';r EADER. if you havo a qugh or wdd bcwaro ' jrE, oftlicirtoascqucnce'j..l'CtW9 generally pro juco imperceptibly,- and insinuate themselves throughout the human system, filially settling upon the lungs, ana ending in consumption, A WOIXD tO PARENTS. JW llow cften is youth cat Jomi when least cxpeet- - . cd by the consumption, ana followed to their graves by parents who are in a 'tccosur.o the cause of their I'TfT' T hS to order; and also to .TRmnftrcfHiv TjmBSit existing in childhood, ooking opop Jhem as t ; 1 ng . tcz.vjy and J'01lT.inM;K flections, anu noi uracuiig of its victim. This is not a fanciful representation, for daily numerous instances occur which prove the fact- ... In manhood colds terminate in thcsamoway.but , do not progress bo rapidly as in youth; thcy should, however, n both youth and manhood, bo early, at . tenden to, and not regarded as trilling affections, for it is a delusive idea that has shortened tho lives of thousands. Dr. BEOHTER'S PULMONARY PRESERVATIVE, 1 (PriccFifty-cenU pcr'flottle,) - Is an invaluable preparation, .discovered by a rcgu lar and celebrated German physician, who has cm ' ployed ii upwards of fifty years in his own practice in Germany, throughout which country lt,has been ,ii,rm Hint tim'n most extensively and successfully rmploycd in Coughs, ..Colds, Cataarhs; Asthmas, J . n t eLnti ( Di i r: nrliA Whooping Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain, of the t . t c!.l nll nlrtinna Wf Ihn llrtnt nnu I J3reiuv nu wwf . i Lungs, and arrest of approaching uonsumption. 4. Much may be said in praiso of the above medicine, hut newspaper, advertising boing.too expensive, eve ' ry satisfactory cviilenco will bo ibund in all its ef fects upon trial!, as well as numerous recommenda tions accompanying' .tho directions, fjpwards of 7000 bottles wetcsoldin Philadelphia alono dur ing tho last winter, a convincing proof of its efficacy or co largo a quantity would never have been sold. Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. "Lcidy's Health Emporium, 5d street, below Vine, No. 191. ALSO, SOLD RY D. S, TOBIAS, Agent. BloomshUTg.'May 20, 1838. Iy5. "PREMONITA.TIY HINTS, AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION. READER, did you ever see a confirmed Dys peptic, and learn his sufieringsl If not, suf lice it to say, ho is a pale, thin and ghastly looking object, fuYjifo apparently hanging by a thread; lie is miserabloond unhappy, his smTerings indiscribz ble. . Mir Arc vou much troubled with flatulency, costive- Xiess, sour eructations arising from." your stomach, v occasional want of appetite, watcrbiash, a bad taste in your mouth, or fcul breath, pain or a heaviness at your stomach, sickness after eating, headache, dis gust at your once favorite food, &c. If you arc much troubled with any of the foregoing symptoms, bring before you tho picture, of tho Dyspeptic, and having resolvcJ to remedy "tho ednseqnentes, ira mediately procure , . Dr'Xeidy's ToniZfyAnli-Dyspeplic Cordial A never failing and efficacious .remedy for DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, And tho whole train of affections rcsuldng from dis eases of tho Liver, Stomach and Intestines. The above mcdiclhe is warranted free from mcr 4ury or other minoral preparations; it is composed ' entirely of vegetables, safe and easy, to take, being very pleasant to tho taste. It may ho safely admin istered to yourig and ofd, requiring but moderate Te Btrictions in diet only. , Numerous testimonials have "been from time to time publishedj'itsreputation.'is so well known, fur ther comment upon its virtues is unnecessary, suf fico it to say,-iT iub .NEvin faileii ijt a sixole ikstance. Further recommendations accompany the directions around each bottle. 