The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 05, 1838, Image 2

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    county; and that an authentic copy of the
resolutions relating to tho Administration,
anil financial concerns of the General Gbv-:
crnment bo furnished to our RopfcscntiVe'
in Congress, that tho same may bo presen
ted by hinTto tho House of Representatives.
On Motion, , . , v
Hesolvcd, That this "Committee will meet
again at the house VI" John Hhodcs, in Dan
ville, Oil tho lst.tlay of tho August. Court.
Evan 0. Jackson, Secretory.
From tho Cincinnati Whig Extra.
Cincinnati, April 25.
It becomes again our painful duty to record one
of the most awful and destructive occurrence
known in tliotcrriblo and fatal catalogue of steam
boat accidents.
This afternoon about C o'clock, the new and ele
gant steamboat Moselle, Captain Perin, left tho
wharf of this city (full 'of passengers) for Louis
villeand SU Louis, and, with a view of taking a
family on board at Fulton,. .about a mile and n half
above the quay,, proceeded up the river, and mado
fast to a lufnber raft for that purpose. Hero tho
family wcro taken oh board; and during the whole
time of tho detention tho Captain was holding on
to all the steam ho could create, with an intention
of showing off to the best advantage tho great
specd'of the boat as t.ho passed down tho whole
length of tho city. Tho Moselle was a new brag
boat, and had recently made several exceedingly
quick trips tri and from this place,
Soon as Iho family "were taken on board from tho
v.ift thn Imnt rfirtvpjl nfT ; and at the vcrv moment
her wheel mado.the first evolution her boilers burst
with a most awful and astounding noise, cqual to
tho most violent clap of thunder. The explosion
was destructive and heart-rending in tho oxttcmc,
as we are assured by a gentleman who was eitting
on his horse on tho shore, waiting to sco tho boat
start. Heads lihibs, bbdics and blood, wcro seen
flying through tho air in every direction, attended
by tho most horrible shrieks and groans from iha
wounded and tho dying. Tho lioat, at tho mo
ment of Jho accident was about thirty feet from
shore, and was rendered a perfect wreck. She
seemed to be torn all to flintcrs as far back as the
'trcntlcmen's cabin, and her hurricano deck (tho
whole length) was entirely swept away. Tho boat
immediately began to sink rapidly, and float, with a
strong current, down (ho river, at tho same time
getting farther from the shore.
Tho Captain was thrown by tho explosion en
tirely into the street, and was picked up dead and
dreadfully mangled. Another man was thrown en
tirely through the roof of ono of the neighboring
houses, and limbs and fragments of bodies scatter
ed about tho river and shore in heart-rending profu
sion. Soon as the boat was discovered lo bo rapid
ly sinking, the passengers who remained unhurt in
tho gentlemen's and ladies' cabins, becamo panic
struck, and with a fatuity unaccountable, jumped
into the river. Being above tho ordinary busincsss
parts of the city, there were no boats at hand except
a few large and unmanageable wood flati, which
were carried to tho relief of tho sufferers as soon as
possible, by tho few persona on shore. Many
were drowned, however, before they could bo res
cued from a watery grave, andrhany sunk Who were
not seen afterwards. v
Wo are told that ono little bpy on shorn was seen
"WtfrguigIsffirnasMn .Jenny, itoplurtnij threw pri-.
ent to save his father, mother, and three sisters, all
of wlwm were atruffiling in tho water to gain tho
shore !ut whom tho poor little fellow had the aw
ful mufortune to see perish, one by ono, almost
within his reach. An infant child, belonging to
this family, was picked up alive, fioatihg down the
'river on one of the fragments $1 the hurricane deck.
Doctor Wilson Hughes, of the United States ar
my, (and brother-in-law to our estimablo fellow-citi-.ten,
W. H. Hughes, of tho Pearl street house,) is
doubtless among the slain, as ho wiu known to
hive been onboard, and some pieces of the military
coat he had on were : picked, up among tho frag
ments. Mr. Powell, a highly respectable grocery mer
chant of Lbuisville, and brother-in-law of Mr. VVil
,son McGrew, of this city, is also supposed to be
lost, as ho was on board, anil no tidings have since,
been heard of him, notwithstanding tho active in
quiries of his friends.
We are unabl6,'as yet, to particularize any other
persons lost, as the boat sunk in about 15 minutes
"iaftcr the Occident, I'cavjnjg ftotlung to bo seen but
her chimneys and a small portion of her upper
works, and also a sceno of distress and confusion
immediately ensued which altogether battles descrip'
tion. Most of the sufferers are among the hands of
the boat and the btotrae passeneers.
It is supposed that there wcro about TWO
IIUNDItED PERSONS on board, of which num
ber only from fifty to tttenty-Jive are helicxcd k
Oh ! tain of vn.
The accident unquestionably occurred through
ilietr imorudcnct and earekttnus. The captain
of the boat was desirous of showing off her gret
Kneed as she msscd the city, and to overtake and another boat which hud left the wharf for Lou
isville a short time before him. Dearly lias ho paid
'for his sillv ambition. Tho clerk of tho boat, we
understand, escaped unhurt. These- are 11 tho par
Itnvn vnt been able to lean). In to-mor
row' Whig we shall bo uble to give tho names of
many otUCrs wno uavo oeen iom or kiucu.
From the NTUrleans Coin. Bulletin.
TEXAS. . .
ttv tho steani packet Colurribia, from
.Galveston, wo have received files of the
Houston Telegraph to the date of Marclj
31sl. The dislnet court was in session at
Houston. Of its procedirtgs the Telegrapl
remarks: the decorum tliSt hag uniformly
been obSrved, the cordiality, rind even offi
ciousness, Which have been every where
shown in Sustaining the officers of justice
in the dischargof their duties, the mtclli
Sence and respectability 'of the jurbrs' tho
ecorous and gentlemanly deportment of tho
several attorneys engageu, ana me anility
Integrity "arid decision, of the presiding
judge, have1 'combined to render this court
one of the most august and interesting spec
. . I. r V. , . - rt' 1. ,
tacies wnicii pui city uas ever unorucu.
On tho 28'lli, at Houston, W. 0. Quid
and David Jones wcro executed tor mur
der Tho confession and dying speech of
the former was for .vrded to us, but there
is no Apace for its publication, On ihr
frontiers there was no disturbance except
an occasonal skirmish between wandering
bambj of Wagcs- A party of surveyors,
from tljo head watcts "bf tho Guatlaloupe,
mpuii. uu engagement, m wnicn a troop oi
onawnecs lougnt tno uamanclics, and put
them to flight with tho loss of cither man
l)y way of improving the currency, some
ingenious persons havo suggested, that the
Government of Toxas, instead of issuing
promissory notes, should issuo bills, cacft
of which may 'beari immediate title to land,
representing sc-'mo, specified portion, desig
nated in advance, and numbered on n map
prepared for tho purpose. Tho scheme
docs not seem to take, and will scarcely be
1 ho Mexican floet had disappeared from
a Texan coast. Whether driven oil' by
Q fright they roceivod from tho steam
gin 01 the Columbia, or bv the dread of
other enemies equally formiable. has not
been revealed. Recent arrivals from Tam
pico, state that the blockading squadron bud
returned to that pott and sailed thence for
Vera Cruz. From this h would seem.
that all the paradcof this blockade was trot
up moro for bravado than from any serious
mention pi snuiurtg up an enemy's port.
I'eahaps the prime motivo to this excursion
was the hopo of booty, of which a rich har
vest might havo been gathered Horn "unar
med passsengcrs, but for tho rencdntro with
iuu uiumuiu.
Journal of Commerce of Jlpril 24.
Land Ho! Yesterday was a proud day
for New York. It witnessed tho restora
tion of specie payments in less than twelve
months from the time of suspension, and
after one of the most fatal mercantile revul
sions which over happened. Such a recov
ery trom such a wreck, the world never be
fore saw. It is attributable, under the
blessing tof Heaven, to the energy, the
sound intelligent good sense, and moral
integrity of our citizens. The banks have
esumcu in the fullest senso ol the term.
