THE OLI flini DEMOCRAT. I have swbrli upon tlio Altar of God, eternal hostility to cvtery form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man." Thomas J.rTsrion. . PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY J.Q1IN ,Si INGRAM AND FMNKlAN S. MILLS. ' . Volume I. BliOOMSBURCr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SATtTRBAY, MARCfcl iO, ' WTimrtxev 46. ....... . . ' . .. . ' Hi I JQtaceiptS & ESxpendittarej 'H.UGII McWILLlAMS, Esq. Tieasur'cr in tiro nrst uay ot January, until tho illst uay 01 December, A. V. 1B37 ooin uays inclusive. , , , D1C. b'6i,Ls. Icts. To cash received of the soveral fcolkrjtors during 1st quarter $2,200 02 t do ido ; do1 do 2d 2,777 58 27 88 do Mo ad 4th 1,001 1,081 8507 20 Balance in favor of tWo Tre'as urrer.wilri what may be com ing from the State asier-eentage-,' 1,763 67i 10,330-93 We, tho undersigned, 'Commissid'ricrs of tibovc nccbunts, cdrnpared them with the i Witness our hands tins 14lh day of . f,s. . . 1 EXPENDITURES of the Count of Columbia 'as par the order issued by Commissioners oh the Treasurer thereof , during the year one thousand eight I area ana thirty-seven. DOLLS. CTS. 183 21 1,419 25 . 93 00 100 94 Assessors wages, Jurors wages and mileage, Constables attending Court, Constables making returns to quarter sessions, Commissioners & Clerk.'s wa Viewors df Roads aim Bridges State costs, Elections General, Contingent Expensos) Printing and Stationary-, Brfdgc building und repairing) Carried up, 401 195 117 234 GO 349 2,800 50 00 94 50 03 70 12 80017 22 We, th5 undersigned Auditors duly clectcd to settle and adjust thfeSaccounts of tho County of Columbia, do certify that we have dxaminSd the foregoing accounts, alid db report a balance against the CoUniy or .(C.,...,D 1 L l,if h, ' 9i.ijf oii T .41 unu yjnyj iiuii vunia 'Witness our hands this 14th day of we, the undersigned Auditors, do find Jury fees, we also und Shenll Keeu yet per last reports'. We, the unuarsigneu Auaitors ol the ..... . . "the. CoUnty from John Fruit ahd Hugh 33-34n5 and. 36. the sum of five huriUred and fiftv-two dolllars. after the liauidation of the State taxi the sum of twd hundred Q Statement shdwing the balances duefrcm the several Collectors at the end of 'Collectors Names: John Lazarus, Henry H. Fritz, John Ruckle; Peter Simonton, Thomas Meildenhall, Daniel Welliver, Jeremiah Hughes, Isaac Lcidy, Jacob ShUltZ) John Brown, senr. Thos. Moorfihead, John Freas, David Phillips, Archibald Henrle( John Fulton, John Risllel, Jcrermiall Welllvdift I'hllip Kestler Christian Shumatii Ezra Eves, John Rishel, John Davis, David .Remlevj Michael Sanuersi John Moyer, Peter Nimgessei'j Tewnshtps. Fishing Creek, bugarloat, Mount pleasant) Liberty, Greenwood, Madison, Roaring Creek j Hemlock, Cattawissa, Mifflin, Derry, Briar Creek, Mahoning, Bloom, Limestone Mahoning, Madison Mount Pleasant) Mifflin, Greenwood) Derry, Oattawissa Briar Creekj Mahoning) Derry, Miffliil) Total amount of taxes due( fcyThose marked thus have sincQ paid. B Alt IRON, Just received, and for salo account Willi the Co.unty of Columbia, from DOLLS. CTS. By cash paid on Commissioh- ers orders', F6)r. Scalps, ., ,( '., Balance due per last'report, Treasurers Commissiorisv 7,775 70 4,25)3 102 93 19 45 30 10,330 93 the County of Columbia, have examined the vouchers, and find them correct and just. February, A. D. 1838, ' 1DD1NGS BARKLEY, COR. CLACKNER, JOSEPH BRORST, Commissioners: the huri' 1 BOLLS. CTS. 0,017 22 Amount brought up Education of the Poor Auditors Wages, Protllonotary and Clerk of the Quarter Sessions, Coroners Fdcs, Jailor and Sheriff's Fees, Court Cryer, Wolf and Fox and Fox Scalps) 240 15 81 51 279 04 70 012 00 20 00 39 75 19 G.822 87 seventeen hundred and sixty-three dollars and February, A. D. 1838. PETER KLINE, JOHN BIDDLE, GEO : II. WILLITS, Auditors. Sheriff Salmon accountable for.ttv-clve ddllars accountable lor thirty-nine dollars Jury lees, as JOHN! BIDDLE,' I Auditors. r-i i - rr urir t rrnn I 11. UlljJjLlB. 