DEATH 15F Cll-t.i3-. The following thrilling verses by Mrs. Sigourncy In connection with the report on tho murJcr of Cil ley, have peculiar interest at the present time.. They are from trie Muy number of the Democratic itbviewi ! THE CONTRAST. BT MBS. l'. H. BICfOURSIT. ' Tho mother sat beside her fire, Well trimmed It was, and bright While loud moaned the forcst-plncs, ' Amid that wintry night. feho heard them notthose wind-swept pities, For o'er a scroll she liting, That boro her husband' voice of love, A wheh that love was young. And thrico her son, beside her kneo, , Besought her favouring eye, And thrice her lisping daughter speke, Before sho made reply. Q'littlo daughter, iriiny a kies Lurks in this treasured, line, And boy, a father's' counsels fond, And tender prayers arc thine. Thou hast his proud and arching brow; Thou hast his eye and flame,- And be tho purpose of his soul, Thy sunward course the same. Then as she drew them to her arms; Down her fair cheek would glide A tear, that rio'.Hfc' like diamond spark, The tear of love and pride. feho took her infant from its rest, And laid it on her knee, Jl Thou ne'er hast seen thy sire," she said; But he'll be proud of thee. Yes, he'll be proud of thee, iny dove; Thelilly of our line I know what eye of blue he (o'tcs; And such' an eye is thine." ' Where is rhy father gone, mamal Why docs he stay so long 1" l He's far away in Corfgress Hall; Amid tile noble throng; lie's in (he lofty Congressman, To swell the high debate, And help to frame those righteous laws That makes o'nr land so great; But ere fh'6 earliest Violets bloanr,- You in his arms shall be; bo go to rest, my children dcir; And pray for him and me." Thd erfow-flakSa reared their drifted mound They buried nature deep; Yet nought within that peaceful home Stirred the soft down bf sleep. For lightly, like an arigcl df carrf; The trance of slumber fell Where Innocence and holy love Entwined their guardian spell;' Another eve,--anothcr scroll, Wot ye what words it saidt Two words', two fearful words it bore, The duetl-md the dead! The duel.' and the deadthovt dark Was that yo'nng mother's eye, How fearful her protracted swoon How wild he piercing cry; There's many a wife, whose' bc-sota lord1 Is iri bis prime laid low Engulphcd beneath the watery main, While bitter tempests blow, Or crushed amid tho battle field, Where crimson rivers flow, Yet know thoy not the deadly pang That dregs her cup of woe. Who lies co-powerless on her couch,' Transfixed by sorrow's sting! Her infant in its nurse's arms Lik$ tf forgotten thing 1 A dark-n'sjred boy is at her side, He lifts his eagle eye, " Mother, they say my father's dead; How did my father die !" Again, the spear-point in her breatt, Again, that shriek of pain ! Child! thou hast riven thy mother's soul," Speak not those words again. Speak not those words again, my son!" WW bbots'tBB fruitless care 1 They're written whereso'eersho turns', On ocean, earth, or air, TJtey're seared upon her shrinking hesfrf, That bursts beneath its doom, The duel and the dead! they haunt The threshold of her. tomb. So, through' tier brief and weary years' That broken heart she bore, And on her pale slid drooping Wow" The smile sat never more. A pcrtfon Iri company Said to another, ,You are a great scoundrel." The other replied, " " Gentlemen, you must not mind rhat that man says, lie h Only talking to Important to Tailors ! PATENT ELASTIC SCtfJARE AN feblf-viirying SiuHrc Rule, For measuring and drafting coats, in con nection with another new and useful rule for cut tine sale or bov's coal's unon a more familiar plan j also, suporior rules for cut tine all other garments incumbent oh that branch, aro now offered to the trade by the subscribers : bclivinrx them to surnass eve ry thing of the kind which hap prccecded them. SELF-VARYING RULE, Great imperfections in tho art and liabil ities to produce a miss-fit have been stand ing before