to mako allkinds of garments in tho newest and mott fashionable style. Bloomsburg, May 5, 1838. LOOK HEREi DYERS iVND PAINTER, you want to Buy CHEAP. V CAM Wood, ground; Chrom. Green; Drop Lake; Fustic; Logwood; Madder; Spanibh Brown, for saie at Tobias' Warchousein Bloomsburg. DVEKS OPEN YQUIt EYES. (ENGAL'Indlgoj Spanish do. Vcrdigrics, bluo I )Vitrial; White do, for sale cheap and good, at me uioomsuurg ware House, ny D. A'. TOBIAS. H.IJE SMALTZ, White Frosting. Iceland Moss for consumptive People: Segars. Com mon, Spanish and Halt Spanish; and a thousand ner articles too icuious to mention, lor salo at TOHIAS' Health Emporium. Swaims Panacea, For sale at Tobias' Health Emporium. White t:(Iinn Mulberry, FOR SALE AT tobi.is' nEJirsm r.vvonii'.ir, IN BLOOMSBUltG. RANGE Mineral, Prussian Blue, Rose Pink Red Lead. Sueur of Lead. Siin Vellnn, btone Rotten, lumber, Venition Red, Vermilian, Ca pal Varnifh, Whito lead drv. Whiin 1.,! i .n,..!- r .! 1 "-a"' ivm., w, vaiu Ulicuaimon CUCflP. at "i ugg more, tsioomsourg. fTHHE subscribers haVo just received, at their old B rKlabllshmcnt. in Bloomsburg. a new and general assortment of Goods, laid inwith great caro and suitable lor me present anu approacmiiK buu- sons : which, with their iormcr stoclc, tliey natter themselves, presents as various a eholco of goods as can be had in any part ot' tho country, and which , 1 " 1 t . . ...til .. . .1. .. 1 nrin ncy are uispuscu iu imri wiui ui. tuu ium.ok for Cash or in exchange for Country Produce. Their Stock of DRY GOODS consists of all varieties of the manufactories 'of Silk, Flax. Cotton, and Wool, Mid their numerous com binations, in England, Frtuice and America. Supelflne, Fine, Comro'ori; aiid Coarse Cloths, Casslmcrs anil Sattlnctts ; Coltiin Goods from the. Coarsest to the Finest texture; a mong the loiter an ns sortment of French Chintz. es, Muslins and Calicoes of new ana silncrb paterns, Silks and Silk Vestings, Shawli, Handkerchiefs, &c, Irish J mens, dressed and unarcsea, French Lawns dnd brown Hollandsi (Groceries & iiqUors, Sugar. Coffeo. Chocolate. Ted, Spicc3 of all kinds, several kinds and qualities of Brandy, Spirits, Rum, Whiskey, Wino and Molasses. Knives and Forks, Cutlery. Saddlery, Coach and Waeon mountings and trimmings, Scythes, Mil and X cut Saws, Tools for Blacksmiths, Shoema kers, Saddlers, Tailors, Carpenters and oUicr me chanics. CHINA, G-&ASS AND ) W S IS ST S WAJBSo Hvruuiiury itiirc) WVCLOWJllVV OT1IEJZ BASKETS, and a thousand and one other articles wmch it is mpossible separately to mention. Paints, IHuigs and Dye Stuffs. PISH, Om Sc TOASTER. IRON AN STEEL of all kinds and qualities of foreign and domestic manufacture. Dont throw away good bargains by neglecting to call tin WILLIAM McRELVY Co. Bloomsburg, May 12, 1838. 3 'JTltc' Victory Won, A r Trite long, tedious, and expensive expen 4imcnt, Dr. Leidy has discotercd n method whereby the virtue of the Sarsaparilla is extracted, so as to bo forincd into Pills without destroying its (JJicacy. Innumerable attempts have heen mado to accom plish this important object, but all failed. It is im portant, because Hit Sarmparilh, us amedictne, in all diseases to which manuind is suhjecl is product' he ofmorereal good, than tho whole cataloguo of mcdicino in use. Ask all respectable physicians tho question, What is the most effectual purifier of the blood, and the most popular mouicino used" they will answer . ....I...... .1.. O . ....... .'71.. T T '1 . i u(miiunuusij, mueumiiiui. yiuii. uuuet lecuui- mnn.lntinnfm,.lincL-.11 luwwuttotivuiiuu DR. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA OR BLOOD PILLi, Price, Twcnty-fivc'CenU a Bpx. Thoy must surely command a preference, for they ore not composed of Sarsaparilla alone, but contain, in a concentrated stato, in the fonn. of a pill, tho virtues of tlio principal ingredients contained in the compound llmd, extracts, syrups, and other prepara tions oi aarsapanlla. 