important to 2?4iiIor, i A'ATJUAT JUJLAST1C SttUAKIS AND Scir-varyiiic Square Rule, For mcasnrinff and drafting coats, in con- nectioit with another new and useful rule for cutting sale or boy's coat s upon a more familiar plan; also, superior rules for cut- ting all other garments incumbent oh that hrnnr'li. nrn nnw riftarnil In tlin tr.idr hv Inn j tan Tiani-ilinro Imlii'itifT llini 1f curistoil n!'n. iy thing of the kintl which has proceeded hem i SELF-VAitYirtfG RUtE. Orpnt inlTiprfnpllniici in fjin fcrf nnrl Ifnliil. s to produce a miss-fit havo been stand- , . ' ing octore tno cutter over since tne iniro- iuction of rules, filling the mind with fear and. anxiety until the" coat is finished and ; ;,.i.!i. n. t.i,i ! r.o caused to rush into the face at beholding a bad fitting coat. lulu uiii cik u Liiaia liil uiuuu la iiiuii i Tl.n r na ifill, nnh fnrn nvrhntlnn nrliTM tmtrn Imnn in nen ni'it- cinrti ilm first invcntioil of tho kind, were wholly predi- n.itnd nnrin hrinninlns irtvinir ll.n mh nrn. portion for overv man. which principles would long since have been superceded by tr t..t im i ... ji uii-varying nil us, uau launrs uui iiiuugiu .that the variation In the proportions of men's bodiefe arc almost as many as in the f cature oi ute tace. 'Ptvfinr lirp rnlnii alvlnil .V1li)ri j u rr. have made their appearance within about as many years, each inventoi claiming the hon or of having perfected the art, upon which J. uuson. oi icv xorn, cnuueu nis sys- om nnrff niil frtilnft nf lioinrr nnrfnr.t. it contains many erroneous principles, which the subscribers forbear to point out until that gentleman assails this assertion. All such systems have heretofore been defective in two ways : First, they are only in part sen-varying, aeconuiy, tnose parts wnicn nrfi intendnd fn hn snlf.vnirulncr nrn ilnfftivp. i - j b . . In fact, there are certain points on tho coat wnicn cannot do ciiecteu oy sen-varying other meansj than thosd laid down by the Buoscnuers. Unlike anv n'llmf nf flm l.-in1 it tern now offered to the trade is conducted without any breast measure, and effects ev ery point and everv nart nf tin? rnnthv nir. varying principles, in a wa"y Calculated to convict the senses of any reasonable man, that should it ever fail to produce a good fit mil in jhjuuic ci jjuuu iu upon any shape whatever, the charge must bo laid to a careless and incorrect measure- v ni T . .t . . . ment. It may seem mysterious that this rule is saia to be self-varyingi and yet a uquaro nue a square rule ana yet conduct ed without a breast measure but the whole mystery will bo unfolded at once by fcxami ination. Unwillitirr (n liavn it k-iIiI tliot dm i ( tj w - iiiui inn subscribers are attempting to palrri this sys tem upon the trade with misrepresentations, they avow their willingness to submit it in to the hands of an impartial Committee for ;m examination oi us principles, in compar ison with any other ever invented in the unucuaiaies, atrniiaucipbiaOrJNcw York, which committee shall make tho decision known through the press, bers set all systems whmh wholly by the breast measure aside as in ferior anil not worthy to compare with ; consequently they will compare with none t.Mf Clfl.1. n a.wi . r , . .7 1 I III but sucll as are governed in part by self- varying principles. For if the principles hero offered to the Irndn nto not wnrilur nt nalrnnno-o it ia rinlit tm ii at..,l.l l, j nnxvn nml it, n.. "'l-- contrarv. ii