The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, August 04, 1838, Image 3

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"TnnTU without nun "
S.lTUUUJir, AUGUST, 1838.
DcJcgatc ftBccthag.
The Democratic Electors of Columbia
County, will meet at their respective places
of holding the General Elccliqn, on SAT
URDAY, the fir3t day of September ensu
ing, betweon the hours 'of 3 and G o'clock
in the afternoon, and elect TWO DELE
GATES, in each election district, to meet
at the house of Ea,nlcl Gross, in Blooms
burg, on Monday, the 3d day of September,
to form a Ticket to bo supported by the
Democratic party at the ensuing General
July 30, 1838.
Mr. Webb,
You will gratffy a wish expressed by
many of your friends in this section, if you
vill publish tho name of SEBASTIAN
IIOWER, of this township, as a candidate
for Auditor of Columbia county, lie is a
democrat of the old school, and every way
qualified for the station, and if nominated,
will no doubt be elected.
Mr. Editor,
; I have been requested by many of the
friends of WILLIAM J.lKELER.of Mount
Pleasant, to bring his name before the pub
lie, .as a candidate for Commissioner of this
county. Mr. Ikclei is a decided and linn
democrat, and if nominated and elected,
will look well to the interests of the county.
Tho Danville Intelligencer mentions the
name of JEREMIAH WELLH I ill', of
'Madison, as a candidate for the office of
Treasurer of Columbia county, which
makes the list of names already brought
forward to bo presented to the democratic
county convention, stand thus :
Commis'er WM. COLE,
Treasurer WM. S. DAVIS,
In the above list, we have omitted the
names of the whig candidates, John Bow
man, for Assembly, arid John Laubauch,
for Commissioner", riot considering them to
have any claim to a station on the list of
candidates to bo presented to a democratic
convention for nomination, , In doing so,
avc do not wish to cast any reflections on
those who " do not publish both sides," nor
upon the gentlemen named, but we cannot
admit the right of the whig Register to en
ter tho name of any gentleman, on our list
of candidates for nomination froni a dcirio
ctatic convention. They must come in at
some other door to entitle them to a scat at
our board.
The Jlpprattclilafc EUcthn.
" Union and harmony," should bo our
watch-wordjand if adhered to in good faith,
iiiero cannot be a doubt of the triumphant
success of the Democratic parly in this
county, and Congressional district, at the
coming election. Tho names of several
gentlemen have already been brought for
ward for tho consideration of the county
convention, with strong claims for nomina
tion to the various ofiiccs of the county,
and from present appeaianccs, the list will
be swelled much larger, before the time for
, action shall arrive; so that every office to
bp. voted for by tho people, will have inoro
lan one democratic claimant for nomina
tion by the convention. It is the duty then,
of tho democratic party to freely, frankly
auc kindly to discuss, tna claims of the va
rious candidates for nomination) with a view
ol .nun," (hat harmony among the
tarty in our local elections, which nppran
to prevail, to such nn eminent degree, in re-
ation to our candidate for Governor. One
of the fundamental principles of our party is,
that every individual has a right to have
his claims for support to an office presented
to the proper ordeal, and, therefore, no one
member of the jparly has any right to
claim that his name, and his only, shall
be presented to the nominating convention,
to the exclusion of all others. There is
'no man neither, without friends, and It cer
tainly cannot advance Hie intciest of one
eandid'dto to embitter the friends of tho
other, by using language towards them or
him, that is calculated to irrritatc or wound
the feelings. If this is done, and persisted
in, it certainly cannot bo expected that, that
union and harmony" will prevail in our
nominations, which is Co much desired by
every true democrat at the present "moiricn
tious period of our political affairs. We
must begin right if we would end right.
Wo must maintain aicciprocity of good feel
ing before, as well as after, the nominations
are made, if wo would wish to preserve our
ranks unbroken, and present a bold front to
our enemies in the general battle-field. Sc
far as we can learn, this is (lie dctcrniina
tion of our democratic brethren throughout
the county, and that every attempt, let .it
come from quarter it may, to disturb this
good feeling to distract or create uisaciv
lions in the party or to prevent a fair and
unbiased expression of tho people, cither in
their primary assemblies, or at tho county
convention, will be discountenanced and re
eeivc tliat rebuke which it will so justly
merit. Should this determination be car
ricd it'ito effect, and we trust it will, we have
no hesitation in saying, that whatever tick
et is fairly formed by tho nominating con
volition, will be elected by an overwhelm
ing majority. , . , . .
, . JS cicar c or Shlnjtlaiflcrs.