'I hey aro highly recommended bt numerous phy sicians, and others, (sec directions uround each bot- lll'j 111 Rheumatic Affections, Schrofula Erybipelas, Jaundice, Heartburn 1 Ulcc-ous tores of tho noso throat and body. fccaly Eruptions and Diseases of tho Livcr,skin blotches of the skin. bones and glands. Dry and watery pimples and pestules of the Pain of tho bides, along tho back and spino o ver tho region of tho face and body. Tetter and ringworms. heart and stomach. Swellings and hardening Inward fevers, bad taste of the glands of tho m the mouth,foul breath neck, in tlio groins, Flatulency, Indigestion. .Sour eructations and acid breast, ecc. Stomach Coughs, Liver complaint. iticsof tho stomach. Waut of appetite, Vvaterbrash. and all tho whole train of diseases resulting from impurity of tho blood, constitutional diseases pro duced ty Mercury, or other minerals, or tlio consc quencoof Syphilii, Lues Venereal, &ci For convenience of taking, as well as making but small bulk, being in Hat squaro boxes, convenient for carrying in tho pocket or for travelling purposes. they must bo preferable to all other preparations of sarcapariua. For sale, Wholesale and Retail at Dr. Lcidv'i HealthEmporimn, !ind nearVino strcet.Philadolphia, I'or sale by L. S. TOUIAS, iTML of stono White,- do. red, black,- swett, Cas lor anu an o-.ner Kinds ot UUs,Jor sal at Tobias's Health Emporium. UST received, and for sale, a quantity of firs rate HfONE COAL, by Bloomsburg, May 26. PRTJIT i.HD CA1TDIES. TTp AISONS, all kinds of Candies,. I?ock candy JuJ3l 1 Wnd of Nuti, Oranges, Figs, Prunes, Lo uuiia, ike, ccc, ior rale oy D. Si TOBIAS. THE THIRD VOLUME ! Comrrioncint? with thcJulvNumbcr fori 838. T o a good orrouTtxiTV roil new suBsdninEus, The Largest and Cheapest Periodical in i ne uniicu oima, GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, M1TED 1IT WILLIAM E. HUUTON, PIMLAI1ELFIHA. Now publishing in Monthly Numbers. Tho proprietors havo much pleasuro in announc mg to the reading public, tho comploto success wmcli lias attended the establishment of this Magazine-- a success far beyond their utmost expectations, and considerably exceeding the prosperity of any other publication in America. Tho daily increasing sub scription list, and the NUMEnOUfl COMMENnAHT NO TICES or the rnRS, attest tho merits and tho popu larity of the Gentleman's Magazine, each number ol which contains Move OA'igitinl Mailer than any other monthly publication. Tlio contents embrace a tortile range ot amusing and instructive subjects, .by authors of cele brity. Original Tales of powerful interest) Humorous and Graphic delineations of men and manners; Novel sketches ol roreign lands; Poelry ; Characteristic Studies; Es says on popular scbjttcts, and Biographical notices ot celebrated licccntiic persons, Willi many original Anecdotes. 1 ho new pub lications are reviewed in AlU : Liberal ex tracts arc mad6 from rare and valuable works presenting a complete accdtint of tho POPULAR LITERATURE OF THE DAY. An Original Copy-right Song, not otherwise to uo obtained, will be raven, witli the music, in every number. The Gentleman's Magazine contains Seventy-two, extra-sized Uctava pages, ct two columns each, lorm ing, at tho close of the year, two large volumns of ono thousand, seven hundred and twenty-eight co umns each column contains more than an octavo page of average proportion, and each monthly num ber has moro reading matter than a volume of a novel. Tho work is ncatlyprintcd, on good paper, and stiched in a neat colored cover. Several Engrav ings will be given in the course of the year, and the proprietors pledgo themselves to producan agreeable book- an epitome otl.ile s adjunctives a Literary Melange, possessing variety to suit all palates, and sufficient to command a placo upon the parlor table ot every Ucntleman in the United