The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, June 09, 1838, Image 1
111 "I have sworn upon the Altar of God, otcrniU hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man." Thomas Jefferson. . PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY II. WEBB. . , i , . - . , 1 1 Volume II. BliOOMSBUBG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, FA. SATURDAY, TONE 9, 1838.. . Number 7. . 1 OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, Next noon to Robison's Stage Orncn. The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year. No subscription will betaken for a shorter period than six months ; nor any discon tinuance permitted, until ull arrearages are discharged. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the first three insertions, and Twenty-five cents for every subse quent nserlion. ICpA liberal discount made to those who advertise by the year. LETTERS addressed on businets, must be post paid. From tho Buffalo Daily Star. TO THE SUN. On beholding a morning learn on my prison wall. 1IT Til. 3. BUTllEHLAXIl. Now a prisoner at the Garrison, Toronto, U. C. Why thus obtrudo thy glittering ray, Within my barred and dreary cell; But lo the free proclaim " to-day" My darkness thou canst not dispel I, here, no day nor night would know! So dazzling sun-beams quickly go ! Go, shed thy light o'er half tho earth, And gild tho lofty mountain's top, Awako the grove to music's mirth, And let tho hind tho herbage crop Call forth the ploughman to tho field, And bid the soil its plenty yield; do shed thy light on Ocean's wave, Whcro loud terrific waters roar ; Thcro thou somo shattered bark mayst savo', By showing forth tho wished for shore: And let tho shipwrecked seamen gain, Tho port long strove for, but in vain'. ; - ,..,l-HtrW:vr',- Go bid awaken to tho drum, " v "' "v Tho soldier armed for field or strife; Arouso tho cities' busy hum, And call tho living mas to life Whcro gilded crime is meed of praise, And what is hid by wcallh,s proud blaze, Go wake tho slumbers of tho maid, And break the lover's dream of bliss; Merchants recall to schemos of trado And let industry sleep dismiss ; Go bring tho miser to behold, And count again his mass of golJl But shed for me no bcam'so fair, Nor picrco with light my casement grate; From every ray my dungcan spare, Nor mako mo conscious of my futc, Whilst bolts and bars proscribe my lot, Let night and daikneaa shroud my cot. April D, 1838. MISCELLANEOUS. TUP. YOUXC3 FIREMAN. JIV ClIAItLSS r. ILLSLET. "Fire! Firol! Firo!!" It was deep midnight as this starlight cry - resounded through the. streets of the city l The boomintr of a dozen bells aroused tho lllliauliaUla IIUIU IIIUll uuavjr buiiiiuuid, .in" soon tho flaring of torches and tho ratling of engines told that the watfchful guardians r nrn- Rnfetv woro on tho alert. Tlirico j blessed is that city, which in tho hour of danger, lias strong hands and willing hearts, always ready to protect and save their pro perly. We have no foo nioro to bo dread ed than tho devouring clement, and we can not be too lavish of our attention to that de partment whose provinco is to battle this enemy. , A broad lurid glare lit up tho heaven and (served as a guide to those in search of the source of alarm. It was found to bo a threo story dwelling houso. Tho building being of wood, by the timo a sufficient number of persons had arrived lo act in coucort, Ihc flames had mado such progress that tho sal vation of the building was impossible. Tho attention of the firemen, thcrcforo, was di rected towards tho neighboring buildings. Tho fire had taken in tho cellar, and tho lower part of tho houso was completely enveloped in flames,' beforo tiio family were aroused to their danger. The cry of a child who was nearly suffocated with smoke was tho first alarm they had. Catching at such articles of clothing as were within reach the initialed had barely time to cscapo from a back window, They stood in a group congratulating themselves on their narrow escape, and watching with melancholy interest tho de struction of their home, occasionally cast ing glanced around to see if all were there, when a sudden thought seemed to flash at onco'upon their mind and a wild exclama tion of Louisa Louisa is not here!' broke from each lip. As the words passed from mouth to mouth, that there was a pcruon in tho house, a groan of horor burst from the assembled multitude. Inevitable death seemed to be her doom. No ingress could be mado from tho lower part of the house and from the upper windows there appear ed no chance of cscapo. Still tho awe struck spectators wasted no time. As quick as thought, a dozen ladders were raiscd,and as many resolute firemen mounted lo res cue. Window after window was heard to crash as the intrepid men proceeded in search. Alas, their attempts were vain the dense smoke and the flames drove them back scorched and half suffocated. They wcro about giving up