tnev nrn tnunri na nimvn rnnrnc. Tii - "-i""- entea, or if thereby the subscribers Imvn nm anonato all lurther improvements in the art of cutting coats they deserve some pat- ronage and compensation for their exertions. n i- r i i . i 1: r .1. i j- orms u lorwarueu to orucr wi, it per sonally laugni ta. CHARLES KAIILER, WILLIAM KAIILEK Bloomsburg, Fa. Feb. 1, 1838. HADEN" SMITTT. Rosnectfullv informs thn nnti1ir. flinf 1,o , . ( -- i - IS nrerrari'd tn rrpivn nnd nvpnntn nrAnm in ihn nrinn liip. and frnm lita Irnnmljiilirn r the art, having had extensive practice for . i e jasi niteen years, cousiuers lnmse ns- . 'r i . .i . t T . en jus tilled in statinir that hn rVan mvp. norfont cit. . - o - 0-.- ww. w...- jsiacuon 10 an. wno may employ turn. xo tne jatcst improvcincm, m the Jiandsom- -ct I t .1 I tit.. of every description faithfully performed. uio uiiunw aru ciigagfju. Orders left with tho followin? persons -- ' " (j J 1vill meet with immediate attention. James Tdgeart, Esq., Tamaaua: S. B. Harmon, Esq., Danville. .Tnhn IVenner Van Pi(oin7i - v t - - - - ..Mvw. , Wll, A lIU UI1L .7litl S. Itltrrrtm- Hen 7itnnnt h,ir - h.i., l.'lll lUUIIIUHItl ,orneiiu3 Conner, maueu uriunc. j encn Li. Amlzins, Esq. Lallawissa. Uattavvissa, Feb. 1, 1838. 42 Ot Look at This ! I gi LL persons muebtea to the subscriber JpA cither by Note or Book Account, pre- vimia minis uaie. win ntnum nm iu ------ - -t ...... j i a maKintr payment uetore tne tirst day ol A- priluoxt. Aftor that dale tho collection of I such demands will bo attended with Costs. ?fBl i nerc will be no mistake in th.s notice. s. jj, rwiiun, i Bloomsburg', March 10,- 1838r Trawnv a. BraTTnod TlRSPRnTIiTTT-liV f"cndf tf PM gcnnmlly, that ho lias I - - .- IllllllUltUbt) IW 1110 i,v Willinm Tlvnm. in ftnlinscmvo it,,; i iiinvim mm inn f inner Trtrmnf ip nnminuwi -nuntv. P.tti,n, i. ; nnJi terlan in a snitabIc mnnnor a tlMo who may faVor him with a call. The house is neatly fmishccl and conveniently calculated r n'.i i!. ' mr I nunc I - r 1 1 1 1 i .nn ;a niifi w miiSm iit,n I . gaged, and the Tabid supplied with the best provisions that Can bo obtained in n nlnnli. ....v. uttwktJ IIUIU Ml. 1.11 UJ1- ful market. Particular attention has buen paid to selection of his Liquors which are irt , , --------"i--.- ......... ...v Jl'?dJ? b of"al f.a,,ty.& ?s,,.of f"? '" huse n thoBtate. TlmRlnMinrr s convenient aim cxtcnsivo, ana we fi led Zili T ' P0 and w,u bo al tc,ldJ 10 mSt oaroful sl ,crs' .i . . . . . A "u "lluscriDer TCSlOCllllliy SOllCItSa share of public patronage, which ho will cn- eavor to merit by moderate charges and Mncl pinion 10 U1C COmtOrt ana C0I1VCI11 cnce of ,1,s &s!l HENRY A. ZFXT.TCtlR. Solinsgrovc, March 31, 1838. The Suliscrilicr OUJjD resncctfullv inform ht riti. ZCns of Dlooinslmrir ami lis vininilv. that he has removed his slmn frnm street, to Alain street, in a buildinir belong mg to Anarew Kulm, nearly opposite iisiiuire ivanier s oince, wnere lie will bo hanpv to wait unon all i .' . . : tr it rv -... lavour him with a call in I113 lind of busi ness ?C7SADDLES. RTiTDT.T'.S nn,1 TIAP NESS, made and repaired at the shortest nonce anu on uie most reasonable terms. ALEXANDER RITTRTf, Uloomsburg, April 21, 1838 THE SATURDAY CHRONICLE Is the Largest, Best and Cheapest Family he Largest, Best and Cheapest Fai Newspaper in the United States. THE PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY CHUONinf.R. - J