03"Price OnoDollar pcrbotUc. t f M Prepared and sohl Wholesale imd Retail at Dr. Leidy's Iloelth Emp'crium, 2d street, below Vine, No. 191.. Also Sold by- i D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg, May 2C. Iy5 WONDERFUL CURES fTave been performed in this, city 'and throughout the country. Dedicated sarsparilla. EING a concentrated fluid extract of. S""!1" I rilta. rnmlilnfld with nther vpq,c1MO extracts, which rnrlrra it na n mpdirino of WCat Utility in tllC euro of salldUetua arising from thejmpurihes of the llHHiSrajn indiscretions and irrlprudencies in life, and constitutional diseases formed or produced by tho injudiciqu? uso of mercury, arsenic, bark, or quinine. In short, it is un invaluablo remedy for all KhcumaUc AllectiQns, uenerai ueuiuiy, ulcerous Bores, White-fSwellingB', Diseases of tho Liver and Skin, Ulcerated sors ihroat, Ulcers of tho Nose, Ca; tics cf tho diseases of tho Bones, Scrofula orKing'u Evil, Erysipelas or St. Anthony's Fire, and all un pleasant and dangerous .tfibctions consequent to Svnhilis. Lucas Venereal, So effectual has this medicine been in tho cure of various diseases for whjch it js recommended, that it is far superceding all other preparations of Sarspa nlla, Panacea cVc. , , It is now employed. by numerous physicians and lias been introduced by them into many hospitals, nfirmarics, &c. throughout the United States. It is a preparation of greater . strength (conse quently pf greater efficacy) than any other extract iow made, U alo much cheaper, being but one dol lar per bottle; which is sufficient, t make one Col jon of Syrup of Sarsparilla, arid is bought by dif ferent drutrirUts 'for that purpose. . Nume;ous certificates havo been received and published from Jhnd io time, .but in consequence of tho gnat expense attedding jicwspaper publication of them, the most incredulous, can be convinced of the superior efficacy of Dr. Lcidy'a medicated Sars- narilla. by calline: at " Lcidv's Health Emporium." No, 101, .North .second stree.h'elow Vine, sign of the Golden Eaglo and Serpents, where certificates and references can be given. tj hundred? of instances pf tlio most remarkablo cures ever performed by any medicine. . Prepared, only anil! sold Wholesale and Retail at pr, Leidy's Health Emporium, Sd street, bolbw vine. mo. i-ji, .M . ALSO SOLD BY , , . ..,.. - , D. . TOBIAS, Bloomsburg, June S, 18381. iO"LD LEAF, SILVER LEAF, and COP- PER LEAF, For sale ut Tobias' DrUgg Store in Bioomburg. IKON FOUBHDBY, AND 1 - threshing X$acliinei MANUFACTORY. suusc"bcrs pect uliy iniorm me puoac cs,abiishmcht for all kinds of , M IPk01T CASTIjLTG'Sj 0fl jroWlXtN I all of which they, will make of the best of materials, and in tho most work manlike manner, aim will dispose ot mem on rea sonable terms, L. II. MAUS & Co. Bloomsburg. May 19, 1338. 4 OVER'S" AND EXCHANGE. ERY rcspcctfivllyjnfpfms his friends and the. public, that ho htV'always on hand, ot his Li very Stable in Bloomsburg, for tho purposes of Hire Exchange, a variety of Horses. Sulkies. 