in despair, resigning the missing one to her fate when a young fireman from a distant part of the line, broke through the dense crowd with the impetu osity of an avalanche, and with breathless haste, flew, rather than ran up one of the ladders, which reached to tho roof. Ho was observed to have attached to his hell a coil of small rope. Before tho astonished fire men had time to warn him of the fruillcss ncss of the attempt and -his danger he had disappeared over the railing that surrounded the roof. Louisa Wcntworlh, for whose safety, all were now anxious, was a niece of Mrs, iLiltleton. tln otfffiir'or" thedwclfitfir:i,"'3li& arrived at her uncle's but the afternoon be fore, on a visit to her cousins. She had been so short a timo with them, that in their fright they had forgotten her. Miss Went worth was about nineteen years of age eminently beautiful and tho solo stay of a widowed father. His heart was bound up in his daughter, and it was only at the repeated and urgent solicitations of the nieces that he consented to part with her, (he lived in an adjacent village) for a short visit. The agony of the Littleton family may be imagined as they stood trem blingly watching the cflorts made to rescue her. They thought no more of the destruc tion of their property their hearts were bound up in the peril of their rolation and guest. With despair they witnessed the termination of the efforts made to save her, while hope again animated them a3 they witnessed tho desperate attempt of the young fireman. No one could tell who he was. His coming upon them, and his ap pearance had been so sudden and rapid no ono had time to recognize him. A minute or two of anxious stispenco, which to tho spectator seemed so many hours, passed by and there was no sign of his re-appearance. As they stood gazing at the roof, a black body of smoko rolled through tho up per windows, streaked with flames, and soon broad shcols of the destroying clement shot liercoly up, like fiery tongues lapping the air. An universal shiver ran tlnougli tho crowd below, and an anguish cry, they're lost thcy'rolostl' wasutlercd from many a withering lip. Tho ladders were hastily removed, for tho fire had seized up on them, and hope had fled from every bo som. At this awful crisis a hoarso and half smothered voico was heard from tho back part of tho house; thcro was a general rush to that point. Tho flames had not reached this part of tho building, but heavy wreaths of smoke were curling from all tho windows, giving ovidenco of their feaiful proximity. As tho wind occasionally blow tho smoKo asido tho young fireman could bo dimly seen, clinging lo tho railing, making rapid and vehement gestures to those below. Ladders wore placed against the building, and men rushed up, groping their way amid the blinding nnokc to their assistance. Not observing this demonstration in his favour, I the young man was scon to lift as if it wcro a dead weight, a body over the railing, and bending fearfully over the roof to lower it carefully down. Tho apparent lifeless form of Miss Wcntworth was received into the arms of the crowd. Seeing his chargo in safety the young fireman threw himself on tho railing and descending by the same rope, which he had seemed around tho chimney, with Ihc rapidity of lightning to the ground. A sudden cracftling of timbers and a loud roaring of the flames caused a cry that tho building was falling. In tho agitation of tho moment he escaped from the scene, and when the grateful crowd tur ned to reward him for h.s noble deed he was not to be found. v CHAPTER II. The next day the city rang with the pra'r ses of thcyoung fireman. His reckless ness of danger, determined courage, and successful attempt, was the theme of every lip. And still ho remained unknown. Diligent inquiry was made, but no Iraco could be found of him. In the evening a group of persons were collected in a house in Ihe neighborhood. They consisted of a household family; the rescued one and her fathcrwho had just arri ved, they were listening to her account of her escape. She had not yet recovered from the excitement of the sccno and was re gailing on a sofa, over which her father bent with a pale face, listening with trem bling eagerness to her recital. "I was aroused," said Louisa, "from a death like slumber by tho crashing of a window in tho back part of the building. It was some time before I collected my sen ses to perceive a thick smoke in the room. I immediately aro30 from bed and hastened .to the &!Qr.,'.wliich. .led--to cnusin .Alary' chamber. As I opened it a dense volume of hot smoke drovo into my face, which nearly blinded and strangled me. I had presence of mind enough to close the door. Finding my cscapo cut off in that direction, I rushed to the windows but owing to my hasto and terror, and not understanding the manner of their being fastened, I could not raise them. Filled with despair I stood for a moment unresolved what to