lllli COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. . "TItUTIi WlTMOt? Vm.AU S.'lTVliV.IV, ,7MVJ, 1838. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION jAh: go.veunor : GEJf. DAVID M. PORTER, (oV IIUN'TI.VCUON COUNTY.) MimS Jfmu.'AM Rrwti That the existence of this country lias been thus far one great and noble experi ment is a fact hdt Iff be denied and thus far it lias operated well, showing to the dig nitaries of tho Eastern world tho possibility of an intelligent and prudent community governing themseves, it shows also, that in bestowing equity and right on the peo ple, there is perfect safety. Shall this grand experiment cease? is a question that should come homo to the bosom of ovory friend of his country; at this impor- . tant crisis in our National affairs; Oi rath . or, shall it remain as it now is without any further attempts atreformation orshall any . measures be adopted to prevent the repetition j of former abuses, and present violation of rtrihirtst Are we to be made to believe that we have arrived at the very achmc of po litical legislation! and that too, by the op poncnts of the Sub-Treasury Hill, and a Reformed Banking System, and who are ever ready to denounce with'. " dire von goance" all those who are. laboring to se cure the interests of all classes, and make such measures permanent, as arc calculated . to promote the general good and future prosperity of tho country. It will be admitted by a largo majority of tho people that some reform is tiow, and has becii for a long time, actually necessary in lite bank ing system of this country. Indeed, if .there is tuiy power in truth, it cannot be denied In almost every state in the Union where the democratic party have had the ascendency, measures have been taken to .effect a reform and place these institutions .upon a firmer basis, and curtail their pow ers of injuring tho people, and much has n hnrotnfnrn ilrtnr hv thrtm. lint in nvJ ......... r. ... . cry instance, wheriever the federalists have gained tlic ascendency, or those who are crying out against experiment, they have undone all that had been effected, and left them generally, with greater powers than Ihcy before possessed. The object of those who denounce experiment must;:thereforc, now be apparent to every one. Tlieirdar- ling theory of banking is in danger. If re form proceeds, they will no longer be able to cover up tho vast amount of corruptions practised on the part of the banking institu tions of the country. That it will proceed, is as certain as that intelligence is increas ing among the people, and that the evils of tho present banking system are, every day, moro and more felt by all classes in society Although, iho democratic party will have to contend with the whole force of tho antima- sonic-whig-bank party(of the siatc combined, yet, the signs of the times warrant us in the belief, th.it tho result of tho election this fall, will satisfy the most sceptical, that the people, When once aroused by continued .and Idng suffering, will assort their rights ras freemen, and elect such men to rule ovei them, as will protect their business and propei ly from the control of soulless corpo rations. Caution,- The public aro cautioned a- gaiiust receiving Shin Plasters, signed John Kkd, Isle of Que Mills, Sclins fJrovr,'" as wo understand ho has assigned his property, and rono to parts unknown jeaving no speuie in tho vault to redeem his bills. i The. New York Hanks have commenced jn earnest1, tho resumption, of specie tny rnolits,- and issuing their own notes freely Thoy havo oven offered the Philadelphia Honks any amount of specie they might re quire, if they would resume also. Hut Nicholas wont do it. JIo has, however, condescended to order tho banks in tho city (o pay all their notes, under One Dollar, when they have none in existence. What a favor this. ; fho Board of Alderman of St. Louis havo ballo ted pup hundred and forty times for a president, .without succcis, Specie Coming. The importation of jSceie, during the week ending Saturday, 10 zisi uu. an Tcgisterca Hi tlio Utistom House, Now York, amounted to nearly ur Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars Besides this, upwards of Eieht Millions more tire expected lluring tlio pre sent month. Can anv tliinir now retard the resumption of specie payments? Wo think not. And tho all powerful Nicholas Mid dle, his threats to thccoiitrary notwilsta'hd- mg, will bo compelled to lollow suit. Thp Hon. Henry A. Muhlenberg, Minis- tor to Austria, lady and daughter, and J, Randolph Clay, Seeictary of Legation, la dy and child, sailed from Now York, on Wednesday, the 25th ult; in tho packet ship Burgundy for Havre. Adjournment of Congress. On tho 25th ult. tho Senate of the United States adoptcd'a resolution by an almost nnani- mous void, designating the first Monday in June as the final adjournment. It is slated ill a New York .paper, that a bank with a capital of $20,000,000, under the general .banking law .of that state, is to be organized in that city, at the head of which stands a prominent house in Wall street. It is also stated, that Mr. Hiddle. too, is lo.starta bank in that city, undcr.the now law, and commence operations imme diately. Mr. John Pf Kennedy, whig, has been elected, to Congress in the place of the late member, Hon. Mr. M'Kimat a'spe cial election in the district coin nosed of tho cities of Baltimore and Annapolis, and Anno'-Arundel county, Maryland'. Major ity 872. . J The True Issue. -Wo prss'uinc the true issue will no longer be shyed, caya tho Lancaster Intclligchcer,.sby the Feder alists on the question of Rcsuu?ption.4They aro now the avowed enemies to a Remmp' tiou of Specie Pcyments. Every test vote, except, in the. Legislature of New York from that in the Senate of the United States to the one lately taken In, our Senate and House of Representatives, proves that they are not only Apposed to an early adjust ment of the affairs of the country, but that they will throw every pbstacje. ii the way of such an attempt. The issue is fairly joined; SOOIAKY. .... The Ohio Statesman mentions nn instanco of a successful attempt to cultivato tho Coffee plant in that state. Doubtful! ,. Kino Strawberries wcrcsold in Wctuninka. Geor gia, on tha 12th ult. Tho bodies of tho wife and two children of Ansel D. Glass, in Jones county, Michigan, havo been ta ken from tho ruins of a log hut, supposed to havo been burnt by tho Indians iii Iho latter part of March. A man by tlio name oi" Tlldmas Wood), was committed on Thursday week to the gaol of Mercer county tor stabbing another man named Warner, and injuring him so severely that ho Is not expected to recover. Tho Cincinnati Gazette " of thd I8thrrp6rts tho arrivals of eleven and tho departures of nine steam hoats, during tho preceding 24 hours. A few days ago, Mr. John A. Qunrics, of Mont gomery county, Tcnn., was accidentally khot dead by lils Own wife, wild was removing tho gun from one part of the room to another. i Tlio Tusrumbia paper of tho 5th instant, states that 300 emigrating Indians under tho supcrintcil danco of Col. Smith, went down tlio Tcnnossco river on the dtli, for their last homo west of tho Mississippi. A young man named William 1 lines, was stob bod a few days sinco by n girl named Ileinoy Har raid, in the town of Halifax, North Carolina, and death imu'cdutely ensued. Tbo murderess is in jail. Hi M. schr. Pincber, fieut. Hope, sunk lately in a squall, and all on board, in number, were drowned. . Jamo Tcmplin who lately mafic an assault npon tho editor of tho Harrisburg Telegraph, has been convietcd of the oU'eiico and sentenced to thruo month imprisonment in the jail of Dauphin county. A deceased, upright, rind able chief justice of one of the courts', was once obliged to address a south'' crn jury: "Gentlemen of tho jury, in this case tho counsel on both sides aro upiutcltigibto; tho witness es on both sides are incredible; and the plaliiUfl'aud defendant aro botlr such bad characters, that to ina it is iudiffercnt which way you . glvo your verdict." The Cherbhees in Qcbrgid. It would appear from tome statements m tho Savannah Republic - an tliat tlieuiierolvearodetcrmlnd to lollow their loaderMr. Ross, and rtol remove May 23d. as it was intended they should, to tho new 'homo destined for them out of tho limits oftho Slutorf. Mr. Roa- gan, who has just been among them to enroll the names oi suennswoujugo, says, mil. towns in Georgia, containing 2,000 Indians, at least three- fourths refuse, In England, the people aro taxw in the mornihg for tho soap that washes their hands; at nine, for tho tea. Coll'eo, and sugar; at noon, for tho starch, with which thoy powder their hair; at dinner, for .1 .k, ...ft... :.. !.. r lliq BUI. U.UV BdTUUID mill IllVttl. Il IUU UtUJUULT, lOf . . . " ' for the porter that cheers their spirits: all day lonrt, the light that enters their windows; and, at night, for the candles that light them to bed! Tlio Rochester Democrat says Vho execution of h tjumber of patriots, which was fixed on tho 20th is suspended until tho will of tlio Home government shall bo ascertained. 1 A cruel case of wanton ncnlcct, endirnr in death. U mentioned in tho Montreal Transcript.' "A man takch violently ill in tho street was" convoyed to tho hospital, turned out of that nnd sent to a Jiotcl, and thcro again being refused admittance, was ejected into the street, where ho soon after d.icdl Specie. It is believed that arrangements aro now in progress by which Jtho banks of this pity will, in a very short time' pay all sums under ono dollar in srixiG, This V.ill bo dono as soon as a sullicient.amount of small :oinago can bo obtained from ihp iiiint, nnd ns spoh as those institutions, winch, to accommodate tlio community,, ha,vc'j6su cd tho small currency, shall bo prepared to redeem tho same. In a Very shdrt period all this will, no doubt, bo accomplished. U.S. Guzitte. Thit Canals. K.W the canals of litis state, equal in extent to G50 miles, wcro opened for navigation on tlm. 12th of April. Fiomthat day to the 22d of April. (10 days) there Wasrcccivcd in tolls about Mvtnty thousand dollars. Tho canals were opened tins year eight days earlier than m 1837, during which eight days 'oboul sixty thousand dollars in tolls havo been collected. Albany Argiis. Haiil&ilc Hank at Ilonton. Tho committee of tho Massachusetts legislature Appointed to inquire into thcdft'iirs of tho Hancock' Dank, ltiic repor ted that this bank should bo allowed to retain its cliarlor, as under its new hoard of directors it will by this course bo sooner relieved fr!?n its embarras mcnts. They say it is amply ablp to satisfy all the dcmaifils of it), creditors, but that the stockholders will probably1 lose one third of their capital, Not Bad. Tho Lowell Advertiser of the 13th ult. says that the following is the superscription ui- on a letter deposited in the post Ollico in that city' a day or, two previous : In.trusty Kendall's swiftest mail, Now go ahead right cleverly; Norsttfp, till' William Grant you hail) In upper parish, Dcverly. '"" ' Th'e'vcrso written on a shin-plaster Is noi less pyngent: EPITAPH. Here, on its offspring's dirty back, I write tho federal epitaph ; Which never knew an honest track, And uses falsehood as a stair To guido it down tho valo of, years Where nought but infamy appears. '' Post OrFicfi.' The Cincinnati Post says, that the neft proceeds of the post office in that cjtvt lor the last quarter, was over ten thoueaud dollars. This is the year for the reappearance of tho " seven year locusts," their last appear ance Having been in loai. . , Increase of. Christians.