THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. "TnUTII WITHOUT FIAIl 8JlTVltli.1V, JUJVE 1838. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION" FOR GOVERNOR, t GEN. DAVID K. PORTER, (OF HUNTINGDON COUNTY.) The idle litols in I'Mlailclphia. The commotion in this once peaceful city, caus 'cd by the late disgraceful t iots, appears to havo almost entirely subsided; not, however, without having produced oh tho public mind, a deep and lasting impression of the folly and madness of a few individ uals attempting to bravo tho curront of public opinion by enforcing their own peculiar doctrines and polr cy, in opposition to the prejudices and often repeat t.1 sentiments of tho great mass of society. That every man has n free and undoubted right, un 'der our government and laws, to discuss any mcas. tore of policy, or express any opinion ho may cn tcrtain, at all times and in all places, if, by bo doing, 'lie docs not interfere with sound morals) and th'j pcaco and happiness of his neighbor, no otto will deny. But, whenever he touches llicso rights, he oversteps tho bounds of reason and justice, and true freedom of speech and action, and falls into licen tiousness. It is not maintaining an " inalienable right" of his own, but infringing Upon tho rights of others. This is not UUrlV: On the other hand, in no. case have wo a righl to 'take tho law into our own hands. It should always be left to tho administration df the proper author!. lies. To their decision wo should submit. But by saying this, we do not Admit the right to arouso tho passions and prejudices of tho people by cither publicly discussing sentiments which they abhor, or enforcing customs upon them, by precept 'or ex 'ample, which tliey consider as detrimental to tho well being of their domestic firesides. Thus it was with tho Abolitionists of the city. They knew thev wcro Braving public opinion. They knew that 'tho doctrines of Abolitionism and Amalgama. tionism, as tatlght by them, was Universally de tested bv tho community in which they were; and thev must have been aware that tlieV were enkind ling a flamo that neither law nor justice could con trol, if they persisted in promulgating their doctrines. But notwithstanding they did persist, and the con sequences that followed, arc, in fact, of their own seeking. We do not justify tlio, people in the 'city in tho course they pursued td put down these fanatics ; they ought arid should bo punished ; but .at the same time, we dd think that tlio principal leaders of the Abolition cane, who wcro tho first" Qccressors: should receive their reward from an "equal hand of justice: Federalists of '98 and Whigs of '33 the same. Tho Whig Legislature of Connecticut lias chcted General Kimberly; df New Haven U. S. Senator, in the place of the Hon. JohnM.Nilcs, whoso term "of service expires on tho 4th of March next. Gen, Kimberly is endorsed by tho whigs throughout the country as beinc sound and unchanging in his whig principles." This is true. Gen. Kimberly was a Federalist of tho John Adam's school, and still glories in the principles of that party ; ho must of course be a "sound and unchanging" whig, one in whom that party can have the utmost confidence, He will be a good acquisition to the Federal corpse in tho Senate; for a man, who, for forty years has steadily maintained tho principles of that party. will not bo likely to abartdon them now; Tho dovemor has issued his proclamation offer ing a reward of $500, and the Miyor of the city of Philadelphia, $2000, each, for the apprehension and tonviction of tho participators iri the burning of the Pennsylvania Hall: Tho West Branch Bank, at Williamsport, has commenced operations. Many of the notes are al ready in circulation. John Cdweri, Esq. President, T. Coryell, Cashier. A barn in Kingston, Luzerne county, belonging loCapt. A. P. Winchcll, was destroyed by firo a few days since. Fire supposed to have originated from a lighted cigar being carried into the born Loss estimated at $200 besides tho building.' We once knew a loafer who was guilty of all manner of tricks to obtain a living without work kecuso an honest neighbor of being thecauso of his degradation. Why sol says the neighbor. You have exposed my character. Thus it is with the Federal party.