'GIGS, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS. ch. he will feel gratified to keep in readiness for -i. . r me accorninuuauuii ui cu:uiui:i, Personal application can bo made at his residence, when every means vyill bo uscihtn render entire sat isfaction to thoso who may give him a call. NOAH S. MENTIS. Dloomsburg, May 20, 1838, S ALAUAlTUS, Glauber Salts, Epsom Baits,' for 3 ca'e at 'ho Cheap Health Emporium. To lhc is-tfcssccl & Afllicledl T'OBIAS'S HEALTH EMPORIUM And Family Drug Warehouse. HEALTH, "Tho poor man's riches tho rich man's bliss." HE subscriber would respectfully announco to his friends and the public that he has opened a general assortment of Drugs & Medicines, at his Drug and Chemical Store in. Bloomsburg, and that he will he happy to supply the wants of thoso yyho may give him a call. Among his as-, sortmcnt arc : Alcohal, Aqua Amonia, Aqua pepper, Arsenic whito do. yellow Allonatto Agarric Aqua Folds Blue Mass 'Block Tin Barley pealed Borax Bronze whito do yellow Carb Ammonia Cinnamon Cochineal Mustard , , Muriate of Tin Maco , ! Nippcl Shields do Shells Op'pdeldoc.liquid do Steers Pills German ' Gmnino Radix Calcicum do Senega Snake do Squills , Resin plaster "Steel Powder Stoden bitters Stone yellow do rotten . do black Sand paper fcordle Soluuoti of tin , Spt. Either Sulpli. Crab's eyes Cloves ; Draggon's blood Ginger Gum Assafcctida do. Opium do. Aloes do. Arabic do Barbadoes Aloes Camphor Gum Copal do Myrrh Horse Lance iringlas Russia do Niter Father do Hartuhome Vials all kinds .Wafers red and black Krcosote Window Glass all sorts "Whiting Sandet Salta .Cologne Water Black Ivcry Lamp black ALSO, Black Fepptr, D. S, Allspice, Iron Rost. Red Pepper, TOBIAS. Bioomburg, May Id, 1838. BERNARD RUPERT, TAILOR. AS just received tho Spring Fashions from rimadelpliia, arm is ready to make all kinds ot garments m tho newest and most fashionable style. Bloomsburg, May 5', 1838. ' LOOK HERE, DYERS A.N1) PAINTER; If you want to Buy CHEAP. CAM Wood, ground; Clnom. Green; Drop Lake; Fustic; Logwood; Madder; SpanUh Brown, fdr sale at Tobias1 TFarchouscin Bloomsburg, , . DYERS OPEN OVR EYES; iENGAL Indigo; Spanish do. Verdiarics, blue (Vitrial; White do. formate cheap and eood, at Uie Bloomsburg Ware House, by I). S. TOBIAS. t . , , BLUB SMALTZ, White Frosting, Iceland Moss for consumptive People; Segars, Com mon, Spanish and Half Spanish; and a thousand her articles too tedious to mention, for sale at TOBIAS' Health Emporium. Swaims Panacea, For sale at Tobias Health Emporium. :taHniifi35r FOR SALE AT White TOJir.JS' JIE.IItTMZ Lvvomcv, IN BLOOMSBURG. RANGE Mineral, Prussian Blue, Roso Pink Rod Lead, Sucar of Load. Stono Yellow Stone Roten, Umber, Vcnillon Roil, Vcrrniliaii, Co pal Vurnith, Whito load dry, Whito Lead in kegs, Rcin, for sale uncommon cheap, at Tobtas' Drugg Store, Bloomsburg, NEW &BS: rmilfi suVccribcrs have just received, at their old JS establishment, in Woumsiiurg, a new uuu general nssortmclit of Goods, laid in with great care and suitnblo for tho present and approaching sea- sons; which, with their former Mock, they Hatter themselves, presents as various a choice of goods as can ho liad in any part of tho country, and which hcy nro disposed to part, with at the lowest prico for Cash or in exchange for Country Produce. Thcir Stock of .. - mr N4-hiTC! . . consists oi an varieties oi iuu iiiauuiamu. Plnr. nottnn. and Woo . and their, numerous com binations, in England, Franco and America. Superfine, Fine, Common, and CoarsbOloths, Cassimcrs and Sattinctts ; Cotton i Goodsfrom ( '.