states. A NEW FEATURE!, Of Great Novelty and Utility, is introduced into the volume commencing tho present year, viz. THE ANNIVERSARY REGIS'? ER, Or Monthly Calender of American Chronology Exhibiting Correct Dates of tho Births and Deaths of Eminent men, Land and Sea Fights, Treaties, Extraordinary und Memorable Events, and other matters connected with THE HISTOUT Or AMF.PICA The fulness and acuracy of this Chronology, which has been complied at great expenso of time &labor renders it a valuable addition to the pages of me ucnucman s magazine. There is no other .Calender like it m existence. luitiuo nireo jjoiiars her annum tirnnn tin n u payable m advance. All letter, pontage paid; addressed to Charles Alexander, Athenians Buildings Franklin Place, rnuaacipma, will meet with the earliest attention TraTTHEREAS, tho honorable ELLIS LEWIS V v President of tho Courts of Over and Ter- miner and General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Court of Common Pleas, and Orphan's Court, in thociahth Judicial District. composed of tho counties of Northumberland, Union, Columbia and Lvcomincr : mid tlm Ifnn. Wn.nnr Moxtoomehy and Li.ovauh rtm.En-r. Tlsnnirpa. I associate Judges in Columbia their precept bearing date the 21st day of April. I ! . . 1 r . . . . . . 1 ' in uio year oi our i.oru ono ttiousand eight hundred ll... .!J.i 1. . i V ... I aim iuuiyui:ilVi UIIU IU 111C airccicii ior linldinrr .1 wuri oj uycr ana u crminer and tf n- eat Jail Delivery, Uencral Quarter Sessions of the Peace; Common Pleas, and Orphan's Court; IN DANWLLE, in the county of Columbia, on tho third M tnday of August next, (being tho MOth day) and to continue two weeks. NOTICE is therefore hereby niven to the Cor- oner, the Justices of tho Peace, and Constables of the said County of Columbia, that they ho then and there in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, in the lorcunon oi said day, with their records, inquisitions and other remembrances to do those things which to their offices appertain to bo done. And those who aro bound by recognizances to nrosccuto against tho prisoners that aro or may bo in tho Sail of said county of Columbia, are to he then and there to projecuto against them as shall bo just. Jurors aro requested to bo punctual in their attendance, a- LI., j. .L.! ' greuaiuj' 10 uieir nonces. uuieu ui uuuviuu, mo utn uav 01 Ju v. in the year of our Lord ono thousand eiirht hun- drcd and thirty-eight, and in the 03d year of .1. - ! , 1 f.i r. . . . . me iiiuepcnuence oi me united States of Amer ica. WILLIAM KITCHEN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Danville, ? July 'M, 18138, 5 LOOK OUT SHARP ! ONE better in tho known world, for sale at uio cneap ware jiouso, by TOBIAS in Bloomsburg. LACK INK, Red Ink, Bluo Ink, Dur.iblo Ink . ior saie at tue cucop Health Enporium, by D. S. TOBIAS. Evans' Cammomile Pills; Warantcd to bo genuine. Anderson's Pills, & all othor kinds of Pills. Fty Stone, to kill Flies withi pish Seed, to catch fish whin TRUSSES. Spungcs, for sale at TOBIAS Health Emporium. CJMOKKD HERRING, Sugar crackers.and Wa- jy it i vrncuers, ior saie ny I) S. TOBIA9, m Bloomsburg. a-.tow nTr iriATTawc! For Trial at August Term, 1838. Joh'i Crossly vs. Archibald Kerr, John McRoyrWhU vs- Nancy Oumminge, Same vs. lhnstianna lumnilngl, Same vs. Aloxandcr Cummings. William Clements vs.' John Barley,, Josepli Fulmer vs. M'Dotvell & Bittrnbcnder, Martin McCalli9ler vs,,Tohn Scidlo'a adm'rs, Jacob Carr vs. George Carr, John Otirr s executors vs. George Car, Jobcph Lemon v". Joseph Leinou.jr, Hugh Bellas vs. Henry Grigger's administrators. App 5c Gross vs. L. G. Bangrpfl, Bamucl lnrksvs.joun eavcr., Margaret M'Donald ct nl mJoecjh Mao, Abraham C. Adams vs. Robert It .nrdy t aL J Dahicl S. Tobias vs. Lewis Moycr,' Daniel Mussclman vs. John Murray ttaJ, Joseph Robins vb William Kilclien, Alor Montgomery vs. Jonathan