The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, April 07, 1838, Image 1
I have worn upon the Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Miud of Man.--Thomas Jeffron. ' . PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN S. INGRAM. Volume I. BliOOMSBtTRG, COMTMB2A COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY, APRI1L 7, 1838c Number 50. &K1 McWILLIAMS, Esq. Ticasurcr in account with the County of Columbia, from tho first day of January, until tho 31st day of December, A. I). 1837, both days inclusive. BR, .... DOLLS. CT9. To cash received of the several collectors during 1st quarter $2,200 52 do do do do 2d 2,777 58J 27 88 - do do 3d 4th 1,001 1,981 85G7 20J Balance in favor of the Treas urer, with what may be coin ing from the State as per centage, 1,703 '3 10,330 93 We, tho undersigned, Commissioners of above accounts, compared Jlnwi with the Witness our hands tIusT14th day of 1m EXPENDITURES' of the County of Columbia as par the' order issued by the Commissioners on the Treasurer thereof, during the year one thousand eight hun dred and thirty-seven. DOLLS. 183 1,419 93 CTS. 24 25 00 Assessors wages, ' ' Jurors wages and mileage, Constables attending Court, Constables making returns lo quarter sessions, ' Commissioners & Clerk's wa ges, Viewers of Roads and Bridges, State costs, Elections General, Contingent Expenses, Printing and Stationary, Bridge building and repairing, IqO 91 401 195 117 234 50 349 2.80G 00 Bo 91 50 03 70 121" Carried up, SO 17 22. Wu, tho undersigned Audilora duly elected to settle rind adjust the accounts of the County of Columbia, do certify that wo . l.-l ! . f ... r trcuurt a uuiuucu ii'uiiisi uiu uuumy in suvciuuuu uuiiuteu unu siAiy-i sixty-seven and one.half cents. Witness our hands this 14th day of February, A. D. 1838. J- Wkj the undersigned Auditors, do find ShcrifT Salmon accountable for twelve dollars Jury fees, we also find Sheriff Reed yet accountable for thirty-nine dollars Jury fees, as per last reports. Wn, tho undersigned Auditors of tho County of Columbia, do report that we find due the County from John Fruit and Hugh Me Williams, late Treasuiers for the years 1832 -33-34-35 and 30, .the sum of five hundred and fifty-two dolllars, after the liquidation of tho State tax, the sum of two hundred "jj Statement showing the balances due year Collectors Names John Lazarus, Henry II, Fritz, , John Ruckle, Peter Simonton, Thomas Mendenhall, Daniel Welliver, Jeremiah Hughes, Isaac Loidy, Jacob Sliultz, John Brown, senr. Thos. Moorehcad, John Frca3, David Phillips, , Archibald Henrio, John Fulton, John Rishel, . Jerormiah Welliver, Philip Kestlcr, . Christian Shuman, Ezra Eves, , John Risliol, John Davis, David Remloy, Michael Sandele, John Moyer, Peteic Nungesser, Fishing Creek, Sugarloaf, Mount pleasant, Liberty,- Greenwood, Madison, Roaring Creek, Hemlock, Oattawissa, Mifllin, Dcrry, Briar Creole, Mahoning, Bloom, Limcstono Mahoning, MadiEon, Mount Pleasant, Mifilint Greenwood, Derry, ' Cattawissa, Briar Creek, Mahoning, Derry, MiiQin, jCfThosa matked thus havo AR IRON, Justroccivod, and for sals at tho a. .1 . I r.f new ti3iH1""w J, 7. Mtssman, C0, DOLLS. CTS. on ' ! 70 10 4,293 192 45 30 10,330 93 the County of Columbia, have examined the vouchers, and' find them correct anil just. cbrtiarv, A. D. 1838. llJJHiNUS HAlliUiISX, COll. CLACKNER, josefii brorst, Commissioners. DOLLS, CTS, Amount-brought tip Education of the Poor Auditors Wages, Prothonotary-and Clerk of the Quarter Sessions, Coroners Fees, Jailor and Sheriff's Faes, Court, Cry cr, Wolf.and Fox s.nd Fox Scalps, 0,017 240 15 81 51 279 04 221 513 00 20 GO 39 75 70 19 0,822 87 have examined thoJbregoing : , 1 1 . accounts, and do sixty-three dollars and j. ihjjh. ER KLINE, I N RIDDLE, I ' : II. WILL1TS, J PETER JOHN Auditors. GEO PETER KLINE, f: I 'ITS, J JOHN