The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 19, 1838, Image 2

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    " Look at .tUijGiasTcfl hrnvtfian.. WlncVfa
"belter ncvciwrung a iillain's ricck;"'
"I pointed the awivcl; would it had torn
fcut your bla6k heart."
With it griash of rage, Bernardo thrust a
jiistol into the- very eye of the unfortunate
captain, and fired! At the instant, a long
shrill, unearthly scream of "Blood for
blood!' pierced the air aloft. The affright
ed pirates glanced wildly upwards, when
the whirling, whizzing body of the forgot
ten Arnold fell on the upturned face of Ber
nardo, snapping his neck, and crushing him
to the deck, a hideous corpse !
My fatherl oh, my father," shrieked
the expiring Arnold, writhing and crawling
nflm murdered canlain. But his brave
soul had gone; ho knew not the infafny of
his son. With a piteous moan, the poor
youth clasped the stiffened corso,and breath
ed his dving agony on his parent's bosom.
The pirates stood appalled. The bodies of
Ihe father and stih were dropped overboard
together; as they went slowly down, the
face of the father, ybt bold and proud,
gleamed for an instant under the bright
wave and sunk Tor ever; the dead llernar
do followed; another commanded, in hjs
stead, and "The Flower of the Sea'' sailed
.fons ...
t As every thing connected with the navi
,jra,iion of the Atlantic by steam may be said
Ho possess additional interest just now, wo
"hasten to spread before our Tedders the fol
lowing minute account bf the first steam
trip oVcr tho Atlantic. We copy it from
the New London. (Conn,) which
paper it was communicated by Capt. Ste
phen Rogers, of Groton, who was sailing
master of the ship Savannah, of which Mo
ses Rogers of Groton, was commander.
"She was seen from the tolcgraph sta
tion, at Cape Clear, on the Southern coast
of Ireland, and reported as a ship on fire.
The Admiral who lav in the Cove of Cork.
despatched one of Ufa King's cutters to her
relief. But great was their wonder at their
inability with all sails jn a last vessel, to
come up with a ship under bare polls. Af-
tcr several shots were fired from the cutler.
tho engine was stopped, and the surprise of
her crew at the mistake they bad made, as
well as their curiosity to see the singular
Yankee craft can bo easily immagined.
They asked permission to go on board and
were much gratified by the inspection of
this naval novelty. On approaching Liv
erpool, hundreds of people came off in boats
to seo her. She was compelled to lay out
side tho bar till tho tide should servo for
her to ro in. During tins' lime she had her
' colors all flying, when a boat from a Brit
ish sl'oop-of-war came along-side and hail
ed. The sailing-master was on deck at the
time, and answered. The officer of tho
boat asked him "Where is your master?"
lo which ho gave the laconicteply " I
have no master, Sir." "Where's your Cap-
tain, then!" "lie's below do you wish
to see him?" "I. do, Sir." Tho captain,
who was then below oil beihg called, ask
ed what he wanted- to which he answered
"Why do you wear that penant, Sir?"
"Because my country allows me to, Sir."
"My commander thought it was done to
insult him, and if you don't take it down
he-,will send a force that will do it." Cap
tain Rogers then exclaimed to the engineer
"Get, Uus hot water engine reach'." Al
though there was no such machine on board
the -vessel, it had, the desired effect, and
John Bull was glad to paddle oft' as fast as
possible. On approaching, the city, tho
shipping, piers, and roofs of houses were
thronged with persons cheering the adven-
turous craft! Several naval officers, noblo-
inen and merchants from London camo
down to yisit her, and were very curious lo
ascertain her speed, destination, &c. As
it was soon after" Jerome Bonaparte had of
fered a large reward to any ono who would
Bucceed in taking hi3 brother Napoleon
from St. Helena, it was suspected that this
Avas the object of the Savannah After re
maining 25 days in Liverpool, during which
time she was visited by thousands of people
of all rank, and her officers wefo treated
"with marked attention, ho left for Copert.-.
hagen, at which place she arrived in safety
where she excited similar curiosity. Sho
"preceded thence lo Stockholm, in Sweden,
the foreign ministers, naval officers, nobill
ty-and others, who by invitation of. Mr.
IIughe8,.tho American minister, dined, on
board, and took an excursion among the
neighboring islands, with which they were
much delighted.
Lord Lyndock, of England, who was
then on a tour through the north of Europe,
by the invitation ot our minister, took pas
sage on board the Savannah, for St. Peters
- "burgh, which place she reached in duo
time, Here she was visited by the invita
. tion of our minister at that court, by sevc
ral noblemen, military and naval officers,
who also tested her superior qualities by a
trip to Cornstadt. Her officers received
several valuable presents of plate, Sic. Sic.
and wo have trow before us a superb cold
snuff hox, which was presented to her sailing-master,
Captain Stephen Rogers, by
Lord JjyndocK. one sailed lrom at. re
tersburgh to Copenhagen, and thence to A
rendal, in Norway, whenco she returned to
Savannah, where, after a passago of about
twenty-five days, sho arrived in safely be
ing the first'steam vessel that ever crossed
the Atlantic and after performing a voy
age highly creditable ttf American ingenuity
and enlerpnze.
fshe used Liverpool coal for fuel,of which
she look seventy-five tons; as well as 25
cord of wood, for kindling. She had no
freight, and bhly used her engine when not
able to go at the rate of four knots an hour
witli nor saus. JJy the great lire in oavan
nah her owners were compelled to sell her,
nnd sho was purchased tb run as a packet
between that nlacc and New York, whith
er she was bound, Under ciiargo of Captain
Nathaniel Holdrcdgc now master ot the
Liverpool packdt ship United States when
she was lost on the south sido of Long
Adventures and escape of Col. Whar
ton from Matamoras. We have1 obtained
lrom tho lion. Win. 11, Wharton, late
Minister Plenipotentiary from Texas to tho
United States, some particulars of his dis
tressing captivity and miraculous escape
from the dungeons bf his Mexican oppres
sors. On the 17th of April, 1837, after a fight
of more than seven hours, the Indepen
dence, on which ho was a passenger, sur
rendetedto two Mexican 18 gun brigs.
Tho combat and capture took place almost
in sight of tho Colonel's residen,co, from
which he had been absent many months on
a mission to the United Slates. Ho was
carried to Matamoras and confined for 4
months in a low, damp and dark tirisdn,
where he was almost suffocated Willi heat,
continually tormented with fleas, exceeding
ly incommoded by tho stench of tho hospi
tal, which was next door' to him, and de
prived of his rest every night by the screams
of the sentinels, uttered every fifteen min
utes within a few feet of his head. For
4 mollis such was his situation, depend
ent lor sustenance entirely upon his own
resources, shut out from the light of heavon
except what the narrow grates of tho dun
geon admitted, and denied even the privi
lege of medical aid, when languishing un
der an illness, brought on by the rigorous
privations of his. captivity. His escape,
however, was at last effected, the details of
which cannot now bo made public, for fear
of compromitting the safety of the magnan
imous individuals, residents ot Alatamo
ras, to whose aid he was indebted for dc
On escaping front prison he was compel
led by the treachery of his guide to remain
hid in a low prickly pear thicket for 1 1
days, within hearing of the drums of Mata
moras, and very olten approached within a
few Vards by the soldiers and Indians in
constant search for him, tempted by a mag
nificent prico of $5,000 set upon his head
dead or alive. In this thicket ot thorns he
could not stand erect, bejng taller than most
oi wc ousnes, lor tear oi oemg uiscovercu,
nor for the same reason could he build a
shelter against tho burning rays of an Au
gust,, eunr almost within, the tropics. Dur
ing three days and nights he tasted neither
food nor water. His sufferings under this
privation were inexpressible, and such as
none can realize unless taught by expert'
ence. After suffering 11 days in this
situation, a guide furnished him with
a horse, and he started on his journy home,
Doubting the fidcllity of the gnido, he dis
missed him, and set out for home, a dis
tance of 000 miles, without provision, a
pilot, or knowledge of his route, where .af
ter fifteen days he arrived. -N. Orleans
we nave seen some curious lossiis which
were dug up in the county of Chesterfield,
in a, coal mine, about two hundred lcet be
low the level ot the sea, l hey appear
like pieces ot-slate, with tho distinct un
pressions ot little hsh like perch. 1 he in
dentions cannot bo mistaken. They are on
different facets of tho sjate, and appear lo
be lying at different angles. It would seem
as it there had been a large number ot iish
renosine- in a soft bed of mud which from
some cause or other was petrified, before
the substance ot the tisii had undergone
any decomposition. -1 he question is, as
with the lly in amber, "how the duce they
cot there." That our Globe has been the
subicctot the most extraordinary rcvoiu
tions what is now the interior of the land
havlrig formerly been under water, and
where the water is now in somo places, was
formerly land- is attested by a variety of
phenomena which have been laid open by
the Mineralogists, uur own globe is in
deed a standing prodigy. ' There ate mil
lions of wonders yot to come to light, which
. - ." i - T i " r . - . -t-t . i
are not ureapieu oi in our piiuusujmy
Richmond Enq.