- Th'o Democratic party, by exposing the selfishness of their political career, havo thrown them out of power, and the course they havo pur sued to regain it, has rendered them still more ob noxious. And liko the loafer, they would like to cast tlio odium of their guilt upon tho shoulders of those who have heretofore exposed their conduct, and now prevent them from usurping tho rights of the peopl6, An Irishman by tlio name of John O'Neal, of Kingston, was committed to jail in Wilkcsbarrr, .Luicmo county, a few days since, for attempting to kill his wife in a drunken' frolic. ITEMS Mclancholi.A. liltto daughter nf Mr. Barnes, of Norfolk, was bitten by a favor ite spaniel about five weeks since, ami tlio wound healing over no further notice was taken of it; but at tlio beginning of last week its most horrid form, which terminated in its death in a few hours. The New York Gazette says "Frank Johnson, the celebrated colored- musician, arrived with his band from London in tlio Philadelphia. Tho visiters of Saratoga, to whom Frank is favorably known, Will be glad to hear that ho takes his old station at Hi'o springs this summer, prepared lo greet tnem with iionuon s latest, and in improved style." Imposing Spectacle. The Lowell Ad vertiser states that a concourse of peorile, probably four thousand in number, assem bled upon the banks of the Concord rivdr on Sunday aftcrnodii; td witness the admin istration of baptisih by the Methodists to about sixty persons. Murder. A mulatto; named Miller, was murdered on Saturday, at Duncan's Island, in the Sus'quekannaii, it is believed, by tho keeper of a public house there, named Sil- hammer, who had accused him bf robbing his bar of gome change. Silhammer was seen near him, and Miller was observed to fall, having been stabbed in the breast. ThtJ supposed murderer is in Perry couilty jaili The Jails in Texas are Said to be secured by doors of linden plank, with a hasp arid staple, fastened with a boiled carrot. The Liverpool merchants liave formed a company with a capital df 500,000, of 20. 000 shares of ib each. Four steam ships are td bo built, of 1000 tons each, which are to keep up the communication between the two countries every lortnight; Upwards of thirty thousand pounds of maple sugar have been manufactured in banuwich, New Hampshire, tho present year, besides large quantities in Lisbon, Franconia and the neighboring towns. The maufacture is far beyond tlio consumption in those towns. A man in New Jersey ale. a shad raw on a wager oi live uoiiais. lie must have a scaly stomach. A. Mr: Lu'sk, of Columbus, Ohio: has in vented a self propelling machine, which, when placed in the water; will go up stream o'r down as fast as a steamboat; Thb battle of Bunker Hill lasted four hours, steady popping. It began between two and three e. . and continued till after six in the evening a long time for ono to stand up and be shot at. Tfeniihdous Hail Storm Ono df thb New Orleans paper's states, tin the authori ty of a gentleman fiom Alexandria, on the lied River, that a shower of hail stones re cently fell there, which on an average were as big as, hen's eggs. Vdts be to those whb were Walking 111 straw Hats. The GirarJ Bank has subscribed for brie hUhdred thousand dollars of the temporary Idan of tho state, authorized by the Act bf Assembly of the 14th April last, at ail in terest of 4 percent perarinurri. Proiiint: Mr; Frederick Sanders has just been tried at Clevclarid, for grand lar ceny, and sent to tho penitentiary tor six vears. Sanders committed the offence bh Friday night oii Saturday was arrested and an indictment found against him by the grand Jury on Monday ho was tried and convicted, arid on Tuesday sentenced: The Prince de. Joiriville; "son bf Louis Philippe, King of the French, attended by several French officers, arrived in this city yesterday. We regret to learn that the Prince's stay will be veiy