RIDDLE Auditors. GEO: II. WILLI and twenty-two dollars and ninety-four cents. GEO : II. W1LLITS, from the several Collectors at the end of the 1837. ; OR. . By cash paid on Commission ers orders', Fox Scalps,- A Balance duo.pcr last report, Treasurers Commissions, Townships. Years, Amt.of dupli'U. Amtpatd, Balanco duo, 1837, ' " " " " " ' " " $198 38 , 20 721- 171 05i 205 18 50 OU 155 18 205 73 54 50 211 23 424 54 01 00 303 54 428 23 95 87i 332 354 432 50 130 32 304 llj 519 43 172 50 346 93 090 82 100 03 090 79 885 45 115 22 770 13 015 01 225 00 390 01 070 08 248 12i 421 95i 935 93 00 00 875 03 1,000 00 212 00 788 40 900 02 245 00 715 02 453 87 308 50 85 37 1,359 50 871 47 388 03 583 40 258 89 324 55 301 44 310 00 42 44 793 39 253 50 539 89 572 55 437 00 135 55 901 27 714 00 187 27 1177 32 031 70 245 50 1250 20 890 70 300 50 1400 28 1153 28 247 00 001 52 325 15t 575 30 430 08 353 88 80 40 1 t. t of taxes due, 8,037 32 1830 ii I8Q5 ii n since paid. IUR CAPS, just received, and Jr sale at tho new ? chep stoio ot J.T. Musst(trtm v co. Notice. ALL persona indebted to tho subscriber by bnhd note, or book account, or otherwise, are I re quintal to call and settle tlio samo before the first day of April, next. Ho is determined to havo old matters justly arranged ; and thoso who neglect at- icnunig 10 mis noiico may reiy on strict legal pro ceedings for the purposes of settlement. There is no mistake. DANIEL SNYDER. Bloomsburg, January 0, 1838. 37-tf WALLERSHAMP'S Cough Sirup and Family V PilK for wilo ot Tobias1 s" Health Emporium. iovc'-ecl. rp IJSHELS OF CL0VERSEED isj oi a superior ouaitv. list to ceived, and for a uo alUionew ind cheap store o J. T. MUSSULMAN, & Co, Bloomsbarff, Feb. 3, 1838. Mead's Anti-Dyspeptic or Stomach Pills, THTOR indigestion, or EOur Stomach, on hand, and JjL' lor saio at Jobiaf Health Emporium. Bloomsburg, January 13, 1838. 30-4t LITEST AND EXCHANGE. The Subscriber "OTTERY respectfully informs his friends and the V public, that ho has always on hand, at his Li very btablo in Woomsburg, for tho purposesof Hiru or liXcliange, a variety ol Horses, Sulkies, GIGS, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS. which he will feel gratified to keep in rcadiucssfor the accommodation ot customers. Personal application can bo made at his residence, when every means will be used to render entire sat isfacUon of those who may give him a call. NOAH S. PREJSTIS. Bloomsburg, November 4, 1837. GOODff. Cheaper than o3iej nnilE subscriber would respectfully announce JJ 10 I no pcoplo ot Dloomsburg and vicinity, & to the public in general, that ho has just returned u second time from tho city, and 5s opening out his purchase, winch, together with lus former stock con,PriiM a "cat ani1 8CI'cral aliment of DRY GOODS, Consisting in part of an assortment of Clofhs, Cassimerci, Sattinelts, Merinos, Meririo Shawls Handkerchiefs, Dress Bonnet Silks and Trimmings, Ginghams, Calicoes, Linnens, Muslins, Feslings, Slocks, Hosiery, be, ALS3 An extensive assortment of Hardware, Hollow-ware, China, Glass $ Quccnsware, Crockery, Groceries and j.wuors, uus, ruints, Halt, fish, iVc. All of which ho offers for 6.tle at his storo rom in Bloomsburg, on Main-street, directly opposite the l'ost olhce, where the public arc respccttully invited to call and pee for themselves, as ho intends selling his goods Etilt a littlo cheaper than any yet offered to tno puuuc, lor cashor country produce. UEOHuE WEAVER, Bloomsburg, Dec. 30, 1837. Dr. Freeman1 s Indian Specific, b-jujv mu jiruYcwion anil euro pi eouis, coughs. Asthmas, consumptions, mittinir of Wood, inn .1 . , .n ,. i and all disorders of tho breast and lungs, for silo at ho Urug storcol tho subscriber, in JJloomsbuig, J). 6. Jobius, Itawant's Tonic Mixture, R Vogetablo Vermifuge, a lasting euro for th i ever and Ague, on hand and for ealo by D. S. Tobws. &ook at This. PIRITS, for renewing and cloansius Ladios t 3 Gentlemen's wearing apparrcl, and rotpreing them to their' original colour and brightnosii. This axeellent Renovator never fails, no matter with what article tuo garment may bo stained. It romeves all grease from tha collars of coat,, spots and stains caused by lime, pajnts, tar, oil, &c. &c. for sola at 1 obias s Health Emporium. Bloomsburg, January 27, 1838. 40 3t WANTED. A BOY that can come well recommend ed, from 12 to 15 vcars of aire, cana blc of attending to horses and wait on custo mors at the bar, will find employment and ijjci jiutiai mujjus uy catling on Daniel Gross. Bloomsburg, March 3, 1838. 45 tf ggSL "jJpARRELS ofLako Salt, and a large jSStQP lO) quantity of Ground Alum Salt, just rcceivuu, anuiur saio at tne cheap storo ot, J, J, uilusselman, Go TnT5 PTaTTTrPT iVfjy executed at the Democrat office. BUSINESS. HE subscriber would respectfully inform the public that ho has taken his son WILLIAM SNYDER into co-partnership in his Tannery, and uuit mu uuuhl-m win iicreaucr do conducted under tho firm of Daniel & William Snyder, ot the old established ttand in Bloomsburg. Darnel .bnydcr. Bloomsburg, January C, 1838. 37-tf LEATHER. good quality, and for sale at the lowest pri ces, always on Hand at the old established anncry, adjoining bnydera Hotel. Tho subscrl icrs would rospoctiully solicit a ccntinuaiico of tin liberal customs herctoforo enjoyed lijr tho senior partner. Daniel Snyder, IVilliam Snyder. Bloomsburg, January fi, 1838. 37-tf HERE AS, the honorable ELLIS LEWIS President of the Courts of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter sessions ot the i'cacc, and Uourtof uommon Pleas, and Orphan s Court, in the eighth Judicial District, composed ol the counties of Northumberland, Union Columbia and Lycoming ; and tho Hon. William MoxTHoncnr and Lr.cXAnu Rlteut, Esquires, associate Judgos in Columbia county, have issued their precept bearing date tho 19th day ot February 111 tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, and to mo directed for holding Jl Court of Oyer and Terminer and G n cat Jail Delivery, Ueneral (Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas, and Orphan's Court, IN DAN ILLE, in tho county of Columbia, on the third M tnday of April next, (being the IGth day) and to ontinuc one week. ivriCh ts tierclure hereby given to tho Uor oner, the Justices of tho Peace, and Constables of the said County 01 Columbia, that they bo then am there in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, in tho forenoon ot said day, with tlieir records, inquisition and other remembrances to do thoo tilings wine to their offices appertain to ho done. And those who arc bound by rccognizancoo to prosecute acninrt tbe prisoners that are or may be in the iail 01 saui cuumy 01 iuiuuium, pre 10 ne men nnu mere to pro.ccutc against them as shall be just. Jurors arc requested to bo punctual in their attendance, a greeably to thrir notices. Dated at Danville, tho 10th day of February, in tho y ear of our Lord one thousand eight hun m 1 e 1 dred and thirty-eight, and in the 63d year of the independence of tho Uniied states of Amer ica. WILLIAM KITCHEN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Danville, ? Feb. 10, 1838. 42 Gt MUCH CHEAPER THAN EVER! The Sufoscvilicsr Wpujd beg leave to announce to the peo ple of Bloomsburg and vicinity, that he has just received a splendid assortment of-sea- sonabio DRY GOODS, Consisting of .every variety of Cloths, Cassimeres and Sattinelts ; Flannel, and Canton Flannels, of event colour ; Black, Brown and Green Mirinos.of every shade and quality ; and in fact a full assorthieht of Drawer Common Goods, among which are an extensive supply of Groceries & &iquors, China, Glass and Quccns-TJ'are, DRUGS AN1 MEDICINES, Sperm. Refined and Common Lamp Oil, V Effardwnre, Castings, & Iron, men's and women's HOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS, together with overy varioty of merchandize which can meet the wants or please tho fancy all which he will dispose of at tho lowest prices. Ho returns his acknowledgments to cus tomors for their vory liberal support, and with a firm determination to ploase through attontion lo business, ho solicits a continu ance of their calls and custom. rj" All kinds of country produte will lo takn in exchango lor goods. C. B. FISHER. Blonrosburff,Dee. 1C, 18S7. (13)3 2f, T. IJIusssclinniJj & Co. OULD again announce to their customers, and tho public, that thr? have jcst r- ceivoj another frch supply of MERCHANDIZE, . embraelng evy variety of Dry Goods, Grocfrj Liauors, Hardware, Ac. which they intend to sell at the most reduced prices at their new and eh Rip ttora in Iltooimrtuw. They invito a call from th;,e who want cjiait articles atalraost cost prises, Ueeemusr , 1857, , at the RUPERT & BARTON, (Successors to E. II. Ulggs,) RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and tho public, that they have pur chased from E. II. Biggs his interest in the store formerly kept by him, and that they nave just received an extensive and splen did assortment of PaH & Winter Goods. which they are now opening for the exa mination and accommodation of Customers, at the JScu) More House, just constructed by Mr. Biggs, and opposite to Mr. Robi- sons-6tagcofrice.( Their assortment is not only very extensive, but carefully selected to answer the demands of the neighbour hood; and although they wish not to adver tise their prices, yet they feel confident that tney have better goods, and will sell chea per than any store in Bloomsburg. 1 heir now stock has been purchased at tho manufacturers' establishments, at the very lowest prices, and consists of ?r GOODSa SUCH AS Blue, Black, Brown, Invisible Green, an Fancy coloured Cloths, Cassimerts and Sattinelts ; Silks, Merinos, Ginghams, and Calicoes ; Linnens and Muslins ; Vcstings, Slocks, SsABSSS' BONNETS, .5 S xn a ?5 o n In fine, they have every thing which no ccssity or fancy may desire from a yard of tape to the finest article in Dry Goods, and from a needle to a stove in Hardwarc.--Thoir stock of HARDWARE, IRON China, &la , Q.UEENSWARE : Gs-roceries & Liquors. Oils, Salt and Fish, Ilollow-iuare, ., &c. lye. ij-c S-c. is moro extensive and better selected than the same '. articles in any of the neigh bouring stores. Those- who wish new, cheap, and good articles of Merchandize, should call . at tho 'Bloomsburg Arcade" cither before or af ter cxarning elsewhere, and make their purf chases. All kinds of Country Produce taken in payment at the highest markot prices. Bloomsbijrg, Nov. 18, 1837. Swaim's Vermifuge, W invaluable family medicine for worms, dys . crilary, bowel complaints, cholic, cholera morbus, vomiting, pains or weakness in the stom ach, Io of appetite, fever and ague, &c. kept at Tobias's Health Emporium. Swaim's Panacea, W ENOWJfED throughout tbo whole world for JOlL 'te efficacious qualities us u family medicine, constantly on hand, and for sale at tho Drug storo of D. S. Tobias. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT. Next dook to Rohison's Stage OrricE The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday morning, ext TfVO DOLLARS per aimum, payable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year. No subscription ivill he taken for a shorter period than six moitths; nor any discon tinuance, permitted, until afl arrearage arc discharged. AD VER TISEMENTS not exctedin g square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the first three insertion, and Ttvant'y-fwe ants for every suite quent nsertion. tcyA libiral discount Tn"l" - . . " ywr j L ft i ivi SJaressca en tusxntss, must j oe psc pata.