THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. "TUUTIt WITHOt'T rr.ATl S.1TUJiilV, JIVGiaTVi, 1838.. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION , ' FOR GOVERNOR : GBJ.'. DAVJJ) R. PORTER. (OF 11UNTIXCD0IJ COUNTY1.) Bclcjrate HflceliM:?. CouiHV. will meet at their respective places of holding theGcncral Election, on SAT URDAY, the day of .September cnsu'i ing, between thc.hours of 8 and G o'clock in tho - afternoon, and elect TWO DELE GATES, in each election district to incctk at the house of Daniel Cross, in Blooms lmnr. on Monday, tho 3d dav of September, to form a Ticket to bo supported by the' nnmncratii! nartv at the ensuing General j v Election. HUGH MoELRATII, WM.J.1KELER, 7) Standing y uommii' SEBASTIAN IIOWER.J tec. July .30, 1833. . '"When a man gets his name up, he can lie in'bcd late in tho morning," is an old adage, and the editor of die Danville Intelli gence! thinks he can prpfit by,it. Wo hope ho may. But we can assure him, that if lie expects to add to -his influence with the dc mocratic party hi this section of tho county or nny where else whero we are known, by ungenerously (wo will uso no harsher term) insinuating that we arc under the influence of'Bowman, or of his political friends, he will be mueli mistaken in his calculations We have been too long in political life, and have too long battled with federalism and whiggcry, to bo now coaxed or driven into .their ranks, not even by tho whigs them selves, munh .less hy a professing democrat who has aided, in more than one instance, , in securing tho election of an opposition. .ticket, by opposing the regular nominations of tho democratic party. Others may talk ."of " 'easy virtue," sustain antimasonry' .with ono hand, while they give a hypo critical support to the democratic party with the other and then boast of their democ racy; but wp do not consider it a sine que hon of our faith, that vvc should support to day as.a democrat, a man whom yesterday .'we opposed as a federalist nor do we con sider it necessary, that we should publish all the fulsome resolutions that may bo pro duced, for the express purpose of. bolster .ing up the cause of any, whether 'they arc manufactured at Danville, or else where; and certainly, wc do not consider 'ourselves underbuy obligations to, publish tho proceedings of mectings,of friend or foe Imld within six miles of us. the officers of which do not furnish us with a copy, but forward it to an office some 20 miles dis tant, and there retained so that wo could not publish them inder three weeks after tho meeting was held. . , . , We have no disposition to " exchange political salutations" with any one profess ing the same political faith with ourselves. Wc war not for men, but for principle, and the usages and practices of tho party. If it bo necessary to sustain them unimpaired from the attacks of an open or covert foe we Shall' always be found ready to buckle jan tho armour of battle, and repeat the cry of Richard III., " Lay on Macduff, And damn bo he who first erica hold." n short, wo are democrats, and shall sus tain oemocratic measures and democratic jjnen, indeperidcrit of all frowiis and menace let them come frotn what quarter they may turning neither to the right or the loft, to f ubaerve the interest of any individual. Will the Intelligencer say yp much. TJic Berwick Sentinel mentions tho llamas' of tho Rev. MARMADUKE " FEARCE and S. F. JIEADLY, Esq. of Borwiok, and Maj. D.S.WOOLVERTON of candidates for the Legislature ISAIAU. SALMON, through the Dor- wick Sentinel, decline.1 "being a qandidato for any office, attho October election. . Wo have recen t! proc&adiiigs of tw irwetinga Iusk :..Oa;tawUf8 township, on atardsy h, UotU ?f ,w!)levrf crowded. Tho Register man ay , he " neither aid ed or abotted in tho transaction," alluded to in our last. Now we ar6 " well aware," for it is well