do. An idea darted through my mind, if I could but reach the roof I might get assistance from those bolow, as I could plainly distin guish the shouts of the firemen. With this intention I rushed out of the door which leads into the back entry it was like plung ing into" a hot oven. The hot air and smoke nearly destroyed respiiation, and the cracking of tho burr.!' 3 wood with the fierce hissing of the flames, like the sound of an angry serpent at my heels, overcame me with terror. How I reached the third story I know not. I was on the point of ascending the garret stairs when a sudden dizziness seized me my head reeled vio lently I havo a recollection of grasping the banister as a draught of suffocating air passed by mo. A wild harrowing feeling of despair of utter hopelessness; a thought of homo and you dear father of your deso lation flashed through my mind and I be came insensible. When consciousness re turned, I found myself in this room in the arms of my uncle." And may heaven bless the preserver of my child, said Mr. Wentworth, in a tono of deep feeling, as he pressed his daughter to his bosom. " Is it not strango that no traco can bo found of him?" said Mr. Littleton. "I have made diligent inquiry, but have been unable to get the least clue of him. Ho was seen to descend the ropo and in tho consternation that onsucd ho was lost sight of." " You will oblige mo," added tho father of Louisa, stopping to the table and writing on a slip of paper, "by continuing your in quirles, and should you bo successful, and he bo found ono in needy circumstances, you will present to him this," handing a paper which was an order on his banker for $1,000, "a3 a trifling recompense for re storing to mo a treasure for which tho wealth of the world would be a poor return. And do not fail sir, in bringing him with you, that wo may thank him in person for his noblo praiseworthy exertions." In a few days Mr. Wcntworth returned homo with his daughter, retrrcttintr that mysterious concealment which prevented his rewarding tho preserver of his child. He, however requested Mr. Littleton not to relax in his endeavors to find him out. But a year rolled by and in despair of bring ing the generous unknown to light, Mr. L. gave up his search after questioning, indi vidually, every member of the fire depart ment and inserting advertisements in tho papers of tho day, and mentioning the re ward. CHAPTER III. In the village of C ' the place of Mr Wentworth's residence, Louisa was a gene ral favourite. Though the daughter of the wealthiest man the village could boast, she had a kind look and friendly Word for all who were worthy, unfettered by those vain feelings which are tdo often attendant on those who enjoy tho smiles of Fortune. Of all aristocrats, your rich family in tho village is most unendurable? The father of Louisa had too much good sense to give way to this weakness. He allowed Louisa to choose her own associates, and tho daugh ter of the poor and hupiblc were welcomed as heartily to his board as were those who had been born to a belter fortune. If ho was thus free in permitting her to select companions of her own sex, he was not re gardless as to tho acquaintances she formed with the young men of the place. Depriv ed of a mother's watchfulness and counsel, her mind strict notions of propriety. He felt the responsibility that rested upon him and perhaps, he guarded her with more care from forming chance acquaintances with his rnvn -SCX-than he, would hnvo done, lind'slie had a maternal eye to scan her conduct, and a maternal hand to guide her in the path of duty and safety. The obedience and affec tion of Louisa amply repaid the care that was bestowed upon her. Her father's wishes were her own. From him she im bibed those principles which moulded her character and to him she looked for instrue tion and advice. Two years before our story commenced there resided in the village a young gentle man who had commenced tho study of law, in tho office of a distinguished lawyer, Albert Charlton was of humble " parentage. Ho was left early to struggle alone in the world Gifted with good natural abilities, he devoted himself to study, and by perseverance had won himself an enviable name. He became acquainted with Louisa, and from a slight intimacy his feelings towards her ripened into affection. But while he indulged him self in the pleasure of her society, he allow ed not a hope to dwell within him aspiring to her hand. What hall he to offer? A poor student relying upon the uncertain chances' of a crowded profession. He knew it would bo presumption to allow a hope. Yet it was a long timo before he could break away from the spell which her beauty and worth had thrown around him. But Charlton was not one to remain in idle despondency. IIo knew that to even indulge a hope of winning the prize, ho must bo well prepared for the race. He resolved to be something! In accordance with this resolve, ho