the cutter over sincb the intro duction of rules, filling tho mind with fear and anxiety, until tho coat is finished and tried on, at which crisis the blood is often cause'd td rush into the face at beholding a bad fittinir coat. Tho rules, with one or two exceptions, whiqh have been in use ever since the first invention ,of tho kind, were wholly predi cated upon principles giving the same pro portion for every man, which principles would long Mnco have boon superceded by self-varying rules, had tailors but thought that tho variation in tH6 proportions of men's bodies aro almost as many as in the feature of the face. Two or three rules dtyled Sclf-vtlrying, have made their appearance within about as many years, each inventor claiming the hon or of having perfected the art, upon which J. G. Wilson, of New York, entitled his sys tem perfect ; but instead of being perfect, it contains many erroneous principles, which the subscribers forbear to point out Until that gentleman assails this assertion. All such systems have heretofore bben defective in two ways : First, they are only in part self-varying. Secondly, those parts which are intended to be self-varying aro defective. In fact, there arc certain points on the coat which cannot be effected by self-varying principles in any other way, nor by any other means, than those laid down by thd subscribers. Unlike any other of the kind, tilts sys tem now ollered to tho trade is conducted without any breast measure, and effects ev ery point and every part of the coat by self varying principles, in a way calculated to convict the senses of any reasonable man. that should it ever fail to produce a good fit upon any shape whatever, the charge must be laid to a careless and incorrect measure ment. It may seem mysterious that this rule is said to be self-varying, and yet a square rule a square rule and yet conduct ed without a breast measure ; butthe"whol6 mystery will be unfolded at once by exam ination. Unwilling- to hare it said that tho subscribers are attempting to palm this sys tem upon the trade with misrepresentations, they avow their willingness to submit it in to the hands of aW impartial committee for an examination ol its principles, in compar ison with arty other ever invented in the United states, at rhiladolphia or New York, which committee sliall make tho decision known through tho press. The subscri bers set all systems which are governed wholly by the breast measure aside as in terior and not worthy to compare with consequently they will compare with none but such a3 are governed in nart bv self- varying principles.- tor if the principles ..." j,- ? . . . here offered to the frado aio .not worthy of patronage it is right that it should bo made known, and they sink into oblivion. On tho contrary, if they are found as above repres ented, or it thereby the subscribers have put an end to all further improvements in the art of cutting coats they deserve somo pat ronage and compensation for their exertions. Terms if forwarded to order SI, if per sonally taught $12. CHARLES KAHLER, WILLIAM KAHLER Bloomsburg, Pa. Feb. 1, 1838. HADEN SMITH, Respectfully informs the public, that he is prepared to receive and execute orders in 1 . .... I the above line, and Irom his knowledge of tho art, having Had extensive practico lor the last fifteen years, considers himself jus tified in stating that he can give perfect sat isfaction to all who may employ him. Topographical maps furnished according to the latest improvement, in the handsom est and most correct manner, and levelling ol every description laithlully perlormed. Able assistants aro engaged. Orders left with the following periods will meet with immediate attention. James Taggart, Esq., Tamanua, S. B. Harmon, EsQ.t Danville. John Weaver, Esq., Pottsville, John S. Insram. Esa.. Eloomsbt'trcr. Cornetius Conner, Esq., Mauch Clmnk. Tench C. Kintzxng, Esq. Cattaivtssa. Cattawissa, Feb. 1, 1838. 