The usefulncaa and eelebntv ofwhirli am full.. and extensively established in every part of tho Union, having recently received valuable additions to its columns, in tho contributions of several of tho most eminent American writcni will now liccomn most uuuuuui American wriicrs will now Iiccomo nw popular and interesting than over, not only i tho variety, but also in the high literary charac- tnr nf rnnlpnftfj In stylltng their weekly mammoth - - V i J ...... v.. oiivti, largest, best, and cheapest family newspaper the proprietors rcspectfuly submit that tho Saturday Chronicle is published on tho largest sized paper, and contains 32 columns, chiefly printed in small' type, and therefore embracing more useful and en tertaining matter than any other of tho weekly pa pers that ore published. With reference to its be ing tho dust of tho weeklies, they appeal to tho til.. !.- lavoruuio judgment oi mcir numerous readers", from Maino to Rod River; and front tho Atlantic to tho Rnrlf v Mnnnf ninR. nml na fnr ihn flni1ovatln .1.-. j , - - - MbVlulllMWII . 1 1 a 1 11 is the cueafest J they invito their subscribers to compare tho quantity, variety and superiority of Ihmr letfnr.nrcfis. wilh Inn r.infpnta rC ..ii. - - i 1 v. i.j unmr weekly sheet in tho United States. They feci con- uuciu uiui iuuiiu upnuuii win ueciue in meir Uvor, General Contents of the Chronicle. rai sumccis ojtcicaes oi nisiory ana UiOffraphy selected Lyceum Department Sunday Headings Useful Hccipps News in a Nutshell Light Heading Pity affairs Foreiim Varieties finirit nf iicvivvva ui iiwy iuuiivaiiuii j, uciij; unglnUl atlll tho Uaily I'rcss I'nccs Uurrcut Market Jtpnnrt Almanac List of Marriages and Deaths Sto- ries fiom tho Classic writers Pomitnr .fn!,,.! r .. ...... . . mo woriubouics- department Unginal Com- ,,,n;i;nn. rn. c i.. .r . delphia and elsewhere Medical Lectures Science ani1 Art Agriculture and Kural Economy Popu- inr fiiinAruin nng. linriniiQ I nc nmj an.i - --j " - " uui. .iiuiiiiLrs Elironijn nnd T)nmP8.ift prrpqriimilnnn. A -! v..KHj.w..UVi.wv ill L 1 cles on AIusic tho Draitm. nml ntlmr imni.n...i. varieties, amusing incidents, 5cc. and a circfully prepared synopsis of the current News of tho day, both Foreign and Domestic. During tho twp last years tho publishers havo paid for original contributions, premiums, corrcs- 2500 DOIXAKS And ft Rtlll lurorrr Mini u-Ul jv.- M ilar pumo&cs.durinir the publication nftlm'un.i t ' v BUVVVVU EUROPEAN CORRESPONDENCE. ca ,ho.rc8ular eencs of letters from an in , , ------r 'mimu, nearly seventy of which have a ready been publish, .i ' r i "vujr uu.ii puuusii. cu. mi uionuw presunung our readers witha week- ly correspondence from England, France iy Ttalii 18 now on a lour lurougn tnose counUiea. Wo in vite attentiori to tins IzZEAJJ8 valuabl unJ liT Tie Third Vnlum , lh CI, . ,,, ,mm, : w- vlV..:! " TEliMS. t or a single copy ono vcar. &. nn Hix copies for ,o 00 Ur threo copius for 00 For six monllu in advance l qo rr"Sm.ill lintel nn nil snlvrril linnta- rni.Al...l .1 - -4 ; -- 1... j ivwiitu u 1 par 111 payment 01 suoscripuons. Auurc&i iposipaiu MATTHIAS & TAYLOR, PllliHwIipra THiil-..l..l..l,.- OfHrn IVrt. RH snnlli pnronil clrnf TSnnrim'n nitimlipriji- if nrAtrei taqI o J,T ...ill be tient to any part of the United States. dailies look at this. -viTn ti,.i, ti.. q:ii. .i h i. r,-,. I.