Several denominations of Shinplaslcrs
which have heretofore circulated freely a
inongus, are now refused on account of in
solvency pf tho institutions. Tho " liar
risburg, Portsmouth and Lancaster Rail
Road Company, are among the number,
It is said that the personal property of this
institution has been seized upon to satisfy
claims of creditors.
For fear that tho people of Columbia
county should not have tho plcasuro of
reading the subjoined precious article, pub
lished in the last Register, wo extract it in
to our paper. 'Tis seldom we have an op
poi'tuhity of giving circulation to an article o
such real excellence. Unfortunately the ta
lents and tastes of some men arc hidden un
der a bushel, and it a only tinder peculiar
circumstances that they are brought to light.
When they are, they should bo prized tho
more highly. What a pity it is that ibc
Register has not a more extensive circula
tion, as such articles, written with such a
spirit, would have more effect to advance
the election of David R. Porter, than all that
could be said in his favor by his friends.
Who is there that can read this extract
without having the nobler passions of the
soul assume tho ascendency, and rejoice
that wo have one editor in Columbia coun
ty who is the paragon of refined taste and
exquisite feeling 1 But to the extract :
"It is now ascertained and publicly staled,
that a large portion of tho 4th of July Loco
Foeo Convention, was composed of Black
Legs professed gamblers ; and that for one
of tliein,.a roward of S500 is olfered in one
of the Wcstcrh counties; a strong suspicion
being entertained, that ho had committed a
murder. Pretty Gqvornor makers for mor
al or religious people."
,""l " ' I".1"?' "'15 ,
Mr. George W. Smith, of Blocklcy town
ship, Philadelphia county, has this harvest
cut the wheat standing in the field in tho
morning hauled it in, threshed and cleansed
it, taken it to the mill, had it ground and
brought home, had the Hour made into
bread, and eat part of it before night tho
same day!
The State Bank of Missouri is the only
Banking Institution in that State. It lias
riot issued notes under tho denomination of
$20, and has always redeemed them in
specio when presented... Wc state this on
tho authority of a gentleman just from St.
It is stated in some of tho papers, that
the jewels on the robe of Prince Eslerhazy,
which ho. wore on the cornation of tho lit
tle girl queen, Victory, aro valued at ono
hundred and thirty thousand pounds or
An ingenious writer is finishing a ro
mance entitled "Cain vindicated." He
makes out that Abcl'was, a banker, and that
Cain' killed him becauio he would not re
sume specie papmenU,
D lroil, wdIi a prmilation of nearly ten
t1iou"nid, lnd but a single death during tho
wceit enuing on tiie-vtii.
Jl Good One. The following toast was
given by Albert G. Greene, Esq. at tho
inuhieipal dinner in l'rovulonce, on the
Fourth, j '.'.Freedom of conscience where
over it is enjoyed may every man have
religion enough of his own, to. bo willing
not to mcddlo with that of his neighbors?
Earl Durham has issued an order for tho
immediate release frdm the Montreal jail of
tho prisoners implicated in tho late rcbea-
lon, and not rnentioncti in Hie fate Amonsi
ty. They aro to give the nocc33ary secu
Xnccic. It is estimated that tlterc is
S'l 00,000,000 specie in France ; 3150.000,-
000 m England; and auout$80,000,000 m
the United States. The great abundance
qf specio in France accounts for the gctieral
stability ol her currency.
The Crops. The crops throughout
Ea3t Tennessee and Western Virginia, so
far as we have heard from them, bid fair to
yield abundant harvest to the cultivator.
1 ho weather lor tno last ten or littcen days
has been highly favorable for vegitation,
warm, with lrcqucnt showers.. Our lar-
mors have just commenced cutting their
wheat, and the crops ol oats promises to be -the
heaviest ever seen in tho country. .
Jonesboro (Tenn.) Sentinel.
All the volunteers who have been serving
in the Cherokee country have been dis
charged from service except two compa
Amalgamation. A stcaniboat arrived
at Albany, N. Y., on Monday, 23d inst.,
containing an odd mixture of passengers,
aihon'g whom were Gen. Felix Houston of
Texas, tho Irish Giant, an Albino Lady, an
Eastcrn.Juggler, an Arabian Slud, and four
Leicester Sheep. Ledger.
A Jlara. Varmint. A new animal, not
described by Cuvicr, Bufipn, or Berwick,
is belvir cxibitcd in Boston, called tho Oat-
aringtatl Macauco. Ho is a compound of
the monkey, the squirrel, the skitnlc, and
tho fox; and is, it issaid in all respects, a
right curious "crittur"
, The late law of Congress provides, - that
the .widows of revolutionary soldiers, who
were married prior to January ,171)4, and
remain widows, shall receive a pension for
fivo years from the -lth of March 1830.
equal to the .pensiorr of their husbands
would have been entitled to, if living under
the act 7th June, 1832.