42 Ot Look at This! ? i t . i.t-..:.V i. .t v.v-:t. ijipcrsons muumuu iu mo uuouuwi m either by Wote or uook Account, pre- . -i-i. ...:u 1.K Uim u VlUUs IU mis uaW win uuugu mm making payment: before tho first day of A priluext. After that dato the collection of such demands will be attended with Costs. There will bo no mistake in this notice, C. B. FISHER, Bloomsburjf, March 10, 1838, Valuable Property FOR KENT. Tun subscriber wishes to obtain tenants td a property in Rohrsburg, Greenwood township, Cblumbia county, consisting of TWO HOUSES, One df the dwellings has heretofore tie en oc cupied as a fitbrc, and a person who would carry on tho mercantile business would bo preferred as a tenant. The eituatidti is a good one, it being in a most extensive lum ber country, and where considerable might be done in the Gram business. Possession will bo given on tho first day 6f April next,and any person wishing to ex amino the premises can receive every satis- taction by calling on the undersigned, ANDREW McCLUKE; Rohrsburg, Feb. 1, 1838. 42 tf. HOTEL. HENRY A. ZELIEltS, RESPECTFULLY announces to his friends and the public generally, that he has moved into tho house formerly occupied by William Byers, in Selinsgrovc, JJliion county, Pa. where he is ptcpared fo en tertain in a suitable manner all, those who may favor him with a call. Tho house is neatly finished, and conveniently calculated ior i uuiic ElVTERTATtfMTClVrrI, Gbod Cooks and Waiters have been en gaged, and the Table supplied with the best provisions that can be obtained in a plenti ful market. Particular attention has been paid to selection of his Linuors which are believed to be of equal quality, to those of any other .house iri the state. Tho Stablinrr is convenient and extensive, and well filled with the best of provender, and will be at tended by the most careful ostlers; The subscriber respectfully sblicifs a share of public patronage, which ho will en deavor to merit by moderate charges and strict attentibn to the comfort and conveni ence of his guests. HENRY A. ZELLERS, Selinsgrovc, March 31, 1838. HEV SADDLERY The Subscriber OULD respectfully inform" the citi zens of Bloomsburg and its vicinity. that he has removed his shop from Market street, to Main street, in a building belong- : a aj -rr.-i -i mg io iinurew ivunn, neany opposite Esquire Kahlor's office, whero he will bo happy to wait upon all persons who may mvuur iniii wiia a can in ms lino oi oust nessj ICTSADDLES, BRIDLES and HAR NESS, made and repaired at the shortest npucc ami on tne most reasonable terms. ALEXANDER RITTER. Bloomsburg, April 21, 1838. Sioaim's Vermifuge, N invaluable family medicino for worms', dys . entary, bowel complaints, cholic. cholera morbus, vomiting, pains or weakness in tho stom ach loss of appebte, lever and ague, &c. kept at Tobias's Heatth Emporium. Unseated Lands 1838 NOTICE is hereby given, that agreea bly to an Act ot ueneral Assembly of the Commonwealth ol rennsylvama, passed the 13th of March, 1815, and entitled "An act to amend the act entitled an act direct ing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes and foi other purposes," the follow ing Tracts of Land will bo sold at Public Vendue, on the second Monday of June next, at tho Court House in the Borough of Danville, in the county ol Columbia, lor arrearages of 1 axes due, and the cost ac crued on each lot respectively: ROARING CREEK. Jlcres. Warrantee nattiest Tax 382 Ashton George 10 87 411 Billington Thomaff 1173 429 Bean Joshua 12 01 343 Bcrisorf Peter 8 02 347 Boasley Johnson- 8 62 428 Barron Thomas, jrV 10 27 400 Brown Nathaniel 0 50 343 Barran John, Jr. 8 02 406 Bittler Samuel 8 02 401 Boncham Eliza 8 52 401 Bomb John Jr. 8 52 40 Brewer 'Willtam' ' 80 382 Beckham George 9 20 80 Clingerman Jacob i 95 400 Cunningham Thom'aa" 9 50 406 Cope Thomas P. 9 03 409 Dchaven Peter 9 03 442 Elli6t William 10 50 300 Gobbin Charlt 8 34 e09 Hains Jnsiah 0 83 400 Helurg Adam . 