The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 03, 1838, Image 3

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J3y Inrram JS MUU
"mem without fsah
S.9TUISl).1Y, JX.iiiCJt 3, 1S30.
To Printers. cfl
Tlie Editors having issued propasaU for the pub
licntion of a newspaper nt another place, they now
offer for sale the printing material and subscrip
tion list of
To a younj man with a limited capital this office
offers considernbta inducements, it having upwards
of five hundred ubscnbcrj, and an advertising and
job custom worth from 800 to $1000 per annum.
The original cot of tin establishment will be nil
that wo shall require from the purchaser. Any In
quiries by mail will be strictly amended to.
"The Colum.biA Dkmochat" is published at
Bloomsburg, in the most central part of Columbia
county, and acts with the dominant party both in
political and sectional f? clings.
Dloomsburs, Feb. 10, 1838.
Thow indebted to this establishment for subscrip
tions, jobs, or advertisement?, ure requested to malic
immediate payment, as in a short timo our books
will bo placed in the hands of a magistrate to enforce
collection. Those who do not pay within the year
will bo charged $2 &0 in conformity with our terms
of publication. Wo hope, that all may see the ne
cessity of complying with this notice, al wo must
pursue this conrie in order to comply with our pay
able engagements.
February 10, 18S8.
Jit?" Mr. Buchanan will, please accept
our thanks fin a copy of Mr. Grundy's re
port, on tlio issuing and re-issuipg of the
notes of the late Bank of the United Slates.
C7" In another colmttnill Jlie found an
acroutit of the Duel v-Hich took place at
Washington, and wfwch proved fatal to
Air. Cilley, a n)?ntbcr of Congress from
Maine. It sst bn hoped this tragical affair,
will le a-rialutary lesson to thojc in wliosc
hands rests the power to adopt more deoi-
' sivc laws against duelling.
' Tlio 'New Constitution
By tho politeness of Mr. Smith, of the
late Reform Convention, we have been fa
vored with a copy of tho Now Constitu--tutinn,
which shall be laid before par read
ers in our next publication. It contains
many amendments which we think, will
prove be neficial to the community at largo,
and although it was imposible for tiie Con-
- veiition to mako a Constitution that would
please all, yet if the people will give each
amendment its due consideration, it will find
friends sufficient for its adoption on the 2d
', Tuesday of October next.
The following changes, among others,
have been effected.
. '.The elettive franchise extended and col
oured person excluded.
Executive patronage reduced. '
The meeting of the Legislature takes
place in January annually.
Judicial tenure limited.
County officers and Justices of the Peace
Some restrictions on the Legislature in
. regard to granting charters of incorporation,
and corporate bodies restricted in regard to
entering on private property.
The Senate coupled with the Governor
in appointing Judges of Courts of Record
The Senatorial term reduced to three
Negro Suffrage.
- The Supreme Court of the United States
Unanimously decided that Negroes are not
r entitled to vote in Pennsylvania, Wo
trust this decision will allay the excitement
which has 'heretofore prevailed in some
counties of this state upon this subject
'engendering the most unpleasant feelings,
and opening the way to a moro fearlul agr
tation of the public: mind. Those infatua
4ed people who havo boon delndod by tho
' Siren song of run-mad fanatics, arc bring'
, ing'down upon the heads of our colored
raco the indignation of on infuriated popu
Gen. Jackson.
Wc arc gratified to state that .tho Getter-,
al hai in a measure recovered, frqm the at
- tack with which ho wao visited, uud iafn
nidly gaining btrcnglh.
Tho Spy at Washington.
Mr, Wise has boon busily engaged in
creating an excitement, for tho purpose of
consuming the time of tho House and the
money of tha people, about an article which
appeared in the Now . York Courier and
Enquirer, charging Mr. Ruggles, the. Sena
tor from "Maine, with corruption, which
charge has been proven to bo unfounded by
Mr. Ruggles himself. And who is this
"Spy at Washington?" it ig Mathew L.
Davis ! a man infamous by his intimacy
with Aaron Burr in all his schemes of trea
son, stratagem, and political and moral dis
honesty, and becaUEC this man has mado
an assertion, Mr. Wise thought it necessa
ry that an examination should take place
which has consumed two days, and cost at
least six thousand dollars.
WeMiave been authorised to say that tho
report hi circulation that the CattawissaRail
Road had suspended operations is untrue.
The work is still progressing, but with di
minished' force. The Quakakc branch has
been suspended.
ifon: .Tamcj Kuchanrui.
This gentleman has communicated to the
Speaker of the Senate his intentions to obey
tho instructions of the Legislature of this
State in relation to the bill of the lion. Silas
M. Wright, of New York, called the Sub
Treasury bill, and will consequently vote
for a postponement of that bill until the next
session. The resolution insltucling Mr.