Liodgeet v Joseph Robins vs. William Kitchen. Archibald M'Call vs. John Kcstlcr ct a Mary Lunger vs. Hiram Dcrr ct al, David Eves vs. Joseph Fullmer, James Barrit vs. Lewis Schuyler, FOR AUGUST TERM, 1838. Bloom Archibald Hcnrio Urler Cretc Samuel Millard Cattawissa William Cofl'man Green wood Peter Girton, Esq. John Sluvcly, Esq. William Albcrtson, Henry Battili Jlemlocfc Andrew Clark Liberty Robert Butler Mifflin Isaac Long, Henry Miller,Comelius Kir- kcndall Mahoning Thomas Yorks, Enoch Mellin, Ed ward Mdrrison, Michael Oanshner Madison James Girton, Peter Shultz, John Fruit Mount Pleasant Curtis Stalin, Aaron Kcstcr Roaring Creek Abraham Mcnch, John Yoat Sugarloaf Frederick Laubach Uricr Creels. James Evans,jr. Robert M'Curdy llloomi William Sloan, Georgb Frys, 5amue! Achonbach Cattawissa. Isaac Breech Berry. Thomas Moorhcad, sen. Samuel Laird, Griffin Davis, John Tanner, Jacob iScidcl, David Coxc, John Neihart, Robert Dcrr Fishine Creek. John Auchcnhach, John Park, Philip Appleman Orcenwooa. Lzra Jives, licorgo Gray, Jona than Lemon Hetiiloeh. rAdam Straub, Baltis Appleman, Dennis Purscl, Jdtnes Emit, Jacob Hart man, Peter Rupert, Charles Hartman, David Clark Liberty, i nomas Fullmer, John Clark, Gcorja Billnvycr himestone. Charles Lcvan Mifflin. Samuel Smith. Dr. E. BrothwcII, N than .Vnydcr, Charles Hess Mahonini;. Jacob fcidlcr, Jolin Reynolds, David Davis, Edward Young, Peter Baldy Mount I'leasant. Isaac Welch, John Jones Madison'. John P. Eves, Clark Dildino Roaring Creek. Peter Kline Sugarloaf. Matthias Appleman, Alrah&ra Young, Esq. ILntlics look at Uiiria fllLT Book SrjT Beads, Fd Waxes, Gilt Tiii Book Boxes, Silk do. Paper do. Gilt' Fancy do. cut do. plain do. Ladies' Humbles, Hooks & Eves. Nccdlo ca ses, all kinds of Smelling Bottles, very handsome; Breast Pins, Ear tings, Finger rings, Pomatum, SnuffBoxes, Hair Brushes, Pocket combs, Lead Pencils, black and red; for salo at TOBIAS' Health Emporium. MILLINERS. Will you be so kind eis lo look at this I ! illTE UIuc; Flako White; Oxalic Acid for sale at tho Health Emporium by D. S. TOBIASi ITARCH, Snuff Beans, Sand Papcrof all kinda, I Spirits Terpentine, Cocoa prepared Chocolate for sick peoplo fresh supply for Bale at tho Health U,mponmn in Bloomsburg, by D. S. TOBIAS. 'H miiiUKiAij uintmcnt, Sulphur do. Simple SI do. Pcrcincdato do. Tlml. Hytrin An T.o. Emetic do. and all olher kinds of Ointments, for tialo at tho Health Emporium, by D. S. TOBIAS, in Bloomsburg. lOLISHING POWDER, to clean sn.1 nnii.fc all kinds of Metal, and Horso PnwVr tn. sale at llie cheap Drugstore, in Bloomsburg, by JJ. S. TOBIAS; ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE ETTERS of Administration having been SLA granted upon tlio estate of Abraham Kline' dec d. of I ishiiig Creek township, Columbia coun ty. All persons indebted to said estate, are rcquel-' ted to mako immediate payment, and all persons having demands against- taid estate must present thcin to tho subscribers, duly attested, or be barred according to law. JOHN KLINE, MATTHIAS KLINE, Executors: Fishing Creek June S3, 1838. Geiittemcn and Ladies comd and look al me nanasome BBAB.I3 QlJj FIlENCH.doublo rectificd.and scented with tbef Otto of Rose, for salo at Tobias's Health Emporium". dLAi) tidingsTj BROWN'S LOTIOrf.- TTftECCOMMENDEn bv Dnrf. witum . ' SStMi certain cure for Hheumatism. Also, JUiU JUA'JMliJYT; Rcccommcndcd bv Dnrt. T) ivi rpt;i.,UJ,:, forthofollowiiigcomplaints . Rhoum'atism, Weak- iicEs anu suuiiess oi uio joints, (SiCt For salo at J ouias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg. 'lL of Snniert. fur mnkinir KnniM Yinntj Extract of SarfiDarilln. TnTlli Pnwrlfir. Spatnta. Emery. Castcl Soap. Lady' Palm Soap to Wash. Distilled Vcrdigrto. Oil of Soap, for taking out of cloths. Spot Stains, Grease, &c All lfJ at Tobiat' Health Emporium.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers