The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 31, 1838, Image 3
DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION POnOOYEHNOHf XiEN. DAVID R. PORTER. (OP HUNTINGDON COUNTY.) Q-The following is the committee of Corres pondence appointed by the Democratic State Con vention for Columbia county: V. Best. Wm. Colt, John Rhodes, B. S. Woolverton, Isaiah Blue, John Coppef, William Ikler. E. 6. Jackson, (S. P. Ileadley,, George Kelclmcf, .John ICnorr, Isaiah Salmon, JDavid Fowler, .Hugh McVVilliams, .Samuel, Creasy,. ,. Georgo Smith, States U. M. Yants, Nicholas Gouger, Henry Petit, . Cornelius Clackner, Peter Yohe, tiobcrt M'Cay, John Keller, jf. "Win. S. Davis, Peter Kline, Tnlin Tlinnl. Stephen Baldy, Jeremiah Wcllivef, "John P. Davis,., Richard Fruit, ,JIichcal Fornwald Sebastian Ilowcr, .John Yeager, Georgo D. DcPuy, ,Jacob Sultz, George Kanffinan, Robert Moore, .Daniel Snyder, Bernard Rupert, Daniel Gross, John Robison, . Wm. A. Petrikin, Adam Michael, Wm. Mann, John Shuman. , Jacob Swisher, C. Thomas, . E. G. Rickets-, Joseph Lemon, John Baltin, John MoIIcnry, Abraham Youngt Ssmucl Roan, Isaac Kline, IramJDcrr, John Jinarus, John Dietrich, Daniel Peeler, ,Elias M'Heh'ry, , HOTEL. HENRY A. KELLERS', RESPECTFULLY announces to his Vrii-nrfd ml ibi nuhlie irencrallv. that he has moved, into the house formerly occupied by William Byera, in Selinsgrove, Union county, Pa. wnere ne is piepareu to en tertain in a suitable manner all those who may favor him with a call. The house is neatly finished, arid conveniently calculated lor l-utmc. ... r i UUUII VSVWfktJ 111 .. , gaged, and the Table supplied with the beat provisions tnat can ne ootamcu in a pienii ful market.. Particular attention has been ii(t in irUciinn of hia T.iniinrH which are believed to fye of equal quality to those of ally milM illiuaw in .-....g is convenient and extensive, and well nilei: with the best of provender, and will b at tended by the most careful ostlers, Thi mWriher resnecluillv solicits i 'share of publie patronaga, which Ho will en- ucavui w merit uy inuuciats .iiwi atnet attention to me comion anu conveni ence of his guests. HENRY A. ZELLERS, Sslinsgrove, March 31, 1838. Unseated Lands 1038. wnTTP.rc i hercbv triven. that aereea bly to an Act of General Assembly of the rm oiltli nf Pennsylvania, nassed the 13th of March, 1815, and entitled "An act to amend, the act entitled an act direct : n,m1n nf nrllincr unseated lands for taxes and fot other purposes," the follow ing Tracts of Land will be sold at Public Vendue, on the second Monday of June next, at the Court House in the Borough of Danville.,, in the county of Columbia, for arrearages ot 1 axes uue, anu mo uoa 'crtied on each lot respectively: , ROARING CREEK. Acre's.. TParrantee name's. Tax. 10 87 73 12 01 8 G2 ,8 62 10 27 p 50 8 G2 8 62 8 52 8 52 do 0 20 1 Q5 0 5Q 0 63 .o n a 34 0 83 0 60 8 84 9 20 9 03 O 10 i) 20 3 09 382 411 429 343 347 428 400 343 400 401 401 40. 382 4oo 400 v& 300 4M 400 357 380 409 379 383 307 434 Ashloil George Billingtnn Thomas Bean Joshua. Benson Peter Beasley Johnson Barron Thomas, 3u Brown Nathaniel Barran Johni Jr. Bittler Samuel Bnneham Eliza Bomb John Jr. Brewer William Beckham Georgo Clingerman Jacob , Cunningham Thomas Cope Thomas P. Dchaven Peter Elliot William fcJobbinChafJeS Ha'ins Jqsiah Helurjj darh Heilteheimer Robert Heiltzheimer Thotaa Jordon Joseph Kennear Robert Kennady Andrew Leonard Lesber Lemmons William Lemmom Matthew and ? Ruckel John Jr. iai Lemmons wwiam v oy -, i. am UXi iflwieoco JVwjihi - v. i 40.Q JjoiyrOeoxga 400 Lowna Caleb S27 9 23 9 63 10 73 2 50 0 39 0 0G 9 50 '9 02 , 0 03 V 63 7 00 7 70 ,,9 47 '10 80 11 90 10 0G 2 (13 12 GO 11 1G 10 38 11 78 0 20 8 00 0 23 0 G3 9 G3 9 03 10 30 10 37 7 54 9 50 12 79 1 08 301 400 443 McCartyJohn Miller William ; Myers Mary ' s ." 00 Montgomery Daniel Miller Martha 101 420i Mench Henry 400 Mi"" George and ? Y iiavur juiiaiiiaii, ) Norris Isaac Powel William Porter William m Peabody Stephen t'ortcr' James Porter Robert Ruston Mary Ruston Thomas TJcece Daniel Ruston Isaac Reynolds John Ruston Charlotte Raver George Jr. Reset Daniel Shannon William f Trucfrimillcr Charles Tunis Richard Whiteman John Warner John Wickersham Amos VVebb Samuel Whitehead Robert Walter Barbara Wheeler William Walter Lewis Ystter John MADISON. Armstrong James Armstrong Elenor Brady John Brady Jane Cornaliion Mary Corneliion William Fox John (in part) Gordon Thomas Gordeu Jane (in part) Giftcn Hannah Hunter Robert (in part) Ilains Josiah do. Hepburn James Johnson Margarst (i part) Lynn John Levy Aaron Jjyon Robert Jiebo Hsnry (in part) May land Samuel Montgomery Mary Miller Thomas (in part) Rupert James Scott Alexander Strech Joseph Tow er James Woodside John Woodside F.lenor Woodside Thomas SUGARLOAF. 3C9 409 409 21b 323 300 380 418 380 "87 440 420 428 409 384 '310 305 409 41G 409 434 437 300 400 481 38j 400 350 338 300 3GQ 3G0 40 80 02 80 10 1G 130 00 1 20 200 200 450 20 70 21 20 44 70 40 206 210 408 451 401 200 20 400 2 40 1 20 2 42 .1 32 2 10 2 40 3, 54 2 58 2 52 1 32 1 32 1 20 8 00 200 40 220 350 403 427 432 421 220 220 200 40o Beasley Johnson 283 Cope Thomas P. 400 Caldwell David . 4 01 12 26 4 33 7 92 9 30 ,0 IS 11 86 11 53 2 40 9 89 10 G4 90 6 73 1 G8 7 90 (5 27 9 00 1 10 51 93 1 84 90 6 73 64 30 2 82 G 00 6 47 0 60 74 0 02 1 34 1 34 3 92 1 80 3 03 3 00 1 80 57 Pvans Able 353 Giflen Maty 414 Grubb Peter . 410 Hall Charles 428 Hartley Thomas 385 Heister Daniel 10,0 Hall Francis 330 Montgomery Ssna 384 Owen Abraham 80 Russel John 300 Spencer bamuel 00 Sargent Jonathan 427 Wood William 424 Williams William 400 Yates Jasper , , - FISHING CREEK. 184 Buchanan Arthur 23 Frick Philip 157 MclIenryAnn 308 Ogden John 100 Petterman James 340 Solomon John MOUNT PliEASANT; 30 Melich Samuel 30 Montgomery Robert MIFFLIN. 235 Lettles Matthias CATTAWISSA. 100 Dovcnbauch John 3G5i Immcl Christian 375 Kinner Robert 50 Kunkle John , GREENWOOD. 430 Agnes Alexander 150 Bowman William 150 Colt Nathaniel 430 McIIenry Edward 200 McIIenry Daniel 336 McIIenry Precilla 334 Strawbridge Alexander 200 Young John itbTipE IS HEREBY GIVEN, To owners of unseated lands and others con cerned, that 1 have authorized and empow ered Jacob ifibler,- CJirk of the Conimis aioncrs for Columbia county, in case of my absence, tq receive payment of taxes on unseated lands, in the diflerent townships of said county, and to give leceipts ahJ other Fufiicient acquittanceu and discharges, for the same for me, and in ray name, pjace, and stead. Landholders and others inter ested, are requested Jo attend by themselves or agents, at the Commissioner's Offices in Danville, In said county, and pay their tax es before the 1 1 th day of Juno next; when all tha tracts upon which arrearage taxes are duo and unpaid, will be exposed for sale, as above. II. McWILLUMSi Trwitr. March 29, 183d; Register's Notice. To all legated, creditor!, and other ponons in terested in the estates of the rispecthe dece dent, that tho administration accounts of the said estates have been filed in the office of the Register of the county of Colurntia,.and will be presented for confirmation and allowance to the Orphans' Court, to he held at Danville, in and for tho county aforesaid, on Tuesday, the 17th day of April next, t 3 nVInrk. 1 AI. 1st. The account or John Elmer, administrator of the estate of Conrad Ebncr, late of Dcrry township, deceased. 3d. The auDDlemcntarv account of Peter Oman. executor of tho last will and testimcnt of James Grimes, late of Mount Pleasant township. deceas cd. x 3d. Tho account of Sarah Shlovcr. lato Sarah Hauck, administratix, with the will annexed, of Ste phen llauck, lato of Itoaring Creek township, de ceased. 4lh. The account of 8amucl Melick. administra. tor of tho estate of John StauiTer, late of Alt. Pleas ant township, deceased. 5th. The account ot I rcdnck Hosier, adminis trator of the estate of Joseph Housltr, late of Mifflin township, deceased. ; , Ctli. The account ol Auraliam Wolf and Chris tian Wolf, administrators ofth estate of Catharine Wolf, lato of Mmlm township, deceased. 7Ui. l ne accouni.oi nenry i.antz, Jtisq. execu tor of the last will and testanunt of Abraham Foil- mer,lato of Limcstono township, deceased, 8th. The suppIemcntHry account of William Barber, administrator of the estate of John Smith, late ol AlaUison township, deceased.', 9th. The atcount of John McRcynolds, Esq. administrator of the estato of William Strawbridge, latool JJerry townslnp, deceased, 10th. The account of Thomas Adamtand .John Gingles, executors of the last will and testament, of i nomas Adams, ute of Madison twonship, deceas ed. 11th, Tho account of Ezra S. Havhurst. execu tor of the last will and testament of William Osman, lato of Uatawissa township, deceased. ISth, Tho account of Ezra S. Havhurst. admin istrator of the estate of John Drumhellcr, lato of 13th. The account of Ezra S. llayhurst, admin, istrator of the estate of Joseph Retz, late of Cata wisea township deceased. .. 14th. Tho account of Joseph Hayhurst, execu tor of the last will and testament of Samuel Hart- man, late of Catawissa township deceased. loth. 1 lie. account ot bamuel Jlarman, . executor of the last will and testament of Cornelious Hcy noldf, late of Alifllin township, deceased. ALLEX'It. BEST, JUrister. itegister umec, UsnviUe, Atarch 31st, 1839. public sale; ILL bo told on Tuesday the 3d day of April next, at the residence nf the subscriber in Cattawissa, the following property, viz: Three Sleighs; 28 good feather Jleds, 1 1 conion Titdi , and a auantitv of beddin'cr: 100 vanh common Carpetting, 11. Dozen tVmd sor Chairs, 8 tcanfostands, 8 Tables, 1 Bureau, and one comer and one kitch en Cupboard, one Clothes press, 1 A'e- tec, 7 Stone Coal Stoves, a lot cf bar rels, Bottles, Pitchers, and If ash bowls, together with a variety of , FURXITURE. . On'o one-horse Carriage, two sets of Harnct?, and WW HORSES, Rope halters, Forks, Hoes, and Shovels, two 24 hour Clocks, 1 Book Case, 1 dozen looking glasses, with a variety of other articles too numerous to mention. The above furniture is all new having been used but very little and is worthy of the atten tion of those wishing to purchase. Also . , Three Hogs, a lot of Manure, 3 saddles and bri dles, a lot of potatoes; 2 dozen fur caps, 20,000 half Spanish Cigars. Sale to commenced at nine o'clock in the forenoon, when due attendance and a reasonable credit will be given. Sale to continue from day to day until all is sold. BENJAMIN P. FORTNEIt. Cattawissa, March 24, 1838. 48 2t. DISSOLUTION OF PAUTNERSIUP. HE Partnership heretofore existing under the firm of TllECJO, THOMAS & Co. was dis solved by .mutual consent on the fifth of March, 1833. The business will be continued by the sub scriber. r . Ltorjl TJiomas. March 31, 1835. 48 3Kj FOR SALE , , good COOKING STOVE, andasmalltfofw Coal Stove, besides several articles of Furni turo which are inconvenient to remove any distance. They will he sold at n sacrifice. Apply to the Ed itor of the " Columbia Democrat" March 24, 1838. Look at This ! I ALL persons indebted to the subscriber either by Note or Book Account, pre vious to this date, will oblige him by making payment before the first day of X pril next. After thai date the collection of such demands will be attended with Oosto. Thr will b do mistake In this notice. C. IL FI8$B& Bloamtbm-gt MomJi 16, lead, t tiZOMh ?UND,3 of OIIEESE York. It is a prime lot, and will bosokl by wholesale or retail at the etoro of O. B. FISEES. March 10, 1630. PROPOSALS ; 1 Ar piAHtlitng at Fetttvttl, . m Xnptrial XieMy JYInMpaptr, to ht tutHttti The urgenVsolicitations of numerous friends, and the prospect of liberal patronage, have induced the undersigned to issue these proposals, and ask the support of the pub lic. In politics, the 'Pottsvillk Emporium" will zealously siippqtthe principles and candidates of the Democratic party, and particularly the nominee of the 5th of March Convention : But, aside from patty feeling, it shall be our main object to enhance the interests of our fellow-cilizens, by promoting that industry and enletprizevhich charac tiso the operations of the Coal ltcgion. We shall go for tho honest manyagainst tho designing few on all occasions, rovcrencing that principle in our political creed, and on- . t il I .1.. fusing uii Kiuiiupoi) vucii may rciaru uiu uAriuitu in iiiumiiuiii rignio, or nave tns tendency to put down individual industry and enterprise. In fine, our object shall be o promote tho welfare of the community amongst whom we live to please and in struct and with no other promises, we shall commence our naner. honinir that our ex perience both as mechanical nriuters and gratification to patrons which ncvoi- fails to ces ruuucreu in a lauuauic unucriamug. , - ..... ... T" 1 , ai present mere is out one ungnsii paper county whose territory is completely, .spotted amongst the most intelligent, industnotis.anu enterprising of the commonwealth. In 1835, Schuylkill polled almost 2500 votes, and the combined Democratic vote exceeded 1600. Then we doubt not of the success of our establishment, provided the exertion of friends may, in the launching of our bark, from mooring upon those rocks anil shoals which generally render the commencement of a paper a matter of so much anx iety and expense to the proprietors. m . The "Pottsviixe Emp.irium" will be published weekly, on an Imperial sheet, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable semi-annually in advance, or $2 50 if not paid within the year. The first number will be published about tho first of May next. Subscriptions ar respectfully "solicited. . t . JOHN S. INGRAM February 8, 1838. ikftSTIS) SWS'SnSi2) 2so IIADEX SMITH, . Respectfully informs the public, that he is prepared, to receive and execute orders in the above line, and from his knowledge of the art, having had extensive practice for the last fifteen years, considers himself jus tified, in stating that he can give perfect sat isfaction to all who may employ him. , Topographical maps furnished according to the latest improvement, in the handsom est and most correct manner, and levelling of every description faithfully performed. Able, assistants are engaged. Orders left with the following persons will meet wall immediate attention. James -Taggart, Esq., Tamanua. S. Ji. Harmon, Esq., Danville. John Weaver, Esq., Pottsville, John S. Inaram, Esq., Bloomslntrg. Cornelius Conner, Esq., Mauch Chunk. Tench C. Kintzing, Esq. Cattawiisa. Cattawissa, Feb. 10, 1838. 42 Ot TO 3IAXTIJA MAKERS. An extremely useful and thoroughly provan PATENT SYSTEM for cutting Ladies' Dresses and Habits in various forms, to accommodate ull the hanges of the fash ions, and warranted to fit without tlic trou ble of trying on the dress before finished, on a plait so easy that any ,lady may learn it from the rule and explanations, or in ono half hour by personal teaching, is hereby offered to the ladies employed in that branch of business. . Terms if forwarded to order iS5, if per sonally taught $0. WILLIAM HAULER, CHARLES HAULER. Bloomsburg, Feb. 10, 1838 42 tf. Valuable Property FORJRENT. The subscriber wishes to obtain tcnanls to a , property in Rohrsburg, Greenwood township, Columbia county, consisting of TWO houses; One of the dwellings has heretofore been on' copied as a store, and a person , who. would carry on the mercantile business would be preferred as a tenant, The situation is a good one, jt being in a most extensive lum ber country, and where considerable might be done jn the Grain business. , , , . Possession will be given, on the first day of April next.and any person .wishing to ex amine the premises can receive every satis faction by calling on )ie undersigned. ANDREW McCLUREl Rohrsburg, Feb. 10. 1838. 42 tf. Zeidy's Compound Sarsaparilla, OH blood pills for Rheumatic aflcctions, general debility, ulcerous sores of the noac, throat and body, whito swelling, diseases of th liver and skin, tetter, ring-worm, piles, cramps, &c. for sale at Tobias's Health Emporium. a . Compound Fluid Extract, I"jORthe cure of pimples, orposlulca on the fare " biles, pains-in tho bones, chronic rhcumatiwu, cater, vviuao swellings, ac. &c lor sale at Tobias's Drug IFarcJwusc. CELEBRATED Universal Plastej forth cur of Gout and incwmtSe pahm, dretrojiqj roroa, avhsjj fraitAmn feob, astl sew lrttft - J0IIN S. INGRAM, TENDERS ht praffflsiofial services to thedfr. zens of Columbia county, lie will feel gmte ful for husineea entrusted to his ere. Office in lb bom building with, tho 'OoKuaWa DeotMMt.' Dhwawtwrfi, May, l&T : r , editors, may fit us for our task, and afford that induce the necessary recompense for servi . . I ... 1 . .. AH. ... puousncu in, lite county ol Hchtivlkill a with villages, and tvhosc citizens rank Important to Tailors t PATENT ELASTIC SQ,UARE AND Self-varying Square Rule, , For measuring and dnlfting coats, in con nection with, another new and useful rule for cutting sale ot boy's coat's, up'on a more familiar plan ; also, superior rules for cut ting all other garments incumbent on that branch, are now ofTered to the trade by the subscribers ; beliving them to surpass eve ry thing of the kind which has preceeded them. SELF-VARYING RULE.. , Great imperfections in the art and liabil ities to produce a miss-fit have stand ing before the cutter ever since the intro duction of rules, filling the mind with fear and anxiety, until the coat is finished and tried onaf which crisis the blood is pften caused -to, rqshjnto the face at beholding a bad fitting coat. . , , , , The rulcsi with one or two exceptions, which have been in use ever since the first invention of tl.e.kind, were wholly predi cated upon principles giving the same, pro? portion for every man, which principles would long since have been superceded by self-varying rules, had tailors but thought that the variation in the proportions of men'd limlies are almost as many as in the features of the face. Two or three rules styled Self-varying, have, made their nppearancc.!ivithjn about as many. years,, each iuventut .claiming the hon or of havipg perfected the art, upon which J. G. Wilson, of New York, entitled his sys tem perfect ; but instead of being porfect, it contains many erroneous principles, which the subscribers forbear to point out until that gentleman assails this assertion. All such systems have heretofore been defective in two ways: First, they are only pi part self-varying. . Secondly,' those, parts .whjqh are intended to be self-varying are defcclivei In fact, there arc certain points on the coat which cannot be effected by self-varying principles in any other way, nor by any other means, than those laid down by the subscribers. . . , en Unlike any other of tho kind, this sys tem now ofTered to the trade is conducted without any breast measure, and effects ev ery point and every part of the coat by self, varying principles, in a way calculated to convict the senses pf any reasonable manj that should it ever fail to produce a good fij upon any shape, whatever,, .the charge must be laid to a careless and incorrect measure ment. It, may seem mysterious, that this rule is said to bu self-varying, and yet a square rule a square rulo ant? yet conduct ed without a breast measure ; but the whole niystery will be unfolded at once by exam ination. . Unwilling lb have it said'that.tha ubscribers are attempting to palm this sysr tern upon the trade with misrepresentations, they avow their willingness to submit it in to tho hands of an impartial committee for an examination of its principles, in compar ison with any other ever invented in tho United Slates, at Philadelphia or Now York, which committee shall make the decision known through the press. Tho subscri-r hers set all systems which are governed! wholly by the breast tneasuro aside as in ferior and not worthy to compare with I consequently they will compare with non but such :ia are governed in part by self varying principles. For if tbr principles, here ofleretl to the trade ate not worthy of patronage it ia right that it ahould be matte tnown, and they sink into oblivion On th contrary, jf they srO found as above wprti eatod, or if thareby tho eubecribwa havj pni aa 'end to all further improvements ia , art of cutting coats they deserve eom f ;f ronage and compensation for their exertiontl. Terms if forwarded to order 410 if oonoily bugkt $12 CHARLES KATILER WILLIAM HAULER Diowaburd, Ps. Fob, 10, 1W. 4t