known, that ho did do both, and that ho was skulking Under tho fence, for two hours previous, to sco tho lionora blc work goon, and that he chuckled hcatt- ily over tho disgraceful transaction when completed. His charge of originating a falsehood to the contrary notwithstanding. S. T. HEAD fill Y, B. S. WOOLVERON and EZRA S. HAYHURST, Esnrs. hnvo all declined nominations as candidates for any office this full. Fon the Dejiocjiat. Mr. Editor, Please announce tho name of ALEXAN DER IIU.GUES, as a candidate for Com- missioncrfor Columbia county, and you will confer a favor on his friends. ROARING CREEK. Good Ncius. From every part, of the Stato wc receive tho most cheering intelli gence in reference to the coming election and the prospects ot JJavul It. Porter. In tho North, South, East and West tho de mocracy tiro awake to their duty. They are rising in their strength", and preparing for the conflict, animated by the prospect of certain victory, the vilo and mlamous slanders sent forth against Mr. Porter, in stead of-operating to his prejudice, have brought hundreds into his ranks who for merly supportcu uitnor.. Aiiusomc ot tno federal prints, awaro of this, wc now ob serve, aru cither talent on the subject, or entirely exclude the oflcnsivo article Irom their columns. But it won't do trcnilerncn Like the Governor with his proclamation, you are to late. The people aro acquaint-- ed with your designs. Your altemps to traduce and villify the reputation of a good man have recoiled upon yourselves, and would alone cause your inevitable over throw. We repeat, you are to late. The die is cait. Joseph Ritncr and his. corrupt administration must sink bencatli the frown of an indignant people, for they have dc creed. Lcwisburg Standard. UNDENIABLE FACTS. It is a fact, tho appropriations made by Gov. Ritncr's federal legislature of 1835 30 amounted to S5,1G123G, which were main ly provided for by bank bonusses. it is a laet, that the surplus revenue re ceived in 182'7i from tho national govern ment, amounted to $2,807,514 78- It is a fact, that the revenues of the 3tate in. 1837, derived from tho improvements di vidend3 licenses, taxes, fec. amounted to Sl,730,511 GO. Taking this as a medium year, it would be fair to call tho yearly re venues lrnm the same sources, under Jo seph Jtitncr's administration, $1,500,000 which in 3 years amounted toj 84,500,000, It is a fact, the appropriations ol tho last sessson overgo the amount of the treasury, by at least the sum of 81,000,- 000. It io a fact, that by the addition of these several items it appears that tho expenditures under the three years of Gov. Rilner's fed- eral administration will amount to the CJior- mous sum o'$13,828,8G0 78. It is a fact, that notwithstanding, this vast and unparalleled expenditure, no now rail roads or canals have been brought into use, nor liao any portion of the stale debt been paid It is a tact, that under tho six years ol Gov. Wolfs democratic administration, 817,000,000 of dollars wero expended and about eight hundred miles ol rail road and canals completed, which aro now vieldintr 1,GOO,000 anual revenue, It is a fact that the yearly expenditure of Joseph Ritncr's administration, have far' exceeded thoso ot any proceeding uovcrnor, whilst no conimensurato bcnelit have been produced. It is a fact, that the surplus revenue was received on deposite, and, the state, being bound to rclund the same, that it torms an addition to the state debt which with bank bonusses, that must bo repaid should the stato resume Uov. Kitnor's monopoly grants, amount to over eight millions, and swell the state debt to rising ol $JJ,OUO; 000. All th'e'so" facts aro undeniable and can be proved by tho records of tho commonwealth Thov aflord a strikmir commentary upon the profligacy and extravagance of the fed eral party whenever tlioy obtain power, and a convincinir proof