The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 21, 1838, Image 1
I liWvo swuru upon Hie Altar of (Jod, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man." Thomas Jefferson. PRINTED AJND PUBLISHED BY II. WEBB. Volume If. BSiOOBIfcBUKG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, FA. SAOTEDA, JU&IT 21, 1S38. Number 13 OFFICE OF THE DEMO CHAT, Next door to Romson's Stage Orvici:. iTJTr'.-o.'M'Pt ; The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be 'published cvdry Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars Fif ty Cents, if not paid within Jhe year. No subscription will be taken for a shorter period than six rionths; nor any discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages are discharged. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a square ivill be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the first three insertions, and Twenty-five cents for every subse quent nsertlon. ICT liberal discount made, to those v.'ho rtivt.rlisc by the year. LETTERS addressed 'on business, must be post paid. I EADER, if vou havo a cough or cold beware ttt, of their consequence. UjIus generally pro duce imperceptibly, anu insinuate umiibcivra. throughout the human system, finally settling upon' the lungs, and ending in concumptioii. A WORD TO 1AIU-3NT3. How often is youth cut down when least ovpect cd by tho consumption, and followed to their graves by parents who aro in a lnfasurc the causo of their premature death, in neglecting to remedy colds when existing in childhood, looking upon them as trilling affections, and not attracting their notice until the destroyer has commenced its work and made sure of its victim. This is not a faneit'ul representation, for daily numerous instancei" occur which prove the fa ft. In manhood cold terminate in tho same way, but do not progress so rapidly as iu youth; lhy should, however, in both youth and manhood, bo catly at tenden to, and not regarded as trilling affections, for it is a delusive idea that lias shortened the lives of thousands. , . Dr. BECIITErfS . PULMONARY. PRESER FATIVE, (Price Fifty cents pec Dottle,) . .t. nn-5-,vnl!Moj)r3'akVian. jfteoycrwl lata 'regu lar and celelmaed iiermaj) .physician, who has cm in Germany, throughout Uch countiy it has been tbnfrtlmo most extensively and successfully employed in Coughs, Colds, Cataarhs; Asthmas, Vhooping Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain of the Dreast and Sidc3,.all nflljtiors of tho Breast "and Lungs, and arrest of approaching Consumption. Juucn, may ue saiu in pr.uau iiicauun-iviv, but newspaper adcrtisiii; being too expensive, eve ry satisfactory evidence will be found in all its ef fects upon trial, as well as numerous recommenda tions accompanying the directions. Upwards of 7000 bottles were sold in Philadelphia nlono dur ing thelast winter, a. convincing proof of its efficacy orso large a quantity would never havo been sold. Prcpaied and sold Wholesale and, Retail at Dr. Lcidy's Health Emporium, iid btrcct, below Vine, No. 191, ALSO, SOLD BY T). S. TOBIAS, Agent. Blo6msburg, May 28, 1838. 1 y6. PREMONITAItY HINTS, AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION. EADER, did you over see n confirmed Dys i nentic. and learn his sufferings! If not, suf lice it to say, ho is a pale, thin and ghastly looking object, his life apparently hanging by a thread; ho ' I I , t ....Iirtp.lm- 18 miscrauio auu umiappy, iu suuuuuija (uuiEvti..a ble. Are you much troubled -with flatulency, costive ncss, sour eructations arising from your stomach, occasional want of appetite, wnterbiush, a bad jtasto in your mouth, or foul breath, pain or a heaviness at your stomach, sicknoiw after eating, headache, dis gust at your once favorito tood, xc. 11 you aro inuch troubled with any of thoforcgoiug symptoms, bring beforo you tho picture of tho Dyspeptic, and navmg rcsoivcu to rcmcuy mo cojibeqiieiiccs, i mediately procure Dr.Lcidy's Tonic $'Anti-DyspeplicCordial A never failing and c!hcaeioU3 remedy for DYSPEPSIA Oil INDIGESTION, And the wholo trcin of uffsctluiis resulting from dis eases of the Liver, Stomach and Intcstinog. The above medicine is warranted frco from mcr- curv or other minoral preparations; it Is composed entirely of vegetables, safe and easy to take, being very pleasant to tho tusto. It may be safely admin istered to young and old, requiring but moderate re strictions m diet only. Numerous testimonials havo bceit from tirao to timo published; its reputation is bo well known, fur- .ner comment upon us mhuuh i uimutuuisary, ui fife it to say, it has nbvku faiih ix a hinolk msTANcr. Further recommendations accompany the directions around each bottlei rrW'rice One D dlar per bollio. Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr, Leidy's Health Emporium, 3d street, below Vino, No. 101. Also Sold by D. S. TOBIAS, AgenU Bloomsburg, May 20. Iy5 trN OLD LEAF, SlI.YfiinEAiTmrijbp. (jjjj- PEK LEAF, For salp at ', Tobias1 Drugg Store in Bloomlurg, LOOK OUT SHARP ! I TONH bcif.- in tV known world, for bale at tho cheap iiou e, r'y TOBIAS initiator burg. ; AND Threshing .-SSachino MANUFACTORY. THE subscribers respectfully inform the public in general, that they hav.e erected tho above mentioned establishment for all kinds of to order; and also to Manufacture TIIItESIf- JA'a JlJlt'lin.VES and POllTJUUAi IJOlCSi: 1 OWE ti8 1 all of which they will mako ol the bestot materials, mm in the most work manlike manner, and will dispose of them on rea sonable terms. ; . L. II. MAUS & Co. Bloomsburg, May 19, 133b. 4 IiIVBE5.1T fcfeszaa EXCHANGE. TSTERY rospcctfully informs his friends and tho y public, that he lias always on hand, at his Li very Slablo in Bloomsburg, for the purposes of Hire or Exchange, a variety of , . Horses,, GIGS, WAGON 8, AND SLEljGIIS. which ho will feel gratified to keep iu readiness for tho accommodation of customers. Personal application can bo made athisresidence, when every, meant) will be used to render entire sat isfaction to those who may give him a call. NOAH S. PRENTI8. Bloom3burg, MnyiJO, 1838, Ot ALAUATUS, Glauber Salts, Epsom wits, for fj sale at tho . - ' Cheap Health Emporium. To the Blsia'es&cd & A&UcJcd'. TOBIAS'S HEALTH EMPORIUM And Family Drug Warehouse. 1I13AX.TII, ;"Tho poor man's riches tho rich man's bliss." lift subscriber would respectfully announco'to j his friends and tho public that ho has opened a general assortment ol ' Srags & SSedicines, at his Dru;; and Chemical Store in Bloomsburg, and that he will bo happy to supply tho wants of those who may give him a call. Among his as sortment aro : Alcohol, Aqua Amonia, Aqua pepper, Arsenic white do, yellow Allonntto Mustard Muriato of Tin Maco Nippcl Shields do Shells Opodeldoc liquid do Steers Pills German Guininc Itadix Calcicuni do Senega Snako do Squills Resin plaster Steel Powder Stodcn bitters Stone yellow do rotten do black 1 Sand pnper sordto Solution of tin Spt. Bather Snlph. ' do Niter Eather do Ilarbhomo Vials all kinds Wafers rod and black Kreosote Window Glass all sorts Agarric Aqua Foitls Bluu Mass Block Tin Barley pealed llnru Bronze white do yellow Carb Ammonia Cinnamon Cochineal Crab's eyes Cloves . Draggon's blood Ginger Gum Assafcctida do. Opium do. Aloes do. Arabic do Barbadocs Aloes Camphor Gum Copal Whiting Sandet Salts Cologne Water Black I very do Myrrh Horso Lance Isinglass Kussia Lamp black ALSO, Black Pepper. Allspice, Iron Rost. Red Pepper, D. 1S3S. S. TOBIAS. Bloomburg, May 10, BERNARD RUPERT, MAS just received tho Spring Fashions from Philadelphia, and is ready to mako all kinds ol carmctita in tho newest and most fashionable style. ' ; Bloomsburg, Moy 5 1838. LOOK HERE, DYERS to PAINTER, If you want to Buy CHEAP. ,01AM Wood, ground; Chrom, Green; Drop Luke; Jyi'uitic; Lo''wood Madder, Spanish Drown, for sale at Tobias'' JParthousc in Bloomsburg. DVKHS OPKN YOUIt KYJJS. ENGAL Indigo; Spanish do. Vcrdigries, blue Vitrial; White do. tor alc cheap und good, at tho Bloomsburg Warn House, uy D. S. TOBIAS. BYE WATER & BE SAIjVE 111111 lean nvoi.imend to any body, for sale at M MEW SdB! THE subscribers havo just received, at llicir old establishment, in Bloomsburn, a new and general assortment of Goods, laid in with great care and suitablu for the present and approaching sea sons ; which, with their former stock, they (latter, themselves, presents as various a choice of goods as can be had in any part of the county, and which hey aro disposed to part with at the