THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. if 'TnCTIt WITHOUT FEAH sjiruxtn.rv, jkv: o, isss. DEMOOMTIC NOMINATION FOR GOVERNOR: GEN. DAVID li. PORTER, (OF HUNTINGDON COUNTY.) SPECIE CIRCULAR. Tho famous Specie Circular, about which the whigs liavc mado so much noise, has been repealed by the passage of the fol lowing joint resolution I with an exception for a considerable lime in I Gathered to his Fathers. The "Cincin- Resumption by the jfltmfa ef -L&tit lavor ot actual scuicrs, mat ttio purchase 01 naiian of the 'zisl inst. nonces llic dcalh at (Janada. It is slated in llie Montreal Uou public lands should not be mado otherwise anjndian chief who committed suicide in rier of Thursday last, that tho chartcrc than with specie, as the speculators and tho western banks carnctl on operations as lot lows wo quoto from the Presidential Mcs the Dolphin bl huudkerchicf. banks ol mat city resumed payment on tin previous tlay, and llic liclicl is exprcssei l ml thnart nr finnhrv linil ilnnn likovvian. Jse it Jicsolvcd.bu the Senate and House sagcot Liecemucr io.ju: "i no nanus lent oicic-cgcc-marin-iar (uit-ciiy-iccr-rcis,ionc tiio Hanks ol Upper Uanada, will, U is of Representatives, &c. That it sliull not out their notes to speculators, thoy wore of the principal chiefs of the Crcckindians to bo hoped, follow tho good example. his stale room on board hanging himiclf with a J lie miner sails that his name was t'.l.i' Y.t. t .... irir. .1... ... be lawful for the Sccictary of tho Treasu- paid to tho receivers and immediately re- He died on board the steamboat Dolphin ry to make, or to continuo in lorco any turncu 10 uic nanus, w ua icnioui again ycsicraay ajicrnoon. ne was auouc u general order, which shall create any differ- and again, boing mere instruments, to trans- years of age and had been for -some lime enco between any branches of rovenuo, as fer to speculators the most, valuable public laboring under a severe indisposition. lie to the money or medium, ol payment in nanus, mm ny .mu nuvuunnuiii uy a cruuii iivuson mswayjrom trasmngion cm, in on me uooks 01 wu uanits. mis game company wun ussocuucogonoio ana .tames was carried on to sucli an enormous extent Jslilnds, where then had been sent bv his that the most tremendous losses wcro to bo tribe, as on'e of the dclcsalcs to make the anticipated, and henco tho issue of tho re- arrangements their removal nowncd Specie Circular, upon the innocent tocst of the Mississippi. He had served dur- back ot which whiggery has seen fit to ing the late campaign in Florida, and rcn saddle tho whole effects of a re-action from dcred the American troops great service.'.' .American Sentinel. which debts or dues, accruing to the United btates, may uo paid. ' It passed tho scnalo on Tuosday the 29lh ult. by a vote of 31 to 0, and 'was sent to the IIouso for their concurrence. On Wed nesday it was brought up in that body, and 1th JTUfjV 1838. The C2d Anniversary of tho Declaration af our Independence is approaching, and as yet, no arrangements have been made in this villago for celebrating the day. Shall wo permit it to pass by without any demonstration that we have Kept in remem brance the glorious epdcij that gave this na tion a name among tho nations of the earth; or that we have not forgotten, in the height of our prosperity, those illustrious patriots who signed die immortal instrument that gave strength and vigor to the feeble arms of the heroes of the revolution, and ena bled them to hand down to us that freedom which wo now enjoy. Wo say not. But let us, as a community of freemen, meet and " rejoice with those that rejoice," that the free institutions of our connlryj be queathed to us by our ancestors, still re main unimpaired, and plcdgo ourselves to each other for their maintainanco hereafter. Wc trust that a meeting of tho citizens of Bloomsburg, without distinction of party, for the purposo of making arrangemonts to celebrate the day in a style and manner eve ry way worthy of the occasion, and