The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 10, 1838, Image 4

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'l?ar jmhUthiriJjr l lofteitlr, Va, an Imperial HYrfty V(tciapr,to be rntlth-d
Vfi hriretit solicitations ofhiimerous friends, anil thft 'nrosnnet of libcril .tiatronatre.
,Ttve induced tKo , undersigned to issue theso proposals, and ask tho support, of . tho pub
lic. In politics, the irl6TT8ViM. Emporidm" will zealously support the principles and
tandidates of Ihe Domocratie party, and particularly the homineo of tho 5th of Marclt
Vjonvemion ; inn, asme ironi pany lecuug, n snail uo our main oujcci 10 cnuancc we i
intorests of our follow-citizens. bv promOtinc' that industry and enternrizo which charao-
tiia the operations of the Coal llcgion. Wo shall go for tho honest many against the
desicninir few on all occasions, reverencing that principle in our political creed, and op
posing any Monopoly which may retard the exorcist of individual rights, or hive the chased 'mm E j n. B; his iutcresl , thc
niiannif t rv mil ririinit i m n ttiriiin i i mi ii imf rwi ntii nmri cn in tin-, nnr fitinni niinn itn - . . .
store formerly kept by him, anu mat they
have just received an extensive and splen
did assortment ot
(Successors to 15. II. JJlggs,)
RESPECTFULLY announce to their
friends and tho public, that they have. pur-
Fall 8c "Winter Goods.
which they arc now opening for tho exa
mination and accommodation of Customers,
at the New Store House, just constructed
by Mn Biggs, and Opposito to Mr. Robi-
tndency 16 put down individual Industry and enterprise. In fine, our Object shall be j
x promote the welfare of the community amongst whom we live to please and in
struct and with n6 other promises, we shall commence our paper, hoping that our ex
perience both as mechanical printers and editors, may fit us for our task, and afford that
gratification to patrons which never fails to induce the necessary recomponso for servi
ces rendered in a laudable undertaking.
At present there is but one English paper published m the county ol Schuylkill a
county whose territory is completely spotted with villages arid whose citizens rank
amonerst the most intelligent, industrious and enterprisinir of thc commonwealth. In
1835, Schuylkill polled almost 2501) votes, anil the combined democratic vote exceoacu S0n3 sfy0 office. Their assortment is not
1600. Then we UOubt hot of the success of our establishment, provided the exertion of oniy vfiry extensive, but carefully selected
friands may, in the launching of our bark, prevent it from mooring upon those rocks and t0 answer tho demands of the neighbour
shoals which generally render the commencement of a paper a matter of so much anx- hood; and although they wish not to advef-
1ty and expense to tho proprietors. uc their prices, yet they feel confident that
The I'ottsvillts UMroruuM" win uc puuusneu wreiuy, on an, imperial sncci, ai they have &efer goods, and will sell chea-
TWU JJUJjtiAlta per annum, payaoie semi-annuaiiy in auvance, or au u um yam
within the year.
The first number will ha published about the first of May next. Subscription are
tespectfully solicited'. ,
John s. Ingram,
FjebrwaAt 8, 1'838.
listule of J.UnU'lG UEllIlhVG, late
vf Bloom township, Columbia count!,
TYTIOE i hercbr izivcn. .that Letters of Ail.
iniui&tratioii have been granted to the sub
scriber on said estate. 1 horcfore nil personshav
inn claims against Raid estate, are requested to nro-
tent Ihcm, and those indebted are requested to make
immediate tmnnent. If those indebted do not at
tend to this call before tho first day of March noxt,
their account will be placed in proper nanus to en
force collection.
John Herring, Adm'u
January 27, 1838. 40-Ct
The Ettatt of UrJlL HOP A INS, Hup
To tlite Iiii-csscd &, A!i
tobias's Health emporiums
And Family Drug iVarthousc.
"Tho poor lnan'a riches th rich man bliss;"
OTICE Is hereby given, that Letters of Ad
rhinistralidh on tho estate of Uxai. HorMXs,
Esfl. late of Bloom township, Columbia county, de
ceased, has been granted by the Ucgister of Wills,
&c. in and for said county, to tho siiliicrilicr, resi
dent in ll'looinsburg. All persons having claims ort
said estate arc requested to present them for settle
incut; and thoso indebted arc re'quirsd to make im
mediate payment.
JOHN 1?. MOVER, Adm'r.
BloomshUrg, January 13, 1838. 38 Ot
THE subscriber would respectfully announce Ii
his friends and tho public llrat'hu has opcu.J
a general assortment of
DrVtgs & Medicintes,
at inn uiug anu iiiemicai store in liloonisburp
nhd that he will bo happy to supply tb0 wants of
tnow wno may give linn a call. Among his ant
sortment are i
NEW G003)S.
SIff3Bsv73S,ii'nsr9 so important to Tailors!
Respectfully informs the public, that he and
Is prepared to receive and execute Orders in Sclf-TaryilSS Square Rule,
th abovt line, and irom his knowledge ot Var measuring and draftim: coats, in con
'th art. havinc hd extensive practice for nontinn with another hew and useful rule
the last fifteen years considers himself jus- for cuttinsr sale or boy's coat's upon a more
'tified in statinir that he can givi perfect sat- familiar plan : also, superior rules for cut-
Isfiction to all who may employ him. ting all other garments incumbent on that
Topographical maps nirnisneu accoruing branch, are now otlercd to tue traue oy mo
to the latest improvement, in the handsom- subscribers ; beliving them to surpass eve
st and most correct manner, and levelling ry thing of thc kind which has prsceeded
of every deienptton lattntuuy penormeu. them.
Able assistant are encaged.
Orders left with the following persons
Trill meet with immediate attention.
i)'cr than any store in Bloomsburg;
pt.:.. i i. i i.i i
tho manufacturers' establishments, at the
very lowest prices, and consists of
Blue, Black, Brown, Invisible Green, and
lancy coloured Cloths, Casstmeres
and Sattinetta ; Silks, Merinos,
Ginghams, and Calicoes ;
Linncns and Muslins ;
Feslings, Slocks,
IS .
Grtat inlpsrfections in the art and liabil
ities to produce a miss-fit have been stand
in(T before the cutter ever since the intro
duction df rules, filling the mind with fear
and anxiety, until the coat is finished and
tried oh. at which crisis the blood is often
Cornelius Conner, Esq., Maueh Chunk, caused to rush into the face at beholding a
J encn u. junizing, m.s(j. iuiiuiiu. oau lining coat.
The rules with one or two exceptions,
which have been in use ever since the first
invention of the kind, were wholly predi
cated upon principles nivinsr the same pro
portion for every man, which principles
James Tdggart, Esq., Tamanua.
S. B. Harmon, Esq., Danville.
John Weavtr. Esa.. Pottsvillc,
John S. Ingram, Esq., Bloomsburg,
M.AtiVmHiT jOT.jlldUimt FJ
I am a
The 8ul)scriher
Would beg leave to announce to tho peo
ple of Bloomsburg and vicinity, that he has
just received a splendid 'assortment of seasonable
Consisting of every variety of Cloths,
Cassimcres and ' Sat Unit ts ; Flannels,
and Caiitofi Flannels, of every colour ;
Black, Brown and Green M rinos, of
event shade and quality ; and in fact a
full assortment of Drawer $ Common
Goods, among ivhich are an extensive
supply of
Groceries & Liquors,
China, Glass and Quecns-Tf'are,
Sperm. Refined and Common Limp Oil,
Bffarrtwavc, Castings, & Iron,
Tn finthcy have every thine- which ho COOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS,
ccssity Or fancy may desire from a yard or together with every variety of merchandize Epsdin salts
J . . ...... i ... t-v r. t i I ...i':t. .ji. .....- I Kmtrv noW(
Acid bcuioic
1 muriatic
' sulphuHc
' tartaric
Anni seod
Acetate of zinc
Antimony (crude
Arrow root
Artcnic whll
Asphaltum ,
Hark Peruvian rd
Balsam Copaiva.
do maltha.
of fir
Bfttlry pcarlrd
Batcman's drops
Bismuth (nitrate)
Blacking, for boots
Borax refined
Buagundy pitch
Bole Armeruia
Blue pill
Carrosivo sublimits
Cayenne pepptr
Cocculus Indidlis
Cologna watsr
Conserve of rosis
Cream tartar
Carawdy seed
Coriander seed
Chamomile flowsril
lltrl talis
Elixbr of vitriol
CatUwiisa, Feb. 10, 1838. 42 Ot
Wmntis. In pursuance of an act of gen-
oral assembly of the Commonwealth ol woul(j j gince j,ave l)edn aUp0rceded by
tane to thc finest article in Dry Goods, and
from a needle to a stove m Hardware,
Their stock of
3hina, Glass,
Pennsylvania, an attachment hath been seir.varyig rules, had tailors but thought
granted by the subscriber one ot me Jces tnat the variation in the proportions ofmen's
tir the peace in ana ior uie uuumy ui bo(jies are almost as many as m the ieatures
urabia, agaihst a certain Isaac Rantz, of thc of th(J face
township of -in tho county oiooium- 'xVOor thrae rules styled Self-varying,
bia aforesaid, whereon certain ehattles and jiave maj0 ti,e;r appCarance within about as
ellocu oi me saiu isaac uaiiu, ibvui.i. many years, eachiilvcntoi claiming tho lion
attached, and are now in the cuslodv bf or 0f havin; perfected theart, upon which J
Curtis Stadon and George Appleman, ol tuo Q -yilson, of New York, entitled his sys
SohisaU ft
to law.
township of Mount Pleasant in said COun- tem p0rrcct ; but instead of being perfect,
ty, until they shall be disposed of accord- t contains many erroneous principles, which
1 ins is tnereiore w Klvu ,,u t he subscribers forbear to noint out unti
assertion. All
been defective
urn onlv in nart
the Township of Greenwood, in said coun- scir.varvinsr. Secondly, those parts which
ty, then and there to discover and make intended to be self-varying are defective.
proof ol their nemanus, agreeauiy iu mc jn ract there are certain points on the coat
. .. . . . .1.- :.l j ... .i r,' . j i ,. ..-ic
lice to the creditors oi uie saiu isnac .uinu., , centicm:m nssalls this
to appear on Monday the 26th pi 1- ebruary, such SY6tems have heretofore
Snt.. at the) hoUse of Beniamin llestor, oi ; wnvs . p:rs, ii,fiV
Groceries & Eaqnors.
Oik, Salt and Fish, Holloiv-ware,
Sy'c. yc. &'C yc.
is more extensive and betlrJr selected thall
the same articlus in any cf the neigh
bouring stores.
Those who wish new, cheap, and goof
articles of Merchandize, should call at tliO
Bloomsburg Arcade cither bdAirc or af
ter cxaming clsdyvhcri,', and make their purchases.'
All kinds of Country Produce taken in
payment at tl.c highest market prices.
IJIoomsburg, Wov. 18, 1837
vlirftRiinns bf the said act
Benjamin Kesler.
Greenwood, Fob. 10, 1B88. 42 3t.
which cannot bo eflccteu by self-varying
nrlilcioles in dny other way, nor by any
other means than tho?e laid down by the
Unlikb any other of tho kind, this sys
tem now offered to the trade is Conducted
Without any breast measure, and effects cv-
Alr extrcmelv useful and thoroughly
V,rrtvmt PATENT SYSTEM for cutting firv noint and every part of the coat by self-
Ladiss' Dresses and Habits in various forilisi varying principles, in a way calculated to
in irnmmnil!itr nil tho chanscs of tho fasli- nnnvint dm snnsGs of rtnv reasonable man.
uvvy jwawva- - ,
ions, and warranted to fit without the Irou- tiat sl0Ud it over fail to produce a good fit
ble of trying on the dress before finished, On Up0n aI1y shape whatever, the charge must
a plan so easy that any lady may learn it i0 iaij t0 a careless and incorrect measure-
from the rule and explanations, or in one ment. It may seem, mysterious that this
half hOul: by personal teaching, is nereuy ruie s snuj t0 be sell-varying, arid yet :
offured to the ladies employed in that branch SqUarc rultf a square rule and yet conduct
rtf ItllninpR!!
Terms if forwarded to ordet $5, if per
sBnally taught SO.
42 tf.
Bloomsburg, Feb. 10, 1838
cd without a breast measure : but the whole
rttvstcrv will be unfolded at oilec by exam
Ination. Unwilling to have it said that the
subscribers arc attempting to palm this sys
tcm upon tho trade with misrepresentations
Ihev avow their willingness to submit It in
to tho hands of an impartial committee for
an examination ol its principles, m compar
ison with any other over invented in the
United States, at Philadelphia or New York,
which committee shall make tho decision
. i..;.. known through the press. The subsori
U, UUloil IbMO..." . ,, - . "...I.. 1. , I
Greenwood hers set an systems which aru govenmu
Tun subscriber Wishes
i ... : D.U..I,,,..
lfficumbiac ntai of wholly by the breast measure aside as in
ferior and not worthy to compare with
consequently they Will comparo with none
hut such as are govcrncu in pari uy sen
vnrvintf principle's. For if tho principle!
" .. , , , .... lmrn oltereu id uio irauu aiu nuv wuimy ui
Unoo ineawoii ngs iiu. ere o.o . -; h , rjght tbat it 8hould bc Inall(
Sek HlToSina ,.lv ontod, or if UierOby t,,e,ubbers have put
her country, and where considerable might em, v'toosome pat
, done in the orain Dusiness - Compensation for their exertions
Possession Will be given on the first day ronage i j .f
insningioex- '
, .11. .M..MrM, Nil".
amine tho premises can receive every sans- b - CHARLES idnLER.
Pa, Feb. 10, 188. 48 tf.
be done in the Grain
Possession Will be
of April next.and any person wishing 1
nminn iho iiremiseB can receive every i
faction by colling on the unclersiiied.
ItoftribOfg, Feb. 10. 1838. 42 tf. Bloomsburg
Swaim's Vetmifuge,
N invaluable farrllly medicine for worrtlk, dys
cntary, bowel complaints, cholic, cholera
morbus, vomiting, pains or weakness in tho stom
ach, loss of appetite, fever and ague, &c. kept at
Jobias s Health Emporium.
Swaim's Panacea,
ENOWNBD throughoutthe whole world for
its elncacious qualities lis a family medicine,
constantly on hand, and for said lit tho UrugFtoro of
I). S. Tobias.
which call meet the wants or please the
ftincy all which he will dispose of at the
lowest prices.
He returns his acknowledgments to cus
tomers for their very liberal support, and
with a firm determination to plepse through
attention lo business, he solicits a continu
ance of their calls and custom.
Oj All kinds of colihhy product will be Uteri
in exchange for goods.
llloomsburg, Dec. 1C, 1837.
Tailoring Business.
"15 ETULNS his acknowledgments to rutomr
jSJ&j for their very liberal support, and would now
respectfully announce to them, and thc public gen
erally, that ho has just received the latest
from Philadelphia, in which material changes are
Muilc. ills sliop is at thc old stand, in Uie name
building with thc post-oflicc.
(JjNono but good workmen aro employed at his
shop; and thoso who want their garments made, in
a neat, durable and fashionable style, pre invited to
givp him a call, anil they may rely on having their
work well and expeditiously executed.
Ho would also announce that he caiitinues reg
ularly to receive tlu; I'ashions, and that any orders
from abroad will bo promptly executed.
Jiloorosuurg, January I a, 18 as.
Leidy's Compound Sursuparilla,
It blood pills for Rhcumstip affections, general
debility, ulbcrous sores of thc noc, throat and
body, whito swelling, diseases of the llVpr and skin,
tetter, ring-worm, piles, cramps, &c. for sale at
Jvbiass Health Emporium.
Compound Fluid Extract,
nn .ii r . ..i u .1.. r.
biles, paiiu in the bones, chronic rheumatism,
tettor, white swellings, &c. xc. for salt) at
Tobias's Drug TJ'archdUsc.
TTDEMAIfflNO ill tho Post Office at Hloomt
J&M hurg, January 1, 1838,
Alary iJowyet
John Iiaylor
Joseph Uoleman
Lewis Cnnipton
Thonyis Cpx
Andrew Emins
Itov. Wm. Ji Dyer
James C. Fox
Henry O'cigcr
Iliinlcl Geigcr
Thomas Hartman
Daniel Howor
Catharine Hartman
Edward Hicks
Mrs. Elizabeth Jacoby
Kcbccka I. Johnson
Mrs. Sally Ann Kcndy
John Kline
Emanuel Lazarus
Peter Mcuch
Sabiiia Miller
Andrew; Melick , .
Peter Miller, (Tanner)
lx. fc 1) Nowhard
Georgo Itussel
Daniel Iteedy (2)
Clmrlotlb Hitter
Mrs. Elizabeth Shuraaker
" Mary Sloyman
" Rebecca Vandorslice 2
Henry Weaver
Micheal Waltur
Jacob Wo.zler'
Emery powdsr
Essence of peppermiht
Extract of colncy nth
of hemlock
of liquorice
Eyo water
Eocmigteek issd
GintUn root
Golden tincluri
Godfrey's cbrdial
Gum Arabic
' Tragicanth
' Gilbanum
Helcborc, black
Hicra picra
Ink powder, black
Ivory ldack
Keyscr's universal plaster
Jalap ,
Liquorice root
Lunar caustic
Luuifcr matches
Loco foco do.
Magnesia calcined
do carbonuta
Mnnna flako
do common
Mustard, white
Nipple shrlls
Kux Vomica
Orrhs rool
Oxalic acid
Olto of Roses
Ointment of mercury
of Galls
uf red prccijiltato
df Spanish fly
' Uitron
Wafers, White wax
Oil of Almondi'i
' Anni tecj
' Latcmler
l Origanum
' , Peppcrminl
' . lioscnmy
' Hu'o '
' .. Stono. .
1 Tansy
' ' WintcrgreiH
' Woimsccd
' Croton
1 pasloif
Pink root .