Sour Grapes from abroad. Tho "Now
York Gazette," a Federal paper, has the
following opinion in relation to Gov. Rit
ner's lato Proclamation : "That such lan-
cuairc as-is used in reference to the acts of
the General Government, and certain. other
expressions on other matters, 13 shocking'
In unbecoming and out of place in an offi
cial paper from the Chief Magistrate of
the stale oj reimwiyivania.
Gallantry. While tho Brady Guards
wore encamped at Buffalo a gentleman and
two ladies approached one of tho sentinels
on duty.
I have not the countersign said ho and
presume 1 cannot pass. You have a coun
tersign upon each arm was tho gallant leply
and the gentleman and ladies were permit
to pass.
Primitive Umbrellas. In Michigan they
carry small trees to keep oil' the sun. instead
of umbrellas
G. W. Kyle, the Whig elected in Buck
ingham county, Virginia, to the legislature
pledged himself at the hustings, if elected,
to go against an United States Bank.
MARRIED On Thursday tho 2d inst.
by Charles KahlcrEsq. Mr. Ellis Hughs,
of Cattawissa, to Miss Phcbo Millard, of
Brier Creek.
At Level Corners, Lycoming County,
on Sunday last, by tho Rev. AVm. Turner,
Levi L, Tate, Esq. Editor of tho Berwick
Sentinel, to Miss Susan Ann Carpenter, of
the former place.
DIED In Hemlock, August 1, 1838,
at the house of Mr. Paul Hopper, Abel
Samuel, infant Son of Mr. Abel Hilborn,
lato of Avon, LivingstonCouuty,Ncw York,
aged 3 months aiid two days.
Tho Ladies of Danvillo will hold a Fair in the
room adjoining tho storo of Mr. Tctcr Ualdy, during
tho first three days of tho next Court, that is, on the
20th, 21st, and 22d of August. A largo assortment
of valuable, ornamental, end interesting articles,
prepared through tho industiy, and with tho judg
ment aid tasto for which tho Ladies of that place
aro eminent, will bo offered for sale, for tho benefit
of tho Episcopal Church.
Danvillo, July 20,18381 ,
That I lmfp applit-d to tho Judges bftho Court of
Common Tloas in and for tho county of Columbia,
for tho benefit of tho Insolvent Laws of this common
wealth, nnd that they Imvaapneintcd tho third Mon
day of August next, (bein$ tho SOtli day of tho
month,) for hoaring me and my croditors at tho
court houso in Danvillo; at whUk timo at placo you
can attend if you thkik proper. 1 .
Danville, Aug. 4, 188.
82 mim EOT EKMBKfg
On Saltlrduy,thc4( o'clock, P.M.
The American Ropo Vanltcr, informs tho
inhabitants of Hemlock, that ho will, per
form, at the .above time and place, a variety
of astonishing feats on the
... SLACK p.OPEj
thiity feet in the oir, and will conclude his
iperformaneoj by swinging oil' the ropo by
the neck, vhilo on full swing Besides, he
will perform many feats of Chinese Exer-.
ciscs, such as Plato Dancimr,' Litrht ait'd
i Heavy Balancing, Sic. The con-
mule with a New and COMIC ACT.
Good order will be kept during the per
formance, and seats provided for ladies and
gentlemen. Good Music will attend.
Q 1 he above performance will bo re
peated at Jcrseytown, on Monday evening,
tho 0th, and at Fruitstown, on Tuesday
fl 1 1 n ..... llm . ! .
UVWllllllI, III.
August 3.
E( COMMENDED by Doct, Wilson as
ccuuln euro lor isiicumatiKm. Also,
Rcccommcnded by Doct. Davis, of Philadelphia,
jor tho I ollowmg complaints . tihoumatism, Weak
ness tind Btiflhcsrf of the Joints, &c. For sale at
1 obias Health Emporium, Eloomsburg.
For Weak and Inflamed Eyes. Also
EYE-VVATHH, for sore, weak and inflamed eyes,
rtccoramended by sorao of tho beat physicians in
Philadelphia, l'or salo at the
Cheap Health Lmponum,
D. S. TOBIAS, in Eloom'sburg.
Doht Suffer loo nluch! Hcrcis Remedy,
rale Ointment. .