- tie Coarsest to (he Finest texture; a ywng the latter an as sortnXcnt of French Chintz, cs, Muslinsdhd.Calicoes of new and superb patcrns, S.ilhs and Silk Veslings, Shawli, Handkerchiefs', c, Irish linens, dressed and- mdrcscd, French Lawns and brown Hollands. . , feoceries & Xiiqtfors, Sugar, CblTee, Chocolate, Tea, Spices of all tinds, several kinds and qualities of Brandy, Spirits,Rum, Whiskey, Wino and Molasses. Ifnivcs and Forks. Cutlery, Saddlery, Coach and Wagon mountings nr.d trimmings, Scythes, Mil and j cut Saws, Tools fyr Blacksmiths, Shoema kers, Saddlers, Tailors, Ccrpentcrs and other me chanics. AND. . Ccockcry Ware, "Cedar Wave, n"Z6Jioir Avy oTiitm jrjisketh, and , a. thousand and one other articles which it is mporsible separately to mention. I'aintg, I5iJigs and ye Stuflft. FXSH, OTL Si PlaASTSR. IteGJ A'NH STEEL of all kinds and qualities of foreign and domestic! manufacture. I Dont throw away good bargains by neglecting to call on WILLIAM McKELVY Co. Bloomsburg, May 12, 1838. 3 The Viclovy Won, AFTER long, tedious, and expensive experi ment, Dr. Leidy has discovered a method wheicby the virtue of the Sarsaparilla is extracted, so as tp be formed into Pills without datroyiug its tjjicacy. Innumerable attempts have becniinado to accom plish this important object, but all failed. It is im portant, because the isurmpanlla, as aincaicine, in all diseases to which mankind is subject is;ronW - ive ormttrercal icood, than tho whole catalogue ol medicine hi use. Ask all. respectable physicians tho- question, What is tho most cfi'cctual purifier of tho blood, and tho most popular medicine used!" .they will answer unanimously, Sarsaparilla. What btltcr recom mendation can bo asked ! , DR. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA OR BLOOD PLLS", ; Price, 'IVenty-fivo Cents a Box. , They must surely command n preference, for tlioy arc ndt conmoscd of Sarsaoanlla nlono, but contain, in a concentrated state, in firm of a pill, tho virtuc-oflii) iivincii)"' ingredients contained iu tho compound lluid, extracts, Byrups, and ether prepara tions of Sarsaparilla. They are highly rccommendjd by numcrous'phy sicians, and others, (seo directions around each bot tle) in Rheumatic Affections, Schrofula Erysijiclas!, Jaundice, Heartburn Diseases of tho Livcr,skln hones and glands. Pain of the sides, along tho back and spino p- Ulccous eorcs of tho noso throat and body. Scaly Eruptions and blotches of the skin. Dry and watery pimples and pestules of tho face and body. Tetter and ringworms. Swellings and hardening vcr luo region ot tho heart and stomach. Inward fevers, .bad taste in themouthjfoul breath Flatulency, Indigestion. of the glands of .tlio neck, iu tho groins, breast. &c. Stomach Coughs, Liver complaint. our cructauciis anu aciu ities of tho stomach. Want of appetite. Watcrbrash. and all thq wh'olo train of diseases resulting from impurity of th'o blood, constitutional diseases pro duced by Mercury, or other minerals, or the conse 4ucn.ee of Sy philii , Luc Venereal, &c. For convenience of tiking, as well as making,but small bulk, being in flat square boxes, convenient for carrying in tho pocket or for travelling purposes, they must be preferablo to all other preparations of Sarsaparilla. For sale, Wholesale and Jletail at Dr. Leidy's HcalthEmporium, 2nd ncarVino strcct.Philadelphia, For sale by D. S. TOBIAS. J"feIL of stono White, do. red, black, sweet, Cos vjjf tor anu ait oilier Kimlsot Oils, for sal at Tobias's Health Emporium, STOWE COIL , UTUST received, and for sale, a nuantitv of firs , TJTUST recefved, and for sale, a quantity of firs J rato STONE COAL, by , V B. FISHER. Bloomsburg, May 2C. PPJJXT AlTDCAiTDIES. mAISONS, all kinds, of Candies, Rock candy, all kind of Nuts, Oranges, Figs, Prunes, Lo moiis, &c. &c, &c. for sale by V. S. TOBIAS. .Ii CommonchigvithtlicJulyNmnbcrforl818 a oood