From the Lycoming Gazette.
Tho trial of William Miller, in tho court
of Oyer and Terminer of Lycoming coun
ty, for the murder of Soloman Hoffman,
terminated on rnday afternoon of last week,
Tho jury after a very learned charge from
the court, retired from thebox; and in about
two. hours returned a verdict of GUILTY
OF MURDER. His Hon. Judge Lewis,
delivered in a very able and feeling manner,
tho following .
You.have had a fair trial, and a jury of
your cpuntry have pronounced you guilty
of ono of the" highest crimes known to the
law, They have rendered their verdict a-
cainst you upon that count in the indict
ment which charges you with the murder of
Soloman Hoffman, by "lying in wait."
The law adjudges this to be, "murder of
liejtrst aegree," lor mat oucnee prescribes
the punishment of DEATH.
When it s considered that you arc but a
Few days 6ve?Tthc age "of 23Tnh'd that your
. . 1. vi1i!,r ! II... r-'i. '
conuuci nas orougui yuu, in i(iu iiuauuusa
of youth to an untimely and ignomincous
end, we perceive, in your case, a mclan-eholyinstanccof-
early depravity. The cir
cumstances attending .me murucr,tas uisoio
sed in .the evidence, Were of a character
pcculiarlytagg'ravating. Soloman Hoffman
was a young man like yourself -ho was a
stranger in the country, and, as such, enti
tled to your kindness and protection. A
stranger also to our language, like you ho
spoke the German tongue. Ho had not ex
cited your passions by provocation ot any
kind. Nothing but a desiro to rob him of
his monoy and property, influenced you to"
commit tho crime. It appears by the evi
dence that you formed the determination
to commit this droadful deed, the evening
beforo the morning on which it was per
petrated; and that, in pursuance of that
design, you informed the deceased that
you had borrowed money of Bastians, and
did not wish to purchase any articles from
I .... ... -.1 T ; I ll r
mm in meir piqscncuf uiiu umiuiuru re
quested him to meet you in tho morning as
ho jirocetided.'on his journey at a particular
place by the road side, where you stated
that ybu would be engaged chopping
wood, and would there purchaso goods
from him.1' After you had taken this step
towards accomplishing your purpose of
death, you slept in the same room and ate
at the same table with tho' unfortunate trav
eller; and, in tlie morning you stationed
yourself at the place appointed awaited
his apprdach.-alid when ho came, engaged
him in opening his pack and displaying his
goods before yqu under the pretence that
you wero about lo purchase, wnue in me
act of taking articles out of his pack, you
struck him- on tho back of the head with
thb axe, and' followed up your blows until
your onject'wasaccompiisiico. xo numan
111 m t
eye witnessed the horrid dceu; out m tho
Providence of God it has nevertheless been
brought torliglif, in verification of the long
established maxim that 'MURDER WILL
OUT." '
You have violated tho laws ofyourcoun
trv bv committing a cruel and deliberate
murder; and- for this your life is.forfeited
But you have:also violated that law of God
which proclaims that "thou shall not kill.'1
For this infraction of the Divine law, great
as it is, you may yot obtain, through the
merits of your. Redeemer, pardon from that
Omnipotent Ucing wtioso law you nave
broken. You are admonished that your
time must necessarily bo short in this world
and exhottou to prepare lor your departure
for the next, bv seeking mercy from him
who can abundantly pardon.