1 , ieunty ol ooiumbia, do report that we hnd , . . ... .... . . McWilliarris, late TreasUters for tho years 1832 and twenty-twd dollars and ninety-four cents, TOTTIC HIDDT V ) JOHN BIDDLE, j Auditors. GEO : II. WILLITS, yedr 1837. Years, Amt.of dupli'ts. Amt. paid'.,, .. . Balance 1837, $198 205 88 20 72i 09 50 00 87i 32 50 03 22 00 l'2i 00 00 00 50 47 89 00 50 00 00 70 70 28 171 05i 155 18 211 23 303 54 18 73 54 50 54 Gl 05 180 172 100 115 225 248 00 212 245 808 871 258 819 253 437 714 931 890 1153 325 353 205 424 428 432 519 09Q 23 332 302 040 090 770 390 421 875 788 715 85 388 324 42 539 135 187 245 300 247 575 50 43 82 885 0f5 45 01 070 035 1,000 08 03 90 02 9Q0 453 87 183G ii (i i .i (i M 1835 1.359 50 583 40 301 44 793 89 572 55 901 27 1177 32 1250 20 1400 28 901 52 439 G8 15 28 , 80 40 8)057 ot th lUR CAPS, just received, aild fbr sale at THE DEVONSHIRE BULL AGAIN TO SPORTSMEN. . Great Shooting BHatchI QtHIi public are rospectfully informed, that on Till) USD AY, tho 15th day of MARCH, i the famous brougbA to this county from the stato of New York by Mr Valentine Beidleman, will bo shot for at ORANpEVtLLE, Col. co. Ho in a full-blooded Devonshire, of a bright cherry red colour, and weighs, in common running order, 2130 ROUNDS. I Ho is certainly tho largest and handsomest animal oithe kind ever introduced into this section of coun try: and those who would desire a prize worth con tending tor, are invited to attend on tne above uay and exhibit their skill. ; Marksmen irom all tlio adjoining counties are re- Uutcd t0 attcnJ March 3, 1838. 45 3t ELECTION. The enrolled inhabitants belonging to the First Battallion 71st Regiment P. M., are hereby notified that an election will be held at the house ol Alexander Hughes, m Ur angcvillc Columbia county on Saturday the 10th day ol march next, between tliq hours of ten in the forenoon and six in the. after noon, to elect by ballot one person for Ma jor for said battallion in the room of Uzol Hopkins, dec u. DANIEL FOLLMER, Inspector 1st Brigade 8th Div. P. M. Limestone, Feb. 17, 1838. 43 4t VALLERSHAMP'S Cough Sirup and Family Fills, for sale at Tobias's Health Emporiiim. LTj persons indebted to the subscriber on Book account or otherwise for one year back, are requested to make payment prior to tho 25th of .March next. LEWIS MEYER. Bloomsburg, Feb. 3, 1838. rnnilE subscriber Would respectfully inform the I Ha ........ j . r Ji- ,Pwe,iai nouMtaitcn ino store recently occupied by Mr. McDowell, in Orangcville, and is now opening and receiving lrom SSe.te York and Philadelphia, a splendid assortment of all kinds o MESEtCHANBIZE;, which he will disposeof at tho mbst reduced prices lor cash or country produce. The public are wvi lCfl 10 can and examine lor tbemscne WILLIAM FUX. Orangcville, Oct, 7; 1837 NOTICE- I ft T.T.TlAMnno imMifml In tli itYier.1ifivlwin.1 due hiuostcd to call and settle the same befure the first .A. "".v., UVVUU.,., . UU.V.I...V, W day of April, next. He is determined td have old matters justly arranged: and those who neglect at tending to this notice may rely on strict legal pro- ccedmgs for tho purposes of settlement. There is no mistake. DANIEL SNYDER. Bloomsburg, January 0, 1838. 37-tf WAITED. the W7 MPLOYMENT mil be given to20stonocut- M2A terB ana masons, drillers, common la- horefs, 10 wood choppers, and 10 teams, at Bridge due, I UNo. 1, Uatawissa Kail Itoad, by tho subscribers: Schutilcr, Frick, y Co. Catawissa Furnace, January C, 1838. 37-3t Clovcr-Seefl. USHELS OF CLOVEltSEED 35i Hi 93 79 13 01 95i 03 49 02 37 03 55 44 89 55 27 00 00 00 30 of a superior quality, just re ceived, and fbr salo at the new and cheap store o J. T. MUSSELMAN, & Co. Bloomsburg, Feb, 3, 1838. Mead's Anti-Dyspeptic or Stomach Pills, Oil indigestion, or sour Stomach, oh hand, and tor sole at Tobiat' Health Emporium. Bloomsburg, lanuaiy 13, 1838. 88-4t I1VERY AND EXCHANGE. The Sulisci'iber VERY respectfully informs his friends and tho public, that he has always on hand, at his Li very Stable iri Bloomsburg, for tho purposes of Hire or r-ixenange, a variety of Horses, Sulkies, GIGS, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS. 32v which he will feel gratiCed to keep in readiuest tne accommodation ot customers. Personal application can be made at his residence, wnon ovary means will bo used to render entire the islaction of Uioie who may giVo him a call. NOAH S. PRENTIS, VJ3H Goons; Cheaper than cheap ! HE subscriber would respectfully announce to lne people ol uioomsburg and vicinity, & 1.1.' . 1 iV. 1. i . ... , io mo puunc in general, mat He lias just returned a second timo from the citv. and is oneninfr out Ilia I o purchase, winch, together with his former stock comprises a neat and general assortment of BRY GOODS, Consisting in part of an assortment of Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Sattinells, Merinos, Merino Shawls Handkerchiefs, Dress $ Bonnet, Silks and Trimmings, Ginghams, Calicoes, Linnens, Muslins, Veslings, Stocks, Hosiery, fye. ALS03 An. extensive assortment of Hardware, Hollow-ware, China, Glass, Queensware, Crockery; Groceries and Liquors, Uils, faints, Aalt, fish, yc. All of which he offers for sale at his storu- room in liloomsburg, on Main-street, directly opposite the Post office, where the public are respectfully invited to call and see for themselves, as he intends selling his goods still a little cheaper than any yet offered to the public, for cash or country produce.' GEORGE WEAVER. Bldomsburg, Dec. 30, 1837. Dr. Freeman's Indian Specific, jOR the preVcntion and euro bf coKta, coughs,. 1 Asthmas, consumptions. Epitttnsr of blood, and all disorders of the breast and lungs, for sale at he 1) rug 6tore of the subscriber, in liloomsburg. D. S; Tobias. Ilawanl's' Tonic Mixture, R Vegetable Vermifuge, a lasting cure for the Fever and Ague, on hand and for sale by . D. S. Tobias. WAS FOUND; A TliREE DOLLAR Shinplaster; the owner can have it by callinjr at this office, alid paying for-this advcrtis'ement; Bloomsburg, Feb. 17, 1838. 43 JT ANTED. HE subscriber wishes to engage rot one year. lrom the first day of Apul nsxt, tho service of A Wagon-Maker, such nn orto as can rttdke One and Two Horse Wa gdns in a firm and substantial manner. Also : jL BPJCK IffOTTLDERs for the season, who can come well recommended as a good workman. Either of the above will obtain reasonable wages by applying to the Undersigned. Henry Irclls. Bloomsburg, January 27, 1838; 40-tf DISSOLUTI01T OF PARTNERSHIP. FTTHE partnership heretofore existing between B tho undorsigned, trading under thb firm Josenh Lemon.. &. Co. was mutually dissolved on tho 15th df January, 1833., All persons having de mands will please to present them lor settlement, 6t those indebted to the firm are requested to make imr mediate payment: Joseph Lemon, IVillium Lemon, Jonathan Lemon, Isaac Lemon. Jiihbarr 27, 16J8. 40it TARS REXJUCEB. HE PROPRIETOR of tho North. Branch. Lino df Mail Stages would inform the tmv ellins Public that ho has reduced the faro td T WO JJUiiLAKS for through passengers, and four cents amilofor way passengers. Leaving Northumbcr- land daily at tho arrival of the Jlarnsburg fetage- (Trr or seats at .Northumberland, apply at 11. 11. Burr's Hotel. Returning leaving Wilkesbar'ra every morning between 8 and 9 o'clock ; for seats apply at the Ildtels of (i. Ivorher and George I'. Steele, Wllkediarre. William Robison. Bloomsburg, January 27, 1838. 40 tf. Xiook at This. IPIRITS, for, renewing and cleansing Ladies & Gentlemen s wearing apparrcl, and rostorclng them tb their original coloilr and brighkiosa, Tills axcollent Renovator never fails, no matter with what article tlio garment may be stained. It removes all grease from tho collars of coats, spots and stains caused by lime, pain(s, tar, oil, Sec. &c. for salo at J obias s Health Lmvorium. BlrirJmsbursr, January 27, 1838. 