short, His Ume being limited on account of the necessity of his early return to Europe. Hq has taken lodging's at Brown's Hotel. Globe. Gen. Hunt, tho Texan Minister, left this city for Texas on Wednesday last. This gentleman made a very favourable impres sion on all who formed his acquaintance during his residence here. It is not oxpect cd that he will immediately return to resume his functions near this Goverment. Fairfax Callett, esq. has been left Charge'd Affaires ad interim Ibid. Negro Suffrage. -Tile Hodse of Rep resentatives of Connecticut, by a vote of 105 to 33, havo refused to recommend the expunging of the word "white" in that clause of tho constitution which specifies who shall be entitled to vote; Quite Unparalleled, A man recently died in the neighborhood of Cornwall, U. . C, by the name of John1 Tio, being one hun dred years 6f age,' leaving seventeen chil dren, one hundred and eight grand children, and seventy-seven great grand children. Ho and was engaged against General Wolf at tho battle of Quebec. Dislresing Atciderii.-on Saturday fast, while a number of persons were engaged in raising thb stceplo of a new Church in Madison on nearing the completion, some of tho timbers or suppbrts" gave way, and the structure fell to tho ground, by which a Mr. Fierce and a Mr. Smith were instantly killed, we could not learn their Baptismal names, but ono of them belonged to Wat crbury, the other to Madison. Haven Herald. From the N. Y Jouthal of Commerce. Tho following extract of a letter from Florida would mako it appeat probable that tho war is again about to bo ended. Tampa Bay, April 24. "Every thing is in commotion here. The Cherokee order arrived last nieht. Col. Smith has somo 107 Indians. Col. Taylor 49 or 50, and captain Monroe has Alligator and most of his people at Pease Creek. The Indians appear to be inclined to emigrate; it is manifested by their coming in. There arc about 200 Indians here, and it is thought about 4uu more will shortly be in. Tins Will diminish their force consequently iri the field, so you perceive there is a prospect of tho term nation of the war." P. S. A younjr Naval officer has iust ar rived here (Washingtori,)rro'm Tampa Bay, which no leu on mc 'tin nisi, just previous to leavincr, an exnrdss arrived from Gen. Taylor at Fort Gardner, stating that 400 Scminolcs, men, women, and children had come in and surrendered to him. Tliey be longed to the bands of Alligator and Coa- choochc. My mlormant thinks there are not more than 250 warriors out; but thoy aie of thb most determined character. Some three or four express riders havo been recently killed, ono at Fort Arm strong one at Fort King, and one near Fort Gardner. A few days since, some lb or 14 Indians attacked about the samo number of soldiers belonging to tho garrison at Micanomy, whilo bathing in a ppnd and killed three, and severely wounded one. A horribta affair occurred in New York a. few days since. A woman named Sarah Kerrin, perished under the following cir cumstances: "It appdared that Kerriri arid his httoily, consisting of a wife and two children, a few days since moved into town from Har leam, and located in appartntents in a house on 3d avenue', si couple bf doors abdvb 7th street. The testamony of several who know tHem is somewhat al variance, some attributing to the husband, and some to the wife, habitual drunkenness; but they agree in one thing, to wit, that the husband was grossly drunk on Saturday eveningj add thb Wife wa3 not sober. Between 9 ind 10 o'clock on that evening a woman.resdingin the house passed through the entry, Where she found Kerrin seated with his two chil dren; and when she passed the ddor of their room, which was ajar, she perceived that the room was unusually light; arid filled with smoke. She asked Kerrin what was the cause? to which hp answered, 'ph nbthing, only my wife is burning!" The wornan entered the room ana tound the wretched wife lying on the floor, her clothes nearly burned olfofher, and her body-in a dreadful condition from tho effects of the firo. She instantly alarmed the neighborhood, arid the miserable moman was soon relieved of her smouldering garments; ahd the fire, which had communicated to the ddor and a trunk, was put out. DUrihg all this time Her un natural husband did not movp a finger to assist, but appeared w.holly indifferent to what was transpiring; "The deceased, though mosi horribly burm cd about the chest, breast, shoulders and arms, was not wholly insensible after being relieved from the horrible situation in which she was found, and she at that time stated that her husband had set her clothing on firo by throughing a lighted candle in her lap" .. Life on Wheels'.