16 The UjhfcO States Army. It appears from the official Army Kegis ter (or 1S3S, thnt there linvc been the last year, lorty-seven resignations of officers of the Armv viz: 1 Lieuten ant Colonel, IS Captains, 11 First Lieutenants, 17 Second Lieutenants, 1 Breyct Second Lieutenant, and 4 Slall Twenty-twd dontlw-rof which number, six were, killed in action with the Indians, in Florida, 1 Second Lieu tenant resigned and 1 First Lieutenant dropped. 7 Total 71 officers lost to the Armv in 1837. upnicr, and all tho accounts Will bo placed in , . . . 3pcr hands to enforce speedy collcciion.-Thoe Rtmamxrtg viU'C Post Offitc ct Blooms- Peter Uiltcnbender, Peter Biggs, r-MItlMTTER 53irfl Tho nboro number will clq'io our connexion with till tirofici who lienlect settlement will nav S2 CO and costs, al wo mutt pursue this course in accordance with out terms, and to answer our immediate necessities. Will our patronni who are delinquent, obligo us by prompt (icttlcment, and thus continue thd reciprocal friendship manifested on Loth sides! Qonic, gen tleman "Hie laborer U Worthy of his hire," and wo want our wagei. 'jCJTIio Legislature have agreed to ad journ on the 17tlt of April. John Deader, John Uowyers, I'aul (Jrofnlcy, Franklin Davis, Benjamin Boone, Paul Cartholt, Joserlh Coleman,' Elizabeth Dunhain, Misslthoda AnnEmit,Danicl Fulmer, The Baltimore Sun states that Richard P. ICobison, the "great un hanged," of. Helen Jcwelt memory, ,1 nnllit in (linf tttv nil Ills irTTlio Editor wilt be absent for somo time, but any paymonts made to Jbe hands jai:oh Lcidv, Jacob Flick ncr, John K. Girton, Jacob Hnrlzel, Joseph Hartinati, Aaslicck Hull, Mhs Caroline Lynn ajrivcdrecemly in that city, on Ins way from Texas to New York. He travels under the name of'Ileail and since he has finished his career upon in tlie office will be a sufficient discharge to delinquent! ftyAs our collector cannot afford to do our business for less than 25 per cent, vc all nil send no more bills unless in the name the rope, has raised an enormous pair 0f the commonwealth. ( inliii l-nf tin- ivac limvovcr. readi-'M ' ly recognised on board of the Charles ton gers.- packet, by several of the passen . Wcelihi Messenger. Kcngcr. TUB COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Owing to tlio length of the Sub-Treasu ry Bill, on our second page, wo are unable to give the tisual variety of matter, which generally occupy our' columns. 11 Wc understand that the water has been let into, the North Branch Canal, and that the whole lino is in good navacrablc order. HYMENEAL. John' Fry, Daniel Ciger, Archabold Henry, ' William Howcl, Jacob Jaeoby, Peter Leitly, Jacob ilalick, Jacob Afarkel, Benjamin .1eril, Isaac Miller, Mm Susan Noble, William Ncal, John Robison, Daniel Itedy, (2) ' Henry Hccs, Esq. Chapman Smith, Henry Trimbley, Jesso Wagner. 51. Persons calling fdr-thc above letters will please Say thov are advertised. liUltJNAUU KUl'lSKT, f. M. Jainuel iloorc, Dr. Lewis Jtioycr, Rachel Moris, John 71oyer, ' Christian Neiuard, Richard Rue, Joseph Rockcl, Kobert lluscll, , John Richard, v James StraWil. (21 Rebeca'Vr.nderslice, Abraham Young. mims without nun MARRIED. On tho 20th ult, by the Rev. W J. Ever. Mr. PE VER FEKSTEKMAUIIEIc, to Miss ELIZA HIGGLE, both of Cattawissa. isasasiu3 8 " s.itukda i .imr, 7, i838 SS?SEMoSfficlIINXTlo FOR GOVERNOR : , GEtf. DAVID K. PORTER, (OF HUNTINGDON COUNTY.) v (EjfTho follow in; the committed' of Cortes Yondence appointed by the Democratic Slato Con tention lor uoiumuia coumy OBITUARY. DIED. At tho residence of her fatter, in Dan ville, on Monday tho 2Gth ult. Mrs. ELIZABETH IRLAND, wife of Mr. JSgses Ireland, of Turliut, and dauglitsr of James Donaldson, Esq. aged 27' years. V.Best, , . AVp. Colt, John Rhodes, . S. Woolverton, Isaiah Blue, John Cooper, Jas. M'Mahon, Hugh McWilliams, George Smitr, Nicholas Gouccr, Cornelius ulackner, rotor vonc, Robert M'Cay, John Keller, jr, Wm. S. Davis, John BiseJ, t Jeremiah' Wcllivcr, Richard Fruit, William Iklcr, E. 0., Jackson, S. F. Ileadloy, George Kelchner, Joint Knorr, Isaiah Salmon, David Fowler, Samuel Creasv, Stales B. M. Yants, Henry Petit, COaiMISSIOJER'S NOTICE. Jacob Swisher, C. Thomas, E. G. Rickets,, Joseph Lemon, fohn Baltin,' John McIIenry', 'Abraham Young, Ssmucl Roan, Isaao Kline, IrauiiDerr, . John Lazarus, John Dietrich, Daniel Peeler, Elias M'Hcnry, Peter Kline, Stephen Baldy, John P. Davis, rMicheal Fomwald, Sebastian Hower, iJobn Ycager, George D. DePuy, Jacob Sullz, George Kanflman, Robert Moore, Daniel Snyder, Bernard Rupert, Daniel Gross, John Robison, -Wm. A. Petrikin, Adam Michael, Wm. Mann, John Shuman. - fr3!l'ho members of the above commit- THE Commissioners of Columbia coun ty, will attend at the follow ng times and places to hear appeals from the asscs- ment oFCounty rales and levies, for the current year 18!18. Those persons who in tend to appeal- are requested to attend early in the dav-, as an accommodation to tho Commissioners. For Hcmloclf'toVhship, at the house of John M'Kcynolu3, on 1 ucsday the lirstday of May. " " ' For Cattawissa township, at the house of Stacy Margcrum in Catfnwissa, on Wed ucsday tho second day or May, For Roaring Oreek township, at the house of John Ycager, on Thursday the third of May I'orMihlin township, at the house of John Keller in Mifilinville, on Friday the fourth of may. I' or Uriar Creek township, at the house nl Jotin ucss in said township, on oaiur day the fifth of Mav. For Bloom township, at tho house of Daniel Gross in Blonmsburg, on Monday the sovenlh day of May. ror r islung Creek township, at the house of Daniel feeler, on I uesday the eighth day of May. 5 l1 Or Sugar Ijoaftownship, at the house ' fiist. of Jurors. For April Term, 1838. GRAND JUR0H8. Bloom. Joseph Ilcndcrpliot, Samuel Mclich, Israel Welti. Jlriar Creek. Eaton Bowman, Gilbert Fowler. Cattaivisirt. Jacob Ycttcr, George Hughes, Richard JJrcwcr, Bright 11. l'axton. Dcrru. l'Jnhp Senile; George Mastcllcr. Hemlock. Benjamfn Mcrr61. JAlerlv. Gcorgo Billmyer, Jr. William Shad ccn. AMrttlings Thoins Brandon, Jacob Scchler, Mount I'lcafant.haac Musgrove. Madison. John Manning. lloarini; Creek. Joseph 'Chcrington, Jeremiah Hughes, Ehas vv'crtman. Sucar Loaf. Wm. Singer,' Ezckcl Cole, Ben' jamin Kceler. . .' J'miTMUKUKS. Bloom. Jacob Haacnluch, John Jtabison, Geo, Hciillcy, John Hagcnuucli, I'ctcr Mcnch,. . lmar Creel!. Lewis Dcilrick, llicmas LonneI- Iy, John Hollman, . va'tuwma. J.cww JMctz. Dtrrti. John Swit7.cr, James Johnson, Wm, Morisan, Philip Diefli'iihacher, James Hutchison Robert CInrlv Jacob Diddle, Henry Dclong. 1' inning Vrcel;. Jnlin llriglit, vin. i aucrson Greenwood. Charles Eve.. Ihmlocc, John M'Rcynolds, John Brugler. Limestone. John Flood. Liberty. Martin Billmver, jr. William Hcnd- rickson. Mahoninc;. Peter Bright, John Wilson, John Maus, . j y Madison. Jeremiah Wcllivcr, Ephraim Mc- Collum, Wm. Hendcrshot, JacdhDcrrtott. lloariug Creek. George DePui, John Ilogcland, ir. joiui migiics. bugarlouf. George Hcssa Unseated kands-A838. NOTICE is hereby given, that anfeca- bly to an Act of General Assembly of the vommnnwi'aitii ot rcnnsylvaina, passed le 13th of March, 1815, and entitled "An act to amend the act entitled an act direct- ng tho inodo of sellinir unseated lands for taxes and fot other purposes," the follow- !,; T ...ill I I.I Il .l I!. nig i 1.11.13 ui j.unu win uu buiu ai i nunc. Velidue, on the second Monday of June next, at -the Court House in the Borough of Danville, in tho county of Columbia, for arrearages of '-Taxes due, and the cost ac crued on' each lot respectively; ROARING CREEK. Veres. JVarruntcenamcs, 382 Ashton Georce. Billington Thomas Bean Joshua Benson Peter Beasley Johnson Barron Thomas, Jr. Brown Nathaniel Barran John, Jr. Bittler Samuel Boneliam Eliza Bomb John Jr. Brewer William Beckham Gcorgo Chngernian Jacob Cunningham Thomas Cnpc Thomas P. Deliaven Peter Elliot William Gobhin Charles Hains Josiah Hchirg Adam , Heiltzheiiner Robert Heiltzhcimcr Thomas Jordon Joseph Kennear Robert . Kennady Audrew Leonard Lcsher Lemmons William Lennnons Matthew and ? " IF A 411 420 343 347 428 400 343 100 401 401 40 382 . 80 tqo IOC 400 442 300 409 400 357 380 400 375 383 207 434 Tax. JO 87 ,11 73 12 01 8 G2 8 02 10 27 0 50 ,8 02 8 02 8 52 8 52 rt8 u0 20 .1 95 9 50 9 03 . 9 03 ,10 5G 08 34 ,,9 83 0 50 8 81IJ 9 20 9 G3 9 10 9 20 3 99 9 80 424 Williams William 400 Yates Jasper FISHING CREEK.- 184 Buchanan Arthur 23 Frick Philip 157 Mcllenrv Aiiii 308. Ouden John , 100 'Rt'.ltorman Janiea t 340 Solomon John , - M0.UNT PLEASANT. 30 Mellch Samuel 30 Montffomerv Robert ' ' - ' MIFFLIN, . 235 Lettlcs .Matthias CATTAWISSA 400 Dovcnbaitch John 305i Immel Christian 375 Kinuer Robert 50 Kunkle John GREENWOOD. 430 Acnes Alexander 150 Uowman William , 150 Colt Nathaniel 430 McIIenry Edward 200 McHeurv Daniel 33fl McIIenry Prccilla 33? Strawbridgo Alexander " 200 Younir John 229 '1co alio requested to mectat the house of John of Ezekicl Cole, on Wednesday the nintl Rhodes, in Danville, on Monday too luin day orMUV. day ot Apnloeing tno ursi uay oi miry ui ppr tireenwood townsnip, at tlio House '10 o clocit A. tu. ior me purposu ui uiguu- 0t joscpn Jjomon, on xnursuay too iciuu day ot Mav. Mount ricasant township, at the April Cth, 1838. POUTER A.N1)" DEMOCRACY. , DKMOCUA't'IC Tho Democratic citizens of tho county of Columbia, friendly to the election of Gen. DAVID 11. PORTER, the farmer of Hun tingdon county, who has been unanimously nominated as tho democratic candidate for the Chief Magistracy of Pennsylvania, ard requested to assoniblo in general county meeting on , . . Monday April 10th, 1838, after the adjournment of tho morning ses sion of the Court, in tho Court Houso in Danvilfe, for the, purpose of adopting early and effective arrangements to secure his 'election. ' i Joiix Rhodes , Wm. Colt, ' John Cooper, Isaiah Blue, B. S. Wolveuto.v, ' 1 V. Bust, IltAM DeUU, . , Daniel Snvdkr, Danihl Gnoss, John Roniso.v, " ' Wm. H. Pethikin, i Members of the committee of Corresvori' dence for Columbia counhl, .appointed by John M'Rcynolds fIC JJCmOCTUllC OJIMC uviivciuivn. ' April Gth. 1MB, i The partnership Jicretoforo oiistlng between tio sabsaiupfg, aa publishers of Uia "Uoiumow Wf mo trat" vfos mutually dissolved on tho 17th Instant, and all dfcbb duo tho ofllco for subscription, odver- tiiinir. &c. oro navable to John 8. Ingram, who purchased tho entire interest of Mr. Mills in tho tsUblishinant. JOHN 8. INGRAM, FRANKLIN S. MILLS. N. U. Payments to oitlwr of tho hmida in th of CottiU bo a fufllcient dlwharo to dclliwjueiit?. Dloonwburg, Murch 81, 1938. For Mount ricasant township, at house of Frederick Miller, on Friday the eleventh day' of Mav. 1 , For Madison township, at the house of Richard Fruit in Jersoytown, on Saturday the twelfth dav ol May. For Deny township, at tho house of John Dcrr, on Monday tlio lourtcenth day'ol May, For Limestone township, at tho house of Abraham Hause, on Tucsdav the fifteenth day of May. For Liberty township, at too House ot Hugh McElraith in -Woorcsbiug, on Wed nesday the sixteenth day ol ilav. For ilahoning township, at tho Court hotise in Danville, on Thursday the seven teenth day of May next. HIDINGS BARCLAY, CORNELIUS OLACKNER, JOSEPH BROHST, Coniwiisjtoners. Commissioners Ofuco, ? Danvillo April 7, 1838.5 liist ol' Causes For trial at the April Term, 1838. Henry Weaver va. I'ctcr Baldy. Thomai Roblson'sExe- vs. Andrew M Rovnold vs. Fanny Cuinmingaetal, vs. Nancy Cummings ct al, ve. Christianni Cumrnings -i, ct al, ya. Alexander Cnmmint'3. vs. John M'RoynoIda. vs. John Bailer. vs. M'Dowcl tkBittMibcn dcr. vs. John Seidles A3mliii.v ' tiitori ts. Elcazcr DrothvrclL vs, George Carr. vs. Henry Gigifcr's Admin- iiitrators. vs. Jonathan Lodge t al. vii. Archibald Kerr, vs. Jacob Ifarlzel. U. Jauiw SlacliUouic, Sen. etd. HENRY A, ZELL.ERS, t RESPECTFULLY announces to his friends and the public- generally, that ho has moved into the house ftlrmerly occupied by William Bycrs, in Seinsgrove, tJnion county, Pa. where he is prepared to en tertain in a suitable manner all those who may favor him with a call. Tlio house is neatly finished, aiid conveniently calculated for Public r BWTJBRTAlWBnSK'T. Good Cooks and Waiters haVo been en gaged, and the Table supplied with the best provisions that can bo obtained in a plenti ful market. Particular attention has been paid to selection of his Liquors' which are behoved to be of equal qualitv to those of any other house in the state. The Stabling is convenient and extensive, and well filled with tho-host of provender, and will bo at tended by tho'most carclul ostlers, llie suoscriuer rcspcctlnliy solicits a sharo of public1 patronage, which jio will en deavor to merit by moderato cnarges anu strict attention to the conilort and convent ence of his guests. , HENRY A. ZELLERS, Sclinsgrovo, March 31, 1838. Look at Tliis ! ! CutoH, John M'Reynolds John M'Reynolds John M'Hoynolds Hannah McCord et al William Clements Joseph Fullmer Martin M'Oallater Robert O. Brown Jacob Carr Joseph Lemon William Ony John Groly Andiow Bminon Jsmea SUckhoube LL persons indebted to tfie subscriber either by Noto or booU Account, pre vious to this date, will obliiro him by making payment beforo tho first day of A- pril next. After that dato tho collection of such demands will be attended with Cost? Tliero will bo no mistake in this notioo. C. B. FISHER. Bloomsburg, March 10, 1833. Ruckcl John Jr. Lawrence Joseph Long Gcotge Lowns Caleb McCartv John Miller William . Myers Mary. Montgomery -Daniel Miller Martha , 420J 'Mench Henry Miller George and Raver Jonathan, ,Norri8 Isaao Powel William jPorter William Poaliody Stephen Porter James Porter Robert Ruston Mary - Ruston Thomas Reeee Daniel Ruston Isaac Reynolds John Ruston Charlotte Raver George Jr. Recce Daniel Shannon William- 't Trucjimiller Charles Tunis Richard Whiteman John Warner John Wickersham Amos Webb Samuel Whitehead Robert Walter Barbara Wheeler William Walter Lewis Yetter John MADISON. 405 400 409 391 409 413 opo. 191 400 3G9 409 100 210 823 399 380 418 380 87 440 420 428 409 381 310 395 409 410 400 434 437 3G0 400 41 38i POUNDS of (IEESE just received froin'.New otk. ii is a prune ior, and will bo sold by wholesale or retail jit tho store of . 0. B. FISHER. March 10, 1930. 5 41 9 01 P 50 .9 27 9 23 ,9 03 10 73 2 50a 5 39 9 9G 50 :0 o; .9 03 .9 03 7 00 . 7 70 0 47 10 80 11 90 ,10 90 2 (13 12 50 11 10 10 38 11 78 9 29 8 00 9 23 D 03 . 9 03 1 9 03 10 30 10 37 7 54 ',0 50 400 Armstrong James 350 Armstrong Elenor 338 Brady John 300 Brady Jano 300 Cornelison Mary 1 300 Cornolisoii William 130 Fox John (in part) 200 Gordon Thomas 200 Gordcti Jane (in part) 4ti0 Oiffeit Hannah 200 Hunter Robert (in part) 210 Hains Josiah do. 408 Ilcplutrii James 151 Johnson Margaret (In part) 401 Lynn John 200 Levy Aaron 400 Lyon Robert 200 Lebo Henry (in part) 401 Mayland Samuel 220 Montgomery Mary 350 Miller Thomas (in part) 103 RuportJames 427 Scott Alexander 432 Strcch Joseph 421 Tower James1' 220 Woodsido Johrt 220 Woodsido Elenor 200 Woodside Thomas ' . SUGARLOAF. 40(1 Beasley Johnson 283 Copo Thomas P. 409 Caldwell David 57 Evans Ablo' 353 Giflen Maiy 414 Grubb Poter 410 Hall Charles 428 Hartley Thomas 385 Heisler Daniel 100 Hall Francis 330 Montgomery Susana 384 Owen Abraham 80 Russel John 300 Spencer Samuel '00 Sargent Jonathan 437 Wood William 0 27 0 00 i 1 10 ' 51 03 1 84 00 5 73 54 .30 2 82 0 00 5,47 0 GO :74 ,' 3 02 134 A 34 8 92 ;r8o 13 02 3 00 .1 80 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN', To owners of unseated lands and others con cerned, that I have authorized and cmpow- ereu jaco uitiler, Ulcrk ol the (Joinmis sioncrs"for Columbia county, m case of my ausencu, 10. receive payment ol taxes on unseated lands, in the different townships of s.mi uouiny, aim 10 give .receipts anu oincr sullicienf acquittances -'aiid.','dlscharge3 for ino same ior me, ana tn my name, place, and steady Landholders apd .others,, inter ested, are requested to attend by themselves or agqpts.tho Cqnimissioncr's Office, in Danville, in said county, and pay their tax es before thcl 1 th day of June next; when all the tracts Upon which arrearage taxes are duo and unpaid, will be exposed for.sale, as above. - H. McWILLIAMS, Treasurer. March 29, 1838. Register's Notice. 12 79 1 08 40 80 02 80 10 2 16 00 1 20 1 20 2 70 1 21 1 20 2 44 2 70 2 40 1 20 2 -0 1 20 2 42 1 32 2 10 2 40 2 51 2 58 2 52 1 31 I 20 32 8 00 4 01 13 20 4 3:1 7 93 0 30 0 18 11 80 14 53 2 40 0 89 10 01 03 0 73 ' 1 08 7 00 o all legatees, creditors, and other persons in terested in the estates of the rrsneciiv ilnm- dentg, that the administration accounts of the said estates have been filed in the oflice of the Register 01 me coumy 01 oiunitiia,.nnl. will, Iio presented for, conirmation and allowance') to the Orphans' Court, to bo lipldnt Danville, in and for the county aforesaid, on Tuesday, tho 17tli day of April next, 1st. 1 lie accbunt of John Elmer, administrator of ths estate of Conrad.ELncr, late of Derry township, deceased. '3d. The supplementary account of Peter Oman, executor of tho last will and tcstiment of James Grimes, late of .Mount Pleasant townshm. Wr-.'a cd. 3d. The account of Sarah Shloycr. ' lato Sarah llauck, administratix, with the wiUamicxcd, of Ste phen Hauck, late of 4toa.rinp Gcck township, de ceased. Mlh. The account of Samuel Mclick, administra. tor of tho estate of John Staufl'er, late of Mt. Pleas ant township, deceased. 6th. Tho account of Fredrick Hosier, adminis trator of the estate of Joseph llousler, late of Mifflin township, deceased. Cth. The account of Abraham Wolf and Chris tian Wolf, administrators of tire estate of Catharine Wolf, late of Mifflin township, deceared, ' ' 7th. Tho account of Henry l.nntz, Esq. execu tor of the List will and testament of Abraham Foil mer.lato of Limestone township, deceased. 8th. The supplementary account of William Uarbcr, administrator of the , 'estate- if Jqhn Smith late of Madison township, deceased. . ' 9th. Tho account of Join Mclcvno(ds, Esq. administrator of the estate of WilliamStrawlridge, late of Derry township, deceased. ' , . y lQlh. The account of Thomas Adams and" John Gingles, executors of Hie last will and testament of Thomas A,dams,4atc cf Madison tvvonship, deceas ed. lllh. The acccunt of Ezra S. Hnyhursr, execu tor of the last will and testament of William Ostnan, late of Catawissa township, d-ceased.. ISth, The account ofEzraS. Hayiiurst', admin istrator or tliei estate ;!' John DrumhcIIcr, late of Uatawissa township, deceased. 13th. Tho.accouiHofEiraS.Hayhurst, admin istrator ofthe estate o? Joseph Uetz, late of Cata visa township deceiicd, 14th. Tho account of Joseph Hayhurst, execu tor of the last will and'tcs'.amenl of Samuel Han man, late of Oatawissa-township deceased. 15th. Tho .iccount of Samuel Harmon, executor of tho last will and testament of 'Comelious Rey nolds, hto of Mifflin township, deceased; ' 1 ALLEX'Il. BEST, Register. Register's Office, Danville, - " ' Alarch 31st, 1839. $ . ' DISSOLUTION OP PAItTKEKSHIP. THE Partnership heretofore existing under the firm of TREGO, THOMAS & Co. was di. solved by mutual consent on the fifth 0f March 1838. The business will bo continued by tho eut hcnbcr. v ' March 1838 Lloyd Thomas. FOB. A good COOKING STOVE, and asmall Stent oal blot's, beeideasoveria articles of Fumi wro wmcij oro inawnicnrtornoveanyiIi6Ujic. .hey will bo sold atn eiriflco.pnly totho-iii, itor of tba OoIuiSibla Democrat." ' March 24, 183$. JOHN S. GfiJ. ' fWENDERS his prolWsiuiial wrvices to thocit H zens of Colui .bia ccuniy. Ho wilt iVtl .wt4, ful lor busmen entrusttu to his caa. OaW ir. Bamebuildinswiihtho'Coluiulw lXieiwj BJoomAurt.', May, 103T