credit- flliln in iVin inwn Since the above was in typo we have rc- caived the following . . ICPNOTICE.OI . , , The citizens of Bloomsburg, and adjoin ing villages, without distinction of party, arc requested to meet at the house of C. Doebler, in Bldomsburg, on TUESDAY EVENING nest, for t.fco purpose of mat ing arrangements to celebrato the 4th of July in Bloomsburg. MANY. During a late tour through several town ships in this county, wo have had an op portunity of judging of .the feelings of tho people in regard to the Gubernatorial can didates, and it is with pleasure wc can say, that the prospects of David R. Porter, arc truly " chceriiig,"and thatColumbia county will manfully do her duty. AVc can safely calculate on 1000 majority. Mr. Bell, (wllig) of Tennessee, has in troduced into congress the real knock-down argument, to sustain his opposition to the appropriation for tho suppression of Indian hostilities. On Friday, tho 1st inst. whilst this subject was under discussion in the House, Mr. II. G. Tukney, of Tennessee mado some remarks in reply to a spoccl of Bell, in which he handled him very so vcrely. Mr. Bell rose and replied with great violence, using language insulting to tiic dignity of the house. He said that 'Mr. Ttirhcy was the tool of tools, an in strument of instruments, a blow pipe conduit through which others emitted their gangrocno and rancor." Mr. Turncy turned upon Mr. Bell, and exclaimed, "sir, you arc a liar, it is false." Mr. Bell then struck Mr. Turncy, and sovcral blows pass- cd before thoy were separated. Both were required to apologise to tho house, and here the matter ended. ANOTHER OUTRAGE. A BRITISH STKAMBOAT HURST. By accounts from Sacket's Harbour, w learn that tho Sir Robert Peel, a British steamboat, stopped at Well's Island, about 3ix miles from Sacket's Harbour, bound to Kingston, U. C. for the purposo of taking in wood, when, about one o'clock at night sho was boarded by a band of 30 or 10 Canadian refugees tho passengers ordered on shoie, and the boat burnt, together wit tho passengers' baggage. About $00,000 in specie was on board, but no other freight Great excitement is created upon the lines in consequence of tho outrage, and fears were entertained that the Brliish would re taliato upon our shores. Sovcral companies of horse wero ordered out to protect tho inhabitants, and every effort was being mado by the proper authorities to bring tho culprits to justice. Upon tho receipt of tho news at Albany, Gen. Murcy immcd atcly set off tor iho scene of this daring a call for tho previous question having been sustained, Mr. MARTIN called for the yeas and nays; winch being ordered wero yeas 151, nays 20, as follows : YEAS Messrs. Adams, Alexander, He- man Allen, John W. Allen, Anderson, Ay- crieir, Hanks, JJeirnc, lieu, liicknell, Hid- die, Bond, Boon, Briggs, Brodhcad, Bron son, Buchanan, William B. Calhoun, John Calhoun, William B. Campbell, Casey, Chambers, Chapman, Cheatham, Childs, Clark, Connor, Corwiu, Craig, Crarcy, Uranslon, Urockctt, Uiishing, Dawson, Da ce, Davies. Delimit, Dennis, Dunn, Ed- ards. Evans, Everett, Ewintr, Fairfield, Richard Fletcher, Filmoro, Gallop, James Garland, Rico Garland, Glascock, Goode, William Graham, Grantland, Graves, Grif fin, Haley, Hall, Ilalstcd. Hamor, Harlan, Hastings, Hawes, Haynes, Henry, Herod, lloilman. Hopkins, Howard, JCobertM. T. Hunter, Ingham, Thomas B. Jackson, Ja- bez Jackson, Joseph Johnson, Nathaniel Jones, Ivcmblc, Kilgore, Klingcnsmith, JjCgave, Jjmcoln, Jjoonus, Mallory, Marvin James M. Mason, Samson Mason, Martin, Maury; May, Maxwell, Robert M'Clellan, Mclvcnnan, Mercer, Milhgan, Mitchell, Montgomery, Morgan, Calvary Morris, Murray, JNaylor, Noble, Noyes, Ode, Owens, Parmenter, Patterson, Peck, Pcn- nybackcr, Phelps, Pickens, Pope, Potts, 'ratt.John Jl. Frontiss, Scarp-cut S. Pren tiss, Kariden, Randolph, Reed, Reily, Ren- cher, Ridgway, Robertson, Robinson, Rum- sey, Russell, Sawyer,. Sergeant, Sheffer, Augustine II. Shcppcrd, Charles