9 50 457 Heiltzhcimer Robert 8 84 380 Heiltzhcimer Thomas 9 20 400 Jordon Joseph . 0 03 375 Kenncar Robert 0 10 383 Kennady Andrevf O 20 207 Leonard Lcsher' 3 09 434 Lemmons William 0' 80 . Lemmons Matthew and? 22tr RuckelJohnJr. J 541 405 Lawrence Joseph 9 01 .400 Long George 9 50 409 t owns CaleK 391 McCartyJohH 4Q9 Miller William 443 Myers Mary 90 Montgomery Daniel 101 Miller Martha 420J Monch Henry qq Miller George arid i Raver Jonathan, $ 309 Norris Isaac 409 Powel William 09 Porter William 210 Peabody Stephen ' G23 Porter James 399 Porter Robert 480 Ruston Mary 381 Ruston Thomas 386 Rcece'Daniol 87 Ruston Isaac 440 Reynolds John 420 Ruston, Charlotte 428 Raver George Jr. 409 Rcece Daniel . ' 484 Shannon William 340 TrucKimillcr diaries 395 Tunis Riclwrd 409 Whitemin John 419 Warner John 400 Wickersham Amos 434 W ebb Samuel 4.37 Whitehead Robert H? : ,9 23 .S"63 10 73 2 50 fl, 39 il 50 02 9 03 9 03 7 00 7 70 9 47 10 80 1L06 10 90 2 03 1ST 56 11 10 10 38 l'l 78 9 29 8 00 923' 0 03 9 63 9 p3 10 30 10 37 7 54 0 50 12 79" 1 08 2 40 1 80 2 02 1 80 2 16 2 16 90 1 20 1 20 2 70 1 21 1 26 2 44 2 70 2 40 1 20 2 40 1 20 2 42 32 2 10 2 40 2 54 2 58 2 52 1 32 1 32 1 20 360 Walter Barbara 400 Wheeler William 481 Walter Lewis 38i YetterJohn ilADISON; 400 Armstrong James 350 Armstrong Elenor 338 Brady John 300 rady Jane 360 Cornelison Mary 300 Cornelison William! 130 Fox John (in part) 200 Gorden Thomas 200 Gorden Jane (in part) 450 Giffen Hannah 200 Hunter Robert (in part) 210 Hains Josiah do; 403 Hepburn James 451 Johnson Margaret (in part) 401 Lynn John 200 Levy Aar6n 400 Jjyon Robert 200 Lebo Henry (in part) 404 Mayland Samuel 220 Montgomery Mary 350 Miller Thomas (in part) 403 Rupert James 427 Scott Alexander 432 Strech Joseph 421 Tower James 220 Woodside Johri 220 Woodside Elenor 200 Woodsido Thomas SUGARLOAF: 400 Beasley Johnson 283 Copo Thomas P. 409 Caldwell David 8 00 .4 01 12 20 4 33 7 92 9 30 ,9 18 11 86 14 53 2 40 9 89 20 04 . 00 3716 8 90 70 0 27 9 00 i id 51 93 1 84 90 5 73 57 Evans Able 353 Gifien Maiy 414 Grubb Peter 410 Hall Charles' 428 Hartley Thomas 385 Hcistcr Daniel 100 Hall Francis 330 Montgomery Susans 384 Owen Abraham 80 Russel John 300 Spencer Samuel 60 Sargent Jonathan 427 Wood William 424 Williams WilliarW 400 Yatbs Jasper FISHING CR'EEK; 184 Buchanan Arthur 23 Frick, Philip 157 McIIenry Ann 308 Ogden John 100 Petterman James 340 Solomon John MOUNT PLEASANT. 30 Melich Samuel 54 30 2 82 30 Montgomery Robert MIFFLIN. 235 Lettles Matthias CATTAWISSA.' Dovenbauch John Imrael Christian' Kinner Robert Kunkle John GREENWOOD. AgnCs" Alexander Bowman William Colt Nathaniel McIIenry Edward McIIenry Daniol McIIenry Precilla Strawbridge Alexander" Young John 400 3051 375 50 436 150 150 430 200 336 334 200 C 00 5 47 5 00 74 3 02 1 34 1 34 3 92 1 80 3 02 3 00 1 8p NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, To owners ol unsoated lands and others con cerned, that I have authorized and empow ered Jacob Hibler, Clerk of the Commis sioners for Columbia county, m case of my absonce, to receive payment of taxes unseated lands, in tho different townships nam, county, aim 10 give receipts and otner sufficient acquittances and discharges for tne same tor me, ana in my name, place. and stead, landholders and olliertf inter ested, are requested to attend by themselves or agents, at tho Commissioner's 6fficd. in Danville, in said county and pay their tax es Deioro 1110 1 iin oay 01 Juno next; when a: tho tracts upon which arrearage taxes are duo and unpaid, will be exposed for sale, as aoovc. H. McWILLIAMS, Treasure?. March 29, 1838, Toy the Distressed & Afflicted! TOBIAS'S HEALTH E PO RIU Jlnd Family Drug Warehouse. HEAirii, "Tho poor man's riches tho rich man's bliss." THE subscriber would respectfully announce to his friends and tho public that he has openrd a general assortment of Drugs 8c Medicines, at his Drug and Chemical Store