The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 24, 1838, Image 4

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    ew & cheap Goods,
Estate of LUDWIOJIISniUNG, late
of Bloom- lowiuhiptiColumbiu'-courily,
(SEa&W 5MEn'3fl
-Vor publishing at X'olUvlUe, Pa. an ZmjtrMal XX'tclihj JK'aetprtper, tobeHtillal
To the Bisrcscd & AmCt
The ur'fce'nt solicitations of numerous friends, and the prospect of liberal; patronage,
"have induced tho undersigned to issue these proposals, nnd ask tho support of the pub
'lic. In politics, tho "Porrsvitut Eairoiutnt" will zealously support the principles and
candidates of the Democratic party, and particularly tho nominee of tho Ctli of March
Convention : But, asido from paity feeling, it shall bo our main object to enhance tho
interests of our fellow-citizens, by p'romotinff that industry and enterprizc which charac
lise the operation;) of tho Coal Kcgion. We shall go for the honest many against tho
designing few on all occasions, reverencing that principle in our political creed, and op
posing any Monopoly which may retard the exercise 'of individual rights, or have the
tendency to put dovvli individual industry and enterprise. In fine, our object shall be
o promote the welfare of the community amongst whom wo live to pleaso and in
struct and with ho other promises, we shall commence our paper, hoping that our ex
perience both as mechanical printers and editors, may fit us for our task, and afford that
gratification to patrons which ncvoi fails to induce the necessary recompense for servi
"ces rendered in a laudable undertaking.
At present there is but onp English prper published in tho county of Schuylkill a
county whose territory is completely spotted with ullages, and whose citizens rank
amongst the most intelligent, industrious and enterprising of tho commonwealth. In
1835, Schuylkill polled almost 2500 votes, and tho combined Democratic vote exceeded
1000. Then wo doubt not of the success of our establishment, provided tho exertion of
'Cniin.l. !.. it... u: r lci. . r .1 1
wo liiiiuuiiiiiir ui uut uaru, pruvcni 11 irom mooring upon uioso rocKsanu
Biioais wnicn generally rentier tne commencement ot a paper a matter o! so much anx
iety and expense to tho proprietors.
Tho "Pottsville EMPomuBi"will bo published weekly, on an Imperial sheet, at
1 wu uumjA.i per annum, payable semi-annually in advance, or SSGO if not paid
within the year.
" "The first number will be published about th'ii first of May next. Subscriptions are
respecnuny soncuea.
"FeUruary 8, 1838.
Valuable Property Smportant o Tailors I
The subscriber wishes to obtain tenants
to a property in Rohrsbnrg, Greenwood
township, Columbia county, consisting of
S 3v TWO
One of tho dwellings has heretofore been oc
cupied as a store, and a person who would
carry on the mercantile business would be
preferred as a tenant. The situation is a
good one, it being in a most extensiva lum
'bet country, and where considerable might
be done in tho Grain business.
Possession will be given on "the first day
of April next.and any person wishing to ex
amine (he premises can receive every satis
faction by calling on tho undersigned.
Itehrshurg, Feb. 10, 1830. 42 tf.
Respectfully informs the public, that ho
is prepared to receive and execute orders in
the abovs line, and from his knowledge of
the art, having had extensive practico for
the last fifteen years, considers himself jus
'tified in stating that he can give perfect sat
isfaction to all wlio may employ him.
Topographical maps furnished according
to tho latest improvement, in the handsom
est and most correct manner, and levelling
of every description faithfully performed.
Able assistants are engaged.
Orders left with the following persons
"will "meet with immediate attention.
James Taggart, Esq., Tamaqua.
S. B. Harmon, Esq., Danville.
John Weaver, Esq., Poltavillc,
John S. Ingram, Esq., Bloomsburg.
Cornelius Conner, Esq., Mauch Chunk.
Tench C. Eintzing, Esq. CaltawUsa.
Cattawissa, Feb. 10, 1838. 42 Ot
Whereas, In pursuance of an act of gen
eral assembly of tho Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, an attachment hath been
granted by tho subscriber one of the justices
of the peace in and for the County of Col
umbia, against a certain Isaac Rantz, of the
township of inthe county of Colum
bia aforesaid, whereon certain chatties and
effects of the said Isaac Rantz, have been
attached, and aro now in tho custody of
'Curtis Stadonantl Georgo Appleman, of the
township of Mount Pleasant in said Coun
ty, until they shall bo disposed of accord
ing to law. This is therefore to give no
tice to the creditors of the said Isaac Rantz,
tp appear-on Monday the 26th of February,
inst., at the house of Benjamin Kester, of
the Township of Greenwood, in said coun
ty, then and there to discover and make
Hfoof of their demands, agreeably to the
directions of the said act.
Benjamin Kester.
Greenwood, Feb. 10, 1838. 42 3t.
Ax extremely useful and thoroughly
wovan PATENT SYSTEM for cutting
Ladies' Drcstws and Habits in various forms,
to accommodate all the changes of tho fash
ions, and warranted to fit without the trou
'blc of trying on tho dress before finished, on
a plan so easy that any lady may loarn it
'frnpi fho vulo ami explanations, or jn one
half hour by personal teaching, is hereby
''Ofidttrf Hi the ladies employed in that branch
"Of buciiieui.
Term if forfrurded to orier 5, if per
sonally taught 9G.
0jsmateZ Feb. 10, 1938. 42-tf.
ScSP-varyiiag Sqsiarc EEs.tfc,
For measuring and drafting coals, in con
nection with another new and useful rule
for cutting sale or boy's coat's upon a more
familiar plan ; also, superior rules for cut
ting all other garments incumbent on that
branch, aro now offered to the trade by tho
subscribers ; beliving them to surpass eve
ry thing of tho kind which has proceeded
Great imperfections in tho art and liabil
ities to produce amiss-fit have been stand
ing before tho cutter ever since the intro
duction of rules, filling the mind with fear
and anxiety, until tho coat is finished and
tried on, at which crisis the blood is often
caused to rush into the faco at beholding a
bad fitting coat. .
The rules,, with one or two exceptions,
which have been in use ever since the first
invention of the kind, were wholly predi
cated upon principles giving the same pro
portion for every man, which principles
would long since have boon superceded by
self-varying rules, had tailors but thought
that tho variation in the proportions of men's
bodies arc almost as many as in the features
of tho face.
Two or three rules styled Self-varying,
have, made their appearance within about as
many years, each invcntoi claiming the hon
or of having perfected the art, upon which J.
G. Wilson, of New York, entitled his sys
tem perfect ; but instead of being perfect,
it contains, many erroneous principles, which
tho subscribers forbear to point out until
that genllcmari assails this assertion. All
such systems have heretofore been dofective
in two ways : First, they arc only in pari
self-varying. Secondly, those parts which
are intended to be self-varying are defective.
In fact, there aro ccttain points on the coat '
which cannot bo effected by self-varying
principles in any other way, nor by any
other means, than thoso laid down by the
Unlike any other of the kind, this sys
tem now offered to the trade is conducted
without any breast measure, and effects ev
ery point artd every part of tho coat by self
varying principles, in a way calculated to
convict tho senses of any reasonable man,
that should it ever fail to produce a good fit
upon any shape whatever, the charge must
be laid to a careless and incorrect measure
ment. It may seem mysterious that this
rule is said to be self-varying, and yet a
square rule a square rule and yet conduct
ed without a breast measure ; but tho whole
mystery will be unfolded at once by exam
ination. Unwilling to have it said that tho
subscribers are attempting to palm this sys
tem upon tiie Irado with misrepresentations,
they avow 'their willingness to submit it in
to tho hands of an impartial committee for
an examination of its principles, in compar
ison with any other ever invented in tho
United States, at Philadelphia or New York,
which committee shall make tho decision
known through the press, Tho subscri
bers set all systems which are governed
wholly by the breast measure aside as in
ferior and not worthy to compare with j
consequently they will compare with none
but such r.s are governed in part by self
vary ing principles. For if the principles
hero offered to the trade ate not worthy of
patrfortagc it is right that it should bo made
Ktiowit, and they sink into oblivion. On the
contrary, i they arc round as above repres-i
anted, or if thereby the subscriber hive put
an end u all furthrr improvement in the
art of cutting coats ihey deserve some pat
ronage aijd compensation, for their exertions.
Term.'; if forwarded to order $10, if per
sonally taught 12
Wopmsburg, Ia,-Fb. 10, 1838. 42 tf.
(Successors to E. II. Biggs,)
RESPECTFULLY announce to thoir
friends and the public, that they have pur
chased from E. II. Biggs his interest in the
store formerly kept by him, aifd that they
nave just received an extensive anil splcn
did assortment of
Tall & Winter G-oods,
which they arc now opening for the cxa'
mination and accommodation of Customers,
at the New Store House, just constructed
by Mr. Uiggs, and opposito to Mr. Robi
sons stage oihee. Their assortment is npt
only very extensive, but carefully selected
to answer mo demands ot tho neighbour
hood; and -although they wish not to adver-
Use their pviecs, yet they feel confident that
thoy havo better goods, and will sell chea
per than any store in Uloomsburg.
Their new slock has been purchased at
vCry lowest, and consists of
Blue, Black; Brown, Invisible Green, and
rancy coloured Cloths, Cassimcres
and Saltinclls ; Silks, Merinos,
Ginghams, and Calicoes ;'
Linncns and Muslins ;
Veslings, Slocks,
ru. . '
In fine, they have every thing which nn
ccssity or fancy may desire from a yard of
tape to the hncst article in Dry boons, and
from' a needle to a stove in Hardware.
Their stock of
&hina, Glass,
Groceries & 'Mouots.
Oih, Salt and Fish, Hollotc-iuare,
ij'c. iyc. Syc yc.
is more extensive and better selected than
the same articles in any of the neigh
bouring stores.
1 hoso who wish new, cheap, and aood
articles of Merchandize, should call at tho
'Uloomsburg Arcade" cither before or af
ter cxaming elsewhere, and make their pur
All kinds of Country Produce taken in
payment at the highest market prices-.
jsioomsburg, JNov. J 8, 1837.
Swaim's Vermifuge,
AN invaluable family medicine for worm?, tlys
cntary, bowel complaints, cholic, cholera
inorims, vomiting, pain3 or weakness in the stom
ach, loss of appetite, fever and ague, &e. ktpt at
jouias s maim Emporium.
Stwaim's Panacea,
EXOWNpD throughout the whole worM for
.rt T-J I " - ' w .... ""w. H, u .fXiiHIJ 11. L't4 w t-1
constantly on hand, and for sale at iho Drugstore of
71 -c 7 ...
Lcidy's Compound Sarsaparilla,
U blood pills for ltheumatio affections, general
debility, ulcerous oresof the nose, throafuiril
buuy. wbilo moiling, diseases of tho liver and akin.
tetter, ring-worm, piles, cramps, &.c for Bale at
J oOias's Health Emporium.
Compound Fluid Extract,
FOIttho euro of pimples or postulcs on the face,
biles, pains In llio bones, chronic rheumatism,
Mm. lirliifn c.irti.lfin. .9.. .1.. 1... 1.
Fobias's Drug Warehouse.
3. T. IrSusyciiaaiij & Co.
OULD again announce to their customers,
and the public, that thoy havo jcst ro-
ccivod another fresh supply of
cmbraeing cvory variety of Dry Goods, Groceries
Ltyuors, Hardware, 5rc, which they intend to .tell
at the most reduced price at their now and cheap
storo in Bloomsburg. They invito a call from
thos.0 who want choice article at almost coitpriccs.
December 0, 1887.
CELEBRATED Univewsl Plarter for tho dure
of Gout awl , rheumatic pains, dastroyin
ootns, curing froet-biUm (hL, and sore IvtusU, (01
uilc at
Tobiat's Health Empoiium.
AKKBLy of Lake Salt, ami a large
JOP quantity ofOround Alum alt, iuat
icwlvctit tuiu lor nu at tue ci.uitp slum ot
J, 'J -Muttamuni Co.
'OTIOE iff hereby irivrti. (bnl T.rllnr. f A.l
mlnistrntion havo been trrnnlnl in (lit. rnlw
hcrihrr on ftatri estate. I hnrrlnm nil nn..nn.l..
ing claims against satd estate, are tcqucMcd to prc-
scni mem, anu inosc lnueiucu aro requested to niako
immediate payment. If thoso indebted dd not at
tend to this call before tho first day of March noxt,
ineir accounts win no placed in proper hands to on
force collection,
John Herring, Adm'u
January 27, 1838. 40-Ct
The Estate of WAAL HOPKINS, Esq.
"faTO'ITCE is hereby ,r;ivcn, that Letters of Ad
XHJ ministration on the cslnto of Uzai HorKinn,
bsq. Into of Bloom tiwnship, Oohunbia county, de
'censed, has been granted by the Kcgister of Wills,
fce. in and for said county, to tho subscriber, resi
dent in Bloomsburg. All persons having claims bn
said cstato arc requested to present them for settle
ment; nnd thopo inddUted arc required to make im
mediate payment.
JOHN It. MOVER, Adm'r.