Shopard, Shields, Sladc, Snyder, Stanley, Stuart, Stratton, Taliaferro, Taylor, Tillinahast, fitus, loland, Underwood, Vandcrvcer, Webster, Albert S. White, John White, Elisha Whittlesey, Thomas T. Whittlesey, liewis Williams, feherrod Williams, Joseph L. Williams, Christopher II. Williams, Wise, Word, Worthington, Yell, and Yorke 154. NAYS Messrs. Athetton, Boul'din, Uambrelcng, Clowney, Coles, Cushman, Dromgoole, Duncan Farrincton, Isaac Fletcher; Fry, Harrison, Holt, Ilublcy, ivcim, liCaduettcr, Logan, M Kav, Abra ham McClellan, McClure, Moore, Parris, Petrikcn, Rives, Sheplor, Spencer, Thom as, lurnev, anil Jarcd W. Williams. 29 Immediately upon tho rccciptof the news of its passage in Philadelphia, Mr. Biddlo addressed to John Q. Adams, through tho papers, the following laconic letter : Philadelphia, May 31, 1838 My Dear Sir: In my letter of the 7th ult. I stated my ueuot mat mere could be no sale nor permanent resumption of specie payments by tho banks, until the policy ol the govern ment towards them-was chaiiKcd. Tho repeal of the Specie Circular by Congress makes that change. I seo now, what until now I havo not seen, the means of restoring tho currency. I rejoice very sincerely at tho termina tion of this unhappy controversy, and shall cordially co-operato with the government!))' promoting what tho banks arc, 1 am sure anxious to effect, an early resumption of specie payments throughout the Union. With great respect, yours, N. DIDDLE. Hon. J. Q. AdamS, Washington, D. O. Tho officers of the associated banks of the city also held a meeting, and appointed a committee for tho purpose of correspond ing with other banks, to effect an immcdi ato resumption of specie payments by all tho banks south and west. As thoy havo already expressed their ability and desiro to resume, wo presumo that in a very few weeks, we shall again bo blessed with spe cie paying banks, and no longer be scour ged with irredeemable bank notes and shin piasters. In connection with this subject, wo copy tho following remarks from tho Pciinsylva- nian of Saturday last. Wc copied yesterday the letter of tho President of the United States Bank to Mr JVf atrocity ovor-trading. He luas buried with militant honors; to The end was accomplished, and the land which wc tvouldhave had no objection if gambling to a great extent was stayed; but the death had been a natural one. There now, to add one scene more to their larcical maybe, however, some extenuating cir performances about this matter, our oppo- cumstanccs, to justify this, as we are in- A late Paris Police Roport informs ua that a short time ago a cart, loaded with more than 500 cat Bkins was brought to tho Prefecture of Police, and behind tho carj marched a man in a. .cook's , dress, with down cast looks, between two .Municipal Guards, It was tho Grand Valal of tho Ruo do 1' Hotel-de-Ville, in whose house had been seized the awkward proofs of the agreeable food with winch he daily ragaleu his customers. A uhole town destroyed by fire. The town of Moravia near Tuscaloosa, Alabama .wa3 destroyed uy urc about tho 17th ult. every building m ltuc- !r, .......... ..... !.V. .1.- l.-i" -P .! .. i 1 I I 41. i ...... .. nT IV. i . . . J ,l . ...... 4 I. n ,tn.l I Hums iuil iiitu iiiu auuuiu uuuuu ui vuu jui 7ttu 1uit lie; Luuiiuiiim iiu uttit jiuiit iiiy nvi umuj ua uh uiu utsom 01 ucsirucuuiw gross was "a rescission of the Specie Cir- disappointment, and ivas fearful of a vio- -ggs ' cular," and a federal-whig victory. Yet any lent death xohen he returned to his home. Greece.- The lastneAs froin Groccc bears n-- o that sucli was the current rumor vesteraav. y """"" uuu Cinci. Exp. pcrcciv tljo specie circular was in pffpet repealed in May, 1837, by tho , suspansion of specie payments, for the suspension took awayall discriminating power trom tho public oih ccr3 as to the kind of funds that should be received in paymentof public dues wheth er for duties, for postages, or for lands, no thing could bo taken but specie, there being no "nolcs of specie paving banks.'