T almost immediately removes tho pains and al-
. lays the inflamation, and by attcndinir to the
lull directions, tho sufferer will bo spcedilv relieved
irom tnc unpleasant all-ction. C-all at
lobius Health Lmponum, Eloomsbnrg,
THIS valuablo Medicine is a certain euro for
young children, in cholic, convulsions, rest
lcfcbucbs, griping, disordered bowels, green stoolJ,
sour vomitings, 6cc. rxgrsajoat
Tobias' Health Emporium, Eloomsbur.
Dr. Weaver's Tf'orm Tea and Salve.
THE action of this Mcdic'ino is not only to ex
pel Wonhs, but by its tonicvpowcrs. to pre-
vonc a return of them, by removing tho weak Mate
ot t no uigesti.'o organs on which their pioduction
mainly uepenus. Jf or salo by
Health Emporium, Bloomsburg,
certain cure for tetters, ringworms, pimples on
me lace, ana other cutaneous eruptions.-
Abk for
Tobias' Health Entporium, Bloomeburg,
Astonishing Facts. ,A certain Remedy
jor me jevcr ana jjquc.
WTsirAltKANTED a prompt and effectual cure.
V V or salo ut
1 'obias' Health Emporium, Eloomsburg,
Improved Aperient Scidlitz Powders,
fTJELD in high estimation for indigestion, heart
J3. burn and billious affections. For salo at
Tobias' Health Emporium, Eloomsburg.
1L of Spruce, for making Spruce Beer.
Extract of Sarsnarilla. Tooth Powder.
Spatuta. Emery. Castel Soap. Lady's
Palm Soap to Wash. Distilled Vcrdigries.
Oil of Soap, for taking out of cloths Spots,
Stains, Grease, &c. All for sale at
Tobiua' Health Einporium.
EVANS' Caininomile Pills. Brandcth's
Pills. Lcidy's Pills. For salo by
D. S. TOBIAS, Bloomsburg.
BJTating leased thcabovo establishment, situated
Jj in the villago of Bloomsuvi., Columuiai'T, and having thoroughly repaired tho House
and Stables, is nowroady to accommodate tholrav
olliin: community ina manner that will satisfy llicir
expcuatiuns. His B Mc.u.dLARDEK will always
bo supplied wilh Iho best that can bo procurod in
tho country; and ho Hatters hi.iisell' lw fehall bo ena
bled to administer to tho comfoit and convenience
of all who nny call on liim.
fttTu has ulso established a manufactory tor nmk
13, ing Segars, Cut Tobacco and Snull', and will
supply Merchants and Tavern keepers with any
quantity of Sf gars, from tho common to tho best of
Spanish Leaf, Cut Tobacco and Snull', upon as rea
sonable terms as they can bo procured in tho State.
Bloomsburg, July, 21st 1838.
UST received a new supply of
i'rem juacKerri,
Good assortment of Calicoes. ,
Palm Leaf, Hats,
Eale of Carolina Moss,
Spring Steel and Jf 'aggon Tire, '
baddlery, ij-c.
and for salo by
Bloomsburg, July U,
Trai-" a cood quality, by IO
JSJ or lOOOO-1"1 ''I"' ,uil lVi
the CuiW-
'BlooawburgJuna 9, laas.
'ommencinp with 4hcJ uly Number forlB.T
oood orronTtfNiTV rou Sr.w svnscninEiuj.
The Largest and Cheapest Periodical t'rt
i nc unueu orates.
. .. ' Till: ,. ; Ti,
Now publishing ip Monthly 'Numbers.
The proprietors havcuiuch plcasuro in announc
ing to tho reading public, th4 complete success which.
as aucnucd uio establishment of tins JMagarine -success
far beyond their utmost expectations, and
considerably exceeding tho prosperity of any other
publicalibn in .America. Tho daily increasing sub
scription list, and Tins irjMEnoL-s commexdaiit ho
tices oF.Tiii; rniis, altrtt tho merits and tho popu-
of which contains . , . ,
Move Original Iff alien
than any other monthly publication. The
contents embrace a fertile range of amusing
and instructive subjects, by authors of cele
brity. Original Tales of powerful interest;
Humorous and Gianhic delineations of men
and manners; Novel sketches of Foreign
lands; Poetry ; Characteristic Studies; Es
says on popular- oebjucts, and Biographical
.t r . l 1 i 1 ir. . 1
iiuuccs oi ceicuraiuu uccuninc porsons, Willi
many original Anccuotaa'. l ho now pub
lications aro rovicwed in full ; Liberal ex
tracts are made from rare and valuable
works prcBcntini' a complete account of
tho . .
An Original Copy-right Song, not otherwise
to bo obtained, will be given, with the
music, in ovcry number. .
