COLUMBIA I have .worn upon the Altar of God, oternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of BUn.'-Thomas JaiTorsbn. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN S. INGRAM AND FRANKLIN S. MILLS. Volume I. BliOOMSBUStG, COLUMBIA tiOUNTY, PA. SATlt&DAY, MARCH -IT, i838i' IVuihher 47. Till? itnuHim. Ieceiptg; & Expenditure HUGH McWILLlAMS, Eaqt Treasurer in account With the County of Columbia, from the first day of January, until the 31st day of December, A. D. 1837, both days in clusive. : Bill DOLLS. CTS. Tdcajh received of the several collectors during 1st quarter $2,206 52 do do do 2d 2,777 58 27 88 do Ho 3d 1,001 1,081 8507 Balance in favor of the Treas urer, with what may be com1 ing from the State as per centage, . w .' 1,703 10,330 93 ....... I ....... I Ui . . . . We, tlie unuersigneu; yommissioners of above accounts, comparcu mem witu tlio Witness our hands this Mth'day df Expenditures of the countu 'of Commissioners on the Treasurer thereof, ureu anu imriy-seven. DbLLS. CTS. 183 21 Assessors wages, Jurors wages and mileage, Constables attending Court, Constables making returns to' quarter sessions, Commissioners &, Clerk's wa ges, Viewers of Roads and Bridge9, State costs, Elections General, . Contingent Expenses Printing and Stationary, Bridge building and repairing) 1,419 25 93 00 100 91 401 195 117 234 50 319 2,800 50 00 91 50 03- 70 12J Carried upj $0017 22i We, tllo uriiVersigned.Audilori.duly electcd'to settle and adjust the atcounts of the County of Columbia, do certify that we have examined the foregoing accounts, and do tcport a balance against the County of seventeen hundred and sixty-three dollars add sixty-seven anu one Halt cents. "Witness our hands this 14th day of February, A. C: 1838. PETEll KLINE, Vuf the undersigned Attditbrs, do find Sheriff Sahiibn accountable for twelve dollars Jury fees, we also tind Shdriff Rbed yet accountable for thirty-nine dollars Jury fees, as per last reports. We, the undirsijined Auditors of the tin) a County froth John Fruit and Hugh Mc -33-34-35 and 30, the sum of five hundred and fifty-two dolllars, after the lifjuidation u r 1 1. - C-t ...... nC li,,mtB.l nrl I ,,rn I, I t.-f 11m r1, mill t 1 n a lT-Ctiil t ..ante of the State taxi the sum of two hundred A Stalemeiil showing the baldntes dice , year Collectors Names; . John Lazarus, Henry II. FritZj -John Ruckle, Peter Simonton, Thomas Mendcnhallj Daniel Wellivcr, Jeremialt Hughes, Isaac Lcidy, Jacob Shultz, Jbhn Brown, senr. Thos. Moorehead, John Frcas, David Phillips, Archibald Ilcnrie, John Fulton, "Tewnsliips; , . K Fishing Creek, Sugarloaf, Mouut pl.eas'ant, Liberty, ..Greenwoodr ' Madison, Roaring Creek, Hemlock, Caltawissa, Mifflin, Deny, Briar Creek Mahoning, Bloom, Limestoho Mahoning Madisori, Mount Pleasant, Mifflin, Greenwood, Deri, . Cattawissa, Briar Creek, Mahoning, Derry, Mifflin, IfJbteBlshel, JtTormrati weuiver,' Philip Kestlcr, Christian Shuman, Ezra Eves, Jflhn Itishel, John Davis, ' t David Romjov, Michael Sanders, John Moyer, Peter Nungesser, Total ' QThoje marked thus have Alt IRON, Just received, uidfor sale at new chesp stora o J, T. MussemHn, Co, CIt. COLLS. CTS. By cash paid dn Commission! ers orders, 7,775 03 Fox Scalps, 70 19 Balance due per last report; 4,293 45 1 reasurers Commmions. t 192 30 "l' .vr .,,: '-"Of''- k 10,330 93 the County of Columbia, have examined the vouchers, alul find tlieht correct and just. February, A: D. 1838 1DDINGS BAHKLEY, COR. CLACKNER, JOSEPH UltORST, Commissioners. Columbia as var the order issued hu thp during the year one thousand eight hun- DOLLS. CTS, Amount brbticht up 0,017 22 240 51i Education ol the Poor Auditors Wagcs l'roihonotary ana CUrlt of-the" Quarter Sessions, Coroners Fees, IS 00 81 20 54 00 Jailor and Sheriff's Fee's,' -9Ol30 61 75 Wolf and Fox and Fox Scalps; 70 19 0,822 87 JOHN BIDDLE, i- Jludilorsi GEO: II, WILLITS, PETER KLINE, ") JOHN BIDDLE, I Auditors. GEO: II. WILLITS, i Ceunty of Columbia, do report that we find due Williams, late Treasurers for the years 1832 and twehty-two dollars and ninety-fdiir cents. JOHN 1UDDLE, ? GEO : II. WILLITS, $ Auditors, from the several Cotteclbrs al the end of the 1837. Years, Amt.of dupli'ls. Amtpaid: Balance due, f 1837, $198 riff 20 72i 171 G5 205 18 50 09 155 18 205 73 54 50 211 23 ' 424 54 01 00 303 54 428 23 95 87i 332 35i " 432 50 130 32 302 Hi 519 43 172 50 090 82 100 03i 885 45 115 22 015 01 225 00 1 070 08 248 12i " 035 03 00 00 " 1,000 00 212 00 " 000 02 245 00 ' 453 87 308 50 1830 1,359 50 871 47 " 583 40 258 89 " 301 44 310 00 " 793 39 253 50 " 572 55 437 00 901 27 714 00 " 1177 32 031 70 " 1250 20 890 70 1835 1400 28 1153 28 " 901 52 325 ISi 439 08 353 28 340 GOO 770 300 421 875 788 715 85 388 324 42 530 135 93 79 13 01 95i 03 49 C2 37 03 55 44 89 55 187 27 245 50 300 50 247 00 575 dO 80 40 amount of taxes' due, since paid, 8,657 32 tb T?tUR CAPS, just received, and fcrhsattho j new Si cheap atoio of J. T. Mussclmnn, tf Co. NOTICE. A LI, persons indebted to the subscriber by bond m note, or book account, or otherwise, aro re quested to call ami settle the same before the first day of April, next. He is determined to have old matters justly arranged; and those who neglect at tending to this notice may rely on strict legal pro ceedings for the purposes of settlement. There is no mistake. DANIEL SNYDEH. Bloomsburg, January 6, 1838. 37-tf VALLERSIIAMP'S Cough Sirup and Family Pills, for sale at . t - - 'Jobias's Health Emporium. Clovcr-Scctl. f ftfl TrgUSlIELSOFCLOVEIlSEED LM.VFP JLW of a superior quality, jlist re M-civuu, aim forsaieat tuoncw ana cheap store o J.T. Co. Bloomsburg, Feb. 3, 1838. r Mead's Anli-Dmntplic or Stomach Pith. indigestion, or sour Stomach, on hand, arid j Tfr it Tobias' Ilehtth Enihn Tli- t. i ' . 38-4t AND The Subscriber ERV respectfully informs his friends and the public, that holms always on hand, at his Li. very Stable in Uloomsburg, for the purposesof Ilira or Mcnnngc, a variety ol Horses GIGS, WAGONS, AND. SLEJGIlS. vyhich he will feel gratified to keep in rcadiucss for mo uccommoilution of custoniers. i crsonal application can bemadeatbisresidonce, .Yiii;iiovv means will lie used to render entire sat uiicuon oi tnose wlio may give him a call. KOAH S. PKENTI8, 'nvcjQber 4, 1837. .vjsii aoons. Cheap ! dheaper than THE subscriber would respectfully announce to Iho people of DIooriisburg and vicinity, &. to the public in general, that ho has just returned a second time from the city, and is opening out his purchase, wlllch, together with his lormtr stock comprises d ribat and general assortment of DRY GOODS, Consisting in part of an assortment of Cloths, Casiimeres, Sattinelts, Merinos, Merino Shawls $ Handkerehirfs, Dress $ Bonnet Silks and Trimmings, Ginghamsi Calicoes, Linnens, Muslim, Vestings, Slocks, Hosiery, $ ALSO, An extensive assortment of Hardware, Hollotv-tvare, China, Glass, Queensware, Crockery, Groceries and JAQiiors, uus, J'uuus, ball, fish, ivc. All of which he offers for 6ale at his ttors room in' Bloomsburg, on Main-street, directly opposite the I iost ofiicc, whero the public are respectfully invited I J II 1 L' r .1 1..L.' i. i ,, io call and see' for themselves, as he intends selling I Ins goods still a little cheaper than any yet oflered to the public, lor casuor country produce. GEOUGE WEAVER. Bloomsburg! Dec. 30, 183T. Dr. Freeman's Indian Specific, FOH the prevention and cure of colds, coughs, Asthmas, consumptions, spitting of blood, and all disorders of the breast arid lungs, (it Sale at He 1) rug store of the subsensor. in JJ oomsburs. D. S. Tobias. Rdwant's Tonic Mixture, R Vegetable Vermifuge, a lasting cure for the reyer and Ague, on hand and for sdlp by D. S. Tobias. Look at Tliis. PIIUTS, for renewing and cleansing Ladies fe K7 Uentlemen a wearing apparrel, Una rcstoreing thein to their original colour and briuhUicss. This axcollent Renovator never fails, no matter vv ith what article the garment may bo stained. It removes all grease from the collars of coats, spots aud stains caused by lime, paints, tar, oil, &c. &c. for sala at J ouias's Health Emporium. Bloomsburg, January 27, 1838. 40 3t Wanted. BOY that can ctfme well recoinmendt ed, from 12 to 15 years of airej cana ble of attendinffto horses and wait on custo mers at the bar, will find employment and get noerai wages c-y calling on Daniel Gross. Bloomsburg, March 3, 1838. 45 tf ARRELS ofl.slie Salt, and a larga quantity of Ground Arum Salt, iurt reooivaa, anaior saie at me cnexp store in J. T. Musselman, ij Co. JOB PEIHTXITG Ncaty executed at the Dtmociat effite. BANNING- BUSINESS. THE subscriber would respectfully inforrrt tha put lie that he has taken his son WIT.T.TAM SNYDER into copartnership in his Tannery, and that the business will hereafter bo conducted iimlar the firm of Daniel & William Snyder, at th old asiaunsned stand in llloomsburg. Daniel Snyder. Bloomsbure;, January C, 1838; 37-tf LEATHER iT good quality, and for sale a't 'the lowest pri- ' ccs, always on hand at the old established I annery, adjoining Snyder's Hotel. The subscri bers would respectlully solicit a contmuancc.of tha uucrui customs nareioiore enjoyed by tns senior parlrtsr. Daniel Snyden JVilliam Sniidrr. Blobnuburg, January C, 1838. 37-tf PROCLAMATION. "HEREAS, the honorable ELLIS LEWIS President of the Courts bf Over and Ter- rrtincr and General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter oussioiis onue i-cace,anu uourtot uommon l'lcas, and Orphan's Court,ih the eighth Judicial District, conipbscdorthccouhties.ifNorthumberland.triaon, M? !In1 ifiW BnJ0,rm-Wi"i AloKTuoMEitT and LfcoxAnn Rupeiit, Esquires associate Judges In Columbia county, have issued tlicir precept bearing datetho 19th day of February iti the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, and to me directed for holdii's Jl Court of Oyer and Terminer and G t- Sessions of the Peace, 'Common Picas, and Orphan i Court, IN DAN LLE, in "the county of Columbia, on the third M today of April next, (being the 10th day ) and to continue one week. A OT1GL is therefiire htnbv ffit'en to the Cor oner, the Justices of the Peace, and Constables of the said County of Columbia, that they ba then and there in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, in the torennon ol said day, with their records, inquisitions, and otner remembrances to do those things wlncli to their olbccs appcrtaiii to be done. And those who ore bound by recognizances to proecute against the prisoners that are or may be in the iail lfte-aiUlilu,"1ia are to he then and there are requested loTuncluaf .llllUhe just. J mors grceaniy io meir nonces. miu Dated at Danville, the 19th day of February, in . , T , .1 1.. l.i... luoycar oi our i-ioru one iiiuusanu cigm Hun dred and thirty-eight, nnd in ,thc 63d year of the independence of the United States of Amer ica. WILLIAM KITCHEN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Danville, Feb: 10, 1838. 5 42 6t GOOUS. MUCH CHEAPER THAN EVER' m The Suhscrihcr Would beg leave to announce to the peo ple oi iJioomsuurganu vicinity, mat ne nar just received a splendid assortment of sea sonable DRY GOODS, Consisting of every vdriejy of Cloths, Lassitncres ana aatlinctls ; ffanna-, and Canton Flannels, of eviry colour; Black, Brown arid Green M rinds, oj every shade and quality ; and in fact a fiill assortment of Drawer $ Common Goods, among which are un extensive supply of Groceries & Liquors, China, Glass and Queens-Ware, DltUGS AND MEDICINES, CEDAR Wi.RBj Spetin. Helmed and Common Limp Oil, USarrtivarc, Castings, & Iron, JlEfv's AND WOMEN'S BOOTS, SHOES & SUPPERS, together with every variety of merchandize which can meet the wants or please the fancy all which ho will dispose of at the lowest prices. lie returns Ins acknowledgments to cus tomcrs for their very liberal support, and with a firm determination to please through attention to business, he solicits a continu an'ce of their calls and custom. frt AH kinds of country produee will be takan in exchange for goods. U. U. riSliEK. Bloomsburg, Dae. 16, 1837, J, T. JTf usselinan, & Co. WOULD again announce to thejr customers, and the. public, that they hvo jbbt. re ceived another fresh supply of MERCHANDIZE, embracing evory variety of Pry Goods, flrorerie Liquors, Hardware, xe. wlucti tbey mtenq to iel a( the moit reduced prices at their new aiid cheap store In Uloonubujg. They Invito o (call from lhosowb.0 want choice ar'ticlw at almost cHtprioce, DoccmbvvS, 1837 New & cheap Goods, AT THE fctfPERT & BARTON, (Successors to E. II. Biggs,) RESPECTFULLY announce to theif friends and the public, that they have pur chased from E. II. Bigcs his interest in the store formerly kept by him, and that they have jtlst received ah extensive and splen did assortment of Pall & Winter Goods; which they are now opening for the exa- , ,i r " 1 "i ?l l?? Nt... Store U Ute, Utt constructed My Mr. Liggs.anU or posile to Mr. ltoul-. suns siagc oincu. x ueir assonmeni is noi only Very extensive, but carefully selected td atswer the demands oflhe neifflihour- hood; and although they wish noltZadver- .. ., r i . 1 lc,r F,ccs' yel I,ey k,el confident that l,ley ,lavc ueuer goous, anu will sea cnea- per than any store in Bloomsburg. Their new stock lias been nutchrsed at the manufacturers' establiEhmcnts, at the DR"2" GOODS. SUCH AS Blue, Black, Broicn, Invisible Green, and Fancy coloured Cloths, Cassimerti and Saltinetts ; Silks, Merinos',. . Ginghams, and Calicots ; Linnens and Muslins ; Vestings, Stocks, LADIES' BONNETS; i 1 HI Tn fine, thev have every thing which riai. ccssitv or fancy may desire from a yard of tape to the linest article in ury vinous, anu from a needle to a stove in Hardware. Their stock of IIAHDWAHJB, 111UW China, Glass; (iUEENsiVARE : PAIlTTSj Groceries & Liquors; Oils, Salt and Fish, Hollpw-wdrti &-c. 4-c. &c fyc. is more extensive and better splected tharj the same articles in any 6f the ricigh bouring stores. Those who wish neu, cheap, ar)d good articles of Merchandize, should call at the 'Bloomsburg Arrado" cither before dr af ter exa'liling clscwhcfc, nnd make their pur chases, All kinds of Coimtry Produce taken irl payment at the highest maikei prices. Bloomsburg, Nov. 18, 1837. Stvuim's Vermifuge, . , N invaluable family medicine for worms, dya unturv. bowel conii)laints. cholic. cholera morbus, vomiting, pains or weakness in the stom ach, loss of appetite, fever and ague, &'c. kept at Tobias's Health Emporidm. Sicaim's Panacea, jTJ) ENQWKBD throughout the whole world fcr jgjfo its cflicadous qualities as a family medicine, constantly onhaud, and for sale at the Drugstore of D. S. Tobias. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, Next door to Boihson's Stage Orncs TERMS : The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will U published every Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars JFifty Chits, if not paid within the year. No subscription will be taken for a shorter period than six months nor any discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages are discharged. AD VER TISEMENTS not txeeedin p a square toill be conipicvousty inserted at Onr Drllarfor the first three insertions, and Twenty-fivt cents for every subse quent nsertioh. CfA liberal 'discount made to those who advertise Iff the year LETTERS addreutd on bu3inest,'muti bt pott paid.