orrou-rttNiTV foiinuw suBScrminns. Tic Ldrgest and Cheapest Periodical in the United Slates. TUB GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, EUITEft nr WlCUAM E. BUUTON, rillLAUELrillA. Now publishing in Monthly Numbers. Tho proprietors havo much plcasuro in onnounc- ng.0 tho reading public, the complete success which laa aucnded the establishment of this -.Aragawnc- a succcs3. far bdyond their utmost expectations, and l.0I,si(lcrab'ta exceeding the prosperity of any other publiculionin America. The daily increasing ub- BCriplwn list, end tub xumeimibs commeniiativ No- .rlc,.g P Tnh'Ktss, attest tho merits and .the popu- larity of tho Gentleman's Magazine, each number of which contains More original Matter than anv otlier lnohtlilv publication. Tlio contents embrace acililo range of amusing and instructivo subjcc't3i by authors of cele brity. Original Tales of powerful interest; Humorous and Graphic delineations of men and manners; Novel sketches of Foreign lands: Poelrv : Characteristic Studies; Es says on popular scbjucls, ahd Biographical notices ol celebrated juccenuic persons, wnn man) original Anecdotes. Thq.nov pub lications are reviewed in full ; Liberal cx- .tracls arc rtiptlo from rare and valuable works presonting a complelo account of the POPULAR LITERATURE OF THE DAY. 'An Original Cbpy-rigfit .Song, not otherwise to be obtained, will ,bb given, with the music, in every number... vj The Gentleman's Magazine con twos Scvcnty-two, extra-sized OctaVa pages, cf two columus each, form ing, at the closo of the year, two largo volumns of .otto thousand, seven hundred and twenty-eight col-innfc- each column contains more than an' .octavo page of aVcrfce.proportion, and each monthly num ber has moro ttuling matter than a volunio. of a novel. Tho work is ncatlvprinted, on go'efd paper, and stiched in a neat eoloreel cotffcrj Soveral Engrav- inirs will be irivcn in tho courso of 'Iho year, and thc, proprietors pledge themselves to preduoan agreeable"! book -an cpitolno ofLifc's adjunctives -a Literary Melange, possessing variety to suit all paJatcs, and sufficient to command a place upon tho parlor table of every Gentleman in tho United States. A NEW FEATURE, Of Great Novelty and Ltility, is introduced into tho volumo commencing the present year, viz. THE ANNIVERSARY REGISTER: Or Monthly Calender of American Chronology, Exhibiting Correct Dates of the Births and Deaths of Eminent men, Land and Sea Fight.",, Trratics, Extraordinary and Mcmorablo Events, and other matters connected with the msToitr of Ajrr.nicA. Tho fulness and acuracy of. this Chronolop-y, wlch has been complied at great expense of time- IT. ,. . fa ... . vn ucuucniuiiB iiiaiiizinc. xnero is no ouicr Calender like it in existence. TERMS Throe Dollars per annum, payable in advance. AH letters, postage paid; addressed to CharlcB ;Alcxandcr, Athenians Buildings Franklin Place, Plmadciplua, will meet with the earliest attention TTTnTHEREAS. the honorable EI.T.IS LEWIS President of tho Courts of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, and Court of Common Pleas. . and Orphan's Court, in the eighth Judicial District, composed oltlie counties ot JNorthumberlanu, union. Columbia and Lycoming ; and tho Hon. William I -MoxTCcoiEur and Lkoyaum Rui-but. Esquires. I, associate Judges in Columbia county, have issued their precept bearing date tho 31st day of April, in tlio year oi our lior J ono thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, and to mo directed forholdin A Court of Oyer and Terminer and G n- cat Jail