Paragoric Elixir
Plaster, adhesive
do stren'gthcniiif I
Prepared chalk ,
Pearl powder
Pills, Anderson's, ScotU,
' Hooper's
Lee's New London1
4 Gcrrrtsn
' of Aloes
4 of Assafistina
' of Opium
' ofQuiuina
Quassia wood
Qulnino t
Hochcllc salt j
(iotten stono
Rose walcf
Rut bf Irbn
Sago, pearled
Salammonias, erilde
Salt of tartar
Sal Volatile
Salt pctre
Sanders wood
scaling wax (
Senna leaves (
Senaka suako root ' ' '
Soap, castilo
' sliavlng f
' white cSJtils
fancy ,
Sodo, supar carbonate
Sub carbonate
8panish fly ,
.Swpet spirits of nitre
Sbda powders .
Spirits of hartshorn
of Lavcndcreompi
' of Tarpcnrine
Seed Lace
Smelling bottles
Scidlits 'powders j
Sugar of lead 5
Sulphur 1
Sucking' Wiles
Tartar emetic
Tirttltlio of Aloes
' bf Assafostida
. itf Peruvian bark
1 of cinnamon
BfMuilateof itoi
. of Myrrlr
of Spanish fly
' of Colchicuin nil
' of senna
' ' of Valerian
' of GuiaCuiii
Tooth powder
' brushes
Valerian rodt
Venice turpentine
Verdigris, Vcrmillisn
Virginid snako root
Vials, different sizes
Vitroil, blue, green,whi(
White Resin
J. T HlMssclman, & Co,
OULD again announce to their customers,
and the public, that they have just re
ceived another fresh supply of
embracing every variety of Dry Goods, Groceries
Liquors, Hardware, &c, which they intend to sell
at the most reduced prices at their now and cheap
store in llloomsburg. They invito a call from
those who want choice articles at almost cost prices.
December 9, 18U7.
fTIELElmATED Universal Plaster fortho euro
XlJ of Gout and rheumatic pains, destroying
corns, curing frost-bitten feet, and sore breasts, for
sale at
Tobias's Health Emporium.
George Zcighir 36
(TPcrsons calling for the above letters tvllliilcase
say they arc advert Ubih U. RUPERT, P. M.
Jnnuary la, 1838. 38-3t
f RENDERS his nrofoasional servicea to the citi
H zelis oj' Colnmlita county. He will feci grate
fulfor business entrusted to his care; Oflico ih thh
same building with tho 'Columbia Demoorot.'
Dloomsburg, Mny,1837
"H"UST received, and for sale at the store of thb
QJ7 subscribe a splendid assortment of WOOD
In fine, his "Emporium of Health" will lie found
lo contain every variety of iho rribst approved
Drugs MedkUxes, Paints,,, JQye-StvJfti
vim, ri avjcciions, iyc. c,-c.
wliich dro warranted of good quality, having beerf
carefully selected from tho best cstnblUhcd ware
houses ih Philadelphia ; and which lie will sell 5
most reduced prices Ho will Use every exertion Id
oredfntnoflato and benefit his custbincrs. olid thtiO
foro respectfully solicits thc patronage of a liberal
puhlic D. S. TODIAS.
Uloomsburg, January G, 1888. 37 4t.
WINE, Brandy, Gin, Cordialf&cT ju's"
ce iVeJ, and ready for delivery to customers
at very reduced prices, by
.. J . Musscwan, i Co.
nro VBS, both flum and with Boilers. Also an Estate of Jheob Winter, late, if Mount!
fctsl;. rUhJ a"d "v. $mS Pltasanl, W'iP.' 'Columbia countyi
um 'm-i
lilodmsburg, Bcpti 30, 1837.
gpftteL ipjARUKLS of Lake Salt, and a large
!5a53 quantity of Ground Alum Suit, just
KiHtveu, anu ior saio at me cueap store i
. 7'. Musfliman, Co.
Piee6s: of Assorted MerinMt double wrdllt
and in assortment of Jltaek Mtrinos, ef nb.
rv superior quality, just opened and for sale at the
New and Cheap Stornof thc subscribers in 1) looms-
burg. J. T. Ml o 915 LM AN, & C.
'7JO;ntiK i heeliy;8Tn. lwt Letters of Ad;
I J ministration have Jiern granted to the subscri
ber on the estate of said deceased. Therefore sll
persons havitjg claims against said estate are i
qU'sted lo priacnt them, and those Indebted are l-
qucilfd to maf.e llnniediale payment.
David Eilti, Adm'?;.
Jimmy 20, 18SS. 46f
rtM .
V 1
1 . 1