They have also returned to the use of llieit
own notes, which they now pay out as for
mality. The, hearts of our citizens were
Tilled with joy at this, tts Well they might
The arrival of two steam ships, also,
from Europe, in such a manner as to er
move all doubt about tho cniiro feasibility
f navigating the Atlantic in that manner,
was a most important and most gratifying
event It bungs us within ten to filteeu
days of Europe, and gives us such increas
ed certainty, as well as quickness, that a
new era opens upon us. Take it all in all,
we think a commercial community were
seldom more happy than ours yesturday
1 he threat Western came up in fine style,
turned a circle around the Sirius, lying at
anchor west of Castle Garden, and then
proceeded up the East river to Judd's
wharf. All her evolutions were performed
with iherfacihty of one of our smallest
steamboats. Her voyage has been almost
in a straight line accross the Atlantic. The
weather lias been good, except that tho
wind has been ahead and the sea rough.
She has had so little motion that it has
not been necessary to put batteons on the
tables, and only once lias there been motion
enough to upset cups and saucers. She
took m six hundred ions oi coat, of which
perhaps two hundred remain. On hauling
in at Judd's wharf, she was immediately
covered with a swarm of boys and men, or
rather would havo been, had not a good
deal of resolution been usen to keep them
off. Several thousand persons visited the
Sirius at her anchorage yes erday. By
these steam ships our merchants have re
ceived very late advices from all parst ol
EUropc, uom Trieste as laid as March 27lh.
Prom tho Pennsylvanian.
More Specie. Can the United States
Gazette tell us whether the apartments at
IiOngwoou aro readv lor the New York
Banks at their promised 1st. Helena, and
whether a modem Hudson Lowe is prepa
red to Keep watcn anu waru ovpr the vic
tims of tho new Waterloo?, Hie arrivals
of specie in New York are such that if the
banks do not resume speedily, that desira
ble event will, in the words of the school
boy anecdote, "whistle iiAelf." The Mi di
alor, UiH-bec and Wellington packets to
arrive at New York, have oach a million
on board already heard from, and tho Jour
nal of Commerce the following :
Twenty thousand Mexican dollars were
deposited on Saturday in one parcel. The
com recently iruiu mu uuuit oi iugianu is
depositing, and, in fact, there is nothing
better can dc uoiio wiiu coin oi any sort
unless it bo p liar dollars, Spucio and
bank notes aro of even value, without re
sumption. In fact, wo have got resumption
the natural way, and we don't understand
how wo are to get rid of it.
Our banks- wo believe, are readv to pay
speclo for their bills or for doposites, but
whether they are or not, we aro authorised
to say that the Boston banks' can havo coin
at par lor Wow y ork lunds, Irom the quanti
lv iust arrived, and so can Philadelphia
Wo will furnish them as many millions as
they can give us checks foi on any New
York Bank. In fact specio is moro plenty
than any thing else. It is much moro
plenty than potatoes, and it would bo very
strange if an eastern hank should say it
could not pay its note m potatoes. We re
peat it : if tho banker can pay any thing,
they can pay specjo
The cost of the State Houso at Raleigh
IN. C, is estimated at tfiuu.uuu,
A Great Movements The ftew York
Legislature closed ils session t)n the 18th
instant: having on tho very ovo 'of adjourn
ment, passed the bill, granting Banking privi
leges to any number of citizens possessed
ol a capital of hot less than one hundred
thousand dollars. Wo regard it as the boldest-Mho
very longest stride in the Work of
Reform, and lipid it as a measure which
outweighs the nets of any legislature that
has assembled for years. After tho comp
troller of the Stato shall bo satisfied as to
tho amount of capital, ho shall demand se
curity, as follows: Fifty thousand dollars
worth ol State stock, drawing ah interest
of 5 per cent., or alosser amount, drawing
as much interest, shall be doposiled with
him, with fifty thousand dollars in bonds
and mortagcs on unincumbered productive
Real Estate, worth, exclusive of buildings,
at least double the anniuut. lie shall.
then, after these shall havo been properly
ccurcd, pay over to the depositors. 8100,-
000 in Bank Notes, ofsuch denominations
as shall bo desired. In order to restrict an
excess or paper, each bank will be compell
ed to keep on hand twelvo and a-half ner
cent, of its issues, in specie. If its notes
aio not pain on demand, in specie, the comp
troller shall procecd,to arrest its operations,
and sell all ils security, in order that its is
sues may bo redeemed. It is a bold, but if
will prove a successful, attempt.
Lancaster Intelligencer.
Some of the Banks of this city commen
ced paying out their notes on Friday and
Saturday last. This morning they are do-
mgso very generally, and although the rcso-
ution tor a resumption ot specie payments
is not yet formally in force, still specie can
be obtained, if wanted, from any of them.
I he banks havo all resolved to resume on
tho Oth ofMay,fcjnd wo rather suspect that
they intend to do so on Monday next, al
beit not authorized thus to speak. Wo arc
told that the Boston Banks were paying
specie on Saturday. At all events, the cou
tenances of our citizens are as much brigh
ter than they were ten ten days ago, as the
skies aro brighter than they were last Wed
nesday. Lorn. Jidvcrliser.
The message of the Governor relative to
the improvement bill, partakes strongly of
the character of ajl the state papers which
have emanated from the present Executive
and his advisers. The same disposition to
vade responsibility by endeavoring to,
throw it upon the legislature tho same in
consistency between executive action and
executive opinion the same disposition to
court the popular breeze, by signing a bill
to gain lavor with its friends, and then sta
ting objectious to appcasd the feelings of
its opponents the same desire to appear
to be on both sides of an important ques
tion the same intent to blind and delude
the people by sophystrv and hair-splitting,
which have so peculiarly characterized the
administration of Joseph Kitner, peep forth
in every paragraph'of this message.
Wo regret that the want ol room com
pels us to omit for the present, a review of
a document so nnworthy the chief magis
trate of an honest and enlightcnuil people.
we shall, However, relcr to it hereafter,
with a determination not only to expose the
dictatorial spirit arid its chttinrr inconsisten
cies, "but to pjacc the subject in such a light,
supported by facts which dare not bo denied,
as must satisly every honest mind that an
administration which has squandered seven
or eight millions of thu people's money
wnicn nas scattered to tuo tour winds ol
icaven the State's quota of the Surplus re
venue, and the bonus derived from the banks,
unthottt bringing into use a single addi
tional mile of the internal improvements,
has' no claim to bo considered economical
or friendly to a proper and judicious system
of internal improvement. Penna. Jlcp.
Last year Ritncr vetoed a bill for tho im
provement of the State which had passed
both branches of our legislature, and thp
anties havo not ceased ever sinco to exalt
their Governor for it as a paragon of wis
dom and saviour of the state. This year
die legislature passed a similar bill, contain
ing several new improvements, which if
finished will run tho state debt up to more
than fortv millions, and the Governor has
SAME. In what a quandary does this
vacillating policy of Ritncr throw his ad
herents 1 Can tho passage of a hill which
last year according to their doctrine, would
have ruined the state, bo now good policy?
If the governor was right last year, can he
bo now right: Was tho introduction into
tho bill of an item amounting to upwards
oi uuu.tiuu dollars appropriated to, an on'
tircly usoless railroad to his friond Stevens
Ironworks, under tho title of Gettysburg
Railroad, the bait by which he was! caught,
not daring to opposo tho interests of his
dictator, although poor Pennsylvania wil
have to pay three or four millions for this
Don Quixottical improvement? Or was he
not at liberty to veto a bill by which ho is
authorised to borrow 800,000 dollars of Bid
dlo's worthless paper, for fear of offending
melting oi rag-oaronsf More anon.
Huston SentineL
T ..... . fW a
yoars of age, son of Air. Isaac Watorbury
of Poundridge, Westchester county, N Y.
on the 8th iust, died of hydrophobia, pro
duced by the bite of a rabid dog thirty-fivo
days ooiore the disoaso made its appearance
aue; which jio lingered louruays.
: From the National Intelligencer,
. .Wo ote happy to poTcloiVo, nt length, dram of
light, through tlid gloom ami mist which hne hov
ered over tho relations between tho United Sfatos
and Mexico.
"The danger of immediate hoalilo demonstrations
on either sido has passed nwny. Upon this chango
in the prospect before us, we havo a right to con.
gratulato our readers.
A incssago was yesterday prosentecjfin the I forme
of RepteseiiUitivcs from tho president of the tJuiled
Slate, transmitting a report, in partial compliance
with a resolution of that body, ealliiKr for such fur
ther infnrinatirn as the President might bo disposed
to communicate, from our, relations with Moiieo.
1 lie (lpcumuntH which make imrt of this report be
ing m tno nanus oi tno commilteo on lomgri rela
tions wo cannot now obtain a copy to publish them
at large. Wo hao clam-cd an eve over them, how
ever, and wo learn from them that it direct proposition
lias been mado by tho government of Mexico to ru
ler jlic ilUlrronces between that ropubhc and the
United States to the arbitration of a third power,
anu mat ino oner nas oeen ucttpieu Uy the I'reW'
dent of tho United States.
The Slritsule. Nothing moro clearly
illustrates thu beauty and effectiveness of
tho principle of state sovreignty in advancing
ino prosperity o: our conieueraoy, than tno
competition, for example, now in vigorous
action between several gteat rival States for
the great prize of tho western trade. Had
it not been for this struggle the phlegm of
tno oerman population ot tho Key Stone
State would never have been roused to the
achievement ofthoso stupendous works of
internal improvement, which will her
a monument as enduring as lierowit moun
tains. Maryland also, having both Penti'
sylvania and New York to contend with,
has made efforts slill moro herculean, and
nearly we fear, exhausted herself by tho
immense outlay sue lias made to accom
plish, by canal and rail road, a great tho
roughfaro from tho West to Baltimore. Arir
ginia, too is waking partially from her long
slumbers in the dreamy reverie of partisan
politics, l ho Empire state itsnll, who led
the way, foreseeing the storm that has been
roused has set again all her canvass to the
mast, and wo doubt not the last enactments
of our legislature will give such new im
pulses to our public works, that the state
will be homo triumphantly beyond all her
Melanchohi Event. During tho thun
der storm on Saturday afternoon last, the
house of Mr. Charles Secbold, editor Of
the Ann Masonic Star, m New Benin, was
struck with lightning, and a young lady,
the sister of Mrs. Secbold, aged 15 years,
lulled. 1 lie particulars, as briefly stated
to us are these. J he deceased, in compa
ny with two others, was descending the
stairs, when the lightning struck the chim
ney of tho house ; all three were prostrated
by the shock. Two of them, by tho im-,
mediate application of medical aid, were
resuscitated the other expired, almost in
stantly, having been severely brujacd and
mangled by the fluid, on the head and dif
ferent parts of tho body. The deceased
whoso melancholy late wc arc now called
upon to record, was a most amiable and pi
ous young lady, esteemed and beloved by
all who knew her. Sho has been attached
to tho Sabbath school in Now Berlin from
its commencement, and during the past
year recited upwards of GOO pages of Scrip
ture. The funeral was attended on Mon
day, by an unusual largo concourse of peo
ple, l lie congregation was addressed by
the Rev. Mr. Garmond, and the members of
the Sabbath School, to which the deceased
belonged, by the Rev. Mr. Mar; and So
deeply impressive and solemn were the
exercises, on this mournful occasion, that,
although commenced all, tboy wore pro
tracted until lour o clock m tho aluirnoon.
Lewisburg Standard.
The co-ordinate branch of tlm mnilmr
government of England, in Canada, is meet
ing out to the Patriots a bitter portion. The
leading participants in the late struggle,
which feeble as it was, partook of all the
spirit, if not tho success, of our own revo
lution, have been huriicd into eternity with
out any thing moro than a false trial a fla
grant mockery of justice and a deliberate
ceill, ittll nill.nri nntn tlw. r...l! i .1..
majority of the people resident in the Cana
das. The laws of England, as applicable
to colonial Government, as wo know, ate
radically defective. The ministers of jus
tice aim legislation m uanatia the ono
immediately dependent on the crown, ihr-
other impotent and subservient to tho first
uavo snown, n wo may cito a late act,
that they know how to play into the hands
of thoir masters. Tho proximity of free
institutions, and their naturally consequent
wnoicaomo contagion," lias done much
to give vigor to the arm of tho Canada pa
triot. If the reign of Victoria had not been
disgraced, on the vory threshold, by tho
execution of those who contended against
the abuse of law, some hopo might bo en
tertained by tho royulist3 that tho flame
would dio away. As it is, even that has
been dispollcd: And wo Jirediot that no
power on oariu win now restrain the Uana
uas irom uqcoming equally Ireo wipi th
neighbors. The blood of tlie imiocoiit cr
out irom tno ground,
Agriculture, is necessary to the prosperity
of a powerful nation indeed tho cultiva
tion of tho soil may bo considered thp first
great source of happinoss and woalth. .
Manufactarors will closely follow, and per
haps keep pace with it: Trade and com
merce are concomitant with it and it will
always bo found that a well cultivated
country is nscessarily great and opulent.
The Morccr Luminary of Wednesday
bays:'- , ; ,
A innn 1iV thn.nhmn nf Wnnito n.n , .. ..
- "a uro
to this placo on Thursday last, and imb,.
cd in jail, for stabbing a man named War
ner, near Now Hcdlord, lit this county.
It appears that the parties, who aro brothers
in-law, had some diflag recmcnt about the
prico of a wagon; and Woods, taking an axe
m his hand, started towards tho shop
where it was for the purporc 0f dcslrnyimr
it. The other startptl after, but had pro
ceded only a short distance, when Woods
turned around and stabbed him in the side
wild a lafgo -jaclc knife. Wo understand
that tho recovery of Warner is considered
Jl mother and daughter deslrnunt ;,
fire Tho Louisville Journal contains tlie
particulars ol .1 most distressing accident
which occurred on the evening of tlio 13th
nit. at the hotiSe of Thomas J. Pickct.Esq.
of Mason county, Kentucky. ' Mr. 1'8
mother in-law, Mrs. Campbell, was silting
alone in her room, when her dross caught
firo and'sho was immediately enveloped in
llamos, llcr daughter, Miss Campbell,
flow to her aid, but, in her efforts to aid her
mother, the flames were communicated to
Lor own dress. Mr. Pickett and young
Mr. Campbell heard their screams and ust
ened to tho scene, but tho sufl'orurs were
so shockingly burned that they survived on
ly a few hours. They were preparing to
f-o to Wisconsin, and just Lid adieu to their
friends, when they wero thus suddenly
summoned, to bid adieu to tho world."
The Wheat Crop Tho Terro Haute
(Indiana) Courier of the 12th ulf says
" We have recently conversed with several
orour best Farmers, and with other gentle
men residing at a distance, and all concur
in saying that Iho wheat crop was never
more promisincr in tho Wulmsh vnllnv
The fields aro represented as being very nu
merous, anu tncir present appearance give
token of an overflowing abundance,"
The United States Nnmi Tho num
ber of our national vr.ssrdn Is' v4(n,l
. .u WJ lllll,U
as follows One (tho Pennsylvania,) is ra-
-uu ai i-u guns, seven at an, lour at 71,
one at 51, fonrtoon at 41, two at 32, eleven
at 20, three at 18, six at 10; the remaining
seven aro under 10 guns. There arc 50
cantains in the navv. 40
ant, 270 lieutenants, 49 surgeons, 21 passed
asssistant surgeons, 3.1 assistant surgeons,
45 pursers. 9 chanlains. 1R1 nnsnil mid
shipmen, 271 midshipmen, 27 sailing mas-
OF? I . a . .
lurs, an ooatswains, zt carpenters, and 21
sail-makers. The marine Corns comnrisus
1 colonel, 1 lieutenant colonel, 4 majors,
la captains, 10 first nontenants and 20 sec
cond do.
Tho lietof femnlrt iritren,ilifu .
.. , , t "J "", ini'iiuon-
uoneil some few days ago, as having been inform
ed bv a ludv of Kentucky, in uivliw- ....iij,,,..
from a watery grave, appears to have been followed
ujf u lutuuiuiiy oi gramuuo on las part, which
proves that ho was a " rmht mill, m i
--o - o .'.ail, Ullll
worthy tho effort which tho lady made in his lie-
I. -I.' T t... ...... fir.. i r ... .. " uv
nun. i uu uiuuigiuu iy.j iincmgencer thus re
lates the story.
Jiomantic.A few weeks sinco wo uoticed tho
accidental drowning of four men in the Licking
river, olid tho preservation nf nnnih.r r....-
. - - .-.. .v, tiuiljiu dUllUI,
bv tho heroic conduct of a. Mm. T. .i. ,.!.... i
into tho btrearn,. and succeeded in rescuing him
frnni thu fiiln nfKi Minn.. r. r .....
-"" . mi.juura, wc i earn, h
a young man of fortuno and accomplishments, and
immediately after tho event, he mado inquiries jes
peeling tho preserver of hU life,, and ascertaining
that she was a vounrr widnw lm nffi,,i !.: 1 i :..
r a , ,m w.tvifc-u jus imiu 111
marrUEC. which was accentml ml ....:
joined in wedlock the next Sunday three days af-
I . uiuiuai. uirauiu in mo waters, jnrs. l.ce, now
Airs. Jones, can congratulate herself upon having
hshed for a huslrand with the nioit entire success,
and from the Jiwt laudable motives.
The Xorth riftst foundry Q,iibstIon.
Ill the London "Morninir Vmt. ArM r. i..
is an interesting stnto paper, bring a despatch from
LpnJ I almerston.'the foreign minister, to Mr. For,
xmumi onvoy at aslungton. It recapitulates
nil the proceedings dial Uao taken place on tho
rth.lern Umndry question, citos tho award
of tho King of tho Netherlands, express the rca
diucss of tho llritish ministry to join with this coun
try in sending out a commiswon to malco local sur
vcys on which to ground a conventional line: kit
he declines doing any tiling at all, unless the Stale
v?. l'arly 10 ibo BUrvey anJ settlement.
I lie XV . V Ivxprcss aays; "This presents the qucs
Hon in a new light, and an important one, for by
our consitutton (he federal government alone i au
t lomed to "make treaties and establish tho limits of
he IJ, States. Tim despatch is.too long to pub
lish; it is dated the 10th November, 1837."
Jl real friend to the coloured race. It
was stated at the adversary of the Missis
sippi Colonization Society hold at Natchez
oirthc4lh March, that Captain Isaac Ross
of that state, had boquoathqd to the A inert
ican Colizination Society his entire estate;
estimated at 400,000 dollars. His will,
omacipates all his slaves, amounting to 170,
and provides for their removal and settle
ment in the society's Colonics.
American Mechanics, Tho Philadel
phia Inquirer states that a distinguished mai
chmo making hpiiso , in Now Ehgland has
just receivod a liberal order from a largo
papor manufacturer ,near Manchester for
several paper mating machines ofMer
ican construction. This tells well for
1 ankco ingoriuity.
Wc learn from Bicknell's Reporter that
there aro ono hundred und fifty-six mills in
Lancaster county, and that these consume
Illllllinllv On.vw.ll.:.... r nn.. .wn l...l.ln
I xwmuMiiug iii,o u,uuu,uuy uuouvw
ol wheat, which ia all raised in the samo