that tho cry of "Jlitner and reform" i3 a federal HUM BUG ! Domocrats ! Reflect upon these things and if vou would save the state from ruin eject Governors Stevens, Fcnn and Rimer from office, and restore tho reign of lionest democracy, by electing David It. Porter the son of tho' revolutionary soldier, and the disciplo of Jefferson, Snyder and Jack son. Minds ate, as Bacon says, but different tenses of the same verb, Truth wakes an echo through God's Universe. And thpy who place themselves with faith and fear lessness in a truo'posilion in regard to our American Inutitulions, find themselves in doiujf so, side by side with tho master spir its, uje Ming van of civiliUon l ovor, the ycridr . v MORE HELP ANOTHER SIGN. Tho Eacle an anti.masonic nancr. nub- lishcd at Lock Haven, Lycoming county,. i ii - n- .t - r T5 ; . i nus uiruwii on uiu yunu ui iwincrism, auu come out in support of B;AV1D R. POR TER. It is edited .and published by Wil. liam A. Kinsloc, formerly one of the editors of tho ' Anti-masonic State Democrat," of Harrisburg, (now tho ' Pennsylvania In telligencer and Slate Democrat. J Changes from Ritncr to Porter among tho voters of the country, by dozens, are an every day occurrence ; but an active and tallchted ed itor, who has for several years ardently sup ported Ttitner and Antimasonry, to change, and come over with his paper, is an event winch oliows the rottenness and corruption of Ritncr's party to bo gfcat indeed. We give the address of Mr. Kinaloo, and ask for it a careful persual. Keystone. A lew weeks since, wc supposed tho Ritncr party in Pennsylvania to bo honest, high-minded and just, but since that time wo have become acquainted with circum stances which forces us, reluctantly too, to withdraw our aid Irom that party, and give it to one which we havo hitherto opposed with all the zeal and Oii'srrty wo were capa ble ot bringing to ' hear against it. This change in our political 'course' has not been tho result ol disappointment in obtaining portion of tho loaves and fishes, or a desire to be with the strong party. We weighed the matter cooly and dispassionately, and camo to the conclusion that it is much bet ter: to bo branded a ' traitor,' turn -coat,'.' and all other epothcts' which will be applied to us, than knowingly support a partv wiiosc officers aro so base and corruptas to declare that it is better to SPEND THE WHOLE OF THE APPROPRIATION MADE TO THE WEST BRANCH CANAL, IN-SECURING THE ELEC TION OF JOSEPH RITNER, THAN TO HAVE PORTER ELECTED." Ever since we arrived at tho age which entitles Pennsylvanians to a vote, our aim has been to have honest rulers elected, who will study the interests of the stato alone, and disregard the low, potty schemes, too frequently resorted to by these in power to retain their otliccs. In 1835 wc opposed Gov. Wolf, not so much because we dis liked the great leading measures of his ad ministration, but because wc believed that every office holder under him was engaged in a warlare against the people in order to bo able to gldt themselves on office, and wn now oppose Joseph Kitner lor the same rca son. 1 . .. Wc have always believedi 'that jn party lone in power, becomes corrupt; b'ut we had no idea, until the letting ot tho oinna mahoning extension ot tho West Branch Canal, that the Ritner party, in 1838,-would be found guilty of the very charges made against tho Canal Commissioners in 1835. We honestly stipposed the old Canal Com missioners to have wastod. the people s money, and to have squandered large sums on lavorites; now wc mow the present Commissioners to the pursuing this very same course, and sooner than support such men, we would suffer the great unchained to take us under his card. Prior to the letting, wc were .frequently told by Porter men, that favoritism would bo resorted to by Mr. Stevens, in securing to Kitner men the most prolilablc sections, without any regard to the pneo at which tiey bid, We at that time denied tne truth of this assertion, but now we know they were correct. In changing our-' support from one candi date to the other, we. do not wish to be un derstood as changiTg our former political principles; we go for the same measures now that we ever went . for among which are, a sound currenpy an "enlarged and liberal system of Internal Improvements; a univorsaPsyslem of Education, and a wise, honest and economical administration ol the affairs of Pennsylvania. 