- jwviv nuiijp i-' 1 1 iv uui x upur uUi VXT Ucadu, j-'ancy do. cut do. plain do. I-adien' Waxes. Gilt Thimbles, Hooks & Byes, Needle ca- " omPm" "0"'cgi very Handsome; ? z. '?L""?Z'Cri encn, wacK and red: lor solo at TOBIAS' Health Emporium AND GREAT BAMOAIMS J ! fMHE subscribers rcsneclfullT inloim their cu. H tomcrsftndthn public generally, t)mt, they havo just received aud arc now opening at tho IEEjSBSIBlDnB HiOAIS) .a .urge ana utoicc Jissorimcnt oj wlectrd with care, and suitable for tho season; which in addition to their former stock, prcsenU to the consumer, as largo u variety, as ctfn bo found in any of tho country stores, Thcii present stock embraces almost every article in uumaiiu in me marKct, in tno DRY GOOD LINE. They have also ah extensive Assortment V ueens Ware, CEDAR WARE; Fish, Salt, Iron,. Steel, Paints, Drugs Due Stuffs, &-c. yc. &-c. AH of which they offer to sell very low for Cosh, or iu vAwiuiigu jur country rrouuec. UP Ell T Sf BAR TON. Bloomsburg, Jtay 12, 1838. 3 HE subscribers havo just received, at their old eslnlilifihmmiK In ninnmat. general assortment of Goods, laid in with gtcat care, and suitable for the present and approaching sea sons j which, with their former stock, they (latter themselves, presents as various a choice of goods as can be had in any part of tho ccfuntry, and Avhich llnv nrp. flienncil fr iinrf trl.1i A. lirt ln...Ai ' J u. .!. uv 1 11 u tun IIIUU tfjr Cash or in excliango for Country Produce. mi. o. - I ucir CHOCK 01 consfsts of nil varieties of tho manufacturiea of Silk, Flax, Cotton, and Wool, and their numerous com binations, in England, Franco and America. Superfine, Flue, Common, aud Coarse Cloths, Cassimurs and Sattliietts ; - Cotton Goods from Ihe Coarsest to the Finest texture; d tnong the latter an as sortment of French Chintz. CS. Muslins and nfnpin nml stiperb patents, Silks and Silk Festings, diami, nandlcerclnefs, Sf'c, Irish, linens, dressed and undr'esedi French Lawns and brown " Hollands. Groceries & Ziiquors, Sugar, Coffee, Chocolate, Tea, Spices of all kinds- several kiiius anu qualities ot UranUy, Spirits, Ilum lift.!.! 1T . 1 If 4 Miliar, inu uiiu .iioiasscs. HARD WAR S. Knives and Forks, Cutlery, Saddlery, Coa'clt and Wagon mountings and trimmings, Scythes, Mill and cut Saws .'Pnnl fnr lll,..Im!il, ui.- Cl 111 ".11-lw.illitllO, UllUwUlU- kers,SaddlciB, Tailors, Carpenters and other me- CiliiU'lB AND Ci-ockcry Ware, Cedar Ware willow. g.vjt orumt jmsicets. anu a thousand nml nnn ntlmr ortioina ,,.i,;p. ; : lnipossiblo separately to mention. .. uiMVIV. ..IIIV.II 1, a Paints. Urugs and Bye Sfaflft. PISH, 02 &. PIASTER. of all kinds" and qualities of foreign and domestic tuui 1 u .till ui Dont throw WILLIAM McKELVV&- Co. Uloomsburg, May IS, 1S38. 3 AlbqiSS, all kinds of Candies, Hock candy 1 all kind of Nuts. (Inn mans, &c. ccc. &c. for sale by D. S. TOBIAS. Kuans' Cammomile Pills, ' VVarautcd to bo Anderson's Pills. & all other kinds nf Pillo Ply Stone, to kill Flies with. Fish Seed, to catch fish with. TRUSSES. Spunges, for sale at TOBIAS' Health Emporium. Mle at tho cheap Dru tore, in Bloom-bS i3. TUUIAS. 0TA8H for boitr iilack, and Horso Lances, for sale by D. S. TOBIAS Drugg ffarehousein Bloomsburg. O' 1- I 7 x oroaio ay J); S; TOBIAS, Agent; .W t-.-4 i v . . 