- The Messrs Lyons, Coach Makers of tliis city, are building a small moveable village for the Utica and Syracuse Railroad. This company havo now oh their road Iwo steam engines which drive the piles upon which the road is built aud saw them bfl' at tho proper level, the rails arc then laid, and the road completed as they go along. The 'village,' consisting of d number of neat looking cottages; is to be placed on tho road in the redr of the pile-drivers, for dwelling houses for tlio mechanics and la borers on the road. Improvements will never stop; arid we shall yet see the time whert one. may take a tea-kettle in his hand, put a few chips in his pocket, get astride of a broomstick and go where he pleases: Utica Democrdt. Severe Sentence. Tho Wilmington (Del) Gazelle says "The trial of John Kennedy, who was arrested a few weeks ago in this citv on a charge of robbing Mr. Thomas Vandever, while on his way to market, Wasjjlosed on Wednesday last when tho jury retumed a verdict df guilty. He was yesterday Sentenced to pay the state a fine of five hundred dollars, to stand on tho pillory for the space of one hour, shall be publicly whipped with thirty-nine lashes on tho bare back well laid on, imprisoned for a term of two years, and upon expiration of such imprisonment, to be disposed of as a servant to the' highest and best bidder or bidders for the term of ten years." The soldiers are sent to watch the Cana dians, but who are to watch the soldiers? They aro uncertain people it seems from the folldwing : Desertion of d ibhdle company. The "Queen's Own,' a company stationed at Now MarKet; Upper Canada, safely arri ved in our harbor last night, heartily sick of the Queen's service, They had to' travel a good many miles through the woods before they could got an opportunity to cross tho Lake, during which time they sold their guns to good Radicals to obtain provisions, Rochester Democrat, HarrishiTg and Lancaster Hail-road. Tho tunnel on this road is now nearly finished and they will in afewdays be ablo to pass through, tliUB completing tho com munication from this place to Philadelphia: This will lessen the time of traveling and especially, In stormy weather render it more pleasant, as the passengers hav6 for some l.. i i? .j i, . i iiinu uuuu oougcu to wain, over me tunnel. Great credit is due td tho managers df this road and to the enterprising contractor Mr. n r-i .t. ! i. this tunnel has been executed. It is bnd ot tuiuaiii uuiuuruu lur uiu manner in wnicn tho finest specimens of workmanship of the uinu we oeusve in the union. Key stone. Jl Hard Place. Mr. James Black, beinir interrogated upon his oath, before Allegany county court how long a man could live in Old-town, in that county, without fighting? answered "Tho. Angel Gabriel himself could not help fighting if ho wero to live more." A Decided Move. It is stated in the Cin cinnati Gazette, that near two hudred voters Harden county, Ky., have published a pledge tliat they will vote 'for no candidate wlio treats at elections, or suffers others to do it for him, directly or indirectly. A lit tle more of such nerve would mako election treats unfashionable'. Good. HYMENIAIiJ MARRIED On Tuesday evening the 29th Ult. by tho Rev. J. D. Patterson, Mr. ENOCH WOL VERTON, of Rush, Northumberland County, to Miss NANCY, daughter of Mr. James M'Ninch, of Dcrry, Columbia county. On last Sunday, by the Rev. D'. S. Tobias, Mr. JEREMIAH MERTZ, to Miss MARY BETZ,-UU of Scidletown, this County. "Aye