Unseated Lands 1838. NOTICE la hereby given, that agreea bly to an Act of General Assembly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the 13th of March, 1815, and cntitlcd"An acl to amend tho act entitled an act direct ing the mode of selling Unseated lands for taxtfi and foi other purposes," the follow ing Tracts of Land will be sold at Public Vanillic, on tlm snennd Monday of Juno uext,Ii the Court House in the Borough of T -Til- J- .1.- r Pf.imlitn fnr AlilUVlllU, 111 Mil! UUUIltjr Ul vumuiumi u. arrearages , ot Taxes due, ami wc cost ac- crusu on eacn tot respectively; 110ARING CREEK. Jlmt. WarraAtee names, 382 AshtotfGrfiorgc 411 Islington Thomas 420 Bean Joshua . 343 Benson Peter " 347 Beasley Johnson 428 Barron Thomas; Jr. ' 400 Brown Nathaniel 343 Barran John, Jr. "406 BittlcrSamiiel ' 401 Boneham Eliza 401 Bdmb John Jr. 40 Brewer William 383 Beckham George 80 Clingerman Jacob 400 Cunningham Thomas 40G t3opo Thomas P. 409 j3'chavon Peter 442 Eljiot William " 30G Gofibin Charlos 400 Ham3 Josiah 400 ilclUrg Adam 357 Heilt2heimer Rbbert 380 Heiltzjcimer Thomas 400 Jordon Joseph 375 KchlicaTJtobert.' 383 Kcnnady Andrew 207 Leonard Lcsher 434 Lcm'mona .William 223 Lemmons Matthew and? Ruckel John Jr. $ ' 405 Lawrence Joseph 400 Long George "409 Lowns Caleb '301 McCartyJotm 409 Miller Williard ' 443 Myers Mary 00 Montgomery Daniel ' 191 Miller Martha Tax. 10 87 11 73 12 01 8 62 8 62 10 27 9 50 8 62 8 62 8 52 8 52 80 ' 9 20 1 95 9 50 0 03 9 03 10 56 8 34 9 83 9 50 8 81 9 20 .9 63 1 9 10 9 20 3 99 0 80 5 41 9 61 9 50 9 27 9 23 9 63 10 73 2 50 5 39 4204 Mench Henry 40 0 M"'er George arid Raver Jonathan, 309 TCorrls Isaac 409 Powcl William ; 09 Porter William 210 Peabody Stephen ' 23 Potter James 399 Porter RobeVt 380 Ruston Mary' 9 96 9 00 I 9 02 0 03 .9 63 7 00 7 70 9 47 10 80 481 Ruston Thomas Ml 90 10 96 y 386 ' Reecc Daniel 87 Ruston Isaac 2 03 4-10 Reynolds Jolin . 12 56 420 Ruston Charlotte 428 Raver George Jr. 409 Recco' Daniel 48-4 Shannon William 340 Trucfcimillcr Charles 395 Tunis' Richard 409 Whiteman John 419 Warner John 400 Wickershain Amos " 434 Webb Samuel ' 437 Whitehead Robert N 300 Walter Barbara "400 Wheeler William . M81 Walter Lewi3 38i Yetter John jlADISON. 400 Armstrong James 350 Armstrong Elenor 338 Brady John 300 Brady Jano 360 Cornelison Mary , 360 Cornelison William 130 Fox John (in part) 200 Gordon Thomas 200 Gordon Jane (in part) ,450 Gifle'n'Uannah 'SOO Huntcr'Robert (in part) 210 Hains Josiah do. 408 Hepburn James 451 Johnspn Margaret (in part) 401 Lynn"Johh 200 Levy Aaron 400 Lyon Robert ,4 200 Lebo Henry (in part) 404 Mayland Samuel 220 Mbntgomery Mary 350 Miller Thomas (in part) 403 Rupert James , 427 Scott Alexander 432 Strech Joseph 421 Tower James 220 Woodsido John 220 Woodsido Elenor . 200 Wcodside Thomas SUGARLOAF. 400 Beasley Johnson, '283 Cope Thomas K. 409 Caldwell David 57 Evans Ablo, 353 Giflen Maiy 414 Grubb Peter 410 Hall Charles ( 428 Hartley Thomas, 385 Heistqr Daniol J00 Hall Francis (.ir 330 Montgomery Susana 384 Owen Abraham 80 Russel John 300 Spencer Samuel 60 Sargent Jonathan 327 Wood William 411 16 10 38 11 78 9 29 8'06 9 23 9 03 9 63 0 63 10 30 10 37 7 54 9 50 12 79 '1 08 2 40 '1 80 2 02 1 80 2 10 2 16 00 1 20 1 20 'S 70 1Z1 1 26 2 44 2 70 2 40 1 20 2 40 ,1 20 2 42 .1 32 2 10 2.40 2'5'4 2 58 2 52 1 32 1 32 1 20 8 00 K 01 12 20 A 33 ,7 02 6 30 'oifc 11 80 11 53 2 40 ,9 80 10 04 6 73 1 08 7 00 411 Yfillianu YNUtAtai Yates Jasper r FISHING CREEK. Tluchanan Arthur Friek Philip ' McIIenry Ann Ogdcn Jolm Pcttcrman James Solomon John MOUNT PLEASANT. Melich Samuel .Montgomery Robert MIFFLIN. Lotties Matthias 6 87 9 00 ' 1 10 . 01 . ; '93 1 84 , 00" J,6 73 400 184 23 157 308 100 310 30 30 235 54 36 ' i 2 82 ib'OO '5 47 0 60 74 3 02 , 1 34 1 34 , CATTAWISSA. 400 Dovcnbauch Jolm 305J Immcl Christian' 375 Kinner Robert 50 Kunkle John GREENWOOD. Agnes Alexander Bowman William Colt Nathaniel McIIenry Edward McIIenry Daniel McHcnry Prccilla Strawbridgc Alexander Young John 436 150 150 436 200 3 92" 1 80 330 334 200 3 02 3 00 1 80 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, To owners of unseated lartds and others con corned, that I have authorized and cmnow' cred Jacpb Hibler, Clerk of .the Commis sioners for Columbia county, in case of my absence, to receive payment ot taxes on unseated lands, in tho different townships of said county, and to give receipts aud other . .. n- v . . . i i. t. f r V' . , . me same ior mo, nnu m my name, piace, and stead. Landholders and others inter' csted, are requested to attend by themselves or agents, at the Commissioner s Office, m Danville, in saul county, and nay their tax' cs before tho 1 1th day of June next; when all tho tracts upon whicu arrearage taxes are due and unpaid, will be exposed for sale, as above. H. McWILLIAMS, Treasurer, March 29, 1838. TANNINCS;. BUSINESS. THE subscriber would respectfully inform tho public that he has taken Ins son WIIjIjIAM SJN 5f DEIt into co-partiicrship in his Tannery, nnd that tho business will hereafter fyc conducted under the firm' of Daniel & William Snyder, at the old established stand in JJIoomsbUrg. . Daniel &nydcr. Bloomsburg, January C, 1838. . 37-tf LEATHER. kF good quality, and for salo at tho lowest pri- 9 ccs, always on hand et tho old established I Tannery, adioining Snyder's Hotel. Tho subscri bers would rcspcctlully solicit a continuance ol the liberal customs heretofore enjoyed by the senior partner. - . - r- - , Daniel Snyder, IPilliam Unyder. ' Bloomsburg, January t3, 1838. 37-tf LL persons indebted to tho subscriber by bond note, or book account, or otherwise are re" quested to call and settle tho samo btjore the Jirst day of April, next. He is determined to have old matters justly arranged; anu tnoso wno neglect al Icndintr to this notico may rely on strict legal pro- cccdinis for the purposes of settlement. There is no mistake. DANIEL SNYDER. ' Bloomsburg, January C, 1 838. 37-tf V ALLERSHAMP'S Cough Sirup and Family Pills, for sale at Tobias1 s Health Emporium. Mead's Mnli-Bysjieptic or Stomafh Pills, QTl indigestion, or sour Stomach, on hand, and for salo at Tob'mH1 Health Emporium. Bloomsburg, January 13, 1838. 38-,4t XIVEKY And EXCHANGE. The Subscriber "WTERY rosiMfCtfulIy informs his friends and the f public, that he has always on hand, nt his Li Very Stablo in Bloomsburg, for tho purposes of Hirs or Exchange, a variety ol Horses, Sulkies, GIGS, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS which he will feel gratified to keep in roadiuess for tho accommodation of customers. Pertonal application can bo made atlus residence, when every moans will bo used to renuer enure bui. ulaction ol those who may give mm a. can. WOA1I a, ritBINTlO. DIoomsburg, November 4, 1837, Dr. Frecmaii's Indian Specific, RTJann tlio nrovontion and euro of colds, roughs, m"- Asthmas, consumptions, spitting of blood, and all disorders of the breast and lungs, tor suie ai he Drug store oftho subscriber, m uioomsnurg. 