The sentence of the court is, that you,
William' Miller, bo taken from hence to the
place frcirrt whenco you camo, within the
'I - .l r t c . 1
jau oi mo ccuniy ui ujruuitiiui:, uuu uuiu
tnenco to ino piace oi uxucuuuh wiuun
the walls or yard of said jail, and that you
be there hanged by the neck until you are
dead! " -
May Godhave mercy on your soul.
President Judge.
Tho following is from the correspondent
of the New York New Era, at Key West:
Messrs. Editors: Wo, have but very lit
tle news since l wrote last, i no expeui'
.'. i t ir r ii r -m..
lion UIIUL'I uiuuiuimut x utvuu ui mc nmj,
from the .hverglades, came m here, staid a
week, and stored their boats in tho United
States" barracks. The officers are very in
telligent, lt.seeras to bo the general opin
ion that tlie command must be given to
young pffieeisand tho-war carried on sum
mer and winter, bclorc the Indians can be
driven from Florida. Lately they killed
two post riders near Tampa One of the
murderers Was taken, and he confessed he
shot the rider, because ho' wanted his horse
Sam Joney and his party are now quietly
getting in their crops, and will be r6ady for
another campaign as soon as the whites
can be mustered tp meet them. The citi
zens of the Territory bordering on flie In
dians arc in a state ot great alarm; and, in
somo places, have fled again to tho forts.
On Key Largo, where Wharton was kil
led, opposite the light ship, a party of Indi
ans in a canoo Chased a J u tier, or tisning
boat, and shot at the men: fortunately, the
poor follows escaped, Should any thing
further "transpire, I will writo you, imme
7Vie- Mpsselle.--tY letter from Cincinnati
to a gentleman of this city, gives, in effect,
the following statcmunt of tho causo of the
explosion on board the Moselle. The Ben
branklm steamboat, celebrated lor speeu,
had just started before her: The captain of
the Moselle, being anxious to pass the Ben
Franklin, gave orders that no steam should
be let off while lying loo. Tho engineers
remonstrated, but in vain, One of them
opericd the furnace doors to diminish tlie
heat, at which tho captain becamo very an
gry, and had them closed. 1 he engineer,
seelnc! this, and anticipating tho result,step-
ped on board a rait which jay alongside,
and the moment after the Moselle put off,
the correctness of htsindgment was verm-
ed bv the mvful catastrophe. Tho engi
neeiwho Was mortally wounded, is said
to have mado this statement just before his
death. Pennsylvanian.
The Dutchess of Leinstor was robbed of
diamonds to tho amount of 40,000 dollars,
which sho brought from her country resi
dence to appear at a bail in Dublin,
Tho following short but-plain synopsis
ef tho " Divorce Bill" wo extract from tho
Blairsvillo Record. Wo would recommend
it to tho special attention of " the boys"
who drafted the proceedings of the whig
young men's meeting held in this villago
on Saturday last.
From the Blairsvillo Record.
Tho purport of this measure of tho Gen
eral Government simply is, that, as at pre
sent, tho offnicrs of the Government who
collect tho public revenue shall pay it over
on drafts frbm the proper authority, direct
ly to tho pqblic ereditor without the inter
vention of banks, l'art ol the time hith
erto banks were used as intervening agents
between the collector and the. creditor, that
is lo perfbrm a duty which the collectors
could jiit as easily themselves. Tlie col
lectors were required to doposito their mo
ney jn banks,and those having claims against
the Government would get for their pay a
draft on a bank. In tho mean time the
banks wore using tho public funds to their
own advantage, increasing their discounts
and circulation upon them, and of course
making a largo profit out of them. Thus
tho public revenue, in the hands of banks,
became the means .of increasing the exces
sivo issues of paper money which minister
ed to the cupidity of men, excited to undue
speculation, and produced tho demoralizing
effects which are rioW complained of all
over the land. A government interested' in
protecting tho interest of the whole people
could not consent longer to bo mado the
lot consent longer to bo made the
of injuring the many for the benefit
of the few; and hence arose tho necessity
of cutting thd gov'cTnrrient entirely loose
from the banks and tlie hordes df specula
tors Which surrounded them. Whatever
the slate governments might think proper to
do in this respect, tlie general government
are determined that its lunds shall not be
usea for the purposes ol inflating a paper
currency and speculation, until, at any rate,
they shall have first passed into tho hands
of tho public creditor, and in this detcimi
nation, we mako no question, it will be sus
tained bv tho people of tho country. But
before the accomplishment of the measure
a tremendous battle will bo fought. The
Federal Bank party with its whole force of
talent, money and corruption, is marshalled
against it, and will contest every inch of
cround. It is a grievous evil to them to
have sd mdeh of their sources of profit,
power, and speculation as the Use of the
public lunds alinrdeu, taken lrom thcm,anu
they are determined to compel the govern
ment it tney can to restore us uso 10 mem.
This is the whole secret ot the opposition
raised against the Independent Ireasury
A correspondent of the Journal of Com
merce, furnishes the following synopsis of
the bill to establish a board of commission
crs to hear and examine claims against tho
United States, which has passed the Se
nate :
Sec. 1. Tho duty of the Board is to ex
amine all claims against the United btatcs,
not axclusivcly within the province of the
accounting officers of tho Government to
adjust and allow, or which may require spe
ciat legislation, and report to congress a
brief statement of the facts of each case and
their opinion thereon.
SccV 2'. The board shall consist of two
commissioners, to be appointed by the Pre
sident, with the advice and consent ol tho
Senate, who.shall each receive a salary of
three thousand dollars per annum; and they
shall reside and hold their.sessions at Wash
ington, and have tho power ol a (Jourt of
Record, for the purpose of summoning
and examining witnesses, and punishing
Sec. 3. Tho board shall have1 power to
make all needful rules and regulations for
their proceedings, and lo issue commission's
for taking testimony.-
Sec. 4. Any persori swearing falsolv
before tho board, or those commissioned by
them to tako tcstimonv shall be deemed
guilty of perjury, and on conviction thereof
shall suiter imprisonment for a term not less
than two nor more than ten years.
Sec. 6th provides for the payment of the
cpnungem expenses oi me board.
.! x " . . .1 " ' .
n mit 1 ..... . .
oec. v in provides mat tue evidence in
each case and tho opinion of tho Board
thereon shall bo presented to Congress
within tlie first (en davs after the commence
ment of each session.
oec. 8th provides that no member of
Congress or delegate, nor any person hold
ing oihce under tho United states, shall an
pear bclorc said board as agent, atlorney.or
advosate, in prosecuting a claim, or act as
such in any case whatever.
Tho duration of the act is limited lo
four years. It will be observed that de
cisions of the Board are not to be final in
any case.
Doc, Chauncy Rogers, of Girard, Erie
county, was suddenly killed on tho 20th
ult. bv the bursting nf n r-nnrmn. firpA in
honor of the passsgd 'of tjio improvement
Bill by tho Legislature.
The New York and Albany Railroad
company, whoso road is to go on tho wcBt
side ot the Hudson, has been efficiently or-
Bircrevnim' ftl') Antll 91
Generous Daring'--A., few Java nin,.0
a ciiiiu lour yqais oiu, son of Mr, JPc
Richnrdson?;(hyliigon tho west bank of the
Scioto, near" the aqueduct,) while playing
on some plank and timbers belonging to
the old pile bridge, unconscious of its dan.
ger, walked off tlie timbers into twelve feet
water. Tho river was swollen, and tho
cunent strong. Th6 child, finding itselT
borno down by the stream, called to its
mother for help, which tho frantic nnnt
was entirely unablo to give. Her cries
however, attracted the attention of a win
at Cradlebaugh's. Ho ran to the aqueduct
more than a quarter of a mile distant, walk
ed a narrow timber 450 feet, suspended by
tho sido of tho trunk from ono abutment to
the other, gained tho western bank, plunged
into tho rapid, cold current, and, swimmin?
somo two hundred yards, caught the child
and Was making for tho shore, when a skiff
...I V 1 .l I " I . .'"
wiiicii nau ucen spueuny orougnt horn the
high level on tho canal,) came to tho rescue
about a quarter of a milo from where tho
child went into tho water. Wo inouirpd
for the name of tho individual who had thus
promply and generously perilled his own
life, and, after several fruitless repetitions
of the inquiry, we wero told his name is
J. Beynt, a tanner, in the employ of Mr.
t-radlebaugh. buch acts ought not to pass
without a special notice. American.
The return of the election held in Vir-
ginia last week, for a member of congress
in tho room of Mr. Patton, resigned, and
for rchrcsontaiivcs in the Etato Wislatnnv
ar0 beginning to come in; and although, we 1?
co'nfcsg) tney do not look as favorable as
could be desired; they bv no means exhibit
evidence of such an overwhelming defeat as
our political opponents effect to discover in
them. In ordinary limes, they would ex
cite but little attention; but coming after a
succession of reverses, more or leas severe,
in oilier sections of the Union, they are
calculated to produce unreasonable depres
sion on the ono side, and extravagant ex
ultation on the other. In thb present case
we do not see any solid grounds for either,
for although the democratic party may, oc
casionally be placed in a false position, and
as a necessary consequence, suffer a tempo
rary loss, that party is, and must, for a long
time continue to be, a majority in tho Union.
If measures have been proposed, andetlotts
mado to carry them into elfect, by tlie force
of party discipline, which aro found to be
unacceptable to the pebplejall that our friends
have to uo is to relraco their steps; and oc
cupy tho old ground, and the democrats
who retired lrom the field during the pres
ent contest, will once more bo found in the
front rank, contending in support of the
principles and the candidates of the party;
for it is a fact that can bo readily -verilieu,
by an examination of the returns of most of
tho late elections, that the success of our
political opponents has resulted not from
any increase in their voles, but from a dimi
nution in ours. American Sentinel.
A clerk, Says the New York Star, going'!
down Wall street to make a deposit, had
his bank book peering and peeping from
his coat pocket, while he stopped to gaze
at the numerous caricaitares near the new
Custom House, A well dressed rogue
came up bohind him quietly, .and while
winking and smiling to ,tho mob, and invi
ting them by signs to lbok , at a neat trick,
he slipped tho bank book but of he pocket
ot the clerk, took out Ihe notes; and return
ed tho book to tho pocket, without disturb
ing the cjerk, who was still gazing at tne
pictures. The bystanders, believing him
to be an intimato friend of tho clerk, were
highly tickled at the trick, and laughed and
chuckled at tho anticipated surprise of the
clerk. Tho rogue walked slowly ahead,
turned smilingly to the ctowd, put his fin
gers on his lips to enjoin silence, and actu
ally disappeared with a largo sum of bank
note3, thus obtained openly while hundreds
wero looking on. No ono know who ne
va3, nor has tho money been recovered.
It was a bold, and yet, a most dextrous robbery.-
Distinguished Visiter. The' Steamboat
Susquehanna, "of and from" Owego, made
her appcaraneo at Wilkesbarro, on Friday
morning last. It is the second time wo be
lieve, that tho Valloy has been honored
witti this aqueous stranger. Un Saturday
she mado two pleasure excursions' from the
Borough toNanticoke, well loaded, we un
derstand, with tho fair and the gay; but un-
lunuu.uuij, on mu iiuurii oi uur dci-"-.j
trip, when' abont two miles below (own, her'
stern wheel struck upon a sand bar, break
, ....... .. , , . w . .. i i . Bd.nn I
ing the shait, and bringing tho boat to a
dead halt. Tho votaries of pleasure on
board wero disembarked,and had the advan
tage of active exercise in walking back to
tho placo of starting. Wo arc not aware
whothcr the experiment of navigating the
Susquehanna by, steam is now considered
thoroughly tested. Wyoming Repub.
Tho Wilkesbarre Advocate of Wednes-
1rv Inat anve an Trlohmon iwio LtIlf(I tlHS
y un iiiuuiuuil '-' " -
morning, and three others badly mjureuo
tho explosion of a blast which they wero
engaged in drilling out,on the job of Messrs
Misu and reck, on tnoLelugn aim oubhu"
hanna railway.
A house was burnt at West Bloomfield,
New York, a fow days since,arjd two young
women wero seen by tho neignnors mm"
tho flames, without the possibility ot being