'Luzerne Democratic County Meetfo'g. Never have wo seen, so potent a 'demon stration of zeal 1n a good cause, as was ex ... if..,tf.t . 'ru, luucu ui uiu 1UUUUI1" mat cvuuiiiu. x people spoke in their majesty, and the dis- orrjanizcrs were icuuiicti. vc nave noi ono word to sav about their course, other than that we are sorry to see men lose tho conhdeiico ol their lonncr menus, uy acts of indiscretion and selfishness. When in dividuals who havo received the counte nance and support of the Democratic party lose all sense of gratitude for favors received, pnd abuse that friendship which nau warm ed them into life, they must expect to re ceivo the iust retribution which such eon duct merits. We repeat it tho efforts and designs of the disonranicrd are defeated There will bo no dissension ; tho people will uo their own uusiness in iiioir own wav : and Porter and DnsiocnAov will bear the ascendancy in Old Luzerne. Wyoming Republican. Cobbot once compared the interest exci ted bv watchinir a certain politicals career, to that which is felt on witnessing a duck hunt ; the principal curiosity being to guess when tho duck dives, whero it will come up again. Why dontyou wearyouv ring my dear J" said d father in a ball-room to his daughter. "Because, papa, it hurts mo when any one squqezes my hand." "WJiat business have von in hnvovour handsniieezcd I" "Cor- j ' - - . , . uinly"nono but still you know, papa, one WOU1U IIUO IU Jlve iv 4i suuuwuivviuv..- SiiiNPLAstrns, A scneral iov is felt at tho prospect of being soon rid of this noi some currency. Some losses will undoubt edly bo sustained by fraudulent issues, though w'e believe. that mpstoftliis "curren cy will bo. made good to the holders. Thoso whq havo it in their possession should lis ten with distrust to discrediting reports, as speculators may take this courso to buy up sound issues at a depreciated value. We ooservo that an attempt is made, amongst others, to discredit the notes issued by the Harrisburg, Portsmouth, Mount Moy and jjuiicasier ran roau company, which i? uono without cause. 1 his comnanv is known to be perfectly solvent, and its stock must soon be equal to any in the- stato. There is not tho least doubt but all its notes will be honorably redeemed, and as they bear an inieresi oi nvo per cent, those who Keep .1 !ll ..... 1 . .. . a mum u wuuu win noi oo tne looscrs Keystone. Nineteen persons were lately drowned near St.Johns, New Brunswick, jn attempt ing to pass through the little falls in an open ooat" HYMENIAX;. MARRIED In Greenwood, on Thurs day, tho 9th inst. by Abraham Yountr. Esq. Mr. Henry Jl. Koslenbader, of Galtawissa township, to miss luuzabeth Kisler, daugh ter ot Mr. John ivislcr, ol Ureonwood. On tho 14th inst. at Salem, Luzerne county, by Elder John Sutton, Mr. Samuel Jlmmon, of Lcwisburg, Union county, to Mary Juclcs, ox tho former place. UTjEItSOMS interested in tho nairalion of the T Susquehanna river, afo hereby informed, that in consequence of the erection of a Dam and Sluice in tho river at Columbia,-tho raftinc channel near that town will remain closed until tho 1st of Octo ber, unless tho progress of the work should justify an earlier opening of tho sluice, in which caso duo notice will bo given.- JDDWARD F-GAY,' Chief Engineer Susquehanna Canal. August 4. 