determined to enter on a larger field of action. He left his native village, and in the office of an eminent jurist in the city ho entered upon his studies. With untiring zeal ho prosecuted them; bending all the powers of a strong mind to tho task. Tho result cannot be doubted. His course of discipline through, ho was admitted to the bar, and promised to bo its highest ornament. In process of timo ho visited his native place, not as tho needy adventurer, but as the successful competitor for fame and distinction. His character had always been esteemed by Mr. Wentworth, and ho was ono of tho few who were admitted ficoly to tho hospi tality of his hours. Ho was now welcom ed with doublo pleasure, for his good name Jiad preceded him. It was with no small anxiety that he a gain bent at the slirino of his carlior wor ship. Ho know not wether a more favor? ed worshipper had preceded him. A slight observation assured him that he had nothing to fear on tho score of livalship. He soon became a constant visitor, and as the reader no doubt surmises, a favored one. , . It is not our purpose to detail tho progress of that passion which grew out of the inr timaey suffice it that, at least in their case-, tho course of true love did run smooth, the Bard of Avon to the contrary notwithstan ding. They were betrothed and in duo timo they ycre married. The prayers wero said and tho "twain became one." ., ju After the conclusion of the ceremony Mr. "Ventworth approached the happy pair with a full heart, to bestow his parental blessing. Albert stepped forward to meet him with a glowing face and taking his hand said notwithstanding, my dear sir, you have bestowed upon mo a priceless gift, for which the devotion of a life, will but poorly repay you, I still have another claim npoa you, which I am persuaded you vil readily acknowledge," so saying he placed in tho hands of Mr. Wentworth, who was,natiil rally astonished at his .address,' a (Small piece of paper. All eyes were fixed on Mr. Wentworth as he glanced over the pal per. A sudden and delightful flush passed over his countenance, and seizing th& hand of Albert he hastily led him to the wonder- ing bride, and joining their hands said in a tremulous voice, while a tear glistened in his eye, "my child Louisa behold ijj your husband, your preserver the YoUtig fireman!" We will leave the reader to imJ agine the scene that ensued. The paper was Mr. Wentworth's order h his. banker which he left in the hands of Mr. Littleton. , From the Book of Politeness. POLITENESS AT HOME. M' The truly polite person is polite every' where. He docs not reserve his good breeding for great occasions, or put it ort only when he puts on his dress coat., At home, as well as abroad, he practicoa tho rules of politeness, which he has taken care to render habitual. . - Towards all the members of oncjs owri famly, one should habitually be governed by laws of civility not less precise' than those which govern the intercourso of gen cral society; but modified by a degrco of tenderness mingled .with respect, .which cannotbc claimed by common acquaintance- To your father you should show adegreo of respectful deference, to which no, other person is entitled.. His opinions should bo received with submission, and his adce with gratitude and attention. His foiblea, if perceived, should be concealed more care fully than your own. His comfort and com venience should be studiedon every occasion! and your own should be cheerfully-sacrificed to promote them. Your mother may perhaps' bo treated with more freedom, but with more tenderness. Happy is the mother to whom' her children render the unreserved homage ofthoheait. "" sr Other relations, a3 unclcs,aunt3, brothers, sisters, and cousins, claim attention and. respect in proportion to tho dignity and worth of their characters or the nearness of their relationship. They should always' receive a preference over common acquain-' tanco in respect to visits, invitations and other attentions of tho samo kind. This is'- tho law of nature; ami nowcvqrusviuiauuir mnv be sccminclv passed over, the world' nover forgives a man for slighting those con nected with him by ties of consanguinity. The politeness which should govern the conduct of married people .towards cacti other is ono of the most important elements of conjugal felicity: Men who lay aside" all tho civility which they practised before marriage, as soon as the nuptial knotis tied," and substitute for it the most unlimited free dom of behaviour, will soon find that fa-' miliarty breeds contempt and leaus to uisocn- . - nnnOIO. tion. A certain degree 01 rcsuu i.u..a- ent, with, and indeed essential 10, a wen regulated affection, and a mart should prove by his attention to the laws of politeness m tho presence 01 mswiiu uuno...... tho truth of tho observation "he who ts4ii gentleman at all, is a gentleman a', all .times." ill I 'ttl MSI I I if! ft: n '4 8 I H 1: .: I if :- a J