The Gentleman's Magai'inc cosilains Sevcntv-tWo,
cxtra-siicd O'ctava pages, cf two columns each, form
ing, at the closo ot tho year, two large volumns' of
ono thousand, seven bundled and twenty-eight col
umns cacn column contains more man an octavo
page of average proportion, and each morithly nuiri
ber has moro reading matter than a volumo of a
novel. Tho work is neatlyprinted, on good paper,
and stiched in a neat colored cover. Several Engrav
ings will bq given in the course of the year, and tho
proprietors pledgfi Iliemselvcs to producau agreeable
book--an epitome ofLifo's adjunctives a Literary
Melange, possessing variety, to suit all palates, and
suilieient to command a placo upon the parlor table
of every Gentleman in the United States.
Of Great Novelty nnd Utility, is introduced into
tho volumo commencing the preecnt year, viz.
Or Monthly Calender of American Chronology,.
Exhibiting Correct Dates of tho Births and Deaths
of Eminent men, Land and Sea. Fights, -Treaties,
Extraordinary and Memorable Events, and other
matters connected with
TiiriHsTonvor AMEitici. ' '
Tho dulncssi and acuracy of this Chronology,
which has been complied at great expense of timo
&labor renders it a valuablo addition to the pages of
tho Gentleman's Magazine. There is no other
Calender like it in existence. , .. , ...
TERMS-i-Three Dollars per annum,
payable iri advance. '
Al letters, postage paid; addressed to Cliarlda
Alexander. Athenians Buildings Franklin Placo,
Philadelphia, will meet with the earliest attention.
y'V President of tho Courts of Oyer and Ter
miner and General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter
Sessions of tho Peace, aud Court'of Common Pleas,
and Orphan's Court, In tho eighth JudipiarDistriet)
composed of thp counties of .Northumberland, Union,
Columbia and Lycoming'; and the Hon. William
MoxTooMBnr and Leonaiid Ruvkut, Esquires;
associate Judges in Columbia county, havo issued
their ptccept bearing" datb tho 2 1st. day of April,
in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight' hundred
and thirty-eight, and to mo directed forljolding
A Court of Oyer and Terminer and G. il
eal Jail Delivery, General Quarter
Sessions of the Peace, Common
Pleas, and Orphan's Court, (
IN DANVILLE, in tho county of Columbia, on
tho third M ttitlay of August noxt, (being tho 20th
day) and'to continue two weeks. '
NOTICE is therefore hereby given to thp Cor
oner, the Justices of tho Poace,-tmd Constables of
tho said County of Columbia, that they bo then and
there in their proper prrsetfs, at ten o'clock, in tho
forenoon of said day, vith their records, inquisition.
and other remembrances to do those things which
to their offices appertain to bo done. And those
who aro bound by recognizances to prosccuti
against the prisoners that aro or maybo in tho jail
of said county of Columbia, aro to bo then and there,
to proiecute against them as shall be! "just. Jurors
aro rcquosted to bo punctual in their attendance, a
grecably to their notices. , , ,
Dated at Danville', tho 20th day o Jidy, in,
tho yoar of Our Lord ono thousand eight hun
dred and thirty-eight, and i(i tho C3d year of
the independence of tho United States of Amer
Sheriff's Onice, Danvillo,
July 20, 1838.
For Trial at August Term, 1839.
John Crossly vs. Archibald Kerr,
John McUcynolds vs- Nancy Cummings,
Samo vs. Christianna Cummings,
Same vs. Alexander Cummings,
William Clements vs. Julm Barley,
Joseph Fulmer vs. M'Dowell & BJUenbcndcr,
Martin McCalUster vs.John Soidlc's adtn'rs,
Jacob Cavr vs. Goorgo Carr,
John Carr's executory vs. George Caw,
Jopph Lemon vs. Joseph Lemon,jr.
Hugh Bella-t vs. Henry Grigjjer's adininitratorsf
App & (!wss vs. I 11, iWiujroft,
Samuel Yoike vs. John Weaver,
Margnrot M'Dbnald ct al vs. Jcrph Maus,
Jacob Grow vs. (low go W eavee, . '
Abraham C. Adams vs, Uobert MX urdy ft al,
Danirl S. Tobias vs. Lewis Me-vor,
Daniel Mussclman yn. Jofiu -Murray t ul,
Jogepli Kotyns vs VyUJlns K'tebin,
AltfrMbrogorofty vs. Jonathan Loc et m',
loMfh UoMns vs. William Riirhen.
AsebJMd M'Cap vr. Jhn Ktlaret al,
Miry Iuiiir vs. Hiram Dm et tj,
. Bwd-Eve vs. Jesuph Fullmer,
' JamwBvritvii. Lewis Stshuji' V