183S. Keystone and Intelligencer, Uarrisburs; Miltonl an, Milton; Gazette, Williamsport; Advocate, Wilkfcsbarrc: Intellicrciiccr. Danville: Democrat 'Uloomsburg; and Aurora Dorcalw, Towanda, pub lish tno ahovo tlirco times, Bend one paper to and charge tins ethec. 33r. Branclr; VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS. P?HHESE pills have obtained a cclcbiity for cur-1 K ing niost diseases to which tho human system i is liable, unexampled in tho history of tho healing, nrt. ' They expel by tho action of tho stomach and. and bowls, all bad humours irom Hie liluod, causing- a Ireo circulation ot tlio lluids,and restores a sound stato of health. The thousands who uso and recommend them, is prcof positivo of their extraordinary and beneficial cllccts. The subwribcr has received tho appointment of tigeni, lor tne sale ol Dr. Urauuetirs lMlls in Dloomsbnrtf. IS onc-arc jrenumo that aro oliered for sale, without a certlllcato of appointment signed by mo proprietor and countersigned by llranen Ureen, general agent) and no- certificate is ever given, to thoso engaged in tho Drug business. J. R. MOYER. Uloomsburg Aug. U 1838. Iyl7 LADIES' FAIP,. The Ladies of DanilIowill hold a Fair in the- room adjoining tho store of Mr. Peter Daldy, durin; the first three days of the next Court, that is, on the 20th, 21st, and22d of August. Alargo assortment of valuable, ornamental, and interesting articles, prepared through Uio industry, and with tho judg ment and tasto for which Uio Ladies of that place aro eminent, will bo oficred for sale, for the benefit of tho Episcopal Church. Dojtvillp,JuIy26,1838. EerHEW GOODS. -OS OJTHB LATEST ARRIVA-C0 JUST received, and for salo at tho .1SIC.1DE, in Bloomsburg, a fresh supply of MOLASSES, SUGAR, RICE, BAND IRON, BAR IRON, SPRING STEEL, CAROLINA MOSS, e. $-c. Inquire at tho storo of RUPERT & BARTON. August 11, 1838. 10 THE next, or ninth, number of tho Democratic Review will be published on tho first of Scpr tember, commencing tho third volume. Tho Jirsl mtmiwoflhuDonlocmtlc 'Review having been pub lished in October, 1830, in advance of tho regular .moudily issuo commencing in January, 1839, it becomes necessary to intermit ono month s publica tion, so as to hiing tho usual scries of twelve num bers withiu tho present year. Advautago will bo (ulujn, of this delay to complcto in tho noxt, or Sep tember, number tho " History of tho last sossion of Congress," oxesuted in tho samo manner as tho " History of tho Extra sossion," which gavo such general satisfaction In tho January and February numbers of the Democratic Review. A FRESH SUPPLY OF EVANS' Cammomilc Pills. Brandcth's Pills. Leidy's Pills. For salo by . D. S. TOBIAS, Bloomsburg. liBIDY'S MEDICINES FOR SAE BY D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg, Juno 23, 1838. ALL KINDS OF JOB WORE Executed at this Office, WEEKLY SPIRIT OF THE TIMES' N the I'lrsl Saturday in .litgtist will bo published tho first number of tho" WEEIC IiY SP1IUT OV THE TIMES," which will bo made up from tho best iolitical articles of the dally Spirit of the Times," and ahall also con tain The hlcstForeign and Domestic Intelligence; interesting Miscellaneous meanings, Tuloa, 1'octry, Amusing- Police Reports, and such other matter na will render It a complctu Family Newspaper, suita ble for all classfs ofjicrsons. Wo havo been in duced to tinsunilcttal'jng from tho constant request mado to us by our couhtry friend, to furnish o newspaper calculated for circulation Among (he far mers and yeomanry of tho interior of the state. Do lieving such a paper miaht prove nn important aux iliary to secure the success of Democratic principles at tho approaching election for a change ofrulerrf in tho commoftwcaldi, we shall go forward with tho publication,, expecting to receive a liberal support from tho Democracy of tho Kcycstono state. Tho " Wcclil y spirit ol (He Times-" will bo printed with good type, upon