Bloomsburg, January 13, 1838. 38 Ot
The SuIiscB'ifoer
"Would beg leave to announce to the peo
ple of Uloomsburg and vicinity, that he has
just received a splendid assortment ofsca-
Consisting of every variety of Cloths.
Cassimercs and Satlinelts ; Flannels,
and Canton Flannels, of evert colour :
Black, Brown ami Green Mirinos.of
.1. , , . '
evert snuuc unu quaiuy ; ana m jart a
full assortment of Drawer $ Common
Goods, among which arc an cxlcmivc
supply of
Groceries & Liquors,
China, Glass and Queens-Ware,
Sperm. Refined and Common Lamp Oil,
HarcHvarCj Cnftthigs, &, Iron,
men's and woman's
together with ovcry variety of merchandize
which can meet tho wants or please the
fancy all which he will dispose of at the
lowest prices,
lie returns his acknowledgments to cus-
tonicrs for their very liberal support, anil
with a firm determination to please through
attention to business, he solicits a continu
ance of their calls arid custom.
(rt All kinds of country produeo will bo taken
in exchango for goods.
Bloom-iburs, Doc. 1C, 1837.
Tailoring Susiness.
W J& ETULNS his acknowledgments to customers
Mxj for their very liberal support, and would now
respectfully announce to tlicin, and tho public gen
erally, that ho has just received tho latest
from Philadelphia, in which material changes are
made. His shop is at -tho old stand, in the same
building with the post-office.
r"Nono but good workmen aro employed at his
shop; mid thoso who want their garments made in
n neat, 'durablo nn'd fashionable ctylc, aro invited to
givo him a call, and they may rely on having their
work well and expeditiously executed.
Ho would also announce that ho coatinues reg
ularly to receive tho Fashions, and tha,t any ordori
from abroad will l c promptly executed.
Uloomsburg, January 13, 1838.
REMAINING in tho l'ost Office at Bleoai.
atb burg, January 1, 1838.
Mary Bowvcr
John Baylor
Joseph Coleman
i.evvis Compton
Thomas Cox
Andrew Emins
Rev. Win. J. Eyer
James C.Jiox
Henry Gi-igcr
Daniel Gcigor
Thomas Hartman
Daniel Hower
Catharino Hartman
Edward Hicks
Mrs. Elizabeth Jacohy
Rebecka I. Johnson
Mrs. Sally Ann Kcndy
John Kline
Emanuel Lazarus
Peter Mench
Sabina Miller
Andrew Mclick
Peter Miller, (Tanner)
(. fc D, Nowhard
Georgo Russel
Daniel Reedy (2)
Charlotte Hitter
Mrs. Elizabeth Shuraaker
" Mary Sloynian
" Rebecca Vanderslice 2
Henry Weaver
Micheal Waltar
Jacob We zler
Gtorpfi Zi'latpr K
(ryPersons callinc for thouboto letter will l.,.n
esy they are advertised. B. RUPERT, P. M
January in, 1838. 38-3t
Pieces of Assorted Merinos, double wedth
7 and an assortment of nin-U ;. nrvn.
ry superior quality, just opened and for sals at the
New nnd Cheap Store of the subscribers in Blooms-
l.. T tt - . - .
"urtJ' J. 1. Ml (SaiJliMAiV. &Uo.
.TOIW S. INfiTlAftr
rHENDERS his profcesiunal services to theciti
HJ 7.ens of Columliis eountv. H uill nM
ful for busiiiFM nntmnteil In lim rnrn nm I- .1.-
' " " " 'iiL- Ill mo
same building with the 'Columbia Democrat.'
Tl I 1 . W
UST rewivotl, and for sale at tho stere or the
subscriber, a sulendiil iunnnni r wntm
jj- i -- mini t rf VfiJ
STOVES, both flam and -nilh Boilers. Also an
BMortmonl ot round and square ('vol Siom; of
uuicrem sizes, u. u. PlHilKii
Bloemsburj, Sept. 30, 1637.
And Family Drug Warehomt.
"Tho poor man's riches the rich man's bli,;:
TIIE subscriber would respectfully announce
his friends and tho public that ho has opei
a gcncial assortment of
Drugs & Medicines,
at his Druir and Rhemtenl Kinm !., -n,.
and that he will be happy to supply the wantn1
thoso who may give him a call. Among his -
w. ....Vllk U. V
Acid bcuzoic
' muriatic
' nitric
1 sulphUrie
' tartaric
Ann! seed . i,
Acetato of Vine
Aloes , , .