Buchanan nniL-thc democratic members of
Congress from this Slate, also declares that
they have-full confidence in Martin Van
4nd in the wisdom and intelligence
of the Democratic Senators and rcprcscn
tames in Congress; and have further in-
structctj mem "to vote lor sucn a moue oi
receiving, keeping, and disbursing the pub
lie moneys, as will separate as far as prac
ticable the banks from the Government."
Mr. -Buchanan ellucidated apertiucnl
address the doctrine of the right of instruct'
tion declared it to be a lunuaniental doc
trine of the political creed of the Democratic
party a right sacrsd to that party, and
which should not be abandoned upon ques
lions of nlcre expediency. Whatever the
opinion of tile democracy of tho State may
be upon the Sub-Treasury bill, they cap
not but approve of the course of Mr. Buch
anan in relation tp the right of instruction
A that gentleman has justly observed, it
should be u strong case to induce a Sena
tor to resign bis post. Let the precedent
bo once established, that upon every diffr
ence of opinion the Senator should resign,
and the right of instruction will soon grow
into disrepute, and tho Senatorial term of
six years, as 'fixed by tho Constitution,
would terminate whenever such a conflict
of opinion might arise, and thus open still
wider tho flood-gates of corruption and po
litical chicanery.
The following Question will be disscustn
at the JJioQimourg jjebaliftg society
on luetaay evening next.
" Should Capital punishment be abolish
Tha public arc invited to attend. .
AproiSTjir.STs nv Tin; President.
By and with the advice and consent rf the
ron the ronr or I'ltii.ADEr.rwA.
George Wolf, to bo Collector.
George W. Riter, to he Surveyor.
John lorn, Naval Officer.
Henry Simpson, Appraiser.
James N. Barker, to be First Comptrol
lor of tho Trvasurv, from the first of March
next, in the place of Geo. Wolf, resigned
Peter W. Gnutier, jr. to be Marshall for
the Western District of Honda.
Yesterday the second reading of this im
portnut bill was finished ,in the House. It
makes the stockholders of banks, &o. per
sonally liable to an amount equal to their
stock; compels all the nanus in the slate to
receive each others notes at par; provides
for the resumption of specie paymnets on the
lflih of May; prohibits tiio circulation of
small notes under sovcro penalties ol lines
and imprisonment; enacts that no. notes thai!
be isbued or circulated less than ten dollais
after 1811, and provides foribo forfeiture o
tho charters of all savings institutions and
loan companies which tuny havo illegally
issued paper currency, or taken usurious
interest. Keystone.
Tho State Comptroller's Returns of all
tho incorporated companies in tlio State,
show the following result: Real estate
held -by corporations, S5,100,57tl; sinek
taxable, duduuiiug real aetata, 951 ,8 17,5 10,
Total amount of lax paid by Corporation;),
A cotiplo of convicts in an Ohio prison,
named Husky and Frnziar, lately quarrelled
respecting' the enormity of their several
primes. Ono liad been convicted of arson,
and the other of liorso stealing. Tho Mem
phis Gazette says:- .
"The incendiary contended, that burning
a mill was much moro' gentlemanly crime
than stealing a horse. While Frazicr, on
tho contrary, vehemently maintained iho
reverse, and insisted upon tlio honible vill
any that must invite a man to burn his
neighbor's house at midnight. The contest
waxed hotter and bolter, until at 1 last the
exasperated representatives of arson. and
horse stealing, flew at each other, nnd dor
termined by blows the question which they
could not settle b words. Frazicr was th'e
victor, thus proving beyond all question
that liorso stealing is. a far mote decent and
respectable crime than arson. Husky still
bears tho marks ol lujs defeat lit the shape
of sundry bruises about bis faife and eyes."
Discovert of a Mine if Silver. -A sil
ver mine of the richest description wasdi:-
covcrod yesterday on tho ground formerly
covered by Diamond's' hotel, opposite St.
iMary's market. 1 lio men employed in
working this mine succeeded in iliggiujr up
something like S20.000, all of tho best
Mexican silver. iv, (Means I'tcauunc.
In Oranircvillc, on Tuesday last, hv the
Rev. I. Bahl, Mr Nathan Sculy, of Co
lumbia Furnace, to Miss. Catharine Kni
siikr, of Berwick.
At Mount Plcascnt on tho evening of tho
1st Inst, by the Rev. William Toby Mr.
John Whitj:, ol Blount to Miss. Tacv
VANDErnucu, of tlio former place all of
Columbia countv.
DIED. on Saturday last Mr .Gnonoi:
IIaf.tman of Hemlock township, aged
about 02 years,. , , .. ,
On the same-day, 'in,. Bloom township.
Pr.TKit, infant son of. Mr. Georce BL'ns,
aged about seventeen' moqths. . .
In Derry township; on'Monday Inst Mr.
FnuDKRictc Blue, a suldmr-ol'thc Revolu
tionary v;r, aged 8" years-.
Great Shooting ftSatck!
HE public are rojpcctfully informed, that on
THURSDAY, the lt!i day of MARCH,
tho famous
brought to th'u county from the slato of New York
by Mr Valentine Jcidleman, will bo shot for a
ORANGE VILLE, Col. co. Ho id n full-b!ooJcd
Devonshire, of a bright cherry red colour, and
wci3hs,in common running order,
2139 POTOTS.
He Is certainly tho larjeat and handsomest animal
ol I'.tQ kind over introduced into this section of coup
try; and thoso who would dceire a prizi- worth con
tending for, oro invited to attend oil tha above day
ami cxlumt tneir skill,
Marksmen from all the adjoining counties arc rc
quested to attend.
March 3, 1888. 45 3t
BOY that can comoiwcll recommend
cd, from 12 to-, lflryeavs of age, capa
blc of attending to lior?cn :inrl wait on eusto
mors at the bar, wilt find employment and
get liberal wages by calling on
Daniel Gross.
Bloomsburg, March 3,' 1838. 45 -tf
To Sridge Builders.
PROPOSALS will bo received by the
CoinmiKsioneis of Colmubia county,
until Saturday, the 3d of -Mireh next, for
building teo County Bridge ; one n Brace.
Bridge, to be erected ovet a branch of the
;lii!ioning Creek, near Thomas Yorks'
the other an Arch Bridge, to bo crreeted
over tho Cliilisqnaquo Creek, at John
Springer's Ford, in Derry.
The County Commissioners.
Feb. 24, 1838. 44 2t
Saleable Property
Tun subscriber wishes to obtain tenants
to a property in Rohrsburg, Greenwood
township, Columbia county, consisting of
Ono of thedwellings has heretofore been oc
cupied as a store, and a person who would
carry on tho murcaiitilo business would bo
preferred as a tenant. Tlio uituution is a
good one, it being in a most extensive luin
bor country, and where- ronsidcrablo might
bo done in tho Grain Business,
PosF8eion will bo given on the first day.
of April noxt.and any perton wishing to cx
amjno the promisee can rprcive every satis
faction by calling on' lliti'uiidundgnod.
Bhwburg, Feb, 10, 1(320, ;r3 tf.
HUGH Mc'WILLIAMS, Esq. Ticpsurer in account with tho County of Columbia, from
the first day of January, until tho 31st day of December, A. D. 1837,r(both days in-elusive.
To cash received of the several
collectors during 1st quarter $2,200 (52,
2,777 .38
1,001 27
1,981 88
8507 20
Balance in favor of tho Treas
urrer.wilh what may bo com
ing from tho State 'as' per
centage, -
1.703 07
10,330 93
b, the undersigned, ComimsMonurs
above accounts, compared them with the
,Witrics our hands this 14th day of
, ' ' - "
, "
- - . i -
f - : ; : ...
E'XPE'NDlTUlUiS'jf the County of Columbia as par the order issued by the
Commissioners on the Treasurer therctf, during the year one thousand eight Aun-
iw uu una. iiiiny-seven.
183 24
1,419 25
93 00
100 91
401 50'
195 00
117 94
234 50
50 03
349 70
2,866 12
Assessors wages,
Jurors wages and mileage,
onnstanics attending (Jourt, ,
Constables making returns to
quarter ssssions,
Commissioners Ss Clerk's wa-
Viewers of Roat!s and Bridges,
State costs,
Elections General,
Contingent Expenses,
Printing and Stationary,
Bridge building and repairing,
Carried up,
0G017 22
Wc. the tintirrsMgncd Auditors duly elecied io snttle' and'p'dj'ust tbe nccounts of tlio
County of Columbia,-do certify that we havo examined 'tile foregoing accounts, and do
report a balance against the County of seventeen hundred and sixty-threo dollars and
sixly-feven and one half rents. , '
Witness our hands this 14th dtv of Februarv. A. D. 1838.
' .
Wh, the undersigned Auditors, do find SheiifT SAlmon accountable for twelve dollar's
Jury fees, we 'also find Sheriff Reed yet accountable for thirty-nine dollars Jury fees, as
per last reports.'. .' , ,
, , . . JOJ1N BIDDLE, I Auditors.