.' Such being the true state of tho case, it is laugh able enough to sec the opposition party as suminjr tho attitude of triumph, and the President of the United btatcs Bank grave ly announced that the only obstacle being removed, he would now restore the curren cy! The outcry, however, answers one useful purpos bavins led the Singular ana inilal Jlcculcnt. A very extraordinary accident occurred in Port liopc, N. U. on Friday last, which lias plunged a highly respectable family of that town m tho deepest allliction. In the mor ning of that day Master James McSpaddcn (a youth about 14 years ot age) eldest son of Dr. McSpaddcn, left homo to fetch, as he said, something from the Presbyterian Church, winch stands nearly opposite his father's house. Not rcturnig immediately, it was supposed ho had walked down the town and no alarm was felt for his safety. Some hours afterward, ayoung companion, chanc- oi mat umotiunalo country. Anarchy exists as well in tho administration as in.tho different parties. The government has no foundation; it is sustained by the bayonet m tho hands of foreigners'. Tho Russian residents only sways the young King and nis counsellors. iumcrous lianas overrun tno country with impunity, principally upon tho Tur kish frontier, where they easily find an asiylum. In a word, such is the actual state of Urecce, that a revolution, or rather a catastrophe, Booner or later, 13 lorcscen by every intelligent mmu. The Wlieat Crops in Virsinic.zTha papers in all quarters of this state give very fluttering accounts ol the growing wheat crop, it is represented as moro promising than it has been at this season for eight or ten years. , It is every where in a state of forwardness is tluclc r Now Ynrk nnd Hnstnn I H1K to I'aas in uiu ruur ui uiu uiiurun, uusuivuu I ' ' ' 1LW lurh. aim UUSlUll 1 b 1 , . . , ,,. .ir-l If ,,n ,.i,n nrnvn rnaWrinna ihn fnr. way in resumption thoy lum hanging, as nc thought, m an oi u -"I''j for .a-,n, ,:ii, o i;i,t manner Irom one ot tho windows, and call- , ,,. uu. I ,. WOTW cotton bale as "the specie circular" the cd to him to say what .he was about. Re- nrpssnrn nf mililir. onininn was hecominrr ccivillg 110 answer lie, V0nt Up to him, and r .. f...,, .,,t, fnr. rrrnnt In in wit istnrw n.vnn hv 1 hnsn w in uisuuvi-'iuu uiai uiu uuiuimuure yuum a.) thousht that the. suspension would be "a "cad, haying been caught by the neck and eood cnouch Mrinrari until after the elec tion." The Philadelphia Banks were gen erally ready and anxious to resume, and it is said would have done s.o in July, Specie ciicular or no specie circular, with the U. S. Bank or without it, and that Congres sional vote, which in fact amounts to noth- insr, is seized upon as an excuse by the great regulator, to jump hastily forward and to come as near as possible to "taking the lead" m resuming. Plus is the whole mat ter, and if wjiiggcry will hurra, and swear that the rapidly returning prosperity ot our country, which they could neither check nor defeat by their cllorts to stave on re sumption, is caused by the repeal aforesaid, wliv so bo it. ilicy aro welcome even 10 their strained excuse for doing what they could not help, for if their leaders could have prevented it, the shin-plaster regime would have continued until alter the i'resi dential election. strangled with the sash of tho window, which apparently liadlallen upon him while in the act of passing in or out of the church. Ho had climcd to the window by a ladder. from which his feet had slipped. Coburgh Atar. Show the ZGth Matl'10 inches deep. We havo seen tho Mail Way Bill, rpccivd at Post Office, da-. ted Canton, Bradlord Uounty, Penna., which is cn dorsed "Snow fell here this morning to tho depth of 10 inches." This may account for tho rcmarkablo cold weather, we liave had for the Eeasfen. '" flnlada. iix. Hooks. , . THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, The General Assembly of tho Presbyterian Church of tho United States met