TUG COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. "TIICTII WITHOUT Ttill fitiT trill) Jli', JJPJIIfj 21, 1838. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION FOR GOVERNOR i GEX. DAVID It. PORTER. (or HUNTINGDON COUNTY.) NOTICE. Thi partnership Ijcrctoforc existing bclwpcn thi Rultscribcrs, as nuulUhcn of tho "Columbia Demo crat" was mutually dissolved on tho 17th instant, land nil dobts due l!io alfico for subscription,- adver tising, &c. are payable to Jolin 8. Ingrain, who inirebascd tho entire interest of Mr. Mills in tho establishment. JOHN S. INGRAM, FRANKLIN S. MILLS, N. I). Payments td either of the hands in tho of fice will be a sulbcirnt discharge to delinquents. Bloomsburg, March 24, 1838i (tfNUMUER 52!.rn The above number will cldso dur connexion With this paper, and alt tho accounts will be placed in proper hands to enforco speedy collection. Thoso 'who neglect setlleniei't will pay $2 50 and costs, as wo must pursue this course in accordance with our terms, and. (o answer our immediate necessities, Will our ptttront, who are delinquent, oblige us be prompt settlement, and thus continue the reciprocal friendship manifested on both sides! Come, gen tleman '-the laborer is worthy of his hire," and we want our wages. To our Patroins, JCjTlie present number concludes the first year's publication; of the "Columbin Democrat," and terminates the editorial con trol of the Undersigned. Mr. Henry Wuitn heretofore Senior editor of the "Wyoming Republican," hag purchased the establish ment, and will hqreafter bo editor and prq- prietor; and from his qualifications and pa litical principles, I apprehend that no disad vantage will bo sustained by subscribers through the change. I return my sincere acknowledgment to those through whose exertions and patronage I was so well mts tained during my twelve months' editorship and would solicit a continuance of such favors to my successor. It is with tho most kindly feelings friendship and esteem that 1 now express ' my regard on leaving the patrons of the "Democrat," and tho pcoplo who form the bmiable social circle which renders a resi denco hero so agreeable: and while editor of another paper in this Senatorial district I shall neither forcet their personal friend fillip nor overlook their public interests. JOHN S. INGRAM Dloomsburg, April 20, 1838. Sr?Thc Books, &e. of this establish mcnt are now in the hands of Ouakli: KAiu.tR, Esq. and delinquent customers will bo promptly waited upon, through th threatened channel, after the 15th of May next, at $2 50 per annum. Wn sincerely hope the appointed day may find but few delinquents. On Tuesday last, on mbtion of G. A Frick Esq. B. Rush Pelrikin, Esq. admitled to practice as an Attorney in the ecvcral Courts of this County. tC7Wc aro requested to say that tho Methodist church in this place, will bo open for service on next Sunday afternoon at four o'clock P. M. fCj"The proceedings of tho Democratic County meeting were received too ' lato for publication this week on account, of tho onriu' hniir at which our present numue was put to press. HARD CURRENCY. Tim following is said lo bo tho flint wlili which :i certain safety fund Bank in Michigan'redeoms its notes, to wits All notes under S5 in whetstones. All over S5 and under 810 grindstone, u ftio 620 in millstones. 'd'iT- 820 and upwards, in checks au any nlinrrv in IMft NtnfP. If snrii 1r ihn case, we mar shortly peel a general resumption of "hard slvjf payment. From a statement published in ono of the Ttfnw Orleans nnnors. wo learn that nn the 21st of last month, the Now Orleans Banks liail 2.070.723 dollars in specio in their vanltH. Their notes in circulation amoun tetj lo '1,734,730. Tho money placed with l.nin nn ilnnnsilfi. WaS eicllt millions of dol lars. Tluir diHCOiinis ami loans were equal to fifiv-two millions of dollars, on n capital nnul in of iihont f irtv millions. Their in - vestment in real wtatoi &c. were valued at. S7,a37,!j46 Soino of the Federal nan'crs affect tho be- ief that because no rcWt'ton approving of ic General Administration was adopted by the Democratic Convention recently held in this place, that thereforo, the popularity I Mr. van Uuren with tho democratic par ty is on, tho wane. I heso wiseacres cn tiroly over look tho address adopted by tho Convention. The expression of confidence in tho President, contained in that paper, although brief, is but the echo of the senti ment of tiie democratic parly throughout the Commonwealth. Notwithstanding all the clamor that has been created by the Fed eral Bankitcs about the bill before Congress to separate the Government from the Banks, notwithstanding the misapprehension which exists in a very small portion of tho Demo cratic party as to tho effects of that great and nationally important measure Mr. Van uuren never stood higher in the confidence and esteem of tho party in Pennsylvania than ho does at tho present moment, For proof of this fact, wo need only refer lo to tho proceedings of every Democratic mcctinir which lias been recently held in the Commonwealth; At the unusually large assemblage ol tho Hcmocrajs of the city and county of Philadelphia, held on Friday last, called lor tho purpose ot promoting tho elec tion ol Gen. Porter to the Cluer Magistracy of Pennsylvania, the following, among oth er resolutions, was unanimously adopted: "Kesolved, 1 Hat tins' meeting entertains the highest confidence in the abilities, firm ness and patriotism of Martin Van Buren, President ot the U. States; his previous ra reer as well as his course since he was pla ecu in the 'residential Uliair, are sttcli as in their opinion entitle him to the unabated confidence and support of the democratic party throughout the Union, and this meet iug will at all times be ready to sustain an administration at once enlightened ami pa triotie.'' Wo refer particularly to this resolution, btidause we observe among the names of the gentlemen who officiated as officers of the meeting, those ol Gen. Patterson. 1. D Grovcr, Peter Hay, (editor of the Ameri can Sentinel) and other prominent Individ uals who were most active in getting up the . .! .1. ! . iiiuuiiug ieceuuy nciu in mat cuy in oppo sition to too i rcastiry mil. tins tact is important, showinir. as it does, that that nor tion of the democratic party, who disagree with the President as to the expediency ol a particular measure, are not on that account prepared to abandon cither the general prin eiplcs for which they have heretofore lion estly contended, or the Chief Magistrate whose whole life has been faithfully devoted to a defence ot those principles. It isi there lore, idle lor the redcral presses to attempt to create even a suspicion that the populari ty ot Air. van uuren is on me decline in Pennsylvania. Harrhburg Jleporleri WnxiAMsroiiT i Towanda. Wd understand that the P. Jlaster Gencr al has determined lo restore the mail facili ties, formerly existing between the north and West Branches of the Susquehanna, at those two important points, and has issued proposals lor carrying tho mail three times a week in coaches, from Canton to Mon roeton. which will complete tiie connexion from Williamsport to Towanda. This will be very gratifying intelligence to the inhab itants of that section of the state, who will not fail to perceive in this a new evidence ot the disposition ol the Post Mastei Gen oral to accommodate tho public by increas ing the mail facilities wherever tho inerea sing improvements, population, and inter course will justify the measure, as they unquestionably did m the present instance I ho present incumbent, in redticiuir the mail facilities, and thereby curtailing the ex peases of the department, when he first en tered upon the duties of his office, we then thought, and still think, made unnecessary reductions of tho force employed on mail routes in Pennsylvania. Wo aro clad to find, however, as the resources of the de partmcnt will warrant it, he is restoring the labilities granted by las predecessors. Keystone 'I ho Harrisburg Chronicle says that Gert David R. Porlei "was one of the moving spirits in the loco foco meeting in Hunt' injrdon, which, in 1830, denounced the chaitor of thu United States Bank of Pcnii sylvania as having been obtained througl fraud," &c. This is what we like lo hear and wo do tint doubt hut it is a fact. was on that ground we voted, with thous anils of others', for him for Senator in 1830 and for the very same reason wo shall again with many more thousands, vote for him for Governor. If that is all the objection the Chronicle can find to General Porter, his election by 40,000 majority is certain ycrry to, .uetnocrcu. Money la becoming a slippery article as witness another instance, Mysteriousi Tho late Mississippi Leg lslaturo discovered that tho "literary fund' of the State, amounting to 0170,000, could neither bo lound nor accounted for. J h monoy had cettainly disappeared, but to ascertain whither it had cono was a las that baflled the ingonUity of all the public authorities ol tho stato, Captain Edmund P. Kennedy, for ill , navy, was presented on Wednesday with , sword, voted to bun by the Leirisliuro Maryland, his native Staterfor his conduct iu the allow of Tn poly under Jootu. fBoth lfouscs of the Legislature have pass- u o hill, requiring tho stale treasurer to pay S100 to each Regiment of Volunteers in this stato who shall encamp to drill for thrco successive days. Tho bill also pro- ides lor the payment dl $50 to each Bat talion. This act will have a most salutary fleet in strengthening and inspiration our numerous volunteer corps. A Moxstkr. Wo learn, that a few days since, tic engineer on tho Norristown rail road, fortunately perceived m time, when nearly opposite tho falls, a bundle laying directly athwart one of the rails; and on stopping to icinovo it, discovered it to be a young ci, rolled up in some clothes, and alive! where it doubtless had been placed bv its inhuman mother. The little innocent ,vas properly taken caroof, but no clue has yet been discovered of the monster who thus sought to destroy her offspring. Mr. Garretson offered an amend ment to" make the salary of the Super intendent of Common Schools. 500 dollars pur year. Mr. Johnston moved to amend the amendment, to increase it to 1000 dol lars a year. In the course of the debaic Upon these propositions; several of the mem bers spoke of the indefatigable and intelligent exertions of the present Superintendent, nud believed his great labors should he much more generous ly remunerated. 1 lie amendment of Mr. Johnston was not agreed to Yeas ill, Kays 42. 1 tic original amendment was agreed to Yeas 51, Nays 20 nnd the hill pas sed final reading Yeas 58, Nays 9. Col. S.okuel Lount. Tlid Pcrinsylva- nia Inquirer nnd Courier of Thursday last, on the authority of letters received, dated Toronto U. C. .ipril 3d states, that Gener al Sutherland had been found guilty of treason and would bo executed forthwith! And that X Lount and Matthews, tUo prommenttcriders in the lalo rebellion on lieing arraigned; plead guilty, and were sentenced lo bo hung on tho 12th instant. Application was made in behalf of tbeso prisoners for the royal clemency, which was promptly relused by tho Governor. Colonel Lount is welfknown in this vi- cinitVj having been raised at Catnwissa in tins county, Irom whence he removed to Canada soma years since with his father. Col. Co. Register. OBITUARY. DIED, of consumption, in this place, on Monday evening last Miss. busA.v Christ man, daughter of Mr. Casper Christinan aged about 23 ) cars. ITEW SADDLERY. The Subscriber "WK7T)ULD respectfully inform the citi w v zens ot IJloomshurg and its vicinity that he has removed his shop from Marke street, to Alain street, in a building belon mg to Andrew Ivulin, nearly opposite bsqinre Kahler s office, whore he will happy to wait upon all persons who may lavour him with a call in his line ol uusi ness. JO-SADDLES, BRIDLES and HAR lJi,tb, made and repaired at the shortcs notice and on the most reasonable terms. ALEXANDER RITTKR. Bloomsburg, April 21, 1838. MILITARY NOTICES. THE members of tho IsnEPExnEvr Tuoop aro notified to meet on Monday tho 7th clay of May next at tho houso of Wm. Hohison in lilooms turg, at 10 o'clock A. M. with aims and accoutre ments in good order for parade and inspection. It ii expected that all members indebted for fines due from last year, will make payment on that day, - as warrants will be Issued for Uio collection of all fines not then paid. IJy order of tho Captain 1 SWABV Cd. S. Woomsburg, April 13, 1833. WASHINGTON GUARDS H7"OTJ are commanded to meet at the public houe XJ. of Daniel Gross, on Monday the 7th day of May noxt, at ten o'clock A. M. prc-porty cfjuipod, and provided with ten rounds of blank cartridge, lly order of tho Captain Wiri. I'. I. PAINTER O.S. N. D. There will bo an election held (or orderly sorgcant uttUo eamo timo and placa, Illoomsburg, April 13 Jd3& &ool at This J I ALL persons Indobted to tho subscriber either by Note or Book Account, pre- vious to this date, will obligo him by making payment before tho first day of A priluexU After that dato tho collection of such demands will bo attended with Costs. Tojiro will bo no mistake in this notice. (3.' B: FISHER. Bloomsburg, March 10, 1838. UttWunOs Tonic Mixture, 11 Vegetable Vermifuge, a l isting euro for tho favor sou Ajjuo. oa nana aim tor raic uy u, s, mm. WSISASWESIBaS AIMS Unseated Lands-1838. NOTICE is. hereby elven. that anrcca- bly to an Act of General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the 13th of March, 1815, and entitled "An act to amend tho act entitled an act direct ing the mode of selling unseated lands for axes and loi other purposes," the follow ing 1 racts ol Land will bo sold at Public Vendue, on the second Monday of June next, at tiie Court House in the Horough of Danville, in the county or Columbia, for arrearages of Taxes due, and the Cost ac crued on each lot respectively; ROARING CREEK. jlcrcs. Warrantee names: 382 Ashton Georco Taxi 10 87 11 73 12 01 8 02 8 02 10 27 9 50 8 02 8 02 8 52 8 52 80 9 20 1 05 9 50 0 03 9 03 111 129 Billington Thomas' Beau Joshua Benson Peter Beasley Johnson Barron" Thomas, in , Brown Nathaniel Barran John, Jr. Biltlcr Samuel Boueham Eliza Bomb John Jr. Brewer. William . Beckham George , Clingerman Jacob Cunningham Thomas Cope Thomas P. Doliaven Peter -Elliot William Gobbin Charles Hains Josiah Ilelurg Adam Hciltzheimer Robert Heiltzheimcr Thomas Jordon Joseph Kennear Robert Kcnnady Andrew Lednard Lcsher " 1 Leminons William Lcmmons Matthew and Ruckel John, Jr. Lawrence Joseph 313 317 128 100 313 100 101 401 40 382 80 10 too 109 44 30 40 40 10 50 8 34 0 83 0 50 8 81 0 20 9 03 9 10 9 20 3 bo 9 80 5 41 9 01 9 50 9 27 9 23 9 03 10 73 2 50 6 39 9 9G 9 50 357 38 10" 37u 383 207 43 22J 405 41)0 Long George 4()9 Lowns Caleb Met artvJolm 4t)(J Miller William il3 Myers Mary 1)0 Montgomery Daniel Ifll Miller Martha 4o0i Mench Henry q Miller George and Raver Jonathan. C 800 Norris Isaac . 9 02 409 Powel William 9 03 09 Porter William ' 0 03 a10 Piiabody Stephen 7 00 C23 Porter James 7 70 09 Porter Robert 9 47 380 ituslon Mary 10 80 48l Huston Thomas 11 90 380 Reece Daniel 10 90 87 Ruston Isaac 2 03 410 Reynolds John - 12 50 420 Ruston Charlotte 11 10 428 Raver George Jr; 10 28 409 Reece Daniel 1 1 78 481 Shannon William 9 29 ;)10 TrucKimiller Charles 8 00 395 Tunis Richard 9 23 409 Whiteman John 9 03 4 19 Warner John . 9 03 400 Wiekersham Amos 9 03 431 -Webb Samuel 10 30 437 Whitehead Robert 10 37 300 Walter Barbara 7 51 400 Wheeler William 9 50 481 Walter Lewis 12 79 38 Yctter Joint 1 08 MADISON. 400 Armstrong James 350 Armstrong Elenor" 338 Brady John 300 Brady Jane 300 Corntllison Mary 300 Cornelison William 130 Fox John (in part) 200 Gordon Thomas 200 , Goiden Jane (in part) 450 Giirou Hannah 200 Hunter Robert (in part) 210 Hains Josiah do. 408 Hepburn James 451 Johnson Margaret (in part) 401 LyntiJolm 200' Levy Anrnn 400 Lyon Robert , 200 Leho Henry (in part) 401 Mayland Samuel 220 Montgomery Mary 350 Miller Thomas (in part) 403 RupcrtJame 427 Scott Alexander 432 Strech Joseph 421 Tower James 220 Woodslde John 220 Woodside Klcnor iJOO Woodside Thomas . SUGARLOA 400 Beasley Johnson 283 Copo Thomas P. ' ' 400 Caldwell Dav.id" . 57 Evans Able 353 GiflonMary 414 Grubb Fetor 410 Hall Oharlc - 423 Harlley.Thamn 385 Hoiater Daniel 100 Hall Francis v 33Q Montgomery Sueaiw 384 Owen Abraham 80 Russel John 300 Sponcer Samuel 00 fSurgent Jonathan 487 Wood WiiliMi 2 40 1 80 2 02 1 80 2 10 2 10 00 1 20 1 20 2 70 1 21 1 20 2 41 2 70 2 40 1 20 2 40 1 20 2 42 1 32 2 10 2 40 2 51 2 58 2 52 1 32 1 33 1.20 a 00 4. 01 12 20 14 33 ' 7 02 0 30 9 16 II 80 14 58 , 340 OfjO 10 01 00 0 73 1 03 700 424 WilliamnVillfamfT '. ' 0 27 400 Yates Jasper 0 00 FISHING CREEK. . 