40 3t JOB PEI1TTI1TG Neat; executed at the Democrat office. for ecneral supply of FRESH OYSTERS raa sat. alwavs be obtiineddurine the season, bv at 7" : .u !.. i r.i i : ; .. r i W;"r JOHN H MO?K WANTED. BOY that can come well recommend ed, from 12 to 15 vears of aire, cana- bio of attending to horses and waiton custo mers at the bar, will line employment and , ' i ji- ' n vaiuug vu Danitl Gross. Bloomsburg, March 3, 1838. r 45tf TANNING- BUSINESS. THE subscriber would respectfully inform tho public that he has taken his son WILLIAM Si VDER into co-partnership in his Tannery, and that the business will hereafter bo conducted under the firm of Daniel & William Snyder, at the old established stand in Bloomsburg. Daniel Sriyder,, Bloomsburg, January 6, 1838. 37-tf F gdod quality, and for sale at tho lowest pri ' ecu. ahvavs on hand at tho old established Tannery, adjoining Snyder's Hotel. The subscri bers would respectfully solicit a continuance of tha liberal customs heretofore enjoyed by the senior partner. Daniel Snydert William Snyder. Bloomsburg, January 0, 1838. 37-tf ORPHAN'S COURT SALE- Lf pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Cotirt of Columbia Cbdnty, will be sojd at Public Vendue, on Saturday, the 10th day March, next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the following described real estate, late the property of Nathaniel ldgar, late ol Hem lock township, deceased, a certain tract of JLAND. situate inthetovVnshisp aforesaid, Columbia countyi containing TEN" ACRES, more or less, adjoining lands of Isaa'e Shoe maker, Andrew Shoemaker, and others. ,The improvement are a HOUSE AND HALF BARN. t The land is of good quality well watered and fenced. Conditions at the time of sale. MICHAEL STECHER, Adm'r. By trio Court, ' , Jas. uonaiason, uierK. Feb. 17, 183t. 43 4l riiOSLAMATIONi t HERE AS, the honorahl'e ELLIS LEWIS President of the Courts bf Oyer and Ter- rrfinerand General Jail Dclivcry.'Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Court of Common Pleas, and Orphan's Court, in the eighth Judicial District, composed of tlio counties of Northumbcrlatid.Union, Columbia and Lycoming ; and tno lion. tvjiutH Moxtgomert and Li-.osinn Rbueut, Esquires, associate Judges in Columbia county, have issued Ibetr urccerit bearinir ditothe 19th day of February n in the vear of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred of and' thirty-eight, and to mo directed for holding A Court of Oyer and Terminer and GaP eat iuii jJinuLry; uukku iunu Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas, and Orphan's Court i IN DANA ILLE, in (ho county of Columbia, orl the third M today of April next, (being the IGth day) and to continue ono week. JfUJlUJs is tnereture ittrtoy given io mc cor oner, the Justices f tho Peace, and Constables bf the said County of Columbia, that they be then and there in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, in tho torcnoon ol said uay, wiuuneirrecorus,iu4uisiuuuH, and other remembrances to do tnose things wiucu to their offices appcrtaih to be done. And those who are bound by recognizances to prosecute against tho prisoners that are or may be in the jail of said county of Columbia, are to bp then anu mere - td pro. ccuto against them as alia 1 bo just. are requested to do puncruai m mcir - I grceauiy u, uicn uuvv, . Dated at Danville, tho lOUt day of l ebrUary, in tlm nf our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and thirty-eight, and in the 63d year of the independence of the United States bf Amer ica. WtLLiAM KITCHEN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Danville, Feb. 10, 1S38. 4a et OFFICE OF THE DEMO GMT, Next door Td Robison's Stage Office The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday mot'ntng, at TlP'O DOLL'ARS per annum, payable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year. No subscription will be taken for a shorter period than six months; nor any atscon tinuance permitted, Until all arrearages are discharged. AD VERTI$EMENTS Hot exceeding a ...til I.. .A.b.i..jn,ielil ivwmviorl ni square ivui ce cutMui.j" "v'". One Dollar for the, first three insertions, ahd Twenty-five cents for every subse quent ntertion. cyA liberal discount made to those toho'advertise by the year; 1 I LETTERS addmsed on businu,, must new & cheap store ot J. T, Musseman, Co, new x cheap stoxo ot J. 7 Musselmnni $ Co. Bloonuburir, November 4, I88Ti DoetmberS, 180T. be post paid