71 O rlnti no Look at This. SPIRITS, for renewing and cleansing Ladies & i"a lir.nUemcn's woarins apparrii, iu inwimw . . . 1 .n - tntn... .t..! rt .1 u. n,l liriahtntws. This .ii. t?-... r,vr ffiii. no matter with what nrtieletho cannent may be stainod. u remove all urease from tlie collars of coats, spots and stains caused by lime, paiuu,tar, on, ore a. r miu hfY.', TTniUh Jlnworium. Tl-... ri,iA, VI. !K3fl. 4031 A UlIUV - M - -- ----- Te the Distressed & AiHiictcd! prniTA's tito at.'PIT V. 1'nmiJ Anti-Family Drug Tf'arehouse. .HEALTH, "Tho poor vntn's riches th rich man's Miss." HE subscriber would respectfully announce to lus menus nnd tho public that he lias opened a ccncial assortment ot SSrugs & Medicines. at his Drug unit Chemical Storo in llloomslrarg, and that he will bo happy to supply the'wants of those who may give mm a call. Among his oft Eortmcnt arc : . Acid bcuzoic Oil of Almonds, 4 Amber ' Anni seed 4 Caraway 4 Cloves 4 Copaiva 4 Lavender 4 Origanum 4 Orange 4 Peppermint 4 Pennyroyal 4 Itoscmary Iiuo 4 Splko 4 Stono 4 Sassafrag 4 Tansy Tar 4 Wintcrgrccn 4 Woimsocd 4 Britiijli i 4 Croton s 4 Castor j4 Harlcam riiik root muriatic nitric sulphuric tartaric Anni seed Acetate of zinc Aloes Antimony (crude Arrow root Assafcctida Alcohol Alum Arsenic white Asphaltum Hark Peruvian red cinnamon Balsam Copuiva do maltha of fir Barley pearled Balcman's drops Bismuth (nitrate) Slacking, for boots '"",llu I llnmslnnn Paragoric Elixir Plaster, adhesive do strengthening Prepared chalk Pearl powder I3uagundy pitch Bole Armcrnia Blue pill Ualomel Corrosive sublimate Calamine Camphor Catechu Cayenne pepper Cochineal PilU, Anderson's, Scotts, 1 Hoopers 4 Leo's New London German 4 Morrison's 4 Evan's 4 Dyott's . 4 Lcidics' 4 of Aloes . 4 of Assafcctina 4 . of Opium 4 'cfQuinino Quassia wood Quicksilver Quinine Rhubarb . Rochclle salt Rotten etone .Roso water Rust of Iron ,Sagp, pearled. -Salammonias, crude .Salt of tartar Sal Volatilo Salt pctro Sanders wood Sarsapharilla Scaling wax-i Senna leaves , Scuaka snake root Soap, candle 4 shaving 4 whito castile ' fancy , Sodo, supar carbonate Sub carbonate Spanish fly Spermaciti Sweet spirits of nitre Soda powders Spirits of hartshorn Cocculus Indicus Columbo Cologno water Conscrvo of roses Cream tartar Cubcba Caraway seed Coriander seed chamomile flowers rii;iii Digitalis. Ellxor of vitriol Epsom salts Emery powder , Esscnco of peppermint oi ciiimiuiuu Extract of colocynth pf licmlocK of liquorice Eye water rccnugrcek seed Gamboge Galls Gintian rpot Golden tincture Godfrey's cordial Gum Arabic Tragacanth Ammoniac Shellac Kino Galbanum Myrrh Gauiacum Juniper Helebore, black Hicra picra 4 of Lavender comp. Ink powder, blacK Isinglass , Ipecacuanha Ivorv black , . 4 of Turpentine Seed Lace Smelling bottles Scidlits powders Kcyscr's universal plaster' bpongo Squill Sugar of lead Sulphur Sucking bottles Tartar emetic Tincture of Aloes 4 of Assafcctida 4 of Peruvian bark 4 of cinnamon Jnlap I.audnum Liquorico root Lunar caustic Lucifer matches Loco foco do. Morpbjurn Magnesia calcined. do carbonate Manna flnko 4 of Muriate of iron do common 4 pf Myrrh , 4 of spanish fly Mutard, whito Nipple shells Nux Vomica Opium 4 of Colchicum seed 4 of senna 4 of Valerian 4 nfGuiacum Tooth powder 4 brushes Valerian root Vcnico turpentine Verdigris, Vennillian Virginia snako root Vials, different sizes UpodcldOC Orris root Oxalic ncid Otto of Roses Ointment of mercury 4 of Galls 4 of red precipitate 4 of Spanish fly