184 Buchanan Arthur ' . 1 10 23 Frick Philip ' f 61 157 Mcllcnry Ann ' 93 308 Ogdcn John ' '.. M 84 100 Petlerhian James : 90' 340 Solomon John "'-5 78 MOUNT PLEASANT, 30 Mclich Samuel 54 30 Monlgomery Robert . 30 MIFFLIN: 235 Lotties Matthias . ' S '82 OATTAWISSA." 400 Dovetjbauch John 0 00 305J Iminel Christian 5 47 375 Khmer Robert 5 CO 50 Kunkle John ' 1 T4 GREENWOOD. 430 Agnes Alexander ,,. 3 911 150 Bowman William 1 34 150 Colt Nathaniel '134 436 Mellenry Edward . 8 92 200 Mcllcnry Daniel 1 80 330 Mellenry Precila f 3 02 334 Strawbridge Alexander 3 00 200 Young John i 80 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, To owners ofunseated lands and others con cerned, that I have authorized and empow ered Jacob Hibler, Clerk of the Commis sioners for Columbia couiily, in case of my absence, to receive payment bf taxes oh. unseated lands, in the different townships ot said county, and to give receipts and other sufficient acquittances and discharges for the same for me, and 111 my name, place, and stead. Landholders and others inter ested, are requested to attend by themselves or agents, al the Commissioner's Office, iu Danville, in said county, and pay their tax es belbrd the 1 1 th day of Juile next; when all the tracts upon which arrearage taxes aro due and unpaid, will be exposed for salo, as above. H. Mc.WILLIAMS, Thamrcr. March 29, 1838. BRS&ADB ORDBR. The Militia and Volunteers of the Snd. Oattaliori 8lh. Division will parade for training and Inspec tion in tliofollowhig ordc-. Tho Volunteer ltatuhon of- Union Guards, com mantled by Maj'r. A. Smith, On Monday the 14th. uay 01 May next. Tho lfit. liattalion.of the Snd, Regiment, com innndedby Lt. Col. Daud Middaugh on Tuesday tho 15th. Tho i!nd. Battalion df thosald Regiment on Wcd--jefday tho 16lh. . . Tho Volunteer Battalion bf Columbia Guards commanded by Maj'r; Matthew McDowell on Thurs day tho 17th. Tho Huntington and Union Volunteer Ilattalion commanded by .Maj'r. I.. Trcscott on Friday tho 18th Tho 2d Battalion of the 115th Regiment .com manded by Col. John Johnson 011 Monday tho 21st. The 1st. Battalion of said Regiment on Tuesday the 22d. The Ut. Battalion of tho Wyoming Volunteer Regiment commanded by Col. llendrick B. Wright on Wednesday the 23d. The Snd. Battalion of said Regiment on Thurs day the 24th. Tho 1st. Battalion of the HCth Regiment com manded by Col. Thomas Hadloy on Friday tho 25th. The 2nd Battalion of said Regiment on Saturday the 2Cth. MILES AVERY Inspector 2nd. Brigade 6th. Division Pa. Militia. Inrpectors office, Palls April 13tU. 1838. A Regimental court of Appeal will be. held for the 2nd Regiment 2nd Brigade 8th Division Pa. .Militia at the house of Joseph Hampton Innkeeper in JCcicopcck township on Saturday tho 28th. inst at which timo and place Ihe field officers constables and all others interested are requested to attend. HOTEL. HENRY A. ZELLERS, RESPECTFULLY announces to hi friends and the public generally, that he has; moved into t)io hriiise formerly occupied by William Byers, in Solmsgrove, Union1 county, Pa. where he is pto'pared to en tertain in a suitable manner all those wlo may favor him with a call. The house is neatly 'finished, and conveniently calculated for Public Good Cooks and Waiters have been en gaged, and the 'fable supplied with tho beat provisions that can be obtained in a plenti ful market. Particular attention has been paid to selection of his Llqitors which are believed to be of equal quality lo thoso of any other house in the state. TheStablinsr is convenient and extensive, and wellfillort with tho best of provender, and will ba f tondod by the most careful ostlers The subscriber rcsneclfullv solicits' a ,ih.an of public patronage, which ha will ert- Oeavor to inecu by moderato chorgc ami strict attention to tire comfort aid cwvbtff- one's oif hks'gutists. HENRY A. ZELfiEKfi, Selinsrovr, March 31, 1833. FOR Agood OOOKrNO 8T0 VD, and a snail BSne Coal 8!ovt. borides sovcral articloo of Fund turn which aro InronvonidittorcmovQaay dicfctnWi, Tui' will bo said ut a sacfulcc. Apply to tho 1KV-' ieor ol the k Columbia Uifrnjcnit," Marvli 21, ms.