JJelivcry, ucnpral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas, und Orphan's Court, IN DANMLLE, in tho county of Columbia, on tho third M inday of August next, (being the 20th day) and to continue two weeks. NOTICE is there fare hereby siven to tho Cor oner, tho Justices of the Pcaco, and Constables of tho saiU Vomity oi Columbia, that they bo then and mere in weir proper persons, at ten o'clock, in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions imd other remembrances to do thoso thinas which to their offices appertain to he done., And those who aro uoutiu uy recognizances to prosecute tiguinst tho prisoners that aro or may ho in tho jail of said county of Columbia, aro to bo then and there to prwecuto against them lis shall ho just. Jurors aro requested to bo punctual in their attendance, w grcuuuiy iu inuir nonces. Dated at Danville, tho 20th dav of Jnlv. tho year of .our Lord one thousand eight him fired ana thirty-eight, and in the 03d year of uio iHuepenuenco oi me unr.eU States of Amer ica. WILLIAM KITCHEN, Sheriff. SMierilt 's Ullico, 1'anvillc, July 20, 1838. LOOK OUT SHARP ! ! USih better ni the known world, fai-caln nt uio cn;ap ware Jlouso, by TOBIAS in Bloomsburg. LACK INK, Red Ink, BIuo Ink, Durabro"lnk ior saio ai uie ineap Health Enporiuin, by D. S. TOBIAS. Evans' Cammomilc Pills, Waranted to bo ccnuinc. Andenon's Pls, & all oilier kinds of PHls Fly Stone, to kill Flics with. Fish Seed, to catch fish with. TRUSSES. Spunges, for sale at - TOBIAS' Health Emporium. MOKED HERRING, Sugar crackcrs.aua W gf U r stackers, for salq by . u ts. J uijiao, in Uloomsburg. T1IE .THIRD. VOLUME 1 Tib: SATURDAY C lIRONICLE Ts the. Largest; Rest and Cheapest Family lvewspzpcv in me unitca states, THEtolLADELPHIA SATURDAY CHRONICLE, - The iiicTulncss and celebrity of which are fully and extensively established n every part of th0 Union, having jcccntly received valuable additions to its columns, in tlm contributions of several of tho most eminent American writers vjU now become more popular tmd interesting man over, not only in tho variety, but also in the high literary, charac tor of its contents. . ,, In stylltng their weekly mammoth shest, the largest, best, and cheapest, family newspaper the .r.l.. 1 !. .1... r-, m lyjxs, and therefore embracing more useful and en- tcrtaining matter than any other of 'the weekly pa- 111 pcrs that 2to published. With refcren'co.,to iu be ti ing tho iiKsT-of tho weeklies, tlicy appeal.tp the favorablo judgment of their numerous readers,, from Maino to Red River; and from tho Atlantic to tho Rocky Mountains; and as" for tho declaration that it is tho cheapest ! they invite itljcir subscribers to compare tho quantity, variety1' ahd superiority o their lcttbr-prcss, with tho contents of any other weekly sheet in the United States. They feel con fident that public opinion will decido in their favor. General Contents of the Chronicle. Talcs and Essays on Literary (Scientific and Mo ral subjects Sketches of History and Biography Reviews of new publications Poetry; original and selected Lyceum Department Sunday Readings Useful Recipes News in a Nulshelljhigfit Reading City allure Foreign Varicfieai-Spirit of the Daily Press Prices Current Market Report Almanac List of Marriages and Deaths Sto ries from the Classic writers Popular statistics of the World Ladies' Department Original Com- municr lions from some of tho best writers of Phila delphia and elsewhere Medical Lectures Scicnco and Art Agriculture and Rural Economy Popu lar superstitions Curious Customs