a handsomo double medium sheet, and will bo lurnishcd to singlo KUb Bcribcrs at TWO UOLTjJIRS pej annuls one dollar payable invariably in advance. - :.,!..! ..?s M ( , umys ui uiumuuuis -.visaing uiu paper, can uayo it for ono year at llyj following rates: , bix copies for - - - $10 00 Fifteen $25 "00 . Forty $50 00 And a proportionate reduction for a laiccr num. bcr of copies. rcrsons wishmc to subscribe, aro requested to furnish their names forthwith, (pottcge paid) to the publishers, in Philadelphia. AJNDUEWS, MEADEitiyDU SOLLE. gCT'Subscriptions received at this office. BLOOMSBURG HOUSE. CIEARXiES BOEBfrER, aving leased the above-establishment, situated , in tho villazc of Btoonsneo.. Columhia UovxTir, and having thoroughly repaired'thc Houso and Stables, is now ready to accommodate tho trav elling community m a manner that will satisly their expectations. His B Alt and LARDER will always be supplied with tho best that can be procured m the country; and ho flatters himself v. shall bo ena bled to administer to 'the comfort and convenience of all Vfho may call on him. SEGAR MANUFACTORY- ' o has also established a manulactory lor mali- meSccars, Cut Tobacco and Snull, and will supply" Merchant!! arid Tavern keepers with any quantity of scgars. from the common to tho best ot Spanish Leaf, Cut Tobacco and Snufi", upon as rea sonable terms as they can be procured in tho State. ' Uloomsburg, July, 31st 1838. UST received a now supply of Fresh Mackerel, Good assortment of Calicoes. Palm Leaf Hats, , , Hale of Carolina Mois, ' Spring Steel and IFaggon Tire-. Saddlery, -c. - and for sale by ' WM. McKELYY & Co. . Uloomsburg, July 14. , , .JBRICBL! BRICK. 2 : BF a good quality, by 10 100 1OO0 or 1000Q fre3h burnt, and laying near tho Cau'il ForsaTc'by . ' HENRY WELLS. Bloomsburg, June 2, 838. DOCT WEAVER'S EYE-SALVE,. For Weak and Inflamed Eyes. . Also EYE-WATER, for sore, weak and inflamed ryes, rcccommendcd by somo of tho best physicians ih Philadelphia. For salo at tho Cheap Health Emporium,' D..S. TOBIAS', in Bloomsburg. Dont Suffer too much! Here is Rcmedj;! Pile Ointment. IT almost immediately Temovps tho pain3 end al lays tho inflamacion, and by attending to tho ull directions, tho shlTercr will bo speedily relieved from the unpleasant affection. Call at . . Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsbnrg. TO PARENTS. . CAnmiSATivE .on infant diops. THIS valuable Medicine is a certain euro for young children, iti cholie, convulsions, rest lessness, griping, disordered, bowels, green stools, sour vomitings, &c. For salo at Tobias' Hialth Emporium, Bloomsburg. Dr. Weaver's Worm Tea and Salve PfSnilE action of this Medicine is not only to cxv J pel Worms, but by its tonic powers, to pre vent a return of them, by removing tho weak state of tho digostivo organs on which their pioduction mainly depends. For sale by D. S. TOBIAS, Health Emporium, Bloomsburg, ROSE OINTMENT, ... A certain euro for tetters, ringworms, pimples on tho face, and other cutaneous eruptions. -Ask for Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg. Astonishing Facts. A certain Remedy for the Fever and Ague'. WARRANTED a prompt and effectual euro For salo at Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg. Improved Aperient Seidlilz Powders, SirELD in high estimation for indigestion, heart J, burn nnd billious affections. For sale at Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg. CREDITORS TAKE NOTICEl '. . That I have applied to the Judges of tho Court of Common Pleas inand for tho county of Columbia, Tor tho benefit pf the Insolvent Laws of this common, woalthj and thatthcy have appointed the third Mon. day-of August next, (being tho 20th day of th month, for hewinji mo and my creditors at th .Court houso in'Danvillc; at Which time at place. yo'.' can attend if you think proper. MILTON HALE. Banville, Aug- 4 1838,