yesterday in this city, as announced in the 7th Presbyterian church of the citv. Alter a sermon, Ur 1'alton trom Ucncva, New York, offered somo resolutions, but being from ono of the excised synods sli3 was told by. the moder ator that ho wanot in order. Somo further busi ness bcina trancactcd, Mr. Cleveland of .Mich, rpso and read something which wo could not hear, but understood that it related to the proceedings of tho Assembly at its last session, which were declared illegal. The moderator in tho mean time endeavored to stop Mr Cleveland, but in vain ; ho went on till he had finished tho document, and then moved that tho Rev. Dr. Bcman of I roy, New York, bo tho mo derator of tho General Assembly. This motion hav been decided in tho affirmative, by apparently a very MARRIED At Cattawissa, by Stephenj Baldy, Esq. on Wednesday, the 30th day of May, Mr. JAA1ISS UUUi,, ol the city of New .York to Miss ELtZA WHAR TON, of Yilkcsbarre. A Young jLiicty, Qualified to Teach the Enalish Branches',' is aV sirousofengSgingin a School for tho bummer. Application to be made at this uincc. The amount of Tolls received upon the Pennsylvania Stato works, from the com mencement of the present fiscal year up to May 28, was S49i,G27 50. A considerable excitcmentj lately prevail ed at Georgetown, D. C. in consequence of a report of a contemplated insurrection among the negroes of that place. Several arrests have been made. They wcro to havo been aided by two or three hundred strange negroes who had congregated in the neighborhood. Adams, elicited by hat course m Congress mvcntcd a sclf.propciling nu which the federal whig party term "tho re- wh(m ,acod ;nlth wa, wi cision of tho Spccio Circular," and wo nr (1 ' . fast st,mll0. now propose to offer a few remarks in ref erence to that matter, as there aro soino who dp not appear to understand it clearly. Tho Spccio Circular, as it is called, was a measure emanating lrom Andrew Jackson, The Michigau State Loan of $5,000,000, has been taken bv the U. S. Bank ot Pennsylvania. A bill has been reported in the legisla ture of South Carolina, for rebuilding the city of Charleston. Two millions to lie raised by the state for that purpose. Accounts from Texas of the Pith of May, state that tho joint resolution to with draw tho proposition for the annexation of Texas to the United States, was reconsid ered and lost. The vote stood 13 to 14. Tho Hon. C. Darragh, a member from Allegheny county, lias resigned his seat in tho State Senate. Lord Alexander Stirling has. laid his claims before tho British Government to tho wholo of Canada. Tlic British aro about cresting forts at Niagara, Qucc'hston, and tho Falls, in Can ada. Gold. Tho importations of gold into the United States, from the first of January to tho present time, (four months and a half) amount to 7,939,074. A Mr. Lust, of Columbus. Ohio, has machine, which 11 go up stream or down as fast as a steamboat. The Oldest Town in the United States. It .is said, St Augustine, in Florida, is by mbro thait forty years tho oldest Town in the United States it was founded three cen- intendod to check the enormous speculations turies ago by the Spaniards. Houses m it in public lands, and to secure the tiovcm- aro yeisianuing, which aioauiijiu mini tony years ueiuiu i ngiuw uu vu.,.. nicnt from proportionate losses by the ex plosion of tho western banKs. It provided ized. V a good quality, by lO-lOO-lOOO or mono fresh burnt, and laying near large majority, Dr. Bcman took a seat or station in I the Canal For sale by llic Droau aisic was sworn in uy a magistrate or aiuer HENRY WELLS! man; tno cicrK was then ciecicu uy nomination anil vote, after which a motion was made that tho Gene ral Assembly of the United States do now adjourn forthwith to tho First I'jcsbytcrian Church (Air, Barnes') in this citv, which decided in the affirma tive, the General Assembly, or as tho Old School will say, New School forthwith left tho church and went to Mr. Barnes'. Tho Old School party, who seemed to