aud Maimers European and Doi&c'stic correspondence Arti cles on Music, the Dram?., and other amusements Varieties, amusing incident; dcr. and a carefully prepared synopsis of the current News of the day,, both Foreign and Domestic. ' ' During tho two last years tho publishers' InVe paid for original contributions, prciniumr, corri pondence, &c. moro than 8500 DOLLARS ''nd a still hwger sum will be expended, for sim ilarpurposcs.duringtho publication of the succeed ing volumes.. ' wf,, EUROEEAN CORRESPONDENCE? Besides tlio r&ular scries of leffcra from an in. tclligcut travtllii'cr corfcspondcfit in Great Briton, ncarli seventy of which have already been 'publish ed, we arc now presenting our readers with a week ly correspondence from England, France ifr Italy, lrom the pen ot our-partner, Mr. II. Matthias, who now on a tour through those countries. We in. ito attention to this prominent feature cf theSatur- ay Uliromclc, as containing valuable and highly interesting information. . ITP-Thc Third Volume of the Chrbti- clc will commence, on Saturday, May 19. TERMS. For a single copy one year, $2 Od Sir copies for 10 00 Or three copies for 5 00 r or six months m ouvanco l vv (Tr-Small notes on all solvent banks, received at par in payment of subscriptions. Address (postpaid) MATTHIAS & TAYLOR, Publishers, Philadelphia, Office No. 83 south second street. t rrVSpccimcn numbers, if ordered post paid, will ic sent to any part of tho United States. JLatlicrJ look at this. Silk do. Paper do. Gilt cut do. plain do. Ladies' Hooks & Eyes, Needle ca ses, all kinds of Smelling Bottles, very handsome; Breast Pins, bar rings, Tingcr rings, Pomatum, Snull' Boxes, Hair Brushes, Pocket combs, Liad r'cncils, black and red; for sale at TOBIAS' Health Emporium. MILLINERS, Will you be so kindas-td look at this!! TE Glue; Flake White; Oxalic Acid for sale at the Health Emporium by B. S. TOBIAS. ( 'PARCH, Snuff Beans, Sand Paperof all kinds iSp'ritsTerpcntinc, Cocoa prepared Chocolate for sick people A fresh supply for salo at the Health Emporium in liloomsuurg, by 1). S. TOBIAS. ERCURIAL Ointment, Sulphur do. Sinmlo do. Percipcdato- do. Red, Cctrin do. Tartar Emetic do. and all other kinds of 'Ointments, for salo at tho Health Emporium, by D. S. TOBIAS, in Blpomsburg, OIjISIUNG POWDER, to clean 'and nolish all kinds of Metal, and Horso Powder; for sale at the cheap Dnur store, in Bloomsburg, by D. S. TOBIAS. -.-. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration having been granted ujion the, estate of Abraham Kline' dee'd. of Fishing Creek township, Columbia coun ty. All persons indebted to said estate, aro request ted Jo mako immediate' payment, und all pcreonk having demand.? against said cstiito must present them to the sulwcribcrs, duly attested, or be barred acoordulg to law. . JOHN KLINE , MATTHIAS KLINE, "Executors. Fishing Creek Juno 23, 1838. Gentlemen and Ladies come and look a! the handsome .r S7JRENCH double rectified.and 1 scented with tlio ; Otto of Hose, for salo at Tobias's Health Emporium. GLAD 'TIDINGS !! BROWN'S EiOTIOlV, m EC COMMENDED by Doct, Wilson as a certain euro for Itheumatism. Also, RED LINIMENT, Reccommendcd by Doct. Davis, of Philadelphia for thp following complaints .Rheumatism, Weak ness and stillness of the Joints, &c. For wlc at Tobias' Health Emporium, Btoomsburg. proprietors rcspccuuiy sulkihi mat inc aaiumay .IJL Chronicle is published on the largest sized papcVt? and contains 32 columns, chiefly printed in small H OilLT Book Boxes, V T3" Beads, Fancy do. Vaxcs, Gilt Thimbles,