Vn,'llio undersigned'Audit'ors of- the County of Columbia, do report that wo find duo
tliH County from John Fruit and Hugh MuWilljams, late Tteasujers for tho years 1832
-33-34-35 and 30, the sum of five hundred and fifiy-two dolllars, after the liquidation
of the State tax, tho sum of two hundred and twentv-two dollars and niuety-fciur cents.
GEO : II. WILLITS, S Mimors'
A Statement showing the balances due from Ihe sevtral Collectors at the end rf tha
year 1857. , , - ,
Collector Names.
John Lazarus,
Henry II. Fritz,
John Rm kle,
Fishing Creek,
Mmint pleasant,
Peier Siniouton,
Thomas Mcudenhall, Greenwood,
Daniel Welliver,
-a - t
Roaring Creek,
Hotiilbck, ,
nliilli,u, .
Briar Qrcek,
Mount Pleasant,
Briar Creok,
Jeremiah Hughes,
Isaac Leidy,
Jacob SliulU,
John Brown, senr.
Thus. Moorchcad,
John Freas,
David Phillips,
Archibald Heiiric,
John Fulton, ,
John Rishel,
Jererriiii.Ii Welliver,1'
Philip Kesller,- "
Christian Sliuman.
Ezra Eves,
John Rishel, ,
John Davis,
David Rentier,
Michael Senders,
John Mover,
Pctqr Nu'ugcsscr,
Total amount of taxrs due,
PCT-Those marked thus have since paid.
Tmk onrolled inhabitants belonging to tlio
First Baltnliion 7ltt Rcgiinriil P. M., are
hereby notified that an election will be held
at the house of Alexander Hughes, in Or
nngoville Columbia county on Saturday the
10th day of March next, between tho hours
of ten in tho forenoon and six in tho after
noon, to elfcet by ballot ono person for Ma
jor for said battulliou in the room of Uzcl
Hopkins, dco'd.
Inspector 1st Brigade 8th Div. P. M,
Limestone, Fob, 17, 1838. 43 4t
ffT,LLi:RSlIAMPS CoujU Slruii nad KuaUy
y ia:i,forijot
Tobiajj, fkakb Emporium,
By cash ppid on Commission
cis orderd, ;
,Fox Scalps,
Balance due per last report,
Treasurers Commissions,
7,775 03
70 19
4,293 45
192 30
10,330 93
of the Countv of Columbia", have examined tho
vouchers) and find them corrcct.and itist
February, A. D. 1838 ,
' t Commissioners.
0,017 22
240 5U
. 15 00
81 20
54 00
279 39
Amount brought up "
Education of tho Poor - ,
Auditors AVagcs,
Prothouotiiry and Clerk of tho
Quarter Sessions,
Coronera Foes,
Jailor and Sheriff's Fees,
Court Cryer, . ,
Wolf and Fox and Fox Scalps,
04 75
70 19
... ; . '
.0,822 87'
E, )
iE, I At
JOHN BIDDLE, Auditors.
Years, Artt.of dupli'ts. Arat. paid.' - . Balance due,
1837, 8198 38 20 721 171 05
205 18 50 09 155 18
205 73 54 50 211 23
' - 424 54 01 00 303 54
" 428 23 95, 87 332 35
432 50 130 32J 302 11
510 43 172 50 340 03
090 82 100 03 090 79
" 88"5 45 115 22 770 13
i 015 01 225 00 . 390 01
' 070 08 248 121' 421 95i
. 935 93 09 00 875 03
' - 1,000'OG 212 00 788 49
" 900 02 245 00 715 02
" 453 87 308 50 85 37
1S30 1,359 50. 871 .47 388 03
" 583 40 258 89 ' ' 324 55
' " 301 41 ' 319 00 .42 44
793 39 253 50 539 89
572 55 437 00 135 55
- Q01 27 714 00 187 27
" 1177 32 931 7G 245 50
" 1250 20 890 70 300 50
1833 1400 28 1153 28 247 00
901 52 325 15 575 30
" 439 03 353 28 86 40
8,057 32
LL peraons irrtfebtod tothoBuliscrilcr on Dock
account or otlierwisu foronovcar back, oro
rcijueitod to mako payment prior to tho S5tU of
iuarcii nest.
Blosmsburg, Feb. 3, 1S33.
fXTllIl subscriber would respectfully inform tho
Jy. public, that bo baa taken tlio Marc- recently
occupied by Mr. McDowell, in OiungovUlo, and la
now opening ocd receiving l'rem New York end
Philadelphia, a splendid assortment of all kinds o
which ho will dutotoofat, tio mtwt hvuwj jX--forcajU
or oouutr'pft4uoo. Taj a..u w'u...-.
Hi to coil ajdaxiauo tor taiu.i'.
O.-ansovillo, Oct, 7, 1037