9 Unseated &ands-lS38. NOTICE io hereby given, that agrees lly to an Act of General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the 13th of March, 1B1G, and entitled "An iict to amend tlio set entitled an act dircct , ing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes and foi other purposes," the follow ing Tracts of Land will be sold at Public Vendue, on the second Monday of June celt, at the Court House in thu Borough of Danville, in the county of Columbia, for arrearages of Tuxes due, and the cost ac crued on each lot respectively. ROARING CREEK. Acres. Warrantee names. Tax. 10 87 11 73 12 01 8 62 8 02 10 27 0 50 8 02 8 62 8 52' 8 52 80 0 20 1 95 0 50 0 03 0 03 10 56 8 34 9 83 0 50 8 84 0 20 0 63 0 10 9 20 3 99 9 80 5 41 9 61 9 50 9 27 9 23 9 63 10 73 2 50 5 39 9 90 9 50 0 02 9 63 9 63 Ashton George Uillington '1 nomas liean Joshua Benson Peter, Bcasley Johnson Barron Thomas, Jr. brown Nathaniel liarran John, Jr. Dittler Samuel JJouelram Eliza Bumb John Jr. Brewer William Beckham Georga Clingerman Jacob Cunningham Thomas Cope Thomas P. Dehaven Peter Elliot William Gobhin Charles Hams Jusiah Ilelurg Adam Iieillzlieiincr Robert lleiltzheiincr Thomaa Jordou Joseph Keunear Robert Kennady Andrew Leonard Lcshcr Lemmous William Lemiuuns Matthew and? Ruckel John Jr. ) Lawrence Joseph Long George Lowns Caleb Mc 'arty John Miller William Myers Mary Montgomery Daniel Miller Marsha Mench Henry Miller George and ? Raver Jonathan, $ Norris Isaac Powel William Porter William Peabody Stephen Porter James Porter Robert Huston Mary Rustou Thomas Reece Daniel Huston Isaac Reynolds John Ruston Charlotte Raver George Jr. Reece Daniel a&3 1 3i0 uoo 7 no 7 70 9 17 10 80 11 90 10 96 2 113 12 56 11 16 10 33 11 78 9 29 8 06 9 23 9 03 9 63 9 03 Shannon William TrucKimtller Charles Tunis Richard kWhilenian John liVarner J jlm 'lckersliaia Amos lebb Samuel 10 30 10 37 fitehead Robert Barbar. 7 54 Jer William 9 50 12 79 . Lew is rJohn 1 08 .MADISON. ftrontr James 2 40 1 80 Armstrong Lienor Brady John Brady Jane Cornelison Mary Corneltsou William Fox John (in part) Gorden Thomas Gorden Jane (in part) GifTcu Hannah Hunter Robert (in part) Haiiu Josiah do. , Hepburn James Johnson Margaret (in part) Lynn John 338 2 02 SCO ( 360 SCO U30 f300 12U0 1 80 2 10 2 16 90 1 20 1 20 2 70 200 ,310 f40B n.451 401 1 21 1 26 2 44 2 70 2 40 3uO Levy Aaron 4u0 Lyon Robert SuO Lebo Henry (in part) 4u4 May land Samuel 2'iO Montgomery Mary 300 MilUr Thomas (in part) 303 Rupert James 427 Scott Alexander 432 Strech Joseph 421 Tow er James '220 Woodside John 220 Woodside I'.lonnr 300 Woodside Thoinao S'JGARLOAF, 400 Ceasley Johnson 283 Cope Thomas P. 400 Caldwell David 47 Evans Ahlo 363 Gilhui Muty 414 Grubb Petor 410 Hull Charles 428 Hartley Thomaa 35 Heictor Daniel 100 Hall Francis 330 Montgomery Susan IWI Owen Abra'iaia 60 R ssel X.itit 3'X) Spencer Brunei 00 Sargent Jonathata 4m VftJdWtttMk 1 20 2 10 1 20 2 42 32 10 40 51 58 52 1 32 1 32 1 20 8 00 4 01 12 20 4 3t 7 02 9 30 0 18 11 80 14 53 2 40 9 89 10 01 00 C73 1 68 424 NVilllam'fl William 400 Yates Jasper h 27' 9 00 FISHING CREEKi 184 Rurhnnan Arthur 1 10 23 Friek Philip 51 93 8,4 00 73 54 30 157 MeHonrv Ann 308 Oirden John 100 Pettcrman James 340 Solomon John Mount pleasant. 