3 , ORAGKVIjil,K, Bloom Township, Columbia County, Pa. rHlHEi subscriber embraces this opportunity in i.iiuim uiniricmix anu 1110 public in gen eral, that ho has taken tho houso formerly occimlml byJACOU JJOMBOY. Ho iiwitoa his friends irom Orangcvllle, nnd iravcllers, to honor him with meir custom, anu assures llicm that no pains shall u lmnl lu "'"" mcir siay at ins liouso as ogreca blo as possible. HIS BAR Shall at nil times bo supplied with tho Host and Choicest .T.liiuors, and Tables shall bo larded with all the delicacies tho market affords his sta bles shall bo clean and airy, and an attontivo hostler will at all times be ready and willing to tako caro u. uiu nurses. v variety 01 tuo latest nnd most in teresting newspapers shall bo procured to wait tho iiucmu m 111s customers, in short nothing shall bo lelt undone to deserve a liberal sharo of tho public iKuruimgc. HAfllUEIj IUCKEK. Orangcvillc, April 28, 1838. BEItXATIB IlUPBitTj TAILOR. HAS just received the sprirlg Fashions from Fhiladclphia, and is ready to make all kinds ol garments in tho newest and most fashionable style. Uloomsburg, May C, 1838. HVEBY"" And EXCHANGE. 'Elty respectfully informs his friends and tho IlUblic. that hn lino nkvnva mi lion.l ol l.! T ! very Stablo in Uloomsburg, for tho purpos'es of Hire O " I ' . .J ui Horses, Sulkies GIGS, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS. which ho will feci gratified to keep in readiness for tho accommodation of customers. Personal application can be nindo at his residence, m;n uvcry means win uo used to render entire sat Isfaction to those who may give him a call. UAH S. JPHENTIS. Uloomsburg, May 26, 1838, (g( ALARATUS, Glauber Salts, Epsom sdlu, for Cheap Health Emporium. To the distressed & Afflicted! TOBIAS'S HEALTH EMPORIUM And Family Drug Warehouse. HUALiTlI, "The poor man's riches tho rich man's bliss." FHE subscriber would respectfully announce to Ilia frliiti.Tn nn.l 1.1! .1. . n crnrl o ... ja. wiMou.iit uiu iiuuitu inailln lifts nnfc.fa flWIVIUI Ut)OUliUI.llL Ul Bruers & XVZedinin at his Druir and Clipm and that he will be happy to supply tho wanU of tllflsn W in Inmr rr tin I,!.. it sortmcnt arc ; ...... b.. ,ull, Am0n !.! Alcohal, Aqua Amonia; Aqua pepper, Arsenic whito gdo. yellow Allonatto Agarrio Aqua Fortis Uluo, Mass Ulock Tin Uarley peafed Uorux Uronio whito do yellow Carb Ammonia Cinnamon Mustard Muriate of Tin Mace' Nippel Shields do Shells Opoilcldoc liquid ,. do Steers Pills German Guinino Radix Calcicum do Senega Snako do Squills Resin plai,tcr Steel Powder Sloden bitters Stone yellow do rotten do black Sandjiaper sordfe Solution of tin Snt. Eather Sulnb. Cochineal Crab's eyes" Cloves Draircon's blood Ginger Gum Asaafuctida' do Niter Eather do HarUhorno ViaU all kinds Wafers red and black Kreosoto Window Glass all sorts Whiting Sandet Salts Cologne Wator Ulack Ivcry do. Opium do. Aloes do. Arabic do TJarbniWs AWs Camnhor Guin Copal uo Myrrh Uorso l.anco Isinglass Kussia liamp black . ALSO, Black Peppct, Red Pepper, Allsnice. Iron Post. m it D. S. TOBIAS. Uloomburg, May 10, 1838. thim SMALTZ, White Frosting, Iceland uioii, Spanish and Half Spanish, and a thousand .vi uim 100 icuious 10 mention, for sale at TOBIAS' Health Emporium. S'waims Panacea. For sale at Tobias' Health Emporium; White Italian iTHuIiierry, FOR SALE AT x.m'oniu.n, IN BLOOMSBURG. AN ASSORTMENT OF PLOUGHS. FDFlT7iTqaflCnt' ca".cd "PARMER'S .7 . ici-ciyuu uiiu jor saio at tho Cheap Store of tho subscribers, J. T. MUSSULMAN & Co. ""umsuurg, apru an, RANGE Mineral, Prussian Ulue, Robo Pink, S vJitllf JSs !:e,r' Jci'in..,' y. V i niio ijcaci 111 kegs, fteiin, for ualo uncommon cheap, at JrtHasDrugg