form a small minority, remained wlic;o thoy were, and proceeded to transact their business as ifnothinghadhappened. The two pa'lics aro now fairly separated -both claiming to bo the General Assembly, and it is not likely they will ever act together again, Which is General Assembly,, must uo iictcrminea iy uio ju dicial tribunals of tho country. Phil. Her. & Sen. Wo mentioned a few days ago tho fact that a tbet of lumber rafts containing a million and n half feet of lumber had been towed from Port Dcposito to Baltimore by tho iteamboat Relief, Captain Turner. ,Vc havo now tho satisfaction to state that tho Ilehef has achieved a still greater work m tho samo way. Yesterday sho entered our harbor from tho Susque hanna with an immense field of rafts in tow tho aggrogato contents of which wcro two million seven hundred thousand feet of lumber! This lunbor is tho property of Messrs Stowcll and Dickinson two enterprising citizens of Wcllsborough Tioga county Pennsylvania from which distant section it has been floated on tho present Spring tides of tho Susquchan nali down to Port Dcposito, and thenco by tho steam tow-boat to our market. Tho business of towing on so largo a scalo is yet in in its infancy but tho cheapness, speed and safety with which it is eflectcd provo that when tho Susquehanna canal to Havre do Grace is finished tho lioats may bo towod io and fron) Baltimore with groat facility and economy and witl'.out transhipment of thir cargoes. Dak. Am. Bloomsburg, Juno 5, 1838. VI TIFO FOOT IRON SQUARE',,,. Found near this village, has been left at this cf fice. Tho owner can have it upon application paying for this advertisemont. Juno 'i. 9 1 Ovt'siMoTiiEn. Around tho idea of one's moth er, tho mind of man clings with fond affection. It is tho first dear thought btampt upon our infant hearts, when yet soft and capablo of rccciviug .the most profound impressions, and all tho after feelings arc moro or loss light in compari-son. Our passions, our wilfulness may lead us far from tho object of our filial love; wo may becomo wild, head-strong, and nngry otlicr counsels or opposition; but when death has stilled her monitory voice, and nothing but calm memory remains to recapitulate her virtues and good deeds, affection, liko a flower beaten to tho ground by a ruda storm, raises up her head and smiles amidst her tears. Round that idea, as wo havo said, tho mind clings with fond affection; and even w hen the earlier period of our loss forcos memory to bo silent, fancy takos tho place of remembrance, and twinos tho images of our departed parent with a garland of graces and beauties nd virtues which wo doubt not that sho had possessed. Tho Nov Orleans Merchant of tho lCth instant, says : A duel took placo yesterday morning be. tween two medical gentlemen of this city, with pistols. One of tho combatants was so severely wounded, that ho expired in n few hours, leaving an aged mother, and a wifo and sovcral children to deplore las untimely cud. AT COST-oa Dry riTMIE subscribers offer .their rsmaimng stock ot y Goods at COST, till Friday Saturday, the I5lh lOft June next, on which days they will offer at PUBLIC SALEg , Goods, Groceries, Queens Ware, Hard Ware, in short, every variety of Store Goods. SALT by the Bushel or Barrel, LIQUOR of all kinds by tho Barrel, SUGAR by the Barrel, . PAINTS and DYE-STUFFS. NAILS by tlic Keg, &e. &c.;. Ml tlioso IJVliEnTUl) will do well to call mil make settlement on or before the lCth day of June, after which time all accounts unsettled will bo put into tho hands of a Justice of tho Peace for immedi ate collection. rf- MUSSEUI2N g Co. BlDomsburg, May 20, 1S38. STONE COAL: UST received, nd for sale, a quantity of first rate STONE COAL, by . C. B. FISHER. Bloomcburg, May 26. Btats! Moist TTUST Received an Assortment of the 93 latot New York stylo of Drab, Black, Russia, Silk and Fur HaU, of various qualities and prices, from Dollars to, Dollar, c Bloomsburg, My 20,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers