The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, April 07, 1838, Image 4

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    The JJrtdc'a ISituriu
Sh hath her . wish for which in vsin
She pined in restless dreams
"Oh mother! is this home again!
Howdcaolato il seems!"
Tet all the dear familHar things
Look as thcydid of yore; . "
Bnt oh! the change this sad heart wlngs-
"Chis is my hoino no morel"
"I left Ihec! like the dove of old(
I left thy parent breast- H
But on life's wasto of waters cold,
My soul hath found no rest!
And back the weary bird is come,
It's woce it's wanderings o'er;
Ne'er from the holy atk to roam-
Yet this is homo no more!
"Oh mother! sing my childhood s sorigs;
They fall like summer's rain
On this worn heart that vainly lengj
To bo Ait thine again!
Speak comfort to mc! call mo yet
Thy Mary, as of y ore; f ,
These words could make' rae half forget
That this is homo ho more!
'8it near me! Oh this hour repays
Long years of lonely pain ;
I feel as if tho old bright days
wore all come back again!
My heartbeats thick with happy droama
Mino eyes with tears run o'er!
Thou'rt with mo mother! Oh it seems
Like home! ouu home, onco more!
"Oh homo and mother! canyo not
Give back my heart's glad youth!
T,ho vision which my soul forgot,
Or learned to doubt their truth!
Givo back my childhood's peaceful sleep,
Its aimless hopes Tcstorc!
Yo cannot! Mother let mo weep
Fsr this is home no more!"
Thou mourner of departed dreams!
On earth there is no rest a
When grief hath troubled the pure streams
Of memory in thy breast!
A- shadow on thy path shall Ho
Where sunshine laughed before ;
Look upwards to Ihc happy sky!
Earth is thy'homo no imire!
From tho Philadelphia Public Ledger.
Curst be the hand that crush'd thee to the earth,
III fated victim of the murderous crew!
Lives thcro a man who honours not thy worth!
'ro that mad gang, who feared thy cause and thee.
Xetlieap quick honors' o or thy memory.
Wily assassins! who with purposo fell,
In thirst for blood could prate of "chivalrij."
Scorn shall pursuo thy name; and.Jowest hell
Eternal prove thy "lower lira" to thee!
Go! guilt-stancd votary of a Draco codo
Ravel upon tho ruin though hast wrought!
Anguish shall haunt thy steps thy sleep corrode,
Visions of blood shall stain thy waking thought.
Envenomed too.' Hate, like a loafhsomo pest,
Shall scorgo thee to thy tomb that shall not give
tnu rcsu
Wretch! hated wretch! now writhing' in "the
UngendorM by thy festering infamy .
Me as thou art.- thy name, throughout ail timo
Branded like Cain's, shall never die.
Z. E. B.
The houso voted to wear crapo for thirty days,
A RrvoumoNAitT Ilnno. Y Fact. Tho!
1th of July, 18-, was celebrated m tho us
ual manner, with civic and military rejoic
ing in one 01 vne mosi consiucraoic towns i
in eastern rcniisyivania. m tlio evening j
r thcuay a public festival was hold Within a
beautiful erovo at tho suburbs of tho town.
he Uommilteo ol Arrangement, by request j
f the orator, appointed for tho occasion,
Mr. B , collected all tho revolutiona
ry veterans they could find within tho com
pass ot several miles and arranged lliotn
with fine effect on cither side of the chair of
tho President. Every thing went off charm
ingly tlio dinner was excellent the wino
was delicious tho music was soul-stirring,
and tho toasts patriotic. After (ho Declara
Hon of independence was read, Mr. JJ
rose and addressed the meeting, in a strain
ot cloquenco which called lorth heartlelt and
rapluroti3 bursts of applause. Ho dwelt na
theucally on tno hardships and privations ot
that little band of heroes who fought and bled
by the side of our beloved Washington,
through all the memorable struggle, winch
ended in tho glorious achievement of our
liberties. In tho midst ot his discourse, he
turned round to the old veterans, whose
moistened eyes showed how well the chord
that awoke in their recollections the thrill
itiff deeds of by-gone days, had been touch
ed, he suddenly questioned a silver-haired
"What battles, my old inend, have you
fought ml wont you tell usr
"I crossed tho Brandy wine with Wash
ington founht at Yorktown and saw the
surrender of Lord Cornwallis."
"And you," continued the Orator.
"I was at Saratoga; and, I tell voti, it
done our hearts good to sco the red-coats
march by us with furled banners and revers
ed arms fine looking fellows tfiey were
"I was with General Green, through all
his Southern campaign, and 1 fought with
luin m every battle."
"And vou, whero were your laurels
"On tho sea," answered tho weather-
beaten old tar. "I was with Barry, when
ho taught tho proud Britons that we were as
invmciblo on tlio ocean as on tho land."
Tho cheering was tremendous.
The orator wont on.
"And vou telLus where your honored
garland wcro earned? speak, old father,
upon what field of blood did you behold vie
lorv perched upon our Hag! 1
"Vy, by Jo, I was at Trenton." "
"Under Washington, gallant soldier, un-
'der Washington."
"U, ya; 1 vash oonder Vashinglon, als
von vo soorrendcrs"
"surrendered! what do you mean my
old heiol .surrendered!"
"Vy, vy. mem her! be sure ve sorrender
cd oonder Slicncrals Vashington I vash
one of de Ilessiaas!"
Imagine, reader, the surprise of tlio audi
encc, tho momentary suspense, and the
deadening roar of laughter and plaudits that
KinK Ani AM A T -J
For pvMhhlnff at I'otttcWe, Va. an Jinjiertal UYr.ty tXttctpcjicr, to he cnUtttit
'A'o the Distressed & Afflicted!
The urgcnt'solicitations of numerous friends, and the prospect of liberal patronage,
havo indiiocd tho undersigned to issue these proposals, anu asK tlio support ot mc puu-
lic. In politics, tho "Pottsvim.i: EjironiuM' will zealously support tho principles and
And Family Drug Warehouse.
"Tho poor man's riches Uio rich man's bliss."
cmididntes of t in Dnmnr-rntir; nartv. and particularly tlio nominee ot tlio oth ol
flnnvRiitinn : Ttnt. nsii1 from nattv feolinir. it shall bo our main object to enh
iniprPHtH nf nur fnllmv.riiisfins. hv nromotinir that industry and enterprise which
ance tho
ttsc tho operations of the Coal Region. AVo shall go for the honest many against the
designing few on all occasions, reverencing that principle in our political creed, and op-
. . t I il .1 -1 I 1 r. ,1...
posing any monopoly wnicu may roiaru mc cxcrcisu oi iiiuivwuai nguia.ui miu mu
tendency to put down individual industry and enterprise. In fine, our object shall ho
o promote tho welfare of tlio community amongst whom vVc live to please and in
struct and with nn other nromise3. we shrill commence our paper, hoping that our ex
perience both as mechanical printers and editors, may fit us for our task, and afford that
gratification to patrons which ncvci fails to induce tho necessary recompense for servi
ces rendcreu m a lauuauie unucriaKiiig, .
At present thcro is hut one English paper published in tho county of Schuylkill a
r.mintv whose tnrriinrv is completely spotted with villages, and whoso citizens rank
j .... - , . " r .t 1.1. 1-V
ninntKrHi t in mnat in!i irrpnt. mi USttlOUS and CntCrnriSlllff 01 mc COmuUHlwu.mii, iiw
: o" . " ... ... f. ' .1 i I rv . . l.1
1835, Schuylkill polled almost vjouy votes, ano uio commneu j;cmocrauc voiu uAttaiui
innn. 'Plinn n .Iniiht not of tlio success of our'establislimcnt, provided tho exertion of
friends may, in the launching of our bark, prevent it from mooring upon those roci;s anil
shoals which generally render the commencement oi a paper a maiicr oi so hiuuh a.v
ioIv nnil nvnp.nnn In llin nrnnriotors.
.. ' ' . 1 1 i ,. i i ..t.t. t i t....i Arsptiie.nh:
The "1'ottsvilu: lijirontuji" will, do puousucn wcciiiy, on an impurnu auuui, u . . --- --
TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable somi-anuually in advance, or W &u it not paiu Uatk Pc
withm tho year.
rho first number will bo puulislictl aooui inc lirsi 01 4uay nuxi
respectfully solicited. rtTTV T.,r
O. Ill
rXTHE subscriber would respectfully announce to
R his friends and tho public that ho has onencd
a general assortment of
Brugs 8c Medicines,
at his Drug and Chemical Storo in Dloomsburg,
and that he will bo happy to supply the wants of
those who may giv0 him a call. Among his as
sortment are :
Acid benzoic
' niltln
Annl seed
Acetate of zinc
Antimony (crudo
Arrow root ,
Subscriptions are
FnnnuAUY 8, 1803.
&&Sf"E) elBHirnsr?) Important to Tailors I
R'esncctfullv informs tho public, that ho
is prepared to receive and execute orders in
tho above line, and from his knowledge of
the art, having had extensive practice tor
tho last fifteen years, considers himself jus
tified in stating that he can give perfect sat
isfaction to all whp may employ htm.
ScltrvavyjHg Sqwavc Rule,
ror measuring and drafting coats, in con
nection with another new and useful rule
fyr.eutting sale or boy's coat'3 upon a more
familiar plan ; also, superior rules lor cut-
Topographical maps" furnished according ting all other garments incumbent on that
to tho latest improvement, in the handsom
est and most correct manner, and levelling
of every description faithfully performed.
Ablo assistants aro engaged...
Orders left with tho following persons
will meet with immediate altonlion.
Jamcs-.Taggart, Esq., Tamaqua.
S. 1). ilarmon, Esq., Danville.
John JFcuvcr, Esq., Poltsville,
John S. Ingram, Esq., Dloomsburg-.
Gorntlius Conner, Esq., Mauch Chunk.
Tench C. Kinlzing, Esq. CatlauAssa.
Caltawissa, Feb. 10, 1838. & Ot
Av PTtmmnlv iiRnfiil mill ttinrnnirhlv
provon PATENT SYSTEM for cutting portion for every man, which principles
r 1. . -rx tt 1 fi A...r wnnlil lnntr mnrn linvn lippn itnArrPiliil lit
branch, arc now offered to tho trade by tho
subscribers ; bclivinc them to surpass eve
ry thing of tho kind which has proceeded
Great imperfections in the art and liabil
ities to produce a miss-fit have been stand
.ing before the cutter ever since the intro
duction of rules, filling tho mind with fear
and anxiety, until the coat is finished and
tried on, at which crisis the blood is "f'en
caused to rush into tho face at bclioldin a
bad fitting coat.
The rulc3, with one or two exceptions,
which havo been in use over &inco the first
invention of tho kind, wore wholly predi
cated upon principles giving the same pro-
Lovo is a new intelligence entered into
the being ; it is the softest, but tho most sub
tlo light; in all experience it deceives itself;
but how many truths does it teach how
much knowledge does it impartl It makes
us live to a thousand feelings, of whoso ve
ly existence, till then, we had not dreamed.
Tho poet's pago has a new magic ; we com
prehend oil that had before seemed graceful
exaggeration, wo now find that poetry falls
short of what it seeks, to express and we
take anew delight in tho musical language
that seems made for tenderness. Even into
philosophy is carried the deeper truth of tho
ncart anu now many inconsistencies arc
at onco understood! Wo grow more indul
gent, moro pitying; and one sweet weak
ness ot our own leads to much indulgence
for other's. Wo doubt, however, whether
the term weakness bo not misapplied in this
case. If there bo one emotion that redeems
our humanity, by slirrincr all that is renci
ous and unselfish within us, that awakens
all tho poetry of our nature, and that makes
us believe in that heaven of Which it bears
tho likeness, it is love": love, spiritual devot
ed and eternal : lovo that softens the shadow
of tho valley of death, fo welcome us after
to us own and immortal homo. Some
GrecK poet says "What docs he know
who has not sulTercd?" He might havo
asked "What does ho know who has not
lovedi Alasl both nucstions arc svnonv
mous! Hoaven help tho heart that breaks
with it after knowledgo! How sad seemed
the lot of a younir trirl. touched by all tho
keen susceptibilities of yputh, full of gentle
anu snnnRing tendemeslf.Mated to be uure
i'rnt.d! Nothing can compensalo to a natne
s fascination about beauty, which seems,
.die all fairy gifts, crowded into one. It
" itlioutan effort, and obtains credit forpos
'ws8ing every thing else. How many
r ideations, from its very cradle, has tho
: ;)!'a0iujr extarior to endure! To bo un
- d what a fa(o for a woman 'whose cle-
. it is lovo! 7Jia London.
A boy having been praised for his quick
mss of reply, a gentlpman observed, when
c !iiturt;n arc to keen in their youth, they
aro generally stupid when thoy advance in
years. "Wat a very sonsiblo boy you
rrua.1 nave ben sliy ' replied the child.
Tho following is tho Prefaco to Tjmothc
us Tittcrwcll's work of "Yankee Notions."
"Tho worst thing for a man's health is
melancholy, but a eood joke helps dines
1 1 1 1 1 ?ri-
nun uuu inuiuuitra luuguviiy. ji l'uimj iokg,
like a shorris sack, hath a twofold operation.
It ascends me into the brain; dries ino thcro
all tho foolish, and dull, and crudy vapors
which environ it; makes it apprehensivo,
quick, forgeiive.-full of nimble, fiery', delec
table shapes, wJnch acting shly and sympa'
thetically upon the corners of the mouth,
produce hearty, jovial, honest laughter.
I ho other properly of your excellent ioke
is, ttie warming ot llie iiioou, winch belorc.
cold and settled,, left the face long, the heart
lumpish, the looks dumpish, and tho whole
inward anu outward man most dismallv
frumpish; all of which aro tho badge of pu-
siiinnuimy, cynicai sourness, anu prcuuo
sapient self-conceit. But the ioke warms
it, and makes it course from the inwards to
tho parts extreme, molify tho heart, tickle
tho ribs, expand tho pericardium, inspirit
mc mugs, iigui up tno uosom, clear the
fBgophagus, lubricate the tongue, inspire
tlio brain, sublimate tlio cerebellum, ntilato
tho skull bono, vivify tho spiral niariow.
and quicken tho wholo nervous systom, so
that man being jolly, becometh perforce,
t 1
generous, lorgiving, nuorai communicative,
frank, inquisitive, sympathetic, humane.
and pious ; and docth noble deeds without
end. And thus goodness, mercy, munifi
cenco, public spirit, patriotism, and tho
wholo host of social virtues and Christian
charities come of joking. If I had a thous
and sons, tho first human principle I would
loach them, should be to forswoar doleful
dumps and addict themselves to fun.
What makes pooplo dyspeptical, hypo
chondnacal, appopletic. envious, ranid. fa
natical, factious, quarrelsome, selfish, con
sumptive, and short-lived? The doctors
say this and that, but they know nothing
about it. Politicians and metaphysicians
reason and speculate, but they cannot find
out. Tho true cause is that aforementioned
Ladies' Dresses and Habits in vanbua forms,
to accommodato all the changes of the fash
ions, and wan-anted to fit without tho trou
ble of trying on tho dress before finished, on
a plan so easy that any lady may Icam it
troin tlic ruie ami explanations, or in one
would long since havo been suparccded bv
self-varying rules, had tailors .but thought
that tho variation in tho proportions ofmen's
bodies arc almost as manv as in the feature
of tho faco.
V,..n .... ihF. ...K.. l.,l.1 e7V
x wwul iiiiuu iwiw3 aiviuw jc r-ru iiii ,
half hour by personal teaching, is hereby liavo made their appearance yithin about as
offered to the ladies employed in that branch
of business.
Terms if forwarded to order $5, if per
sonally taught 90.
Vliil,lAIU KAllJiUK,
Bloomeburg, Feb. 10, 1838 A'i tf.
IPaKiable Property
Tur, subscriber wishes to obtain tenants
to a property m lcoursburg, Urccnwood
township, Columbia county, consisting of
j.a lj ujuun -affiant'
One of the dwellings has heretofore been oc
cupied as a store, and a person wjio would
carry on tho morcantilo business would bo
prclerred as a tenant. 1 ho situation is a
good one, il being in a most extensivo lum
ber country, and whore considerable might
bo done in tho Grain business.
Possession will be given on tho first day
of April next-and any person wishing to( ex
amine tho promisos can receive cvory satis
faction by calling on. the undersigned.
Rojirsburg, Fob, 10. 1838, 42 If.
Leidy's Compound Sariaparilla,
many years, each iuvcntoi claiming the lion
or of having perfected the art, upon which J
G. Wilson, of New York, entitled his sys
tem perfect ; but instead of being perfect,
it contains many erroneous principles, which
the subscribers forbear to point ont until
that gentleman assails this assertion. All
such sybtcms havo heretofore been (Infective
in two ways : First, they are only in part
self-varying. Secondly, those parls which
are intended to bo self-varying aro defective.
In fact, there are certain points on the coat
.which cannot bo elfcrtcd by self-varying
principles m any other way, nor by any
other means, than those laid down by tho
1.1 M '
Unlike any other of tho kind, litis sy
(em now offered to the trade is conducted
without any breast measure, and effects cv
orv point and every part of the coat by self-
varying principles, in a way calculated to
convict tho senses ol any reasonablo man,
that should it ever fail to produco a good fit
upon any shape w.hatever, tho charge must
bo laid to a careless and incorrect measure
ment. It may seem mysterious that this
rule is said to bo self-varying, and yet a
squaro rule a square rule and yet conduct'
cd without a breast measure ; but tho whole
mystery will be unfolded at once by oxam
inatlon. Unwilling to havo it said that the
subscribers aro altomptinirto palm this svs
tern upon the trade with misrepresentations,
. 1 l P .. !...... I ' .. !
10 inu mums ui un iinnariiai commuieo tor
ian red
liulsam Copuiva
do maltha
of fir
llarlcy pearled
1-atcruan s drops
Hismuth (nitrate)
lilacliinfr, for boots
Uorax refined
lluagundy pitch
Dole Anaemia
liluo pill
Carrosivo sublimate
Cayenne pepper
Uocculu Indicu-i
Colozne water
Coiuen-o of rotes
Cream tat tar
Caraway seod
Coriander seed ,
Chamomilo flowers
Klixor of vitriol
I.psom salts
Kmcry powder
Ubscncc ot peppermint
1 ofcinnnmon
Extract of colorynth
of hemlock
of liquoricj
Eye jwater
Focnugrocl. seed
Gintian root -Golden
Godfrey's cordial
Gum Arabic v
Ifelcborc. black
Hiera picra
Ink powder, black
Ivory black
If nys cr's uuiversal plaster
Liquorice root
Lunar caustic
Lucifer matches
Loco loco do.
Magnesia calcined
1I0 carLonata
Mnnna flako
,uo common
Mustard, white
Nipple shells
Nux Vomlcd
Orris root
Oxalic acid
Otto of Hoses
Ointment of mercury
ot Ualls
' uf red precipitato
4 of Spanish lly
Wafers, White wax
Oil of Almonds,
' Amber
Anni seed (.
1 Caraway ,
' Cloves
' Orango
4 Peppermint
' Koscmary
' Sassafras
' Tnnsy
' AVintcrgTcen
4 Croton
' Harlcam
Pint root
l'aragjric Elixir
Piaster, ndhesivo
do strengthening
Prepared chalk
I'oitrl powder
Pills, Anderson's, Scolts,
' JIooper'3
1 lice's New London
E vim's
' Dyott's
' Lcidics'
1 of Aloes
of AssafcclinR
' ofOpium
, ' ofQuirdno
(uns3ia wood
Khuliarb .
IWhellc salt
Uoltcn stono
Rose water
llust of Iron
Sago, pearled .
Salammonias, crudo
SaH of tartar
Sal Volatile
Salt petro
Sanders wood
Sarsapharilla .
Scaling wax
Senna leaves -Scnaka
snake root
Soap, castilo
' whito castilo
' fancy 1
Sodo, supar carbonate
Sub carbonate
Spanish fly
Sweet spirits of nitre
Soda powders
Spirits of hartshorn 1
' of Lavender comp.
1 of 'i'nrpemino
'Seed Laco
Smelling bottles
Scidlits powders
Spongo . .
Sugar of lead, .
Sucking bottles
Tartar emetic
Tincturo of Aloca
of .Assafuitida ,
' of Peruvian bark
' ofcjnnamon
1 of Muiiateof iron
1 of Myrrh
of fpanish fly I
' of Colchicum sesd
' of senna'
' of Valerian
' ofGuiacum
Tooth powder
4 brushes
Valerian root
Venice turpentino
A'crdigris, Vermillian
VirgiiUn snako root
Vials, different 6jzes ,1
Vitroil, blue, grcen,vhite
White Resin
a Wl, , l" . ,or uueum,l"e nuections. general an examination of its principles, ip compar-
P debility, ulcerous sores of tho now, throat and ?SOn with anv other ever nvmitPil in ilm
body, while swcllins, disca of th liver amHkin, fT 1 1" at v
pitf. rW.wnrm. nM. rrm,,,.. a,, tnr .oi. . United States, at Philadelphia or New York.
Tobian's Health Emporium,
Compound Fluid Extract,
which committeo shall make tho decision
known through tho press. Tho subscri
bers sot all systems which aro governed
wholly uy 1110 urcast measure , aside as in-
Onthocuroofpimplosorpostuleflonthe.faro fflrior and not worthy to compare with;
- m.Imw in thobonos, cliromorheiimaU.m, PnMsnmifln,iv ,.inv .vi.
pnmnam will, nnnn
tettor, white swellings, &c. dec. for sale at
Tobias's Drug Warehouse.
dullness of tho blood, occasioned by the fELEUKATED Universal Planer fortho cure
want of good merrimont: nothine else, do- of ?0iXb a"J. ',luu'n:tie pains, destroyifis
: 1 ,r. . . corns, curmir frost-bitten feet, aud sore broakts. for
Tobias's Health Emporium.
pendupon it; forsinco good iolitv has dc
clinod, nothing has gone rightly among us,
How came tho heroes of seventv-six to
fight to valiantly to tho tune of Yankee l)oo-
dlei Why simply becauso Yankee Doo
die is a jolly, jigging, mirth exciting tune."
Novor burn, all dry wood in your fire
place, nor never use a file place aiSll when
yiii can gel a stove,
sale at
consequently thoy will compare with none
but such as aro governod in part by solf
varying principles. For if tho principles
hero offered to tho trado aio not worthy of
' - il. , . 1 1 t t 1
naironatru 11 is rjtrnt uuu u s ouk no mane
ueirovintf i " 1 .1 . 1 , . . ,1 . .
corns, run Wt-i.iin f..H. n.. i .nr. r, Known, anu uiey sinn mio ooitvion. un tlio
. - -D " f " -; -c ., . r i i
euiiimiy, u inry aiu iuuiiu n nunve repres
ented, or if thereby tho subscribers havo put
an enu 10 an lurinor improvoments m the
art of cutting cpats thoy deserve somo pat
ronage and compensation for their exertions.
Tonus if forwardod to ordtrSlO, if per
sonalty taugui ia
iiloomsbnrg," Pa, Feb. 10, i838,
on fine, his "Emporium of Health" vtill bo found
ocuUun every variety of the most approved
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Dyc-Slvfli,
Oils, Fruit, Confections, eye. yc.
which are warranted of good quality, having been
careiuuy seiecieu irom uio best established ware
houses in Philadelphia ; and which ho will sell at
most rotiuced prices. Jlo will use every exertion to
accommodate and bone fit his customers, ond there!
foro respectfully solicits tho patronage of a liberal
public. a. 8. TOBIAS.
Uloomsburg, January 0, 1838. 37 4t
IENDERS his professional tervleMto tliorit
tens of Columbia county. Ho will feel crate
ful for entrusted (p h care, OTicj; in the
same building with tho 'ColurabLu 'Demowu'p
Lloomsburg, May; 1837
WINE, Brandy, Gin, Cprdlal, &c just re- . "tt
ceived, and ready for dellvory to customers I
at very reduced prices, by
J. J . Musselman, y Co.
Estate of Jacob Winter, late, tf Mount ,
Pleasant township, Columbia county,
"WVTOTIOE is he'eby given, that Leltors of Ad-
JN mlnUtratlon have hot n granted to the subscri
ber on lha estate of said deceased. Therefore oil
persons having clslms ogainst said estate are ro
queted to praseut tham, and thoso indebted ore re
quested to niako imiiifslijlo nayment.
David Eves, AdmV.
January 36 833. 4ff-Ut