in Dloomsburp, and that he will be happy to supply the wants of thoso who may give him a call. Among his as. sortment arc : Acid bcuzoic Oil of Almonds, ' Amber ' Anni seed ' Caraway Cloves 4 Copaiva ' Lavender ' Origanum 1 Orange ' Peppermint Pennyroyal Rosemary Ruo Spiko Stone Sassafras ' muriatic ' nitric sulphuric 1 tartaric Anni seed Acetate of line Aloes Antimony (crude Arfow root Agg'afactida Alcohol Alum Arsenic white Asphaltum Bark Peruvian red cinnamon Tansy Tar ' Wintcrgrecn Wormsccd ' British ' Croton Castor ' ' Harlcam Pink root Paragoric Elixir Plaster, adhesive do strengthening Prepared chalk I'earl powder Pills) Anderson's, Scotts, Hooper's Lee's New London German Morrison's Evan's Dyott's ' Leidics' ' of Aloes ' of Assafcctlna ' of Opium Balsam Copaiva do maltha of fir Barley, pearled Batcman's drops. iiismutn (nitrate) Blacking, for boots Borax refined Brimstone Buagundy pitch Bole Armcrnia Bluo pill Ualomcl Carrosive sublimato Calamine , Camphor Catechu Cayenne pepper Cochineal Cocculus Indicus Colum'bo Cologne water Conserve of roses' Cream tartar Cubebs Caraway seed ' of Quinine Quassia' wood Quicksilver Quinine Coriander seed Chamomile flowers Digitalis' Ithubarb Hochcllc salt Llixor of vitriol Epsom salts Emery powder Rotten stone Rose water Rust of Iron Sago, pearled Salammonias, crude Salt of tartar Sal Volatile Salt pctro ttssence ot peppermint of cinnamon Extract of colocynth' ' ot hemlock ' of liquorice Eye water Fccnugrcek seed Sanders wood Sirsapharilla Scaling wax Senna leaves Senaka snako root Soap, castile ' shaving ' white cnstilo ' fancy Sodo, supa'r carbonate Sub carbonate Spanish fly Sper'rhaciti Sweet spirits of nitre Soda powders Spirits of hartshorn ' of Lavender com'p. ofTarpcnrind Seed Laco Smelling bottles Scidlits powders' Spo'ngo Squill . , Sugar of lead Sulphur Sucking bottles Tartar emetic Tincture of Aloes ' of Assafcetida ' of Peruvian barli ' of cinnamon of Muriate of iron' ' of Myrrh . ' of Spanish fly ' of Colchicum seed of senna ' of Valerian , ' ofGuiacum' T6oth powder ' brushes Valerian root Venice turpentine' Verdigris, VermilliaA' Virginia snako root Vials, different sizes Vjtroil, blue, grecn,white' White Resin Gamboge Galls Gintian root Golden tincturo Godfrey's cordial Gum Arabic Tragacanth Ammoniac Shellac Kino GalbanuW Myrrh Gauiacum Juniper Helebore, black Hiera picra Ink powder, black Isinglass Ipecacuanha Ivory black Keysets' univcrsatpla'ater Jalap Lauunum Liquorico root Lunar caustic Lucifer matches Loco foco do. Morphium Magnesia calcined! do carbonate- Manna flake do common Mustard, white Nipple shells Nux Vomica Opium Upoucldoc Orris root Oxalic arid Otto of Roses' Ointment of mercury of Galls ' of red prpcipitato ot Spanish fly Citroh Wafers, White' wax: on ne, nis "Emporium of Heahh" wp ri efco iri' cntatn every variety of tho most approAlbl dofi Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Dye-Stuffs; Oils, Fruit, Confections, yc. $c. which aro warranted of good quality, having been' carefully selected from tho best established ware houses in Philadelphia ; and which he will sell at most reduced prices. He will use ovcry exertion to accommodate and benefit his customers, and thero . foico respectfully solicits tho patronage of a liberal public. D. S. TOBIAS. Bloomsburg January 0,1838. 37 It NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the subscriber by b ond note, or book account, or otherwise, aro re quested to call and settle the same before the jinl day of April, next. Ho is determined to have old matters justly arranged; and thoso who neglect at tending to this notice may rely on strict legal pro ceedings for tho purposes pf wttloment. There is no mistake. DANIEL SNYDER. Bloorriiburg, January 6, 1838. 37-tT 01V of Mead's Jnti'Dyspeplic or Stomach Pills, ITJOR indigestion, or sour Stomach, on hand, and ; for sale at Tobias1 Health Emporium, Bloomiburif, January 13, 1838, 38-t