lowest price for Cash or- in exchange for Country Produce. i Ucir btock ol consists of all varieties of tho lmnufacturios of Silk, Flax. Cotton, and Wool, and their numerous com binations, iu England, Franco and Amciica. Superfine, Fine, Common, and Coarse Cloths, Casslrncrs and Sattinctts ; Cotldn Goods from the Coarsest (o ' the Finest texture; a- mong the latter an as sortment of French'. Chintz, cs. Mitstiftkand Calicoes of new and superb palefhJipSilks- and Silk Vcslings, oiaiuii, iianuuercnicjs, eye, irisn linens, dressed and undrescd, French Lawns and brown Hollands. , ( Groceries & Ssiquors, r- "r r it n r t Sugar, Coflec, Chocolate, Tea, Spices of all kinds, ucvcral kinds and qualities ol Dranuy, Spirits, Kum: Whiskey, Wine and Molasses. hardware tkJJl Knives and Forks, Cutlery, Saddlery, Coach and Wagon mountings and trimmings, Scythes, Mil and cut Haws, Tools tor iilacKsimtus, buocma- I. ...... t!.l.!l,w.. P..;i,.w. fVA....4no ... chanico. . , AND Croclicvy Ware, Cediir Ware ni.z,oi,AJS'j oTJinn is.isuKTa, and a thousand and one other articles which it i mpossiblo separately to mention. Pallets, iDrngs and Uyc SiHfi, IKON M.'M'B of all kinds and qualities of foreign and domestic manufacture. Dont throw away gpod bargains by neglecting to call on WILLIAM McREL VY $ Co. Bloomsburg, May 12, 1838. 3 LUE SMALTZ, Whito Frosting, Iceland Moss for consumptive People; Segars, Com hion. Spanish and Half Spanish; and a thousand her articles too tedious to mention, for sale at TOBIAS' Health Emporium. , Swaims Panacea, For sale at ' Tobias1 Health Emporium. White BaSi:m iffulibca'i'y, L'OR SALE AT TOISKAS JSH.HjTII IJIVOJUVM, IN BLOOMSBURG. TSiRANGE Mineral, Prussian Blue. Roso Pink Red Lead, Sugar of Lead, Stfino Yellow btono Itottcn, Umber, Venilion Red, v crmihan, Ca- ial Varnish, White lead dry, White Load in kegs. Jiesm, lor sale uncommon cheap, at Tobias1 Drugg Store, Bloomsburg, IL of stone White, do. red, black, sweet, Cos tor ana all o.iicr kinds of Oils, for bal at - . Tobias's Health Emporium. ITOKE GOAL I'UST received, and for sale, a quantity of firs rate btuxvjs uual, by O B. FISHER. Bloomsburg, May 20, LACK INK.Jtort Ink, Dluo Ink, Durablolnk tor sale at the cheap Health Enporium, by D. S. TOBIAS. FRUIT "TXT) AISONS, all kinds of Candiosi Rock candy, J51.&all kinu ol iS'uts, Oranges, Figs, rrunon, I. menu, &c, etc. &c. for ealo by 1). S. TOBIAS. Evans' Cammomile Pills, Waranted to bo genuine. Anderson's Pills, fc all other kinds of Pills Fly Stone, to kill Flios with. Fish Seed, to catch fish with. TRUSSES. Spungcs, fpr sale at TOBIAS' rr,, j(', Empnrim. WONDERFUL CURES Have been performed in this city, and throughout the country. MEDICATED SARSPARILLA. TJP9EING a concentrated fluid extract of Sarspa- Si3 rilla, combined with tithcr vegetable cxtracte, which renderb it as a medicine of great utility in the cure of all diseases qrlsingfivin the impurities of the blooa Irom indiscretions and impruucucics in fe, and constitutional diseases formed or produced by the injudicious uso' of mercury, arsenic, bark, or quinine. In snort, it is au invaluable lcmcuy tor all Rheumatic Allcctions, General Debility, Ulcerous Sores, AVhito Swellings, Diseases of the Liver and Skin, Ulcerated sore throat, Ulcers of tho Nose, Ca ries of tho diseases of the Bones, .Scrofula or King's Evil, Erybipclas or St. Anthony's Fire, end all un plcaiant Aral dangerous affections consequent to ovplulis, Lucas enereal, Sc. So citoctual has tins medicine bcen'in the cure ol variouj diseases for which it is recommended, that it is far superceding all other preparations of Sarspa- M.j, I'anacca ice. It is now" employed by numerous physicians and has been introduced by them into many hospitals, ifirmancs, &c. throughout the united fatates. It is a preparation of greater strength fconse quently Of grcitcr erlicacy) than any other extract now made, is also much cheaper, licing but one uol ar per bottle; which is sulhcicnt to make one uol on of Syrup of Marsparilla, and is bought by dif ferent druggists for that purpose. Numerous ccrtilicates havo been received and published from timo to time, but in consequence of tho gieat expense attending newspaper publication of them, the most incredulous can be convinced of the superior clhcacy of Dr. Leidy s medicated fears- parilla, by calling at " Lcidy's Health Emporium," No. 101,'?orlh second stree, below Vine, sign of the Golden Eagle and Serpents, where ccrtilicates and references can be given to hundreds of instances of the most remarkable cures ever performed by any medicine. Prepared only and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, 2d street, below Vine, No. 101., ALSO HOLD JJ1' ' D. S. TOBIAS. Bloomsburg, June 3, 1833. TStc Victory Wow, A FTER lone tedious, and expensivo cxpen- jSnicnt; Dr. Leidy has discovered u method wheieby the tuWuc nfttc Sarsupurilla is extracted, so as to be formed into Pills without destroying its ejlicacy. Innumerable attempts have been made to accom plish this important object, but all failed. It is im portant, because the Sanaparilla, us a medicine, in dl diseases to which inaiikiliu is subject is proaucr t're of more real good, than tho whole catalogue of medicine in use. Ask ell respectablo physicians the question, What is tho most cflictiial purifier of the blood, and tho most medicine used!" they will answer unanimously, Sarsajjurilla. What better recom mendation can bo asked 1 DR. LEIDY'S SlJJS.lPlA'iL.l OR BLOOD PILLS, Price, Twenty-five Cents a Box. They must surely command a preference, for they aro not composed of Sarsapanlla alone, but contain, in a cunccntratcd state, in the form of a pill, the virtues of tho principal ingredients contained iu the compound fluid, extracts, syrups, and other prepara tions pf Sarsoparilla. They aro highly recommended by numerous phy sicians, and others, (sec directions around each bot tle) in Rheumatic Affections, Schrofula Erysipelas, Jaundice, Heartburn Diseases of the Liver,skin Ulcc-ous sores of tho nose throat and body. Scaly Eruptions and blotches of the skin. Dry and watery pimple and pcstulcs of the face and body. bones und glands. Pain of the sides, along the back and spine o vcr tho region of the I Tetter and ringworms. I Swellings and hardening heart and stomaeh. Inward fevers, bad taste ut tlic gianos oi ma neck, in tho groins, "breast. &c. Stomach Coughs, Liver complaint. in the mouth.foul breath Flatulency, Indigestion. Sour eructations und acid hies of the stomach. Want of appetite, Watcrbrash. and all tho whole train of diseases resulting from impurity of tho' blood, constitutional diseases pro duced by Mercury, or other minerals, or the conse quent of Syphilu ,vLues Venereal, &c. " For convenience of taking, as well us mailing but small bulk, being in fiat squaro boxes, convenient for carrying in the pocket or lor travelling purposes, they must bo preferablo to all other preparations of Sarsaparilla. " For sale, Wholesale and Retail at Dr. Lcidy's HoalthEmporium, 2nd nearVino strcct,Philadclphia, For sale by 13. a. TOlilAW. TO DELINQUENTS. pTTHIE Books and Accounts of John S. Ingram have been placed in my hands for collection. All persons indebted to him for subscriptions to the Columbia Democrat, or tor Advertising anu Jobs, aro requostcd to make payment to the under signed before the first of July next, as after that date, I am instructed to institute legal proceedings for tho collection of tho same; . , CHARLES KAIILER. Bloomsburg, May 28, 1838. Gentlemen and Ladies come, and look at the handsome BEARS OIIu! ETTIUENOH double roctificd.aud scented with the J Otto of Rose, for sala at Tobias's Health Emporium. SMOKED HERRIXG Sugar crackers, ana Wu kT3l tor cnsrkrrs, for sale by THE SATURDAY CHRONICLE Is the Largest, Best and Cheapest Family JSewspapcr in the United stales. THE PHILADELPHIA' ' SATURDAY. CHRONICLE, The usefulness and Celebrity of which aro fully and extensively established in every part, of the Union, having recently received valuable additions to its columns, in tho contributions of se eral of tho most eminent American writers will now becomo moro popular and interesting' than 'ever, not only in tho variety, but also in tho high literary charac ter of its contents. In stylltng their' weekly mammoth sheet, tho largest, best, snd cheapest family newspaper tho proprietors rcspectfuly submit that the Saturday ChronMe is published on the largest sized paper, and contains 34 columns, chiefly printed in small typo, and therefore embracing moro useful and en tertaining matter than any other of the weekly pa pers that aro pliblUhcd. With reference to its be ing tho nisT of tho wrcklics, they appeal to the faorablc judgment of their numerous readers, from Maine to Red River; and from tho Atlantic to tho Rocky Mountains; und as for the declaration that it is tho cunAVEST 1 they invite their subscribers to compare tho quantity, 'variety and superiority o their letter-prcSs, with the contents of any other weekly sheet in tho United States., They feel con fident that public opinion will decide in their favor. General Contents of the Chronicle. Tales and Essays on L1tcrary,Scientific and Mo ral subjects Sketches of History and Biography Reviews of new publications Poetry; original and selected Lyceum Department Sunday Readings Useful Recipfcs News in a NuUhcll Light Reading ("ity affairs Foreign Varieticji Spirit of the Daily Press Prices Current Market Report Almanac List of Marriages and Deaths Sto ries fiom the Classic writers Popular statistics o tho World Ladies Department Original Com;- municaliona from some of the best writers of Phila delphia and elsewhere Medical Lectures Science and Art Agriculture and Kural Economy Popu lar superstitions Cuiious (Justoms aud Manners European and Domestic correspondence Arti cles on Music, the Drama, and other amusements Varieties, amusing incidents, &c. and a carefully prepared synopsis of tho current INcws of the day, both Foreign and Domestic'. During the two last years the publishers havo paid for original contributions, premiums, corres pondence, &c. more than S500 DOIXARS And a stiil larger sum will be'oxpcndrd, for sim ilar purposes.'during tho publication of the succeed ing volumes. EUROPEAN CORRESPONDENCE. Besides the regular scries of letters from an in telligent travelling correspondent in Great Britain, nearly seventy of which have already been publish ed, wo aro now presenting our readers with a week ly correspondence from England, Francs $ Italy, from the pen of our partner, Mr. B. Matthias, who is now on a tour through those countries. We in vito attention to this prominent feature of the Satur day Chronicle, as containing valuablo and highly interesting information. XCT'Fhe Third Volume of the Chroni cle will commence, on Saturday, May 19. TERMS. ' For n single copy one year, ?2 00 Six topics 'for ' . 10 00 Or three ccpics for ' 5 00 For six months in advanco 1 0 C3Small notes on all solvent banks, received at par in payment of subscriptions. Address (post paid) , . MATTHIAS & TAYLOR; Publishers, Philadelphia. Office No. 83 south second 6treet. fjSpecimen numbers, if ordered post paid, will be sent to any part of tho United States. ILatlics Eooli at this. ILT Book Boxes, Silk do. Paper do. UUt Heads. Fancy do. cut do. plain do. Ladies Wares, Gilt Thimbles, Hooks & Eyes, Needle ca ses, all kinds of Smelling Bottles, very handsome; Breast Pins, rings, 1 ingcr rings, romaiuni, Snulf Boxes, Hair Brushes, Pocket combs, Lead Pencils, black and red; for sale at TOBIAS Health Emporium. MILLINERS, Will you be so kind as to look at this ! J WHITE Glue; Flake White; Oxalic Acid for sale at the Health Emporium by D, S. TOBIAS. , gTARCH, Snuff Beans, .Sand Papcrol all kinds, Spirits Terpentine, Cocoa prepared Chocolate tor Sick people fresh supply for .sale at tho Health Emoorium in Bloomsburg, by "!; D. S. TOBIAS. ERCURIAL Ointment, Sulphur do. Simple. do. Percipedalo do. Red, Cetriu do. Tartar Emetic do. and all other kinds of Ointments, for salo at the Health Emporium, by ' , D. S. TOBIAS, in Bloomsburg. , OI.ISIIING POWDER, to clean and polish all kinds of Metal.' and Horso Powder, for sale at the cheap Drug store, in Bloomsburg, by v. a. TUU1AB. i Cr . ; 1 ADMINISTJUTORS'JSOTICE. . . . "RT -ETTEUS of Administration having been, til A granted upon the estate of Abraham Kline, uee'd. of Fishing Ctcck township, Columbia coun-' ty. All parsons indebted to said estato, aro rcques-' led to make immediate payment, and all peroiW having demands against said estate must present them to tho eulwciibers, duly attested, or be barred according to law, JOHN KLINE, ' MATTHIAS KLINE, Executors T ' "''ft Emporh'hu 1 p, i vdja-, m juoomsovrr:.