this is love, tho steadfast and the true!" On Thursday, 19th ult. by the Rev. Joel Ander son, Mr. ROBERT PARKS, of Indiana, to Miss OBLIA DILL, of Williams county. Twenty five years ago, Mr. P. courted the lady whom he has. now married and was accepted by her. Parental interference broke off the match, and pre vented theft Union at that time. , Twelve years af terwards ho.saw her and renewed tho engagement. Uircumstances prevented their meeting until very recently, but true to their engagement neither party over married until last night, when was consuma ted in happiness, the early pledgo of their youthful hearts. Wo give them our best wishes for a pleas ant prosperous pilgrimage through life. Franklin Repository. OBITUARY. DIED In Liberty township, iti this coiihty, on the 28th of April last, MICHAEL DEARMOND, a Soldier of tho Revolutionary war, aged ono hun dred and fivo years. BRICK X BRICKL! V a good quality, by lO lOO 1000 or lOOOO fresh burnt, and laying near the Canal i or sale by , HENRY WELLS; Bloomsburg, June 2, 1838; A TWO FOOT IRON SQUARE, Found near this village, has been left at tills of fice. Tho owner can have it upon app!ication,and paying for this advertisement. Juno 2. icj-GOODS AT COST-c f BjnllE subscribers offer their remainihrr sloclc of Jl Goods at COST, till Friday Saturday, the 15th WhJtine neit, on which days they will offer at PUBLIC SALE3 Dry Goods, Groceries, Q'tieens Ware, Hard Ware, in shor, every variety of Sloro Goods; SALT by the Bushel or Barrel, LIQUOR of all kinds by tho Barrel; SUGAR by the Barrel, PAINTS and DYE-STUFFS. NAILS by tiie Keg, &c. &c. All thosp rA'VEBTHV will do well to call and make settlement, on or before tho lGthday of June, after .which timb all accounts unsettled will be put into tho hands of a Justice of tho Peace for immedi ate collection. J . T. MUSSELMAN & Co. Bloomsburg, May 26, 1838. STONE COJJL; .. JUST received, and for sale, a quantity of first rate STONE COAL, by C. B. FISHER. Bloomsburg, May 26. Mais! Mais! JUST Received an Assortment of the latest New York stylo of Drab, Black, Russia, Silk and Fur Hats, of various qualities and prices, from 2 Dollars to Dollars. C. B. FISHER. Bloomsburg1, May 20i PALM Soap. 3 or 4 kinds of shaving Soap, Wash Balls, and Ladies' soap, for sale at trie cheap Drug store, by D. S. TOBIAS, in Bloomsburg. WONDERFUL CURES Have bten performed in this city, and throughout the country. ton. LEXDY'S MEDICATED SJ1RSPA1ULLJ1. BEING a conccnlraVcd fluid extract of Sarspa rilla, combined Willi .dther vcgctablo extracts, which renders it as a medicine, of great utility in the cure of all diseases arising from the impurities of the, blood frorrj indiscretions ..arid iroprudencies in life, and constitutional diseases formed or produced by tho Injudicious liso of mercury, Arsenic, bark, or quinine. In short, it is un invaluable remedy for all Rheumatic Affections, Gcncrul Debility Ulcerous Sprcs, Whito, dwellings, Diseases of th'p ivsr and Skin, Ulcerated sore throat, Ulcers of tho Nose, Ca ries of the diseases qf the Bones, Scrofula or King's Evil, Erysipelas or St. Anthony's Fire, and all un pleasant and dangerous- affecUons consequent to Syphilis, Lucas Venereal, &, , So effectual has this medicine been in the cure of various diseases fur. whiqh, .it is recommended, Uiat ii is lar superceding an otner preparations of Sarepa rilla, Panacea &c. It is now employed by numerous physicians and has been introduced by them into many hospitals, infirmaries, &c. throughout tho United States. It is a preparation of greater strength (conse quently of greiter efficacy) than any other extract nuw mauo, is also mucn cheaper, being but one dol lar per bottle; which is sufficient to make one Gal lon ol Hyrup of fearsparilla, and is bought by dif ferent druggists for that purpose. Numerous certificates havo been received and. published from time to timo, but in consequence of iiiu tjiL-ui. i-ajiviisu aiicnuing newspaper publication of tliem, the most incredulous can be convinced of tho superior efficacy or Dr. Lcidy's medicated Sars' parilla, by