Antimony (chide "
Arrow root
Aasafcctida -y
Arsenic white
Bark Peruvian red
' cinnamon
Dalsam Copaiva
' do maltha
of fir
Barley pearled
Batcman's drons
Bismuth (nitrate)
iflacking, for boots
Borax refined
Bole Armernia
Bluo pill
Carrosivo sublimate
Cavcnnc nenner
Cocculm Indicus
Cologno water
Conserve of roses
Cream tartar
Cubcbs i
Coriander seed
Chamomilo tlnwcrs
Elixor of vitriol
Epsom salts'
Emcrv nowdor
E6senco of peppermint
' ot cinnamon
Extract of culocynth
' ol licmlock
' nfliiiuorico
Eye water
FoiiU(rcek eod
Gintian root
ftnldrti itnrturA
Godfrey's rordiat
Gum Arabic
1 Ammoniac
' .Shellac
1 Kino
' Galbanura
1 Ganiacum
1 Junincr 1
Iff ld'orc, black
Jlicra mcra
Ink'poivdor. black
Ivorv black
Key scr'n universal plaster
Liquorice rt)ot '
Lunar caustic
Loco foco-do.
Magnrkia calcined 1
do carbonate
Manna flako
do common
Mustard, white
Nipple thclls
ISux Vomica
urns root
Oxalic acid
Otto of Rose's
Ointment of mercury
ot Ualls
' of red precipitate
' of Spanish fly
Wafers, Wiito wax
Oil of Almonds,
' Amber
1 Caraway 'V
' ClflVCB
1 Copaiva
1 Lavender
1 Origanum
1 Orange
' Peppermint
1 Pennyroyal
' Rosemary
1 Spike
' . Sassafras
' Tansy
. ' Woimscsd
- British
' Castor
' Harlcara
Pink root
Paragoric Elixir
Plaster, adhesivo
do strengtheninft
Trcparcd dialk
Prnrl nnwilnr
Pills, Anderson's, ScoiM
Jioopcrs a
' Lcq'bNcw LoifS.
' Morrison's
1 Evan's
' of Aloes
1 'of Assafietint
1 of Quinine
Quassia wood
Rhubarb .
Rochello salt
Rotten ctono
Rose water
Rust of Iron
Sago, pearled
Salammonias, crudi
Salt of tartar
Sal Volatilo
'Salt petre
Sanders wood
Scaling wax
Senna leaves
Scnaka suako root
Soap, castilo
shaving .
white castilo '
Sodo, supar carbonate
Sub carbohato
Spanish lly
Spcrmaciti ''
Sweet spirits 'of nitre
Soda powders
'Spirits of hartshorn
' of Lavender eomp;
' of Tarpenrino
Seed Laco
Smelling bottles
Seidlits powdors
Sugar of lead
Sucking bottles
Tartar emetic '
Tincturo of Aloes
' of Assafictlda
of Peruvian bark
' of cinnamon
' of Muiiato of iron
' of Myrrh
' of Spanish fly
' of Colchtcum ml
' of senna
. ' ofGuiacum ),
Tooth powder
' brushes
Valerian root
Venice turpentine
Verdigris, VermilliaB
Virginia snako root
Vials, different sizes
Vitroil, bluo, green.whits"
White Resin
In fine, his "Emporium of Health" will be found
to contain ovcry variety of tho most approved
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Dye-Stuffs,
Oils, Fruit, Confections, .ye. fyc.
which are warranted of good quality, having beea
carefully selected from the best established ware
houses in Philadelphia; and which he will sell t
most reduced prices. He will use every exertion to
accommodate and benefit his customers, and then
foro respectfully solicits the patronage of a liberal
Pu'!',ie- , D, S. TOBIAS.
Bloomsburg, January 8,1888. 37 4t
T3TE57INE. Brondv." Cln. Conlini. .v.
y V coived, and ready fordelivery to custom
J- F Musselman,
Esfalc oj Jacob Winter, late tf A
PhnSimt thtmttl,!. r;.....7..-
"TSVTOTICF. Is herobv mi, ,ltnt 1 -tt .1 ,
1 minUtralion havebrtn granted to the subnl
u on urn csioio oi sam deceased. Therefore
persons having claims against said estate are
quftcd to present thrm, and those indebted are
iuested to make immediate payment.
David Eves, Adm'r.
Jsnuarv ;8, I83Si 4d-5f