The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, June 16, 1838, Image 4
Wonderful cures . ')fa've hcen plrforiticd in Ittia tity, dnd ihroughottl the country. 1 DR; LEIDY'S MEDICATED SARSPARILLA. . BEING d concentrated fluid 'extract of Sdrspa rilli, combined with other vegetable extracts, which renders it as a medicine of great utility in the cureof all'diseases arising from the impurities of the blood from indiscretions and irnprudencics ill life, arid constitutional diseases formed or produced by the injudicious Uso of mercury, arsenic, bark, or quinine. In short, it is an invalurtblo remedy for all Rheumatic Affections, General Debility, Ulcerous Sores, White Swellings, Diseases of tlio Liver and Skin, Ulcerated sore throat, Ulcers of tlio Nose, Ca ries of tho diseases of the Boiics, Scrofula or King's Evil, Erysipelas or St. Anthony's Fire, und all un pleasant and dangerous affections consequent to Syphilis, Lucas Venereal, &. So effectual has this medicine been in the cure of various diseases for which it is recommended, that n is far superceding all other preparations of Sarspa tilla, Panacea &c. It is now employed by numerous- physicians and has been Introduced by them into many hospitals, infirmaries, &c throughout tho United States. It is a preparation of jnrcatcr strensth ( conse quently of greater efficacy than any oilier extract uiauu, in nieu niucn rncapcr, ncing dui one uoi lar per bottle; which is sufficient td jitalto ono Gal ton of Syrur of Sarsparilla, mid is bought by dif ferent druggists for that purpose. Numerous certificates have been received and published from tinio (o time, but in consequence of the great expense attending newspaper publication of them, the most incredulous can bo convinced of the supcricr.cfficacy of Dr. Lcidy's medicated Sars parilla, by .calling at " Eeidy's Health Emporium," No. 101, Nprth second strce, below Vine, sign of tho Golden Eagle and Serpents, where certificates in J references can be given to hundreds of instances of the most remarkable cures ever performed by any inedicinc; , Prepared only and sold Wholcsalo and Retail at Dr. Lcidy's ilcalth Emporium, 2d street, below Vine,,Ko;191. ALSO SOLD BY . , . D. S. TOBIAS. DloomsbiiVg, Juno 2, 1838. Tike Victory Won, AFTER long, tedious, and expensive experi ment, Dr. Lcidy has discovered a method whereby the virtue of the Sarsaparilla $ extracted, go as to bo formed into Pills without destroying its efficacy. Innumerable attempts have been mado to accom plish this important object, but all failed. It is im portant, because the Sarsaparilla, as a medicine, in all diseases to which mankind is subject is product ive of more real good, than' tho whole catalogue of medicine in use. Ask all respectable' physicians thd question, 'What is tho most effectual purifier of tho blood, and tho mosi popular medicine used!" they will answer unanimously, Sarsapdrillai Whai belter recom mendation can bc-asked 1 DR. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA OR BLOOD PILLi), Price, Twenty-five Ccrits a Box. They must surely commands preference, for they ore not composed of Sarsaparilla alone, but contain, in a concentrated state, in the form of a pill, the virtues of the principal ingredients contained in the compound fluid, extracts, syrups, and other prepara tions of Sarsaparilla. They are highly recommended by numerous phy sicians, and others, (sco directions around each bot tle) in Rheumatic Affections, fichrofula Erysipelas, Jaundice, Heartburn Diseases of the Livcr,skin bones and glands. Pain of tlio sides,- along tho back and spine o ver tho region of tho Ulco-ous sores of the nose throat and body. Scaly Eruptions and blotches of the skin. Dry and watery pimples and pastulcs of thp face and body. Tetter and ringworms, Swellings and hardening of the glands of the heck, in tho groins, breast. &c. heart and stomach. Inward fevers, bad taste in the mouth,foul breath Flatulency, Indigestion. Som eructations and acid itics of the stomach. Want of appetite. Stomach Coughs, Liver, complainh W atcrurpsh. and all tne wnoio tram oi diseases resulting Irom Impurity of the blood, .constitutional diseases pro duced by Mercury, or other minerals, or the conse quence of Syphilii, Lues Venereal, &c. For convenience of taking, as well as making but small bulkj'beihg in flat square boxes, convenient for carrying in the pocket or for travelling purpose, they raus.bc preferable to all other preparations of SarsaparUlii. , For, sale; Wholesale and Retail at Dr. Lcidy's HeaUhEmporium, Srid itcarVine street,Pbijadclphia, For sale by D. S. TOBIAS; . TO DELINQUENTS. THE Books and Accounts of John S. Ingram have been placed in my hands for collection. All persons indebted to him for subscriptions to the Columbia Democrat," or for Advertising and Jobs, are requested to make payment to tho under sinned before the first ofjiilu next, as after that 'date, I ant instructed to institute legal proceedings for tho collection ot tne same. CHARLES KAIILER. Bldoirl'sbuTg, May 20, 1838. GentterAcrl Und Ladies come and took at the handsome OX", fUENCH double rectificd,and scented with tho l Dim nr Knsfl. Tor frfiln nt Tobias's Health Emporium. MILLINERS, Will yoit be so kind as to look at this ! ! MTarrE a,ue; f,b!'0 Whitc; 0xalic Add jor saw oi me iic&itji Emporium by D. S. TOBIAS. TARCH, SnufT Beans, Sand Paperololl kinds'. iSpirits Terpentine, Cocoa prepared Chocolate brittle people. A fresh supply tor sole at tho Health Emporium in Blodmsburg, by. D. S. TOBIAS. fEROURlAL Ointment, Sulphur do. Simple I ild. Percinedato do. Red. Cetrin do. Tartar Emetic do: and all . other kinds of Ointments, for iile at tho Health Emporium, by J). S. TOBIAS, in Bloomstntrg. 8 MOKED HERRING, Sugar crackers, and Wa ter cracKf rs, lor sale ty D. S. TOBIAS, in Bloomsburg. iTEW SADDLERY. The Subscriber OULD respectfully, inform Ihc citi zens of Bloomsbiirff mid its vicinity, lliat lio has removed his shop from Market street, to Main street, in a building belong ing to Andrew Kumi,- nearly opposite Esquire Kahlcr's office, where lie will bo happy to wait upon all persons who may favour him with a call in his lino of bust- 11CSS C7SADDLES, BRIDLES and HAR NESS, mado and repaired at (he shortest notico and on tlio most reasonable terms. ALEXANDER RITTER. Blobmsburg, April 21, 1838. THE SATURDAY CHRONICLE Is the Largest, Best and Cheapest Family newspaper in the united estates. THE PHILADELPHIA . SATURDAY CHRONICLE, The usefulness and celebrity of which aro fully Und extensively established in every part of the Union, having recently received valuablo additions to its columns, in the contributions of several of the most eminent American writers will now becomo moro popular and interesting than over, not only in the variety, but also in tho high literary charac ter of its contents. In stylltng their weekly mammoth sheet, tho largest, best, and cheapest family newspaper tho proprietors respectfuly submit that the Saturday vnronlcie is pulmshcd on the largest sized paper. and contains a!i columns, chiefly printed in smali type, and therefore embracing moro useful and en tertaining matter than any other of tho weekly pa pers that aro published. With reference to its be ing the dsst of the weeklies, they appeal to the favorable judgment of their numerous readers, from Maine to Rod River; and from tho Atlantic to tho Rocky Mountains; and as for thd declaration that it is tho cheapest ! they Invito their subscribers to compare tho quantity, variety and superiority of their letter-press, with tho contents of any other weekly sheet in tho United States. They feci con fident that public opinion will decide in their favor. General Contents of the Chronicle. Talcs arid Essays on Litcrary.Scicntific and Mo ral subjects Sketches of History and Biography Reviews of new publications Poetry; original and selected Lyceum Department Sunday Rcadincs Useful Recipes News in a Nutshell Light Reading City affairs Foreign Varieties Spirit of tho Dally Press Prices Current Market Report Almanac List of Marriages and Deaths Sto ries from tho Classic writers Popular statistics of the World Ladies' Department Original Com munications from some of tho best writers of Phila delphia and elsewhere Medical Lectures Science and Art Agriculture and Rural Economy Popu lar superstitions Curious Customs aud Manners i.uropcan and Domestic correspondence Arti cles on Music, tho Drama, and other amusements Varieties, amusing incidents, &c and a circfully prcparea synopsis oi mo current rcwsol tno day, both Foreign and Domestic. - Dunngtho two' last years tho publishers have paid for original contributions premiums, corres pondence, &c. moro than 2500 DOIXAItS And a still larger sum will bo expended, for sim ilar purposes, during the publication of tho succeed ing volumes. EUROPEAN CORRESPONDENCE. Besides tho regular Series of lettcra frnm nn in. telligent travelling correspondent in Great Britain, nearly seventy of which have already been publish ed, we arc now presenting our readers with a week ly correspondence from England, France Italy, from the pen of our partner, Mr. B. Matthias, who is now on a tgur through those countties. We in vito attention to this prominent feature of tho Satur day Chronicle, as containing valuable and highly interesting .information. ICPThe Third Volume of the Chroni cle ivill commence on Saturday, May.lQ. TERMS. For a single copy one year, g2 00 Six copies for ' 10 00 Or three copies for C 00 For six months in advance 1 00 rrW3mall notes on all solvent hanks, received at par in payment of subscription!). Address (postpaid) MATTHIAS & TAYLOR, Publishers, Philadelphia. Oflico No. 83 south second street. rriSnccimen numbers, if ordered nost nald. will, bo sent to any part of the United States. iiailieH look nt thin. Eye ses, all kinds of Smelling Bottles, very lnndsome; Breast Pins, Ear rings, Finger rings, Pomatum, Snuff Boxes, Hair Brushes, Pocket combs, Lead rcncil'.niacK and red; for sale at TOBIAS' Health Emporium. HADEN SMITH, Respectfully informs tho public, that ho is preparod to receive and oxecute ordors in tho above line, and from his knowledge of the art, having had oxlonajvo praclico for tho last fifteen years, cqnsidors himself jus tified in staling that ho cangivo perfect sat isfaction to all who may cmplov him. Topographical maps furnished according to tho latest improvement, in tho handsom est rind most correct manner, and levelling of every description faithfully performed. Able assistants are engagod. Orders left with the following pcrson3 will meet with immediate attention. James Taggart, Esq., Tamaaua. S. B. Hurmon, Esq., Danvillet Johti Weaver, Esq., Poltsville, John S. Ingram, Esq., Bloomsburg. Cornelius Conner, Esj.,-Mauch Chunk. Tench C. Kintzing, Esq. Caltawissa. Caltawissa, Feb. 1, 1838. 42 Gt PALM Soap. 3 or 4 kinds of shaving Soap, Wash Balls, and Ladies' soap, for bale at tho cheap Drug storo, by D, P. TOBIAK, in Bloomsburg. pi ILT Book Boxes, Silk do. Paper do. Git Tf. Beads, Fancy do. cut do. plain do. Ladies Waxes, Gilt Thimble, Hooks & Eves. Needlo ca- AND BARGAINS 1 1 CGtISIEAI1 niHIIE subscribers respectfully inform their cus J3 ' torrtcrs and tho public generally, that, they haVo just received aud aro now opening at tho A Large and Choice Assortment of Bcleclcd with care, ahd suitable for the season; which in addition to thcif former stock, presents to the consumer, as large a variety, as can bo found in any of the country stores, Their present stock embraces almost every article in demand in tho market, in tho DRV GOOD LINE. . j iicy navu aiso an extensive tassunmuu oj EAE25 WAREj Queens Ware, WARE; GJC.1S8 CEDAR Fish, Salt, Iron, Steel, Paints, Drugs, ' Dye Stuffs, $-c. fyc. iyc. All of which they offer to sell very low for Cash, or in exchange for Country Produce. RUPERT BARTON. Bloomsburg, May 12, 1838. x 3 JVEW tiOODS. fMHE subscribers have just received, at their old m establishment, in Bloomsburg, n new and general assortment of Goods, laid inwith great care, and suitablo for tlio present and approaching sea sons ; which, with their former stock, they Hatter themselves, presents as various a choice of goods as can bo had in any part of tlio country, and which hey arc disposed to part with at tlio lowest prico fpr Cash or in exchange for Country Produce Their Stock of DRY GOOBS consists' of all varieties of the manufacturics of Silk, r lar. Cotton, and AVool, and their numerous com bination?, in England, Franco and America. Superfine, Fine, Common, and Coarse Cloths, Casslmcrs aud Hattlnctts ; Collon Goods from the Coarsest to the Finest .texture, a niong the latter an as sortment of French Chintz , cs, Muslins and Calicoes of new and superb patents, Silks and Silk Vestings, Anatoli, JJandlierchicJs, iyc., Irish linens, dressed and undresed, French Lawns and brouin Hollands, Groceries 81 liquors, Sugar, Coffee, Chocolate, Tea, Spicc3 of all kinds, several kinds and qualities of Brandy, Spirits, Rum, iim tr? i ir.i . vvuis&tiy, vinu aim juoiasscs. HARDWARE Knives and Forks, Cutlery, Saddlery, Coach and VVacon mountings and trimmings. Sevthes. Mill and cut Saws, Tools for Blacksmiths, Shoema kers, Saddlers, Tailors, Carpenters and other me chanics. CI20A - AND 13 3-ES ES 9 S W&SBHo Crockery Ware, Cedar Ware, WHjTjOW.IA'U OTJIMl ItJlSKETS, and a thousand and one other articles which it is impossible separately to mention. Paints, Urugti and Bye Stuift FZSH, OSEi & PLASTER. fLUON MD STHEIi of all kinds and qualities of foreign and domestic manufacture. Dont throw away good bargains by neglecting to can on WILLIAM McRELVY Co. Bloomsburg, May IS, 1838. 3 Tlj ft AISONS, M Jdnds of Candies, Rock, candy, JLlt all kind ot JNuta, U ranges, Figs; Prunae, Le mons, etc. cvc, &c. lor sale by 1). S. TOBIAS. Evans1 Cammamile Pills, Waranted to be genuine. Anderson1 8 Pills, & all other kinds of Pills Fly Stone, to kill Flics with. Fish Seed, to catch ftsji with; TRUSSES. Spunges, for sale at TOBIAS' Health Emporium: kOLISHINfi PmVTlF.n , n.i i:. F . - "-J - VILIMI HIIU ,'UIIOlt nil 1lniln nf Mrfnl n.,,1 T....1- r saicai me encap urug store, in u(oomsburg, by D. S. TOBIAS. OTA8H for boiling sosp, Gum Elastic Shoe uiacK, onu norse nances, loreaie by D. S. TOBIAS' Drugg Warehouse in Bloomsburg, BRANDETH'S MIAS,- For Sale by D. S. TOBIAS, Ai'enl. A IVew Ij.ittrilord, WAST- HM2i9 ORANGEVILLE, Bloom Township, Columbia County, Pa. THE subscriber embraces this opportunity to inform his friends and tho public" in gen eral, that ho has taken the house formerly occupied by JACOB DOMBOY. Ho invites his friends from Orangeville, and iravclhnj to honor him with their custom, and assures the m that no pains shall be spared to make their stay at his house as agrcea blo as possible. HIS BAR Shall ot all times ho supplied with tho Host and Choicest .Liquors, and Tables shall bo larded with all tho dclicacios tho market affords his sta bles shall be clean and uiry, and an attentive hostler will at all times bo ready and willing to take care of tho horses. A variety of tho latest and most in teresting newspapers shall bo procured to wait tho pleasure of his customers. In short nothing shall be loft undone to deserve a liberal share of the public patronage. SAMUEL RICKER. Orangeville, April 28, 1838. BERNARD RUPERT, MAS just received tho Spring Fashions from Philadelphia, and is ready to mako all kinds of iraririenni in tlio newest arid most fashionable style. Bloomsburg, May 5, 1838. AND Bfeeaa EXCHANGE wfrfei "WTERY Tcspectfiulv informs his friends and the y public, that lie has always on hand, at his Li very btablo in Bloomsburg, lor tho purposes ot lllro or Jvxcnange, a variety ot Horses. Sulkies, GIOS, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS. which ho will feel gratified to keep in readiness for tho accommodation of customers. Personal application can bo made at his residence, wlicn every means will bo used to render entire sat' isfaction to those who may give him a call. NOAH S. PKENTIS. Bloomsburg, MaySG, 1838, ALARATUS, Glauber Salts, Epsom salts, for salo at tlio , Cheap Health EmporiunX. To the distressed & Alllictcd! TOBIAS'S HEALTH EMPORIUM And Family Drug Warehouse. "The poor man's riches tlio rich man's bliss." HE subscriber would respectfully announce to his friends and the public that he has opened i ... -r Drugs & JftEedicineg, at his Drug and Chemical Storo in Bloomsburg, and that he will bo happy to supply tho wants of thoso who may give turn a call. Among lus as sortment are : Alcohol. Mustard Muriate of Tin Maco Nippcl Shields do Shells Opodeldoc liquid do Steers Pills Gcrniari Guinino Radix Calcicum do Senega Snako do Squills Rosin plaster Steel Powder Stodcn bitjers Stono yellow do rotten do black Sandpaper sordto Solution of tin Spt. Lather Sulph. do Niter Eathcr da Ilartshorno Vials all kinds Wafers red and black Kroosoto Window Glass all sorts Whiting Sandet Salta . Cologne Water Black Ivcry "Aqua Amonia,' tnua pepper, Arsenic white do. yellow Allonatto Agarric Aqua FoitiS Blue Moss Block Tin Barley pealed Eorvi Bronze white do yellow Carb Ammonia Cinnamon Cochineal Crab's eyes Cloyoo Draggon's blood Ginger Gum Assafcctida do. Opium do. Aloes do. Arabic do Barbadocs Aloes Camphor Gum Copal ' do Alyrru Horse Lance Isinglass Russia Lamp ulacx MIjAU, Allspice, Black Pepper, Red Pepper, Iron Host, . D. S. TOBIAS. Bloomhurg, May 10, , 1 888. LUE SMALTZ, . White Fro4ing, Iceland Moss for consumptive People; fscgars, Com moir, Spanish and Half Spanish; and a thousand Ivtt arlMletf too tedious to meiiuon, lor sale at TOBIAS' ' Health Emporium, Swaims Panacea, For sale at Tobias' Ilcalth Emporium. White Kalian Mulberry, FOR SALE AT uv.i&tjz r.vvouiiwi, m BLOOMSBURG. AN ASSORTMENT OF PLOUGHS. i,V a superior Patent, called ' FARMER'S DELIGHTS," just received and for salo at tlio Uiicap otore of the subscribers. J..T. MUSSELMAN & Co. Bloomsbtirg, April 8, RANGE .Mineral, Prussian Blue, Rose Pink Red Lead, Sugar of Lead, Stone Yellow Stone Rotten, Umber, Vcnition Rod, Vermilian, Ca' pal Varnish, Whito lead dry, Vhito Lead in kcg; Kcbiii, for salo uncommon cheap, at Tobias1 Drugg Store, Bloomsburg, IL of stono White, do. red, black, sweet, Cas tor and all o'.hcr kind of Oils, for sal at Tobias's Health Emporium, IMOH FOUNDRY, AND Threshing Machine MAN UFA f!Tfb t -v nr,HE ritarihm respectfully inform the pub!;. mentioned establishment for all kind, T of to order; and also to Manufacture wimcr VG JIAOIUJVEIS nml ini:Z:'?r' nonsn jpowmtH, ah 0f which tw man life manner, and will dispose of them on ,1 wiiuLiu leniiB. B.oomsburg,May 19133 & Co EADE II, if you have a cough or cold bcwa of their rnniiiiiori-no .. du"co imnereenlihlv , . i.f0 P throughout the human system, finally scttluS til Urifs. find piiilinw ii Knn.i,,H.: & 1" O ' 0 (. vwi9UMIJllUjl( A WOIU) TO PAItENTS. How oflcn in vnnlll -iil ,1,,,, .l . ed bv theconsnrnnlinn. nml rlto .i .l ". C3!PCC,' by parents who nro in n mm..,.. ii, .V." - , , , .v. mu mute 01 Ihpir ........... ... v.lluulI( IuunlI,B llpou lllcm aa trifl. ahecuons, and not attracting their notice until tho destroyer has tommenced its work ond made sure y . .-"" ' aa n not a laneitul representation, for daily numerous instances occur which prove the In manhood colds tcrminato in the same way. but lo not procrcssso rnniillv n Jr. i.. .1.... 1 ,. however. 111 both vnnt i n,l ., 1 . ' tenden tp, and riot regarded as trifling affections, for it is a delusive idea that has shortened the lhcs , Dn BECIITEit'S PULMONARY PRESERVATIVE, (Prico Fifty cents per Bottle. 1 Is an invaluable preparation,, discovered by a rcgu .a, iu.u j-ticuiui uurman piiysician. who has cm nloved it timvnnln nf fiftw :u 1.! . in Germany, throughout which couptry it has been ilnrinrr (Tint mn.f n. i : . . .. ,.le, ... ...... .... i;uiuivt'iy nnu succcselully employed in Coughs. Colds, Cataarhsj Asthmas, Whooping Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain of tho Breast and Sides, ail affections of tho Breast and jjungs,anu arrest ot approaching Consumption. Much mav bo sniil in tiraien nf tlm but newspaper advertising being too expensive, cvc' jjr Muuiuciury uvmenco win no louna In all its ef fects UPOn trial, as well ns nnnwrnii. rn.m.l. Hons accompanying tho directions. Utiwards of rnnn i , .i . . . . luuuuuum v.uru soium nmaucipnia alone dur- or so large a quantity would never have been sold. Ti 1 1 1 1 in . 1 ruimiuu ana soiu wnoicsaio ana Jictau at Ur. Lcidy's Hcaltli Emporium. 2d street, below Vine, ALSO, SOLD BY D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg, May 2C, 1838. y5. TREMONITARY HINTS, yliVi; IMPORTANT INFORMATION. EADER, did you ever sco a confirmed Dys , peptic, and learn his suffcrincsl If not. cuf- lico it to say, ho ii a pale, thin and ghastly looking object, his iifo apparently hanging by a thread; he is miscrawoanu unliappy, lus sullenngs indiscnba ble. Arc you much troubled with flatulency, costive- ncss, sour eructations arising from your stomach, occasional want of appetite, watcrbiah, a bad taste in your mouth, or foul breath, pain or a heaviness at your stomach, sickness after eating, headache, dis gust at your oncO favorito food, &c. If you aro much troublod with any of the foregoing symptom, bring beforo you the picture of tho Dyspeptic, and having resolved to remedy tho conscqncnccs, im mediately prqcnro Dr.Lcidy'sToniciyAnti-DyspeplicCordial A never failingand efficacious remedy for DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, And the wholo train of affoclions resulting from dis eases of tho Liver, Stomach and Intestines. Tho above mcdicino is warranted frco from mer cury or other minora! preparations; it is composed entirely 01 vegetables, salo and easy to take, wing very pleasant to tho taste. It may bo safely admin istered to young and old, requiring but moderate re strictions in diet only. Numerpus testimonials have been from timo to timo published; its reputation is so well known, fur ther comment upon its virtues is unnecessary, suf fice it lo say, IT HAS JJEVMl FJIIJ.ID IX A Sl.VOtB instance. Further recommendations accompany tho directions around oach liottlo. (jPfice One Pollar per bottle. Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. Lcidy's Health Emporium, 2d street, below Vino, No. 101. Also Sold by D. S. TODIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg, May 20. Iy5 OLD LEAF, SILVER LEAF, and COP SlX PER LEAF, For slo at Tobias' Drugg Store in Bloomburg. LOOK HERE, DYERS iVND PAINTER, If you luant to Buy CHEAP. AM Wood, ground; Chrom. Green; Drop l.ahf, Fustic; Logwood; Madder; Spanish Brown, for sale at Tobias' Warehouse in Bloomsburg. LOOK OUT SHARP U G1LUJB- ONE better in tho known world, for salo at tho cheap Waro House, by . TOBIAS in Bloomsburg. DVEHS Ol'E? YOUK &YES. BENGAL Indigo; Spanish do. Vcrdigries, blue tfVitriah White do. fpr salo cheap and good, al tho Bloomsburg Ware House, by D. SK TOBIAS. EYE WATER & EYE S AjVB HICH I can recommend to any body, tor salo at TobiasTa Health Emporium. LACK IN K, Red Ink, Bluo Ink, Durable Ink, ( for "ale at Ihc cheap Health Enporium, by 1). S. TOIHAS.