calling at Lcidy's Health Emporium," No. 101, North second strcc; below Vine, sign of the Golden Eagle and Serpents, whero certificates and references can be given to hundreds .of instances of tlio most remarkable cures ever performed by any 'medicine. . Prepared only and sold Wholesale and Retail al Dr. Lcidy's Health Emporium, Bd street, below Vine, No. 191. ALSO SOLD BT . . D. S. TOBIAS". Bloomsburg, 'June 2, 1838'. The Tictory Won, FTBR Jong, tedious, and expensive experi ment,. Dr. Leidv has discovered a method whereby tho virtue of Vie Sarsaparilla is extracted. so as to bo formed into Pills without destroying ifs tfftcacy. Innumerable attempts have lieen .made to accom plish this important object, but all failed. It is im? portant, because Ae Sarsaparilla, as, a medicine, in all diseases to which .mankiqd is subject product iveKof more real good, tlidn the wtioie catalogue df mcdicino in Use.' . , Ask all resp'ectablo pHysiciana the quesdon, 'What is th'o most effectual purifier of the blood, and the most popular medicine uscd1",they .will answer unanimously, Sarsaparilld. What better roconl'. mendatidn con be asked 1 t , . . . . DR; LEIDY'S . SARSAPARILLA OR BLOOD PILLS, Price, Twenty-five Cents a Box. They must surely command a preference, for they are not composed of .Sarsaparilla alone, but contain', in a concentrated stae,- in th.e form of a 'pill, thq virtues of the .principal ingredients cpntained iu the compound fluid, extracts, syrups, and other prepara tions of Sarsaparilla. They are highly recommended by numerous pliyi Kiciahs, and others, (sec directions around each bot tle; in Rheumatic, Affcctidns, Schrofula Erysipelas, Jaundice, Heartburn Diseases of tho Livcr,skin bones and glands. Pain of the sides, along the back and spine o ver the region of the heart and stomach. Inward fevers, bad taste iti the mouth, fo'u breath Flalulenevl Indiircstion. Dice- ous sores of the noso throat and body. , Scaly Eruptions and blotches of the skin. l Dry and watery pimples and pcsiulcs of the face and body. Tetter and ringworms. iSwqllings.and hardening of the glands of tho neck, in the groins, breast. &c. Stomach Coughs, Liver complaint. Sour eructations and Acid . ities of the stomach Want of appetite; Wuterbrasti. and all tho whole train of diseases resulting from impurity of tho blood, constitutipnal diseases pro "duced by.Mcrcury. or other minerals, dr tlio conse quence of Syphilh , Luei Venerea, &jc. For convenience' of takirig, as wed as making but Small bulk, being in' flat squara boxes, convenient for carrying in tho pocket oi. for travelling purpose , they must be preferable to all other preparations of Sarsaparilla. . . m For sale, Wholesale and Jctail at Dr. Lcidy's HcaltliEmporiurd, 2nd ncarVirie strcctjPhiladelphia, For sale hj D. S. TOBIAS. , TO DELINQUENTS. THE. Books and Accounts of John S( Ingram' have been placed in my hands for. collection. All persons indebted to him for subscriptions to the ' Columbia Democrat," or for Advertising and Jobs, are requested to make payment to the under signed lefure the first of July next, as after that date, I am instructed to institute legal proceedings for the collection of the same, CHARLES 1CAIILER. Bloomsburg, May 26, 1838; Gentlemen 'end Ladies come the handsome and look at BEARS OL", . RENCH double rectifiel,and scented with tKa Otto of Rose, fur salp, at Tobias's Health Eniporiuni. MILLINERS). , Will you be so Kind as to look at this ! 1 W-rjTHITE Giuc; FlaEo Whito; Oxalic Acid; for salo at the Health Emporium by D. S. TOBIAS". CNTARUH, Snu.ff Bean's, Sand Papcrb'f all kinds, JSpiritsTerpehtiiio, Cocoa prepared Chocolate for sick people. A fresh supply for sajo at the Health Emporium in Bloomsburg, by D. S. TOBIAS. EltCURIAL Ointment, Sulphur do, Siriinla do. Percipcda'to do. Red, Cetrin do. Tarlar Kinetic do, mid nil other kinds of Ointments, for salt) ut tho Health Emporium, by D. S. TOBIAS, in Bloomsburg. (gJMOKED HERRING, Sugar crackers, ahd Wa w3 ter crackers, for rale by U, S. TOBIAS, in Bloomsburg. P
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers