MOCRAT. I liavo sworn upon the Altar of God, eternal hostility (o ecry form of Tyranny oVcr the Blind of Man.Thomaa Jeffi crson. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY If. WEBB. VoSsunc II. f ' BTLOOMSBtJEiLG, . COLUMBIA COTOTY, FA. MA' 5, 1888. Numlicr a. .1 11 li OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, Ni"xt book to Roihson's Stage Officii The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published even Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS vcr annum, bulf yearly in advance, or Two Dollarr . Injly uenls, if not paid wilhpx the year J'o hibscription will betaken for a shorles pericd-thdit six months : nor any disco7is , linuancc permitted, until all uneuragee are discharged) ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted ul One Dollar for the first three insertions, and Twenty-five cents for every subse quent nscrtion. ,Cs-A liberal 'discount made to those who advertise by the year LETTERS addressed on business, must, be post paid. , MY MOTHER. Tho'tribitfc to a good Mother, which fol lows, well serves to express tltc feelings of many who behold time's ravages upon their. -most dear and highly prized pavctit': .Air Mo-rimi t thou art growing old: i Thy locks, as whito as snow, Pr claim thy j cars arc well nigh told And thy checks have lost their glow. O, must thou fade s'ijvsoon'awLy, My best and only friend 1 Thou who first taught my lips to pray, My infant knees to bend! Thou who forsook thy couch at night, To watch around my bed- And deemed it still a fond delight reputation, had sunri into the character of a found the spirit of the bottlo had departed; common drunkard. Poverty had entered but I have found thee deceptions an'd un- his domicile, and ho vu3 lrcquently the DTatefuU. Thou didst dc3trov mv.reritiin- subject of the most pressing want. His tiqn, thou didst rob my nockct. Y'tn eavc wife's jewelry had disappeared at the pawn- me disease instead of health, made the browkers, and his own extensive and valu- heart of my wife pulsate with unhappiness. aide library had shared the same fate. Arti- My children wept at the min you entailed, cle after article of furniture had disappeared, and my houso you made desolate and sor & nothing now remained but which was se- ro.wful. Twelvo months have I parted cured by law. His wife, who in her per- from you, and I now renounce you forever, sou had presented all that ebon point of ap- thou agent of destruction! ibou demon of pearancc which marks health, had wasted despair! thou accursed alluring poison!' away to a mere shadow. Her disposition With that ho "hoisted the window, throw which had formerly been lively and viva- the Imtiln inin the cious, was now sorrowful ami melancholy, tho victo.ry won.- His wife rushed into unu inu eiiuurcu uxmuuuu uiuk ruguueas iu9 aims, joy beaming in hcrcountc of dress, which distinguishes tlic olfsprings nance. She could only utter, l my hus of those who are intumperalc, band!" who tenderly embraced her, and A, moro aiiccim scene can naruiy do im- sealed her forehead with a kiss. The chil agmctl tlian that Avliich occurrcu on a cold uren rall t0 Uieir father, climbing on his andjblcak day in December, when tho rriolh- knees, and told how they partook of the er was seen pressing an infant t6 her breast, sympathetic joy. Even Neptune on the ciutiiuug ui u iuw umuurs mai sun luiuuiii- nearm rug, raised IH3 Head, andavo an en' cuonine ncartu. several small c liuiren cournging look to his master, and waited luiuiuiiutuirai ving m,u niu v' i " i ins tan wiui c viuciu ueiigiu uufiliiuir uieir niuuiur iu ;iivu . muni aunii; bread; but, alas! she had none to give them Alonside in one corner, covered with a l'KOCEDINOS OF THE DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE OP Of Columbia Couktv. ( Pursuant to public notice, tho Democrat ic Committee of Correspondence of Col umbia county met at the house John Rhodes, on Monday, the 10th or April, 1838, at 10 o'clock A. M. Tie Committee was organized by the appointmentof ABRAHAM YOUNG.'Esq. of Sugnrloaf, Chairman, and EVAN 0. JACKSON, Esq. of Berwick, as Secreta- jug of tho fatal poison at his -head n more 'distressing and heart-rending scene cannot Education of Femulcs. There is'a sea son when tho youthful must cease to be young, and the bcautilul to excite admira' To kis.i my feverish head! Thy kindness in'my lender youth I never can repay; . In sickness ever near to saoth, ' ' . And comfort evety day. MyMothcr ! I can never tell " Of all thy tendernese; For thou hast loved loved much too well, And watched "too oft to bless, When weary, arid my toil is o'er, I'm sinking to my feet, I ccm to feel as years licforc, When nestling at thy lircasf. But as thy evening hours decline, With all lifu's labor past, N'ojbys shall be a's great as min, To cheer them while they last. My Mother ! cvciy nerve shall strain To tako away thy care. Couldst thou but live thy years agiin, I would thy rials isWe. 52 An AiFectmg Story; . It was in tho year 183 that a gentle man distinguished lor his talents and intol ''leutual abilities, suddenly resolved to aban don tho habit of intemperance, to which he had long been addicted: He was a rcmark ablo and extraordinary .roan. His talents were of the fust order, and his attainments of tho most extensive character. In person he was .handsome, and possessed every ex terior graco that could please or attract the (,cyc. His manners were of the most picas jmg and fascinating kind, and his conversa tion was that of varied and eloquent nature, vso that his company was in every condition of society desired. No man was more '.deeply versed in classical learning, and in tho various branches of scholastic philoso phy ho was deeply versed. In the lighter .branches of polito literature he had consid erable auquirementg, and indeed in every 'branch of intellectual knowledgo ho was Ideeply read. Ho had been compared to 'JJoltngbrokoi who it was well known by Hhd profoundness of his philosophy, and the ;cleganco of his manners could graco and give a charm to 'tho drawing room, and teach lesson's" of wisdom in tho Academy or Lyceum. At an early ago ho had married .a beautiful and charming young woman, :and from tho union, of two persons so well adapted to each oilier, it might readily bo supposed that tho stream of happiness would continue uninterruptedly to flow ! but alas! it was soon discovered that tho pos session of tho highest attainments, and tho most oxalted genius, afforded no security 'X ngainst tho encroachments of a vice, whoso course is marked by misery, and whoso ?fcnd is death. For years ho was a com plete victim to this degrading and unhappy vice, and from a considerable loftiness of euuno cumuli ... t u... r..n. baeonccived-it was one calculated to draw "r L T.S Ty! 8 lCart mid Soft- 11 1 "" " Miimvob unu uiuqi aiuauiu tear!? from the most obdurate heart; err tho most adamantine soul. Th n !..-. Mini ln tmi.Ilft h A ...I : i ill ia uiiu in: i.iu'iiii ,i viiiu;iii. t mi ii re.- lay I ?. . u .... : ,i i i r. i n . i i i imuai ul r uouiussuu, u is a most severe iriai the man whose lofly intellect and splendid r , ,,., ; u , , ,, . ,, ' . , . t. lor thoss women to lav down beauty, who have nothing elso to take up. It is for this sober season of life that education should lay talents wcro well suited to adorn a Senate and rule aviation, a victim To the intoxicat ing draught, that has destroyed thousands. What 'lias inst.-bccii described is no Jtc- lion. It is truth, '-without the aid of'imagi- liation or the colonncs of lancy. '1 welvc up Hs ricn resources. However disregard ed thev may have been, thoy will bo want ed now. w , "When admirers fall away, and flatterers .. . i . .-I . . .. i i ii "".!". ' 1 V . , . . . , become mute, the mind will ue driven to " Vi"" , . r:..V"" I ictiro into itself, and if it find no entertain oo jbwi m a uuou uu. ..uu Vaw, nelU at hom(!) wjll b(J dr.von bac)c cd in a manner that iiulicatpd that ho had not quito fallen a martvr-to that poverty whicli is the invariable result of that habit to which he had heen addicted. His brow was thoughtful, and-nn acuto obscrvcrmight perceive H shade of melancholy pass' over his countenance. In the aamo room, scat cdat a centre table,, was his wife, attired in a'tM?nt.,.nnd tnstnfnl dres?. -vitHnor oijc of airain upon the world with increased force. Yet forgetting this, do wtfnot ecm to educate our daughters exclusively for the transient period Of youth! Do, we not educate them for a ciowd, and not 'for thumsejves? for show, and lvot for use! fof eternity. those beautiful annuals of tho season. A gentleman delivering hn oration in fa vor of " woman, dear" ' ended it 'Sev-pv'ilh tnoso words: Ob,' nolhiiijr' heats a ry. On motion of S. P. Ilcadle'y, Esq, a Committee was appointed to draft procee dings for consideration, viz; , r F-Hca,1Icy. V. Best, Stephen Baldy, Esq. John M'Henry, Daniel Gross, John Rhodes, Mai. B. S. Wolverton, Isaiah Blue, Hugh Mc Williams, Esq. Cornelius Clackncr, Jeremiah Wcllivcr, Iram Derr, Johh Lazurus, Col. Eiias M'Henry, Hen ry Petit, John Keller, jr, Jacob Shul'lz. Whereupon, Committee adjourned to meet at tho samo ' place in the afternoon, immediately after the adjournment of the Democratic county mceling, Afternoon. Met pursuant to adjoum- mcM, wuen tne ooninntleo appointed to draft resolutions, &c. 'for consideration, re ported the following, which wcro unani mously adopted: Resolved, That wo approve of the nomi nation of Gen DAVID R. PORTER, as the democratic candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania, and we will irive him our cordial .and hearty support. Because, wc believe ho is a friend in p.. qual rights and the 'principle's of democracy as laid down and ' inculcated by Jefferson and Jackson, and their illustrious compeers. Because wo believe he is opposed to the increase of ovcrsrrowti mononolics. and in favor of a sound and well regulated sys tem of credit which will enable every one who possesses industry, integrity, and hab- u ui uuuuuwy, iu uo uusmess as wen as the idle speculator who is favored oral beautiful children were playing in the room, and their choerful looks aim comlort' able clothing indicated that poverty had no "residence there. The little pnrlon indeed displayed no tokens of wealth, but evident ly snowed signs ot comlortablc enjoyments. 1 wo beautiful vases adorned the mantle good wtiol tiic company, 1 ' I beg par'don," said one of a bad husband does'. A caution-. A man in New Orleans, lately, in paying for a theatre ticket,' gave a hltv dollar bill instead ot a htty cent shin plaster The Picayune says he came back piece, and underneath was seen the vivid when too late for his change, and the way light of an animating coaliiro.berorc which, "u iaih,JU rmuon was ninny is lavored bv Resolved, 1 hat wo will ;oppo'so the re- lataiuissa ftncfiai! Tornwald, Jacob on a ruir, lay a lavorilC'doit who seemed to participate in the happiness which 'appear ed to pervade the apartment. The wife looked up, and casting, a glance at her hus band, observed a gloominess of counte nance which at onco riveted Her .attention She closed tho book which' sho Iad been reading, and going to him, threw herarms around his neck, and tenderly inquired if any tiling disturbed him? It was some ."How old are ye?" said Mr. Major Kip- lihs to a dwarfish young man. "Twenty I wonder you arn't right down ashamed of being no bigger; you look like a boy of ten." " All come of being a dutiful child." " How so?"" When I was ten, father put his hand oii my head and'aid, ' Stop moments before he made her any reply, and there,' and ho then ran away; I've never then lie said, ' my dear, I must have a pint seen him. since,- and didn t think it right in ol brandy. ' me to 'go on inowinff without his leave." ' I ' I . . .. : ; .. ... n n .. ; i .1 1 w w 1 11U Willi ULV.UUU JUHUL'UIiUtlV tlUtlUlL'U, i :.. -v...- i i. i7:. to send for that poison which had formerly p f cat.-Q day at the table been nearly his ruin. Sho who but a few of lllB late Dr- Pcarse, (Dean of Ely) just moments before had been rcalizingdho feel- as the cloth was being removed, tho subject mgs of perfect security, was now convulsed of discourse hannonod to ha that of an ck- ...r.i. . ir. i i ' i i w. m sorrows i muICiuuu.. unu a re iu y; . traordinary mortality among the lawyers of her husband's former nomicioii3 habits J . 'J .., ni,n,ii t (nlro r,tnno TW hnanm Imnv. ' Wo "avo. lost," said n gentlc.nian, " not cd with alarmt-and the tears gushed from less than six eminent barristers in as many hor eyes, sho implpred him whom she had months." Tho dean, who was quite deaf, adhered to with a devoted fidelity, through rna nq i,':- frio,i fi:,,,,i i,;a romi,a' nn,i Soon a m cvu report, m ywamvv auu iu uov- ., . , b . I . . " . I rrnvn iht nnmnnni. trmnn. l Kii nil mill ertv. that ho would nolvacam tomnt bv a 6 u. . sinirlfs iiiilnlffencc. a recunenco to lmbits every other mercy, the Lord's name V 7 n - ' - . ; ; . ' which must destroy their piesent lelicity, piaised." The efiect irresislablc. anu lorevpr anninilatc tpcit inturo napes. J hu children iiartool; ol the sorrow ot their a aPnUm. Imvi fnllon ;tn ihn nvnr i,.r. , I. -"o-' ' b - - iiiuiuci, iiiuy lull inuii iiiiiiiv&iib, uuiiiQU- v. l i"t i l i.-r . men'ts, and with tears in their little eyes', Exc' re,at,h- tl,c cidcnt, said, "o besrffed their papa not to get any inoro bf will suppose I was pretty wet," " Yes,' that stuff which made them poor and their said.his. friend, ' wet, certainly in the Exe- mamma crv. Hut tho husband annearcd to c.r. be insensible to the atlectionato remonstran ces of his wife, and the artless persuasion of his children. His eldest daughter, who oh former occasions had gone this errand, was be A gentleman not very courageous, was once so far engaged in an affair of honor as now compollcd to perform this; tho brandy l u draw to Hyw Park; to fight a duel ; -was obtained, and his wifo looked with a but just as he camo to tho Porter s Lodge, fercful and painful foreboding upon tho de- an empty hears? came bv, on which was cantor which contained the fatal poison.- anlagoni8t ,10 wns droll officer, well Mn lnnl:nil nnnn llir hr'iililw nnnrnin ipm ( in & ..,!.i, 0 i. cnt .L known, called out to the driver, Strip hqro tho decanter in his hand ; ho held it up to tny good fellow, a fow minutes, and 1 11 tho light, and observed hqw beautiful its sond you a far?. This operated so strong- coior. no men apostropniseu tiius : uiy on tl)C gentleman's norves that ho begged how I have loved theb, thou nnd ... ff H . . d ,,omc imauiv uianciiaiii HiiiriL . iiuiii ii:inl uifiii I - my bosom companion from morn till night, w'tu a w holo skin. and from nijiht till morninir. I liavo loved s thee wiih a lovo surpassing that of woman, Read good books, seek on t good comnan and I liavo erievod as a mother grieves ions, attend to (rood counsel, and imitate over the dead body of her child, when 1 good examples election of JOSEPH RITNER. to tho Gubernatorial chair. Because he has not carried out in prac tice what ne promised in his inaugural message. liccause lie lias show.n lumselt recreant to all the principles of democracy by si ing a law to incorporate the United States Bank with powers highly piejudicial to the interests ol the people, and m viola. tion of his own declared opinions in his inaugural message. Because he is thoadvocaVe of a National Bank, and other hightened federaj meas ures; and the opnoser of tho democratic administration of President Van Bufen. Because he countenanced by his signa ture the passage of a law unequally and un justly dividing the State into, districts for'the choice of Senator and Representatives, so as to deprive a large number ofsitizen3of some districts ol their snare, ol represents tion, and Laving to .others more than thei share, thereby violating the true principles of republican government, For these, and various othor cogent rca sons, we will support ucn. Porter, and op pose Joseph Jutner, Resolved, That wc have undiminished confidence in the stern iutegiity and eapa city of MARTIN VAN BUHEN, and his devotion to tho best interest of the people of these United States; and that, like the worth' Jackson, his predecessor, ho wil never consent to propose a measure he does not believe clearly right, nor agree to measure ho believes wrong. Resolved, That we approve of the Pres ident's recommendation of a separation of tho Government Irom the llanUs Because wo believe that the money of the people can no whoro be more safely or profitably kept than in the custody of men solccted from among themselves for their integrity .and capacity. Thalwhon collected in gold and silver, tho constitutional currency of the country, andsokopt, in the calamities of a war, as in prosperity and peace, it will at all times he dcnlly looked for a hasty accumulation of wealth by gambling speculations. Resolved, That wc nro in favor of "an Independent Treasury." i which the mo ney draVTn from tho pockets of the people can bo safely kept, and held always ready for the use of tho Government. We deny the soundness or truth oT the assertion that a National Bank; or a Na tioiral Debt, is n National Blessing, We equally repudiate the idea, that It is either justice, or common honesty for the ZLcl mamj i0 1,0 Placed in the hands ortfioeto to speculatenpon, be those lew oither individuals or Banks. Resolved That in the mnmentuous strugglo with the aristocracy of wealth, wc vie w with -pride and pleasure the ardent and unshrinking support given t& the lea ding rneasureo of the administration by the Hon DAVID PETRIKIN a true Repre sentative of his constituents, .he does not falter or hesitate, but boldly contends to the ultcruost for the accomplishment of the importantchanges imperiously demanded by ilia exigencies of tho times. Or. motion of tho Chairman, the follow ing resolution was adopted: TTI,at tho nomination of Gen. DAVu) RITTENHOUSE PORTER, of Hmt:ngdon county, as the democratic can didate for Governor, by the 5th of March i-onvennon,.at narrisburg, meets .with the entira approbation of the Democratic Com mitteo of Correspondence of Columbia couiny, who have the most perfect confi dence in his capacity, fnmness, integrity, and correct democratic principles, and that wc pVdge ourselves individually, and col lectively, to use every .fair and honorable mean:; to secure his triumphant election. Le ohed, That the following named per sons ,e appointed Committees of Violence for the different townships and distrfets of the county. Dloom Chas. Katiier, EsqT; C. B. Fish er, Jonathan Parsell, Jacob. Hagenbuch, Simon Wertman. . Bfiar . Creek Andrew Prnnq.i Tni.n Woikheiser, Henry DeilrlckvMoses Davis, &'ei,y Sult' Nalha.11 Seal-v iSamL Atkm? Shultz, John Nuss Reuben Kniltld, Thos. tvnorr. Merry Joseph- Craig, John Younir, Neal M'Cay, Jacob Seydlc. Fishing Creek John. Lazarus, Mdses M'Henry, Sam!. Kline. Philin Dndfr. John Parks. ., Greenwood E. G. available when required by the public wants, ' That neither its safety, or its value, will ho effected by tho vicisitudes of unsuccess ful, or successful, Banking. That it will cease to be regarded as bank ing capital; and thus do away tho desire for accumulating n largo surplus revenue. That tho system will tend to chock the mania ot wuu spequiauoii win tend to make our citizens anVrp rational in their business pursuits wjihtnduco thorn to pa tiently Boek wealth by H steady persorver- ance in woll directed efforts iu tho various departments of productive industry; and willdisolve tho fatal delusion which comV Rickets. Esa. Jnn. McHcnry, jr. Jno. Battiin Esq. James De Witt, Geo. Kooder, Hemlock Jno. McRovnolds. Esn. Ad. am Stiaub, jr. Henry Oh!, Esn. Danl. Woodsidc, Jamos Everett. Limestone Mm Flood. Samuel fi;A-.:. Danicd Shurtz, Joseph Gibson. . lAueny John M' Williams, Richard Wilson, Andrew Bvllmver. Hush APEI- rath. Madison Samuel Kisner. lAbrahnm Veliver, Levi Bisel, Phinca3 "Wclliver. iohn Kisner. Mahoning Daniel 'Hoffman'. Win. firiv- der, John Reynolds, John Mowrer, "Win. Kitchen, Wm. Henrie. Mifflinr Peter tohc, Danl. Hulchlns', Marshal kinney, Ilonry Miller, (Tailor) Samuel Smith, John Keller, sr. , y Montew George Kaufman, Esq. job Eyerly, Henry Rishel, Peter Rupeit, John Dedrick, Mount Pleasant Isaac AV. ' Mus'grovo, Esq, Eli Kline, John Mordoi), John Jones. OrangevillclsaM Wolsh, Peter Auch enbauch, Henry Bittenbender, A. W. Kline, Einaiiual Lazarus. Paxton Adam Michael, William Mann. Jonl Bradbcndor. Roarins Creek Sebastian HoWVi'.Eso. Jolin Adams, Peter Kline, John Harner, George Feddermau, Jacob Yocuni. Suearloaf William Roborts. JeW Kline, (Smith,) AVilliam Klins. ' im Motion, ..I.. , Resolved, That wo reeomm&nd 'to the Democratic citizens of Columbia county to hold public meetings at Mooresburff, Wash ington, Jerseytown, OraiiErevill.'Befwiek. Bloomsburg, CaUwisaa, Ronving Creek, Mifflinville, aud Danvilla.-at such timo as it ni3y suit their oouvonifence, for tho pur pose of giving public expression to their political sentiments. Un Motion, Resolved, That a snb-Corrrmitles of Correspondence bo appointed, viz: Major Win.. Colt, V. Best, S. F. Headloy, Esq'. Stephen Baldy, Esq. Jaxemiah AVolliver, leo. G. Dq Puy, Samuel CreaBoy, Esq. and Dr. "Wm. II. Pcirikin, juid that Major Wm. Colt, the Chairman, and V, Best, Secretary of said committee. Un ftiouon. Resolved, That the proceedings be aim ed by llie Chairman and Secretary, and published in the Democratic papers of thi