Citron Wafers, Whito wax Vitroil, blue, grccn,whito Wlute Resin onTno, his "Emporium of Health" w d u cfcoin cntain every variety of the most approAtbl dofi Dnlzs, Medicines, Paints, Dve-Sltiffs, UUs, Jruit, uonjeclions, yc. yc. which aro warranted of good quality, having been carefully selected from the host established ware- houses in Philadelphia ; and which ho will sell at most reduced prices. lie will use every exertion to accommodate and benefit his customers, and there fore respectfully solicits tho patronage of a liberal public. i). a. tuhias. JJIooinshurg, January u, ibUB. 37 it TNE, Brandy, Gin, Cordial, &c. just re ceived, and ready for delivery to customers at very reduced prices, by J. T. Musselman,fy Co. . . V . . . . n nt Jislate oj jacoo tmuer, laic ej juoipu Pleasant township, Columbia county deceased. - I m T I 1 I'll !. I. IIATitllV nlt'l n T II n T l.f-TII-rR fll ll. t" -- r- -- 3 ministration have been t'rnntd to tho wibscri' ber on the estate of sold deceased. Therefore all persons naving ciainn bjiiw u uu " quoted to present tnem, anu inose inueuicuuie ,v i ucwu ...iu.. ....... tiavni juves, auih r. t r. . I SJT 20 838, 4U-ot BHSrADB ORDER. Tho Militia and Voluntccrg of tho 2nd. Battalion 8th. Division will parade for training and Inspec tion in tho following orde. Tho Volunteer Battalion of Union Ounrds. com mnnded by MojV. A. Smith, on Monday tho 14th. day of May next. Tho 1st. uattalion 01 me i'nu, Kcgimcnt, com manded by Lt. Col. David Middaugh on Tuosday tholCth. ., Tho 2ndt Battalion of tho said Kcnmieiiton Wed nesday tho.lCth. Tho Volunteer Battalion of Columbia Guards- commanded by Maj'r. Maltmsw McDowell on Thurs day tho 17th. - . i, 'Hie llunUngton nnd union volunteer muauon commanded by Maj'r. L.Trcsoott on Fnilay the lBtli Tho 2d Battalion of tho Uolh KuKimeilt com- inandcd by Col. John Johnson on Monday tho Slt. Tho 1st. liattalion ol said Jlcgimcnt on l uosuay tlio 22d. The 1st. Battalion of tho WvomniK Volunteer .Regiment commanded by Col. llendrick B. Wright on Wednesday the 23d. Tho 2nd. JJaltahon ol eald JCcgnncnt on Thurs day tlio 24th. Tho 1st. JJaltahon ol tho .1 iuth ucgiment com manded by Col. Thomas Hadloy on Friday tho 25th. The 2nd Uattalion ol said Kogimcnt on oaiuruay tho 2Gtll. MIIiGS AVEUY Inspector 2nd. Brigado 8th. Divition I'a. Militia. Inspectors ollico, ) Falls April 13th. 1838-5 A Kegimental court of Appeal will bo held for the 2nd Kcgimcnt 2nd Brigado 8th Division Fa. Militia at the house of Joseph Hampton Innkeeper in Ncscopcck township on Saturday tho 28th. inst. at which time and place tho field oiliccrs constables and all oUicrs interested ore requested to attend. WANTED. I30Y that can come well recommend ed, from, 13 to 15 years of aire, capa blc of attcndinirto horses and wait on custo mers at the bar, will linu employment anu net liberal wages by calling oiv i -.,-, juumti uross. . Bloomsburg, March 3, 1838. 45 -tf TftEl TTDARRELS of Lake Salt, nnd a law teSi Kfi3 quantity of Ground Alum Salt, just received, and tor sale at tho cheap store (it . I . jflttsselman, Co. 1ESESE l-CHEESE .POUNDS of CHEESE just received from New York. It is a prime lot. and will be sold by wholpsalc or retail at the store ol U. 13. rllsllKlt. March 10, 1830. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERS HIP. rETHIE Partnership heretofore existing under the ,J1 firm of TREGO, THOMAS &. Co. was dis solved by mutual content on the fifth of March, 18.J8, 'I he busincM will bo continued by the sub scriber. Lloyd Thomas. March 21, 1838. 43 3ti fiwaim's Vermifuge, AN invaluable family medicine for worms, dys entary, bowel complaint, cliolic, cholera morbus, vomiting, pains or weakness in the stom ach loss ot appetite, tever and ague, cce. kept at Tobias's Health Emporium. Valua,bl Property Tm: subscriber wishes to obtain tenants to a property m Kohrsburg, Greenwood township, Columbia county, consisting of arA two r-rv mum fjsaaiiid One of tho dwellings has heretofore been o cupicd as a store, and a person who would carry on the mercantile business would be preferred as a tenant. The situation is good one, it being in a most extensive lum ber country, and where considerable might bo done in the Grain business. Possession will be given on the first day ol April ncxt,anu any person wishing to ex' amine tlio premises can rccoivo every satis taction by calling on tlio undersigned. .. ANDKKW McGLUltE. Itohrsburg, Feb. 1, 1838. 42 tf. HENRY A. ZEIiIjERS, RESPECTFULLY announces to his friends and the public generally, that ho lias moved into the house formerly occupied by William Bycrs, in Seliusgrovc. Union county, Pa. where lie is prepared to en icnain in a stiuaoic manner an tiiose wlio may m'or. Ium w' a ca" " ''ouse is neatly finished, and conveniently calculated for Public . EWTERTAINBJOEIS'T. I-.,-- 1 III -.1 uoou vooks anu waiters nave ucon en gaged, and the Table supplied with the be provisions that can bo obtained in a plcutl nil market. Particular attention has beon paid to selection of his Liquors which are boliovcd to bo of equal quality to those of any other houso in the state. The Stabling is ennvmi nnt nnil ftnn;iv(i. mill wn r.lln.l a I "'"" with the host of provender, and will be at tended by the most careful ostlers, Tho subscriber rospoclfully solicits sharo of public patronage, which he will on ueavor to merit by moderate ohnrges an strict attention to tne conuort and convoni enccol Iiisguaijts, ( . IIENJIY A. ZELLERS, Selinegrovo, March 31, 1838. Important to 'S'ailnv m, a nmr-Tfm w.-r- . rut.- I'm!' niiitN'iii wiiirin.; uuAm AND Self-varying Square ISttlc, For measuring and drafting coats, inm, ncclion with another new and useful ml i. .. i : t I . . i .. 1 1 IU1 Cl lllllU S.I1U 111 UUV UUUL S 111)1111 n ... 4.,i. nil j1iii rrnriYiniifa In.n-i - Lin.' mi uiiiui uuiii i no ill ii: ii 1 1 1 1 ii-ii i n ,i.. i.r-iiiiii n r ii nnur nunpni .r i 1-1 i i i . wiuiiwii, w ..w-- v.. w n,ii iiiiuu nv , .- subscribers : bchvinif them tn 5ni-nn .?J ry tiling oi mo Rinu which fias prececdei uicm. wiiji'-v ajcy. liNii itULEi M. Ureal lmperlcctions'in the art and li itiil itics to produce a miss-fit have been stand ing heforo the ciitlor ever since the intm. dtiction ol rules, tilling the mind with fen anu anxiety, until tne coat is finished am tried on, at which crisis the blood is nftr, caused to rush into the face at beholding J The rules, with one or two execntinn which liavo been in use ever since the first invention of the kind, were wholly predi cated upon principles giving -the same pro portion for ovcry man, which nriilcinlw would long since hnvo liG'on superceded iw self-varying rules, had tailors but thought' that the variation ill tho proportions of men's bodies aro almost a3 many as in the feature of the face. Two or three rules stvlml Krir.vnrHUm have made their appearance within about n many .years, cacli inventor, claiinin? the lio. orol having pcrlcctcil the art, upon which J. "i urn ...iivt v. i. ... i v. imauii, oi iww i oru, cnuiieu ins sys-l lem puriuui ; uui insicaii oi ooing pcrlect, it contains many erroneous principles, which the subscribers forbear to point out until that gentleman assails thi3 assortion. All sugIi systems have heretofore been, defect.:' in two ways : First, they arc only t nnrf -varying. Secondly, those parts whichR :..i...in.i . i ic ; i.i- .- Pi uiu iiuumuuu iu uu suii-viirying arc (IRICCUVC. In fact, thero are cortiiin points on the coat wlnnli cannot bo eliectcd by self-varying principles in any other way. nor bv anv other means, than those laid down by the t i I suiiscriocrs. Unlike any other of thd kind, this svs tern now ofi'ercd to the trade is conducted1 without any breast measure, and effects ev ery point and every part of the coat by self varying principles, in a way calculated lo convict tho senses of any reasonable man, that should it ever fail to produce a coodfit lipon any shape whatever, the charge must he laid to a careless and incorrect measure ment. . It may seem mysterious that this rule is said to ho self-varying, mid yet a square rnle a square rulo anil yctconduct- cii wnuoura urcast measure , uut tne wnoie mystery will, bo unfolded at once by exam ination. Unwilling to havc.it said that the subscribers aro attempting to palm this sys tem upon the trade with misrepresentation?, they avow their willingness to submit u to the hands of an impartial committee for an examination of its principles, in compar ison with any other ever invented, in the United blatcs, at I'lnladolpliia or New l ork, wlucli committee shall make the decision known, through the prc,Bs. Tho subscri bers set all systems which aro governed wholly by the breast mcasuro aside as in ferior and not worthy lo compare with ; consequently they will compare with none but such as aro governed in part by self- varying principles.. 1-or it the principles here ollcrcd lo the trade aio not worthy ot patronage it is right that it should bo made known, and they sink into oblivion. On the contrary, if thoy are found as above repres ented, or it thereby the subscribers have put an end to all further improvements in the art of cutting coats thoy deserve some pat ronage and compensation for their exertions. 1 erms it forwarded to order SI, it per sonally taught S12 UHAKLES KAULISKi WILLIAM KAIILEIt Bloomsburg, Pa. Feb. 1, 1838. IJADEN SMITH, Itcspccffully informs tho public, that lie is prepared lo receive and execute orders in tho abovo lino, and from his knowledge tho art, having had extensive practice lor the last fifteen years, considers himself jus tified in stating that ho can give perfect sat isfaction to all who may employ him. Topographical maps furnished according to thc.lMost improvement, in the hnndsonv cst-aud most correct manner, and levelling of every description faithfully performed. Able assistants aro engaged. . Ordors loft with tho following person! v.ui uiuui mi iiiiiiiuuuuu iiuuiuiuu. . James 7'aggart, Esq., Tamaaua. S. It. Harmon, Esq., Danville. John Tf leaver. Esn.. Poltsville, John S. Ingram, Esq., Bloomsburg. H Cornelius Conner, Esq., Mauch Chunk- f Cattawissa, Feb. 1, 1838. 42 Ot Look at This ! ! LL persons indebted to tho subscriber ..i.i nr.. t ..mini nre viou3 to this dnte, will oblige him by ' nk liinir payment before tho first day of AfJ priluoxt. After that duto tho collection oi such demands will bo attended with Cost. Thero will bo no mistake in this notice. C. II. FISHER, bloomsburg, March 10, 1838. Vo