30 Mclich Samuel 30 Monijroniurv Robert MIFFLIN. . .1S T.Pll'nil Mnttlii-ia 2 82 CATTAWISSA, 400 Dovcnhaucli John 3051 Inimel Christian 00 47 61) 74 92 34 34 02 80 02 00 80 375 Kiutier Robert 50 Kuukle John GREENWOOD. Agnes Alexander Bowman William Colt Nathaniel MeJlenry Edward Mcllenry Daniel Mcllenry Preeilla Straw-bridge Alexander Young John 430 150 150 430 200 336 334 200 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, To owners of unseated lamU and others con cerned, that I have authorized and empow ered Jacob llibler, Clerk ol the Commis sioners for Columbia countv, m case of mv absence, to receive payment of taxes on unseated lands, in the dillerent townships ol said county, and to give receipts nud other sufficient acquittances and discharges for thu same for me, and in my name, ptare, and stead. 'Landholders and others niter ested, are requested to attend by themselves or agents, at the Commissioner's Office, in Danville, in said county, and pay their tax es before the 1 1th day of June next; when all the tracts upon which arrearage taxes are due and unpaid, will he exposed for sale, as above. II. Mr. WILLIAMS, Treasurer. March 29, 1838. TANNING- BUSINESS. HIE subscriber would respectfully inform the puilic that liu has taken his hoii WILLIAM IsA i'DEK into co-partnership in his Tannery, anu that the huoincas will hereafter be conducted under the firm of Daniel & William Snvdcr, at the old established stand in Uloomaburg. Daniel Snyder. Bloomsburg, January C, I8a8. a7-tf LEATHER kF good quality, and for sale at the lowest nri' ' ces, always on hand at the old established I unnery, od join tuir Snyder's Hotel. The uubseri bers would respect lull solicit u continuance of the liberal customs heretoluro t'lijov cd by the senior partner. JJamel Snyder, William Snyder. Blooruiburg, January C, 1838. 37-tf NOTIC33. LIj persons indebted to the subscriber by bond nulc, or book account, ur otherwise, are re .lucsitd to call anu nettle the same u-fore tut tint da i ut Aunt, next, lie is uolenm.icu to have old matters justly irraugeu; auu tuoe wliu ucelect at tending to um uoiiie n.a reiy on ttrict ickal pro ceedings lor tha purposes of sulden.cnt. '1 hero is no mi-stake. UAfwUL YDLiK. Bloomiburg, January G, 1838. 07-tf ALLERSIIAMP'S Cough Sirup and Family nils, lor (ale at Tobias's Health Emporium. itjea i s Jimi-Jjyspvpi ic or oiomacn i tus nr n C. T r jf TJ7tJ't iudigetio.i,orbourbtoinaeh, oh hand, and K31 for sale ut loutar ileal' n amponum. Dloain'jurj, January lb, lbtfg. litill wb3t&3 EXC II AXG E . f The Ni?scrl5jci VCHV repectrally ini'unu ids liioiidsend thu public, that liol.a. always on haudi ut hi-f Li very iSubte it, Uloouwhurg, for the purjiosesof Hire or l.icliangc, a variety oi Horses 3S, Sulkies, INS, AND SLEIGH GIGS, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS, which he will feel gratified to keep in readiuow for tlie accommodation ol customers. Personal application can be made at his resilience when every moans will be used to render entire tut islacuon ol those who may give mm a ntll. KOAJI S. l'KENTIS Tlloomsburg, November 4, 18U7. Dr. Fnemans Indian Specific, inn nmunnliitn mill Mim nf IVklllj fritlivllff J' A.thniau, consumptions, spitting of blood, and all disorders of the bra.it and luugj, for salo at to Drug storouf tho sub.criber, in Uloomsburg. I), o, louius, Look at This PHUTS, for renewing and cleanniug Ladles iV Gentlomen's wearing niiparicl, und retorciug tunn to their original colour mid brightnes. l'hu aicelleut Renovator nevor fails no matter w ith w hat articlBlho ijarmint may bo stained, lt removes all grouse frjm the collars of coals, foU and stains caused uy hinc. nam! - tar. oil &c. &c, fur salo at Tiliian's Jleal'h Emporium. VkKbi JvmtJ $7, 1836. 4(WK To the liisU-essca & AfSlictcil! TOBIAS'S HEALTH E I CR1U And Family D-tig Warehouse. iuALTnf1 "The poor man's riches the rich man's bliss." THE subscriber would respectfully announce to his friends and die public thutlio has opened (jcncial assoauicul ol Drugs & 2HedicinGS, at Ins Drug and Chemical btorc in Uloomsburg, ud that he will be happy to supply the wants ol those who may give linn a call. Among his as sortment arc : Acid bcuzoic " Oil of Almonds, ' Amber 1 Anni seed ' Caraway Cloves Copaiva Lavender ' Origanum Orange ' rejipcrmint Penny roal ltosemary Hue ' Spiko ' Stone Sassafras ' Tansy Far W'intergreen ' Womisced . British ' Croton Castor liarlcam muriatic nitric sulphuric tartaric Anni seed Acetate of zinc -Aloes Antimony (crude Arrow root s3jfcclida Alcohol Alum Arsenic whits suhaltum Bark Peruvian red cinuainon Balsam Copaiva do maltha oflir Barlry neulpd Uatcnun's dropi uismuth (nitrate) iJlackiug, Tor boots liorax rchned Uriinstonc Ouagundy pitch Bale Ariucruia Uluc pill Pink root Parucoric Blivir Plaster, adhesive do strengthening Prepared chalk Pearl powder Pills, Anderson's, Scotts, ' Hooper's ' Leo's New London German ' Morrnoii'i ' Lean's Dyott'o Leidies' ofAloca ' of Assafcclhia ' of 0 .iu in of Quinine Quassia wood Quicksilver Quinino Rhubarb Rochcllc salt Itotlcn stone Rose water Rust of Iron Sago, pearled Salainuioniiii, crude Salt of tartar Sul Volatile Salt pelre Sanders wood Saraapharilla Soiling was mi n a leaves SenaUa snake root Soap, castile ' shaving ' while castile ' fancy Sodo, supar carbonate Sub carbonate, Spanish fly Spormicili Sweet spirits of nitre Calomel (y'arro.-ive sublimato Calamine Camphor Catechu Cayenne pepper Cocliincjl Cocculus Indicus Columbo Cologne water Conserve of roe3 Cream taitar Cubcbs Caraway seed Coriander seed Chamomile flowers Digitalis tiliior of vitriol Kpsom isalts Lnury powder U-sence of i eppermint n! cinnamon Extract o cobicynth ot hemlock of liquorice r3ye water Feonugreek seed tiambogo i .,alls . I simian root' Uoldeu tiuctule Ijodfrvy's cordial Gum Arabic Tragacantb Anlmouiac Shfllac Kino Gilbanuni Myrrh Uauiacura Juniper soda powder Spirits of haruhorn ' of Lavender comp. ' of Tarpeniir.o Seed Lace Smelling liottle.i Seiillits powde Hcleborc, black Iliera picra ink powder, black Isinglass Ipccneuunlia Ivory blacK ICcyt er's universal plaster apongo Squill Sugar of lead Sulphur Suckhij bottlea 'J'aruir emetic Tincture cf AIjcs ' of AKMfectiua ' of Poruviau bark ' of cinnamon of Mur'mtoof iron 1 of Myrrh ' of Spanish fly ofColchicum seed ' of tr una ' of Valerian ' ofGuUcum Tooth powder brUsliM Valerian root Venice turpentino Verdigris, Vennillian Virginia make root Vial, different dimm Vitroil, blue, jjrcen,wlilte White Rwin Jalap I.audnum s Liquorice root Lunar caustic Ijiieifer matches Loco Jhco do. Morphifei Magnify calcined da' curuouale Manna flake do common Mustard, white Nipple shells Nu5 VomUa Opium Opodeldoc Orrio root Oxalic acid Otto of Hosci Oiutment of mercury ofGalU of red precipitate ' of Hpa.iiih fly ' Citron Wafers, White wax on ne, his "Emporium of Health" w d u cfeoin ctitaui every variety of the tnouJ ijivIHiiofi Drugs, Melicincs, Paints, Dye-Stvjps, Oils, I'Tinl, Coi'fcctions, fyc. ec. which ore wurrantoil of good quality, having been carefully selected from the best established ware house in Philadelphia ; and whiih ho will sell at mo.t mlticed prices. Ho will use every exertion to tccominoiiate und benefit his custoliiirs, mid thero fore respectfully soliciU the j.utrunagc of a liberal public, 1). H, T01JIA8. liloomsburg, January C, 183tJ. UT 4t WINK, Ilrandy, flin, Cordial, Ac. juM re ceived, and ready for delivery to cuotomers at very reduced prices, by J. 1 Mmselmun, Co. Es'ate of Jacob Winter, late, ij I'lcasunt township, Columbia if Mount ta county, iirctasen. TVJO TICI! is he'eby given, that Letters of Ad Jij( ininitrution have Iwtu grantid to the subscri ber on the cutate of said deceased. Therefore all persons having claims against said ehtato are ic ijU"ted to present tliein, and those indebted wo le quested to inako immediate payment. Daunt Avw, Adiii'r t The Militia and Volunteers of the Snd. Battalion 8th. Division will parade for training ami Inspec tion in the following ordo-. The Volunteer Battalion of Union Guards, com manded by Muj'r. A. Smith, on Monday the 14th. day of May next. The 1st. Battalion of the 2nd. Regiment, com manded by Lt. Col. Bavid Middaugh on Tuesday the 16th. The Knd. Battalion ofthosaid Ilcglmcnton Wed jesday tho lb'th. The Volunteer Battalion of Columbia Guards commanded by Maj'r. Matthew McBc-vvcll on Thurs day tho l'i th. 'fho Huntincton and Union Volunteer Battalion commanded by Maj'r. L. Trescott on Friday the 18th Tho 2d Battalion of tho 115th Regiment com manded by Col. John Johnson on Monday the 31st. Tho 1st. Battalion of buid Regiment on Tuesday the 22d. The 1st. Battalion of tho Wyoming Volunteer Regiment commanded by Col. llendrick B. Wright on Wednesday the 23d. The Snd. Buttaliou of said Regiment on Thurs day the '.Mill. Tho 1st Battalion of tho HGth Regiment com manded by Col. 'l'homas lladlcy on Friday tho 5th. Tho 2nd IJattalion ol said Ucgnncnt on oaturoay the CUi. MILES AVERY Inspector Snd. Brigade 8th. DivLion Fa. Militia. Inspectors oflicc, ? $ Falls April 13lh. 1838.5 A Regimental court of Appeal will be held for tho 2nd Regiment Snd Brigade 8th Division Pa. .Militia at the house of Joseph Hampton Innkeeper in vescopeck township on baturday tho 28th. inst. at which timo and place tho field olliccrs constables and all oUicm interested are rcipjcttcd to attend. BOY that can come well recommend ed, Ironi 12 to in years ol airr1, ciina- '"u ofatteiiiliiiirlo horses anil waitou cusio- '"ets at the bur, will find employment and get liberal wagca by calling on JJunid Grots. Bloomsburg, March 3, 1838. 45 tf rvr h ,s ni l.nkn nlt. niul n l.inrn &Lir Ji-iJ quaiiiiiy uiurouuiwviuui oan, jusi icceivvu, unii lor Hale at the cl.o.ip store ol J. T. Mussclnian, $ Co. POUNDS of CHEESE inst received Irom ISew V ork. It is a prune lot, and will be sold by wholesale or retail at the store ol J. 1J. F1SIIUK. Match 10. 1638. DISSOLUTION OI' PAItTSEnSIUP. rgIIIi Partnendiip heretofore existing under tho U linn of 1 I.KliO, THOMAS & Co. was din- Bulvtd by mutual content on thu fifth of March, lti:i8. The busiucs will be continued by tho sub- cnlcr. Lloyd Thomat. March 21, 1833. 48 3lq Sicaim's Vermifuge, A IS" invaluable family mdicino for wormB, dys XTEL rotary, bowel complaints, cholic, cholera moruus, vomiting, pains or weakness in the stom- LCh loia of upputite, lever and ague, &c. kcjit ut Tobias's Health Emporium. xfaluaMo Property '1 im subscriber wishes to olitain tenants to a property in Rolirshurg, Greenwood township, Columbia county, consisting of O io of the dwellings hasherotoforo beeii o cuoied as a store, ami a person who would can-v on the mercantile business would be preferred a3 a tenant. The situation is a good one, it being in a most extensive him her country, and where considerable might he done in the tram business. I'osession will bo given on the fust day of April next.and any peroon wishing to ex amine the premises can receive every satis taction by calling mi the imucrftipiied. ANDREW McCLURE, Rohrsbtirg, Fob. I, 1838. 4a tf. HOTEL. IIEiYUY A. ZELJjEIIS, RESI'EC TFULL i announces to his friends and tho public generally, that he has moved into the house formerly occupied bv "William livers, in Seliusgrove, Union countv, Pa. whura ho is piopared to cup Icrtaiu in a suitable manner all those who may favor him w ith a call. Tho house is neatly finished, and conveniently calculated lor rulilic ENTERTAINMENT. uooti Ionus ana wnitcrs limn uecn en gaged, and tho Table supplied with the best provisions that can bo obtained in a plenti ful market, Particular attention has been pain lo fuioctioii ol ins liiquois which are behoved In lit of uqual quality lo thine of I any other house in the state. The Stabling is convenient mid cxiciimvc, and wed filled wiili tho best nf provender, and will bo at tended by the most careful ostlers, rail I i . . i i t . i no siinscriner respectiuiiy sour its a share of public patronage, which ho will on- ileavor to merit by moderate charges and strict attention in the comlort and conveni ence of his guests, UENRY A. ZELLERS, ftcliuigrove, Muali 31. 1838, iinjjorfcanl t6 bailors i PATENT ELASTIC SQ.UARE AND Self-varying Square Utile, For measuring and drafting emits, in con nection with another new mill tiseliil rule for cutting sale ot hoy's coat's upon a more laminar plan also, Htipenor rtilea tor cut ting all other garments imcuinhent on Unit branch', aro noviofrered to the trade by tho subscribers; bellying them to surpass eve ry thing of tho kind which ha3 proceeded them. SELF-VARYING RULE. Great imperfections in the art and liabil ities to produce a miss-fit have been stand ing before the cutler ever since the intro duction of rules, filling tho mind with fear and anxiety, until the coat is finished and tried on, at which crisis the blood is often caused to rush into the face at beholding a1 bail fitting coat. 1 ho rules, with onn or two cxcoptionsi which havo been in use ever since the first invention of the kind, were wholly prdi cnted upon principles giving the frame. pro portion lor every man, which principles would long since have been superceded by self-varying rules, had tailors but thought that tho variation in the proportions of men's bodies arc almost us many as in the I caturd of the face. Two or three rules styled Scif-variine, have made their appearance within about as many years, each itivcutoi claiming the hon or of having perfected ihe art, upon which J, I,. Wilson, oi Now York, cniHleil Ins svs- tcni perfect; hut instead of being peifcct, it contains many erroneous principles, which tho subscribers forbear to point out until that gentleman assails this assertion. Al s t h svstems have heretofore been dpfectivo1 in two wnvs : first, thev nrr onlv in iirtrl self-varying. Secondly, those parts whicH tro inleiulcil to be sell-varvinir aro drltftMivoB In fact, llicro siro certain points on the coat wlncb cannot be ellected by sell-vary in, principles in any other way, nor by an other means, than those laid down by l subscribers. Unlike anv other of the kind, this s tern now offered to the trade is conduc without any breast measure, and ciTuels erv point and every part of the coat by set varying principles, in a way calculated to convict tho senses ol anv reasonable man, ; lfr.lt fttimilil it nvnr Ca trv nmilni-n n irrinil llt'l upon any shape nh itevrr, tho charge must he laid to u careless and incorrect measure ment. lt may seem mysterious that thSv rule is said to bo self-varying, and yeUa'j square rule a square rule and yetcnnilup- ed without a breast measure ; hut the wllOn mvstcry will be unfolded at once by ox nation. Untvil!iiivto-(!are-its3idro,'tiiaTtP jubscribers are attempting to palrwi this sy teni upon tlio trade Willi mlsreprecnuiions, iney avow tlieir willingness to sufoinit it in to the hands of an impartial comltutlcc fo; an examination oi its prinriplcs, n.f. compar ison with any other over inventeld in the United States, at Philadelphia or New York, which committee shall make the deiSWon known through the prpss. Tho aubsdri hcrs set all systems which arc covenled wholly by Iho breast measure aside as m. fcrior and not worthy to compare with consequently they will compare with nofce out sucn as aro governed in part by ec I- varying principles. For if tho prinripljg lore olfereu to the trade ate not worthy If patronage it is right that it should be made known, and they sink inlo oblivion. On tle contrary, if they are found as above rcprcsk , eutcd, or if thereby tho subscribers lulve pii an end to all further improvcmentsty ihu art of cutting coats they deserve soiepat"-' ronage and compensation for their extfiions. I'jr n i if for iv trded to order S l( if per sonally taugut ia i UUAKLKS KAI1LER, V. ILLIAM KAfllLER nioomsburg, Pa, Feb. 1, 183F IIADEX SMITII, Respectfully informs the public, that ho is propared to receive and execute orders in Iho above line, and from his knowledge of the art, having had extensive practice for tho last fifteen years, considers himself jus tified in stating that he can give perfect sat- islacuon to all who may employ linW 1 opograpiucal maps lurnislied ncrhrdingl to tho latest improvement, in tho hajdsoni-j est and most correct manner, ami lvelling' of every description faithfully performed. Ablo assistants are engaged. wrders leit witn tlio loiiowin-t persons! will meet wnn immemato attention, Jama Tagart, Eiq., Tamaaua. is. narmon. ljsq., l)(f,vule, John Weaver, Esq., Potsville, John S. Iiwram, Esq, Illoomshurg. J Com'lius Conner, Em., Mauth Chunk Tench C, KintzingEsn. Cattawiisa. Cattawisfa, ?a, Feb. J, 1838. 42 Ot Looltat This ! ! A l'T' persot'is inilebled lo the subscriber ft cilher liy Nolo or Hook Account, pre-yJ J vious ;o this dale, will oblige him by making paiiuent before tho first day of A- priluext. Alter that d.ite tho collection of such demands will bo attended with Costs. There will bo no mistako in this notice, O, 1L FISHER Moomeburg, March 10, 18J9 v.