-. A table has been publisheil, 'showing tlie progressive increase of Christians from the first century to tlie present. The first century is put down at 500,000, the tenth at 50,000,000, tbo 18th at 250,000,000, and the 10th at 200,000,000. t j The late Mr. M'Kim, of Baltimore, haV ing lcft.no will or childreivone half of his immense propertyj it is said, goes to his wife, v llesidi of the Election. We liave; cho sen nine democratic Uollectnrs m the Uilter- ent wards, out of seventeen. Wo havo elected nineteen democratic As sessors out of thirty-four: Last year there Whs, a whig majority in the board of Asses sors. , . ' In the Eighth ward tho whig Alderman is elected by five majoiity -'only; In' the Fourteenth, the whig Alderman is elected by seven majbrity. Ten Wards gave Varum a majority; in other words, ten declare themselves for an Independent Treasury. JY. Y. Ev. Post. Never before done. The Lotkport Bal ance records the feat of a dog Vho a couple of weeks, since went over the falls of Niag ara, and came out of the boiling abyss be low, lauding on terra firmn alive, and not much the worse for his terrific adventure tf New Territory. The territory of Wisconsin has been divided by law of Con gress, and all that part lying west of the Mississippi, after the third day of July next, is to constitute a separate territorial govern ment by the name of Iowa. ' The govern ment similar to tjiat of other territories. , ThcDijference, SeldenBraynard is con victed as a criminal in Boston, for what has raised Aaron Clark to the Mayoralty in New York selling lottery tickets. The edltot of tlie New York Courier an nounces the arrival of the great steam print ing press, manufactured expressly for that paper, by Daniel Napier of London it is calculated to striko oll'six thousand impres sions in an hour, . Fanner's Mecddtc. A fanner llot more than 100 milos from Cape Elizabeth, cm ployed a shrewd neighbor to cut a piece of grass for him conditionally that ho should have ono half of tho hay. When the hav was dry his neighbor proceeded to haul It in, accompanied by the owner tp seo to the division. When ho thought that he had pitched ono half on tho cart,' h5 asked old hunks if he had not got one half on. No, no, was liic reply, , and lio then put on more, anu again asiteu the same quostion 1 and received for reply, 'Not quite half yctf. ,Well g u olllcr ,T wi pitch I ' . ... T . . . i.ir t I 011 untl1 1 ,U."l5.I h,?vo 8ot one ha f on. so j ll proceeded till abotit tvvo thirds of the hay was on the cart, when he was told that , no liau got on about one halt, no tuen codly observed that ho would drive home with that load for himself, and then return and liaul in the remainder for his neighbor. bo the owner tn inun'agntg to gIVQ his licigll- hor only ono third, had to take that for Ills nivn share. w. I i . . , , I Tim Unil Vn.l. I .... .1 .. I .A I. r, t. ft HnffPlll a bill appropriated four millions of dollars for tho enlargement of the Erie Canal. i I1U 11UW XIJli liUginiUllllU IIU.U jhwom ANOTHEIi IJLOODY AFFAIR. The Louisville Journal of the 17th inst. says. -"There was.we understand a blood dyjpicco of work at Smithland, in this state on Friday last. A gentleman from mm piaco relates tno circumstances to us as lollows. A physician, boardmt? at a tavern in the town, insulted tho landla dy in thd absence of hcr'h,usbaiid, and she ordered him in consequence of it to leave" the houso immediately. Ifo 'refused to go, and the bar-keeper, with a view to enforce the order, followed him to his rodrfl. Tho physician, after entering his room, drew a pistol and threatened tho bar-keeper- ;with instant death if ho approached. Tho'Dar kecper, nevertheless, continued to advance and the physician shot him through tho boa y, whereupon the former lj-cw a bow io knife and laid his antagonist dead on the spot. Tho physician died withmha.stiurr- gto, and the bar-keener breathed his last shortly afterwards.' BERNARD RUPERT, TAILOR. AS j'ust received Iho Spring. Fashions from Philadelphia, and is rcadv to make all kinds or garments in tho newest and most fashionable style. , Hloomsburg, May S, 1838. While Kalian Muljbcfry, FOR SALE AT TOJlT.fS' JIE.IUTjr jr.lWOItIl7.lt, IN BLOOMSBURG. April 28. JIN ASSORTMENT OF PLOUGHS, t a superior Patent, called ' FATWF.TJ'S DELIGHTS," just received and for salo at ' 1 . o. f . I . .. tho Cheap Storo of the subscribers, t,, u . V&.MUSSJ3LMAN & BloomsbUrg, Aprd 28, Co. . A New landlord, ORANGE.VII.LE, ,. El'oom Township; Coluihlna County, Pa. rjgpHE Subscriber embraces this opportunity , JL -to. inform his friends and tho public in gen eral, that he has taken tlio houso formerly occupied by JACOB DOMBOY. IIn invites his friends from Omngcville, and iravcllers, to honor him with their custom, and assures them that no pains shall bo spared to mako their btay at his house ds agreea ble as possible, HIS BAR ! Shall lit all times, bp supplied with tho Best and Cholpcst Liquors, and Tables shall bo larded with all tho delicacies tho market all'ords his sta blds shall ba clean and airy, and an attentive hostler will at all times bo ready and willing to take care oftho horses. A variety of the latest and most in teresting newspapers shall bo procured to wait tho pleasure of his customers. In short nothing shall be left undone to deserve n liberal share of tlio public- patronage. SAAIUEIj iUUKUK. , Urangevillc, April 28, 1838. V' A Young Lady, Qualified to Teach the English Branches, is de sirous of engaging in a School for tho Summer. Application to bo mado at this Office. TO I5EIBGE SJUIIiBEKS, TIE Commissioners of Columbia coun- will enter trito contracts with the low est and best bidders for building the follow ing Bridges in said county as follows: A Bridge to bo built across Fishing Creek, about one mile above Ezekiel Cole's mill in Sugar Loaf tqwnship; will be let at the house of the said Ezekiel Cole, on Wed nesday the ninth day of May next, and is to bo of the following dimensions ajid mate rial. Stone abutments, nineteen feet long at thef fourjdation, ten feet hick and twelve feet high with wing walls. The superstruc ture a brace Bridge ninety feet long by sixteen feet wide from out to out. ; The other Bridge to bo built lfcdf Alex ander Montgomery's mill, across Mahon ing Creek in Mahpilitfg township, will bo let at the Cdlhtifissioners office in Danville on Thursday the 17th, day of May next, and is to be of the following dimensions and material Stone abutments, nineteen feet long, six feet thick and eight feet high from low water mark, with one or moro wing walls. Tho superstructure a brace bridge, fifty-five feet lffiig1 between the abut ments at the foundation, and sixteen feet wide from out to out. t ' " Both Bridges to ho put under a gobil shingle roof to extend ten feet beyond tho face of the abutments. IDDINGS BARCLAY, ' CORNELIUS CLACKNER, ' " JOSEPH BR'dBST. Commissioners office ? Danvillo April 28, 1838. $ SA'-bDLERT. The Subscriber OULI) respectfully inform the citi zens of Bloomsburg and.hs vipinity, that ho has removed his shop from Market street, to Main street, in a building belong ing to Andrew Kuhn, r(e3rly opposite Esqnlro Kahler's office, where he will be happy to wait upon' all persons who may favour him wjtji. a call, in his line of busi ness; ' trj-SADDLES, BRIDLES and HAR NESS, made and repaired at the, shortest notice anil on the most reasonable terms. ALEXANDER HITTER. Bloumsbufg, April 21, 1838, MILITARY NOTIC13. H'VIH members of tlio I.vijepkndent Tnoop aro JL notified to meet on Monday tho 7th day of May .next at tho house of Wm. Robison in Blooms burg, at JO o'clock-A. M..w.ilh aims. and accoutre ments inood order for parddo and inspection. ii is expeacu mat all members indebted lor fines due from last year, will make payment on that day, as warrants will be' issued fdr tho collection of all fines not then paid. . . , iiy order of tho Captain . . i-.. ... ... t . , F. SWABY ii. 8. BlodtnsbuVg, April 13, 1838. WASHINGTON GUARDS OU-oro commanded to meet attlie public houo of Daniel Gross, on Monday tlie 7lh day of May ay next, at ten o'clock A. M. nroncrlv cnuined. and provided with ten rounds of blank cartridge. uy order oi Uio Uaptain Wm. P.I. PAINTER O. S. "N. B. There will be an election held for orderly sergeant at the same tlmo and place. WoomsbUrg, April 13 1838. .r r ' 1 COMUllSSIOJiER'S NOTICE. THE Commissioners of Columbia coun ty, will attend at the follow ng time, and places to hear, appeals from the asses mcnt of Courtly , i;ales anil levies, for (ho cun-ent year 1838. Those persons who in tend to appeal are requested to attend early in .. the day, as an accoin'mpijati'pn to the Commissioners. ' . r v !. For Hemlock township, at the house of John M'Reyilo'lds, on Tuesday tho first day of?y- : ' . V;. For Cattawissa township, at the .house of Stjicy Margerum in. Cattawissa, on Ved nesday the second day of ilay. j For Roaring Creek ' ownsliipV' at tlie house of John Yeager, on Thursday the third of May. ' ' For Mifflin tqwnship,, a the' house' of John Keller in Mifflinville', on Friday the fourth of may. - - For Briar Creek township, at the houso of John Hess in said township,, oh Satyr dav tho fifth of Afuv. ' ' ' s For Bloom township, at the house of Daniel .Gross in Blopmsburg, on Monday the'.seyenth day of May. For Fishing Creek township, at thenousc of Daniel Peeler, on TuesdajV the eighth' day o May. For Sugar Eoaf township, at the house of Ezekiel Colo, .on Vellne3day the ninth day. of May. " "j , For Greenwood township, dl life house 01. Joseph Liomonon lliufsuay liQltmtli day of May! . ( ; For Mount Pleasant towhsllip, at tho house of Frederick Miller, oh Friday the eleventh day of ilay. For Madison township, at the house of Richard Fruit in Jerscytown, on Saturday the. twelfth day of May. ' ', . ''' '. ,,,JF.dr1Derry,-.towil'8liiV,-attlie.ieiJSfJWete- uvil, uu xiiuuiiay me luunuuuiij uny ui muy. For Limestone township, at the house of Abraham Hause rjn Tuesday the fifteenth day of May. For Liberty township, at llie house of Hugh McElraith in ildorcsbujg, on Wed nesday the sixteenth day of May. ' For Mahoning township, at tho Court house iii. Danville, on Thursday the seven teenth day of May next. . IDDiNGS BAftCLAY, v CORNELIUS CLACICNER, JOSEPH BROBST, ' ' Commissioners, Commissioners 'Office, Danville April 7, 1838. 5 ' ' LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at Blooms1' burg, Jlpril 1st. 1838: ; - Peter Uittcnpender, Jfeter liiggs, John Bender, Benjamin Boonej . Paiii Oarthplt, Josepn Coleman, John Bowyers, Paul Cromley. Franklin Davis Elizabeth Dunham, MissRhoda AnnEinit,Daniel Firmer, JacQb riicuner, Johli K. .Girtop, Jacqb Hartzel, Joseph Hartman, , ilasjieck Hull, iliss Caroline Lynn Jacqb Leidy, Jamuel Joorej Dr, Lewis iloycr, Rachel 7oris, John iloyer,' Christian Neihafd, Richard Rue, Joseph Rockel, Robert Rusell, John Richard,, James Strawh, f2) Rebeca Vanderslice, John Frv, Daniel Giger, Archabold Henry, William Howel, Jacob Jacoby, Peter Leidy, Jacob, ilalick, Jacb)b llarkel, Benjamin leril, Isaac Mieri' i)iss Susan Noble, W.illiam Ncal, ; John Robison, Daniel Redy, (2)' Henry Rees, Esq. Chapman Snjith, Henry Trjmbfoy, Jesse Wagner, ' ' " 51. Abraham Young, Pdr sons ealling for tho above letters will please saythey aro advertised, BERNARD RUPERT, P.M. stew 9jiEs (iinsyo J. T niussclmaiij '& Co. M ; 9HLD again announce to their customers, and tho public, that they haver fyst re ceived another fresh supply of , " MERCHANDIZE, embracing ovory variety of Dry Goods, Groceries Liquors, Hardwurc, &c which they intend to sell at the most reduced prices at their new and cheap, store in Bloomsburg. Thoy invite a call from tli u te who want choice articles at almost cost pricey, December 9, 1837.