Store, Bloomsburg. U, of btono White, do, red, black, sweet, Cas-1 .v. uiiu u wiiivt niuus 01 uiis, lor sal at Tobias's Health Emporium, ThrMSf,m?. Machine IHE subscribers rospcctfullv ihf ,1. . , in general, that they h" SIM9 dioned establishment for all kind of ,h dU" men IR01T CASTINGS, to order; nnd also to TlrrriiiV,ci-, w,,. ' .y.icjrr.Yjis and I iu?Zlt?,s,T rroitsv, i'ovj;ns, M oihZi TIU'l! make of tho best of materials, and in tbn "'7 nanliko manner, and will dispo, i'te'"'' sonablo terms. lncw n rca- Uloomsburg, May 10, 1338.' MAUS & C- fiADEIt, if you havo a cough or rol,1i MJQj of their coiiscnucnccs. CnM. 1 ''cwa luce imperceptibly! b id InrfSlf", P ' iroughout tho,human.iXll?J.r,Mcl,re klh lung., and ending d coSumptSn6CUhnS A WORD To 1'AHENTS. cd by thoconsumption, anj I MoZl ?0TJ parents who in me..ure ,h "r.ll!' prcmaiuro .leatli, in neglecting to remcdv r7l 1 V existing in childhood, looking ,if. colJwl'w affi-Cions, and not a'ttract ng ft Su" U Dr. IlECIITER'S PULMONARY PRESER VA TIVF (Price Fifty cent per Dottlo) Js an mvnliinliln .. ployed it upwards of fifty yVars iThi 1,33 cm n frmn.,;. ,1 1- ? y. .ar.s ln "is own nrarlin, in Ocrmaiiy, throuchoMt VI i" own.PWtic. durimr that t;,.,n ' '"'V1 .touny " has br cmr Whoonini Ureast and WdllSn, W 7 riho iuucii may besa din praiwi nf tl,n ' ,.' 1 but newspap-er ndvertbCSnJ LltZ' ry satisfactory evidence will bc? w- fects upon trfal, as well as n L' " " tions accompanyinc 1?,?' r"mcnda. 7000 botllesPweJrC sgo,d PhnaSeh.b'r''18, 0t" ing tholast winter, a convinci, i nrIfc?'0nS.Jur or s-o largo a at ALSO, SOLD BY TV S 'ivinrifi Uloomsburg, My 'im. ' PREMONITARV tttm-po TT' EADER ' rf TANT WOUMMOK Are you much froi'ib! fyA vl. ness, sour eructations urWng f yn7K occasionn want nrn.,. , J. ' bl0J'acn, in your mon.h.o Ty 1" "n. vorito food. &. If oa a tV """"S"M Chcaciou, remedy for DYSPEPSIA. OR INDIGESTION, iSf" of resulting from di eases of the Liver, Stomach and Intestines, i no abovo mpjllcinn : . , curv or mbor V ""rfa,"cu iree irom mer SlrfS?1 lotions; it is composed istCml to vnnn . . " '"ay "C ga'd' aJ'""1- tinSSn '-6 been, from time ,0 Ihrr rm .' . "-l',"""ion is so well known, fur fico iUo Up0n Ita Virtucai unnccessarj- tuf- thadfrnM 1,urt,lcr,reco""ncndationi accompany tnedircctions around each bottle. iI7Prico Ono Dollar per bottle. lLJS nan -t.Dr. No. 191 "'"l'"um, su street, below Vine, Aldo Sold by Dburg,MayDCT0DrAS' Tobias' Drugy store in Bloomlurg. LOOK HERE, DYERS AND PAINTER, V .V"w wan 0 Buy CHEAP. CAM Wood, ground; Chrom. Green; Drop Lake; sale a t 3 ' Uaddcr' SP31lish Uro. for 'Tobias' Warehouse in Bloomsburg. LOOK OUT SHARP tn.W.T!TTn TNTONE ! better in tho known world, for sale at J tho cheap Waro House, bv TOBIASin Bloomsburg. DYKK'S OPI3N YOnii rvps.' IvhSh wi?fe Mi d?" Vcrdigries,bluo nrrTn r taie cueap anil goou, a. tho Uloomsburg Waro House, by -0. (S. TOBIAS. vatbu & eye salve HICII I ...... ...iv, lu ,u ujjy uuuy, wi saio at ' ' Triias'sJIculth Emporium. Inmanl'oolcoldstCrminatolntlicFI1mn. v do not progress so rapidly as in youth. T 7'hvt "mover, in both youth and manhood y Sl',UlJ' tender, to, and not regarded hcl Ur il is tt delusive idea that 1,1 I . 5 ,ofr,:'oiu, of thousands. C,Uta,1,at ''shortened thelltci doved in ni.: Dn .ucccssfuii. cn LAQIC INK, Re.1 Ink, Uuo Ink, Durable Ink, or sale at tho cheap Health Enporium, by D. 8. TOBIAS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers