The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 31, 1838, Image 2

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"tboth Vnnocr tub "
Tfca ; partnership heretofore existing between the
utocriUfs, m publishers of the "Columbia Demo.
, nimuaiiy aiisoired on the 17th instant,
and all debt due the offie. for subscription, adver'
tislng, &e. are payable to John S. Ingram, who
2kbKnt lnl,reintre,t Mr. MiUa in th.
NB PmeoU'to 'either o'ftWhands in the 6f--ioa
will be a sufficient dicharSa fo delinquent.
Blooraslnirg, March 24, 18 J8.
CCjNUMDt!R 5213)
The above number will fcloso our connexion with
hit paper, and HI the account will be placed in
proper bands 'to enforce speedy collection. Th6se
who -neglect tcttlcment will pay J 1 60 and cos ts, as
we must pursue this course in accordance with our
terms, and4to answer our immediate necessities.
Will out patrons, who are delinquent, oblifce iis by
Jjompl ; settlement, and thus continue the reciprocal
friendship manifested on both sides! Cpme,Ben
tlernan "the laborer m worthy of his hire," and we
want (towages.
Irfok out for Counterfeits!
Three persons, orte named Alexander
Barr, of this county, and a ihan and wife
named Tinbrobk, of Port Carbon, were
committed to the jail of Schuylkill county
last weet on the charge oT passing counter
fell Cattawissa Bridge Company Shinplas
Un. Thoy were to be tried this week. A
mt number of these spurious bills are in
circulation, and the public should be on
iheir-guard. They are however easily de
leted, the engraving being much coarser
Ihan the genuine the tong s in the word
passed being bifort the shorts in the coun
terfeit, whereas in the genuine itolloios
tesidea many other variation which are
Teadily observed on compariidm
lOTThe public are cautioned against tak
ing any eheeka on the Northumberland
Dank dated at Lewisburg and signed "S.
Burrowes J- CtS' They are a gross fraud.
There are likewise Cattawissa Bridge
Company counterfeits in circulation signed
Patterson,,' besides hosts bf others.
ITT We have received a communication
'eontaining h6m suggestions in regard to
the lotalion ot the Counterfeit Shin-plaster
maaufactory. The publication of the arti
ela might defeat the object of our corres
leapondent j but we San inform him that in
tha "neighborhood he refers to our collector
-received three cf Col. Paufn's imitationsi
It is presumed that "S. Burrows, Co."
keep their office ia the same quarter, and
that discounts will bo freely made until af-
Wf the Banks readme specie payments,
bar Ore Lands;
Col. Pai'ton has engaged persons-tb sur
vey ana make a Typographical Map of the
Ore Lands in this section of the county,
and we may expect their appearance about
the first of May, This will materially as
list oar neighbourhood by inducing capital
ists to visit us, and invest their funds in a
speculative enterprise which must prove
productive. All that is wanting here is
capital, and if funds arti invested in the
Iron business, with all the known facilities
of water-power and abundance of ore, it
will not only add immensely to the wealth
of the operators, but materially benefit this
A bill has passed both Houlen of the
Legislature establishing a' new criminal
court for the county of Philadelphia. There
will be thrte judges, aad the sessions held
Lumberman's Bank.
Tho "Warren Bulletin" etatee that the
committee appbinted by a public meeting to
examine into the affairs of this institution
have adjourned tins' dit, and adopted sun
dry resolution which they have ordered to
be published. The Bulletin was issued a
fortnight after1 the report, and we would
simply ask where are the procding7 Are
thsy being discounted?
A bill to prevent the parryirfg of conceal
ed weapons has passed the Virginia House
of Delegates, by a yo of 85 to 17. An ex
ample well worthy tbj imitation of other
Has passed the Senate by a vote of 27 tb
25! Mr. Cuthbert's amendment, making
tna notes of specie paying Banks receivable
in payment of public dues, was a part of
the bill, and will doubtless be concurred in
by the House. This willeettlethe ques
tion which so long agitated the countrv.
and will undoubtedly induce an immcdiaU
resumption of specie payments by the
Banks confidence and credit will again re
sume their fbrrri'er stand, and we may'safdly
anticipate a complete change of times from
what they now .ire in respect to money!
matters. The following are the yeas and
nays as it passed tho Senate:
, . YEAS Messrs. Allen, itenlon, Brown,
Clay of Alabama, Cut'hbert, Fulton, Hub
bard, King, Linn, Lumpkin, Lyon, Morris,
Mouton, Niles, Norvell, Pierce, Roane,
Robinson, Sevier, Smith of Connecticut,
Strange, Trotter, Walker, Wall, Williams,
Wright and Young 27.
NAYS Messrs. Bayard, Buchanan, Cal
houn, Clay of Kentucky, Clayton, Critten
den, Davis, Grundy, Knight, McKean,
Merrick, Nicholas, Prentiss, Preston, Rive?,
Robbins, RugglesSmith of Indiana, South
ard, Spence, Swift, Tallmadge, Tiptorr,
Webster, and White 25.
'Young Men's Cottventforf.
The Central Committee of Correspon
dence, in conformity with the recommenda
tion of the '5th of March Convention, have
fixed upon the "State CapVtal at Harrisburg
for holdings young Men's Democratic Stato
Convention on the 4th 6f July next.
Speaker of the Senate.
On the 26th inst. Mr. Burden res!gned
his seat in the Senate, and Charles B. Pen
rose, Esq. was elected to fill his place as
Speaker. The vote stood Penrose 17;
Carpenter 11.
The "Vrauch Chunk Courier" call that
man a fanatic, who has a family of chil
dren and refuses to take a newspaper.
Supposing he takes a paper, and forgets
paying for it what would be his proper cog-
New Hampshire Election. By the
following extract from the New Hampshire
Patriot, we learn that the democratic party
have achieved a glorious victory notwith
standing the federalists have claimed the
Never did the yeomanry of New Hamp
shire achieve a more important victor' than
that gained in the election of last Tuesday'
By the returns below it will be seen there
are very few towns in the entire ifate
which, haliendt given Gob. Hill a larger
vote that, the same tdwns had ever before
given to a democratic candidate in any
contested election. No election in tht
state was ever contested as has been this
contributed in Massachusetts & elsewhere
have been expended by the federal whigs
on this election to furnish the means of de
ceiving the people td have runners, to pur
chase votes, anu to employ men wno are
not legal voters or who did riot belong to
the slate ib change the results in sevml of
of our towns. If the (state had been leu
to itself if tneahs and appliances had not
been furnished to operate upon us from a
broad we should have beaten the federal
party in this election by a majority at least
as great as that ol November ft. ax, wnen
that majority ranged between six and seven
thousand. As it is, our majority will be
not less than TnnEB thousand. Four of
the five counsellors! eight of the twelve
Senators, and a majoiity ranging from twen
ty to thirty "good men and true" in the
House of Representatives, nave been eiec
ted by the democratic party.
Geh. PoiiTEH'tt Calumniators. The
Pennsylvania Telegraph, a paper well
known as the accredited organ of Gov. Rit
ner s administration, teems with low, ribald
scurrility in tho shape of communications,
... , . t . t
by the utter falsehoods of their statements
and allegations. Gov. Ritnef countenan
ces this papei & its editor, in his geneia'l
course. D6es he approve and advise three
communications! Does he patronize the
editor, for publishing them, and is his sense
of propriety, and regard fdr truth, to be es
timated by such standards as these? The
public should know theso tilings, and they
will know them, if his excellency continues
to patronize this paper, arid it continued to
publish such communications. As for Gen.
Porter, he cannot desire s mora effective
support, than is affoided by such attacks,
as are mado in the Telegraph, They
show not only who are his calumniator
but that they are the paid advocates of Gov.
Ritner's cause. "Liko master like man,"
is a truth too old to be contradicted by his
excellency. Keyttont.
An Individual was arrested at .Louisville
on the 15th instant, having in his posses
sion $0,(100 in counterfeit' fivo dollar bills
upon the Uanton Itaftk w Utuv
against me democratic canmuate ior gover
nor, Gen. Porter. The grovelling style in
which they are written, is only equalled,
CTur numerous and conflicting en
gagements in hurrying a settlement of the
affairs of this office to commenco the publi
cation of another paper, et cetera, must an
ower as an apology for tho dearth of "origt
nal and carefully selected matter," which
must natuaally be evident in the prescn
and subsequent numbers of the "Democrat1
until the close df the volume. We have,
however, disposed of tho establishment to
a gentleman whose capacity and experience
will make ariferids for ourclo'sing deficiency.
Harvey, the Bank Rnnnp.n. A frpntliv
man was very Veil acnUainlcd ivith Ilnrvnv
pin Hamilton, tells us that ho travelled with
dim tn tU il..n .U! Ol 1 ii .nb otuu iiuui una cny 10 viarftsou
a lew uays since, on ins way to Uanada
He exhibited his nrinlrin frmn thn finvir
nor, and appeared highly gratified at his
'sneerlv rclfn (mm il.mnnn vlln Will
I J a.w.i. uinaiifi VJ1W 1 1 ii,
somo of the journals in Albany inquire into
tho matter, and inform the public upon
what grounds tho Governor has released
inu personagei icochestor Uemocrat
We understand, savs the New Oilcans
Picayune, that 'six hundred negroes, belong
ing to a gentleman, ol this city, lately de
ceased, are to Ve liberated according to his
will, provided 'they are willing to go to Af-
ii. i. moil ul0 iIllllU prUVISIUIl IB IU
be made for their transportation.
Pennsylvania The following account
oi the origin ol the name of Pennsylvania
-- -- --
cxiracicu. irom a letter written by William
renn, its lounder, dated Jan. 5, 1681.
t "This day, after many waitings, watch-
uiii'iuugs, anu uispuics in COUH'
en, my country was conftimcd to me
under the crreat seal of England, with
large powers and privileges, by the name of
rennsyivania a narnp the king would give
il in tavnr nf int. CniUmr T Nn.
Wales. I nr6DOSed Svlvania. an'd thev nd-
. ' f r J "---j
ded Penn to it; though I was iriuch opposed
10 u, anu went to the king to have it struck
uui. oaiu ii was passed, ana ne wouiu
lake it upon him: nor could twenty guineas
move the undersecretary to vary the name;
for I feared it mif?ht be looked on as a vani
ty in me, and not as a respect in tho kinf
in mv father, am it rnnllir iVn.
, Mr. Jaudoh The N. Y. Courier and
Enquirer of vesterdav savn. W bni hi.n
favored with the following extract of a let
ter irom a gentleman in London, to a friend
In this city.
"It is in coHtemnlation to form 5nl
land a joint tock association, at the head
oi wnicn win preside Mr. Jaudon, agent
for Iho U. S. Bank, with which it wijl be in
cldso connection. The objecls of this as
sociation will be the agency of foreign loans,
the collection of dividends' on stocks in the
United States; advances on produce, and
dealing in exchanges. The capital will be
2,000,000, to be held in shares similar to
the joint stock banking associations at pres
ent in operation in England."
Jltilroad Advtnture. A short time
since, a young gentleman travelling from
the city of New York to Rahway, on ike
New Jersey Rail Road, found himself sea
ted by the side of a young lady, richly dres
sed, and extremely beautiful. She sat mu
sing in silence, evidently a stranger tb all
the car until after they had left the Newark
Depot, when she suddenly maaifested
syraptons ofunetsiness and alarm, so as to
attraet the attention of the gentleman by her
side and prompt Kim to enquire into the
cause! She raised her veil, and in a low
tone, very modestly informed him that she
had lost her piirsc, containing her ticket to
New Brunswick, and every cent of money
she had with her. The money, she remar
ked, was of little consequence, being only
eight or nine dollars, but the loss of the tic
ket would expose her to tho suspicion and
perhaps insult of the agent and others ia tho
car. She had puichascd tke ticket before
she left the city, and could hot imagine
when, where or how she had losther purse
M ( ty ....... kiiuvHM'IWU
to louthe her apprehensions by sayiag that
the price of a ticket to New Brunswick was
but a trifle and he would most cheerfully
procure one for her before he left the car.
She appeared very grateful for his kind in
terposiiion to relieve her from the mortifi
cation of being obliged to expose her situa
tion to inquisitive agents, ai'id drew from
her finger an elegant diamond ring, to com
pensate him for his kindness and the cost
of the ticket, which, of course, was decli
ned. At Rahway he left the far, after giv
ing the lady his name and residence, and
she went on her way. A few days after
wards he received a letter from New Bruns
wick, signed O. D. enclosing the identical
ing which had been offered him, and a
five dollar bill, with an assurance that at
some future period he should be made, ac
quainted with her truo narrie Newark .
tVe learn that a little girl in Bayard
street, N. 7. was on Sunday crushed or
smothered (n death by her drunken father
who had thrown himself upon her on the
bed, and thua nnconscioosjy committed
murder opon his own child from the state
of insensibility to which he was leduoed by
beastly passion for liquoh
Money could be borrowed in England,
for short periods, on stock security, at tn
Iovf nto ofentftr nut. aytur.
If an argument were wanting to convince
us of the wisdoln of the selection made by
the Democratic Convention, or of tho merit
of the individual selected, it would be found
in the universal clamor raised by tho fedcr-
l Tl... ' I 11 .1
ai presses, uui, wiin an ineir vexation,
zeal and industry, they find his character
abovo reproach, and his ability unquestion
able. Totally destitute of a foundation to
build upon, they rake up a charge of Ma
sonry, although he has not met a lodire for
fifteen years. Another very crave accusa-
uon is, inai no is a lawyer, oecauso no
knows enough of the subject to understand
the constitution and laws of his country,
and of his native State a very serious (lis-
ijuauiibdiiuii 111 mi: uaiiiiiauuil oi inu menus
of Joseph Ritner, who is no doubt guiltless
of tho offence of understanding the laws.
At any rate he has shown himself above
being , ruled by such petty considqrationsy
ao uauiiiiuaiiuiis jui uuicc, or rcizara ior me
will of the people. If the ignorance and
mtuuoioiuucy ui joscpn uuner are so very
certain to succeed in gaining him the appro
bation of the people of this State, where is
tho necessity for inventing falsehoods, how
ever weak and silly, to strenglhen his
cause! The truth is, that his friends fear
the discrtmination of the people, who thev
are wen aware, are too enlightened to pre
fer ignorance to talents or imlieoilitv nnd
,i -
cunning 'to h6riesty "and capacity. Lancas
ter journal.
J7tJ Yltrle Pnliee Ttennrt .Vftttthtrirr
nn uuu vi iit i iuiliiiuh j. int. ian
T - .If ., . .
jpps, a respectaoic gentleman irom tno
country, was on Thursday conversing with
a friend in York House Nn. 5. Cnurtlaml
street, on the subject of the lata duel at
vasnmgion, ana used some expressions
derotratorv to the character nf Wolil, ulin
U -0 ' " w j I'liwii
he was rudely interrupted by a person in
the room, who told him that he
friend, and that he took up tho quarrel for
mm. iiii. van ijuufi couiv intiiiiren rim
name; he answered "Dewey;" and on be-
ing lunner pressea, said he was Samuel
W.Dewtlv. mhn
- ----- J JJ 'W Ulb flCUM
Mr. Van Epps told him that if that was the
case he was the sort of person to whom he
did not mean to have anv thin tn nv.
Dewey then iriade some attempt to confer
.:it. :.... t.r . ...
wuu nun in jjiivaic, uui oeing rcpuiseu Willi
some contempt ho threatened to shoot Van
r.pps Deioic ne ten tne city.
On the aamb evenlntr Mr. Van Rnn mi
called upon bv a nerson of tht n:im nf
i nompson, wiin a note trom Uewey, de
sirmsr a confidential dnmmnnir-itinn .-iili
him. This note was treated like Dewey's
iormer aavances on which ThoaipSoh
threatened to make the nuarrrl nwn
Mr. Van Epps finding the note was to be
conaiuereo. as a cnauenge and not choosing
io ub uomerea wiin inese people, very prop
erly took the document to tho online nflin
and tho next day Dewey, and his second
were arrested and held to bail. Evening-
A bill BTantino- m'rt In
' Ft " uyillHIUH DU1IWUI3,
eStabltshinC a school of arts mil unitnuiirxr
the colleges and academies of our State pass-
eu me oenate yesterday (the 23d; by a vote
of yeas 25 navs 5. This hill is vv lirtV.r.
ent from the school of arts bill which W3S
before the House of Representatives, and
beinc so. wc trust it will rriv thiir nn.
probation and become a law. The bill in
lis several provision was considerably dis
cussed in the Senate, thauirh. with th pr
eoption of the school of arts, it was opposed
Dy no one: inueca moif of those who
Sn'oke UOOn the Slibier.t Sfimnil nn, In
vote in favor of the measure, as beinr one
uiituiaicu io icuuuiiu 10 me lasting glory
and prosperity of our commonwealth. It
was remarked that Pennsylvania was rich
enough in mineral resources to buy several
oi inc ouicr siaies ot um tininn. nnti w nriinni
Of arts and Sciences liko thn nnn nrnnhtfd
wouia enaoie us to develope our resources
and brintr this. vast mineral treasure into use
1 ft
anu prom. neysionc.
Another duel.
The St Louis fiVTn.Mlflmihliran nflfnrrli
- j -j '--.
12. SaVS. We learn hv 9 tftlor frnm v, am.
tleman in Springfield to his friend in this
city .that on Wednesday cvenlnir Utl a nuar-
rel occurred in that place, at the tavern of
iur. onouwoou. between M. it 'I'mpti. iff.
gister of the Land Office at Galena, and Dr
Early; on account of something which
Early said 6r done at the laie Convention
at Vandalia. of which Earlv wnn nmomhor
Truett called Early a liar, when Early at-
wtni.ii nun wiin a cjiair, ai wnicn lime,
Tnielt drew a nist6l from his nnr.kpt nml
shot Early tho ball entering just above
the left hip and lodging in tho body. Tru
ett was taken into custody. Early was
not dead on Saturday ninrnintr. hut hnnrlv
expected (o die,
Sfrino Business. The canal" U
filled with water during the past week, and
boats are now passing upon all the lines
between (his and Pittsburrr. Rintinxxa la
also brisk upon the rail road since tho open
ing of tho Ohio. There is now a flood too
in tho Susquehanna which will shortly waft
down the lumber, iron, coal, whea'i Ac. of
the northern counties'. Keystoni,
J Novel VerdUt.k jury in the west of
England, commiserating the case of a poor
woman who was charged with a trifling
theft, agreed to the followinir verdieh "Not
guiltyf-it wihaoi she twn'i do so a-
Savannah, March 18.
, By the steamboat Florida, arrived from
Black Creek nn Sunday, tho latest intelli
gence from Gen. Jestip'B head quarters',
near Jupiter Inlet, is to the first inst. from
wliich It appears that there wore encamped
about half a mile from the General's posi
tion, upwards of 200 Indians, men, women,
and Children, under tho chief Tuskee-gee,
waiting some decision in reference to them,
consequent on propositions which they
mado early in February. About HO Indi
an negroes, who came in with Tuskee-gee'a
party left Fort Jupiter tinder art escort on
the. 1st of March for Tampa Bay, for em
barkation to the West, and who it is said,
belong mostly to Indians wh'o have already
emigrated. It is further said that about 30
or 40 negroes are still out, so that nearly t
all the blacks have left the field, by capturo
or surrender. Sam Jones is understood o
be 100 tniies south of Fort Jupiter, twenty
miles up Shark river north of Capo Sable.
To the politeness of a gentleman, who
arrived in the Florida, we are indebted for
a St. Augustine Herald of the 2d. inst. from
which we make the follo wing extract:
"The. report of the capture of 400 In
dians, which we published last week, turns
out to be incorrect. It came tb us in such
a shape that left us but little room to doubt
its correctness. But recent arrivals from
the army informs us that Gen..Jesup had
not left his position on "Jupiter river since
Lieut. Linnard left."
It is slated that a species of Wine hat
been introduced into Boston, which does
not possess any intoxicating properties. It
: t it A . . T. I 1
n iiiijiuncu in inc vtrcch. Ing Aiexan
dros, If this be true, f which we very
much doubt,) the Total Abstinence men in
the land qf 'steady habits" will have a fine
treat, for their pledge only requires them
to abstain from all intoxicating liquors.
A Rtaxarkablt Fast. None of tlm ff.V.
ner papers in this city have yet published
the entire proceedings of the Antt-masonie
State Convention which, on tho 5th of March
nominated the present Governor for re-election.
Why is this! It is, because they are
afraid to let their readers see the intolerant
and proscriptive character of those proceed
ings ; the bitter denunciation & abuse of Ma
sons ii persons not attached to the masonic
fraternity, who will not unite with the An
timasonel The Whigs of tho city ought, it
seems to us, be put in possession of these
proceedings before the Ritner meeting oi
Monday. Am. Schttnet
. Passag of the Atlantis bu Steam The
New York papers of Yesterday contain an
advertisement announcing that the steam
packet Sirius 700 tons burden, 320 horse
power, is to leave London for New York on
the 28th Inst. at 10 ojclock in the rrj'orning',
stopping at Cork Harbor, whence she ii to, 4
start on the 2nd of April. . It is expecttd to
make the passage from Cork in 15 days.
Passengers leaving London on the 31st inst.
by the way of Bristol, will reach Cork in
season to embark in the Sirius. Arrange
ments have been made to forward passen- j
gers from Glasgow, Liverpool and Dublin.
In the Legislature of Massachusetts, the
Committee on the License Law, unani
mously reporied a kill, .making it a psnal
offence to sell intoxitating liquors iq less
quantities than 28 gallons, and grantiug nd
England loses by her six North Ameri
can colonies six millions sterling annually.
The branch mint at New Orleans has
commenced operations.
Thirteen persons were killed at St. Pe-
tersbnrg, by the burning bf the Emperor's
Four thousand soldiers of the Belgian ar
my are in the hospitals, afflicted with op
thalmia. The preseat population of Upper aad
Lower Canada is about 000,000.
The personal property of the late Lord
Eldon amounts to Z2, 300,000
In 1774 the mail went once a week be
tween Philadelphia and Baltimore.
In 1700 the number of post offices in the
United States was s evenly -five
About one half tho stock of the United
States Bank, is owned in Europe.
The cashier of the Market Bank Boston,
has failed, greatly indebted to the bank.
The number of the Freneh standing ar
my, is 300,000.
Small notes of the city banks, are now1
received by the Post Oflico at New Work.
The balance aHeetofthe Cheltenham and
Glouchesterbank,, England, exhibited alt (he
meeting of proprietors, a profit of 12W
MARniF.Tt On iTia !.(. in., fcwl?.. U'. '
Bycr, Mr. JOHN riMTJB, to Mi OUIU8TINI
WIBLAND. both of German.
fin O.flU in.l Ttt il .. r VI.
THAN KISTLER. of MoantfuWanl, k
miss, uuuioiah& iiviiKISl, ofjUaol-
Onthe2a.tiifwtbvtha sam. M. WIT.
jIAM BOST. tn MtM. TCT.T7-Am.vrri
6HUGARS, both of Mifflin.
On Tuesdav Inst in Drinr Krui-lt. h Intt
Rev. I. Bah!, Mr. DirwAj;rH Iboal to Uh
MARY Eflfp.